Marion Village Cemetery

Marion, NY

Surnames A

Marion Village Cemetery

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

Located in the village of Marion, Wayne County, NY

Because this cemetery was so large it is separated into several alphabetical files. The first one, of course, is "A" and the last one is "U-W." As you peruse this list you will find that many of the burials in this cemetery are of very early Marion pioneers. As best as possible early family relationships are shown by referencing and cross referencing by SURNAME.

For example, individuals of the same last name who were buried together as shown on the typewritten list remain listed together. To ensure clarity, GIVEN names are NOT alphabetized within the surnames. Additional notes about groupings or patterns noticed on the original typewritten list, or corrections/additions found when both Margaret Sherman Lutzvick and Jennifer Cranch each (separately) visited the cemetery are included in brackets [ ]. Further, included in brackets are known genealogically correct relationships. Underlined maiden names are cross-referenced, so be sure to check listings for both names. And finally, there are footnotes of clarification on the last page, "U-W."

It should also be noted that this was a most complicated cemetery to read and to type, as it was hand typed many years ago across the page, and hard to read in many places. Therefore it would be difficult to duplicate it in the exact same format online. Also, it is thought that many names of those buried in the Marion Cemetery may be missing.

Please remember that volunteer typists do not have information on the burials. So, if you should find one or more of your ancestors, please seek further information by contacting one of the county or historical entities listed on the Wayne County NYGenWeb site.

2005 Driving Directions - Rte. 21N to Marion. Make right turn onto County Road 403 (going into town). Go past Buffalo St. and Elementary School about 3 blocks. Cemetery is on the left hand side. Or go Left onto Buffalo St., and just past the factory on right side is another entrance.

Marion Cemetery Lot Map - big file, 4.5 MB! The big squares are section numbers, the lot numbers are at the ends.

Abrams-see Westfall, Laura

Adams, Mabel L, dau Dr. Myron H & Lydia Brewster, 1883-1894

Adams, Myron H, Dec. 16,1846, 38-6 mo [See note on Burr at end of list.]

Adams, Lydia A Burr, dau, Mar 29,1848, 1-8-17

Adams, Anna, (lot 123) wife of James, July 6,1851, 29-10 mo [Same lot number as Wm Cogswell and family]

Adams-see Hicks, Mary A

Adams, Gaylord H, (lot 8), 1847-1911[See also Harkness and Kohler. Same lot number]

Adams, Emma H Harkness, wife, 1849-1910

Adams, Verna O, daughter, 1885-1893

Adams-see Smith, Sarah

Adams, Simon, 1807-1854

Adams, Caroline Howell, wife, 1810-1885

Adams, W. Simmons, son, 1851-1855

Adams, Micajah, Dec. 22,1803-July 14,1886

Adams, Lovina, wife, Feb. 10,1870, 63-2 days

Adams, Chester, son, April 25,1852, 17 yr

Adams, Marvette, May 31,1860, 19-1-3

Adams, Nelson, son, 1835, 3 yr

Adams-see Vandusen, Lucy

Adriaansen, Peter J, 1873-1944

Adriaansen, Mary S, wife, 1878 -____

Adriaansen, Peter, 1850-1932

Adriaansen, Nellie, wife, 1846-1904

Adriaansen, John, son, 1883-1911

Adriansen, Evelyn, 1930

Adriansen, Betty, 1923

Akin-see Rice, Hixie May

Alexander, Joseph, Co A, 7 Vt. Vol., 1835-1916

Alexander, Adelaide, wife, (no dates)

Alexander, Adelaide, wife of Joseph, 1833-1919

Allen, Chas. C .(lot 147) 1847-1924

Allen, Georgiana, wife, 1846-1936[See Butts, Parce. Same lot number]

Allen, Abram R, (lot 95) Jan. 4,1859, 57 yr

Allen, Emeline Voorhees, wife, Nov. 5,1874, 62 yr

[See also Pratt, Sidney and Skinner, Byron. Same lot number]

Allen-see Cook, Mildred

Allen, Henry L, 1871-____

Allen, Addie M, wife, 1870-____

Allen-see Warner, Amelia

Allen-see Peer, Lydia

Allen-see Vanderveer, Mary

Allen, Elmer J,1862-____

Allen, Carrie P,1864-1933

Allen, Henry C,1837-1909

Allen, Louisa M,1844-1924

Allen, Wayne P,1893-1940

Allen, Percy C,1881-1923

Allen, Vira, (lot 134) 1876-1924[See Reeves, Howell. Same lot number]

Alles-see Cook, Mae E

Allyn, Fannie C Lacey, 1872-1930 [Listed following George Lacey]

Almekinder, Wm. J. 1875-1924

Alyda-see Farnsworth, Anna

Andrew-see Ja[or e]gger, Alvinette

Angell, Almira Hicks, (lot 67) wife of Horace,[Jan. 7]1828-[Aug. 29]1907 [Followed Hicks, Orrin and family. See also Haynes, Anson, also lot 67. On same stone]

Antisdale-see Mason, Lucy

Archer-see Lester, Mary [Also see Archer note at end of list]

Archer, Ornon, [Oct 1] 1814-[Feb 24]1890

Archer, Minerva Pelton, wife, [Oct 24] 1814-[Apr 18]1900

Archer, Edward Percy, son, June 10, 1871, 21 yr[7 mo, 15 d]

Archer, Julia Ann, daughter, [Sept 11]1857, 2 mo

Archer, Sarah Elizabeth, [Oct 14] 1845, 1 yr[& 8d] [Stone says Sarah Elisabeth.]

Archer, Granville, [Aug 8] 1842, 3 mo[15 d]

[Next side of monument:]

Archer, John W, [June 24, 1786] 1787-[June 11] 1873

Archer, Abigail Congdon, wife, [Apr 23] 1790-[Apr 3]1874

[On same side of monument:

Waldo, Julia Ann Archer, wife of C.D., Dec. 21,1824-Aug. 12, 1873]

[Next side of monument:]

Archer, Obadiah A., son of Rev., April 8,1851, 91-2 mo. [Stone says Soldier of the Revolution, not son of Rev.]

Archer, Elizabeth Fitch, wife, Sept. 15,1850, 91-2 mo.

Archer, Almira, Feb. 10, 1849, 60 yr [& 4 mo]

[Next side of monument has Philo Green and Elizabeth Archer, wife]

Arnold-see Bush, Mary J.

Ashdown, Alice, nee Coomber, 4 Jun 1868 - 21 Oct 1901. 2nd wife of William Ashdown, dau of George James and Mary Ann Coomber. [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Atwood, Jessie K. 1863-1895, dau W W Burbank

[On typed list, followed by Horn, Edward with Frances A, also dau of W W Burbank]

Atwood, John, January 13,1860, 64-5-17

Atwood, Esther Lake, wife, Nov. 11,1887, 75-12 days

Atwood, J Smith, 1848-1934

Atwood, Aritee S. 1847-1912

Atwood, Seth L, 1835-1905 [Follows entry for Crocker, Andrew and wife Emily Atwood]

Atwood, Anna M. wife, 1838-1874

[On this plot were three separate stones for the first three entries and a large monument for the rest]

Austin, Wm G, 1822-1914

Austin, Armina Boyce, wife, 1834-1915

Harvey, Eliza C, sister, 1840-1915

Austin, Nathan I, 1798-1872

[Austin, Dorcas, March 18,1800-June 7,1879. On stone but not on list]

[Next side:]

Austin, Royal Sidney, son, [Jan. 22] 1826, 2 yr[10 mo 12 days]

Austin, Daniel, son of Nathan, [Jan. 25] 1835, 7 yr[10 mo 7 days]

Austin, Mary L, dau, [Aug. 14] 1837, 5 yr[-2-3]

Austin, Alfred D, [June 14] 1839, 9 yr[-7-11]

Austin, Josephine J, [March 28] 1846, 7 mo[29 d's] (Alfred and Josephine, children of Nathan & Dorcas) [On monument, 5 children were on one side with "children of Nathan L. & Dorcas Austin" written on bottom]

Austin, Douglas, 1800-1879 [On stone, this was Dorcas Austin. See above]

[Next entry and also on this monument, was Haight, Mary L. Austin]

Austin, Thomas M C, son Phineas & Orilla, 1862, 1 yr

Austin, Mary L,1862, 5 yr, daughter

Avery, Henry, (lot 167) [Feb 5] 1807-[Sep 13]1883

Avery, Mary, wife, [Jan 19] 1804-[May 3]1886 [See Kingsworth, James. Same lot number. Found them on the same stone, also. Name on monument was Kingsnorth]

Volunteer typist: Jennifer Cranch of Fairport, NY

7/25/06 - Alice Coomber Ashdown's listing was graciously contributed by Larry Coomber. If you'd like to share info with him, check the Coomber listings in this cemetery for his contact info.

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Created: 12/5/98
Updated: 4/20/08
Copyright © 1998 - 2011 Wayne County Office of the County Historian / Allyn Perry / M. Magill / Margaret Sherman Lutzvick.
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