Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. They provide clues to religious affiliation and whereabouts of persons who moved away, depending on the detail of the obit. Your submitted obit could bring results that would supplement a query on our boards. Please send in your collected Wayne County related obits. Put "WAYNE COUNTY OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.

Part 6

NEW 12/22/13   A grouping of obits from the year 1918, contributed by Darwina, Ontario County NYGenWeb coordinator.

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 12 February 1918


Lyons, Feb. 11 - Funeral services for Charles A. PARMINGTON, aged 77 years, who died Friday night at his home in Lock Berlin, were held from the house Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Mr. FRYER officiating. Burial was made in the Lock Berlin cemetery. He leaves his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Alma INSLEE, of Lock Berlin, and Mrs. Thomas GRAVELY, of Ithaca; a son, Clarence, of Lock Berlin, and six grandchildren. He was a Civil War veteran and a member of Snedaker Post, of Clyde.

Lock Berlin Cemetery
Town of Galen
PARMINGTON Charles A. 1840 - 1918, Co. C 11 N.Y. Cal.
PARMINGTON Susan L. wife 1843 - 1929

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 13 February 1918


When Passenger Coach Falls Upon Them in Syracuse

Lyons, Feb. 12 - William LOVELESS, of Elmer street, and John KOWALCZUK, of Franklin street, this village, were seriously and the latter probably fatally injured in Syracuse yesterday afternoon. Both men were employed on the crane train on the New York Central and had been working in East Syracuse most of the winter. The accident happened in the DeWitt car shops, when jacks holding a car under which they were working, gave way.

LOVELESS and KOWALCZUK started to jack up a railway passenger coach late in the afternoon. They were doing repair work on the car when, without warning, the jacks slipped and the heavy car crashed down on them. They were pinioned helpless beneath it until fellow workmen, hearing their cries, rushed to their aid and jacked the car so that they could be rescued. It was seen that the two men were seriously injured and they were taken to a Syracuse hospital.

KOWALCZUK is suffering from a compound fracture of the spine. Physicians stated last night that recovery was not expected, although he may linger for days and possibly weeks. Both bones of LOVELESS' left leg were broken just above the ankle and his side was lacerated. It is not thought that he is hurt internally and his recovery is expected. Both men are married and have families. LOVELESS has three children and KOWALCZUK has two.

Elmwood Cemetery
Town of Lyons
KOWALEZUK John 1882 - 1918
KOWALEZUK Anna 1909 - 1913 Dau of J. & C.

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 14 February 1918


Clyde, Feb. 13 - Charles WRIGHT, a prominent farmer of this town, died Tuesday afternoon at his home, three miles west of Clyde, aged 77 years. He leaves his wife and one son, George WRIGHT, of Galen. Funeral services will be held at the home at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, with interment at Fergusons Corners.

Ferguson Corners Cemetery
Town of Galen
Charles H., 1840 - 1918
Mary E., wife of Charles H., April 4, 1876, 30-9-15
Mary Bell, dau of C. H. & M. E., Jan 10, 1860, 3-6-12
Charles B., son of C.H. & M. E., April 1, 1886, 16-3-27
Lydia, wife of Charles H., 1858 - 1932

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 14 February 1918


Clyde, Feb. 13 - Margaret ARMITAGE, wife of James FISK, of this village, a native and life-long resident of this town, died here late Tuesday night, aged 77 years. She leaves her husband; one son, H[iram]. J. FISK, of Clyde, and one daughter, Delia, wife of Herman MINK, of Newark. Funeral services will be held at the home in Lock street at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.

A more detailed obituary was printed in The Clyde Herald, Feb. 13, 1918. Not on County Historian's list of Maple Grove Cemetery. Listed on findagrave as:
Margaret Armitage Fisk
Sep. 1846 - Feb. 12, 1918

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 14 February 1918


Palmyra, Feb. 13 - The death of Mrs. Isabella HARTNESS occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Antonia SEELEY, this morning. She had been ill ten days. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. L. M. GRAY and Mrs. Antonia SEELEY, of Palmyra; a son, Charles E. HARTNESS, of Arizona; two sisters, and a brother. Funeral services will be held Saturday.

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 15 February 1918


Palmyra, Feb. 14 - Emmet PARSLOW, brother of Mrs. John STORR, of this place, died at Williamson Sunday, aged 65 years. He had resided in Williamson for a half century. He leaves besides his wife, a daughter, Mrs. John De FRINE, and a brother, Harvey PARSLOW. Funeral services took place at Ridge Chapel cemetery Tuesday afternoon.

NOTE: not present in Ridge Chapel Cemetery listings.

From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 15 February 1918


Lyons, Feb. 14 - Mrs. Martha COON, aged 66 years, died last night at her home in Catherine street. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Thomas FACER and Mrs. Rufus FULLER, both of Lyons. The funeral will be held from her home Saturday afternoon. Rev. Herman L. BROCKWAY officiating. Burial will be made in the Lyons Rural cemetery.

NOTE: not present in Lyons Rural Cemetery listings.

NEW 12/22/13   From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 15 February 1918


Lyons, Feb. 14 - Frederick W. TELLER, aged 65 years, died at his home in Joy street last night. He leaves his wife, a son, William, and a granddaughter, all of Lyons. Funeral services will be held from his home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. C. Henry BELDBECKE officiating. Burial will be made in the Lyons Rural cemetery.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
TELLER Frederick 1852 - 1918
TELLER Mary wife of Frederick 1853 - 1922

NEW 12/22/13   From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 15 February 1918


Lyons, Feb. 14 - John R. LOWRY died early this morning at his home in Junius, aged 76 years. Mr. LOWRY has been a life-long resident of this vicinity and a thresher for fifty years. He leaves his wife, one daughter, Miss Goldie LOWRY, of Geneva; two stepchildren, Miss Frances STARR, of Syracuse, and Mrs. Charles P. LANGDON, of South Lyons, and two stepsons, John STARR and James A. STARR, of Junius.

NEW 6/6/13  From The Palmyra Courier, Friday, March 6, 1885

John Henry, of Sodus Point, a brakeman on the Sodus Bay Division of the Northern Central road, was killed at Stanley, by falling upon the rail while coupling cars, on Tuesday afternoon of last week.

Possibly the same person:

Bushnell's Burial Place
HENRY John B. son Wm. J. & M. Feb. 18, 1885, 24y

The funeral of T. Scott Ledyard, of Pultneyville, was attended Monday March 2d. In the death of Mr. Ledyard the town of Williamson has lost one of its best citizens and business men. Mr. Ledyard by his social disposition and kindness of heart, was a favorite with all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His heart was in every good work. He leaves a wife and two children, who have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

Lakeview Cemetery
Pultneyville, Town of Williamson
Ledyard, T. Scott, June 12, 1827 - Feb. 24, 1885
Ledyard, Ellen M., wife 1840 - 1929
Ledyard, Augusta P., wife T. Scott, July 28, 1855, 25-7-28

Death of Edward T. Curtis.

The announcement of the death of Edward T. Curtis will be received with very general regret by his many friends in Wayne county. The deceased was a son of Mr. W. S. Curtis, of Marion. Some ten years ago he came to Palmyra and entered the flour and feed store of his half-brother, J. J. VanDuzer, where he remained until Mr. VanDuzer closed out his business here and removed to Newark, Ill. Mr. Curtis then entered the employ of Mr. H. P. Knowles and took entire charge of the business of the express company, of which Mr. Knowles is agent. He was faithful and efficient in this position, and soon became very popular with all classes of our citizens. But two years ago his health began to fail him, and last spring, at the urgent advice of friends, he went to California. Various rumors have reached us from time to time that his health was improving, but such it appears was not the case. Becoming satisfied that his end was near his anxiety to reach his father's home in Marion induced him to start East the latter part of February. The journey was a long and tedious one, on account of the severity of the weather, and when the poor boy reached Chicago he was completed worn out and exhausted. By the ___ of friends he was conveyed to the residence of his brother, Mr. VanDuzer, at Newark, Ill., a short distance from Chicago, where he died early on Tuesday morning last. The deceased was about 24(?) years old, and his death ___ a feeling of pain all through the community where almost his entire life was passed. He was a thoroughly conscientious, upright young man, and was universally esteemed and respected. The remains are expected to reach Marion today, and the funeral will probably occur on Sunday next.

Listed in Marion Cemetery on findagrave as Edward T. Curtis, 1857-1885. On same monument as William S. Curtis.

From Ontario.

Our community was shocked on Friday afternoon to learn of the death of Mr. Maurice Wood. He had been complaining for a few days, but nothing serious was thought of by friends until a short time previous to his death. The attending physician pronounced it a heart trouble. Mr. Wood was in the employ of the Ontario Iron Company, and had been a resident of this town for fifteen years. The remains were conveyed to Ontario, his former home, for interment.

Mrs. Harrison Risley died on Tuesday after a brief though painful illness. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church on Thursday. Rev. Wm. C. Kingsbury preached the funeral discourse.

Ontario Village Cemetery
Risley, Clarissa, wife of Harris, born Jul 7, 1837, died Feb 25, 1885
Risley, Harris, born Jul 7, 1819, died Sep 1, 1898
Risley, Jane, wife of Harris, born Jan 5, 1826, died Aug 18, 1867

In Memoriam.

Louisa D. Palmer, the wife of Noah Palmer, was born April 17th, 1809, and died February 26th 1885, 76 years ___ in April. She was the mother of seven children, six girls and a boy. All her children and all the grandchildren, except two young babes, were in attendance at the funeral services h eld at the home Sunday, March 1st, at 12:30 o'clock. The highest tribute to her quiet Christian life, in great part confined to the home, is the service of her children and grandchildren in the church of ___ their adoption. Nearly all are members of the church and Sunday-school. Retiring in disposition, it was her __ speak ill of no one. To those who keenly feel her loss the words of ___ will be sweet.

Palmyra Village Cemetery
Palmer, Louisa D., Feb. 26, 1885, 75y
Palmer, Noah, husband of Louisa D., Dec. 21, 1877, 73y 5m 1d

NEW 6/6/13  From the Lake Shore News, unknown date in first third of 1908

Cornelius Verbridge, for fifty years a well-known resident of Williamson, dropped dead at the home of his son-in-law, William A. Cady, of Palmyra, at 6 o'clock Tuesday morning. Death was due to heart disease.

East Williamson Cemetery
VERBRIDGE Cornelius 1831-1908
VERBRIDGE Elena 1838-1904 Wife

The death of Mrs. Mark Canning, a long-time resident of Clyde, occurred suddenly Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock. She had been spending the day with her son in the south side of the village and seemed to be in good health and spirits, but died soon after returning to her home.

Jeremiah Burnett, of Lyons, died Monday morning at his home, 25 Lawrence street, from old age and heart disease. He was born at Cobleskill April 22, 1822, and came to Wayne county in 1845, where he married Miss Mary Johnson, of Walworth. He had kept hotels in Phelps, Canandaigua and Palmyra. He went to Lyons in 1885, buying out Congress Hall, which he ran with his son-in-law, John F. Strain, until about a year ago.

Palmyra Village Cemetery
Burnett, Jeremiah, Apr. 20, 1908, 86y
Burnett, Mary M., wife of Jerry, May 5, 1899, 77y 11m 3d

NEW 6/6/13  From the Marion Enterprise, Saturday, October 30, 1880

WHITE- At East Palmyra Sunday evening Oct. 24, of heart disease, Elvira F. White, aged 60 years.

The sudden death of Mrs. Elvira F. White casts a gloom over her large circle of friends in this vicinity.

East Palmyra Cemetery
White, Elvira, age 60, bur 1880 (lot 106/3)
White, Asa K, age 56, bur 1873 (lot 106/4)
White, Julia, age 61, bur Aug 13, 1918 (lot 106/8)
White, Edwin F, age 45, bur Jan 16, 1901 (lot 106/9)

NEW 6/6/13  From the Marion Enterprise, Saturday, November 6, 1880

MILLHANS- At Williamson Thursday Oct. 28th, of Typhoid Pneumonia, Stephen T. Milhan, Aged 36.

Listed in Marion Cemetery on findagrave as Steven Milhan, 1844-1880.

NEW 6/6/13  From The Wayne County Review, June 30, 1904


Prominent Retired Farmer Passes Away of Old Age.

Charles Frank, up to four years ago one of the prominent farmers of this vicinity, succumbed to infirmities attendant upon advanced age Tuesday morning, the end coming at 2:30 o'clock. He was 87 years of age and a native of Germany. Coming to this country in early manhood, he took up his residence in this vicinity and for fifty years tilled a farm in the McClellan district. Four years ago he moved to this village, taking up his residence on Holley street. Mr. Frank was a member of the Broad Street German Lutheran church and a man held in high regard by a large number of friends.

Surviving relatives are a brother, a widow, and four daughters, Mrs. William Krughmann and Mrs. George Mapes of this village, Mrs. George Yackel of Palmyra and Mrs. George Radder of Buffalo. Funeral services will be held this afternoon, Rev. Albert Heyd officiating. Interment will be made in the Rural cemetery.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
FRANK Karl 1817 - 1904
FRANK Elizabeth wife 1818 - 1910

NEW 6/6/13  From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, April 13, 1932


Mrs. Dorcas Dagenkolb, wife of Charles Dagenkolb, died Sunday evening at her home, 18 Orchard street. She was born in Columbia County 80 years ago last Thursday and had resided in Clyde for the last 27 years.

Mrs. Dagenkolb is survived by her husband and nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the home in Orchard street, with the Rev. R. F. Smithson officiating. Burial will be in Montezuma.


The many friends of Carolyn Burch Luffman, 18, were shocked to hear of her death at the Barber Hospital, Lyons, Saturday, April 9, after a severe illness.

She was born in the vicinity of Clyde and had spent all her life here. During that time she attended Clyde High School and won many friends by her sweet ways.

Early last summer she was married to Ernest Luffman, also of Clyde

She is survived by her husband, Ernest Luffman, and an infant son [name omitted for privacy as he might be living]; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burch Jr., two sisters, Mrs. Marguerite B. Rose and Miss Alice Mae Burch; one brother, George W. Burch, all of Clyde.

The funeral services were held Tuesday with prayer at the home of parents and later from the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev. R. F. Smithson officiating. Interment was made at the Rose Valley cemetery.

The bearers were Herbert Lacey, Harold and Ralph Brown, Norris and Nelson Furman and Irwin Chalker.

Rose Cemetery, Bill Dean's Reading
Luffman, Carolyn, 1913 - 1932


Joseph G. Corrigan received word Tuesday morning of the death of Barton M. VanBuskirk, 72, at his home, 1212 Lake avenue, Rochester, Monday night. Mr. VanBurkirk, a retired telegrapher, formerly resided in Clyde. His widow, a daughter and a grand-daughter survive him. Altho funeral arrangements were incomplete it was known that burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery here.

NOTE: not listed in Maple Grove Cemetery.


Mrs. Esther May Cook, 26, wife of Raymond Cook, died at Auburn City Hospital last Wednesday evening after an illness of several months, during the last ten days of which she had been a patient in the Auburn hospital.

Mrs. Cook was the daughter of the late Frederick Cook, and was born on a farm south of Clyde, where she past (sic) most of her life. In recent years she and her husband had lived on a farm near May's Point.

Besides her husband and mother, Mrs. Cook is survived by one sister, Mrs. Clarence Reed of South Butler. Funeral services were conducted from the home at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, the Rev. E. L. Kinner of Savannah officiating. [NOTE: she appears on a list of deaths on the page as "Esther Mary Cook."]

NEW 10/16/11  From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, May 25, 1896, page 4

Mrs. John Friesman died at her home in Lyons, Saturday morning, from blood poisoning, attendant upon childbirth, aged thirty-eight years. Deceased was born in Holstein, Germany, and is survived by a husband, two daughters and one son.

On Saturday night occurred the death of William Henry Pulver, at Newark, after an illness of about two weeks. Deceased had been a citizen of Arcadia over half a century. He was born in Columbia county August 1, 1812, came to Newark about 1830 and married Miss Mary A. Groat, of Newark, four years later. Mr. Pulver was a carriage maker by trade. He had been at the time of his death a member of the Newark Methodist Episcopal Church for a great many years, A widow, Mrs. Mary A. Pulver, and one sister, Helen Pulver, survive.

William H. Gilbert, one of the best known Republicans in Wayne county, died Saturday evening, at his home in the village of Lock Berlin, aged about 65(?) years. Deceased was a son of the late Nathan B. Gilbert, and succeeded his father in the carriage building and blacksmith business, which he closed out some years ago. He was a justice of the peace of the town of Galen for twelve years and conducted a fire insurance agency. Deceased purchased part of the Cookingham estate and owned considerable real estate in and around Lock Berlin. He is survived by a widow and one son, Loring N. Gilbert, who resides in Syracuse. Deceased was a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Lock Berlin for years and superintendent in the Sunday-school.

Lock Berlin Cemetery
Town of Galen
GILBERT William H. May 23, 1896, 63y
GILBERT Martha L. wife Jan. 13, 1909, 67y
GILBERT Nathan B. Dec. 14, 1875, 73y 10m 5d
GILBERT Martha A. wife June 5, 1891, 80y 4m 21d

NEW 10/16/11  From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, May 6, 1895, page 4


Louis Mestler of Lyons Dies After Being Terribly Mangled.


Walking From Lyons to Lock Berlin -
Stepped From in Front of One Train
to be Knocked Down by Another -

Louis Mestler, a German shoemaker residing in Lyons, was mangled and killed between Lyons and Lock Berlin early yesterday morning, shortly after midnight. Mestler had been working at his trade for H. C. Kaiser in Lyons and Friday afternoon sent a remittance to his wife by money order at Watertown. Saturday night he got shaved about 10:30 o'clock at the railroad and was seen walking down the Central-Hudson tracks towards Lock Berlin after 11 o'clock by Night Baggageman Doyle. He was evidently going to Lock Berlin where he has a brother living. He got down below Cole's bridge, walking on track No. 3. Observing a freight train coming up on the track upon which he was walking, and as an east bound freight had just that minute got down towards Lock Berlin he crossed over to track No. 4 just in time to be hit by the pusher which was coming towards Lock Berlin on track No. 4 to help the east bound freight train over the hill. He was knocked over against the west bound freight which he had sought to avoid when getting in front of the pusher. He was picked up about 12:30 by the crew of the pusher, still alive, and taken up to Yardmaster Pendergast's office where he was visited by Doctors M. A. Veeder and Charles H. Towlerton who discovered that the injured man had fractured his right ankle, his right arm was broken as was also his left hip. There was a deep gash on his forehead and he was otherwise badly bruised. Later he was taken to the home of his brother-in-law Simon Kessler on Montezuma street where he died at 5:30. Deceased was born in Alsace, Germany, in 1835 and came to Lyons in 1867, settling in Lyons. He has a wife, Mrs. Zena Mestler, in Watertown, also two sons, Bert and Charles, and one daughter, Miss Emma Mestler, all residing at the same place. He is survived by two brothers, Nicholas A. Mestler of Lock Berlin, and Joseph Mestler of East Rochester, and six sisters, Mrs. Catherine Kessler of Lyons, Mrs. Ringwalt and Mrs. Josephine Schwartz of Rochester, Mrs. Emily Bickal of Junius, and Mrs. Elmer B. Bockoven of Clyde. [NOTE: article only names 5 sisters]

George Baker, a well-known farmer living near the Blue Cut, near Lyons, died Friday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. Deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis one Sunday last summer while attending service at the Broad Street German Lutheran Church, in Lyons, in which he was a trustee. He never fully recovered from this paralytic stroke. Mr. Baker was one of the memorable party that followed and aided in the capture of the noted express train robber, Oliver Curtis Perry, on Sunday morning, February 21st, 1892, after Perry, following his (illegible) attempt to rob the American express train between Syracuse and Lyons, and stolen the Central-Hudson engine in Lyons and fled with it towards Newark and abandoned it at a point above the Blue Cut. In his dash across the country, Perry passed through by Mr. Baker's, and when apprised of the fact by the pursuing party, Mr. Baker joined in the pursuit. For his services upon this occasion he was afterwards suitably rewarded by the American Express Company. Deceased was a trustee of the Broad Street German Lutheran Church, and is survived by a widow, one son, one daughter, two brothers, and two sisters.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
BAKER George, 1848 - 1895
BAKER Caroline G., 1850 - 1932
BAKER William G., son of G. & C., 1875 - 1890
BAKER C. Elizabeth, dau, 1873 - 1942
BAKER Albert H., son, 1881 - 1947

NEW 10/16/11  From the Oswego Daily Times, Tuesday, December 26, 1893, page 5

Death of an Old Resident of Wayne County.

Special dispatch to the Daily Times:

Lyons, Dec. 26.- Andrew Smith, the oldest native resident of Wayne county, died at his residence in the village of Lock Berlin, about three miles east of this village, Sunday morning of pleurisy, at the age of eighty-three years. Deceased was born in the town of Rose, Wayne county, November 30, 1810, and he has ever since resided in this county. The funeral services were held at the late residence of deceased in Lock Berlin this afternoon.

Lock Berlin Cemetery
Town of Galen
Near SMITH Stone
SMITH Andrew Nov. 30, 1819 - Dec. 24, 1893
SMITH Barbara wife Sep. 3, 1813 - Jan. 6, 1894 [NOTE: 1880 Galen census gives their surname as Schmitt, both born Prussia, residing in village of Lock Berlin. Also residing with them was daughter Dora, b. Prussia. Possibly Alsatian immigrants. Surname is Smith on 1870 Galen census, and Andrew and Barbara both born "France (German)"]

Death from Asphyxiation.

Special dispatch to the Daily Times:

Lyons, Dec. 26.- Isaac Barton died at his residence in North Lyons yesterday morning as the result of being asphyxiated last Tuesday night. He was the oldest of the four sons of the late Elisha Barton and is survived by a widow, three daughters and one son. The funeral will be held at the house to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock.

Out of county, but might help someone:

Found Dead in Bed.

William Rector, a former resident of Phoenix, was found dead in bed at Ingalls Crossing Saturday morning. He leaves two daughters, both residents of that village, Mrs. Edward Bullard and Mrs. Arthur Archambo.

NEW 10/16/11  From The Savannah Times, Friday, March 5, 1909


He was 37 Years of Age and a Brother of M. T. Witmer.

A. Frederic Witmer, who for a number of years was in the employ of the Solvay Process Co. in the civil engineering department, died at his home in Syracuse Wednesday afternoon, aged 37 years. He had resided in Syracuse for about 12 years and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and was connected with several scientific organizations. He leaves a widow, his father and mother, two sisters and four brothers, one of whom is M. T. Witmer of this place.

The funeral will be held at his late home today. Burial will be made at Niagara Falls Sunday.

NEW 10/16/11  From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Thursday, February 15, 1917, page 5

Mrs. William T. Jordan.

Lyons, Feb. 14.- Mrs. Josephine R. Jordan, wife of William T. Jordan, died in her home in Lock Berlin this morning, aged 62 years. Mrs. Jordan was born in Butler, December 9, 1854. She has been a resident of Lock Berlin for many years. She leaves, besides her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Elwing Slaughter, of Ithaca; two sons, William, of Rochester, and Jay, of Lock Berlin; nine grandchildren; two brothers, Joel H. Bishop, of North Dakota, and John E. Bishop, of Detroit, and one sister, Mrs. Augustus Seaman, of East Rochester.

Lock Berlin Cemetery
Town of Galen
JORDAN William T.
JORDAN Josephine B.

NEW 10/16/11  From The Herald, Wednesday, June 12, 1907, Clyde NY


The death of Eugene Hickok occurred at his home in Rose last Sunday morning at the age of 72 years. He is survived only by his widow. Funeral services were held from his late residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Rose Cemetery
Hickok, Eugene, spouse Narcissa M., 1835 - 1907
Hickok, Narcissa M., maiden name Colvin, spouse Eugene, 1842 - 1917


The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Aurand occurred at her home in this village early Saturday morning at the age of 75 years. Deceased is survived by one daughter, Mamie, and one sister, Mrs. Clark Potts, besides several grand-children. Funeral services were held from St. John's Episcopal church at 3 o'clock, Mnday afternoon, Rev. J. J. Gleeson officiating.


One of the saddest death of recent years in this locality occurred shortly after midnight on Friday last when the remains of Frank Dower, one of Clyde's most popular and promising young men, were found upon the New York Central tracks at Sennett, a few miles east of Auburn, shortly after he had finished his work of switching cars for his train at that station. Mr. Dower was a brakeman on a freight train, bound for the Dewitt yards, and which stopped at Sennett about midnight to take on several cars. When the cars had been coupled the train drew away and at 12:45 a.m. his body was found lying across the tracks. It is believed that in trying to climb to the roof between two cars, he missed his footing and fell under the wheels. The remains were brought to Clyde Saturday evening. Deceased was 21 years of age and leaves besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dower, three brothers, William, John and Charles of Syracuse, and five sisters, Kittie, Maggie, Nellie, Lucy and Libbie of Rochester.

Funeral services with solemn requiem were held at St. John's Catholic Church at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. Rev. J. J. Gleeson, assisted by Revs. Father William Gleeson, of St. Mary's Church, Rochester; Father William Payne, of Holy Cross Church, of Charlotte, and Father Gomminginger, of Lyons, officiating.


Body Found at Savannah Remains Unidentified.

The remains of an unknown man, apparently 45 years of age, were found on the Central Hudson tracks about two miles west of SAvannah by section men Thursday morning.

The body was taken to the undertaking rooms of O. C. Silver. A brass check bearing the name, "J.K. Palmer, contractor," with the number "292" written on the opposite side of it, was the only thing found in the man's pockets.

A fracture of the skull was the cause of death. It is believed the man fell from a car and struck a tie, as the body was lying between tracks 1 and 2 when found.

Charles P. Currier, who died at Auburn and whose remains were buried in Maple Grove cemetery, in this village, on May 25th(?), was the boss dyer in the Auburn Prison Shops and he left an estate estimated at about $67,000. He worked hard every day, although he had over $60,000 on deposit in the various banks and trust companies of this section. In the sale at his home, in Auburn, there was found over $3,000 in bills of large denominations. His heirs are several nephews and niece, most of whom reside in Massachusetts and other Eastern States. [NOTE: not on County Historian's list of Maple Grove Cemetery]

NEW 10/16/11  From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, February 24, 1891, page 3

Death of F. Marion Johnson, a Prominent Citizen of Savannah.

The death of F. Marion Johnson occurred at his home in Savannah on Sunday morning at the age of 39 years. He was a prominent and much respected citizen of that town, in which he had held important town offices. He had been confined to the house for more than seven years, during which time he successfully attended the management of a large farm. Seven years ago he contracted a severe cold by sitting on the ground topping onions. He was immediately attacked with a spinal disease which terminated in an abscess, which discharged through seven apertures and finally caused his death. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. His mother, two brothers, Dr. Lawrence Johnson, of New York; Maurice Johnson, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and three sisters, Mrs. J. C. Sheffield, of Brooklyn; Mrs. John McGonigal and Mrs. Della Mead, of Lyons, also survive him. Mr. Johnson's father died about a year ago, and his mother now lies in a critical condition, and her life is despaired of. Mr. Johnson was a prominent member of Savannah Lodge, F. and A. M., and will be buried under the impressive ceremonies of the Masonic order. The funeral will be held in the Disciples Church at South Butler to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Daniel Noon, of Clyde, a glass-blower, died Saturday at the residence of his mother in Clyde, of consumption, aged 26 years. Funeral this morning at 10 o'clock at St. John's Catholic Church, Rev. J. J. Gleason officiating.

St. John's Catholic Cemetery
Town of Galen
James, 1878, 45 yr.
Bridget, wife, 1835 - 1913
John, son, 1874, 4 yr.
Daniel, son, 1891, 26 yr.

The remains of Mrs. Jennie Ford Sherman, who died in Rochester Friday, arrived in Clyde yesterday morning and were interred in Maple Grove Cemetery. The deceased was the daughter of Benjamin Ford, one of the early settlers and for many years a prominent business man of Clyde. Her husbands, Charles Platt and Thomas Sherman, were alike prominent business men of that village. [NOTE: not on County Historian's list of Maple Grove Cemetery]

NEW 10/16/11  From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, August 21, 1891, page 5

Mrs. Mary Ofinger (sic; Offinger), aged 70 died at her home in Lyons Wednesday afternoon of dropsy. She was one of the oldest residents of the village.

The remains of Frank Birdsell, formerly of Clyde, who died at Syracuse Tuesday evening, aged 26, arrived in Clyde yesterday afternoon and were interred in Maple Grove Cemetery. The deceased had been ill for a long time and about three months ago the operation of removing one of his kidneys was performed. It was thought he would ultimately recover, but the disease had taken such hold upon him that death ensued.

Maple Grove Cemetery
BIRDSELL Frank M. 1865 - 1891

NEW 10/16/11  From The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, July 23, 1889, Clyde NY

The death of Mr. Seth Clum, one of the oldest residents of this village, occurred about 5 o'clock on Saturday morning. Mr. Clum was born at Red Hook, Columbia County, on June 9th, 1811, and at the age of 16 went to Canada where he learned the trade of carpenter. There he married Miss Barker who bore him two children. After the death of his wife he came to Clyde and here married Miss Harriet P. Marsh who became the mother of six children: Gain. F., Kingslee G., Kittie M., wife of Nathan Platner, Josephine, Eleanora, and a child which died in infancy. Of these only the first three are living. After the death of his second wife Mr. Clum married Samantha Cook, sister of Mrs. Addison Tuck, who bore two children: Jessie, wife of Fred Buell, and a son, Orville. The deceased was a man most highly respected and the funeral services which were held from the Baptist Church at 10:30 this morning, were largely attended.

Messrs. G. F. Clum, of Poughkeepsie, and Kingsley G. Clum, of North Rose, were called here to attend the funeral of their father, Seth Clum.

The funeral services of Ebenezer Odell, who died Thursday, were held at his late residence three miles north of this village Sunday afternoon. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in the rural district of Eastern Wayne. Rev. Arthur Copeland officiated.

Maple Grove Cemetery
Town of Galen
O'DELL Ebenezer C., 1839 - 1889
O'DELL Betsy M., wf Ebenezer C., 25 Apr. 1882 36y5m16d
O'DELL Matie E., dau. Ebenezer & Betsy, 1866 1m
O'DELL Alexander, son Ebenezer & Betsy, 1870 11m
O'DELL Emily, dau. Ebenezer & Betsy, 1882 10y7m5d
O'DELL Hannah, wf Jerome, 1812 - 1892

NEW 10/16/11  From the Oswego Daily Palladium, Tuesday, January 30, 1917, page 3


Wolcott, Jan. 30- The funeral of Alvin M. Knapp, seventy-six, was held at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the home of his sister Mrs. John Richardson, of Huron. Burial was in Huron cemetery. Mr. Knapp died Sunday morning after a short illness of heart trouble. He was well known in this vicinity, having been a farmer all his life. He is survived by several children.

Evergreen Cemetery
Town of Huron
KNAPP, Alvin M.
KNAPP, Anna K., wife, no dates

NEW 10/16/11  From The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, July 17, 1888, Clyde NY


DORNTEE - In Lyons, July 10, 1888, John Dorntee, aged 30 years.

ENGLEHARDT - In Clyde, July 14, 1888, Dora Louise Englehardt, aged 3 years and 6 months.

HOLT - In Lyons, July 11, 1888, Charles Holt, aged 18 years.

FRIES - In Lyons, July 12, 1888, Mrs. Catherine E. Fries, aged 55/85(?) years.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
FRIES Andrew, Feb. 22, 1899, 81y 3m
FRIES Catherine E., wife, July 12, 1888, 65y 4m
FRIES Willie H., son, Jan. 1, 1869 5y 7m

GOEWEY - In Lyons, July 11, 1888, Mrs. Harriet Goewey, aged 73/75(?) years.

WORNER - In Clyde, July 14, 1888, Lizzie Worner, of St. Paul, Minn., aged 13 years.

The death of Miss Lizzie Worner occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Snedaker last Friday. Mrs. Eliza Worner and her late daughter came from St. Paul, Minn., where they resided, on a visit to Mr. Snedaker and while here the child was stricken down. The deceased was 13 years of age and the remains will be interred in Maple Grove Cemetery at 2 P. M. to-day. [NOTE: not on Maple Grove Cemetery list]

Mr. Albert Worner was called here from his home in St. Paul, Minn., by the death of his daughter, Miss Lizzie.

The sad death of Dora Louise, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Englehardt, occurred at their residence early Saturday morning at the age of three years and eight months. But a short time ago the child was living in the full enjoyment of youthful health, the pride of both heart and home, and the cause of its untimely death makes doubly sad the unhappy event. About seven weeks ago the little one while being swung in a hammock by its playmates, fell out and struck the ground with its head with considerable force, which finally resulted in brain fever and death. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at three o'clock.

Darling Louise, we bid you farewell,
Gone, in life, forevermore;
Yet, in death, we hope to meet you
On that bright and golden shore.

Mr. Charles Englehardt and wife, of Buffalo, were in town yesterday, having been called here by the death of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Englehardt.

A Card.

To all friends who so kindly bestowed upon us their assistance and sympathy in the hour of our deep affliction and to the Protective Steamer Co., for a beautiful floral anchor, we hereby desire to express our heartfelt thanks.


Mr. Hiram Sibley, the founder and owner of the great seed house of Rochester, died at his home in that city on Thursday morning. He was a successful business man and accumulated a large fortune, much of which he spent in public benefactions, notably his gift of $250,000 to found the Sibley College at Cornell University. Mr. Sibley was in the 62d year of his age.

Killed by the Cars.

John Dorntee, of Lyons, son of Christian Dorntee, of Macedon, was on Tuesday afternoon engaged in putting loaded coal cars from the Fall Brook to the West Shore road, at the connection a short distance east of Lyons. He had just disconnected the engine from the cars, and had stepped back toward the West Shore track when the train due at about 8:24, which was a few minutes late and running at a high rate of speed, struck him, and killed him instantly. He was horribly mangled. His head was nearly severed from his body, and terribly cut; his arms were broken, and he was otherwise badly cut. The body was taken to Undertaker Pickett's and the sad news communicated to his wife, who, on hearing of the accident, became nearly frantic with grief. Dorntee had been married about two months, and the blow falls with crushing force upon his wife. He was thirty years of age. The funeral was held Thursday morning from St. Michael's church, Rev. J. J. Hickey officiating, and was largely attended by railroad men, with whom he was very popular.

St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery
Town of Macedon
DORNTEE John C. F., 1855-1888

NEW 10/16/11  From The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, August 21, 1888, Clyde NY

Last Friday the sad news was received here of the death of Mr. Thomas H. Hessian which occurred at Denver, Col. Mr. Hessian had been a life-long resident of this village and by his straightforward course and upright character won for himself a host of friends who mourn his loss with a feeling akin to that of a brother. The history of the past year of his life is sad in the extreme. Scarcely a year ago an infant came to complete the happiness of a contented home and was speedily taken away by the hand of fate. The mother, yet suffering from a painful affliction occasioned by the birth of her child, bore the shock of the little one's death with womanly fortitude but her illness became aggravated and she too, after lingering a few months, severed the slender thread of life and passed away to join her child on the other shore. Weary and worn, and burdened with life's heavy cares, Mr. Hessian, with his system already undermined by the constant attention and watchfulness at the bedside of child and wife, undertook a trip for the benefit of his health; first visiting friends in the east and ultimately reaching Denver, Col., where he died. The deceased was 31 years of age, and was the last remaining of the family of three all of whom passed away within one brief year. The remains arrive here at 11 A. M. to-day and were escorted by the Saxton band, the C. B. L. Society, of both of which he was a member, and his former associates in the glass works, to the St. John's Catholic Church where the funeral services were held, Rev. J. J. Gleeson officiating, after which the funeral procession proceeded to the St. John's R. C. cemetery where the remains were interred.

Seth Green, the celebrated fish culturist, died at his home in Rochester, early yesterday morning, at the age of 71 years.

A Pioneer.

George Wood, who died at Ely's Corners in Junius the other day, aged 87 years was one of the pioneers of Clyde. He came here in 1832 and remained a prominent citizen until about fifteen years ago when he removed to Ely's Corners and where he resided until his death. His remains were interred in the Maple Grove Cemetery in this village.

Maple Grove Cemetery
WOOD George 1801 - 1888
WOOD Jerusha wf George 1803 - 1890

Struck By a Bridge.

A serious accident happened to William Noxen, a brakeman on Conductor Cole's train on the Central road, last Thursday morning. He was standing on box car and was struck on the back of the head by the Savannah bridge, inflicting a dangerous scap wound; he was brought to Clyde and taken to Dr. Barnard's office, and upon examination it was found that the man's skull was crushed, and the doctor did all in his power to make the sufferer comfortable, and he was placed on board the dairy train and taken to his home in East Syracuse, but died from his injury before reaching that place. He was married about a year ago and leaves a wife.

From the Clyde Democratic Herald, October 15, 1889

Samuel Reed, of Newark, was killed in the West Shore yard at that place Thursday afternoon. He was uncoupling a caboose from the train and had one foot on the caboose. The sudden starting of the train threw him on his back on the track, the caboose cutting off the upper part of his head. He was about 24 years of age.

George W. Sherman died at the Wayne County Insane Asylum on Tuesday night, aged fifty-four years. Mr. S. was for many years a prominent business man in rose, but about two years ago his health began to fail him and continued to grow worse until about two months ago, when he became insane, and it was deemed advisable by his friends to place him in the insane asylum in Lyons. He leaves a wife, one son, G. A. Sherman, and one daughter, Mrs. C. G. Wood, all of whom reside in Rose. The funeral was held from the house Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date, last week of June 1897

Addison Van Inwagen received news yesterday of the death of this step-mother, Mrs. Sarah L. Van Inwagen, which occurred Monday in Sodus Centre. She was 75 years of age. Deceased was a highly esteemed woman and had spent most of her life in or near Newark. Her husband, Tunis Van Inwagen, died in 1881, and for years Mrs. Van Inwagen was an attendant in the Custodial Asylum, being there during the administrations of Mr. Warner and Dr. Willett. She leaves two daughters, both married.

Miss Josie Parks died on Thursday last in the hospital at the Custodial Asylum, after a long illness. Deceased resided in Newark in her girlhood, and then in Marion for many years. She was the esteemed correspondent of the Gazette from that village until three or four years ago, when she came to Newark to accept a position in the asylum. Her health failed her, and for a time she was ill at the residence of Mark Allen, but for the pas few months she has been tenderly cared for in the hospital on the hill. She was the last of her immediate family, but leaves an uncle, F. S. Parks, in this village. She was a communicant of the Episcopal church, and her funeral was held in St. Mark's Friday, Rev. Alfred Brittain officiating. The interment was in East Palmyra. Deceased was a popular and talented woman, very earnest in church and temperance work before her illness.

John Griffin died on Thursday night last at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Reynard Doane on Main street. Deceased was an Englishman by birth, but had been in this country about forty years. He lived in Palmyra for a long time, coming here from there. He leaves but one daughter, Mrs. Doane. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Burgess officiating. The interment was in Palmyra. At the cemetery, the pastor of the Palmyra Baptist church, of which deceased was a member, officiated.

Alfred D. Lusk died suddenly on Wednesday last in the Northern Central station at Phelps Junction, of hemorrhage of the lungs. His age was 73 years. Mr. Lusk was on his way to visit his daughter, Mrs. W. Bryant, who resides just west of Phelps. He was a little late for the train at the Newark station, and the exertion of running to catch it, brought on the fatal attack soon after the train left Newark. On reaching the junction he was taken in to the station, where he soon expired. Deceased was born in this village, and passed his early life here. In 1852 he joined the miners in California, with other Newark men, and got together several thousand dollars. with which he went into business here when he came back. Our readers will remember, perhaps, that a few months ago the Gazette published some interesting articles which Mr. Lusk wrote for this paper on his experiences in California. Mr. Lusk bought and conducted the lower lock grocery in this village for many years, the one now owned by John Patterson. About twenty years ago he sold out, and went into the grocery business on East avenue in Rochester. Later he went to selling jewelry, and moved to Buffalo, where he lived for several years, coming back to Newark a few months ago because of failing health. He is survived by his second wife, an attendant in the Custodial Asylum, and five children. There are also two brothers, O. C. Lusk and C. B. Lusk, both of this village. The funeral was held Friday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Burgess officiating.

From The Cato Citizen, Saturday, Feb. 19, 1910, p. 4.

South Butler

Mr. Emmet A. Maynard a highly respected citizen of this place, died, at his home Saturday evening, after suffering for about twelve weeks with bright's disease, at the age of 70 years and 6 months. Mr. Maynard was born in Lowell, Mass., on August 11th, 1839. At the age of 7 years with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Maynard, and one sister removed to this place on what is known as the Myron Phelps farm, the being one of the early pioneer settlers here. They finally purchased what is known as the Soule farm, and there Mr. Maynard has always resided. On Jan. 26, 1864, he was united in marriage to Miss Clara E. Gates of Clardon (sic), Ohio, and from this union three children were born, all of whom suvive (sic) him. For about 25 years he was a traveling salesman for the G. F. Hawey Drug Co., of Saratoga, N.Y., and became known as Dr. Maynard. About eight years ago he was obliged to abandon this occupation, owing to failing health. He is survived by a widow and three children, one daughter, Mrs. C. M. Crofoot, of this place, and two sons, Dr. Howard Maynard of Madina (sic) and Earl Maynard of Toronto, Canada. Also five grand sons. The funeral was held fro his late residence Tuesday at 1:30 P. M. Rev. F. H. Reed officiating.

From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date, October 1897

The Gazette on Saturday last mentioned briefly the death of Stephen B. Smith. As Mr. Smith was one of Arcadia's oldest, best known, and highly respected citizens, we feel that a more extended notice should be given in this issue. Mr Smith was born in Junius, Seneca county, August 11, 1817. He came to this town when a small boy, his people buying a farm north of Newark. He grew to manhood here, and on the 24th of November, 1842, was married to Maria A. Fox. He went to housekeeping on the farm where he died, but in the interval, in his early manhood, he owned and lived on several different farms. In 1853 he bought out the other heirs the homestead, and has since lived there, an honorable, respected citizen, a consistant (sic) Christian man, a good neighbor, and a valued friend. What more can be said of any man? He had been for many years a member of the East Palmyra Methodist church, and has been a Mason in good standing in the Newark lodge since 1855. Of a family of three brothers and five sisters, the deceased outlived all but one, Mrs. Lydia Carey, who still lives in the far West. He is survived also by a wife, one son, Chas. O., and an adopted daughter, Kate. Three children have died. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Pierce of the East Palmyra church officiating, and seldom has a larger concourse of people gathered together at a funeral in this town. The Masons took charge of the service at the grave, and Newark lodge attending the funeral in a body.

This morning's Democrat & Chronicle contains the following concerning a prominent Wayne county citizen:

"The funeral of the late Wm. H. Clark was held from the family homestead in Ontario yesterday. Deceased was one of the oldest and best-known residents of Wayne county and was a prominent figure in county affairs sixty years ago. He was born in the town of Williamson in 1816. Mr. Clark took the first mail from Palmyra to Pultneyville, in 1830, traveling on horseback. For several years he acted as mail-carrier, often being out all night in winter, but he never missed a trip. He was in business in Rochester for a time prior to his marriage, in 1840, to Miss Sibly (sic) A. Swan, of Marion, an only child of Colonel Edward Swan and a descendant of Captain John Brewster, of the Mayflower. Her mother was a Mormon, a sister of Governor Morgan.

Mr. Clark settled in Ontario in April, 1840, upon a farm upon which the village now stands. He was a successful farmer and became the largest dealer in wool and live stock in Wayne county.

Mrs. George Taylor died at her house on Murray street, on the West Shore farm, on Saturday last, after a long illness, aged 77 years. Deceased was born in England, but had been in the country about forty years. A husband, seven sons and one daughter survive her. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church, and the funeral was held in the church yesterday afternoon, Rev. J. E. Allen officiating.

Sodus Center.

Mrs. C./O.(?) J. Andrews is in North Branch, Iowa, called there by the death of her father, Rev. C. Berry, a former pastor of the Baptist church in this village.

The funeral of Theodore B. Trowbridge, who died last Thursday, was attended from his late residence, Sunday afternoon, interment being made in the family plot in our village cemetery. The obsequies were under the auspices of the Sodus Lodge, F. & A. M., of which deceased was an active member. Masonic delegations were present from the lodges at Rose, Williamson and Lyons. Mr. Trowbridge had been an honored resident of this community for thirty-seven years, and his death will be deeply felt throughout the town. His age was 60 years.

From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, December 17, 1930, front page


Miss Jessie Griffin, 44, died Sunday morning at the home of Frank Shotwell in Marengo, where she had resided. Born near Toronto, Canada, she spent most of her life in this section.

She leaves a step-sister, Mrs. Chas. Burch, residing near Marengo, and three sisters, addresses unknown.

The body was brought to the Bush & Mann funeral chapel, where it rested until Tuesday when services were held in the Marengo chapel at 2:30. Henry C. Hyman of Newark, lay preacher, officiated. Burial was in Friends cemetery, Marengo.

From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, October 13, 1915

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, residing two miles east of Clyde, died on Monday morning last.

From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, September 18, 1918, page 4

The death of Mrs. Sarah J. Oaks, wife of Chas. G. Oaks, a prominent resident of this village occurred last Saturday evening at her home in Wolcott Street after a long illness. She was born in Niles, Cayuga County, 87 years ago. Her maiden name was Chamberlain. Twenty-two years ago she was married to Chas. G. Oaks and came to this village where she has since resided. She is the last survivor of her generation. She is survived by her husband and several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held at 3 p m. yesterday from the home, Rev. O. D. Dateher(?) officiating. Interment was made in the Rose cemetery.

From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, August 13, 1924, page 4

Daniel Harper, 74, was found dead in bed last Friday morning at his home in Rose. He was a son of Alexander Harper and was born and always lived in this township. For many years he had been janitor of the M. E. Church in that village and rang the bell as usual for prayer meeting on the evening preceding his death. Besides his widow he leaves one son, John, of Rose, one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Youngs, of Detroit, Mich., one sister, Mrs. Mary Rhinehart, of Rose, and two brothers, Frank of Savannah, and Charles of Rose. The funeral was held Monday.

From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, June 14, 1922, page 4

The death of Mrs. Jay Dickinson occurred last Thursday morning at her home in this village after a short illness, aged 74 years. Besides her husband she leaves 2 daughters, Mrs. Wm. VanSicklen and Miss Grace Dickinson, of N. Rose, and five sons, William residing in the West, Robert, of N. Rose, Arthur, of Rochester, and Stephen and John, of Clyde. The funeral was held from the home, Sunday.

From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, March 15, 1922

The death of Mrs. Mary Payne, widow of the late Smith Payne, a Civil War veteran, occurred last Friday evening after a short illness, aged 76 years. She was the mother of eleven children. The survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Elmer Mitchell, Mrs. Guy Payne and Miss Mae Payne of N. Rose, and Mrs. Bert Haviland of Rose, and three sons, Ray and Harry Payne of N. Rose, and Clark Payne of Wolcott. The funeral was held from the home last Monday. Interment was made in the York Settlement cemetery.

From the Newark Arcadian Weekly Gazette, date unknown, probably first half of October 1892

Mrs. Eliza Smith, mother of Mrs. S.(?) Nelson, died at the home of the latter in North Gage last Wednesday, and the remains were brought to Canandaigua for burial, where Mrs. Smith lived a number of years. Deceased was well known in Fairville where she lived for several years with Rev. and Mrs. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson came on with the remains and then spent a little time with their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Young in Williamson, and with their old friends in Fairville.

The remains of the late Jonathan R. Bass, the ossified man and museum freak, were placed in a burglar-proof vault, which his friends had built at Glenwood Cemetery, at Lockport, N. Y. This precaution was taken to prevent the body from being stolen by enterprising museum managers or ghouls for doctors to make an autopsy. [Note: Bass died in Lewiston, NY on Sept. 13, 1892.]

A public funeral was held at Lyons the other day of the daughter of Joseph Young, who died of malignant diphtheria. Since then the disease has broken out in the Murry and Stophle families.

From the Democrat & Chronicle, Thursday, August 15, 1895, page 4

The funeral services of the late James Barrigan of Palmyra were held in St. Ann's Church yesterday afternoon, Rev. Father Hartley officiating.

Simeon Gardner, one of the oldest citizens of Newark, died yesterday morning after a lingering illness. Deceased was born in the eastern part of New York; married in 1840, and in 1862 moved on a farm located two and one-half miles south of Newark. A widow survives.

Mrs. Charles J. Langworthy died at her home in Palmyra yesterday morning, after an illness of several months. The cause of her death was abdominal tumor. She was 42 years of age. Deceased was an active member of Columbia Hive, No. 96, Ladies of Maccabees. She leaves a husband and three sisters, Mrs. Ferris Palmer, Mrs. Henry Wood and Miss Emma Snitzel, all of Palmyra.

From the Newark Arcadian Weekly Gazette, August 12, 1895

On Wednesday evening last, at the age of 45 years, Mrs. Emma Olmstead, wife of Hamilton Olmstead and daughter of T. S. Hooper, died at her home south of Newark from a sudden stroke of apoplexy. The funeral was held Saturday, Rev. Dr. Burgess officiating. Deceased is survived by a husband, one daughter, her father, one brother, Edward M. Hooper, of Lyons, and two sisters, Mrs. P. E. Nellis and Mrs. Mitchell Chadwick, of this village.

On Sunday morning last Mrs. Wm. Grippin died at her home in this village, aged 29 years, of consumption, after an illness of about two years. Deceased was formerly Jennie Blackman. She had always lived in this town, and was universally esteemed as a bright young woman, a faithful wife and mother. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, two little girls, aged 9 and 2, a sister, Mrs. Peter Shuten, of this town, and a brother in Iowa Falls, Iowa. The family, particularly the bereaved husband and two motherless little ones, have the warm sympathy of the community. The funeral was held yesterday, Rev. Dr. Burgess officiating, and the beautiful floral tributes were mute witnesses to the love felt for the deceased by many friends.

From The Newark Union, Saturday, January 5, 1907, page 2

William H. Cookingham.

William H. Cookingham died at his residence, 136 East Union street, last week Friday evening, aged 83 years and 9 months. He was born in Dutchess county and moved with his parents to Pilgrimsport, northeast of Lyons, in 1834. For a time he lived in Lyons and in Fairville. He had resided at East Newark since 1849 and had conducted a carriage shop there until about a year ago. His parents' names were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cookingham. His father died in 1854 and his mother in 1864. He was a member of the old Dutch Reformed Church at East Newark. He was a staunch Republican and had voted for every Whig and Republican candidate for president since the days of Henry Clay.

Mr. Cookingham had been confined to his bed for only about a week and is survived by two brothers, Alfred N. and J. J. Cookingham, and a sister, Ann M. Cookingham.

The funeral was held at his late residence Monday. Burial was made at the East Newark Cemetery.

Mrs. Noah H. King, formerly of this village, recently died at Memphis, Mich.

Mrs. Mary Ewaldt, an elderly German lady of Lyons, died there last week Friday.

Mrs. N. L. King, formerly of Newark, died recently at her home in Memphis, Mich., after a short illness. Two daughters survive her, Mrs. Josephine L. ____, of Lyons, and Mrs. Frank Wayte, of Memphis, Mich.

Anna, wife of Charles A. Lux of Clyde, died Monday evening at Syracuse, aged 52 years. Mrs. Lux is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Florence Jeffcox(?), of New Haven, Conn., and Miss Marguerite M. Lux, of Clyde. The remains were taken to Clyde on Friday for interment.

The death of Joel P. Ketchum, one of Lyons' oldest residents, occurred Monday night just as the bells were ringing in the new year. Mr. Ketchum was 84 years old and had been in failing health for somet ime. He leaves his wife and two daughters, Mrs. John Pickett, of New York city, and Mrs. Frank Burns, of Macedon,, and one son, Albert Ketchum, of Clyde.

Miss Maude Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Clark, died Tuesday near Sodus Point, aged about 22 years. She had been ill several month. She was born in that town and always resided there. She is survived by her parents, two sisters, Mrs. Edward Shurta/Shurtz(?) and Miss Polly Clark, and five brothers, Frank of Geneva; Benjamin, of Elmira; Lewis of Rochester: HIram, Jr. of Webster, and Harry, of Sodus Point.

The remains of Mrs. Gertrude R. Kennedy, of Clyde, who died last Sunday at a private hospital in Philadelphia, were brought to Clyde New Year's morning for interment. Mrs. Kennedy, who was about 60 years of age, was injured one year ago last August by a fall, which developed a spinal and brain trouble and terminated in hemorrhage of the brain. She is survived by one son, Charles R. Kennedy, of Wayne, Pa., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary K. Nichols and Mrs. Ledda Elliott, of Clyde.

From the Syracuse Daily Journal, Tuesday, October 1, 1901

Death of Mrs. McGregor

Newark, Oct. 1.- The death of Eliza McGregor, aged 84(?) years, occurred at her home in Fairville at 7 o'clock Monday morning after a lingering illness. "Until a few years ago the deceased had been a citizen of Newark and an earnest member of the Baptist church. For thirty years she was an invalid, and while living at Newark the ladies of the First Baptist church celebrated her birthday anniversary each year in March by giving in her honor a large party. She had no living relatives. The funeral will be hald at the Baptist church at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be made in the Newark Wiilow-ave. cemetery.

Memorial Service.

Newark, Oct. 1.- A memorial service in honor of the late Mrs. A. Parke Burgess was held this afternoon in the G. A. R. hall. Mrs. Burgess was one of the victims of the recent disaster on the Northern Central railroad and was very prominent in Woman Relief Corps circles, having been for a long time president of that organization.

Died at Fayette.

Fayette, Oct. 1.- Augustus Kumm, aged 29 years, is dead at his home here. Consumption was the cause of death. He was born in Tyre and had resided in this county during his life. He is survived by three brothers, John and Andrew Kumm of Seneca Falls, and one sister Mrs. James J. Smith of Wolcott, Wayne county. [Note: only 2 brothers were named.]

From the Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, June 27, 1900

Good Man Gone.

William R. Johnson, one of the best known and highly respected residents of Wayne county, died at his home near Palmyra yesterday morning from the effects of a serious fall received Sunday last. Deceased was born in Palmyra July 21, 1817, and was the son of the late David Johnson. In 1844 he married Miss Lucy Wilson, of Cornwall, Conn., and soon after moved onto the large farm where he died. Mr. Johnson had always been engaged in farming and was one of the most successful farmers in the vicinity of Palmyra. He was a man well known all over Wayne county and was greatly respected by everyone.. He was also a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church in Palmyra. He is survived by three sons, William, George and Charles, and one daughter, Mrs. John H. Walton, all of Palmyra, also two brothers, Henry and Charles, both residing in Palmyra.

William H. Young, a farmer residing a short distance west of Lyons, died yesterday, aged 74 years. He had been an invalid for some time past. Deceased is survived by one son, John Young, a member of the police force of Lyons, and two daughters, Mrs. James Cosad, of Sodus, and Miss Ada Young, of Lyons.

This next is posted here as it might help someone:

Death Followed Picnic.

For one family the annual picnic of St. Patrick's Church, of Seneca Falls, held Monday at Cayuga Lake park, had a sorrowful ending. Mrs. Thomas McCue, with her family, was in attendance, and late in the afternoon she rode across the lake to Cayuga village, and while returning complained of a severe pain in her head. On arriving at the park dock she became unconscious, and was carried into the pavilion, where Dr. John F. Crosby pronounced the attack to be apoplexy. Her two sons took their mother to her home in Seneca Falls, where she expired early yesterday morning. Her age was 48, and she is survived by a husband and four sons, James, Leo, George and Frank, and daughter, Luella.

The Syracuse Herald, January 16, 1909 (Syracuse NY).

Died in His Chair.

Lyons, Jan. 16.- George Woodruff, one of the best known horsemen in Western New York, died yesterday morning from heart disease, while sitting in his room in the Knapp Hotel in Canal street. He was born in the town of Rose and was 85(?) years old. He came to this village about twenty two years ago, and married Mrs. Knapp, landlady of the Knapp Hotel. She died some years ago. Mr. Woodruff had been an invalid for some ti me. Yesterday afternoon he was found sitting in his chair apparently asleep. When he could not be aroused Dr. Cyril Fulton was summoned and said Mr. Woodruff had been dead three hours. Coroner Dr. George S. Allen was summoned and gave a certificate of death from heart disease. A sister, Mrs. Jane Connor of Plymouth, Mich., and a brother, Isaac Woodruff, living in Nebraska, survive.

The Evening Herald, March 29, 1912 (Syracuse NY).

Irving Dillabaugh Dead.

Lyons, March 29.- The death of Irving Dillabaugh occurred late yesterday at the Wayne County home. Mr. Dillabaugh came from Newark some time ago. He was apparently in his usual health up to the last time he was seen alive. When his supper was taken to him he was found dead on his bed. He was 45 years old and has no near surviving relatives.

The Syracuse Herald, January 8, 1917 (Syracuse NY).

Deaths in Herald Parish.

Miss Carrie C. Barker, 42, Clyde.

The Syracuse Herald, January 8, 1917 (Syracuse NY).

Mrs. Electra J. Gatchell.

The body of Mrs. Gatchell, 70, who died at the Home sanatorium yesterday, will be sent to Alton for funeral services and burial by Undertaker W. A. Drinkwine. Mrs. Gatchell lived with her daughter, Mrs. Judson H. North, No. 130 Harvard place. She also leaves a brother.

From The Evening Herald, February 12, 1900 (Syracuse NY).


The Sisters, Mrs. Harriet Hamilton and Mrs. Mary Barker.

Savannah, Feb. 12.- Mrs. Harriett Hamilton, aged 78 years, and Mrs. Mary Barker, aged 71 years, two sisters who lived four miles north of Savannah, on the David R. Hamilton farm, died Friday of grippe pneumonia. Mrs. Barker died at 10 o'clock in the morning and Mrs. Hamilton at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. Both were widows and had lived here for a number of years. Mrs. Hamilton's husband died about eight months ago. A double funeral was held at 10 o'clock this morning from the house. Burial was had in the Savannah and Butler cemetery. They are survived by several children and grandchildren.

A Coroner's inquest on the recent wreck which occurred on the West Shore railroad, on the morning of February 2d, which involved the deaths of William Dunn and William Caldwell, was conducted by Coroner Thatcher of Newark at this place Friday and Saturday of last week. Many representatives of the West Shore railroad, including the crews of both trains that were wrecked were present. A verdict has not yet been decided upon by the Coroner.


He was Prominent in Business
Circles - Served as Supervisor.

Clyde, Feb. 12.- Thomas P. Thorn died yesterday afternoon, aged 80 years. Mr. Thorn was born in Elys Corners, Seneca county. At the age of 30 years he and Mary, daughter of Samuel S. Briggs, were married. They had two sons Phineas R. and Seward T.

In 1858 he moved to Clyde and engaged in the distillery business until 1865. In 1866 he bought the Henry Stevens malt house, which he rebuilt it 1869, the house having a capacity of 70,000 bushels. Mr. Thorn was at one time Supervisor of the town of Galen. He always took an active interest in educational matters.

Newark, February 12.

Mrs. William B. Brayton of Blue Island, Ill., died Saturday morning at her home, aged 62 years. She was formerly Miss Lucy Greenwood of this place and the only sister of M. I. Greenwood, also of this place. She was married to Mr. Brayton in 1857 and left Newark at that time for Blue Island. She is survived by her husband and three children. Mr. Greenwood left yesterday for Blue Island to attend the funeral, which will be held to-morrow afternoon.

From The Evening Herald, February 12, 1900 (Syracuse NY).




Driver, While Trying to Release It, Received
a Blow From a Horse's Heels That
Struck Him Dead.

North Rose, Jan. 30.- To-morrow, from the home of Mrs. J. Briggs, will be held the funeral of Leroy Monroe, who was killed by the kick of a horse Thursday night.

The team with which he was drawing coal got stuck in the snow, and while he was trying to release the load, one of the horses kicked him in the stomach, killing him instantly. He is survived by his widow and seven children.

From The Evening Herald, January 16, 1900, page 3 (Syracuse NY).



It Was Revealed by a Post Mortem
Examination After Her Sudden
Death in Her Mother's Lap.

Ontario, Jan. 16.- Ella Gates, 25 years old, was sitting on her mother's lap dictating an invitation to her brother-in-law in Lyons to take dinner with her two days later. After completing the letter she gasped, fell backward and expired. Doctors Campbell and Shale were called and the Coroner was notified. A post-mortem, which was held, showed that the two ventricles of the heart were completely separated and that the young woman had two perfect hearts. The lungs were pressed by the hearts into a space not much larger than half that occupied by the normal lungs. Miss Gates had long been an invalid. She was subject to fainting and sinking spells, which usually came on without warning.

From The Evening Herald, January 25, 1900, page 3 (Syracuse NY).


Startling Incident at a Funeral.


He Was Stricken Down Whlle At-
tending the Services Over the
Body of William Hawley, His
Long-Time Acquaintance - Agita-
tion Caused Fatal Failure of the Heart.

CLYDE, Jan. 25- During the prep____ for the funeral services of William Hawley of Clyde yesterday, John Van Horn of Junius, 82 years old, who had just arrived at the house and was sitting near the fire warming himself, sank down in his chair apparently dead.

Dr. G. D. Barrett was called. He said that Mr. Van Horn had died instantly from heart disease.

Mr. Van Horn is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Susan Hawley of Clyde, Mrs. Elenora Van Horn of Wolcott, Elizabeth Van Clark of Seneca Falls and two sons, John of Seneca Falls and Alonzo of Magees Corners. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hawley, and the remains will be taken to Tyre for burial.

Mr. Hawley and Mr. Van Horn were old-time friends.

From The Evening Herald, January 25, 1900, page 3 (Syracuse NY).



She Fainted at Mr. Hawley's Fu-
neral, Where Mr. Van Horn
Dropped Dead, and a Woman
Dashed What She Supposed to Be
Camphor in her Face.

Clyde, Jan. 26.- During the funeral of William Hawley, at which his old-time friend, John Van Horn, fell dead, Mrs. Laura Blaisdell of Seneca Falls, who was one of the mourners, fainted.

A woman who sat near her caught up a bottle supposed to contain camphor, and dashed the contents in Mrs. Blaisdell's face to revive her. The bottle contained carbolic acid. The mistake was discovered instantly, but Mrs. Blaisdell's face was terribly burned and disfigured.

From The Syracuse Herald, November 6, 1911, page 2.


Joel Lee of North Rose a Victim of Heart Disease.

Special to The Syracuse Herald.

North Rose, Nov. 6.- Joel Lee, a well known farmer, died very suddenly at his home Saturday evening. He was in his usual health so far as was known and after supper returned to his room to read. About 7:30 Lee Seelye, who for the last year resided with him, went to his room to look after the fire and found Mr. Lee dead, sitting in a chair. On Saturday evening Coroner George D. Winchell of Rose was called and on Sunday Coroner George S. Allen of Clyde was also called. They pronounced it a case of heart disease.

Mr. Lee was born in Rose eighty-seven years ago. He was a son of Lyman Lee, who came from Vermont, being one of the pioneers of the town. The deceased was unusually active for one of his years. He was a member of the Rose lodge, F. and A. M., No. 590. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Clorinda Towne of Rose. His wife, also a son and a daughter, died several years ago. The funeral will be held from the home to-morrow afternoon, the Rev. J. C. Langford officiating. Burial will be made in the town cemetery.

From Syracuse Herald, June 13, 1908.


Letter Filled With Love Found in Suicide's Pocket.

A gruesome find was made by Chief of Police Colburn of Newark about 9 o'clock yesterday morning. He was notified by a telephone message that a man was seen prowling about the premises of Henry Meyer, who lives in Sherman avenue, and to the rear of the Dump Box factory. The chief, upon going to the premises, was told that the man was in an outhouse and he immediately went there, but found the door fastened with a hook on the inside. By pushing the door he managed to lift the hook and the door was opened. Instead of finding a man or an intoxicated person, as he had been led to suppose he would, he found a dead man. A man with his throat cut in a horrible manner, deep and long, and lying in a great pool of blood. It was a sight for one of the stoutest nerves. Near the dead man lay a closed razor.

Although the man had cut his throat from one side to the other, and death must have come almost instantly, yet it seems that he had closed the razor. Mr. Roche was at once notified and carried the body away in the ambulance to his undertaking rooms. Up to this time the identity of the man was unknown.

Coroner Allen of Clyde was at once notified and was on the ground about 11 A. M. A letter found on the body of the suicide showed that his name was John Hessian, and then he was identified as a man who boarded with George Fry and worked in the Wayne County Wheel works. The motive for the deed is unknown.

There was no evidence about the corpse of intoxication, and the only reason assigned is despondency, which seems to be indicated by the tenor of the letter found in his pocket, which was from a sister in Canandaigua and filled with love and words of hope and cheer. A brother came over from Shortsville in the afternoon and took the remains to Canandaigua, where they will be interred.

Mr. Hessian was 38 years old, and besides his widow and child, who live at No. 311 Niagara street, he is survived by his parents, Thomas and Winifred Hessian of Canandaigua; by three brothers, Edward, Martin and Thomas Hessian, also of Canandaigua. and by three sisters, Mrs. Andrew Flynn of Rochester, Mrs. Clarence Lounsberry and Miss Anna Hessian of Canandaigua. About a month ago he was confined at the Detention hospital. It was thought that he was insane, but was later proved that such was not the case.

From Syracuse Herald, June 8, 1908.

Died of His Injuries.

Lyons, June 8.- Benjamin Glimpse of South Lyons, who was accidentally struck and knocked down by a racing horse on the Driving park at Clyde while crossing the race track Memorial day, died yesterday at his home in Phelps from his injuries. At the time of the accident the injuries were thought to have been inconsequential but proved to have been internal. He was 44 years old, unmarried and is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glimpse of Phelps. The young man had worked with his father in hotels throughout Wayne county and was well known. Burial to-morrow in South Lyons.

Bride of Two Months Dead.

Lyons, June 8.- Mrs. Irene Kitchen, who was married about two months ago to Warner Kitchen, died suddenly at their home in South Lyons yesterday from hemorrhages, after a brief illness. She was 17 years old, had lived in Junius, and was a daughter of the late Lorenzo Hager. She is survived by her mother and husband. The funeral will take place to-morrow,

From The Syracuse Herald, July 1, 1911, page B-9.


Special to the Syracuse Herald.

North Rose, July 1.- Edison M. Ellinwood, a prominent resident of this village, committed suicide last evening. He went to his bed room, lay down on the bed and shot himself through the mouth with a revolver. Death was instantaneous.

Mr. Ellinwood had been acting strangely for some time and as not considered right mentally. He moved from Clyde about a year ago, where for a number of years he was president of the Clyde water works. He is survived by his widow, four daughters, Mrs. Edward Luffman and Mrs. Lena Beining, both of Clyde, and Misses Anna and Aura Ellinwood, who live at home, and one son, Ross, at home. The funeral will be held Monday.

From The Syracuse Herald, July 29, 1911, page 7.


North Rose, July 29.- David Clapper hanged himself to a ladder in the barn of his nephew, Ward Clapper, two and one-half miles east of this village yesterday. He was about 75 years old and had been ill for some time. This is supposed to be the cause of the act. He had resided with his nephew for about twelve years, and before that he had lived in the West.

Coroner George D. Winchell of Rose was called.

From The Syracuse Herald, May 16, 1911, page 3.

Lyons, May 16.- An inquest will be held at the Court House in this village on Thursday morning to inquire into the cause of the wreck near Lock Berlin on May 11th, when John Philbin was injured and from which injuries he died at the Lyons hospital. The inquest will be conducted by Coroner George S. Allen of Clyde. Philbin lived at East Syracuse and was 28 years old. He was a fireman on the Central freight which plowed into another freight train which had been stalled on a sharp curve about a mile east of Lock Berlin.

The Syracuse Herald, February 19, 1911, page B-7.


North Rose, Feb. 18.- Mrs. Jane E. Lamb, who died at North Rose during the week in her ninety-first year, was born in Dutchess county, September 2d, 1820.

She leaves two sons and a daughter and several grandchildren and great grand-children. North Rose was formerly known as Lamb's Corners, named after the first settlers, among whom were Mrs. Lamb's husband, John Lamb. [article has photograph of her.]

From the Syracuse Herald, March 16, 1911.

This man resided in Yates County but his death notice is being posted in hopes it will help someone.


Dundee- Richard Welch, a highly respected resident of this place and a veteran of the civil war, 77 years old, is dead here. He was a native of Ireland.

From the Syracuse Herald, January 14, 1909, page 3.

Death From Pneumonia.

Lyons, Jan. 14- Mrs. Martha L. Gilbert died yesterday afternoon at her home in Lock Berlin from pneumonia, aged 66 years. She was a daughter of the late Abner Tyndall, a pioneer Galen tavern keeper, who ran the hotel at Pilgrimport when the Erie canal was first put through. Her husband, the late William H. Gilbert, was a carriage manufacturer and Justice of the Peace for years at Lock Berlin and died about ten years ago. Mrs. Gilbert was a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Surviving is one son Attorney Loring N. Gilbert of this village. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1:30 o'clock from the church at Lock Berlin.

From the Syracuse Herald, October 12, 1915.

Deaths in Herald Parish.

Daniel H. Chase, 70, Palmyra.

Alden Hare, 78, Wolcott.

From the Syracuse Herald, September 4, 1915.


Marion, Sept. 4.- Charles Henry Sanford, a Civil war veteran, and a lifelong resident of this town, died yesterday after several years of declining health. Mr. Sanford was the eldest son of the late Peleg Sanford and Sarah Fish and grandson of Stephen Sanford and Lydia Cory, pioneer settlers of this town, who came here from Tiverton, R. I., in 1802. Charles Henry Sanford was a direct descendant of the tenth generation of John Sanford, who came from Alford, Lincolnshire, England, and settled in Boston in 1631. He was born on October 15th, 1844, on the Ellera Shaw farm, near this village.

From the Syracuse Herald, February 29, 1904, page 11.

Charles J. McMahon died here yesterday morning from the grip and diabetes. He came here from Sodus five years ago and leased the Riverside hotel, which he kept for some time, later on entering the employ of the Empire State Sugar company. He was 30 years old. His widow, three children, his mother, Margaret Wood; one brother, Irving McMahon, and a sister, Rose Wood of Sodus, survive. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning, with burial at Sodus on Thursday.

From the Syracuse Herald, December 17, 1913.


Lyons Woman Makes Discovery When
She Goes to Look for Him in Barn.

Special to the Syracuse Herald.

Lyons, Dec. 17.- William Kitchen, a well known East Lyons farmer, who for the last year has been working the Frederick Kreiss farm near Lock Berlin committed suicide last night by hanging in the corn crib.

Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen attended a funeral at Zurich in the afternoon and returned home about 6 o'clock. Mr. Kitchen went to the barn to do the chores, and remaining longer than usual his wife went in search of him. Financial troubles are said to be the cause. His body was found at 9:30 o'clock.

Surviving are a wife and two daughters, the Misses Gladys and Mildred Kitchen. Deceased was 35 years of age. Coroner George D. Winchell of Rose will investigate to-day.

From the Syracuse Herald, January 27, 1915, page 4.

Deaths in Herald Parish.

Miss Nellie Driscoll, 70, Lyons.

From the Syracuse Herald, November 24, 1913, page 16.

Well Known and Prominent Citizen of Lyons.

Lyons, Nov. 24.- The death of Walter A. Hough, one of Lyons's prominent and well known citizens, occurred Saturday afternoon at the Lyons hospital. Mr. Hough was born in St. Johnsville seventy-seven years ago and had lived in this village for the last thirty-five years. For years after coming to Lyons he was interested in the Lyons Road Cart company. Mr. Hough was a member of the Presbyterian church. The only surviving relatives are two nieces and a nephew living in Butler. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hooper in Broad street where Mr. Hough has made his home for the last few years.

Also from Syracuse Herald, November 24, 1913, page 16.

Deaths in Herald Parish.

Walter A. Hough, 77, Lyons.

Mrs. Joanna Coleman, 76, Sodus.

Norton W. Merrill, 85, Wolcott.

From the The Syracuse Herald, Jan. 30, 1904, page 9.

North Rose.

Kick Instantly Fatal.

Load of Coal Stuck in a Snow Drift.

Driver, while Trying to Release It, Received
a Blow From a Horse's Heals That Struck Him Dead.

North Rose, Jan. 30.- Tomorrow, from the home of Mrs. J. Briggs, will be held the funeral of Leroy Monroe, who was killed by the kick of a horse Thursday night.

The team with which he was drawing coal got stuck in the snow, and while he was trying to release the load, one of the horses kicked him in the stomach, killing him instantly. He is survived by a widow and seven children.

From the The Syracuse Herald, Jan. 22, 1905, page 22.

Funeral of Mrs. Henry J. Hano.

Lyons, Jan. 21.- The funeral of Mrs. Henry J. Hano was held this afternoon from her late home in Canal street and was very largely attended. The Rev. Father B. W. G___ inger of St. Michaels Catholic church officiated. The bearers were William H. Egan, Charles G. Zimmerlin, Fred G. Nagley, Elias T. Klippel, William Fehr and Henry F.(?) Myers. Burial was made in the Rural cemetery.

From The Syracuse Herald, Tuesday, May 30, 1911, page 12.


North Rose - Mrs. Daniel Van Hout

Newark - Mrs. Phoebe Van Duser


Funeral of Mrs. William C. Robinson.

Lyons, May 30.- Word was received here yesterday morning of the death of Mrs. Celia Robinson, wife of William C. Robinson, a former well-known contractor of this village, which occurred at Syracuse Sunday night. Mrs. Robinson was born in England 71 years ago and came to this village in 1840, where she lived up to three years ago, when she moved to Syracuse, where she had since lived. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of this village.

Mrs. Robinson is survived by her husband, two daughters, Miss Mary D. Robinson and Miss Pearl C. Robinson, all of Syracuse. The remains will be brought to this village this afternoon at 1:40 o'clock and taken to the Rural cemetery for burial. The Rev. W. H. Giles will officiate at the services at the grave.

The Syracuse Herald, May 29, 1909, page 3.

G. H. Northrup Dead.

Wolcott, May 23.- G. H. Northrup died at 7 o'clock Wednesday night in the Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore. He leaves besides his widow one daughter, Ruth of Wolcott. The funeral was held this afternoon from his late home here. Gardner H. Northrup was before his sickness about two year ago, a large buyer and shipper of fruit and an extensive lumber dealer and had been a resident and active business man in Wolcott since 1872. Mr. Northrup was born in Phoenix Oswego county fifty-three years ago.

Darwina, coordinator of Ontario Co. NYGenWeb, contributed more death notices from 19th and early 20th century Ontario County newspapers!

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette, 26 July 1906

Information came here Monday afternoon of the death of Mr. Willits D. Herendeen, occurring that day at Macedon in Wayne County. He was a brother of the late E. W. and Lemuel Herendeen, and a son is employed as collector for the Geneva Telephone Co. Mr. Herendeen was in former years a frequent visitor to his brother in Geneva, and we recall him as a fine, honest old gentleman of stern integrity. His age was 81 years.

From Ontario County Journal, 16 June 1893

Died in Macedon, June 12, Ellen Dailor, aged 68 years.

From Ontario County Journal, 30 June 1893

Died at Ontario, Wayne Co., Friday, June 23, Edward Pound, aged 66 years.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger, 9 September 1874

Mrs. Sarah Whitlock of Palmyra, died on Friday of last week, at the extraordinary age of 102 years. Mrs. Whitlock was born in Connecticut, and came to Palmyra from Columbia county about eight years ago.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger, 30 September 1874

They Palmyra Courier announces the death of Thomas G. Brown, which occurred Wednesday last of apoplexy. Mr. Brown was seventy-eight years of age, and had been a resident of Palmyra for nearly fifty years. He was universally known and respected for his upright and manly qualities, and the community at large sympathize with the family in the hour of affliction.

From Shortsville Enterprise, 24 September 1914

The death of Henry Schrader occurred at the family home west of Macedon last week Tuesday night, following a shock which he suffered the previous week. He was 79 years of age. Mr. Schrader was born in Germany August 11, 1835, and came to this country nearly 45 years ago. He was married to Miss Mary Barmaster, before coming over and she survives him, together with two sons, Lewis of Macedon, and Charles of Farmington; two daughters, Mrs. John Oestricke of Macedon, and Mrs. Joseph Barmaster of Penfield. Also two brothers, William of Macedon and John of Shortsville. Funeral services were held from his late home at one o'clock on Friday afternoon and at two o'clock from the Farmington church. Interment was made in the Farmington cemetery.

From Shortsville Enterprise, 15 October 1914

The death of Gilbert Bain, a well-known and highly respected former resident of the Parlor Village, occurred at the home of his son, Clinton Bain in Rose on Saturday afternoon. He had complained of heart trouble for some years, and although very feeble, he was able to be about the house until a few days before his death. His age was 85 years. Mr. Bain made his home in Shortsville for a period covering about five years and about five years ago removed to Rose with his son and family. His remains were brought to this place on Tuesday afternoon and the interment was made in Brookside Cemetery. Rev. William W. Lane, pastor of the Manchester M. E. Church conducted the services at the grave.

from The Syracuse Herald, February 29, 1904, page 11 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).

LYONS, Feb. 29.-

Charles J. McMahon died here yesterday morning from the grip and diabetes. He came here from Sodus about five years ago and leased the Riverside hotel, which he kept for some time, later on entering the employ of the Empire State Sugar company. He was 36 (?) years old. His widow, three children, his mother, Margaret Wood; one brother, Irving McMahon, and a sister, Rose Wood of Sodus, survive. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning, with burial at Sodus on Thursday.

Two horrifying death notices from The Syracuse Herald, February 22, 1904, page 3 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).



Body Covered With Osseous Protuberances,
Which Physicians Could Not Account
For, Give Relief Nor Remove.

CLYDE, Feb. 22.- Calvin Snyder, aged 72 years, died this morning at his home in this village from a peculiar disease resembling ossification, which baffled treatment at the hands of local physicians. His body was covered with fifty or more bone-like protuberances, ranging in size from a walnut to a man's two fists.

The protuberances were as hard as stone and were of the natural color of the skin. The patient suffered excruciating pain. Physicians who examined the man were puzzled as to the exact nature of this malady and pronounced the case one of the most remarkable on record. A post-mortem examination is being held to-day.

Mr. Snyder is survived by his widow; two daughters, Mrs. Lottie Mestler of Syracuse and Mrs. Cora Giles of Norwich, and one son, W. C. Snyder of Victor, Ontario county.



Frozen Body of a Woman Found in a Shed.


Under Insane Impulse She Went to Her
Former Home, Now Deserted, and Lay
Down on the Floor in Zero Weather-
Discovered Accidentally by Her Brother,
Who Went on an Errand to the Old Place.

WATERLOO, Feb. 22.- In an out building adjoining her former home in this village, where she is thought to have gone for a sleeping place nearly a week before, the body of Margaret McCartney, 40 years old, formerly a weaver in the woolen mills here, was found late Saturday night, frozen stiff. The place where she was found, No. 44 Swift street, now unoccupied, was the former home of herself and her father, the late James McCartney of this village, and the discovery was made by John McCartney, a brother who, going to the premises for something, came upon the body of his sister lying as if asleep. She had removed some of her outer garments and thrown them on the floor as a sort of bed, and lay down upon them. Her body was rigid as marble.

Coroner G. W. Clark said that death was due to freezing, and that she had probably lain as found for some days. She was last seen alive in this village last Monday, when she asked a former neighbor to direct her to a lodging place for the night. She was told of a hotel. She had formerly had spells of aberration and it is supposed that under an insane impulse she went to her former home and lay down.

Zero weather prevailed here from last Monday almost to the time when the discovery was made. An inquest was deemed unnecessary. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the home of John McCartney in this village.

From the The Syracuse Herald, February 18, 1904, page 3 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).




Ax and Knife in the Room, But No Reason Known For the Desperate Means Employed to Insure Death.

Newark, Feb. 18.- Henry Kier committed suicide at his home, one mile east of the village of Zurich, which is about eight miles northeast of Newark and in the northeastern part of the town of Arcadia, yesterday.

Kier was about thirty years old. His wife discovered him in their bedroom with his throat cut. Nearby was an ax with no handle, covered with blood and hair, and there was also a knife in the room. Doctor Barnes of Fairville was summoned at once, but could do nothing for the unfortunate man. Kier had always borne a good reputation and no reason can be given for his act. Besides his widow he is survived by a child, four years old. Coroner Allen of Clyde took charge of the case.

From the The Syracuse Herald, January 10, 1904, page 22 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).


Pioneer Business Man of Lyons Victim of Paralysis.

LYONS, Jan. 8.- George T. Kent, one of the pioneer business men of Lyons died this afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Addie Hines, in Catharine street. He was one of the oldest and best known residents of this village and was born in London, England, January 5th, 1814. He came to America when quite young and settled in this village 65 years ago.

For some years he was proprietor of a dry goods store where the Rodenbach & Gucker store now is, in Canal street. He as a tailor and for some years had a tailoring establishment here. After the Civil war he was internal revenue collector, was clerk of the village some years and was also cashier in the Mirrick & Company banking house.

He married Miss Martha Ireland, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Ireland, a prominent minister who, after retiring from the ministry, lived on what is now the Frank Ryder farm in North Lyons. Mrs. Kent died about 23 years ago. He was a prominent member of Grace Episcopal church and its senior warden for many years. He was the oldest member in his parish.

He had not been in good health for some years, and about three years ago while kicking at a football, fell and became partly paralyzed. He received a second shock on Monday last from which he did not revive. He is survived by three sons. Special Deputy County Clerk George Kent, of this village, who is also Grand Standard Bearer of the Masonic Grand lodge; John Kent, living in Syracuse; Byron H. Kent of Minneapolis Minn.; and by three daughters, Mrs. Alice Williams, living in Rochester; Mrs. Martha McPartland of Binghamton and Mrs. Addie Hines of this village. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. W. N. Webbe, rector of Grace Episcopal church officiating.

From The Syracuse Herald, February 1, 1904 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).




Mr. Messner, a Well-known Farmer, Had Responded to the Summons Calling Him to Jury Duty This Week.

SAVANNAH, Feb. 1.- John Messner, a highly respected farmer of this place, died suddenly this morning of heart failure in the Court House in Lyons.

Mr. Messner was serving as a trial juror during the present term of court. He was 65 years old and is survived by his widow, two sons, Charles and William, and one daughter, Mrs. William Rector of Lyons.

When stricken Mr. Messner was standing in the Court House Lobby, near the toilet room door. He suddenly fell over unconscious. There were a number of people in the Court House. A man standing near the front door picked Mr. Messner up, summoned help and the dying man was taken to the front of the lobby, where he died a few minutes later without reviving. The remains were taken to Boeheim & Sons undertaking rooms in Lyons and Coroner George S. Allen of Clyde was notified.

Another death notice, from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, February 2, 1904, page 5


Was Apparently in Good Health When He Left His Home.

Savannah, Feb. 1- This community was started by the news which reached here from Lyons that John Messner had died there this morning. Mr. Messner was in his usual health, apparently, when he took the morning train for the county seat, where he had been summoned to sit on the Grand Jury.

Mr. Messner was a respected citizen of Savannah, where he had resided for many years. His quiet industry had secured for him a comfortable farm on the outskirts of the village.

He was a member of Remington Post, G. A. R., of this village. Of his immediate relatives, hiw widow, two sons and a daughter, Mrs. William Rector, of Lyons, survive.

Note: from the Historian's Office list of Maple Grove Cemetery, Town of Galen:

MESSNER John 1839-1904
MESSNER Caroline wf John 1845-1907

from The Post-Standard, December 30, 1904 (a Syracuse NY newspaper).

Lyons Notes.

LYONS, Dec. 29.

The death of Mrs. Wilhelmina Mierke occurred this morning at the age of 80 years. Death was due to a slight stroke of paralysis, together with the weakness of old age. The deceased was the widow of Louis Mierke, with whom she came from Germany in 1860(?).

Note: from the County Historian's listings of Lyons Rural Cemetery:

MIERKE Louis 1824-1888
MIERKE Wilhelmina wife 1824-1904
MIERKE Emma L. 1889-1930

Word was received in this village this morning of the death of Mrs. William Flitz at Rochester. Mrs. Flitz was former Miss Ida Lendt, who lived east of this village. She had been visiting relatives here and was on her way to her home in Clifton Springs, calling on some relatives in Rochester on her way, when stricken.

Note: difficult to read her last name. It might not be Flitz. Please notify the site coordinators if you have information. Quite a few persons of the surname Lendt are buried in Lyons Rural Cemetery.

Will Be Buried at Clyde.

GENEVA, Dec. 29.- Sarah Roberts, widow of Nadah H. Roberts, who died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Pausley, No. 193 Castle street, aged 86, will be buried to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of her daughter. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. C. E. Jewell of the First Methodist Church. Interment will be at Clyde.

Note: A more informative obituary for Mrs. Roberts is on our Obits Board 4. From the County Historian's Office list of burials in Maple Grove Cemetery, Town of Galen:

ROBERTS Nadah H. 1809-1892 12th NY Ind. Battalion Mexican War
ROBERTS Sarah wife of Nadah 1818-1904

Two obituaries from The Post-Standard, December 29, 1904, page 9. (a Syracuse NY newspaper)

Death of Jacob Geither.

LYONS, Dec. 28.- Jacob Geither, one of the oldest residents of this town, died this morning at 7 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Sucher, in West Lyons. Mr. Geither was upwards of 80 years of age, and death was due to the usual infirmities attendant upon old age. He was born in Germany and came to this country fifty-eight years ago. He was a member of the Broad Street Lutheran Church. Surviving are one son, Charles Geither of Muncie, Ind., a sister with whom he lived and two other sister, living in other parts of the country.

Note: Mr. Geither is buried in the Brick Church Cemetery, now Baptist Rural Cemetery, in Sodus Center NY.

Jacob, 1904, 78y 4m 3d
Barbara, wife, 1901, 78y 8m 7d
Edward W., 1861, 4y
Lizzie D., 1869, 8y
Mary, 1891, 37y (children of J. & B.)
Lena, 1893, 38y

Death From Dropsy.

LYONS, Dec. 28,- The death of Mrs. Saloma Oswald occurred last night at the home of her daughter, east of this village, from dropsy. Mrs. Oswald was 80 years old and had been a resident of this town for about fifty years, coming here when about 30 years of age from Alsace, Germany. She was a devoted member of the First German Lutheran Church. The funeral will be held at her daughter's home in Lock Berlin Friday afternoon, Rev. Albert Heyd officiating. She is survived by her one daughter, Mrs. Charles Kreiss.

Note: from the Historian's Office listing of Lyons Rural Cemetery, are the following adjacent interments:

KREISS Charles H. 1863-1923
KREISS Julia wife 1868-19
OSWALDT George 1831-1868
OSWALDT Saloma wife 1825-1904

Darwina, coordinator of Ontario Co. NYGenWeb, contributed more death notices from 19th and early 20th century Ontario County newspapers!

From Geneva Gazette, 27 September 1837

Died, in Savannah, Wayne co., on the 17th day of Sept. inst., Maria M., wife of Charles A. Rose, Esq., aged 22 years and 10 months.

From Geneva Gazette, 5 December 1838

In Palmyra, on the 29th ult., of croup, Eliza Malvina, daughter of Mr. John Merrill, aged 4 years.

From Geneva Gazette, 10 April 1839

Died, in Palmyra, on the 29th ult., of consumption, Mr. John Rossman, aged 72 years.

From Geneva Gazette, 27 March 1847

Died, in Lyons, on Sunday afternoon last, Mrs. Betsey G., wife of Hon. William Sisson, in the 56th year of her age.

From Geneva Gazette, 24 July 1847

Died, in Lyons, on the 12th inst., Truman A., son of George Sanford, formerly of this village, aged 9 months.

From Geneva Gazette, 14 August 1847

At Clyde, on Wednesday, 11th inst., Mr. Hosea Mead, formerly of this village.

From Ontario County Times, 12 June 1872

John C. Lovett, a prominent citizen of Palmyra, died at his residence in that place on the 4th instant, at the age of fifty-nine years. The Palmyra Courier, speaking of the event, says: "Mr. Lovett had been a citizen of this village for more than forty years, where he has accumulated a snug fortune. For more than thirty years he has been one of our most prominent merchants; a shrewd, careful man, fitted for and thoroughly adapted to the business. Perhaps there has never been a merchant here so conversant with the dry goods trade as he, and his death will leave a blank that can hardly be filled by any of his successors. He was always pleasant, kind and affable to his neighbors and all with whom he met in his business relations; and his fine form, flowing white beard and happy address will be missed by a large circle of sympathizing friends."

From Ontario County Times, 19 June 1872

FATAL ACCIDENT - Mr. Nathaniel Johnson, of Palmyra, was instantly killed on the 6th instant by falling from the scaffolding, while at work building an addition to his barn. The Palmyra Courier says: "Mr. Johnson resided one and one-half miles north of the village. He had in his employ Mr. Nathaniel Brooks, a carpenter, who was with him at the time. In the afternoon they were at work laying the joists in the upper part of the building, and stood near each other conversing about the work, when Brooks started to go up and do some work on the rafters and Mr. Johnson turned to go across to the other side, walking on some boards that had been laid down to walk on. Suddenly Brooks heard a rattling of the boards, and looking back saw Johnson fall, going entirely through to the cellar and striking heavily in his descent on the joists of the lower floor. He ran hastily to the ladder and descended to the unfortunate man who was lying on his face, and found him already dead. He summoned the family immediately, and on turning him over, it was found that he had struck on the sharp edge of one of the lower joists, breaking the skull and it was thought dislocating the neck causing instant death. Mr. Johnson was 63 years of age and one of our oldest residents, having lived on the farm where he died nearly if not entirely his lifetime.

From Ontario County Times, 24 July 1872

DROWNED - George Ives, only son of Wm. C. Ives, of Clyde, was drowned in the Oswego River, 18 miles above the city of Oswego, on Saturday of last week. In company with a party from Clyde, he was on an excursion from Clyde to Oswego by water communication, and was drowned at the point above stated while in bathing. He was not a swimmer, and unfortunately got into deep water. His body was recovered the next morning. He was a young man of promise and about 18 years of age.

From Ontario County Times, 18 February 1871

FATAL ACCIDENT IN WAYNE COUNTY - We learn from the Lyons Republican that a young man named John O'Keefe was instantly killed on the 20th ult., by the caving in of the bank of a canal lock pit in which he was at work, near the Wayne County Poor House. He was about twenty-one years of age and bore a good character.

From Ontario County Times, 1 March 1871

The Lyons Republican of last week contains an announcement of the death of Mrs. David P. Sanford, of Palmyra, who was stricken down, without a moment's warning, on Saturday evening, the 18th ult. "She presided at her tea table with her usual cheerfulness and vivacity, and afterward went to the second story to put her little ones to bed. On her way down stairs she faltered and fell a step or two, and after breathing a few short gasps, was gone. Apoplexy is supposed to have been the cause of her death, as her mother (Mrs. Newton) died in the same way about two years ago. It has thrown a gloom over us all, as she was a lovely Christian woman, beloved and respected by every one, and will be greatly missed, both in church and society."

From Ontario County Times, 21 June 1871

FATAL STROKE OF LIGHTNING - A young man named Percy Archer, residing in Marion, Wayne county, was struck by lightning during the thunder storm on Saturday, June 10, and instantly killed. His uncle, Mr. Philo Sill, was also severely injured by the same bolt. Mr. Archer was a young man, much respected, about 22 years of age, and a son of Orrin Archer, Esq., of Palmyra.

From Ontario County Times, 9 April 1873

On Monday of last week, Michael and Felin Kelly, brothers, were drowned at Clyde, about 6 p.m. They and a man named Patrick Dore, attempted to reach their place of work at that hour, on a raft made of loose boards, and all men were tipped off into the water. Dore succeeded in getting hold of the raft and was rescued. Either from fright or being chilled, the Kelly brothers were drowned. Parties were dragging the spot all night, and succeeded in finding the bodies early Tuesday morning.

From Ontario County Journal, 31 March 1893

The death of William T. Tinsley, for many years editor of the Lyons Republican, occurred at his home in Lyons Tuesday evening at ten o'clock. Despite ill health, his native energy and love for the editorial chair had kept him in the journalistic harness years after he should have begun a life of ease.

From Ontario County Times, 4 March 1874

Phebe Sergeant, a lady twenty-six years of age, an inmate of the insane department of the Wayne county poor house, committed suicide on the night of the 29th ult., by hanging herself with a rope made of her clothing. She was sent to the county house from the town of Sodus. [Note: Phebe Sergeant is buried in Bushnell's cemetery, Town of Sodus, with her family. SERGEANT Phebe, dau. G. & A., Feb. 17, 1874, 29y 8m. The cemetery reading we have was copied in 1880, so the stone would have been fresh and readable.]

From The Ontario County Times, May 14, 1924 (Canandaigua, NY), page 4.

Mrs. Porter D. Smith

Mrs. Eliza J. Rushmore Briggs Smith, aged 76 years, wife of Porter D. Smith, died at the family home in Howell street Monday morning after a long illness. Mrs. Smith was born in Farmington August 22, 1847, the daughter of William and Sarah Sheldon Rushmore. In 1865 she married Robert L. Briggs of New York city, who died in 1878. She then made her home with her father in Palmyra until his death in 1901. She removed to Rochester and in 1910 was married to Porter D. Smith of Farmington. Deceased was a member of St. Luke's church of Rochester. Besides her husband she leaves one brother, J. W. Rushmore, Sr., of Palmyra, and two nephews, J. W. Rushmore, Jr., of Palmyra and Charles Briggs of Hermosa Beach, Calif.

Funeral services will be held from the home Thursday at 2 o'clock. Rev. H. L. Gaylord of St. John's church, officiating. Interment will be made in Palmyra cemetery.

From The Ontario County Times, May 14, 1924 (Canandaigua, NY), page 8, under Manchester News.

Mrs. Frank Rice

Manchester, May 14.- Mrs. Helen Jane Rice, wife of Frank Rice of Manchester, died at the Clifton Springs sanitarium, on Tuesday morning at 3 o'clock following an illness of four days. She was a daughter of John and Sarah Lowe Jones, and was born in Palmyra, N.Y., on October 3, 1884. Was educated in the Palmyra school. In 1902, she was married to Frank Rice of Manchester, and has since resided in that town with the exception of eight years spent in Palmyra. She was a member of Parlor Village Rebekah Lodge, NO. 435, I.O.O.F., of Shortsville, having transferred last month from Palmyra Rebekah Lodge.

The survivors are her husband; one son and four daughters, Walter, Helen Gladys, Anna and Fannie Rice of Manchester; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Palmyra; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Guest of Palmyra and Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn of Brooklyn, N.Y.; three brothers, Richard Jones of Jersey City, N.J., Thomas Jones of Maywood, Ill., and Anthony Jones of Shortsville, N.Y.; one uncle, Thomas Jones of Palmyra.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Baptist church in Manchester, Rev. L. L. Swartout conducted the service. The burial was in Brookside cemetery, Shortsville.

The Evening Herald, December 6, 1899 (Syracuse, NY), page 13.



Mrs. Coleman and Miss Pulver

SODUS, Dec. 5.- A message was received at Sodus last night announcing the death of Mrs. Albert S. Coleman at Liberty, where she went several months ago for her health. Consumption caused her death. She was formerly Miss Harriette Ott of New York. She visited in Sodus every year and here she met Mr. Coleman, who made her his wife. She was a charming young woman about 25 years old, and had been married only two years. Those who survive are her husband, father, mother, sister, Miss Nettie Ott, and a brother, Orion Ott. The remains were brought to Sodus Center this afternoon. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon from the late residence.

Miss Orrie Belle Myers, who has been at the point of death for several hours, is still living, although death is expected at any moment.

Miss Libbie Pulver died at her late residence, three miles northeast of this village, last night at the age of 28 years. She was the daughter of Homer Pulver, one of the best-known farmers in Wayne county. The deceased was a most accomplished young woman, with numerous friends. A throat difficulty developed into consumption. She was a prominent member of the Presbyterian church, and had taught school in this town several years. Besides her father and mother, there survive two brothers, L. Vosburgh Pulver of Sodus Center, and Larl(?) Pulver of this village, and two sisters, Miss Jessie Pulver and Miss Carlotta Pulver, both of Sodus.

The funeral of Mrs Mary A. Thayer, who died at Lakeside on Saturday at the age of 79 years, was held yesterday afternoon at her late residence. The deceased was the widow of Aldrich W. Thayer, who died two years ago. Those who survive are four children, Mrs. Huldah Potter of Fairport and Miss Chloe Thayer and William Thayer of Lakeside and Edward Thayer of Fairport. The deceased had resided in this section for more than sixty years.

The Evening Herald, December 6, 1899 (Syracuse, NY), page 3.




His Back, Neck, Ribs, Skull and Leg Were Broken -
Funeral of the Victim To-day

SODUS, Dec. 26.- The funeral of Charles Howard, who was killed by a Northern Central passenger train at Sodus Point on Saturday night when on his way to meet his wife at the station, was held to-day from his late residence, the Rev. William G. Reed, pastor of the Sodus Point Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Coroner Carr's investigation reveals the fact that the deceased was injured much more than was at first reported by telephone. His back and neck were broken, one leg was broken in two places, the fingers on one hand were severed, his ribs were broken and the skull crushed. Those who survive are a widow, two sisters, Mrs. George Carson of Sodus, Mrs. Jane Fulton of Bad Axe, Mich., two brothers, Capt. Henry Howard of Sodus Point, and Philander Howard of Bad Axe, Mich., and eight children, Dewitt, John, Harrison, Adah, Kittie, Anna, Grace and Nettie.

The Evening Herald, December 20, 1899 (Syracuse, NY), page 3.



William E. Swales Found by His Family.

He Was a Well Known Man.

Heart Failure Is Ascribed as the
Cause of Death - Had Recently
Become Heir to a Large Estate in
England by the Death of a Relative.

Special to The Herald:
SODUS, Dec. 20.- William E. Swales was found dead in the barn of John H. Schuyler, two miles northeast of this village [Sodus] last night.

He had been drinking in the afternoon and had fallen asleep in the barn. He was found later and would not return to the house, although urged to do so by members of the family. In the evening he was discovered on the floor dead.

Dr. Charles F. Hitchcock was called and said death was due to heart failure. Coroner Carr of Williamson was notified and he will investigate this afternoon.

The deceased was about 55 years old. He was born in Sodus, where he was popular and was well known throughout the county. One brother, Joseph Swales, and a sister, Mrs. John Schuyler, both of Sodus, survive. Mr. Swales recently fell heir to a large estate by the death of a relative in England.

From The Seneca Falls Reveille, February 14, 1908, page 2.

Dr. James W. Putnam, a prominent physician of Lyons, was stricken with apoplexy in the waiting room of the New York Central railroad in Buffalo Sunday, and died in a very few minutes thereafter. His age was 59 years.

New 1/15/07  A detailed obituary for Patrick Denning, Newark resident and Civil War veteran, contributed by David Holcomb. David has also created an informative biographical site for Patrick Denning.

From: the Syracuse Herald newspaper, which was located in Syracuse, New York
January 11, 1916


Well Known Newark Resident Had Close Relations With the War President.

Newark, Jan. 11. - The funeral of Patrick Edward Denning, one of the last survivors of the personal guard of President Lincoln, was held yesterday. Mr. Denning often told of his observations of the President and recalled that he had shaken hands with the head of the nation.

Mr. Denning was born in Ireland on St. Patrick's day, nearly seventy-four years ago and came to this country with his parents when he was 3 years old. The family settled in Boston and at the outbreak of the civil war, Mr. Denning was one of the first to enlist.

As a soldier Mr. Denning had a splendid record. He served in Company G, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry, until wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. He was taken to Washington and, upon recovery, re-enlisted in Company E, Twenty-fourth Maryland Veteran Reserve corps, with which division he remained until honorably discharged at the close of the war. Before Gettysburg Mr. Denning was at Antietam, Fredericksburg, second battle of Bull Run, the Wilderness and Chattanooga.

After re-enlisting Mr. Denning was one of Lincoln's personal guards. He often enjoyed conversations with the great "emancipator." In his later years he loved to describe Lincoln to those with whom he came in contact. He could remember shaking hands with Lincoln several times.

Mr. Denning came to Newark from Washington, after the review of the Northern troops. In October, 1874, he married Margaret Murphy of Lyons. He entered the harness business, in which he was engaged for fifty years, until the death of his son, John Denning, a little more than a year ago. He was a charter member of the William B. Vosburg post, G.A.R.: a member of St. Michael's Catholic church, a member of the Holy Name society of that church and of the C. B. L. of the Roman Catholic church. Three years ago, at the time of the fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg, Mr. Denning was delegate from Vosburg post.

He leaves his wife: a son, William Denning of Utica: three daughters, Mrs. Mary Mahoney and Misses Helen and Kathryn Denning of Newark: a granddaughter, Miss Anne Denning of Buffalo: a brother, John Denning of Boston, and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Devaney of Medford, Mass., and Mrs. Katherine Grant of Lawrence, Mass.

The following group of death notices for residents of the Town of Ontario were found in The Palmyra Courier, July 4, 1890, page 2:

- Sophia, wife of Francis A. Hill, departed this life on Monday, June 23d. The funeral services were held at the family residence on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Wm. S. Batson officiating. Mrs. Hill leaves a husband and three children, Dr. Ira Hill of Webster, Mrs. George Warren of Victor, and Miss Mattie, who resides at home. The deceased had been a patient sufferer during weary months and years. She was an exemplary christian woman beloved by a large circle.

- On Wednesday, June 25th, Mr. Isaac Hopkins died at his home in Lakeside. Mr. Hopkins was afflicted with La Grippe during the past winter and he never recovered his usual health and vigor, but went into a decline which finally resulted in death. He was an upright man much esteemed and respected by his friends and neighbors. The funeral services were held on Friday at his home.

- The funeral of Mrs. Elias Richmond was held on Friday afternoon.

- Anthony Matz, a native of Germany, who resides in that portion of our town familiarly known as the Berg, committed suicide on Wednesday morning by hanging himself. No cause is assigned for the rash act. The deceased was fifty-two years old.

And, from The Palmyra Courier, July 4, 1890, page 2:

In Memoriam.

In the death of Mrs. Martha S. Hill, wife of ex-Supervisor Hill, of this town, on the 23d inst., our community is be reft of one of its most useful and valued members. The culmination of four years of physical suffering from an attack of paralysis on the 14th of June, 1886, her final malady, being dropsy of the heart, and having attained 55 years of age. Mrs. Hill was born at Ontario Center, daughter of Judge Patterson, one of the pioneer merchants and active business men of Western Wayne, and has always resided in the immediate vicinity of her birth place, where she has lived continuously a life of business, social and christian activity, and where she had ever maintained a high altitude in the esteem and friendship of her townspeople, among whom she had always successfully performed a prominent part in social and christian progress, having in early years joined the Baptist church, in which her loyalty, fervency and available services were universally admired. In short she was a consistent christian lady, possessed of such a genial suavity and g race of manner as to win at once the affection of all her surrounding acquaintances. She was sister of Charles P. Patterson, of Walworth, Mrs. Albert Middleton, of Lakeside; Mrs. Palmer Cone of Chicago, Ill.; and half sister of Wm. E. Greenwood of Walworth. She leaves her husband and three children, viz: Dr. Ira J. Hill of Webster, Mrs. George Warner, Victor, and Miss Mattie Hill, Fruitland. Her funeral obsequies on Monday afternoon were honored with a large concourse of mourning relatives and friends to bestow their last tribute of respect and affection.

A Friend.
Ontario, June 30th, 1890.

Darwina, coordinator of Ontario Co. NYGenWeb, sent us another donation of death notices from 19th and early 20th century Ontario County newspapers!

From Geneva Gazette, 1 January 1834

Died, in Butler, Wayne Co., 15th ult., Mr. Ethan W. Allen, 37.

From Geneva Gazette, 4 June 1834

Died, at her residence, in Lyons, on Thursday, the 22d inst., Eleanor Dorsey, widow of the late Daniel Dorsey, deceased, aged 73 years. Mrs. Dorsey and her husband removed from the state of Maryland and settled in the year 1801. She was a lady of uncommon powers of mind and of the most exemplary piety. She possessed in an eminent degree those amiable virtues of the heart, which fitted her for the proper discharge of the social and domestic duties. She died with perfect tranquility in the triumphs of the christian faith and had so long professed, and of which she was so bright an ornament. Mrs. Dorsey left a numerous family, and an extensive circle of friends who deeply lament her death.

From Geneva Gazette, 24 December 1834

Died, at Pulteney, on the 17th inst., aged 35 years, wife of Mr. John Gulick. She bore a lingering illness of ten months, with christian fortitude and resignation, and died in the triumphs of faith.

From Geneva Gazette, 27 May 1835

Died in Palmyra, on the 21st inst., Mr. Hezekiah Miller, an early settler, aged 83.

From Geneva Gazette, 17 February 1836

Died, in Lyons, on the 5th, Mr. Isaac Baldwin, formerly of Bristol, Ct., aged 25 years.

From Geneva Gazette, 15 June 1836

Died, in Lyons, on the 7th, Mr. Thomas Burnett, aged 59 years.

From Geneva Gazette, 24 August 1836

Died, in Palmyra, on the 12th, Mr. Jacob H. Bortles, editor of the Wayne Sentinel, aged 28 years.

From Geneva Gazette, 28 December 1836

Died, in Lyons on the 18th, Rev. Francis Pomeroy, aged 70 years.

From Ontario County Times, 13 July 1870

Died, in Palmyra, N. Y., on the 1st of July, Pomeroy Tucker, Esq., aged 67 years and 10 months. The deceased was a prominent citizen of Wayne county, and a distinguished democratic journalist. He founded the Palmyra Sentinel, which continued under his management nearly forty years; was the author of a work giving an exposition of the origin and fallacies of Mormonism; was Supervisor of the village of Palmyra, and in 1836 was chosen member of the Legislature. He learned the trade of printer in the first newspaper office in Palmyra; and was a journeyman in the Messenger office at Canandaigua when it was edited by Major M. M. Noah.

From Ontario County Chronicle, 2 April 1902

Elisha Kellogg, a lifelong resident of Palmyra, died after a brief illness at his home, Palmyra, Thursday morning. He was 70 years of age, and has been in the employ of the Peerless Press works for forty years. He is survived by one son, Elisha of Canisteo, and one daughter, Mrs. George Lockhart of Palmyra.

From Geneva Daily Times, 1 April 1908

Manchester, N. Y. - John Natt, a highly respected resident, and father of Mrs. Dr. George A. Shaw of this village, died at his home near Marion at an early hour yesterday morning at the age of 77 years. Mr. Natt was born in Cassell, Germany, and came to America 55 years ago and had been a resident of Western New York the most of the time since. He had been an invalid for several months. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. William Tummond of Ontario, Miss Kate Natt of Marion and Mrs. Dr. George A. Shaw of Manchester.

Wayne County Vital Records

Created: 12/14/06
Updated: 10/13/17
Copyright © 2006 - 2014 M. Magill / Darwina Michael / Dave Holcomb
Copyright © 2006 - 2014 Wayne County NYGenWeb
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