Escapade of a Sodus Politician.
Said to Have Married Kittie O'Brien in Fun.
A Friend Performed Ceremony in Railroad Depot.
Yesterday She Wrote: "Rent Rooms, or I'll Sue!"
Bridger Treated to a Horning Bee.
Newark, Jan. 11 - George Emery, of Sodus Point, has been in Newark for the past few days and during the same time Kittie O'Brien, a good looking girl, about 20 years of age, with black eyes and hair, of Clyde, has also been in town. The two have been seen together often, which has caused a great deal of talk. They were in the New York Central Hotel parlors with a company of about ten persons Sunday when it was suggested that Orrin Bridger, a bachelor of about 62 years of age, who was one of the party, and a well known man in Newark and vicinity, be married to Miss O'Brien. Emery stated his willingness to perform the ceremony.
Bridger did not take the matter seriously and consented to be married. After the wedding ceremony Mr. Bridger was told that he was lawfully married to Miss O'Brien. Mr. Emery stated that he was a Justice of the Peace and that he could legally perform a marriage ceremony and that Bridger would be obliged to support his wife. It is claimed that Miss O'Brien married him so as to get his money. She played her cards well and got all the cash Bridger had with him. The bride, instead of accompanying her husband, preferred the company of Emery. It is stated that yesterday she wrote a letter to Bridger asking him to rent rooms for her or she would place him in the hands of the law.
Last night the inhabitants of the North Ward were awakened by the racket made by a horning party around the four corners near the New York Central depot. Mr. Bridger, who was the victim of the serenade, supposed that it was merely a mock marriage and is now wondering whether he is lawfully bound in matrimony or not. It is stated that Mr. Emery's term for Justice of the Peace expired the first of the year and now it is wondered if the marriage, which had the necessary witnesses, will hold good.
Emery has been influential in Republican politics at Sodus Point for years, and was one of the late John Camp's trusted aides. His daughter is now postmistress at Sodus Point.
[no date]
In the last issue of The Record appeared one of Rev. Bulgen's "illustrations" wafted down here
from Michigan. We hardly deem it worthy of notice, as our people know of Brother Bulgen's wonderful and
elastic imagination, but as it may have come to the attention of parties who do not know him, we take this opportunity
to say that we never sold any apples in Syracuse, and, as was often the case with the brother, when he
preached here, he is still deliberately manufacturing stories out of his wonderful and elastic imagination, to
illustrate his powerful evangelical discourses. He has simply transferred his field for locating these
"innocent illustrations" from 'Southwestern Missouri' to Western New York.
Sheldon Sours,
Sodus Centre, N.Y.
Two Prominent Young Williamson People to Wed.
Williamson society is anticipating the marriage of Wellington H. Fisher and Miss Georgia Belle Town which will occur at that place on Thursday, February tenth.
A large number of invitations have been issued for the wedding and it promises to be the most brilliant affair of the season at Williamson. Rev. H.B. Myers will perform the ceremony. After this marriage has been solemnized the young couple will leave for a wedding trip to Buffalo.
Mr. Fisher and Miss Town are two of the best known young people in this section of Wayne county and their many friends will be glad to learn of the future happiness that is in store for them. Both have resided in Williamson since birth and are held in the highest esteem by the residents there, where they are best known. Mr. Fisher recently established a furniture and undertaking business, which is proving a success of no mean proportions.
[no date]
One of the most pleasant social events of the season was a birthday surprise given David Harris last
Saturday evening. While Mr. and Mrs. Harris were enjoying the quietude of their home, the doors were
thrown open and guests to the number of seventy-five arrived, loaded with good things. Every facility for an
enjoyable evening seemed to be at hand and the young people went in for a good time. Mr. Harris was presented
with a fine upholstered chair and other gifts. The wishes of David's friends are that he may live to enjoy
many such birthdays.
[no date]
Mrs. Rebecca Van Zandt, of Auburn, N.Y., claims a rare distinction, which few persons are privileged to enjoy, as she has recently celebrated the 103d anniversary of her birth. Mrs. Van Zandt's claim to fame does not rest here, however, for she has had the honor of shaking hands with every President since the time of John Adams. She reads the Bible and the papers every day without the aid of glasses and takes an especial interest in tales of travel and murder. Mrs. Van Zandt comes of a long-lived family, as her father lived to be 94 years of age, her mother 96 and her great-grandmother 101. She has just returned from a visit with friends in various parts of the State, being unaccompanied on her journey.
[no date]
Sunday occurred the death of William Bedford at his late residence near the Centenary. He was ill just
a week with typhoid pneumonia. It was a particularly sad case as his wife gave birth to a child the day
before his death. She was so ill that she was not told for some time that his death had taken place. He was
twenty six years of age, and had been married but a year. The funeral services were held yesterday, Rev. H.B. Mayo
of Williamson officiating. The Sodus Maccabees were present.
[no date; this is the woman who deserted her minister fiance and eloped with the railroad worker.]
Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Lyon of Elmira visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Peeler over Sunday.
[no date}
Last Saturday morning occurred the death of Mrs. Abram Fisher, one of the best known and most respected
women in the town. Mrs. Fisher had not been well for a long time, but her condition was not considered
serious, consequently it was with great surprise that the news of her demise was received.
The deceased was sixty-four years of age, having been born in Holland. She came to this country about thirty-three years ago and married Abram Fisher soon after. A year following their marriage they moved to Michigan, but remained there only twelve months, again returning to Sodus to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher have lived in town ever since. A husband, two sons, William of Sodus and Frank of Herkimer and a brother, Isaac, who resides in Holland, survive. The funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. Smith Ordway officiating.
[no date; don't believe everything you read in print!]
The death of Dr. Carr of Williamson was reported last week after we went to press. We are glad to state that
the report was incorrect.
[no date]
Last Monday morning Mr and Mrs. Albert Sergeant came near being asphyxiated.
About day-break Mr. Sergeant awoke and discovered that there were evidences of coal gas in the room. He roused himself and leaped from the bed. He staggered and fell to the floor, injuring his nose. He managed to crawl to the door and open it. The fresh air revived him and he was soon able to notify the neighbors. Someone was sent post haste for Dr. Myers, who lost no time in reaching the Sergeant residence. He found Mr. Sergeant was quite himself, but the condition of his wife demanded prompt attention. He worked over her for some time and finally restored her. She has been quite ill since.
[no date]
Theodore B. Trowbridge of Sodus Sent to the Willard Asylum.
Has Shown Signs of Mental Derangement for Some Time - Has Held Numerous Offices and Has Had a Successful Career - Wayne.
Deputy Sheriff Theodore B. Trowbridge, of Sodus, who for some years past has shown signs of insanity, has, after an examination conducted by Drs. William G. Thirkell and Harry F. Seaman, been pronounced insane, and was yesterday taken to the state asylum for the insane at Willard. Mr. Trowbridge was born in Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, December 23, 1837, and came to Wayne county in 1860, settling between the Thornton lime kilns and Sodus Center, where he has since resided. He was commissioner of highways for the town of Sodus from 1876 to 1888, is a charter member of Wallington Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, and is a member of Sodus Lodge, No. 392, F. and A.M. When Walter Thornton was elected sheriff of Wayne county, Mr. Trowbridge was appointed under sheriff and upon the death of Sheriff Thornton was elected sheriff until Charles H. Ford, of Clyde, was appointed. For some years past it has been noted that Mr. Trowbridge's mind has been wandering, which is said to be hereditary, one of his sisters having, it is said, killed herself while insane. Mr. Trowbridge owns a farm of seventy-one acres, has a wife, one son, Melvin C. Trowbridge, and a daughter, Mrs. William Sherman, of Allegan, Mich. Mr. Trowbridge was one of the officers to whom was intrusted the custody of the notorious Oliver Curtis Perry during his sojourn in Wayne county jail in 1892 after his ill-starred attempt to loot the American express train between Syracuse and Lyons.
[no date]
He was Stopping at the Empire House and was in the City to Attend a Meeting of the Lumber Association.
The sad intelligence was received in Newark by wire, yesterday noon, that S.S. Eames had been found dead in the Empire House in Syracuse
S.S. Eames was 70 years of age, having been born at New Hartford, N.Y. in 1826. Years ago he was in the dry goods business at Utica, N.Y., and later at Columbus and Cincinnati, O. He came to Newark about 1865 and bought the "Crosby" farm now owned by Mrs. Frank Bailey. He went into partnership with A.C. Bartle in the lumber business in March, 1868. Deceased was a thorough Christian gentleman and a man of the most pleasant social qualities. For many years he was a vestryman of St. Mark's church and for the two years previous to his death had been a warden. He will be greatly missed in this society.
Mr. Eames went to Syracuse, Wednesday, to attend a meeting of the Lumber Association. He had intended to come home Thursday, but was detained by business of the Association.
His death is attributed to heart disease, with which it is known that he was afflicted. He is survived by a wife and two children, Will and May; and by a sister, Mrs. Adams.
Undertaker Stuerwald went to Syracuse for the remains, yesterday afternoon.
Special to The Union.
SYRACUSE, N.Y., Feby. 26 - Spencer S. Eames was found dead in his bed at the Empire House this morning. Mr. Eames registered at the Hotel late Wednesday night and was assigned to room No.64. Yesterday morning, when the chambermaid tried the door of the room and found it locked, she reported the fact to the office. As Mr. Eames had arrived late, it was thought that he did not care to be disturbed and the matter slipped the mind of the clerk.
When the chambermaid again reported the room locked this morning, an investigation was made. Mr. Eames was found lying on his right side and had evidently been dead for some time. Coroner Weaver, who viewed the remains, believes that death was due to heart disease.
[no date]
The funeral of Mrs. Hiserodt, mother of Mrs. Daniel Weaver, occurred in Red Creek last Monday. Short services
were held at the house by Rev. Yates at 10 o'clock a.m. before the remains were taken to the train.
[no date]
Thursday evening, April 8th, at the home of Mrs. Charity Lowley, occurred the marriage of Ida Bell Lowley to Gilbert Tripp. The wedding was a most pleasant affair, and finely arranged. Promptly at 8:30 p.m., the wedding party entered the rooms to the strains of Franz Von Suppes' wedding march "Donna Juanita," played by Miss Hattie Hopkins. Miss Emma Lowley, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Thos. Brennen acted as best man.
Rev. D.M. Young, pastor of the M.E. church, performed the ceremony. Guests present will be published next week. The young couple will make Sodus their home, and will reside with the bride's mother, Mrs. Charity Lowley. "The Record" extends congratulations and best wishes.
[no date]
A quiet home wedding took place at high noon, Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Rachel Ditmars, No. 4 Grant street, the contracting parties being her only daughter, Miss Anna Maie Welher, and Mr. Burton L. Rowe. The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. J.E. Allen, the pastor of the Methodist church, in the presence of the immediate families of the bride and groom. Miss Clara Burt accompanied the bride as bridesmaid and Mr. Ward Moody acted as the best man. The house was very handsomely decorated with ferns and roses throughout.
After the ceremony the wedding party sat down to a fine dinner served by Mrs. M.J. Gerdes, of Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe took the afternoon West Shore train for a western trip. They will be at home at No. 105 Main street after July 12. Mr. Rowe is one of Newark's most highly respected young men and his bride an esteemed and popular young lady.
[no date]
The many friends of Dr. L.S. Sprague regret to learn of his illness. The severe colds which have been
going the rounds did not pass him by but took hold of him with a severe grasp. He has been confined to the
house for a few days, but we hope to see him about as usual in a short time.
[no date]
Perry Morgan, the democratic candidate for sheriff, is making a vigorous canvass and will poll a large vote.
[no date but late 1890s; very important information for genealogists!]
Uncle Sam's Castle Garden Burned.
The principal buildings on Ellis Island, New York, the present Castle Garden, where all immigrants are landed, were destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning. In the main building, which is 1,000 feet long and three stories high, there were 250 immigrants at the time, while 50 patients were in the Hospital. All were rescued though their baggage as well as the records of the government were burned. The loss to the government, which owned the buildings, is $368,000.
[no date]
Mrs. Frank Youngs died at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Almy, in this place, Saturday, Dec. 18th, 1897, after a long illness from consumption, aged 32 years.
For a number of years past her home was in Rochester, but after she was taken sick she came to her mother's where everything has been done for her but to no avail. She died trusting in God. She leaves her husband and little daughter, Edith, also her mother, who is very ill with pneumonia, and grandmother, Mrs. Vashti Tuttle, who was 98 years old the last day of October.
Mrs. Youngs had a very large circle of friends who deeply mourn her death.
The funeral was held at the Methodist church Wednesday, at two o'clock, Rev. O.J. Purington officiating.
[no date]
The death of William Bedford occurred yesterday. He had been ill just a week with typhoid pneumonia. He was but 22
years of age, and had been married only a year. his wife gave birth to a child the day before his death, and on account
of her serious condition she has not been informed of her husband's death. There seems to be an epidemic of typhoid
pneumonia in this town, as about fifteen deaths have resulted from this disease within a short time.
The ladies of the Methodist Church at Sodus Point will give an "experience so- (rest of article cut off).
[no date]
J.M. Hinolf has resigned his position as manager of the Williamson Grange store, and B.J. Woodhull has been
appointed temporary manager.
[no date]
Peter Verbridge has opened his new grocery store on Railroad Ave. near the depot, where he has a full supply of everything
in that line. This store will be a great convenience to those living in the vicinity, and we predict for it a good
[no date]
The funeral of Dr. John A. Sprague, aged 44 years, was held Friday at the Presbyterian church. He was the son of Dr. Lathrop S. Sprague, his mother being the sister of the late John P. Bennett. He received his medical education from his father with the exception of the two years spent at the New York Medical college, from which he graduated in 1879. He married to Miss Maude Stevens in New York city the same year. He was coroner of this county three years, and a member of Pultneyville lodge, F. & A.M., and of the A.O.U.W. Each organization attended his funeral in a body. He leaves a wife and four children. The services were conducted by Rev. H.B. Mayo, assisted by Rev. O.J. Purington.
[no date; 2 articles on same clipping.]
The funeral of Ralph W. Beach, aged three years, was held from the family residence Fiday, Rev. C.B. Welton
officiating. The child died from pneumonia.
Two new blocks will be erected in town this spring and several new houses. R.M. Cheetham and H.H. Pound will build the stores.
[no date; Hannah Lowley was the woman previously cited who arranged fishing trips with Olin Kelly.]
Eastern Division.
Working on the road seems to be the order of the day.
Hannah Lowley, Olin Kelly, and Rachel Kelly went fishing all one day recently. Miss Maude Troop, and Miss J.A. Gulick visited at Resort, Thursday. Miss Hattie E. Tinklepaugh visited in the Eastern Division last Friday. Charles W. Rice, and Nelson Finch, of Rochester, visited G.O. Calef the 15th. Edward Wright and Chet Kelly were in Rochester Thursday and Friday.
The lady who several weeks ago, found a hub-band, will confer a favor, says the owner, if she will put it to a proper use, as it will do the owner no good.
Minnie Kelly and her sister Rachel went wild strawberrying last Thursday.
There are two deaf and dumb mutes in our Division.
Chester C. Kelly has closed his school at Centenary.
Catharine of Aragon.
[no date]
Newark, Feb. 20 - The death of Edwin Blackmar, one of Newark' oldest retired business men, occurred at his late home on West Miller Street this morning at 2 o'clock. Mr. Blackmar was 74 years of age and had been failing in health for some time. He was born in Greene County this State but the family removed to Newark when the deceased was about 14 years of age.
He graduated from Union College with the Class of '45 and on January 31, 1855, married. He was in the dry goods business in Newark for a period of 35 years. He is survived by a son, Arthur, of Hightstown, N.J., and two daughters, Mrs. Emma Richmond and Miss Harriet Blackmar.
Newark, Feb. 20 - Walter Ellis died at his residence on Willow Avenue at 11 o'clock Friday evening. Mr. Ellis was 27 years of age. He was born in Horley, England, and when two years of age came to this country with his parents. In 1892 he married and went in the saloon business in Newark. In 1896 Mr. Ellis was chief of the Newark Fire Department and as been a member of the Deluge Hose Company No. 1 for a number of years. He was confined to the house just thirty days and everything that was possible was done to spare his life. Deceased was survived by a wife, father and mother, two sisters, Mrs. Harry Miller, of Newark, and Mrs. H.M. Chapman, of Batavia, and three brothers, Arthur and Charles, of Newark, and George, of Brockport. The funeral services will be held at his residence at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, the Rev. J.E. Allen, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be made in the Willow Avenue Cemetery.
ENGLESEN-MOORMAN - At the home of the groom in Williamson on Thursday afternoon June 17, 1897, M.O. Engleson and
MIss Jennie Moorman, by Rev. H.B. Mayo.
[no date]
HANNA - In this city, Oct. 31, 1897, Clara Sherman, wife of George Hanna.
[no date]
After an illness of about seven weeks, our esteemed citizen, Frank Powell, passed away Monday evening. A post
mortem examination was held Wednesday morning, and the funeral was conducted Thursday at 1 p.m. from the Presbyterian
church, Rev. F.A. Valentine officiating. The deceased was 26 years of age. He was one of the most prominent young
men, and was highly esteemed for his excellent qualities. Mr. Powell resided here from childhood.
[no date; three articles on same clipping] The reception given by the band, in honor of John Du Burke at Mrs. Rose Trimble's, was greatly enjoyed by over sixty people. The band played its choicest music. Refreshments were furnished and served by the ladies of the band. Among the guests were Rev. W.L. Page of Rochester, Miss Margaret Moore, of Rose, and Walter Trimble and wife of Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Du Burke, who are now in Sodus, take with them the kind regards of the best people of this place.
The funeral of James Parslow was held last Wednesday afternoon.
[no date; Sodus Rural Cemetery lists William A. Seely 1831-1897]
William A. Seeley Falls from a Chestnut Tree and is Killed.
William A. Seely, of Sodus Point, fell last week Friday from a chestnut tree and was killed. He had placed a long ladder against the tree, but it not being long enough he secured another ladder and pulled it up after him. Placing the second ladder on a limbl he went up further and commenced to thrash off the chestnuts, his wife being under the tree picking them up as they fell. In making a heavy blow the the ladder turned with him and he fell to the ground, almost thirty feet, by the side of his wife. He received three broken ribs, and a broken shoulder. She secured help and had him taken to the house near by, where he died in about two hours. Mr. Seely was about 65 years old, and had lived in the town of Sodus most of his life. A wife survives him, their only son having died several years ago.
[no date]
The apple orchard of Prof. Curtiss was visited by thieves one moonlight night last week, and entirely relieved of its fruits. The loss was not discovered until the buyer had come to gather the crop.
Frank Gaylors' foundry has resumed business after three months' idleness. Charley Seager's box factory is also running extra hours.
The marriage of Miss Lillian Poucher to Mr. Harry Boyd was solemnized at the residence of the bride, Tuesday afternoon. Owing to the death of Miss Poucher's father a short time ago, only the intimate friends of the bride and groom were present. Rev. Bennett officiated. The couple left for a trip to New York.
[1897; buried in Sodus Rural Cemetery]
Thomas Harper, Born Jan. 14, 1835. Died, Apr. 7, 1897.
Mr. Thos. Harper, a highly respected and responsiible citizen of Sodus, passed away peacefully at the home of Mrs. B. Brayton, Tuesday morning April 7th. Mr. Harper had been suffering from heart failure for a considerable length of time. Every inducement had been brought to bear upon him to take up residence with his sister, Mrs. Richard Milner, of Sodus, but thinking his indigestion only lingering he declined and attempted to carry forward his business as usual. The night before the end came he seemed to be on the road to recovery and was in an unusually happy frame of mind. He retired about 10 o'clock and from all indications rested quietly. He had always been noted not only for his neatness, but for promptness, and when he failed to appear at breakfast, nothing unusual was thought of the occurrence owing to his indisposition, but when the morning wore on and he still failed to appear, Abram Brock, a member of the household, went upstairs to rouse him and notify him that it was past the breakfast hour. Mr. Brock together with the members of the family were greatly surprised and shocked to find Mr. Harper dead in his bed. He had evidently passed away without a struggle.
Thomas Harper was born in Yorkshire, Eng., Jan. 14, 1835 and came to this country when about thirteen years of age. Nearly the whole of his useful life was spent in Sodus. He has been a business man of the town for nearly forty years and was noted for his strict and uncompromising integrity of character. As a business man he always enjoyed a reputation beyond question or criticism.
His death was a great grief and shock to his immediate relatives and to his fellow townsmen as well. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Richard Milner, of Sodus, Mrs. Agnes Davenport, of Alton, and Mrs. Jane Teetor, of Resort, one brother Alfred (Oswego), and two half brothers, James at Resort and John at Sodus.
As soon as the death of Mr. Harper was discovered on Wednesday morning, his partner in business, Richard Milner, of Harper and Milner, closed the place of business and gave most kindly attention to all the details of the funeral arrangements. These were of an elaborate character and were conducted by Jas. J. Wylie. The casket in which the remains were placed for burial was a handsome one and was in the form of a couch. Mr. Harper appeared, to all who viewed the remains, to be peacefully sleeping.
As a mark of respect, all the business places of the town were closed, and the attendance at the funeral, which was from the home of Richard Milner at 1 o'clock on Saturday, and from St. Johns church at 3 o'clock, was unusually large. The short but impressive funeral service of the Episcopal church was read and then the remains of the deceased were placed in the vestibule of the church where they were viewed by the friends and members of the community. The floral decorations were of a choice and elaborate character. An unusually large number of people followed the remains to the grave where Mr. Harper was lowered by kindly hands to await the breaking of a resurrection dawn.
[no date]
On Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 29th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Almon Bradley was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when their daughter, Maud Elizabeth, and J. Clifford Robinson were united in marriage, in the presence of about sixty relatives and friends.
At three o'clock the bride and groom entered the parlor, attended by Miss Gertie Bradley, sister of the bride, and W.D. Hewes, principal of the Shortsville High School, and the marriage ceremony was impressively pronounced by the Rev. Edward Mason of the Baptist church. The bride was very beautiful in a gown of white lansdowne trimmed with lace and ribbon, and her sister wore white organdie over blue silk.
After the ceremony a collation was served and congratulations and best wishes were bestowed upon the happy couple, who soon after suddenly disappeared and were not seen again. It is reported on good authority, however, that when ready to take their departure they descended the back stairs and entered a carriage and were driven by Olin Fish to Ontario where they took the train for Rochester.
Among the numerous and useful gifts received were a bedroom set, extension table, dining room chairs, couch, lamps, silver knives, forks and spoons, $85 in money.
The following from out of town were present: W.H.H. Smith and wife of Albany, Dr. T.S. Fish and two daughters of Wolcott, Judson Troop and two daughters of Port Gibson, Charles J. Nash and wife of Ontario, Miss Lila White of Buffalo, A.A. Pallister and wife of Pultneyville, Sylvester Teats and wife of Ontario, and Miss Gertrude Robinson of Brooklyn.
[no date]
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Skellenger entertained their children and families and near friends at a sumptuous Christmas dinner, such as they know so well how to prepare.
At the close of the afternoon which had been very pleasantly spent in social chat and jolly games the company all repaired to the home of Dr. W.B. Switzer where, partaking of an oyster supper, and everything else that heart could wish or appetite crave, the company assembled in the parlor where there was a fine tree groaning under its load of splendid presents.
No one in the large company failed to get a present, and after spending a happy evening they all dispersed feeling that it had been good for them to be there.
One Who Was There.
[no date]
We record this week the death of another of our aged citizens, Elijah Hance, who has been in poor health for some time. He passed away Monday, Dec. 27th, having reached the good old age of 80 years, 5 months and 22 days.
He was born in Farmington, Ontario Co., July 5th, 1817. He was married to Nancy Pickett, March 13, 1855, who died a few years since. They had five children, only one of whom, Carrie, is now living.
Mr. Hance was reared in the Quaker faith and was a member of the Farmington meeting.
He is survived by his daughter, one sister, Miss Sarah Hance, and one brother, Benjamin J. Hance, who have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement. He will long be remembered as a good neighbr and a kind husband and father.
The funeral was held today at the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Edward Mason, and he was buried in the village cemetery beside his wife.
Work Begun on the New Game Preserve.
Land Has Been Leased For Ten Years.
The New Park is Value at $50,000.
Newark, Feb. 21. - Work has commenced on the new game preserve which is being established about two miles north of this village by William H. Hyde, Ward M. Hyde, C.H. Stuart, E.B. Elliott, jr., P.R. Sleight and C.P.H. Vary. These men have leased land, owned by William H. Hyde, Miles Hyde and C.W. Stuart, for ten years, and are converting it into a private park for the purpose of propagating and protecting birds and game. Those interested have already received a large number of Belgian hares and Mongolian English ringneck pheasants which will be placed in the park as soon as the necessary work is completed.
The new park, which is valued at $50,000, consists of about 640 acres of land and contains beautiful scenery. One of the handsomest dwelling houses in Wayne County, owned by Miles Hyde, is located in the southern end. On the southwest corner is located the old world renowned house where spiritualism was first originated by the Fox sisters in 1848.
The park is bounded as follows: On the south, by the highway leading west from Whiting's Corners to the first highway leading north from Hydesville, said highway being the first road east of the house where spiritualism originated; on the west and north by the whole of said highway leading north from Hydesville past the Hydesville School house and east of the old mill pond site, and thene easterly between the lands of William H. Hyde and Charles W. Stuart on one hand, and lands of V.E. Welcher; on the east by the highway known as the Hogoboom Corners and Newark road, from said V.E. Welcher's corner, southerly to Whiting's Corners, the place of beginning.
These grounds have always been a favorite home for numerous kinds of birds, squirrels, quail, rabbits and partridges - but the game has been killed off every year by the hunters. A large portion of the park is native forest land, made of hemlock, tamarack, cedar, beech and pine, some parks being densely thick. The water necessary for some kinds of game is plentiful, a stream flowing through the center, and the owners will build an artificial pond as soon as the weather will permit. The farm land can be used in the fox chase and other sports.
The whole park will be used for game, such as black squirrels, Belgian hares, Mongolian English ringneck pheasants, partridges, quail, etc. Game protectors will be employed to report violations of the law and in obedience to the State game laws governing such cases there will be no shooting until 1900.
Wayne Lodge, 291, B. of R.T., of this village, is making arrangements for a ball and reception to be given in the Sherman Opera House, Thursday evening, March 17.
[no date, no location]
After an illness of about seven weeks, our esteemed citizen, Frank Powell, passed away Monday evening. A post mortem
examination was held Wednesday morning, and the funeral was conducted Thursday at 1 p.m. from the Presbyterian church,
Rev. F.A. Valentine officiating. The deceased was 26 years of age. He was one of the most prominent young men, and
was highly esteemed for his excellent qualities. Mr. Powell resided here from childhood.
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