[no date]
It Was a Grand Success and Netted a Nice Amount of Money.
St. Michael's grand bazaar opened in the Sherman Opera House with a packed house, Monday evening, when the attraction was a local talent minstrel show, which was well received. The hall was tastefully trimmed and decorated and four very pretty booths enhanced the pleasing effect. The electric light arrangements had been carefully made and the star in red, white and blue arc lights was an especially pleasing design. After the minstrel performance prizes were distributed and then the contest between Kittie Flynn and Adelaid O'Brine, for a gold watch, took place. The latter won, receiving 1,090 votes, while Miss Flynn was a close second with 997 1/2 votes. Each vote netted the society ten cents.
On Tuesday evening the drama, "The Duchess of Mansfeldt," was presented in a first-class manner, the cast being given in our last week's issue. Solos were sung by Mrs. B.W. Coyne, O.C. Robinson and Fred Drake; Master James Burns and sister rendered a piano duet, and Miss Rose McDonald a piano solo. Prizes were distributed and then the contest between the Misses Anna Dunn and Kathleen Lally, for bracelets or a bicycle, took place. Miss Lally received 1,867 votes and her contestant 1,631. Another contest was also held on this evening between three little boys, Frank McEvoy, Augustus DeWindt and Thomas Roche, for a suit of clothes. Master DeWindt won, reeiving 253 1/2 votes. Roche was second with 173 1/2 and McEvoy third with 132 3-5.
On Wednesday evening the bazaar attracted a full house. The programme included a male quartette by Messrs. Robinson, J.H. Nicholoy, Burgess and H. Nicholoy; vocal solos by Mrs. Donk, Mrs. McMullen, Miss Mary Walsh; piano solo by Miss Rose McDonald; piano duet by the Misses Sarah McDermott and Florene White; recitations by Mrs. T.R. Loomis and Master (paper worn away) , and a descriptive ballad by Dr. Mills. After the programme of the evening had been rendered the prizes were distributed, there being about seventy. The contest between Miss Eva White and Marjorie McDonald, for a doll, was won by Miss White, who secured 2,036 votes, her competitor getting 707 1/2. The contest for the marble clock between Augustus Don and John Wiser was won by Mr. Wiser, who secured 427 votes, his competitor getting 421.
On Thursday evening the minstrel performance was repeated and a pleasing programme of vocal and instrumental music, and recitations rendered.
About seventy prizes were distributed, after which the contest between Miss Ella Walsh and Miss Margaret Rahill for a bicycle, took place, the former winning with 2,718 votes against 1,390 secured by her competitor. The contest for a gold ring between Beatrice Coyle and Fanny Jenkins was won by the latter with 755 votes against 414 secured by her competitor.
Last evening the ball was enjoyed by the patrons of the fair as advertised.
The fair has been a marked success and reflects great credit on the management. At least $3,000 has been netted.
[no date; a Broome County, NY incident; his descendants still haven't lived this one down.]
The water in the well of Elmer Cantor, of Union, N.Y., got to smelling so bad that Mr. Cantor decided the other day to have it cleaned out and William Forbes was engaged to do the work.
After the water had been pumped out Forbes descended into the well. Soon after Mr. Cantor heard a loud commotion and a muffled cry for help. He hurried down to render assistance and was astonished to find Forbes in the water at the bottom of the well surrounded by hundreds of frogs of all sizes. The frogs seemed to have made a concerted attack upon the unfortunate fellow. They were leaping upon his head and shoulders from all directions, and he was covered with a slime which gave forth a sickening odor. It was with no little difficulty that he was rescued from his perilous position. It is supposed the frogs reached the well from a pond through a subterranean passage.
[no date; local social notes, possibly Williamson]
It Extended Over A Period of Fourteen Years.
And Then at Last Miss Mary Resue Became the Wife of Cornelius Hamlin - Williamson Writings.
The churches observed Easter Sunday with appropriate services.
Dr. Winthrop Sweet, aged 83 years, died recently of paralysis. The funeral services were held at the Centenary church, April 11th, Rev. H.B. Mayo officiating. He leaves a wife, a sister of Hon. Chester A. Holcombe, of Peking, China, and one daughter and two sons, children of his first wife.
Rev. H.B. Stevenson, of Wolcott, will preach morning and evening in the Presbyterian church tomorrow, in exchange with the pastor, Rev. Mayo.
W.S. Parkhill has started in business for himself at Canandaigua, where he will reside hereafter.
Miss Mary Resue was married, Tuesday, to Cornelius Hamlin, of South Dakota, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Abram Buckler, by Rev. H.B. Mayo. The engagement was of seventeen years' duration, they not having seen each other for the past fourteen years. They will live in Dakota, where she will hereafter attend church in a log school house. The Presbyterian church will greatly miss Mary in all of its departments.
Harry E. Jeffrey, formerly of this town, recently spent several days in town.
R.M. Cheetham has purchased the house and lot formerly owned by Mrs. Jeanette Seeley.
Mrs. H.H. Pound is improving.
D.R. Milhan has returned from the City hospital, much improved in health.
Case Vaughn is home from the hospital, where he recently had the cancer in the roof of his mouth cut out for the fourth time. He is a great sufferer and has the sympathy of all.
Mrs. W.D. Russell attended church April 11th for the first time since she was injured at one of the election rallies last fall.
The annual meeting of the Presbyterian church and society held last Thursday, was largely attended. Fine reports were received from all departments of work. The sum of $1,233.00 had been collected for church work during the year ending April 1st. Four elders were elected, E.S. Cornish for two years, C. DeZutter and J.C. Berrine for four years, and A.B. Bennett for six years. They will be ordained. Elder Charles Bennett was selected as delegate to attend the Lyons Presbytery meeting held at Sodus Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Mrs. Tassell and Mrs. Berzine as delegates to missionary meeting held Wednesday.
[no date]
A grand dramatic entertainment will be given by the Literary Club of Williamson, for the benefit of the Fire
Company of this village, at Pound's Hall, next Friday evening, February 4th. The drama will be followed by an
amusing farce. The members of the club have spared no pains to make this entertainment a decided success, and surely
the firemen have mor than demonstrated their right to the hearty support of every inhabitant in this village; so let
every body turn out and enjoy the play, and help a cause which is of such vital interest to this community. Admission
20c, reserved seats 25c and children 15c. Doors open at 7, entertainment to begin at 8 o'clock.
[no date] Dr. Carr's many friends are rejoiced to see him out after his severe illness.
[no date]
About three o'clock Sunday morning the flouring mill of William Eaton, on Mill St., was discovered to be on fire. The fire company responded promptly to the alarm but when the engine arrived the mill was ablaze from cellar to roof, and nothing could be done but to prevent the fire from spreading. At first it seemed impossible to save any of the buildings between the mill and the corner of Main, the high wind carrying a shower of sparks toward the north and north-west. Mr. Eaton's dwelling and John French's blacksmith shop both caught fire, but with hard work and persistent efforts were saved. The heat was intense causing much difficulty in fighting the fire. Hay in the hotel barn and some shavinigs in the hotel woodshed were ignited by sparks but were soon put out, and had it not been for a blanket of snow on the roofs, it is likely that most of the buildings on W. Main St. would have been destroyed. Mr. Eaton's loss on his mill is $12,000, insured for half, and his loss on flour and grain, about $1,500. Mr. French's shop will require new siding and roof; his loss is covered by insurance. The loss is a great one for Mr. Eaton and also for the town, and it is hoped that he will rebuild in the near future.
[no date]
Rev. Bulgen, who was once a Presbyterian pastor in Sodus, is now conducting revivals in the far west. He tells stories, great stories, laughable stories, Bulgen stories. A very pious lady was attending one of his revivals recently and he tried to illustrate the statement that seemingly honest, worldly men were not honest at heart. The pious Presbyterian lady heard him speak and wrote to a Presbyterian in Sodus his story. It reads thus:
"We are having a very large revival here, several churches uniting, and who do you think is our evangelist? - Mr. Bulgen. He said last night to his audience that he preached two years in Wayne county, at the Sodus Presbyterian church, and went on with a joke which is too good to keep so I sent it on.
He said that there was a man in Sodus by the name of Sours and that he (Bulgen) had labored hard to get him into the church. The man felt that he was living a strictly honest and honorable life and so told him. The minister believed him but kept watch for two years and came to the conclusion that he was right; no more honest man lived than he.
Rev. Bulgen said he left Sodus for Syracuse and was speaking one night about Wayne county and referred to his being pastor in Sodus. A man came up to him and said that he knew a man there named Sours. Mr. Bulgen replied that he was well acquainted with him and that no man living was more honest and honorable. "Is that so," said the stranger. "Well I have been dealing with him lately. He sent me eleven barrels of beautiful apples that were just perfect from top to bottom; not a poor one in them. I sent right back and asked if he could send ninety barrels more just as good and of the same kind and if so to send them right on. Sours did so. The man received them all right, opened the barrels and found twenty-five barrels, each with a big pumpkin in the center. How is that for honesty?"
Who is who?
[no date]
A Former Alton Girl Relates Some Interesting Facts.
The following letter from a former Alton girl will be interesting to a great many of our readers. The writer is a daughter of J.E. Burgdorf. She writes from San Antonio, Texas as follows. [descriptions of visiting the Alamo, Salt Lake City, Pike's Peak and Kansas City - nothing about herself or family or even her name.]
[no date]
On Monday evening last County Committeeman C. DeZutter entertained at supper the six young Repubicans who attained
their majority this fall, and who cast their first ballot for Colonel Roosevelt for Governor. At 8:30 o'clock an elegant
supper was served, to which full justice was done, after which an hour or so was devoted to a discussion of the various
issues of the past campaign, and the outlook for a great Republican victory in the national election in 1900. The general
opinion prevailing seemed to favor the re-nomination and election of our present wise and efficient President, William
McKinley. Mr. W.Z. Fish told the young men how the news of Roosevelt's election was received by the New York boys in
Michigan. Miss Christine DeZutter kindly favored the company with a solo entitled, "There'll be no Demmycwats There,"
which was much enjoyed. Those present were: Messrs. Peter Behage, Armon Frenh, Olen C. Fish, John Verbridge, Peter Schaap,
William Mascale, William Z. Fish, C.I. DeZutter, E.A. DeZutter and Frank E. Raymond.
[no date]
Roderick D. Dwinnell who was born in Lyons in 1841 died at Syracuse Saturday. Deceased was a member of the G.A.R.
He enlisted in Company B, 27th Regiment, New York Volunteers, and again in the 111th Regiment. He had been employed by
the Central-Hudson railroad company 45 years, most of the time as an engineer. He is survived by a wife and three sons,
viz: Fred, Roy and Rodney and one daughter, Ina, ten years old, besides a brother Van R. Dwinnell, who is now superintendent
of the Mexican Central Railroad, with headquarters in the City of Mexico. The funeral was held yesterday from the late home
of the deceased. Roderick D. Dwinnelll was a son of the late Israel Dwinnell and was brought up in Lyons. At the outbreak of
the civil war he promptly offered his services and went to the front. He served throughout the war with conspicuous bravery.
He was a member of the locomotive brotherhood, A.O.U.W. and Roat Post, G.A.R.
[no date]
On Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 11 A.M. at the residence of the bride occurred the marriage of Miss Emma Millet of this place
and Olen V. Jolley of Sodus. They left for New York city. We extend our congratulations.
Hundred Dollars Damages Because Refused a Glass of Beer.
The case of Ella Abbott against William H. Sours and Thomas A. Ryan, was tried before Justice Nash in the supreme court yesterday. The plaintiff is a young woman of color, from Sodus, and the defendants are well known restaraunters (sic) of this city.
November 9, 1886, the plaintiff accompanied by a colored man named Clark, a waiter at the Eureka Club, entered the defendant's place of business and, according to their story, the girl ordered a glass of beer and the man asked for a sherry flip. According to the testimony of Clark and the plaintiff, the bartender went out and after being gone a few moments returned and said that drinks were twenty-five cents apiece. He was told by the colored couple that they didn't care if drinks were a dollar apiece, they wanted what they ordered. They were refused what they asked for, however, and then they called for a lunch with a similar result. Then they departed. According to the evidence that the pair gave, Clark visited the saloon again the next day and complained to Mr. Ryan about the treatment that he had received, and the latter said that a customer who frequented his place complained about his allowing colored people there, and he had accordingly allowed his bartender to do as described.
The jury brought in a verdict about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, awarding $100 damages to the plaintiff. - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
[no date; two articles on same clipping]
Joshua Palmer of Jackson, Mich., is visiting in Sodus. He is a son of Reuben Palmer, and a nephew of the late George Palmer.
His father owned the Robert Feller's farm, upon which farm he was born, reared, and lived until a lad of 18 years, when the family moved to Jackson, Michigan.
After 46 year's absence he has returned to his native place to find many and and many pleasing changes, caused by the lapse of time. The little hamlet of 46 years ago has become the present flourishing town of Sodus.
Thanksgiving day Mr. Palmer dropped in at the family gathering at the home of Mrs. S.M. Taylor and sister. He was unrecognized! After making himself known he was accorded a warm welcome. Hearty hand-shakes, manly tears and kindly words of welcome followed. Mr. Palmer was completely overcome.
Mr. Palmer is a genial, pleasant, prosperous man, one who will make friends wherever he may go. He will not make a lengthy visit in Sodus, but he expects to enjoy every moment of his stay.
Abram Smith Tries to Take His Own Life
Last Saturday afternoon Abram Smith took a dose of laudanum with suicidal intent.
About five o'clock that afternoon his wife returned from A.B. William's fruit house and discovered him lying on the bed, apparently in great pain. She inquired as to the cause but received no answer. Presently he spoke to her, asking that she raise his head. She complied with his request and he immediately sank into a state of lethargy, groaning occasionally. Mrs. Smith was very much frightened and called Henry Aumann, who was in an adjoining room. When he saw Smith he knew something was wrong and advised his wife to call a physician. Dr. W.H. Richardson was immediately summoned as was also Dr. J.F. Myers.
In the mean time Mrs. Smith found an empty bottle which had contained two ounces of laudanum. It was apparent that her husband had taken the poison.
When the doctors arrived they administered emetics but the medicine had no effect whatever for a long time. His condition began to improve in a few hours but attention was paid to him nearly all night. The next day he was quite himself again.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith moved to Sodus from Newark a few weeks ago. It is said that he has threatened to take his own life several times.
[no date]
The friends of Miss Belle Hyde and Mrs. C.B. Welton of Rochester will be pained to learn that their brother, Harry
Hyde, of Lafayette, Ind., died last Friday night. Death was caused by pneumonia and heart trouble.
[no date]
A.F. DuBois, editor of the Newark Union, and Miss Helen Sleight will be married at the Baptist church in Newark next
Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock.
[no date]
C.L. Tassell went to Sodus last week, and reports that the Soldier's Reunion will be held at Bonnicastle Aug. 9-14.
The marriage of Miss Mary Resue of this place and Cornelius Hamlin of South Dakota occurred at the residence of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Abram Buckler, Tuesday afternoon, April 20th, 1897, at 4 o'clock, Rev. H.B. Meyo performing the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlink took the evening train for South Dakota. The wedding occurred under rather romantic circumstances, the
groom for about fourteen years not having visited this place, where he formerly resided and courted his future wife. The
bride has a large circle of friends who very much regreat that her home will be so far away, but wish for the happy couple
all the blessings that a kind Providence may bestow upon them.
[no date]
Matron of Forty Enamored With a Youth of Twenty.
She Told Her Children They Would Never See Her Again.
Sodus, July 17 - As a result of a domestic scandal Mrs. Hannah Lowley, wife of John Lowley a Sodus farmer, has been forced to leave her home. For some time relations have existed between Mrs. Lowley, who is a matron of forty summers, and Olin Kelly, a 19-year-old lad, which finally compelled Mr. Lowley to order his wife to leave home. Two children, a boy 14 years old, and a girl 10, share with the injured husband their mother's disgrace.
Mrs. Lowley when she left home one day last week, having confessed her guilt to her husband, told her children that she was going to Clyde and that they would never see her again. Shortly afterward young Kelly with whom the woman had become enamored, left home telling his parents that he was going to Clyde to see his brother. It is believed that the couple met at Lyons or Clyde.
For over two years the relations between Mrs. Lowley and young Kelly have been such as to excite suspicion. A short time ago Mr. Lowley obtained absolute proof of his wife's infidelity and when he confronted her with the charges she confessed her guilt.
About two years ago Mr. Lowley began to suspect that his wife was unfaithful to him. The continual visits of Olin Kelly, then a young fellow not 18 years of age, annoyed him. Kelly worked on his mother's farm and had been friendly with the Lowley family for a number of years. Mr. Lowley looked upon him as a mere boy and at first paid no attention to his frequent visits. Mr. Lowley secured a position at an evaporator in Sodus village during the winter and had to work all night. Kelly frequently spent his evenings with Mrs. Lowley and often remained all night. Spring came and fishing excursions were planned by Mrs. Lowley and of course Kelly was invited and the queer thing about it was that the parties were nearly always made up when Mr. Lowley was so busy that he could not go. Mr. Lowley upbraided his wife for her conduct, the young son became so angry that he left home and went to live with his uncle. The promises of his mother to be better brought him home again and for a little time things ran smoothly. Mrs. Lowley soon began to have interviews with Kelly, however. She took her little girl into her confidence and letters were sent to Kelly through her. The daughter remained true to the trust, but one day the father found a letter in the pocket of her dress and this ended the carrying of correspondence by the daughter. A postoffice was established in the woods by the two and letters were frequently hid under rocks and trunks of fallen trees. Mr. Lowley found numerous letters there and among them were the following:
Dear Olin - Will you meet me to-night? You know where we said we would meet hereafter so I will be there to-night. I will be where I said I would. Stay until I come. Be sure and come won't you please? I know you will for I want to see you awfully bad. If you get there first wait until I come, for I will be there.
When Mr. Lowley found these letters he began to watch for a meeting of the two. One night he tracked his wife to the meeting place and left them. He went to the mother of Kelly and told her what he knew. Mrs. Kelly said she did not know what to do. She informed Mr. Lowley that her son had frequently remained away all night and she did not know where he was. These same nights Mrs. Lowley did no remain at her home.
Mr. Lowley returned to his home and when his wife came the next day he told her he could stand the disgrace no longer and that she must do something. He informed her that he had told Mrs. Kelly and that he had tracked her to a barn, her meeting place with Kelly. She broke down and admitted that she had remained there with Kelly on different occasions. She said she would leave home at once, and did so.
[no date; 2 articles on same clipping]
It is said that the Rev. Matthew Gaffney, who moved to Manlius four years ago after occupying the Presbyterian Pulpit here
for so many years, and whom the people of this place tried so hard last fall to have return, has lately accepted a call from
the Presbyterians of Jordan and will move there in the spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis I. Norton of Lyons visited with friends in town Thursday of last week.
'Tis eighteen hundred ninety-eight,
Again we've met together
To laugh and talk, to sing and speak,
No matter what the weather.
With hearts and faces all aglow,
We meet the Thursday last in
August, as we've met before,
In years that now are past.
The smiles of welcome and of love,
The handshake from a friend,
Give us what some will never have,
What we can never lend.
For those who ne'er together meet
With hearts so full and free,
Will never know what happiness
Comes now to you and me.
With baskets full, o'erflowing,
And voices blithe and gay,
No matter if the weather's bad,
It is a pleasant day.
Full seven times we've met before,
Our relatives to greet,
We hope for many years to come,
We shall each other meet.
Some have been born in these short years,
Some wed by ove supernal,
And some have seen a loved one go
From earth to life eternal.
Perhaps 'twas mother called away,
Mourned for by every one,
Perhaps a father left behind,
A daughter or a son.
Perhaps an auntie, grandmama,
A cousin, sister, brother,
Perhaps 'twas but a tender babe
Who left a weeping mother.
And these who now are sitting here,
Will soon have passed away,
And others stand where we have stood,
To laugh and talk and play.
When all have passed from earth away,
And left all pain and care,
I hope we'll meet beyond the blue
And have reunion there.
The eighth annual reunion of the DeHond family was held at the residence of Isaa DeMay, in Macedon, on Thursday, August 25th, 1898. Over seventy members of the family were present and participated in the joyous occasion. A splendid dinner was served, a variety of pleasant amusements indulged in, officers were elected, when the meeting adjourned to meet one year hence. Our genial fellow-townsman, Abe DeHond and family took part in the festivities.
[no date; Spanish-American War years]
Two boxes were shipped to Montauk Point, August 22d, which were donated for the soldiers, through the efforts of the W.C.T.U. They contained the following: (descriptions of foodstuff and clothing omitted here)
The following are the names of the donors:
(kept in order of appearance, reformatted to read better on line)
C.M. Hulett
E.D. Cornelius
E. Corteville
C.H. Mills
Mesdames -
E. White
A. Smith
C. Snyder
C. Mills
W. Lamont
M. Seymour
A. Myers
W. Allen
F. Turner
B.C. Rude
A. L. Ebray
Charles Sagar
W.T. Sergeant
A. Pettit
J. Corteville
J. Harris
E. Harris
E.N. Snyder
D. Knight
C. Gramkee
J.W. Myers
J. Miller
B. Hopkins
E. Stiles
A. Brock
E. Curtis
A. Gibbs
J. Dingman
M. Clicquennoi
S. Wylie
F. Danford
W.T. Gaylord
Charles Snyder
J. Harper
S. Harper
C. Rogers
E. Coates
A. Coates
M. Tutthil
Charles Brown
Frank McNett
W.W. Wood
M.B. Austin
Charles Hickey
D.W. Gibbs
Dr. Moses
J. Pulver
Wm. Woodward
A. Barnes
E.W. Kelly
C. Lowley
S. Fish
T. Austin
R. Foster
J. DeBrine
L. Cattieu
F. Collins
C. Curry
G. Wood
J. Cheetham
E. Williams
E. Pratt
R. Milliner
E.W. Danford
I. Mullie
E.V. Goldring
A. Granger
H. Pulver
F. Sellinger
G. Hendricks
H. Lamont
A.J. Barber
F.D. Gaylrd
W. Wallace
Louisa Austin
E. Poucher
F. McMulllen
W. DeVolder
J. Bain
Charles Tuttle
Charles Arnold
F. Blanchard
A.D. Norris
W. Collins
J. Wylie
G. Yeomans
J. VanTassel
D. Hulett
T. Lund
Wm. Fisher
E. Foster
P. Riggs
J. Hill
Wm. Mills
E. Buerman
C. Whitbeck
P.P. Butts
E.B. Norris
B.J. Case
M.J. Seymour
H. Welburn
E. Whitney
The Misses -
C. Teetor
Mary Clark
Libbie Ward
J. Robinson
F. Brayton
B. Jolly
L. Pery
C. Debrine
K. Mink
H. Orton
J. Beeton
Susie Dubois
J. Steegar
Anna Craigs
and Messrs. -
Charles Tuttle
Martin Percy
The following donated money for express charges:
Mesdames Delia Allen, Caroline Rogers, F. Veeder, J. Toussant, A. Brier, Kellerhouse and Messrs. Peter Langwill, M. Grootmaat, G.D. Hulett, L. Rice, Wm. Mills, Dr. J.F. Myers, Charles Mills, Charles Sprong, Myron Tripp, Wm. Ward, C.D. Gaylord, H. Butts.
Those who furnished library envelopes are Mesdames E. Danford, E.V. Goldring, F. Sellinger, M. Blanchard, L. Granger, H. Lamont, C. Brown, H. Butts, Lucy K. Hill, and the Misses Hattie Curtiss, Florence Poucher, Belle Jolly, Mary Lamont, Bertha Brown, Messrs. Alvah Pulver, H. Clark, G.R. Mills, W. Danford and Rev. Jolly.
[no date; George E. Chipman listed in Glenside Cemetery, 1812-1898]
The death of George E. Chipman, father of Mrs. E.B. Norris, occurred Sunday at three o'clok a.m., after an illness of
years' duration. The deceased was 86 years of age. The funeral services were held Tuesday and the remains taken to Wolcott for
[no date]
The first robin of the season made its appearance Tuesday, and Rev. Henry Troop was honored by receiving the first visit.
[no date; Charles H. Hill listed in Pulteneyville Cemetery, d. Feb. 11, 1898]
Charles H. Hill Expired on the Street.
Last Friday, just before dusk, Charles H. Hill of Sodus Point, one of the best known citizens and politicians in the town, died suddenly on Main street.
Mr. Hill had been active in the Republican caucus during the afternoon and while there he had complained of not feeling well. He left the Opera House a few minutes before five o'clock and started for the central part of the village. He was seen to take some medicine; shortly afterward he fell forward. Frank Tucker, who was standing near, caught him just in time to hear him gasp the word "Doctor." Mr. Hill was carried to the office of Dr. J.F. Myers. He breathed three times and grim death claimed him.
The news spread rapidly and in a short time a large crowd gathered to disuss the suddenness of the death and to review the remains.
Mr. Hill was a man who bore the respect and confidence of all. He was a prince among men and there will be many fond recollections of associations with the deceased.
He had not been well for some time although it was never supposed that his heart was affected. A brother died in a similar manner at Lyons a few years ago.
Coroner Carr decided that an inquest was unnecessary.
He was collector of the port of Sodus Bay under Harrison and had reasons to believe that he would receive the appointment again this year.
One brother, John, who recides at Marine City, Michigan, survives. Mrs. Lucy Hill of this village is a daughter-in-law.
The remains were taken to Sodus Point Saturday and the funeral was held Wednesday. Interment was made at Pultneyville.
[no date]
W.D. Moody has leased his farm to E.B. Andrus of Rose and will move to Rochester shortly after April first. The personal effects
will be disposed of at public auction in March.
[no date]
Hon. E.B. Norris of Sodus was elected master of the State Grange in Syracuse last week. A richly deserved honor was this. - Newark Gazette.
Hon. E.B. Norris of Sodus was last week elected president of the State Grange. This is a decided compliment to Mr. Norris but no greater than he deserves for he has been an indefatigable worker in the order for many years, showing an intelligence in all his debates and business transactions, thoroughly in keeping with that intelligence which has made his farm in the town of Sodus one of the most beautiful to the eye in the interior of the State. Knowing Mr. Norris well we bespeak for him a most successful administration. - Dem. Press.
At a meeting of the State Grange held in Syracuse Wednesday, E.B. Norris of Sodus was elected Master by a vote of 121 to 90, Master O.H. Cole being his competitor. Mr. Norris has been Master of Sodus Grange for the past twelve years and has also been Master of the County Grange. He is a member of the firm of Case, Norris & Co., of Sodus and is to be congratulated upon the honors given him. - Lyons Republican.
[no date; Rice Nurseries in Lyons, NY]
People have been wondering what Frank Rice is contemplating, when they have seen him breaking ground, or rather snow, this week.
For the benefit of the curious we would state that he is making arrangements to erect a mammoth flower bed, which will contain
some of the rarest plants that grow in this section of the country. The sunflower will be given a good show.
[no date]
Three Young Children Abandoned by Father and Mother.
One of the most inhuman acts ever committed in Sodus has been perpetrated by a father and mother, who have left their three children to the mercy of the world, with not the least provision for their wants and comforts. They are thrown out of a home with no one to give them thought or care who is able to do anything for them.
About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sherman moved to the Rice farm with their three children, and Mr. Sherman began his labors on said place. He was previously employed at the Shaker Tract.
For a time affairs ran smoothly but dissentions arose and Mrs. Sherman disappeared, leaving her husband to care for the children. A clue to her whereabouts could not be obtained.
Sherman recently sold the personal effects and Monday he left the three little ones to get along the best way they could and disappeared. Not a trace of him can be found. The children have been taken temporarily to a relative who is unable to care for them. They are Grace, aged nine; Charlie, aged five; and Lucy aged two. The boy is an extremely bright little fellow, and the girls are above the ordinary in intellect. Any one who could take one or more of the children should apply to poormasters Vandy or Harris, who will be glad to make arrangements for placing the children in the hands of a competent person.
The people in town ought to take hold of the matter and see that the children are given comfortable homes with advantages. The poormasters will do all in their power for the interest of the little ones and their relation to the town. The children can be seen on application.
[no date; 2 articles on same clipping]
Report comes to us from Sodus Point that pickerel and bass are being taken by the hundred through the ice, but that so far the game protector has done nothing about it. The easiest way to spoil the summer business at Sodus Point is to catch the fish by the wholesale in winter. - Newark Gazette.
Miss Nina Hewitt of Sodus Point is spending the week at B.C. Rude's.
[no date; 2 articles on same clipping]
At the county court at Lyons Monday the inventory of the estate of Gamaliel Case, late of Sodus, was filed showing assets
of $6.993.74. An inventory of the estate of Thomas Harper, late of Sodus, showed assets of only $58.05, the appraisers setting
no value upon the stock owned in part by the decesed in the firm of Harper & Milner. The last will and testament of
Hannah A. Poucher, late of Sodus, who died September 2, 1897, was admitted to probte, and Florence A. Poucher qualified,
receiving letters as sole executrix. The instrument devises the entire estate to Florence A. Poucher.
Edgar W. Kelly filed his account as executor of the last will and testament of Hannah Shaver, deceased, and the same was judicially settled. The estate amounted to $316.88, of which Nancy Shaver receives $79.46, Henry W. Shaver receives $42.96, and Cassius M. Shaver $194.46.
Says the Lyon Courant: A good story is being told about a well-known farmer of Fairville who recently got married to a young lady residing northwest of this village. The marriage ceremony was performed Thursday evening. After the wedding guests had all departed the groom placed himself in a chair behind the stove where he remained the balance of the night. When the newly made bride emerged from her bedroom early next morning her husband was stil behind the stove and you can well imagine her consternation when her bashful spouse greeted her with the following remark: "Good morning Kate; I'm goin' home and guess I'll be down agin next Sunday."
[no date]
Sodus, Feb. 18. - The death of Mrs. Hiserodt, mother of Mrs. Daniel Weaver, occurred yesterday. Her age was 94 years.
[no date]
Expired at Two O'clock This Morning.
The death of George L. Teetor occurred this morning at two o'clock.
Mr. Teetor cared for the late Frank Tummonds and as a result his system was weakened. He contracted a cold, which developed into typhoid pneumonia, and death resulted after an illness of several days. During the last five days of his sickness he was delirious and the family lost all hope of his recovery.
He was insured in the Royal Templars for $2,000.
A more extended notice will be given next week.
Captain George L. Teetor was born in the town of Sodus, January 25th, 1834, and died at him home in this village Friday morning, February 11th, 1898, being sixty four years of age.
When sixteen years old he began sailing upon the lake, and continued this avocation until fifteen years ago, serving in every position on the boats. His life as a sailor was one worthy of imitation; always cheerful and obedient to his superiors, and when promoted to the position of captain he wore his honors modestly, but maintained strict discipline; therefore was adjudged one of the best boat captains on the lakes.
Mr. Teetor was converted and joined the M.E. church when 24 years of age, and led an exemplary Christian life from the time of his conversion. He was a strong advocate of the principles of total abstinence from the use of strong drink, and in April 1880 he joined Sodus Council, Royal Templars of Temperance, at which time he secured a certificate of life insurance in said order for the amount of $2,000. The premiums have always been paid promply and cheerfully, and many times he has been heard to say: "My family will be protected when I am gone."
A wife, two daughters, Clara, and Mrs. Louise Stiles, a son, David, an instructor in the Rochester Business Institute, three brothers, Jacob of Buffalo and James and Melvin of Resort, and a sister, Mrs. Levi Cortright, of Resort, survive.
The death of Mr. Teetor resulted from typhoid pneumonia and causes much sorrow to his many friends and neighbors, whose deepest sympathy is extended to the relatives.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. Yates, pastor of the M.E. church, Monday afternoon. The services were at the church, of which he had been a member forty years. Brethren of the order of Royal Templars acted as bearers and conveyed the remains gently to their last resting place.
The order has lost a faithful member, the community a kind neighbor and the town a good citizen, while the church looses a good Christian member. He has passed into the mansion prepared for him by the loving hand of our heavenly Father.
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