LAKE SHORE NEWSThursday, November 2, 1944The following was transcribed from a wartime issue of the Lake Shore News, November 2, 1944, 70th Year, No. 19, a 12-page newspaper published in Wolcott, N.Y. This newspaper contains 100% local news for eastern Wayne county. Although every article mentioning individuals was transcribed, this particular issue contains other interesting articles about local volunteer efforts and the upcoming Presidential election. All first and surname spellings are as in the original. LAKE SHORE ANNALS Five Years Ago A new jewelry store and gift shop will be opened on Nov. 18, at 9 Main St., by M.E. Pooler, of Rochester, who has been connected with the Wanamaker company, of Philadelphia, and Tiffany and Co. of New York. MIss Dorothy H. Gage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gage, of North Rose, and Morris R. Towne, of North Rose were married at the bride's home Saturday. Miss Frances Sargent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sargent, of Portsmouth, N.H., and Lt. L. Maurice Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mason, of this village, will be married Saturday. Ten Years Ago Eugene and Draper Seymuor have sold their farm on the Clyde road to Frank Folts. Miss Mildred C. Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Collier, of Rochester, and George D. Aldrich, son of Mrs. John R. Pepperdine, of North Rose, were married last Thursday. Meric Philips of Fair Haven is driving a new Pontiac. Charles G. Oaks, of the Rose Baptist Church, has been made president of the State Convention of Young People's Association. The marriage of Miss Irene Hanneman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hanneman, to Stanley Woolley, son of Rev. and Mrs. E.A. Woolley, took place Thursday. Twenty Years Ago Miss Mildred Eddy of Red Creek and William Roscoe of this village were married Saturday in Cato. They will make their home in Wolcott. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Sharp last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Hill have moved from Sodus to the S.D. Fowler house at the corner of Wright and Orchard Streets. Miss Lucille Robertson is spending three weeks in the states of Michigan and Ohio visiting friends and relatives. Fifty Years Ago George E. Reed and family moved into the new house on Smith Street Wednesday. Miss Leila B. Tyrrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Tyrrell, and Arthur B. Brewster of Fair Haven will be married November 14. Raymond Kelly has bought the William Roe place on Draper St. A butter and cheese factory will be built in Sodus. The building to be erected will be 35 x 72 ; the plant will cost $3,600. South Butler Lodge No. 659 Independent Order of Good Templars has elected the following officers: Past chief templar, Mrs. George W. Wilson; chief templar, George W. Wilson; vice-templar, Miss Nettie Sickler; secretary, C.D. Taylor; treasurer, High Everhart; and financial secretary, Miss Maude Bassett. Sixty Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. George Dill are moving soon to Youngstown, Ohio. George F. McIntyre, a former resident of Wolcott, is a special agent for the Harden Hand Grenade Fire Extinguisher. Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. William Beckett and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferris of Rose this week. Miss Hattie E. Vincent and Russel C. Galloway, both of Wolcott, were married in Butler Center October 28. Miss Esther M. Vanarsdale and William H. Arnold, of Wolcott, were married in this village October 29. MISCELLANEOUS TRANSCRIBED NEWS ARTICLES FROM THIS ISSUE:
Farmer's Leg Sam Miller of Butler received a broken leg Tuesday afternoon when his leg caught in the shaft of a drag saw while he was cutting wood in his orchard. He was treated by Dr. George W. Pasco and taken to Auburn City hospital in the Robertson ambulance.
Wolcott Farmer Eugene Doty is recovering at his home on R.D. 1 form injuries received when a bull attacked him in the barnyard last Wednesday evening. Doty received two broken ribs, a broken right leg, a dislocated ankle, and other bruises when he was knocked down and trampled. His son Leslie finally attracted the attention of the animal to enable Doty to make his way to safety.
Vicinity Deaths Mrs. William Larkin Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. today (Thursday) in North Wolcott Methodist Church for Mrs. Mel Vina Larkin, 60, who died Monday evening, Oct. 30, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hayes Van Vleck in Wolcott, after a long illness. The Rev. B.E. Butman will officiate at the rites, and interment will be in North Wolcott Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, William Larkin; three daughters, Mrs. Hayes Van Vleck, Mrs. Henry Henecke, and Mrs. Vic Van Vleck, of Wolcott; three sons, Fred, George and Harold of North Wolcott, and fifteen grandchildren. Arthur Betts Red Creek - Funeral services were held at Becker's Funeral Home Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., for Arthur Betts, 56, who died Oct. 20, 1944, in Miami, Florida. He was a former resident of Red Creek and Wolcott. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ellen Betts of Wolcott; three daughters, Mrs. Leah Hayes, Mrs. Verna Nicholas, and Mrs. Thelma Turner, all of Wolcott, two sons, Frederick Betts, Wolcott, and Richard L. Betts, who is in the service. The Rev. M.D. MacLeod officiated at the rites and interment was in South Cemetery, Red Creek.
Ensign to Wed The engagement of Miss Charlotte Hignutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hignutt of Denton, Maryland, to Ensign Michael Albert Alteri, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alteri, of Wolcott, has been announced. Miss Hignutt is a senior at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, and is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Ensign Alteri, who is serving in the Southwest Pacific, is a graduate of Washington College, where he was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. The marriage will take place on Ensign Alteri's next leave. 18 Men Called Eighteen County men including six from Newark, were called up for induction into military service this week to fill the November quota, according to Draft Board 515, Sodus Selective Service District. In addition to these men, 23 registrants in this district have been ordered to report for pre-induction physical examination by the mobile team of Army physicians this week. Reporting for induction into service are the following: Newark - James L. Holland, Levinus J. VanHoute, Leo J. DeWandel, Samuel J. Prinzi, Eddie DeRycke, Delmar H. Pelis. Marion - Albert Mims, Wilson H. Keesler. East Williamson - Samuel Martin W. Richmond, Leon H. Contwell; Williamson - Benjamin Harris, Jr. Sodus - Dan Butler, Olin J. Kelly, Raymond E. Vroman, Norman J. DeLelys; Alton - Selah J. Bond; Walworth - Bernie L. Mason. Reporting for preinduction physical examination are these men: Newark - LaVerne L. Butler, Carl G. Truini, Harold F. Laurette, Charles C. DeTaeye, Fancis Ceravolo, Raymond E. Posman, Ralph A. Cambiier. Marion - Clifford L. Johnson, Robert E. Johnson, Frederick O. Crane. Sodus - William M. Duncan, Sherman L. Seadeck, Albert J. Roedts, George R. Ellis. Macedon - Robert M. Clark; Ontario- Clifford A. Staub, Robert C. Suter; Walworth - Raymond W. Auble; North Rose - Marvin N. Carnell.
4-H Club Names Judson Seelye is the president of the West Butler 4-H Promoters, elected at its last meeting at the home of Herbert VanHee. Other officers are: Vice president, Kenneth Hickey; secretary, Joy Briggs; treasurer, Herbert VanHee; reporter, Ida Hubbard; song leaders, Joyce Seelye and Margaret Pettit; cheer leaders, Howard Pettit and Lee Colvin; pianist David Miner.
Cpl. H.W. Baity South Butler - Miss Lela Doris Yates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yates of South Butler, became the bridge of Cpl. Howard W. Baity, son of Mrs. Lulu Baity of Auburn, in rites performed at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, October 21, 1944, at the parsonage of the Methodist Church in South Butler. The bride wore a suit of royal blue with brown accessories and a corsage of pink roses and white carnations. The maid of honor, Miss Mildred Whitlin of Red Creek, chose a grey suit with matching accessories. Edwin Cook of Wolcott, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard, was best man. Forty-eight guests attended the wedding reception at the home of the bride's parents. The young couple left for North Carolina, where Cpl. Baity is stationed.
Methodist Youth North Rose - The newly elected officers of the Youth Fellowshiop of North Rose Methodist Church are Jeanette Pierson, president; Margaret Anthony, vice president; Beverly Marshall, secretary; Frederick Knapp, treasurer; Paula Yancey, pianist. Commission leaders are: First commission - Nancy Maunder, youth leader; Fred Durbin, adult leader; second commission - Bernice Mitchell, youth leader; Pauline Porter, adult leader; third commission - Joyce Wolven, youth leader; Paul Edinger, adult leader; fourth commission - Willis Knapp, youth leader, and John V. Darrow, adult leader.
Personal News Rose - Miss Marion Winchell attended the Past Matron's Association of Wayne County at Clyde on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Button are spending some time at the home of Mrs. Button's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Closs. Miss Katherine Bryant of Rochester was a guest at Doctor Winchell's the first of the week. Miss Jean Dennis spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis. Robert Gowers spent the weekend in Rochester and attended the Shrine Circus Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols of Buffalo spent the weekend at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Derr. Mrs. Nichols expects to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Derr. The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Derr and son S/Sgt. Carl Derr were in Pennsylvania last week visiting friends and relatives. Miss Constance Nichols of Rochester spent the weekend at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Derr. Staff Sergeant Carl Derr left Monday for Lake Placid where he is to report for reassignment. Miss Lucy Osgood spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Osgood. The Rev. G.J. Kneqka, Mr. Fred Carpenter and Mr. Henry Lawrence attended the Ordination Counsel in Marion Sunday afternoon. The Rev. and Mrs. E.O. Jessup spent the weekend in Carthage. Mr. Jessup supplied the pulpit of the Carthage Baptist Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Giesy of Lyons were Sunday callers at the home of L.C. Gowers. Mrs. Nina Chaddock of Fairport spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A.H. Brandes. The Rev. and Mrs. K.M. Walker of Fayette were visitors Friday afternoon at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Walker. Mrs. A.B. Allen's Sunday School Class will meet Wednesday, Nov. 8 with Mrs. Clark Tindall. Wednesday, Nov. 8, the Women's Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Bertha Phelps. A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. Philathea Class The Philathea Class of the Wolcott Baptist Church will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, Nov. 6, in the class room of the church. Hostesses are Mildred Green and Arlene Lander. The refreshment committee is Glenna Harder, Marguerite Luffman, Henrietta Miller, Veda Pulcheon and Nell VanVleck. Personal Items Red Creek - Roger Schraider has been driving a bakery truck in place of Earl O'Brien, who is under the doctor's care. Mrs. George Stewart and Mrs. Gordon Gault and two daughters have returned home form their visit with relatives in Flint and Barryton, Mich. The Jackson family have moved to Wolcott from the Waldron house on Wolcott Street. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Becker have left for their winter home in Sarasota, Fla., having spent the summer months here. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Stwart and daughter, Stella, spent Sunday in Oswego. Pvt. Lawrence Shafer of Ft. McClellan, Ala., has been enjoying a furlough with his family here. Wellie Wolven is home from Auburn City Hospital and able to get about on crutches. Mrs. Reginald Hoff will entertain Circle 2 of the W.S.C.S. at her home on Thursday afternoon. She will be assisted by Mrs. Fanny Foster. Mrs. Margaret Stafford entertained the Ladies' Literary Society at her home on Water St., Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ethel Kelly, Miss Melita Schilling and Miss Eunice Miller all took part in the program. Mrs. Maude Terwilliger and son, Robert, were in Auburn on day last week. The Philathea Class of the Methodist Church wil hold their November meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Gaynell Bartholomew. Devotions will be in charge of Fannie Foster and Ruth Jenkins will have charge of the program. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Mae Mott and Mrs. Ida Meade. With the Pfc. William Sampson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sampson, has arrived at Greensboro, N.C., where his new address is32584906, Branch No. 1, A.A.F., ORD, Greensboro, N.C. The Post Office Dept. has sent us this new address for Lt. Walter W. Breskons: O-13249999978, Off. School. A.G. Repl. Dept No. 2, Ft. Ord, Calif. William J. Blaisdell, F 2/c, is now at the U.S.N.R. Fleet Service Schol, Class A. Diesel Class 9-45, U.S. Naval Repair Base, San Diego 36, Calif. Pvt. Leo Clark's new address is 2nd Co. 1st Bn., Student Reg., T.A.S., Fort Knox, Ky. A new address is on file for Cleon J. Guthrie, S 2/c, U.S.N., of North Rose. Another change in the address of Robert J. Kiphut, S 1/c, is Service No. 60961657, Naval Air Station, Miami, Florida. Marvin Vandewinckel has entered the Maritime Service, and his address is U.S.M.S., Co. 42, St. Petersburg, Fla. Pvt. Robert M. Cotton, son of Mrs. Florence Cotton, RD 3, Wolcott, is receiving his basic training at Camp Blanding, Fla. Pvt. Alfred Green Jr., has this address: 42099663, Co. 194, 61 I.R.T.C., Camp Blanding, Fla. Cpl. Loren Searle has arrived in San Francisco from the Southwest Pacific, where he has been stationed. He is at present in Waterman Hospital, San Francisco. Pvt. John F. Painter has been moved from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to Yuma, Arizona, where his new address is: 42023572, Class 44-50, Sqd. 2 Y.A.A.F., Yuma, Arizona. He is attending Gunnery School there. W.E. "Pete" Woods, A/S, U.S.N., of the University of Pennsylvania, was home on a 36 hour leave last Friday. John Skinner, M.M. 1/c, U.S.N., spent the weekend with his wife here. [Note: letters of a general nature were printed from Pfc. Carl D. Appleton from "somewhere in Germany," Bud Manning from Keesler Field, Miss., and William G. Acker, S 2/s, U.S.N.A.B.P.D. San Bruno, Calif.] Notes of Interest to Savannah Miss Ruth Perkins, student in University of Chicago, was the weekend guest of Mrs. Jane Bowler Sweet, R.N., of the staff of University Hospital at Ann Arbor, Mich. The ladies attended the football game, Michigan and Purdue Universities, Saturday afternoon. Richard O'Connor was badly bruised when he was caught in the belt of a beet topper last week. Miss Katharine Harvie was given a surprise party Thursday evening in honor of her birthday by about 25 of her friends. They all wore Halloween costumes and Miss Harvie was aseked to guess their names. Caroline Lopez, Rose and Katharine Muntari were members of the class of 95 who were confirmed at the Clyde Catholic Church Thursday evening. Miss Betty Ross was sponsor for Caroline Lopez and Rose and Victoria Vitticori for the Muntari sisters. Mrs. John Malone and Mr. and Mrs. David Harris spent Friday in Rochester. Mrs. Edith Jackson, Mrs. Harriet Bowler, Mrs. FannieBrown, and Mrs. Ellen Mead attended the Past Matrons O.E.S. luncheon and meeting in Clyde Saturday. At the election of officers Mrs. Myrtie Wood was elected second vice-president. Cpl. Alec O'Neil is in a rehabilitation camp near Lake Placid. Pvt. James Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney left Saturday night for Camp Seibert, Ala., where he is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. George Eakins of Geneva have received a letter from their son, Pvt. Robert Eakins, who has been a patient in a hospital in England suffering from infantile paralysis that he is much better and hoping to be home again late in November. Pvt. Abram Mahar is now with the armed forces in Belgium. Cpl. Frederic Arliss, son of Mrs. John Arliss is a member of the oldest fighter group command, the high scoring P-51 Mustang group commanded by Col. Don Blakeslee of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. This group celebrated their second anniversary recently by destroying 24 enemy planes in two days. Cpl. Arliss is a radio mechanic with one of the squadrons belonging to the group. Ivan Baldwin and Arthur Baldwin who are stationed in Alabama called on their grandfather, John E. Baldwin, and their uncle, John Davy, Thursday evening. Other callers were Mrs. Margaret Crow and Mrs. Grace Baldwin of Auburn and Sanford Baldwin and girl friend from Skaneateles. Mrs. Bernard DeCook has returned from New York City where she saw her husband, Pvt. Bernard DeCook, for a short time before he left for service. Yeoman 1st class Bernice Malone Harris and her husband, Chief Yeoman David Harris visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Malone for a five day furlough last week. Bernice was given an honorable discharge from the Navy in order that she might join her husband in New York City. Earl Westcott is a patient in the Lyons hospital. Miss June Gallagher is a patient in the Auburn City Hospital recovering from an appendectomy. Rev. Kirk F. Richardson, a former pastor of the Methodist Church here died at his home in Sennett, Oct. 29, at the age of 72 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Dora Forrest Richardson, and one son, Sgt. Wayland Richardson, now in France. Howard Hildebrandt and family have moved to Port Byron. The Ball family have moved from an apartment in the Sherman block to the house on North Main St. vacated by the Hildebrants. Miss Isabelle Burghduff of Fort Plain and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner of Schenectady were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Burghduff. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Hiney in Seneca Falls. Mrs. William Jackson has been quite ill the past week. Mrs. W.R. Wiles is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna Ackerman in Syracuse. Mrs. Daniel Metcalf returned from Buffalo Wednesday evening and is showing some improvement. Her daughter Mrs. Robert Renner is caring for her. Miss Lillian Searle is in Le Roy this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Spry and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peet. Mrs. Lyle Nichols spent last week in Rome with her sister, Mrs. Dawes Parks and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Lotz and son, Mr. and Mrs. William Myers and two daughters and Mrs. Harry Niblick of Rochester were guests Sunday of Harold Reed and family. Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Dhondt visited Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Harder in Cato Sunday. Week's News South Butler- Miss Lilliam Searle is visiting friends and relatives in Le Roy and Rochester this week. Miss Phyllis Kisor of Syracuse spent the weekend at the home of her uncle, Mr. William Hanville and Mrs. Hanville. Mrs. Hugh Everhart, Mrs. Phillip Michel, and Mrs. Harlow Dunton of Wolcott were in Lyons Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Flatt of Syracuse were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. May Eakins. Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Candee were in Rochester Mondaoy. Mrs. Candee will remain there through Wednesday afternoon as recording secretary of the semi-annual meeting of the state officers of New York and New Jersey Christina Women's Society. Miss Marie Eakins of Gloversville spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eakins. Pvt. George Welch of Fort Belvoir, Va., spent Sunday at his home here. The Rev. Ralph R. Knight of Auburn, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Gary and daughters, Bonnie and Mrs. Ray Wetherby, and her son, John, went ot Newark, where they met Mr. Wetherby Friday. They all spent the day in Auburn with Mr. and Mrs. Knight, and daughter, Jeannine. The following Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wetherby returned to their home in Adrian, Mich. Mrs. George Baird has bought the VanBuren house on West Main St. Stanley Crowe of Rochester spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lippert and daughter, Virginia of Syracuse, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lippert and daughter, Betsy, of Memphis, were Sunday guetss of Mr. and Mrs. George Lippert. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Worden of Auburn were callers in town Sunday. Miss Lucille McConnell was in Rochester Friday attending a teachers' meeting. Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett, who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bennett, returned to Erieside, Ohio, Thursday. Mr. Earl Crandall and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Crandall of Auburn spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Bertha Aidens. They all called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wadsworth of Huron in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Stell and son, Charles, entertained at dinner Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gruschow and daughter, Edna Mae, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Facer of Lyons, Miss Grace L. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanDeVelde of Newark, and Mrs. Lottie LePage of Watervliet. L.J. Candee attended a scouters' meeting at Clifton Springs Monday evening. Pvt. Arthur Baldwin and his mother, Mrs. Grace Baldwin, of Auburn, were callers in town last week. Wadsworth St. Wadsworth St.- Charles Field has been spending a few days with his cousin, Mrs. Frank Corey and Mr. Corey at North Wolcott. Mrs. Frank Lash is ill and under the doctor's care. Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bovee entertained at dinner at the home of Mrs. Helen Paltz for those who have been employed on the Bovee farms during the apple picking season. Eighteen guests were prsent for the chicken dinner, after which they were all entertained at the movies. Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Knapp of Sodus and Mrs. Florence Olmsted were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bovee, the event having been planned by Miss Arlene Bovee in honor of ther mother's birthday anniversary, which occurred Thursday, Oct. 26. Notes of North Rose During Week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Silliman of Oswego were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Yeara. Mrs. Barton Hayes and infant daughter, Elizabeth Ann, came home from the Barber Hospital last Tuesday. Clinton Dillingham entertained at a family dinner at the Hotel Wayne last Tuesday in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Dillingham. John Collier, S 2/c of Sampson will spend today (Thursday) with his sister, Mrs. George Aldrich, and Mr. Aldrich. He will then go to Rochester to spend the rest of his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collier. Mrs. Elery Mills and family spent part of last week in Rochester with her sister, Mrs. Harold Wilcox and family. Mrs. James Boyd entertained the Bridge Club last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C.A. Dickinson and Mrs. Vincent Quinlan of Rochester were callers in town Sunday. Miss Helen Moore spent the weekend in Rochester with Miss Lorraine Wagner. Mrs. Victor Catchpole underwent an appendectomy in Syracuse Memorial Hospital last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John DeLesio of Clyde are the parents of a daughter, Lorena Jean, born ____ (date not transcribed, for privacy). Mrs. DeLesio is the former Miss Mary Broekhuizen. Mrs. Dora Chapin spent the fore part of the week in Huron with Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baldridge spent Saturday in Rochester. Mrs. Mae Gilmore and Miss Jane Gilmore spent the weekend in Rochester. Mrs. Clark Wilson and Mrs. Ella Marshall spent last week in Rochester. Mrs. Wilson attended advanced classes of the Harper Method School. Miss Arlene Stubley spent Friday and Saturday in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terbush and Miss Eunice Terbush of North Huron visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baldridge and family Sunday. Cpl. Eugene Towne of Ithaca and Mrs. Eugene Towne were in Rochester Saturday. Mrs. Towne is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Seeley Towne and daughter. Miss Marjorie Wilson of Belleville spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson. Mrs. John Wallace is ill at her home. The second and third grade students of Mrs. Estella M. Roney will give a program in the school auditorium Friday, Nov. 3 Miss Iva Betts of Rochester spent the weekend with her grandfather, Frank Fenk. Miss Betty Johncox and Miss Anna Baldridge of Rochester were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baldridge. Mrs. Dora Chapin visited Mrs. Mary Rhinehart in Rose last Thursday. Mrs. Flora Hill returned home Monday after spending several weeks in New York City with her daughter, Mrs. Eber Inman and Petty Officer Inman, U.S.N.R. Mrs. Ray Kenan, Mrs. Reginald Catchpole, MRs. Claude Collier and Mrs. Gray Skutt visited Mrs. Fremont Powers of Hamilton last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gage and Mrs. Norris Towne were in Rochester Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Seeley Towne and infant daughter, Dorothy Lee. William Raymond spent Friday and Saturday at Cornell. Mrs. Herbert Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and family in Sodus Sunday. Mrs. L.H. Farnsworth of Newark, his daughter, Mrs. Anton Landgrebe and family of Newark; Mrs. E.J. Farnsworth and her daughter, Mrs. Leo Allen and family of Marion called on Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Farnsworth Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball spent the weekend in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Favreau have returned home after spending the summer in the mountains. Boon, Big Sap Man Gerritt Boon, for whom Boonville, N.Y., was named, once cleared 17,000 acres of all but maple trees and attempted mass production of maple sugar by catching sap in an elaborate system of down-grade pipelines. Personal News of Wolcott Miss Virginia Fowler visited her grandmother in Webster over the weekend. Mrs. W.R. Strait entertained the I-Deal Bridge Club Tuesday evening. Rodney Flatt, student at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, will spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Flatt. Mrs. Blanche Newbury and Mrs. Charles O'Brien Jr., will entertain the Past Matrons' Club at dinner and bridge Friday evening at seven o'clock at the home of Mrs. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson of Rochester spent the weekend wtih Mrs. Thompson's daughter, Mrs. Lynn Munger and family. Mrs. Stanely Wendover entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peck, Mr. Lynn Hollock, Miss Ruth Wendover and Mrs. Emma Wendover. Mr. and Mrs. John Rodney and sons, Earl and Gerry, and Mrs. George Miller and son, George, Jr., of Shortsville spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crane. Miss Barbara Patrick of Alabama, who is a student at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. John Christian of Lake Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Robinson and infant daughter returned to their hom in Syracuse last week Thursday after spending several days with Mrs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ferguson. Mrs. B.G. Dewitt spent several days last week as the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. Chester C. Beebe in Cortland. Miss Dorothy Soules returned to her duties in Newark Sunday after spending the weekend at her home here. Miss Janet Reyn, who had also been home, returned with Miss Soules. Miss Paula Cool of Newark spent Monday at her home here. Miss Ruthmary Murray spent Sunday and Tuesday in Rochester, taking her New York State Nursing Board examinations at the Medical Arts Building. Mrs. Donald Pitts and baby are visiting her husband, where he is stationed, at Fort McClellan, Ala. Bobby Crombach of Buffalo, formerly of Wolcott, attended the rally, given in the Hotel Statler last ewek, in honor of Senator Robert Wagner. The senator was a guest in Buffalo of the American Labor party. Mr. Harold Wirth returned home Sunday evening after spending the past two weeks on a hunting trip at Tupper Lake. He was also in Albany, and at Berkshire Industrial Farms before beginning the hunting trip. Miss Doris Fowler of Albany and Lt. Warren Landon of Gunter Field, Ala., visited friends and relatives in Wolcott Saturday. Lt. Landon was on a three day pass. Mrs. Howard Palmer spent last week in Owego, called there by the illness of her father. Miss Sue Crafts will be hostess to the Embroidery Club today (Thursday). Mr. H.V. Wilson was in Albany Monday attending a special session of the State Legislature. Those from Wolcott who attended the luncheon last Saturday in Clyde for members of the Past Matrons' Association, OES, of Wayne District, were Mrs. Fay Fowler, Mrs. S.W. Houston, Mrs. J. Christian, and Mrs. Grant Douglass. Miss Joyce Doolittle of Rochester spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Lucile Robertson has returned from a two weeks' visit to Rochester. Mrs. Clayton Johnson has been spending the past week in Katonah, as the guest of her brother, Rev. E.C. Potter. Dr. and Mrs. D.F. Oyer and son, Charles, spent last Saturday in Syracuse. Mr. Joseph Justin of the United States Maritime Service spent the weekend with his wife at the Donald Blake residence. They left for New York City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Schram are the parents of a six pound daughter, Sylvia, born ___ (day not transcribed, for privacy), at Auburn City Hospital. Mrs. Emma Powell is spending two weeks with her sister, Lyddia Campbell, in Hannibal. The Misses Clara and Carolyn Younglove of Rochester spent from Thursday until Sunday with relatives here. A son, David John, was born ________ (date not transcribed, for privacy), to Paul D. Byork, Ph.M 1/c, and Mrs. Byork, at Auburn City Hospital. Mrs. Byork is the former Miss Lois Sutherland. Mr. Byork is in the Southwest Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Kitchen are the parents of a 7 lb. son, born at Auburn City Hospital, ___ (date not transcribed, for privacy). Charles Bradley who is serving in the Army spent the weekend here with his wife. Lt. Col. L. Maurice "Spike" Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mason, was guest speaker at a meeting of the San Diego, Calif., Rotary Club, recently. Mrs. Horace Vezzose was hostess to the Wolcott Home Bureau Unit, recently at their lesson on making purses. Fourteen were present, and Miss Ruth Caplan was the honor guest. Mrs. William Youngs, Mrs. Raymond Winnett and T.J. Manning spent Monday in Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manning and sons spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Syracuse, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul French and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jacques of Sodus are the proud parents of a son, born in the Sodus Hospital, ___ (date not transcribed, for privacy). Mrs. Jacques was formerly Miss Cecil Fowler of Huron. Mrs. William Youngs was hostess to her bridge club at the first meeting of the season Oct. 17. Mrs. Charles O'Brien, Jr., entertained this week, Tuesday, Oct. 31. Mrs. Arthur Bornheimer of Clyde spent last Friday with Mrs. Clarence Ruhm. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Payne and family and Mrs. Payne's mother, of Oswego, visited Mr. Payne's father in Rochester over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Francisco have left for Wanakena on a hunting trip of several days. Mr. Henry Wilson took a carload to Syracuse Saturday to hear Governor Thomas E. Dewey. Mrs. Floyd Palmer spent last Friday in Meridian. Mrs. H. Lindsay of Meridian spent last week Wednesday with relatives in Wolcott. Mrs. Flora Teague is the house guest of Mrs. O.C. Davis. Mrs. G. Graydon Curtis, and son, spent several days last week in Rochester. Mrs. Irene Wirth, Miss Alice Wirth, Mrs. Helen Wieson, Mrs. Lynn Munger and Creston Munger spent Monday afternoon in Lyons and Newark. Mrs. Rowley C. Dennis of Tupper Lake is spending the winter here with her sister, Mrs. J. Elwood Smith. Donald Wilkinson returned home last Saturday from the Barber Hospital in Lyons, where he was a patient for several weeks as the result of injuries sustained in the recent automobile accident. Who's Who Lists Miss Dorothea Woods, Wolcott, is one of eight girls elected to represent Keuka College in "Who's Who Among Students at American Universities and Colleges." Miss Woods, daughter of Frederick W. Woods, is editor of Keukonoian, the college weekly newspaper, member of YWCA, Debate Club, A Capella Choir, and is very active in sports. She has been on the Dean's list since her entrance to Keuka. M-B Store Joseph A. Bixby will become manager of the Wolcott Market Basket store on Monday. Present manager, Paul Manning, is relinquishing the position to become a carpenter and work outside. Mrs. Bixby, who was formerly employed at the local store, has returned as clerk and will work with her husband. Savannah Girl Ithaca- A Wayne County girl and a Herkimer County boy are recipeients of scholarships awarded to freshman at Cornell University for the sixth year by the New York State Bankers' Association, according to word received by Prof. Albert Hofer, state 4-H club leader. The girl is Lois Jean Hadden of Savannah, and the boy, John Max Sterling of Herkimer Road, Utica. ... Lois Hadden, who lives on a 50-acres poultry farm where poultry, beans, and peas are the main enterprises, is president of an agricultural club. She has been a 4-H Club member for seven years. SInce graduation from high school in 1943, she has worked in a factory to earn funds to help meet college expenses. She was valedictorian of her class. Farmer, 74, Ends Will LeFavor, 74, town of Rose farmer, is confined t his home with a broken neck, the result of a fall on his farm Friday, the thirteenth of October. The accident occurred when he was thrown from the rear of a truck while loading apples. The driver of the truck had left the wheel for a moment. Noticing that the truck was rolling backward, he dashed back to the truck and applied the brakes. The quick stop caused Mr. LeFavor to lose his balance and fall. A slight concussion was also sustained by Mr. LeFavor. He is in a cast from neck to hips. He was a patient at Barber Hospital, Lyons, most of last week, returning home Friday. Leavenworth Highlights Alumni Return Juniors Elect Staff 3rd Grade Store Opens Dan VanHoute, pupil of Miss Eygnor, has been ill with the grippe. Joan Knapp of Mrs. Bradbury's room has been ill too. Also on the sick list from grippe have been Elbert Hayes and Sherry Lander of Miss Bennett's room. Betty Westerman is leaving for Hannibal this week. Jimmie Baldwin has moved to Romulus. School News at N. Rose Students Reach Goal The site coordinators have no information about individuals listed. We thank you in advance for directing ALL questions to the Office of the County Historian. Back to Town of Wolcott Section Created: 8/26/04 Copyright © 2004 M. Magill Wayne County NYGenWeb A County Site of the USGenWeb Project All Rights Reserved. |