1924 Hazel A. Lamb Memories Book

Wolcott, NY

Wayne County, NY

The following items belonged to Hazel Amelia Lamb of Wolcott: the 1924 Wolcott High Commencement Program, Hazel's handwritten memories book, and a decorative card addressed to Watson J. Lamb. This family is intermarried with McQueens.

Annual Commencement
Leavenworth Institute
Wolcott High School

Leavenworth Hall
June Twenty-Sixth
Nineteen Hundred Twenty-Four

Graduating Class - 1924

Russell Shear Granger, President
Miriam Harriet Rich, Vice President [Salutatorian]
Mildred Mary Washburn, Secretary-Treasurer
Hazel Marie Chaddock
Edna Estelle Fosmire
Wayne Lewis Henry
LaVerne Wilbur Knapp
Hazel Amelia Lamb
Ralph Hugh LeFevre
Mildred Candace Mason
Alton Duane Taylor [Valedictorian]
Raymond Van Dorpe
John Eber Wells

Edward T. Brown, Ph.B., President
Floyd C. Conklin, Secretary
S.W. Houston, M.D.
Lewis W. Knapp
Ralph C. Paddock, Ll.B.

Cedric S. Adams, A.B., A.M.


Name: Hazel A. Lamb
Address: Wolcott, New York
Born at: Huron, 1905
Entered School at: Stewarts Corners, 1910 Age 4
My First Teacher was: Blanch Chapin
Graduated Grammar School: June 1920 at Wolcott, age 14
Entered High School at: Wolcott, 1920
Graduated: 1924, age 18
Class Colors: Blue and White
Class Yell: One, Nine, Two, Four, Senior Class Forever More.

MY CLASSMATES [includes autographs of each student]

Autographs, Nicknames, Wants to Be

Mildred Washburn, "Ma", a bobbed hair girl
Miriam H. Rich, "Richy", Just me
Hazel Chaddock, "Chuck", - but I don't dare
Edna Fosmire, "Runt", nobody
LaVerne Knapp, "Knappy," Loved
Raymond Van Dorpe, "Jerry"
Alton D. Taylor, "John"
Calvin Hibbs, "Phil", Just Nothing
Eber Wells
Roland LeFevre
Warne (?) Christian, "Toots", Don't Care
Milton Town, "Slab", Nothing
Russell Granger, "Jacques"
Mildred Mason, "Peg", a flapper
Ralph LeFevre, "Jim", Shoe Shiner
Wayne Henry

Mr. Adams, Physical Geog., Geometry
Miss Ford, English I,II, III, IV, Grammar
Miss Proseus, History C., Physical Geog.
Miss Reed, French I, II, Geometry

Washington-Atlantic City-Philadelphia, April 18-26, 1924

Date: April 3rd, 4th, 1924
Place: Wolcott High School & Leavenworth Institute
Name of Play: For the Love of Johnny
Actors: Hazel Chaddock, Russell Granger, Mildred Washburn, Raymond Van Dorpe, Edna Fosmire, Eber Wells, Calvin Hibbs, Alton Taylor

Place: Presbyterian Church
Delivered by: Rev. R.D. Brownell (Baptist)

Date: June 26, 1924
Place: Chapel at Leavenworth Inst. & Wolcott High School
Presentation of Diplomas by: Cedric S. Adams, Principal
Special Awards: to Valedictorian $5.00

Spoon, Mother & Dad
", Zopher McQueen Family
", Euleta & Floyd Raynor
", Harnden's
", Mannie & Ona Cline
", Bertha & Roy Hendrick
Stationary, Uncle Bert & Aunt Anna
Cut glass dish, Bertha & Hiram
One dollar (bought book "The White Flag" 75c), Cora & Ad Dagle
One dollar (bought wrist watch strap), Mr. & Mrs. Powers
Vanity bag, Nita & Harold Cheetham
Handpainted cream pitcher, Blanch & Leon Thomas
Vanity dresser set, Howard & Effie Morgenthaler
Vanity dresser set, Emma & Uncle Ed McQueen
Doily with tatted edge, Leora Creque
Handkerchief " " ", Pauline Woods
Boudoir Lamp (electric), McFall's
Pair silk hose (peach color), Mervin & Harriet Dagle
Box of handkerchiefs, Aunt Mate
Wrist Watch (Elgin), Nellie & Eddie - Seagers - Grandma Lamb - Grandma Stoppard - Aunt Lizzie - Uncle Ed & Aunt Jennie

NEW 10/22/03

Class Day Program
Presented by
The Senior Class
Leavenworth Institute
Wolcott High School

Tuesday Evening June 26, 1923
Leavenworth Hall
Directed by Miss Agnes Ford
Music by High School Orchestra
and Girls Glee Club

Members of the class of
Nineteen Hundred Twenty Three

Berton S. Rice, President
Anna Elizabeth Armstrong, Vice President
Margaret Lucile Pitcher,Treasurer
Mildred Emmeline Doty, Secretary
Eunice Martha Chapin
Leona Katheirne C hristian
Ellen Mae Flint
Sarah Marguerite Fox
Florence Hopkins Green
Miriam Dorothy Heck
Vera Lois Jones
Kenneth Carlyle Kelly
Sherman Lester McQueen
Doris Emma Pitcher
Ruth Esther Quereau
Grace Miles Reynolds
Beatrice Lillian Richardson
Florence Irene Scott
Eleanor Eloise Sharp
Mable Esther Van Lare
Mary Jane Verolla
Dorothea Wrner
Marjorie Lucile Washburn
Doris Mary Weeks
Ralph Miner Young


President's Address - Berton S. Rice
Class History - Miriam D. Heck
Class Creed - Florence I. Scott
Class Prophecy - Mildred E. Doty, Mable E. Van Lare, Doris M. Weeks
Class Will - Grace M. Reynolds
Class Poem - Leona K. Christian
Class Donors - Kenneth C. Kelly, Sherman L. McQueen, Ralph M. Young
Class Mantle - Vera L. Jones
Junior Response - Miriam H. Rich

"Miss Oliver's Dollars"
A Farce in One Act by
Emilie H. Callaway

Mrs. De Forest, A supposed rich society woman - Florence H. Greene
Ellen De Forest, Her marriageable daughter - Sarah M. Fox
Madge De Forest, Her fourteen year old daughter, a "enfant" terrible - E. Eloise Sharp
Mrs. Kirk, Another Society Leader - Doris E. Pitcher
Miss Oliver, Her eccentric Millionaire Aunt - Dorothea M. Warner
Mrs. Beebe, A New England farmer's wife - Beatrice L. Richardson
Mary Beebe, Her daughter, an actress - Mary J. Verolla
Mrs. Peppins, The Parson's Wife - Ellen Mae Flint
Scene - The sitting room of Mrs. Beebe's Farm House
Time - Summer

NEW 10/22/03

Also found with the above, an envelope addressed to Mr. Watson J. Lamb, Wolcott, Wayne Co., N.Y., containing a New Year's card from the "Y.P.S.C.E." of the First Congregational Church, Bay City, Mich., 1890, which is in Bay County, Michigan. This card thanks him for his interest in the church's meetings during the past year. The 1880 census of Huron, Wayne County, shows Watson J. Lamb, age 26, with wife Olive, age 20, and son Rutherford H., age 3. Residing with them were mother-in-law Emerilla McQueen, age 64, sister-in-law Mary A. Graham, age 32, Harry Graham, age 5 b. IL, and Adelbert Graham, 6 months old. LDS records show Watson Lamb, b. 1854, son of Oliver Lamb and Jennie, as well as his sister Emeline, b. 1852, both "Of Tyre, Seneca, New York." The Evergreen Cemetery listings, Town of Huron, show several McQueens, with Elizabeth Lamb buried next to them.

[Rutherford H. Lamb is listed in the 1920 census index, age 42, residing in the Town of Butler, and in the 1930 census index, age 53, living in the Town of Cortland, Cortland County. Olive A. Lamb is listed in the 1920 census index, age 59, residing in Huron, and in the 1930 census index, age 70, residing in Huron as mother-in-law in someone's household. Further research needs to be done by actually looking at the census microfilm.

The SSDI shows a Hazel A. Lamb b. 1905, d. Ithaca 2001, which city is about a 10 minute drive from where all of these items were found (obviously from an estate), and a bit southwest of Cortland. The 1930 census index of Ithaca shows a Hazel A. Lamb, age 24, b. 1905 residing as a lodger. The Hazel who owned the memories book might be the daughter of Rutherford H. Lamb, son of Watson J. and Olive Lamb. If you have any information about the owner of the memories book, please contact the site coordinators.]

Preliminary research on THE GIFT GIVERS of Hazel's Graduation Gifts

Harold E. Cheetham,1930 census index, age 34, Sodus
Nita B. Cheetham, 1930 census index, age 30, Sodus

"Loura" Creque, 1930 census index, age 42, Newark

Mervin & Harriet Dagle: 1930 census index, transcribed as "Minnie" Dagle, age 34 and "Harritte" Dagle, age 31, of Rose

Bertha A. Hendrick, 1930 census index, Huron, age 49
Leroy Hendrick, 1930 census index, Huron, age 49

Grandma Lamb: 1930 census index, probably Olive Lamb, age 70, of Huron

Uncle Ed & Aunt Jennie: 1930 census index; if Lambs, H. Addison Lamb, age 79 and "Jannie" E. Lamb, age 76 of Rose?

Uncle Ed: Edward L. Lamb, 1930 census index, age 81, Huron?

Emma McQueen, 1880 census index, Conquest, Cayuga county, age 21, married
Emerita McQueen, 1930 census index, age 42, sister-in-law, Wolcott

Zopher McQueen, 1880 census index, age 5, son of Charles W. and Carrie J. McQueen; residing with them is Eliza Lamb, listed as aunt, age 43, who is buried next to the McQueens in the Evergreen Cemetery in Huron; probably same person as William Z. McQueen, 1920 census index, age 45, Town of Wolcott

Howard F. Morgenthaler, 1930 census index, Wolcott, age 37
Effie A Morgenthaler, 1930 census index, Wolcott, age 36

Powers in 1930 census index: possibly C. Edward and Nellie J. Powers of Huron, but many Powers listed for Butler and one family in Galen

Floyd E. Raynor, 1920 census index, Butler, age 24; Floyd E. Raynor, 1930 census index, Butler, age 34
"Ealeta" A. Raynor, 1930 census index, Butler, age 34

Leon Thomas, 1920 census index, Huron, age 22; might be Leon J. Thomas, 1930 census index, Rochester, age 32

Pauline L. Woods, 1930 census index, Wolcott, age 11

Grandma Stoppard: 1930 census index, Emily Stoppard, age 75, listed as a boarder, Huron

Back to Town of Wolcott Section

Created: 8/2/03
Updated: 10/22/03
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