Contributed by Allyn Hess Perry, from papers at the Office of the County Historian.
The Commercial Press was a monthly newspaper from Pultneyville, Town of Williamson. The
Office of the County Historian has a small bundle of issues. A small part of the paper was devoted to Personal
Items, listing various names of people from the area.
There is some fascinating reading about the Lake Ontario shipping trade in the 1860s, and neat
ads for businesses from all over the place in these papers. There was quite a schedule of ships from
Pultneyville to Charlotte to Toronto, naming ships and captains (the new ferry runs between Charlotte/Rochester
and Toronto.) Not to be ignored in this paper are the railroad schedules, with stops in Palmyra, Oswego,
Syracuse. And the Pultneyville & Palmyra Stage. "Leave daily at 6:45am - Arriving at 7:30pm connection
at Palmyra with the N.Y.C.R. Road, Going West at 9:46a.m. and 4:20p.m. Going East at 11:20a.m. and
4:20p.m." The obits aren't detailed but give such an essence of the way life was. Spellings and misspellings
are exactly as in the original paper.
Allyn Hess Perry Co-coordinator, Wayne County NYGenWeb July 2004
September 1864
October 1864
November 1864
December 1864
January 1865
February 1865
September 1864
-Mr. Editor - You will render a favor to many of your subscribers by incerting the following
extract from a letter written by Mr. John Teats, who was a fellow soldier of the one
he speaks of and was therefore the best qualified to give the history of his life and character
as a man and a soldier. A.W. Higgins, though differing politically with the administration,
held the cause of his country paramount to all party considerations, and disapproved of the party
bickering among the soldiers, which often tend to bitterness, with no good result.
He says - "I received your kind note to day announcing the sad news of the death of my beloved
friend and fellow soldier A.W. Higgins. Oh how sad I feel, I could not help shedding
tears and that is very uncommon for me; and when I do my grief is beyond words to express them.
I have seen hundreds and almost thousands die all around me mangled and bleeding, but none
out of that vast crowd that have filled a soldiers grave has brought a tear to my eye, until I
heard of the death of my friend I so dearly loved. I could not have felt any worse, had it been
my own brother. Yes I loved him for his goodness, and his bravery, there never was a truer
soldier ever shouldered a gun. It does not seem possible that he is gone; may God have mercy on
his soal. There should be a monument erected in memory of one so good, and if I live to ever
reach home it shall be done. I honor and love the brave, notwithstanding my cowardice. With
his berieved family I can only sympathise with them in their berievement as brother."
-Mrs. Capt. H.N. Throop has gone on a short visit to Cold Water, Mich.
-J. and R. Reynolds, Capt. A. Holling, D.V. Lacy, A. Albright, have left for the Oil Region.
-Mrs. J.W. Powers and Children, have been absent several days on a visit to Moravia, N.Y.
-Clarence W. Nichols, son of Lewis Nichols, formerly of this place, is now located at Winona, Minn.
-Chas. And Edward Hill, have been spending several days in town. They are now living at Waterford, N.Y.
-Dr. Pearsoll and Wife, John Marshall and Wife, of Dutchess Co. N.Y. are expected in town about the 5th of September.
-Mrs. Virgillus Lawson, daughter of Jacob C. Fleming, of this village, is now in town on a visit to her friends, from Wisconsin.
-Mrs. P.W. Tincklepaugh, of Sodus Point, has been lying dangerously ill for some time, but hopes are now entertained of her recovery.
-Miss C.A. Proseus returns to the position of Preceptress, her former success for so many terms being an ample assurance for the furture.
-A.M. Winchester is the President of Sodus Academy, any information in regard to the Institution directed to him, will receive prompt attention.
-Chauncey Vibbard and family, Supt. Of the N.Y.C.R. Road, passed down the Lake on the Steamer Cataract, Capt. Ledyard, a few days since, enrout to Montreal.
-Col. Corning, of Palmyra, is getting up another company in that town, he now has his tent pitched in the street and is getting volunteers at last accounts very fast.
-R.A. Moses, while at work on a building in Sodus Aug. 24th, accidently fell from the scaffolding, over twenty feet, injuring himself very much, but not dangerously.
-Conductor Shaw's Rochester and Charlotte train, will leave the Passenger Deport at Rochester for Charlotte, on and after Monday, Aug. 29, at 6:00 P.M. instead of 5:20 as formerly.
-Maj. William H. Rogers, of this town is failing slowly in body and mind, and doubts are
entertained of his living throughout the winter, he is now confined to the house most of the time.
-Prof. Elisha Curtiss, the new Principal of the Sodus Academy, is a graduate of Union College,
Schenectady, N.Y. and comes highly recommended for superior talent, thorough scholarship, and
successful experience in teaching.
-Prof. S.M. Grannis, the Vocalist and Composer, sang at the Union Church in this village on
Friday evening, August 5th, to an appreciative audience, who were well pleased with the evening entertainment.
-Barnum is continually providing some novelty for his numerous patrons, so that a person must be
continually going to the Museum if he wishes to keep up with the times, and see what is worth
seeing. - Home Journal.
-W. Fleming of this place, is now engaged in trying the Oil out of Lawyers, under a
new process, and without the aid of a Jury; and it is pronounced by all to be a good article;
we are glad they are worth something.
-Charles G. Richards, of Williamson, we understand, is trying to get up an Oil Company
for the testing of it, as he is well satisfied from what he has learned by conversing with
some of the old settlers, that there is Oil north of Williamson Corners.
-Albert Milliman, says that the Flax Crop is almost a total failure; so far as
this town is concerned; and reports from abroad are also discouraging. A large proportion
of those engaged in this branch of business this year, will hardly get their seed back.
-Dr. D.C. Powers, of Cold Water, Mich., has been in town on a short visit, having
just returned from the army. The Dr. was one the number that discovered the "Salt Peter Cave"
at Chattanooga, Tenn., that had such a wide circulation in all of our public prints.
The "Cave" has since the Dr., has been here exploded.
-Gen. Barney of Newark, was in town Aug. 25th; we understand that the Militia of this
town will be brought out for drill, on Monday Sept. 5, at Williamson Corners. No pains should
be spared in drilling the men, preparatory to another draft from Uncle Abe; so drafting from
Militia Companies are far more profitable to the Government.
-J.A. Smith, and an other company from Canada, are at this place catching White Fish by
gilling. They have about four miles of nets, and they bring in a fine lot every morning.
They are also finding Lawyers, in large quantities, but as they are not thought much of
in this community, and they refuse to take out a licence, they are tried up on the spot for the Oil that is in them.
-The following persons in this town have procured Substitutes; L.S. Cuyler, Geo. M. Nichols, James M. Hinolf, Wm. H. Todd, H.N. Brownell, Joseph Britton, John Britton, Lyman Milliman, H. Auchampaugh, Aaron Brewer, John Adams, Chas. Mason, Weston Pratt's Son, R.E. Wilbur, Albert Pallister, Aaron W. Pratt, Dr. Barton P. Peer and Richard Craggs Jr.
-Prof. Lewis H. Clark, tenders his thanks to the numerous friends who have generously
favored Sodus Academy with their patronage, during the six years that he has been in charge
of that School. He now asks, as an especial favor for himself, that the same confidence and
support may be extended to the new Board of Instruction, and that it may be his pleasure to
witness the continued success of the Institution.
October 1864
MELANCHOLLY SUICIDE. On the 9th of September 1864, Miss Catherine Waters, of
Pultneyville, was found lying on the floor of an outhouse belonging to her residence, dead,
and weltering in a pool of blood of her own shedding. On examination, it was found that she
had cut her throat so effectually, as to separate all the soft parts down to the spine; having
completely severed the trachae, Esophogus, and all the blood vessels in the way. The instrument
chosen to execute the bloody work, was a razor, which she still grasped, tenaciously, in her
hand. She had for many years, been occasionally afflicted with paroxysms of mental aberation,
which generally assumed a very gloomy form; and greatly embittered her existence; but not
sufficiently alarming to excite the apprehension of her friends though she often expressed her
belief that she was destined to a short life; and that she was of no use here; and expressed
a deep apprehension, that should she live long, she would become burdensome to her friends.
For several years she has had the chief care of a sick and aged father, whose death; and the
marriage of her sister; who had long resided with her, and shared her trials; and helped to
cheer her in her hours and days of gloom; and living since almost alone; with a young girl
- her niece; which had produced a feeling of utter desolation, too burthensome to be borne
by one of delicate frame, and gloomy temperament; that culminated in the awful catastrophe
that spread alarm, and sorrow, throughout our neighborhood. Her father had left her ample
means for her support; but this gave her the more time to brood over her imaginary woes.
Her urbanity and gentleness, her kindness and benevolence, turned aside the shafts of
malice, and envy; if they were ever directed towards her any; she died lamented, without
an enemy, and almost without a fault; if her last act can be deemed excusable by a
censorious, and misjudging world. To say that any one is faultness would be saying too much
for any of the frail sons and daughters of earth; but Kate had as few, and perhaps less,
than any one that has died in this generation, where there is so much envy and strife.
Envy was a stranger to her bosom; and strife she banished far from her; and had she been
suitably organized for the enjoyment of lifes blessings, none might have been happier; but
she was not; and though it was no fault of her own, it was her misfortune to suffer the
penalty. She has cast off the wearisome load of mental agony, and is now at rest. Whether
wisely or not; let no one censure her; but drop a tear of sympathy over her untimely grave.
AN ACT OF HONESTY WORTHY OF IMITATION. Joseph Anthony of this town called upon me
the other day, and handed me a Five Dollar Bill. Not recognizing him, I inquired what it meant -
He replied "it is yours - I owe it to you, my name is Anthony - The debt was contracted
fourteen years ago, and I had long since ceased to think about it; supposing it had gone the way of many others."
However negligent, Mr. A. may have been, he has done an act of justice at last, that raises
him, in my estimation, and will redound to his credit wherever known. D.C. Higgins
-Zirori Waters is the administrator of the estate of Catherine Waters - deceased -
The Auction will come off on Saturday October 1st.
UNION MEETING. Rev. Amasa Stanton and Capt. Laing of Marion and E.S. Chase of
Boston, addressed a Union Meeting at this place, Wednesday eve Sep. 26, to a full house.
-Elisha S. Chapman of our town, has returned home from the army, his time of enlistment having expired.
-John S. Todd calculates to have his vessel ready for sea about the 10th of October.
-Carle - son of Dr. A.G. Austin, of Williamson, died September 5, and was burried the 4th.
-Adam Nash has sold his farm and intends to move to Wisconsin. His Auction came off on Wednesday Sept. 28th.
-Nellie - daughter of John Pallister of this village - left for Red Wing, Min., September 8th, to be absent about one year.
-W.I. Harrison says if Fleming's Lawyer Oil will kill Chinck Bugs, he thinks he could find ready sale for a cargo in Wisconsin.
-Mrs. Capt. Thomas Roys, leaves for New York Sept. 26, having been spending the summer with her friends in this village.
-Hendrick Cooper of our town, has gone to Titusville, Pa., as there is a great call for Mechanics and wages are very high.
-Manly Westbrook, lately in the employ of John Reynolds, has enlisted in the Army for one year, and left for the field September 19th.
-David Barringer, of Titusville, Pa., was in town several days since on his return from New York; he was formerly from this town, and once connected with the Hotel at Williamson.
-Maj. Barry of Brockport, N.Y., and lately from the Army of the Potmac, has received the nomination for County Clerk, of Monroe Co. He is a fine fellow and deserves the post for which he is nominated for.
-Alphaus T. - son of William L. Harrison, of Heart Prairie, Wis., and formerly of this place, died at Baton Rouge, La. aged 22 years. He was at the time of his death, Corporal Cashion of the Light Artillery.
-Glen Cuyler and Wife of New York, and the Hon. Ezra Duell and Wife, of Courtland, N.Y., arrived in town Sept. 19th;
stopping while here at the Hon. S.C. Cuylers. They left for their homes on the 22.
-Charles R. Havens, formerly with Willis T. Gaylord of Sodus, is now in the Dry Goods store with John Reynolds, at this place, where he will be pleased to see all of his friends who may favor him with a call.
-L.O. Goodridge, formerly of this place, is now located at No. 187 South Water Street Chicago, Ill.,
in the Produce Commission business. Parties wishing to consign property of this kind west, we think
cannot find a better house than this. His P.O. Drawer is 6628.
-Griffith M. Cooper of this town, died at his residence at Williamson Corners, on Friday,
September 23, aged 73 years, and was burried on the 26th, in the Friends Cemetery near his
residence. Elihue Durfee of Macedon, delivered the discourse, which was held at the house.
-Jefferson Sherman, School Commissioner of the Western Assembly District of Wayne Co., is
now holding a convention at Newark, which opened on Sept. 18th, and is to continue two weeks.
Teachers intending to teach the ensueing year are expected to attend. The Examination will
commence the first week of the session.
-Powers & Allen, Forwarders at this place have shipped from this port this season, up
to September 20th, by Steamer alone; 1600 crates of Peaches Pears and Grapes, 3632 Bbls.
Of Apples and 30 Casks of Cider. Total value $10,564.00. This only includes August and up
to Sept. 20, and the prospects are good for a large fall trade.
-Melvin S. Grant, Brigadier General, of the State Militia of Kansas - and formerly from
Ontario - gave us a call on his return from New York, September 21 looking fine and hearty.
He lives in Leavenworth City, and is largely interested in the Wholesaleing of Groceries Seeds
and Agricultural Implements, under the firm of Grant and Prest.
-William H. Rogers, of this town, has received the nomination for Member of Assembly from
this District. He will make a straight forward reliable representative, and will always be found
casting his vote right every time, without fear or favor; and will be elected by a large majority.
Thadius T. Collins, the member from the eastern District, has received the renomination again.
-John Reynolds is now getting up an Oil Company, to be called the "Star Petroleum Oil
and Mining Company," with a Capital of $100.000. All those in this vicinity wishing stock should
call on him soon. The stock is divided up into 20 000 shares, at $5. a share, which brings it
within the reach of all. The stock is all taken but about 15 000 shares.
-Miss Catherine Waters, daughter of the late William Waters of our village,
committed a distressing suicide in this village Friday September 9th. She accomplished the
dreadful deed by cutting her throat with a razor. To mental despondency is attributed the
cause of this rash act. The deceased was 43 years of age, highly esteemed in the community
for her chastity of deportment, intelligent, and exemplary habits through life. She was
the last member of a numerous household.
-Manuel Northern and Wife, residing in the town of Sodus, while returning home from
this village on Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, his horse became frightened, which ran and threw
them from the vehicle and injuring both of them very bad, so much so on the part of Mr. N.
that the Surgeon had to be called immediately, as his scull was fractured, which called for
a surgical operation. He was improving slowly when last heard from; his wife with the
exception of a few slight bruises is doing well.
November 1864
The Army was delighted last evening, on the hearing of a telegram read to us that was
received from Gen. Sheridan, of his success in the Valley; it filled my heart with joy, and
I feel proud of it, for it is sure death to the Democratic party - I beg your pardon,
I should of said the Copperhead party. I regard every man alike, and any one who votes against
this administration is an armed rebel seeking to overthrow this government. If my
brother or my best friends at home vote to sustain the Chicago platform, I will forgive him,
but can never forget it. They are trying to take the life of my fellow soldiers, and in fact
my family, as they can do it by ballots, as well as with bullets: and I would about as
leave die for life, for without liberty, it is to stale for me. I voted yesterday for
Uncle Abe and his party, and I assure you it was the proudest moment in my life, when
I can cast a vote for one so good and loyal to his country. He is the soldiers friend.
What ever my political opinions may have been heretofore, three years of war has made
a vast change in my views. Therefore I consider it my duty, as well as every other
soldier and lover of his country, to support the present administration if they want a
lasting peace. I am glad there are so few Copperheads in the army, our own Regiment will
go Old Abe three to one, and I have been working hard to convince the doubtful ones
and my labours have not been in vain, as I changed a great many Copperheads, who are
now true as steel, and have already voted for Uncle Abe. We are very sanguine that he
will be our next President for four years to come. Trusting to ballots which will soon
seal our destiny,
"I remain Yours Truly,".....John H. Teats.
-The Republicans of Williamson Corners have raised a fine Lincoln and Johnson Pole, its
length is 113 feet above the ground, and stands on the south east corner of the street.
-The Steam Tug J.H. Blower, owned by M. Wheeler, of Oswego, went a short at Sodus,
on the evening of Sept. 30, while trying to enter the port, and will prove a total loss, of which there was no insurance.
-Miss Jennie Case, was married to Mr. James Seeley, October 25, both of this town.
-Mrs. R.A. Moses is now sick in Sodus, with Typhoid Fever, but is slowly recovering.
-Mrs. John Allen of Adrian, Michigan, arrived at H.M. Griffens October 16th.
-Miss Sarah Richards, daughter of Charles G. Richards, was married Oct. 12th, to Mr. Roe of Penfield, N.Y.
-Even Griffiths and Wife of New York, brother in law to Dr. D.C. Higgins, arrived in town October 12, and left the 13.
-Robert J.G. Wood of New Jersey, arrived in town October 12, stopping while here with his Uncle, H.M. Griffen.
-Oliver Cross and family of Rochester, have been spending a few days with Hon. S.C. Cuyler and left for home October 7.
-Euphemia Burdick, daughter of Samuel Burdick, of Mt. Upton, Chenango Co., N.Y. arrived in town Oct. 10.
-T.S. Knapp had an Auction on the Maple Grove farm, on the ridge, Oct. 8, for the sale of stock brought from Allegany Co., N.Y.
-Tompkins and Alfred A. Allen, of Michigan, were in town October 22. The former lives at Leslie, the latter at Adrian.
-L. Whitney had a Launch Dance at his Hotel in this village, October 18. Music by Peck & Fertile's Band, Oswego.
-Dr. A.F. Sheldon, Surgeon General, of the Hospitals at Washington, D.C., has been in town several days recruiting his health.
-Miss Mary Cornwall, daughter of A.A.C. of this village, has gone to Washington to spend a few weeks with Dr. Sheldons family.
-Mrs. J.W. Powers and Daughter, Mrs. Isaac E. and John Shipley, are now absent on a visit to Pennyan and Horseheads.
-John Sheffield of this village, has got up an improvement for the drilling of oil wells in Pennsylvania, and it will prove to be a good thing.
-Russell Whipple of Michigan, and formerly of this place, was in town October 15th. He is a nephew of Judge Whipple who was once a resident of this village.
-Lieut. Chauncey Fish, arrived home on a 30 days furlough, October 28th, having been severely wounded in the breast, while in the fight under Sheridan in the Valley.
-Platt Nims, of Lawton Michigan, arrived in town October 7th, and intends of remaining in this section through the winter, having lost his Wife August 25.
-Mrs. L. Boughton, of Riley, Mich., and Mrs. M. Birdsley, of Birmingham, Mich., have been visiting at Allen Deyoe's, and left for their respective homes Oct. 13.
-S.C. Cuyler, Collector of Customs of this port, seized a quantity of goods that was landed without permit from Canada, and they will be confiscated by the Government.
-H. & D. Rosenberg, of Rochester, are constantly adding to their already large and extensive assortment of Jewelry and Silver Ware. See their new advertisement in another column.
-David D. Reynolds of Elmira, N.Y. arrived in town October 26, and returned the 28. He has subscribed $1000 for Star Petroleum Stock, and $1000 in the Gordon Run Property.
-Henry Ward Jr. and Son, of Seneca Falls, and Agent of the N.Y. Central. R. Road, arrived in town Oct. 11, looking like the same Old Subscriber. He left for home via Buffalo, the 14.
-J.H. Gloyd of this village has been severely afflicted with Rheumatism; he went to Rochester a few days since, and called on the celebrated Dr. Bryant, and was cured by one or two operations.
-James H. Eaton and Wife of Syracuse N.Y. a partner in the firm of "Kenyon Potter & Co.," Druggists, arrived in town October 5th, and left the 6th, stopping while here with J. Reynolds.
-Capt. H.N. Throop and John Reynolds, arrived home from the Oil Region October 12; they with others having bought a tract of forty acres of land, on Gordon Run, near Tidioute, with a big show of surface oil.
-Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson of Binghamton, N.Y., has been written to, requesting him to address the citizens of this place and vicinity, on the political topics of the campaign. See his letter in another column.
-Johnathan Leighton still continues in the Ready Made Clothing business at his old stand in Sodus, where you can find a good assortment in the Gents' furnishing department, also a good assortment of Yankee Notions, Boots, Shoes etc.
-William W. Woodhull, Paymaster U.S.N., will please accept our thanks for a copy of the "Richmond Daily Dispatch." It is printed on wrapping paper, and double the sise of this sheet, and the subscription price is only $40, per year. Is the war a failure?
-Capt. H.N. Throop has laid up the Steamer Cataract, and formed a Tri-Weekly Line with the Ontario and Bay State for the remainder of the season, between Ogdensburgh and Charlotte, only, touching at Pultneyville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5:30 P.M.
-The Schr. Alfred Allen, Capt. William Leaver, loaded at this port with Apples, Oct. 22, bound for Chicago.
December 1864
-Christopher Northern of Sodus, died November 7th, aged 87 years.
-Henry Pratt of Marion, has sold his farm to Mr. __ Wells. Consideration $3,850.00.
-Elihue Durfee of West Walworth, has sold his farm and is to move to Macedon village.
-Martin Ham died at this place of Consumption, November 10, and was burried the 11th.
-Miss M.L. Cuyler, left for Syracuse November 17, and will spend the winter in New York.
-Cephus Moody of Williamson, has sold the Barker property in that village to Dr. L.A. Reeves.
-Harvey H. Pound intends to wind up his Peddling business this fall and go into the army as a suttler.
-J. Wells Pitkin, of Oswego, N.Y., C. Paton, of Laona, N.Y. and Mr. Bloss of Titusville, Pa. Were in town Nov. 3.
-Dr. A.G. Austin and Wife of this town, left for Michigan November 21, to be absent two or three weeks.
-Capt. H.N. Throop has laid up all of the Steamers of the line, at Charlotte, thus closing up the business for 1864.
-Geo. Lowley of Sodus, has lost both of his children from Diptheria, within two weeks, the 1st one was buried November 19.
-Samuel Knight of this village has the Photographs of all the prominent Generals, and distinguished personages. See his Advertisement.
-John Walton, of the firm of Cornwall and Walton, Alexandria Bay; and Giles B. Stebbins of Rochester, were in town a few days since.
-Lieu. Chauncey Fish had the funeral of his son Myron, preached at this place on Sunday, Nov. 20, having been killed in battle a short time since.
-Daniel Wemesfelder has sold his farm - formerly owned by John Sheffield, and located on the lake road west of this village to John Carles, for $1,000.
-Capt. Samuel Roys, and Andrew Roys, arrived in town November 18th, having just returned from a Whaling Voyage; and will not sail again until spring.
-E.R. Woodhull has raised a Radish this year that weighed eleven and a half pounds, and was twenty seven and a half inches in circumference. This can't be (beet).
-Robert Parkhill - son of Dr. Parkhill, formerly of this town - died at Rochester Nov. 14, from a wound in the head received in battle, and was burried at this place November 16.
-The following have left for the Oil region - R. Reynolds and Wife, Nov. 21. David V. Lacy Nov. 9. John H. Hill, Geo. M. Cole, James Sheffield, Nov. 16, Robt. G.J. Wood Nov. 15.
-Dr. D.C. Higgins is now engaged pretty extensively in the Wine Plant, and has made arrangements for furnishing them in quantities to suit purchasers. See advertisement elsewhere.
-Rev. ___ Landreth, M.E. Minister of this village, gave us a Thanksgiving Sermon in a patriotic style. Those who listened to it were well pleased and undoubtedly relished a good Turkey Dinner afterwards.
-E.W. Capron, Editor of the West Branch Bulletin, published at Williamsport, Pa., was invited to speak at the Union Church in this village on
the affairs of the nation, Nov. 17, which was listened to with marked attention.
-William Shipley, son of Waters Shipley, who is attending school at Lima, N.Y., and now at home during vacation; will please
accept our thanks for a lecture in pamphlet form delivered before the citizens of Lima, by Prof. Steele.
-Samuel Beldin shipped from here Nov. 17, on the Schr. Jenny Lind 1,200 bbls. Of Apples for Kingston,
C.W. She was caught out on the lake in a snow storm and went a shore on the Ducks Island and is reported a total loss.
-Wright Fish, Editor of the "New Orleans True Delta," and son of Mr. Isaac Fish of Williamson,
has been home on a visit, having been absent several years. While here he purchased the Briggs farm in Marion. He left for home via New York, November 10th.
-Marcus - son of Levi White of our town - who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburgh, and
had to suffer by amputation of the leg; has now an artificial one, which appears natural in looks if not
to him. He is now getting ready to attend the Merchantile College at Poughkeepsie.
-J. Wells Pitkin of Oswego, N.Y., Capt. H.N. Throop and John Reynolds of this place
have just made another purchase of 106 Acres of good Oil Territory (in fee simple) on "Hickory Creek,"
in Pa., and near the famous "Economite Wells," at Tidionte village. The surface show is good, and
destined to be valuable in less than six months. Those wishing stock, can write to either of the
above named persons.
-Lewis H. Clark, late principal of the of the Sodus Academy, will lecture at the Union Church in
this village, Monday evening Nov. 28. Subject - "James River and its historic Associations." The Lecture
involves a sketch of leading incidents in the present war, but is not in any manner offensively partisan,
and will be listened to with interest and pleasure even by those who may differ from some of its
positions and conclusions. Admission 20 Cents.
January 1865
This Association has been formed, and in every respect similar to the one now in the process of
formation on "Hickory Creek," several of the same parties having interests in both places. It consists
of 40 acres, situated on "Gordon Run," near Tiddeoute, Pa., costing them $45,000; they have been
offered for the property since they purchased it, $100,000.00, of which they refused.
This association is composed of the following persons: J. Wells Pitkin, Luther Wright, W.B. Phelps, J. Owen,
Oswego, N.Y.; Capt. H.N. Throop, John Reynolds, R. Reynolds, William H. Rogers, Pultneyville, N.Y.;
D.D. Reynolds, Elmira, N.Y.; C.P. Eaton, Laona, N.Y.
This is the name of an Association in the process of formation, for the purpose of developing Oil
Territory. It consists of 106 acres of good oil property, located on "Hickory Creek," Pa., and
near the "Economite Wells," at Tiddeoute village, of which they have been flowing and pumping
steady for the last four years, yielding large quantities of oil to the company. This property
above named, has been purchased by J. Wells Pitkin of Oswego, N.Y., Capt. H.N. Throop
and John Reynolds of this place, for the low price of $50,000.00; they retain $20,000 of said
property, leaving a balance yet to be taken, of $30,000, or 30 shares. Those wishing stock in
this association, can do so by writing to either of above named individuals, when all of the information
desired will be given. Arrangements are already being made to have a well put down immediately.
-Mrs. Amos Gloyd of this place, is spending the winter in Battle Creek, Mich.
-Silas Anthony has sold his farm in Macedon, and going to Calhoun Co., Michigan.
-Roswell Harkness has sold his farm in Marion, to John Clark, of Ontario, for $55 per acre.
-Capt. Ethel Allen arrived home December 11, from the army, his time of service having expired.
-Charles Goodenow has sold his Hotel property in Ontario, to Knapp, of Walworth; consideration $3000.
-James Wake has sold his farm of 48 acres, on the Creek Road, to Albert Milliman; consideration $1600.
-Daniel Jennings has sold his farm in Ontario consisting of 125 acres, to Rensaeler Palmer, consideration $7500.
-Wright R. Fish, Editor of the "New Orleans True Delta," will please accept our thanks for a copy of the paper received.
-Charles and Edward Hill, of Waterford, N.Y., have been in town several days, and will remain through the Holidays.
-George H. Benton has received the appointment of 1st Lieutenant of one of the companies of the 98th Reg., of N.Y.S.V.
-G.R. Wescott, of Norwich, N.Y., will please accept our sincere thanks, for those three boxes of choice Cigars that have been received.
-Squire Goff has sold his farm of 40 acres, on the lake road west of this place, to Abm. Lergner, for $1500; and has his Auction Jan. 5th.
-John W. Waters of Sodus, has sold his farm of 90 acres for $5400, and has purchased the Warner farm in Macedon, of 104 acres, for $58 per acre.
-Hiram L. Cronck has sold his place on the ridge, consisting of 5 acres, to Stephen Burden for $1000, and has bought out Ruliff white south of the ridge.
-Charles Robison is ready to receive taxes, and at the following places; Thursdays of each week at Williamson; Fridays at this place, until January 16.
-William S. Pratt has sold his farm on the ridge west of the Chappel, to his brother Jno. and sister, Mary Wheeter; and has
bought out Deacon Potter, paying $3900, for 70 acres.
-Robert N. - son of Waters Shipley - was not dead as supposed, but was a prisoner of war in South Carolina;
he now is very sick at Annapolis, Md., having been parolled.
-John Plasser, living on the east town line, died December 3, and was burried the 5th. The Widdow
has bought John Esterley's farm, located on the same street - consideration $1500.
-Daniel T. Grandine - son of the late Daniel Grandine of this town - died in the
Prison at Andersonville, Ga., the 29th of last June. He leaves a Wife and two children to mourn his loss.
-James H. Eaton and Wife, Syracuse, N.Y. are to have a Tin Wedding Feb. 143; It is expected by
him, that his friends will have every thing in the shape of Tin, present on the occasion.
-Isaac and Joseph - sons of John Allen of Adrian, Mich., and formerly of this place -
were in town December 11th, on their return home from Albany, having been down there with cattle.
-William Danforth's estate was sold at Public Auction December 20th. William H. Rogers was
the Administrator, Fanny Danforth and Julia A. Leighton, were the Executresses of the estate.
-Peters Allen won a horse on the result of the election in this state this fall, valued at $300:
he has ordered the horse to be sold, as he was owned in New York. Some others we believe lost in the same way; but it can't be helped.
-Robert F. - son of James Shipley of our village - will please accept our thanks for a
copy of the "Washington Chronicle," picked up on the battle field near Popular Grove Church; it had a
bullet hole in it, but did not go through, and evidently saved the life of the person who had it.
-The following sailors have arrived home for the winter: Capt. James T. Holling, of the Schr. Rival;
Capt. S.D. Tomkinson, of the Schr. Kingsford; Capt. J.S. Todd, of the Schr. John J. Hill;
Capt. Wm. Leaver, of the Schr. Alfred Allen; Capt. E.H. Todd, of the Schr. William Doran;
(the three last named Vessels are in our harbor) Z. Burnell, John Roys, Mervin Pallister, J. Mason James B. Todd, Jacob Dunning.
-The following were elected Officers of our town Militia, at Williamson, Dec. 6th; Captain, James T. Holling;
First Lieutenant, Almond E. Bradley; Second, Ambrose Hoot; First Sergeant, Harlow Baldwin;
Second, James B. Seeley; Third, Dewitt C. Hance; Fourth, Merritt A. Peer;
First Corporal, William Pugsley; Second, Henry Russell; Third, Andrew Church;
Fourth, William Douglass; Musicians, Melvin Fleming, Frank Seeley and Sylvester Campbell.
-L. Whitney gave the 14th Annual Ball or Sailors Return, on Thursday eve. December 15.
February 1865
DEATH OF A VENERABLE PATRIOT AND SOLDIER - We regret to learn that Hon. William H. Rogers,
Member of Assembly from Wayne, has been called home by the sickness and death of his father, the venerable
Major William Rogers, of Williamson, N.Y. He was aged 85 years. Mr. Rogers was one of the pioneers
of Western New York, was a soldier in the war of 1812, and as Major commanded a battalion in defence of
the Northern frontier, especially Pultneyville and Sodus, on Lake Ontario, against the assault of
the British. He was closely identified with various important public interests in the early history
of Western New York, was a man of enlightened views and enterprising character, and to the last was
a model of the genial, old-fashioned Christian gentleman. He died, as he had lived, a true man, -
gently falling asleep in death like one who "Wraps the drapery of his couch around him And lies down
to pleasant dreams."............ Albany Journal
Maj. Rogers died on Tuesday, January 10 1865. His age was 85 years and nearly three months.
Maj. R. was a native of Rhode Island. He settled in Palmyra some seventy years ago. His father,
a man of marked ability, was Judge of Ontario county in pioneer times, and also represented his
district in the Assembly. Maj. Rogers was a sterling and influential citizen. He was prominent in
public movements. He was connected with the packet enterprise on the Erie Canal in the days of
its prosperity. In all matters pertaining to the development and progress of the material interests
of his section, there were few men more influential, none more earnest in the work than Maj. Rogers.
His life was one of unpretending but effective usefulness. He was a man of strong convictions,
of fearless character, and great zeal in behalf of what he considered to be right. Christian
integrity was the bright star that guided his footsteps in the path of duty. He was always
busy among men, and ever enjoyed the unlimited confidence of the true and the just. Old as he
was, he retained his intellectual faculties undimmed to the last. He never experienced the
so-called "second child-hood," Buoyed up by Christian courage, the way all clear before him under
the light of gospel faith, serenely and cheerfully he laid him down to die. The soul of generosity,
he illustrated throughout life the beautiful character of faithful neighbor, useful citizen,
hospitable friend, and steadfast Christian gentleman. Ripe in years, as in the virtues of glorious
manhood, he departed this world in undisturbed tranquility, leaving behind him the legacy of a
bright example that shall ever emit the serene, calm light of a useful well spent life.....Troy Times.
-Mr. And Mrs. Peters Allen of our town are to have a Silver Wedding at their residence, on Monday February 13.
-George W. White has bought 500 acres of land in Wisconsin, and will leave for the west in the spring.
-Charles Robison has collected the taxes in this town, and made his returns to head quarters.
-Noah Hale of this town, killed a Calf a short time since only nine months old, that dressed 461 lbs., and the Hide weighed 70 lbs.
-Joseph Mason has sold his farm, consisting of about 80 acres to Obrien of Sodus, for $55 per acre.
Our village was thrown into a great state of excitement on Thursday afternoon, February 3;
Capt. H.N. Throop, General Superintendent of the "Ontario Steamboat Company," was out on a
pleasure ride with his horse and cutter, and on his returning home his horse feeling pretty well,
and on rounding to, with the intention of going through the gate way to his residence, the cutter
canted and threw him against the gate post, inflicting a flesh wound of three inches long just above
his temple, besides bruising his shoulder very bad; he was picked up and supposed to be dead for
some time, he was carried into his house and medical aid was soon called, and signs of life then
shown itself, and if there is no internal derangement of the organs he will get along, but it
will be some time yet before he will be able to resume the duties of his office.
The winter arrangement for running trains on this road, went into effect Jan. 2. The following trains stop at Palmyra:
9:37 A.M. New York Mail
10:55 A.M. Syracuse and Rochester Mail.
4:55 P.M. Albany and Buffalo Express.
8:40 P.M. New York Express
8:22 A.M. Buffalo S. Bridge and N.Y. Exp.
11:33 A.M. Buffalo and Albany Express
4:55 P.M. Syracuse and Rochester Mail.
9:55 P.M. Cleveland and Chicago Express
-A riding party consisting of nineteen ladies of this village, hired a driver and went down to
Sodus Point, took dinner at "Petes," and returned home by moonlight; the driver has not been seen in town since. Something "must be did."
-Ezra Stewart has sold his farm, consisting of 75 acres for $3700.00
-Pasqua Austin has leased his farm and is to move to Williamson Corners.
-Abram Lawrence of Sodus, sold his person-property off at Auction January 23.
-Isaac Boss of Sodus, has sold his farm, and will move west; his Auction came off Jan. 23.
-Abram Pepper Wife and Daughter, are now absent on a visit to Rochester and Corning.
-Mrs. Elizabeth Hoagland a resident of this town, died January 20 and was burried the 22.
-Daniel Jennings of Ontario, sold his personal property at Auction, at his late residence, February 4th.
-H.M. Griffen is the Administration of the estate of John Plasser; and the Auction came off on Tuesday January 31.
-Mrs. C.C. Eddy, south of the ridge, has raised and sold 150 Turkeys, which brought $394. Beat this if you can!
-Edward Eisentrager of Marion, has sold his farm of 75 acres, to Elizabeth Brock of this town for $4,000.00.
-Hon. William H. Rogers Member of Assembly from this district, will please accept our thanks for Pub Documents received.
-Richard Russell has sold his farm, consisting of 52 acres, to Martin Hollander - consideration $2500. Mr. R. moves in to this village.
-James Auston - son of Pasqua - has opened a Dental Office at Williamson, where he will attend to all calls appertaining to his profession.
-Lewis Wager has sold his farm consisting of 70 acres, for $3,500.00 and intends to reside in Marion. His Auction came off January 26.
-Capt. Samuel W. Roys has left for New York to fit out for another voyage to sea. His head quarters until he sails, will be at No. 9 Dey St.
-Amasa Garritt, of this place, sold a short time since, one share of Pultneyville Oil Stock, the par value of which was $100, for $800. It will be a big paying company.
-Whitney Russell was married to Miss Melvina Harkness (daughter of Roswell Harkness of Marion,) on Thursday, January 12, by Elder Goodspeed of Williamson.
-James B. Craggs has a Mammoth Hog, that measures ten foot long, and is well proportioned. It will pay any one to see him, but to large to hold.
-George Lowley of Sodus, lost his Wife on Thursday, February 2, occasioned by a fall, and the funeral took place at the Centenary Chappel, the 4th.
-John Miller and Wife, residing on the east town line, gave a party on Thursday eve. Jan. 19, had a tip top time, and returned home during the small hours in the morning.
-Rev. Mr. Landreth Methodist Minister of this place; and Rev. Armon Spencer of Williamson, had a Donation Visit at their respective places a few evenings since.
-E.A. Green of Sodus, is Agent for some of the best Insurance Companies of the day, any one wishing to insure their property cannot do better than to call on "Ed."
-Mr. Weaver of Sodus, has purchased Elisha Chapman's house and lot of 12 acres, for $1400; and has also purchased Durfee Wilcox's Steam Saw Mill for $300.
-Capt. E.H. Todd has a fine lot of Canada White Fish for sale, that were taken last fall, and they are tip top to mix in occasionally for your breakfast through the winter. "try um" and see.
-George Tummonds has sold his farm of 75 acres, to James Tassell of Marion, for $60 pr acre. He sold his personal property at Auction January 14, and will leave for Oildom soon.
-John M. Reynolds is the Agent of the "Hickory Creek Association" The Company will meet at the Globe Hotel, in Syracuse on Monday, Feb. 6th, to appoint a General Agent.
A few more shares are left at $500 per share.
-Isaac Straight has removed from Hastings, Minn., to Neosho, Wis; he has traveled over four thousand miles in the
last six months in the north and south, and still likes this section of country the best.
-Powers & Allen Merchants in this village are now getting timber drawn to build a new Store House,
and lengthen their Pier; two improvements very much needed by them, as well as the business men of the town.
-Robert N. Shipley, recently arrived home having been confined in one of the southern prisons so
long that life was nearly extinct; but by good nursing, and a strict attention by Dr. Peer, he
has recovered so as to be able to ride out.
-John Reynolds has returned from New York, having been down to the organization of the Star
Petroleum Co. Every one owning stock in the Company, will receive stock script for six times the
amount of his original subscription, and the company reserving a surplus for working capital of
the territory. The capital stock has been raised from $150,000, to $1,000,000 and one piece of
property in the company will be worth more than that before spring.
More Old Pultneyville News
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Created: 8/3/04
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