Contributed by Allyn Hess Perry, from papers at the Office of the County Historian.
The Commercial Press was a monthly newspaper from Pultneyville, Town of Williamson. The
Office of the County Historian has a small bundle of issues. A small part of the paper was devoted to Personal
Items, listing various names of people from the area.
There is some fascinating reading about the Lake Ontario shipping trade in the 1860s, and neat
ads for businessess from all over the place in these papers. There was quite a schedule of ships from
Pultneyville to Charlotte to Toronto, naming ships and captains (the new ferry runs between Charlotte/Rochester
and Toronto.) Not to be ignored in this paper are the railroad schedules, with stops in Palmyra, Oswego,
Syracuse. And the Pultneyville & Palmyra Stage. "Leave daily at 6:45am - Arriving at 7:30pm connection
at Palmyra with the N.Y.C.R. Road, Going West at 9:46a.m. and 4:20p.m. Going East at 11:20a.m. and
4:20p.m." The obits aren't detailed but give such an essence of the way life was. Spellings and misspellings
are exactly as in the original paper.
Allyn Hess Perry Co-coordinator, Wayne County NYGenWeb June 2004
February 1863
March 1863
April 1963
May 1863
June 1863
July 1863
August 1863
February 1863
OBITUARY - Horatio T. Wilcox, for some years past the popular Agent of the Express
Line of Steamers, who has been located at Rochester, we are pained to learn, died at the residence
of his uncle, Capt. H.N. Throop, at Pultneyville, November 26th, at the early age of 21 years.
He was a young man of rare merit, possessing energy and business qualifications in an eminent degree,
honest, polite and attentive to business, and made friends with all with whom he came in contact.
The Company lose a valuable agent, while society is bereft of the bright example of an amiable and sober-minded young man. (Oswego Palladium.)
ONTARIO STEAMBOAT CO's, MEETING - At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the "Ontario Steamboat Co.," held at the Globe Hotel, in Syracuse, on Wednesday, Jan. 14th, a dividend of seven pr. Cent, was declared on the net earnings of the boats. The following persons were then duly elected as directors of the company, for the ensuing year.
Samuel Farewell, Holmes Hutchinson, Charles E. Barnard, Utica; O.T. Burt, George Barnes, Syracuse; H.N. Throop, J.M. Reynolds, Pultneyville; J.W. Pitkin, Oswego; Joel Thayer, Skaneateles.
The following persons were then elected as officers of the company for the ensuing year.
Samuel Farewell, President; O.T. Burt, Vice President; G. Barnes, Secretary; H.N. Throop, Treasurer.
A resolution was then presented to board of Directors, that Capt. H.N. Throop be hereby appointed General Superintendent of the company, which was unanimously adopted.
The President then appointed the following committees:
Executive Committee: J.W. Pitkin, John M. Reynolds, Joel Thayer.
Committee on Treasurer's Account: J.M. Reynolds, J.W. Pitkin.
Committee on Examining Co's. Book: J.M. Reynolds, Holmes Hutchinson.
Inspectors of Elections: John F. Walton, Jas. Sayres, Jas. W. Bond.
It was moved that this meeting be adjourned, to meet at this place, on Thursday, February 12th, to make the necessary arrangements for the running of the boats, for the season to come, which was carried. The President then declared the meeting closed. Geo. Barnes, Sec.
Syracuse, Jan. 14, 1863
THE MITE SOCIETY - This association will meet at the Gaxley House on Tuesday evening, February 3rd. Music for dancing will be furnished.
THE FULTON PATRIOT AND GAZETTE - We are in receipt of this paper published at Fulton, N.Y. and edited by R.L. Adams formerly editor of the Lyons Republican. It is a first class county paper, and ably conducted.
A DANCE AT BALDWINSVILLE - A fine dance came off at Union Hall, in Baldwinsville, on Thursday evening, Jan. 22nd, for the benefit of the American Hotel of that place. The night was bad, notwithstanding they had about one hundred couple.
-Jas. Sheffield's wife has been very ill, but is slowly recovering.
-Mrs. Brown and daughter arrived at J. Pearsols Thursday, Jan. 15th.
-Capt. S.D. Tomkinson and family have been making a short visit at Lyons.
-Capt. J.J. Morley arrived in town Sunday, Jan. 18th, to remain a short time.
-Doct. Timothy Ledyard, (son of Saml. Ledyard of this place,) and family are expected in town soon.
-Mrs. Capt. H.N. Throop and Mrs. Virginia Ledyard left for Rochester, Thursday, and returned Friday, Jan. 23rd.
-Jas. Brisban sold his house and lot to the widow Husker, and bought out John Boss.
-Rev. E.O. Hall is to have a donation on the 29th of Jan. at the house of Waters Shiply.
-Geo. W. White is now teaching the school in this village, and has about eighty scholars.
-Mrs. Betsey Loomis of Unadilla, Chenango Co. N.Y. is spending a few days at J. Reynolds.
-Hon. Byran Green of Sodus lies dangerously ill, and is not expected to live but a few days.
-Z. Burnell and family have been absent about two weeks, on a short visit to Charlotte & Lockport.
-Charles and John F. Walton and ladies arrived in town from Alexandria Bay, Thursday, January 15th.
-A.S. Todd left Syracuse on Thursday, Jan. 15th, on his way east, to take orders for fruit and ornamental trees.
-Hon. S.C. Cuyler and wife, and Mrs. C.P. Farewell, intend to leave for Washington, D.C. some time in February.
-Capt. Bokus, of the Str. St. Hellen, was in Oswego Thursday, the 22nd ult, in company with Charles Barnes of Syracuse.
-Rev. W.H. Goodwin preached at the Union Church, in this village, on Sunday evening, Jan. 18th, to a large congregation.
-Henry Smith, formerly clerk in J. Reynolds store has arrived home, from California, having been absent about nine years.
-Hon. Samuel C. Cuyler has been absent from home about one week on business to Aurora. He returned Saturday, January 17th.
-Mrs. Ann Jones (daughter of Dr. D.C. Higgins,) is very low with consumption, and is not expected to live from one day to another.
-Mrs. A. Grippin left town Monday, Jan. 12th. She will return in a few days to give a concert for the benefit of our side walk association.
-Prof. F.F. Hecker and daughter of Bath, N.Y., have been spending a day or two in our village. They returned Saturday, Jan. 10th.
-Capt. Jas. B. Estes left for New York Wednesday, Jan. 14th, to meet his two sons, who are in the U.S. Navy and recently arrived in that city.
-Capt. R. Smith, (of the propeler Vermont,) and family are spending a few weeks in this village. They will return to Oswego about the last of January.
-W.A.D. Hume did not lecture at this place the last Sunday in Jan., as circumstances having occurred which prevented the fulfilment of the appointment.
-Mr. Geo. Jefferson was married to Miss Jane A. Hill, both of Fulton, N.Y., at the residence of the bride's uncle (Lyman Milliman,) in Williamson, by the Rev. Edward O. Hall, Thursday, January 1st.
-Capt. H.N. Throop, as will be seen in another column, has been appointed superintendent of the "Ontario Steamboat Co." This is the fourth year that he has served in that capacity, and he wished to have been released: but the Co. refused to let him go. There are but a few persons that understands the management of a line of steamers better than the Capt., and the Co. have the utmost confidence in him.
March 1863
The following trains stop at Palmyra, on the winter arrangement,
GOING WEST, 6:55 & 9:53 a.m. 4:54 & 8:10 p.m.
GOING EAST, 7:05 & 11:40 a.m. 4:15 & 10:00 p.m.
J.A. Holmes Depot Agt.
LEAVE SYRACUSE, AT 7:40 a.m. 2:30 & 6:30 p.m.
ARRIVE IN OSWEGO, 9:40 a.m. 5:00 & 8:15 p.m.
LEAVE OSWEGO, AT 7:00 a.m. 2:00 & 5:50 p.m.
ARRIVE IN SYRACUSE, 8:45 a.m. 4:00 & 8:45 p.m.
Geo. Skinner, Supt.
Leave daily at 6:45 a.m. - Arriving at 7:30 p.m.
Connecting at Palmyra with the N.Y.C.R. Road
Going West at 9:46 a.m. and 4:20 p.m.
Going East at1 11:20 a.m. and 4:20 p.m.
-The remarks made by Dr. D.C. Higgins at the funeral of his daughter (Mrs. Jones) on Sunday,
Feb. 8th, will be issued in an extra from this office about the 20th of Feb., at three cents pr. Copy.
Persons wishing one or more copies, should hand in their names on or before that time, as it will not be issued to our regular subscribers.
-B.G. Eaton, the Jeweler, will be here in a few days.
-There is to be a school exhibition, at Sodus Academy, on Saturday evening, Feb. 14th. From what we have heard, it promises to be a grand affair.
-There is to be an Oyster Supper, at the brick church, in Williamson, on Thursday evening, Feb. 12th for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, in the way of fitting it up, and getting it ready for worship.
-The Marion Collegiate Institute has in contemplation the propriety of getting up a paper, at the close of the present term. Miss Emma Allen is the agent for this section, and we understand one of the Editresses. The price will be six cents pr. Copy.
-Phillip Wemusfelder has sold his farm to Peter DeDee.
-Glen S. Cuyler has been confined to the house for several days.
-Asa H. Stoddard has his auction on Thursday, Feb. 17th.
-Capt. H.N. Throop left for Oswego Monday, Feb. 9th, to be absent about one week.
-Asa H. Stoddard has sold his farm to Cyrenus C. Eddy, and intends to move west.
-James Sheffield has sold his house and lot in this village, to Zimry Waters.
-R. Reynolds has sold one of his houses located on Jay street, to Cornelius VanDemoss.
-Geo. J. Cady has sold his farm to P. Wemusfelder, containing about 40 acres.
-Henry Gloyd and wife left for Buffalo, and Canandaigua Thursday, February 5th.
-John Jones arrived from Adrian, Thursday, Feb. 5th, to attend the funeral of his wife.
-Capt. R. Smith, wife and son left for Oswego Tuesday, February 10th.
-Lieut. Hamilton and sister of Batavia, have been in town several days, visiting at J. Rhodes.
-John F. Gramke has sold his house and lot to D. Jennings, and is to give possession April 1st.
-Miss Georgia Allen left for Brockport, to attend school, Monday, February 2nd.
-H.A. Mosses is to put an addition on to the house owned by J. Reynolds, in this village, in a few weeks.
-Capt. L.O. Goodridge has arrived at New York, he having got his discharge, caused from wounds received on the battle-field.
-R.E. Wilber has taken the farm of Daniel Jennings, to work the coming year. Possession given March 1st.
-Norton Sheldon's wife and son have been spending a few days in this village at the widow Dekroyft's.
-Thomas Fish has been confined to his house for several weeks, with erysipelas, but is now on the gain.-Mrs. John Jones died of consumption of the lungs, at the residence of Mrs. H.G. Higgins in this place Wednesday morning, February 4th.
-Peter VanDriest was married to Miss E.A. Waters, at the house of the bride's father, (Wm. Waters,) by Rev. E.O. Hall on Monday Feb. 2nd.
-Capt. Wm. Pratt (son of the late Johnathan Pratt,) arrived home from sea the 30th of Feb. He has been with Capt. Thomas Roys for the past year.
-Lynden Arnold of Walworth was married to Miss Mary Elizebeth Ashby of Ypsilanti, Mich, at the residence of Charles Mason, in Williamson on Sunday, January 25th.
-Mrs. A. Grippen, assisted by the "Pultneyville Glee Club," gives a concert at the Union Church, in this village, Thursday evening, Feb. 11th. Mrs. G. understands her profession.
-Capt. John M'Intosh of the regular army, has been released from his command on account of wounds received while in the service. He is now located in Rochester, engaged in painting on canvass.
-John H. Powell of Buffalo, has just started a Jewelry repairing establishsment, in this village, at John Pallister's Boot and Shoe Store. Mrs. P. will attend to all calls in the dress fiting and making department.
April 1863
DEPARTED - It is seldom that we are called upon to announce the death of one, to whom we
felt so strongly attached, as in the person of Glen S. Cuyler, of this place, and son
of Hon. Samuel C. Cuyler, who departed this life on Thursday morning, March 5th, in the
24th year of his age. The funeral took place at the Union Church on Sunday, the 8th, and was
attended by a large concourse of friends.
-H. Brockhouse, has arrived home.
-Geo. Morgan has rented G.M. Cooper's farm and taken possession.
-Alfred Allen of this place has purchased 60000 pounds of dried apples.
-Cephas Moody having rented his farm, has an auction on Tuesday, March 17th.
-Joseph Blythe of Ontario lost a child seven months old of Hooping Cough, March 3rd.
-Geo. J. Cady had an auction on Wednesday, March 4th. He intends to go west in a few days.
-Prof. J. Tillotson of Lyons, a southern refugee, propses to give a concert in this village soon.
-Capt. B.B. Brewer of Oswego has been here on a short visit, and left for home Tuesday, March 3rd.
-John H. Powell, the Jeweler, has moved to Alfred Allen's building opposite of B. Todd's Son's store.
-Mrs. John H. Powell is stopping at Williamson, attending to calls in the dressmaking department.
-Rev. Amasa Stanton of Marion left for N.Y. on Tuesday, Feb. 17th, to be absent about one week.
-James Shipley lost his son Myron, about fifteen years of age, on Saturday, March 15th of Putrid sore throat.
-Doct. Timothy Ledyard and family of Ceres, Allegany Co. N.Y. has been home on a short visit, and returned Tuesday, Feb. 24th.
-Capt. J.H. Ledyard and wife have been spending about a week in this village, and left for Rochester Thursday, March 5th.
-John Snook had an auction on Friday, March 20th at the farm of the Johnathan Pratt estate three miles west of this village on the lake road.
-Capt. J.J. Morley has been purchasing a farm this winter in Sodus, near Joseph Williams; and which was at one time a part of said farm.
-Jacob Bloss formerly of this place has been spending several weeks in this town and Sodus. His residence is at Mount Clemmens, Mich.
-J.W. Burtis has purchased the right for this town, for a patent well curb. It is one of the best patents out as every one will say that looks at it.
-D.V. Lacy has purchased a house and lot in this village, of John Reynolds, opposite of Craggs' mill on Hamilton street, and is to take possession April first.
-John Gloyd (son of the late Amos Gloyd,) arrived home Wednesday, March 4th. His residence for the past two or three years has been at Fremont, Ohio.
-Aaron Pratt had an auction Saturday, March 7th, as he had a surplus of stock &c., on account of working an other farm in connection with his own which he has now given up.
-Mervin V. Pallister, (son of John Pallister,) has purchased the house and lot near the Union Church, in this place, and formerly owned by Ansel Cornwall Esq.
-G. Malone Lewis (son of Geo. Lewis, of Webster, N.Y.) was wounded at the battle of Antetam by the bursting of a shell, died at his father's of Typhoid fever, Tuesday, March 3rd.
-Glen S. Cuyler (son of Hon. S.C. Cuyler of this place) died Thursday morning, March 5th, at the residence of his father, after a short but painful illness of four weeks, of an accute inflamation of the stomach and bowels.
-Capt. R. Smith has been promoted by being transferred from the Propeller Vermont, to the Ackron, a larger and a finer boat. She lays this winter at Cleaveland, Ohio, and will be ready on the opening of the canal.
-James Sheffield of this place, has invented a new timber head for vessels. It not only saves a great amount of labor, but a great deal in the wear and tear of lines. Those
wishing to know more of it can do so by directing as above to this place.
-E.W. Hays of Newark, N.Y. has received the appointment from Capt. H.N. Throop as Book
Keeper of the "Ontario Steamboat Co." in the office at Oswego, under W.B. Phelps the Chief
Clerk of the company. Mr. Hays is well qualified for the position assigned him, and will do the
business up in systematic order, and satisfactory to the company. Mr. Myres, the former
Book Keeper is to be transferred to one of the Steamers as Clerk.
-Capt. H.N. Throop left for Charlotte about the March 10th, to put the steamers in running
order. The steamer Cataract and Bay State will be the first boats out, which will be about the 25th
of April and will form a Tri-Weekly Line, until the June first, when the steamer Ontario will be
added, forming a Daily Line between Lewiston, Toronto and Ogdensburgh touching at intermediate ports.
The Supt. Thinks of running the steamer Montreal between Rochester and Toronto touching at the
Canadian ports, and connecting with the Express Line of steamers at Charlotte.
-Capt. Selheimer of Charlotte came to this place to attend the funeral of Glen S. Cuyler.
May 1863
-T. Scott Ledyard has been appointed Notary Public for this place.
-John C. Fleming has moved back from Williamson.
-Henry Biter has moved into Mrs. Farwell's house.
-H.M. Griffen is making some extensive repairs on his house this spring.
-Hendric Cooper has been very sick and not expected to live, but is recovering.
-Curlis C. Lewis has sold his farm to Joel W. Norton, and intends to move to St. Paul, Min.
-David Jourdan of Williamson, died of Consumption on Sunday, March 29th.
-Rachel Penwell, an old resident of this town, died March 30th, in her 90th year.
-Polly Peer of this town died March 28th, in her 70th year.
-Miss Frank Throop of Port Gibson, N.Y., is in town stopping at Capt. H.N. Throop's.
-E.R. Woodhull has got twenty fine shoats for sale, also a nice lot of pigs. Give him a call.
-Jas. Brisband has sold his house and lot to Wm. R. Liddle. Wm's father will occupy it.
-Job Ridgeway has moved from Williamson to this village, and is going into the coopering business.
-John L. Cuyler (son of the late John Cuyler,) of Aurora, N.Y., and Miss M.L. Cuyler arrived in town Wednesday eve., April 1st.
-D.V. Lucy has moved from Williamson, to this place, into the house he purchased of J. Reynolds, opposite Craggs' mill.
-Wm. R. Liddle had an auction March 30th, having sold his farm to Ledyard S. Cuyler. He has moved into the village, and occupies E.J. Roys house.
-Mr. Wm. J. Wilcox (the ticket agent of the "Ontario Steam Boat Co.," at Rochester,) has been in town several days.
-A.A. Cornwall has leased R.A. Moses' house and moved in April 1st. The latter has moved in with Abram Pepper until June, when he intends to move to Rochester.
-Chas. Robison has purchased the house and lot in this place formerly owned by John Rhodes. The former has taken possession. The latter intends to move to Buffalo soon.
-John F. Gramke's house caught fire April 1st, and came very near being destroyed. Had it not been on the first of April nothing of any amount of damage would have been done.
-Capt. H.N. Throop has been confined to his house after four weeks, from an absess under his arm. He thinks he will be able to leave for Charlotte about the 8th of April, to attend to the fitting out the steamers.
-John N. Brownell of this town has raised, the past year, 24,000 pounds of lint, and 900 bushel of flax seed. Lyman Milliman has raised 7,000 pounds of lint, and 275 bushes of seed. The whole amount of lint of both sold for $7,500.00, the seed when sold brought $2.00 pr. Bushel, amounting to $2,300.00, adding the two it will reach $10,000.00. There will be double the quantity of seed sown this year.
June 1863
-J.W. Powers has 100 fat merino weathers for sale.
-Miss Frank Throop left for home on Tuesday, April 28th.
-Daniel Jennings took up his residence in this village April 22nd.
-Mrs. Geo. Mains left for Baldwinsville Wednesday, April 22nd.
-Curlis C. Lewis having sold his farm has gone to St. Paul, Min. to live.
-Miss Jennie Pallister will be absent on a visit through June, at Oswego.
-J.W. Powers has purchased 23 acres of land of Joseph Mason for $1100.
-A.W. Higgins has moved into Mrs. H.G. Higgins' house, in the village.
-Hattie L. Todd commenced a Select School in this place Monday, May 4th.
-James Sheffield and wife, and John Rhodes and family have moved to Buffalo, N.Y.
-J.H. Ford's wife of West Walworth has been spending several days in this village at A. Allen's.
-Cornelius Van Demoss died very sudden of Diptheria of the Lungs, Thursday, April 30th.
-Mr. Stephen White and wife, of Sodus Point, and Mrs. Alvord of Oswego, were in town Sunday, April 26th.
-Alfred Allen and daughter (Eunice) arrived home Tuesday, May 4th, having been to Chicago, and Milwaukee.
-John and Isaac Shipley have purchased the Mason farm of Jas. Shipley - consideration $3500.
-E.B. Parker of Newark, N.Y. is agent for all the "A No. 1" Insurance Companys, is a straight forward, reliable man.
-Mrs. Leo Miller came home on Tuesday, April 14th, having been with her husband the past winter in the New England States.
-John N. Brownell's wife died Sunday, April 26th, and was burried Tuesday, the 28th. Rev. James Gregg preached the discourse.
-Geo. M. Nichols and wife have gone to New York. He is in the Wholesale Grocery House of Abbey Husted & Co., at 182 Fulton St.
-Mrs. H.M. Griffen and daughter, Mrs. Chas. P. Farwell, and Mrs. A. Holling leave for Michigan, on a visit, about the middle of May.
-Mrs. H.G. Higgins (widdow of the late Henry G. Higgins,) was married to Mr. Pollock, of Farville, N.Y., on Wednesday, April 22nd.
-Dr. D.C. Higgins has taken up his residence for the present at Kendal, Orleans Co., N.Y. He will communicate with our paper as formerly.
-Rob't N. Shipley (son of Waters Shipley,) has been home on a furlough. He is Commissary Surgeon attached to the 8th N.Y.S. Vol. Cavalry.
-Chas. Robison has left the stage route between this place and Palmyra, and has gone to taking orders for marble. Ambrose Hoot will take his place on the route.
-Mrs. A.A. Cornwall, and Jennie Cornwall are absent on a visit to Michigan. The former is expected home soon, and Jennie will remain through the summer at Adrian.
-John H. Powell is to have a fine assortment of clocks and jewelry, in connection with his watch repairing establishment, sign of the "Big Watch" opposite of B. Todd's Sons block.
-John I. Clark living on the Henry Phelps farm, two miles east of this village, had his house destroyed by fire on the evening of Friday, April 24th. They discovered it just in time to escape from the flames, and lost about every thing they had in the house - no insurance.
-A.F. Sheldon has been appointed Surgeon, having been promoted from Assistant Medical Director. The Washington Morning Chronicle speaks of him in the highest terms. He will also be retained in his present position, as Assistant Medical Director of Washington City.
-Thos. Fish has handed in to us the aggregate ages of ten persons residing in this town, as follows: Wm. Rogers, Wm. Holling, Wm. Waters, Samuel Ledyard, Capt. Drake, Wm. Miller, John Wake, Anthony Wake, Nicholas Alcock, and Mr. Pryne's father, making 845 years, and says he can find twenty other persons in town averaging about the same.
-Ella M. daughter of David and Mary Gordon, of Williamson, died of Diptheria April 7th 1863, age 4 years, 3 months and 11 days. Ella was a lovely child, too pure and angelic gloom long in this vale of tears; so she was torn from the embrace of her loving parents and friends, and transplanted into the garden of the Lord.
This lovely bud so young and fair
Called hence by early doom,
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In Paradise could bloom.
Hattie Tomkinson.
July 1863
-John Gloyd left for home in Ohio June 1st.
-Wm. R. Liddle has opened a meat market in this place.
-Mrs. Jas. Sheffield of Buffalo, is now visiting in this place.
-Alfred Allen is making extensive improvements on his residence.
-Thos. Seely's wife is in Philadelphia on a visit, and is expected home soon.
-D.V. Lacy is absent on a short visit to the Pennsylvania oil wells at Titusville.
-Leo Miller formerly of this place, has taken up his residence at Worcester, Mass.
-Henry Beiter's wife died Saturday, May 30th. She leaves a child about three weeks old.
-E.R. Woodhull is improving the appearance of his house by the addition of cornice &c.
-Mr. Manderville of Newark, N.Y. is to go as Clerk of the steamer Ontario this season.
-A.G. Donally and brother have been in town having obtained a furlough for a short time.
-Dr. D.C. Higgins is now at Hudson, N.Y. on a visit. He will go from there to New York.
-Joseph Gates of Ontario has had a fine blooded horse sent to him by his son Byron from North Carolina.
-Dr. H.R. Moses has arrived home on a thirty days furlough. He is with the army of the Potomac.
-Capt. Wm. Potter of this town arrived home from New Orleans May 28th, having obtained his discharge on account of his health.
-Capt. S.D. Tomkinson of the Schr. Thomas Kingsford lost a child on Thursday evening, June 16th of Scarlet fever - aged 2 years.
-L.S. Cuyler of this town is the Enrolling Officer. He has over 300 names on his list.
-Miss Rubia Allen arrived in town Wednesday, June 17th.
-Mrs. Mary Farwell, A. Holling and W.H. Rogers arrived home Thursday, June q8th.
-Seth Pellet of Norwich, N.Y., has a six years old mare that he has been offered $1500 for. He wants $3000 for her and will get it before fall - she has the speed.
-Mrs. Harmon Timerson of Oswego has been unable to walk for some time owing to a contraction of one of her limbs, and has been helped without the use of Surgery or drugs, and is now in hopes of a speedy cure.
-Prof. Hicks Halstead of west Walworth will visit our place about the 15th of July. It must be that we are to have a camp meeting here, that occasions his visit.
-W.S. Throop, H. Auchampach, J. Pallister and J. Haven Powers of this place were drawn on the jury to serve at this term of court of Oyer and Termler commencing June 16th.
-Capt. G.C. Ledyard (son of Saml. Ledyard, of this place,) arrived home June 12th, on a short furlough, having received a wound in his right arm at the assult of Vicksburgh. He returned the 22nd, having recovered sufficiently to resume his command.
-W.W. Woodhull (son of E.R. Woodhull of this place,) has received the appointment of Assistant Paymaster of the U.S. Navy. He has been assigned to the steamer Delaware, of the North American Blockading Squadron, stationed off Newbern, N.C.
-G.D. Phelps of Millwauke, Wis., died June 10th, 1863, aged 80 years. The ceased was among the earliest settlers in this village, being the oldest child of the Rev. Devenport Phelps, who came here and labored as a Missionary of the Episcopal Church when this was quite a wilderness.
Mr. Phelps was a very respectable citizen, having held the office of the Collector of this port for some 12 years, after which he was engaged in the mercantile business while he lived in town. He removed with his family some 10 or 12 years since to Milwaukee, where he left the form for the angel world.
- Down East there resides a certain M.D. One very cold night he was roused from his
slumbers by a very loud knocking at the door. After some hesitation, he went to the window and
asked, "who's there?"
"A friend."
"What do you want?"
"To stay here all night,"
"Well, stay there then," was the benevolent reply.
- When lovely woman veils her bosom
With Muslin, fashionably thin,
What man with eyes could e'er refuse 'em
Cautiously from peering in?
And when, his ardent gaze returning,
The muslin heaves to deep-drawn sighs,
Would not his fingers' ends be burning
To press - his hand down o'er his eyes?
August 1863
OUR VICTORIES - Since our last issue we have received the gratifying news of the surrender
of Vicksburgh and Port Hudson. It is to be hoped that we may follow up these brilliant achievements
by the capturing of Charleston, Richmond, and Mobile, which will put on the finishing stroke of
this great rebellion. The monocracy of the city of New York have been doing considerable damage
in consequence of the draft, but as soon as they heard that Kilpatrick was on his way with several
regiments of cavalry, it put a quietness to the whole affair. The Government is determined to carry
it through even to the point of the bayonet, and give them to understand that mob law can't be
tolerated by a great and free people.
-John Pallister and daughter left for the west July 21st.
-J.M. Reynolds left for Saratoga Springs Friday, July 24th.
-Mrs. James Pollock arrived in town Saturday, July 11th.
-Palmer Wescott is to build a yatch for Jos. Gazlay this fall.
-Mrs. T. Scott Ledyard is on a visit to Baldwinsville, N.Y.
-H. Brockhouse's oldest daughter died of Diptheria July 20th.
-Capt. H.N. Throop and wife left for Ogdensburgh July 22nd.
-Jane Pallister arrived home from Oswego Saturday, July 18th.
-Dr. H.R. Moses returned to his regiment about the 10th of July.
-Mrs. H.M. Griffen and daughter returned from Michigan, July 3rd.
-Geo. E. Curlis is in Ogdensburgh setting up an engine in a steamboat.
-D.D. Reynolds and wife of Elmira arrived in town Thursday, July 23rd.
-D.V. Lacy and J.H. Gloyd left for the Oil regions Tuesday, July 21st.
-Dr. D.C. Higgins has returned from New York to Kendal (sic), Orleans Co.
-J.W. Powers and wife have returned from their visit at Cooperstown, N.Y.
-Mrs. R. Reynolds has been absent on a visit to Chenango and Ulster Cos., N.Y.
-A.A. Cornwall and wife have been absent about ten days on a visit to Alexandria Bay.
-Myron, (son of John VanWinkle,) lost his leg below the knee at the battle of Gettysburgh.
-Capt. Armine A. Holling of the Schr. Alfred Allen, of this place was married to Miss Mary J. Sheffield June 24th. They left immediately for Milwaukee, Wis.
-A.A. Cornwall has imported a full blooded troting mare that can go a mile in 2:30.
-Miss Georgia Allen has arrived home from Brockport, to remain through the vacation of the school.
-W.H. O'Keeffe of Lockport has been spending a few days in town. He returned Monday, July 20th.
-Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Shipley of this place, died Wednesday morning, July 22nd, in the 78th year of her age.
-Mrs. J.J. Eaton Jr. of Boston has been on a visit to Rochester and vicinity, and was unexpectedly called home without our receiving a visit from her.
-Capt. G.C. Ledyard has sent home a paper printed by the rebels at Vicksburgh previous to the surrender of the town; it is printed on wall paper.
-Miss Mary E. Waters arrived home from Sodus July15th, where she has been attending school. She is to return at the commencement of the fall term.
-Wm. E. Myres of the steamer Bay State has, we understand purchased Bull Island, one of the group of the famous "Thousand Island," just below Alexandria Bay.
-John H. Powell has removed his Jewelry Store to Lyons. The citizens of that place can rest assured that they have got a fine workman, and we were sorry to part with him.
-Price & Wheeler and their ladies of Syracuse have been to Alexandria Bay on a fishing excursion, bringing back with them a Muscalunge weighing 91 lbs. That is the place to fish.
Back to Town of Williamson Section
Created: 7/12/04
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