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From the 1860 Gazetteer of the State of New York, by J. H. French

Main Street, Savannah

SAVANNAH (1) - was formed from Galen, Nov. 24, 1824. It is the S E. corner town of the co. Its surface is broken by drift ridges in the N., and is low and marshy in the S.; about one-third of the S. part is a woodland marsh, known as Crusoe Island. Seneca River forms the S. part of the E. boundary. Crusoe Lake is a small, shallow body of water near the center; its outlet, Crusoe Creek, flows into Seneca River. The soil in the N. is a sandy and gravelly loam, and in the S. it is principally composed of muck and shell marl. (1) A tract of about 1,900 acres in the S. E. part is an open marsh, producing coarse grass. Savannah (p.v.) near the center, is a station upon the N. Y. C. R. R. and contains 20 houses. The first settlement was made by Elias Converse and Joseph Mozier, in 1812. (2) The first preacher was Rev. __ Wiers (Bap.). There is no church in town.


  1. The Galen Salt works of an early peiod were in this town.
  2. Among the early settlers were Michael Weatherwax, Benj. Seeley, Garret Burnham, Henry Taylor, Chauncey Ives, John Green, Abner and Ezra Rockway, Henry Myers, David Cushman, Smith Ward, and Sampson McBane, mostly from Eastern N. Y. The first marriage was that of Geo. Fredenburgh and Sally Converse; the first birth was that of a child of Geo. Fredenburgh; and the first death, that of __ Sweetman. Lorin Brown taught the first school, in 1817.

Current Place Names in the Town of Savannah:

Pangburn Corners, Savannah

Tales of the Village of Savannah - from the 1877 "History of Wayne County"

The Town of Savannah - from "History of Wayne County, N.Y. 1789-1877" by Everts, Ensign & Everts, 1877

1895 History of Savannah

1867 Directory of Savannah

Names Index to the 1874 Map of the Town of Savannah

Names Index to the 1874 Map of the Village of Savannah

Names Index of Savannah Citizens from "Landmarks of Wayne County"

Property Owners of the Town of Savannah, 1891: added 4/6/12

1914 Farm Directory of Savannah

1874-75 Savannah Marriage and Death Records

Butler-Savannah Cemetery

Holbrooks, Ferris or Pilgrim's Rest Cemetery

Pilgrim's Rest Cemetery Photo Album

Small Savannah Cemeteries: Harwood-Sprague, Crusoe Island (Old Evans, Farrand), New Evans, Wilsey Farm, Harrington, Wilson Farm, John Jackson (Allen), Olmstead Road Single Burial

Tallman Cemetery, Savannah

Civil War Soldiers Buried in Savannah, NY Cemeteries

Civil War Soldiers of Savannah, NY

Savannah Business Notices in 1874

Savannah Historical Trivia Quiz

Early Photos of Savannah Schoolchildren

The Hon. Nelson Ferris: and Ferris family documents

Feb. 14, 1889 Savannah Reporter Newspaper

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Created: 1998
Last Revision: 4/6/12
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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