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From the 1860 Gazetteer of the State of New York, by J. H. French

MARION - was formed from Williamson, as "Winchester", April 18, 1825. Its name was changed April 15, 1826. It is an interior town, lying W. of the center of the co. Its surface is broken by sandy hills and gravelly ridges; the Niagara limestone crops out in the N. part. It is drained by East Red Creek, which flows S. into Mud Creek. The soil is a gravelly, calcareous loam, and drift. Limestone is quarried in the N. part, for building purposes and public works. Near Marion Village is a sulphur spring. Marion, (p.v.) in the S. part, contains 4 churches, the Marion Collegiate Institute, a furnace and machine shop, a fanning mill factory, and 390 inhabitants. The first settlement was commenced in 1796, by Daniel Lovell.(1) The first church (Presb.) was organized Nov. 1, 1808.(2)


  1. ___ Blakesley and Ezra Phelps settled in 1796, David and Isaac Sweezy in 1797, and Wm. B. Cogswell, from R.I., in March, 1798. The first birth was in the family of David Lovell; the first death, that of ___ Phelps, in 1800. Widow Stiles kept the first inn, in 1799; and ___ built the first gristmill, in 1801.
  2. There are 4 churches in town; Cong., M. E., Bap., and Christian

Current Place Names in the Town of Marion:

Cory Corners, Marion

History of the Town of Marion, Part 1

History of the Town of Marion, Part 2

History of the Town of Marion, Part 3

History of the Town of Marion 1795-1937

1914 Farm Directory of Marion

The Town of Marion, 1789-1877

1850 Census of Marion - Partial

1855 Census of Marion - Partial

Excerpts from the Marion Record Book, 1832-1838

1867 Directory of Marion

Property Owners of the Town of Marion, 1891: added 5/17/12

1905 Directory of Marion

Items from the 1905 "Souvenir of Marion, N.Y."

Unclaimed Mail, Marion Post Office, Dec. 31, 1840

Civil War Enlistees of Town of Marion, July 1862

1874-75 Marion Marriage and Death Records

Miscellaneous Vital Records of the Town of Marion: added 1/4/14

Introduction to the Marion, N.Y. First Reformed Church

Early Members of the Marion, N.Y. First Reformed Church

1897 Membership List of the Marion, N.Y. First Reformed Church

History of the Sherman Family of Marion

Cory Corners Cemetery

Gilbert Cemetery

Hall Center Cemetery

Harkness/Miller Cemetery

Hauver Cemetery

Knapp Family Cemetery

Sherman Cemetery List

Marion Cemetery: Town of Marion
Part 1 A   Part 2 B   Part 3 C   Part 4 D-F   Part 5 G-K
Part 6 L-O   Part 7 P-R   Part 8 S-T   Part 9 U-Z

Marion Cemetery Listings Update: added 12/10/07

Military Burials in Marion Cemetery

Marion Cemetery: Some tombstone photos and some genealogy of families buried in the Marion Cemetery. Located on a link to Marge Lutzvick's off-site home page. When done viewing, please click on your "BACK" button.

Knapp Stones from the Marion Cemetery

Philip Stones from the Marion Cemetery

Upper Corners Cemetery List

Wayne County Births - 1849, Part 2 - Marion, Ontario, Palmyra and Rose

Wayne County Marriages 1849, Part 2 - Towns of Arcadia, Wolcott, Ontario, Sodus, Marion, Savannah and Lyons

Wayne County Deaths 1849, Part 3 - Arcadia, Marion, Savannah, Walworth, and Williamson

Wayne County Marriages 1848, Part 1 - Towns of Butler, Lyons, Macedon, Marion, Ontario, Rose, Savannah and Walworth

Wayne County Deaths 1848, Part 3 - Towns of Galen, Lyons, Ontario and Marion

Wayne County Marriages 1847, Part 1 - Towns of Arcadia, Butler, Galen, Lyons, Macedon, Marion

Index to War of 1812 Reimbursement Claims: Arcadia, Galen, Lyons, Palmyra, Butler, Huron, Macedon, Marion, and Ontario

1839 Bond to Run a Tavern

Marion Collegiate Institute 1880 Student Program

Gilbert Family Picnic, 1887

January 17, 1891 Marion Enterprise Newspaper

Marion N.Y. Grange Officers, 1903

Bruinix/ Goossen Family of Marion

1837 Kenyon/Wilcox Land Indenture

1842 Bourne/Garlock Land Indenture

1847 Kenyon/Lookup/Davis/Garlock Land Indenture

Friend Kenyon 1848 Land Indenture

1848 Kenyon/Smith Land Indenture

1851 Kenyon/Garlock Land Indenture

1852 McOmber/Kenyon Land Indenture

1854 Winslow/Kenyon Indenture

1855 Kenyon/Garlock Mortgage Sale

1878 Rich/Kenyon Indenture

1865 Springer/Kenyon Land Indenture

Will of Jacob P. Garlach

1843 Proof of Will Jacob P. Garlock

1843 Jacob P. Garlock Estate Inventory

1843 Jacob P. Garlock Estate Proof of Service

1879 Will of Friend Kenyon

1887 Petition of Will of Friend Kenyon

1887 Judicial Settlement of Friend Kenyon

1887 Friend Kenyon Final Estate Settlement

1847 Guardianship Petition of Abraham Garlock

1847 Guardianship Bond of Abraham Garlock

1848 Guardianship Account of Abraham Garlock

1917 Marion Scrapbook Articles

1839 Cogswell/Durfee Tavern Keepers Bond

Back to Wayne County Townships Page

Created: 9/15/98
Last Revision: 1/4/14
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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