List of Early Members
of the
Marion NY First Reformed Church
The Marion First Reformed Church records below were compiled from original church material by Harold DeBrine and completed in 1992. We are most grateful to Mr. DeBrine for giving us permission to post them on this site. A copy of this list is available for viewing at the Office of the County Historian.
>"The people are listed in the order in which they became members. The names are exactly as they were recorded in the Consistory minutes. It cannot be assumed that all are spelled correctly. Many were later changed as the people became Americanized." Harold DeBrine, deBruijne in Holland & old Flanders.
May 10, 1870 (Charter Members)
On Confirmation
Jannis van der Boegh and wife Cornelia Maljie
Willem Jonkman
Izak Marison
With Letters of Transfer
Jannis Cornelius and first wife Jakoba Schotsman
Izak Gileman and wife Johanna Sara Schuiflot
Jakob Fortrie and wife Janna Joris
Jannis Callewaart and wife Jacomina Mersen
Jakob Boekhoudt and wife Francina Gileman
Pieter Morel and wife Maria Machielsen
Willem Kouwe and wife Magdalena Boogaart
Jannis Joris and wife Adriana Sara Cuvelier
Maria Taillier widow of J. Joris
Jakob Joris
Adriana Joris
Adriana van Roo
Izak van Bortelen and wife Susanna Levina Wage
Ubregt Visser and wife Elisabet Jonkman
Adriaan Daansen and wife Cornelia de Veij
Izak Mailjie
Jan Aboogaart and wife Sara Jonkman
Jakob Beelaart
Marinus Schoonderman and wife Maria de Smit [See note at bottom of page]
Simon Bonte and wife Sara Gilman
Willem Jakobus Marison and wife Janneke Leenaar
Cornelis Verbrugge
Jakob Verbrugge
Abraham Wagemaker and wife Erina Caterina Eemsveld
Peter Eekhout and wife Cornelia de Witte
Jan Hendrik Van Hee and wife Johanna Maria Lefbaard
Salamon de Bois and wife Janneke de Smit
Jakemina van Krufnegen
Pieternella Burgemeester
Jennis Mullie and wife Sara Samon
Jennis Samon and wife Johanna den Engelsen
May 20, 1871
On Confirmation
Abraham Daansen
Pieter Gernaart
Cornelis Akerman
Susanna Willemina Mailjie, wife of P. Machielsen
Pieternella Samon, wife of Izaak Meiljie
With Letters of Transfer
The teacher J.W. Warnshuis and wife Hendrika Johanna Donk
Machiel Valekenier and wife Sara de Hullu
Jannis Grasdorp
Maria de Hondt wife of P. Gernaart
Adrian den Engelsen
Hendrik La Novi and wife Elisabet van der Broeke
Pieter Goossen and wife Maria Orlebeke
Willem Faro and wife Aaltje Fortrie
Sara de Die, wife of Izaak Baas
Janneke Viellis, widow of Keymel
Katelina van Houte, widow of Jakob de Bois
Izaak La Haye and wife Anna Joris
Johanna La Haye, wife of C. Akerman
Jakob Roosekrans
May 21, 1871
With Letters of Transfer
Jannis Engels
Jakobus de Wolf
June 4, 1871
With Letters of Transfer
Adriaan de Bat and wife Cornelia de Bois
June 18, 1871
On Confirmation
Pieter den Dekker and wife Anna Deij
Jakob Katteeuw and wife Adriana van Baal
Jakob Elias
Hendrik Elias and wife Francina Boekhout
Adriana Goossen wife of Abram Brule
Sara de Bots widow of Jannis de Wolf
With Letters of Transfer
Abraham den Hollander and wife Susanna de Wolf
Janna Boekhout, wife of Jakob Elias
Josina Freijn
June 24, 1871
On Confirmation
Izaak Baas
Wilhelmina Adriana Adriaansen
Josina Verkey, wife of Adrian den Engelsen
With Letters of Transfer
Jannis Neuf Eglise and wife Pieternella Mailjie
Jakob den Engelsen and wife Maria Timmerman
Izaak de Bruijne and wife Maria Leurengans
Jakob Brugge
Pieter Ballie and wife Levina Brugge
Abraham Brule
July 22, 1871
On Confirmation
William Ver Lorre
Pieter den Engelsen
Pieternella den Engelsen
Jakob Kallewaard
Susanna Pieternella Jansen, wife of Izaak Beelaart
With Letters of Transfer
Izaak Thiersen and wife Maria Boogaard
Jakob Kieboom and wife Susanna van der Wall
Johanna den Engelsen
Sara den Engelsen
Frans de Kok
Pieternella de Kok, wife of Willem Ver Lorre
Catharina Brago, wife of Abram Notebaart
Jakobus Tak and wife Johanna Colijn
Jan Flip Mersen
Maria van Meale, wife of Jan Engels
Jakob Verkruise
Jannis Burggraaf and wife Maria van Kruijnigen
Cornelis Bruijsschaart
Izaak Beelaart
Jan de Vuijst
August 13, 1871
With Letter of Transfer
Elizabeth Vermeulen, wife of Cornelis Bruijsschaart
August 26, 1871
On Confirmation
Floris Notebaart
Izaak Daansen
With Letters of Transfer
Jakob Aalbregts and wife Sara Cuvelier
Dirk Bril and wife Susanna Cornelia Tak
Jannes Perduijn and wife Jozina van Houten
Josia Mersen
September 9, 1871
On Confirmation
Jan Hendrik Marisen
With Letter of Transfer
Pieter Adriaanse and wife Pieternella Cambier
September 30, 1871
On Confirmation
Abraham Hollebrand and wife Catharina van de Plassche
Pieter Jansen and wife Maria van de Plassche
Jannis Pieter Goossen and wife Levina Gordijn
Abraham Notebaart
Jan de Bois and wife Josina Korteville
Adrian Korteville and wife Elisabeth Notebaart
Jannis Korteville and wife Magdalena Susanna Bak
Adriaan Korteville
Harm Akerman
Maria Lijbaart, wife of Klaas Akerman
With Letters of Transfer
Elisabeth Sterk, widow of Jan Boogaart
Peter Korteville and wife Adriana Verkey
Jannis van den Amele and wife Elisabeth Janssen
Jakobus Bodine
Cornelis Morel
Pieter Perduijn
Sara Adriana Perduijn, wife of Jan Marisen
Maria de Kok
Catherina de Kok, wife of Floris Notebaart
November 11, 1871
On Confirmation
Jannis de Maillie and his wife Elisabet Merk
Jan van Blankenburg and his wife Levina Brugeman
Pieter Verbrugge and his wife Leuntje Cense
Claas Akerman
Abraham Corteville and his wife Janneke Notier
Pieter Gileman
Janneke Corteville, wife of Jacob Budine
Daniel Bruijsschaart
With Letter of Transfer
Izaak van Laren and his wife Adriana Mailjie
Abraham du Rij, Boudewy Leuregans
Jacobus Abraham Meertens and his wife Josina Rousseau
Cornelis Moerman and his wife Catharina le Mahieu
Pieter Hennekij and his wife Susanna Israel
Machiel Kusse and his wife Elisabeth Laus
Joost Vergouwe
Pieter Michielsen
Abraham Leenhouts and his wife Johanna Cambier
Jannis Rousseau and his wife Janneke Buurman
Sara de Maillie, widow of Rousseau
Pieter de Smidt, Pieter Callewaart, Izaak Callewaart
Jacob Callewaart
Pieter Callewaart and his wife Maria Baart
Abraham Merk
Pieter Israel and his wife Josina Elisabeth Merk
Pieter de Witte
Janna van Luk widow of Pieter La Gas
January 25, 1872
With Letter of Transfer
Jannis Janssen and his wife Adriana Johanna Wisse
February 10, 1872
On Confirmation
Marinus Hennekeij
Maria Josina Catteeuw, widow of C. Plasse
Maria Van der Plassche, wife of Izaak Daansen
With Letter of Transfer
Pieter du Bois and wife Elizabeth Merssen
Jerina Beun, wife of Marinus Hennekeij
Cornelia de Meij, wife of Abraham Calier
Jan Kramer and wife Maria Cambier
March 21, 1872
On Confirmation
Abraham Callier
With Letter of Transfer
Abraham Hubrechtsen and wife Maria Catharina Deij
March 28, 1872
With Letter of Transfer from East Williamson
Pieter den Engelsen and wife Magdalena Valekenier
Antonie Visser and wife Josina den Engelsen A
braham Brule and wife Willemina Brugge
Jannetje Elisabeth de Kan
Cornelis de Meij
June 22, 1872
On Confirmation
Jacob Lijbaart
Maria Cornelia van Klooster, wife of Abr. Daansen
With Letter of Transfer
Pieter Lambrechts and wife Pieternella de Zeeuw Jacob du Bois and wife Catalyntje Suwijn
August 4, 1872
On Confirmation
Susanna Bruijsschaart, wife of Jacob Verkruijse
Sara Blankenburg, wife of Pieter Gileman
January 16, 1873
With Letter of Transfer
Willemina de Molenaar, wife of Jacob Joris
Jeremias Claaijsen and wife Catharina Buijs
Pieter Kouwer
March 31, 1873
With Letter of Transfer
Susanna Orlebeke, widow of Callewaart
May 10, 1873
With Letter of Transfer
Jacob Thomas and wife Pieternella Buijs
July 24, 1873
On Confirmation
Pieter Jacob Baas and wife Maria Josephine Koppejan
Jannis Jakobus Schaap and wife Janneke Brasser
Maatje Cense, wife of H. Wage
Adriaan Izaak Verhouwe and wife Maria de Visser
Susanna Verhouwe
Maria Magdalena Van Bortel, wife of Adriaan de Bois
Maria Magdelena Corteville
Magdalena Corteville
With Letter of Transfer
Jacob Buijs and wife Dina Massielie
Willem A. Septer and wife Maria Van Wyngaarden
Johanna Lagei
Pieter Adriaanse and wife Adriana Maria Jansen
Jan Orlebeke
Susanna de Kiek
Elisabeth Callewaart, wife of M. Bronswijk
Daniel Mailjie and wife Maria Deunink
August 16, 1873
With Letter of Transfer
Rachel Thomas, wife of Jacob Puijnbroek
October 11, 1873
With Letter of Transfer
Frans Louis Kemel and wife Janneke Schuivlot
Abraham Wille and wife Jacoba Molenaar
November 15, 1873
On Confirmation
Jacob Puijnbroek
With Letter of Transfer
Pieter de Wolf
Johannes Buijs and wife Susanna Hubregtsen
Pieter Lijbaart and wife Sara de Die
Isaak Verburg and wife Elisabeth Cuvelier
Cornelia Engels
April 4, 1874
On Conformation
Dina Visser, wife of Izaak Marisen
With Letter of Transfer
Abraham Van Lare and wife Catharina Neufiglise
Jannis Klaaijsen
Daniel Bruischaart Jr. and wife Pieternella Moelaart
Adriaan De Bois
Pieter Wisse and wife Adriana Verduin
Francina Leuregans
July 18, 1874
On Confirmation
Pieter Allaart
Isaak Tack
Johannes Van Klooster
Maria La Haye
Rachel Janssen, wife of Johannes Tack
With Letter of Transfer
Jan Bergsi and wife Maria De Voogt
Hendrik Hubrechtsen
Pieter Merrick and wife Maris Wemelsfelder
Johannes Tack
Jannes de Kok and wife Adriana De Meij
Abraham Klaaysen
Johanna Akke, wife of Isaak Tack
November 21, 1874
With Letter of Transfer
Abraham Jansen and wife Carolina Moes
Josias Mersen and wife Magdalena Verkei
March 27, 1875
On Confirmation
Cornelis de la Haye
Johannes Gileman
Abraham de Butte
Maria de Mailjie
Maria Brule
Francina Treutelaas, wife of D. De Voogt
Adriana de Bats, widow of Claaysen
With Letter of Transfer
Jannes Van Male and wife Pieternella Akke
Jakobus de Voogt and wife Cornelia Tijdgat
Catharina Van Male
Janna du Bois
Hendrik Moens and wife Maria Van Blankenberg
July 4, 1875
With Letter of Transfer
Izaak Verkest and wife Maria Wille
Catalina Wille
Cornelia Thomas
Johanna de Geus, wife of Hendrick Hubregtsen
November 7, 1875
On Confirmation
Adriaan La Rooij
Abraham Puijnbroek
Maria Puijnbroek
November 13, 1875
With Letter of Transfer
Bart Puijnbroek
April 6, 1876
On Confirmation
Abraham Van Lare
Jannes Van Male
Wilhelmina Tailier
Hendrika Damkot
With Letter of Transfer
Izaak de La Haye and his wife Anna Joris
Leendert de Wind and his wife Maria Burgot
Izaak van der Lijke and his wife maria Dathijn
Elizabet van der Lijke
Maria van der Lijke
Adriaan de Smidt and his wife Catharina de Wind
April 30, 1876
With Letter of Transfer
Abraham de Smid, wife Magdalena Wagenmaker and son Isak de Smid
November 15, 1881
With Letter of Transfer
Isaak de Smidt and wife Maria Contant
Abraham Israel and wife Sara Van de Luyster
Jacoba Pons, wife of Cornelius de Groot
January 27, 1882
With Letter of Transfer
Jozina Van Peenen and her son
Willem de Gellekens, from Zuidzande
Abraham de Visser and wife Maria de Gellekens, from Oostburg
March 3, 1882
On Confirmation
Jan de Smit and wife Katrina Lambregtse
Abraham de Kok
Janneke Bruishaard, wife of Samuel de Kok
Jozina Valkenier
Pieternella Bruishaard, daughter of D. Bruishaard
Mary Christiana den Header, wife of the Teacher
Mathew Kolijn, from Zeeland, Michigan
In his report to the Classis April 17, 1882, the Rev. Matthew Kolijn noted that due to the "transient nature of the church membership," the number of families is not increasing but remaining relatively constant at 125 families with 265 in Communion.
August 4, 1882
With Letter of Transfer
Johannes de Meij and wife Aaltje de Visser from Groede
Maranna de Wagemker from Groede
Suzanna de Visser from Groede
September 29, 1882
On Confirmation
Pieter Adriaan Contant and wife Cathalina Machielsen
November 17, 1882
With Letter of Transfer
Isaac de Visser and wife Maria Fremsauw
December 29, 1882
On Confirmation
Pieter de Gelleke and wife Elizabeth Orlebeke
January 12, 1883
With Letter of Transfer
Cornelius Le Roy and wife Jozina de Kok
Abraham Klaasen
Notation - East Newark
Jan Bergsie
Leendert de Kok
Elias van Schuiten
Notation April 1, 1884 - Membership in Marion declining as 22 members leave to form the nucleus of the new church at East Newark under pastor William J. Baas.
October 8, 1884
With Letter of Transfer
Abraham Verdouw and wife Martina Goethals
Pieter Van Bortel
Abraham Van Blankenberg and wife Jacomina Ekkebus
Pieter Verkest
Jakohb Verdouw and Suzanna Kraaimes
Pieter Orlebeke and Christina Van Holde
January 24, 1885
On Confirmation
Abraham Hoevenaar and wife Johanna Ketels
Jakob Kools and wife Frederika Oosterling
Marinus Moens and wife Leentje Verspille
Pieternella de Wolt, wife of Johannis Bage
Pieter, son of Jakob van Bortel
This material, copyright © 1992 to Harold DeBrine, may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this full paragraph remains on all copied material. These electronic pages, with Mr. DeBrine's copyright interpretation, as well as commentary and underlying source code, cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Nor may this copyrighted digitally-presented text be used on any commercial site or distributed via any commercial CD-ROM or other digital storage device.
Excerpts from a note from Jack Bathrick: "Just wanted you to know that I got lost on your site in the wee hours this morning and thoroughly enjoyed myself! I went there not because I was looking for my ancestors but because I was trying to answer a query from one of several lists I'm on. Like so many times before, I soon found some ancestors (SCHOONERMAN) and began to explore the site for them as well. I did notice an extraneous "d" in the spelling of SCHOONERMAN..."Marinus Schoonderman and wife Maria de Smit". After my "find" I had fun sending emails to three families of my eight grandchildren giving them your website and a history quiz about their GGGGGrandparents Marinus and Maria."
Prepared by Wayne County NYGenWeb Co-coordinator, Allyn Hess Perry
1897 Revised Membership List of the Marion, N.Y. First Reformed Church, 1870 - 1885
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Created: 10/15/98
Copyright © 1992 - 2011 Harold DeBrine
Copyright © 1998 - 2011 Allyn Hess Perry/ M. Magill
All Rights Reserved.