1854 Winslow/Kinyon Land IndentureMarion, NYWayne County, NYThis indenture is one of a group of documents transcribed and contributed by researcher Ron Reid! "What I am trying to do is find a solid connection between Friend Kenyon and a supposed son by the name of Jonas Kenyon. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence but I am still searching for that irrefutible link. Therefore I am working from Friend Kenyon forward and Jonas Kenyon backwards. I will probably be getting more into the Garlock/Garlach line because we know Friend Kenyon married a Garlock and came from Herkimer to Wayne with the Garlock bunch in the 1830's."
Wayne County, New York
This indenture made this eight day of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand Eight hundred and fifty four, between Philander Winslow and Mary
Winslow his wife of this town of Marion in the county of Wayne and the state of
New York of the first part, and Friend Kinyon of the second part, Witnesseth,
that the said parties of the first part in consideration of the sum of one
hundred and ten dollars to him duly paid, his heirs and assigns, all the the
tracs (sic) or parcel of Land, situate in the town of Marion in the county of
Wayne and the state of New York bounded and described as follows to wit, Beginning in the center of the highway leading Southerly from Marion corners past
Youngs & Hestor's flower mill and at the south west corner of a private Lane or
road belonging to William B. Coggshall running thence southwardly along the
center of said highway ninetysix links Thence Eastwardly about Fourteen Roods
(sic) to the west line of lands belonging William B. Coggshall thence northwardly
along said Coggshall west line ninetysix links to the southline of the above
mentioned private Lane or road, Thence westwardly to the south line of said lane
or road to the place of Beginning The east and west ends of the ??? described
premises being of equal width and holding the same its whole length and
containing by estimation about Fiftysix rods of Land be the same more or less.
With the appurtenances and all the estate title and interest there in of the said
parties of the first part and the said Philander Winslow does hereby convenant
and agree to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns,
that the premesis thus conveyed in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said
party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, he will forever Warrant and
Defend against any person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same or any part
In witness whereof, the parties of the first part has hereunto set their hands
and seals the day and year first above written.
Sealed and delivered in Philander Winslow seal
State of New York Wayne County ss: On the Eight Day of September in the year One
thousand eight hundred and fiftyfour, before me the subscriber personally appeard
Philander Winslow and Mary his wife to me known to be the persons described in
and who executed the written instrument, who severally acknowledged that they
executed the same And the said Mary Winslow on a private examination by me apart
from her said husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely and without
any fear or compulsion of her said husband. Wm G. Austin a Justice of the
peace in the county of Wayne
A true copy recorded 13 September 1854 at 8 am |
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