1887 Petition of Will
Friend Kenyon

Marion, NY

Wayne County, NY

This legal document is one of a group of documents transcribed and contributed by researcher Ron Reid. This particular document, filed at the Surrogate Court of Wayne County, NY, was a breakthrough - "I have found the definitive connection linking Jonas Kenyon as the son of Friend Kenyon." Ron has contributed many transcriptions of original documents to our site about Wayne County Kenyons and Garlocks who migrated west from Herkimer County NY in the 1830s. This document has been slightly reformatted for ease in online reading.

From the Wayne County Historian
File #2577


To the Surrogate of the County of Wayne:

      The petition of John S. Rich respectfully showeth that he was duly qualified and appointed by the Surrogate of the County of Wayne, as the Executor of the last Will and Testament of Friend Kenyon late of the town of Marion in said County, deceased, on the 9th day of February 1886, and that twelve months and upwards have expired since such appointment.

      Your petitioner further shows that immediately after his appointment as such Executor he entered upon the duties of the trusts thereof, and that he is prepared and desirous of rendering an account of his proceedings as such Executor and having such accounts judicially settled, and a decree of such judicial settlement entered therein according to law.

      Your petitioner further shows that he has duly advertised for the presentation of claims against the said deceased and the following named creditors have presented claims which remain unpaid in whole or in part as follows...................................................

      Your petitioner further shows that the names and places of residences of all person interested in the estate of said deceased, as widow, heirs at law, legatees, next of kin, or otherwise, so far as your petitioner can ascertain, are as follows: Anna M. Nichols daughter Chicago Ill. Melissa Gillett daughter Marion N.Y. Elizabeth J. Terrill daughter Grand Rapids Mich. Revie Kenyon and Anna Kenyon of Battle Creek Mich children of Erastus Kenyon deceased son; Ellen Poskett of Howell Mich child of Sylvester Kenyon a deceased son: Jonas Kenyon son residence unknown and not known to be alive, Charles Kenyon, Jonas Kenyon Jr. James Kenyon and Thomas Kenyon children of said Jonas Kenyon Hattie D. Gillett, Nellie E. Gillett, George H. Gillett Maud M. Gillett grandchildren, residing in Marion, and legatees under this will..........................................................
and are all respectfully of sound mind and full age except...................
..........George H. Gillett and Maud M. Gillett.................................

Who are infants under the age of twenty-one years, and have no general guardian in this State; and that some of them are absentees or non-residents as stated above

      Your petitioner therefore prays that his accounts may be judicially settled, and that Citation may issue out of and under the Seal of this Court, to be directed to all persons interested in, and creditors of the estate of the said Friend Kenyon deceased, requiring them to appear in this Court on a certain day to be therein specified, to attend the judicial settlement of the accounts of your petitioner, as such Executor aforesaid, and that suitable person may be appointed special guardian to appear for said infants and to care of their interest in the premises. And your petitioner will ever pray, &c.
                                          Dated this 4th day of July 1887
                                          John S Rich

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Created: 11/20/04
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Wayne County NYGenWeb
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