MACEDON ACADEMYWAYNE COUNTY, NYMACEDON ACADEMY. "Macedon Academy, planned for, and erected, by those who had a part in the early history of the town, has exerted an influence that cannot be told or estimated. Following the work of the common schools, it gave opportunities to its students that were invaluable, if rightly used. The story of its beginning, its work, and its usefulness has been well written by those who enjoyed its privileges, and have given their tribute to its worth in the History of Macedon Academy; but to omit it from any account of the town would be to neglect to mention that which has been a vital force in the community, and a great uplift to the cause of education. The men who founded and sustained the Academy should not be forgotten.The story of some of these has been told in the sketches of the pioneers but there were others who settled in the town at a later period in its history, and yet were active in beginning the school. The first thought of such a work, that has been mentioned, was planned by Wm. G. Barker, but it was not carried out by him. A little later Israel Woolsey said to a few friends, in substance, "Why may we not attempt such a school?" The effort was successfully made, and Macedon Academy was established. In the list of early trustees were the names of Evert Bogardus, Joshua Delong, Wm. C. Johnston, John Johnston, John C. Marshall, Ira Odell, Henry Tillou, Israel Woolsey and John VanVliet. These,and many others aided the undertaking, and we know the result. Honor is due to them for the work accomplished. Here, and there, throughout the United States the students of Macedon Academy have made homes for themselves, and to them the school has been more than a memory, it has been a help and an inspiration." From: Pioneers of Macedon, and other papers of the Macedon Center Historical Society, compiled by Mary Louise Eldredge. Fairport, N.Y.: The Mail Printing House. 1912. UPDATING A 113-YEAR OLD BOOK A Virtual "CLASS REUNION"! Listings of names of former students were abstracted from History of Macedon Academy, 1841-1891. Fairport, N.Y.:
Mail Steam Printing House, 1892. This is the book referenced in the introduction above. More student names will be intermittently added to
the listings during 2005.
MALE STUDENTS FEMALE STUDENTS 1892 Macedon Academy Alumni Association Members OTHER RESOURCES ON THIS SITE 1872 Macedon Academy Alpha Theta Society Program 1887 Macedon Academy Commencement Program: added 10/27/06 The site coordinators and site volunteers have NO information whatsoever about the Academy or any of the persons listed in the articles. We thank you in advance for not emailing us, but directing ALL requests for information to the Office of the County Historian, or using a search engine. Created: 12/21/04 Updated: 10/7/17 Copyright © 2004 - 2011 M. Magill Wayne County NYGenWeb A County Site of the USGenWeb Project All Rights Reserved. |