From Huron NY to Barton WI

Contributed by Lisa Slaski

ALVAH M. OSTRANDER, farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Barton; has 80 acres of land; settled in the count in 1854. He is the son of Robert L. and Jane (McCarty) Ostrander; was born in the town of Hudson(sic), Wayne Co., N.Y., Aug. 10, 1834. When 17 years of age, he came West; spent about three years in traveling through Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin. He finally settled down int he town of Barton in 1854. He was married, July 5, 1859, in the town of Farmington, to Miss Phebe Albright, daughter of Solomon Albright. Mrs. Ostrander was born in Pennsylvania. Two children were born to them - Fidella and William. Mr. Ostrander entered the service of the Government in August, 1864, as a mechanic, subject to military duty; was regularly drilled, and participated in the defense of Nashville, Tenn., against the confederat General Hood. Mrs. Ostrander died March 18, 1874. Mr. O. was married in the town of West Bend, April 16, 1875, to Miss Elizabeth Knapp, daughter of Peter and Catherine Knapp. She was born in Wayne Co., N.Y. Mr. Ostrander located on his present farm in 1872, and built his brick house in 1877.

ROBERT L. OSTRANDER, deceased; was born Jan. 1, 1802, in Phelps Co., N.Y.; was married Fb. 8, 1825 to Miss Jane McCarty, who was born in Phelps Co. Feb. 2, 1805. Six children were born to them. The eldest, Angeline, was born in Huron, Wayne Co., Jan. 27, 1827; was the wife of William Moorehouse, and died in the town of Barton in April, 1880. William was born July 3, 1 830, in Phelps Co.; is now a farmer of Barton; James W., was born in Huron, Wayne Co., Feb. 11, 1832; married Jane Noble, and resides in Nebraska; Alvah M. was born in Huron, Wayne co., Aug. 10, 1835; is now a farmer of Benton. See sketch. Sarah C. was born in Wayne Co., N.Y., Aug. 25, 1839, and died Jan. 31, 1870; Charles E. was born in Wayne Co., March 20, 1843; married Roby Burst, and resides in Nebraska. Mr. Ostrander and family moved to Barton in 1855.

[Note errors and discrepancies: birth year for Alvah M. given as 1834 and 1835. Town of Huron referred to as town of Hudson. The town of Phelps, Ontario County N.Y., on the southern border of Wayne County, is referred to as Phelps County.]

Source: "History of Washington and Ozaukee Counties, Wisconsin." Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Company. 1881. Page 713.

Thank you for directing all inquiries about the Ostrander family to the Office of the Wayne County Historian.

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Created: 12/15/03
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