HISTORIC EVENTSWAYNE COUNTY, NY & SURROUNDING AREAHISTORIC EVENTS for SEPTEMBER 1937 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1893 - R.N. Backus made editor of Wayne Co. Dispatch 2 - 1865 - Judge Lyman Sherwood, Lyons, died 3 - 1840 - A Methodist Church began in Sodus Village 4 - 1843 - Abel Fish of Galen app't Lieutenant 5 - 1842 - Oliver Locke, Rose, app't Capt. 186th Inf. 6 - 1842 - Wayne and Seneca Cos. Made 27th Cong. District 7 - 1917 - Sinking of transport "Minnehaha" 8 - 1834 - Episcopal Church dedicated at Sodus 9 - 1892 - Captain Chester Smith, Clyde, died 10 - 1865 - Dr. William May, Palmyra, died 11 - 1883 - Clyde Hotel burned 12 - 1818 - First session of the Presb. Church of Red Creek 13 - 1887 - Salt well started near Clyde Glass Works 14 - 1842 - Resolution to build extension on Macedon Academy 15 - 1885 - Cornerstone Ger. Evang. Luth. Church, Lyons, laid 16 - 1925 - "Sunshine Day" for crippled children of Newark 17 - 1876 - Wayne Co. Journal plant & building burned 18 - 1855 - $2800 voted for lots & engine houses in Palmyra 19 - 1777 - Burgoyne defeated by Gates and Arnold 20 - 1890 - Clyde Electric Company incorporated 21 - 1892 - Wayne Co. Dispatch founded at Palmyra 22 - 1876 - N. Sodus Lodge 454 I.O.O.F. initiated 23 - 1843 - Lyons Academy merged into present school 24 - 1880 - E. Curtis established the "Marion Enterprise" 25 - 1925 - Submarine "S-51" sunk 26 - 1829 - Graham H. Chapin appt'd D.A. of Wayne County 27 - 1828 - First M.E. Conference for the Sodus Circuit met 28 - 1827 - Cornerstone of Episcopal Church of Palmyra laid 29 - 1823 - J.P. Woodard, Palmyra, appt'd Col. 39th Inf. 30 - 1846 - First use of ether HISTORIC EVENTS for OCTOBER 1937 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1889 - "Lyons Republican" sold to Wm. G. David 2 - 1865 - Dr. Hiram Mann died in Lyons, age 77 3 - 1823 - Wm. Wilcox Palmyra, app't 2d Major 39th Inf. 4 - 1850 - George Olmstead appointed District Attorney 5 - 1842 - John M. Holley appt'd D.A. for 2d time 6 - 1866 - 1st Free Meth. Church, E. Williamson, organized 7 - 1875 - Wayne Encamp. 85 I.O.O.F. instituted at Newark 8 - 1828 - Canandaigua St. Palmyra, surveyed, made State Rd. 9 - 1802 - Tax roll, Town Sodus, had 84 names; tax $327.29 10 - 1889 - Cornerstone laid for new school in Lyons 11 - 1843 - Free Congreg. Church of Sodus organized 12 - 1892 - John Henry Camp died at Lyons 13 - 1882 - Charter granted Butler Lodge 504 I.O.O.F. 14 - 1892 - Memorial prepared in honor of John H. Camp 15 - 1864 - Albert C. Lux born in Clyde 16 - 1862 - Present Church of Fairville dedicated 17 - 1910 - Teachers' Institute held at Newark 18 - 1884 - Clyde Hotel opened 19 - 1870 - Newark Lodge 250 I.O.O.F. instituted 20 - 1835 - Hon. Jefferson Sherman born in Marion 21 - 1915 - First transoceanic radio telephone transmission 22 - 1851 - Cornerstone of St. Mark's Church, Newark, laid 23 - 1870 - St. Ann's Catholic Church, Palmyra, dedicated 24 - 1844 - John O. Vorse appt'd postmaster of Palmyra 25 - 1888 - Phil Sheridan Lodge 430 I.O.O.F. instituted 26 - 1825 - Palmyra, Lyons, Clyde celebrate - Canal opening 27 - 1793 - 1st wedding in E. Palmyra, C. Reeves to E. Howell 28 - 1848 - Newark Lodge 83, F.A.M. revived 29 - 1856 - Palmyra Gas and Light Co. organized 30 - 1833 - 1st Baptist Church of Lyons organized 31 - 1867 - First M.E. Church of Palmyra dedicated HISTORIC EVENTS for NOVEMBER 1937 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1873 - "Port Byron Chronicle" published in Mentz 2 - 1810 - First regular road in Wolcott established 3 - 1857 - Van Renssalaer Richmond app'd State Engineer 4 - 1851 - Theron R. Strong elected Justice of Supreme Court 5 - 1853 - Cortland Village, Cortland Co., incorporated 6 - 1830 - Jonathan Warner, Sodus, appt'd Ensign 7 - 1853 - New Academy at Macedon opened with 160 students 8 - 1857 - E.G. Thurston, Lyons merchant, died 9 - 1893 - Dr. Newell E. Landon died in Town of Arcadia 10 - 1890 - Wayne County Bar Association organized 11 - 1841 - P.D. Green appt'd Co. Supt. of common schools 12 - 1891 - Ernest Lux, cooper and coal dealer, died in Clyde 13 - 1865 - Palmyra Council 26, Rand S.M. opened 14 - 1878 - W.F. Aldrich, Palmyra lawyer, died 15 - 1777 - Articles of Confederation adopted 16 - 1832 - Jonathan Boynton elected Supt. Of poor 17 - 1890 - Charles E. Reed, Sheriff Wayne County, died 18 - 1845 - Joseph M. Demmon appt'd County Treasurer 19 - 1864 - Dr. John Knowles, Sr., died in Lyons 20 - 1819 - First newspaper in Arkansas published 21 - 1890 - New school at Lyons opened 22 - 1663 - Steam engine invented 23 - 1824 - 1st Society of M.E. Church, Clyde, organized 24 - 1824 - Town of Savannah formed from Galen 25 - 1837 - Andrew Carnegie was born 26 - 1817 - "Palmyra Register" 1st Wayne Co. newspaper pub. 27 - 1820 - Daniel Boone died 28 - 1827 - I.J. Clapp elected Justice of Peace in Butler 29 - 1929 - Byrd reached the South Pole 30 - 1831 - Reuben H. Foster elected Supt. of Poor HISTORIC EVENTS for DECEMBER 1937 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1866 - S.W. & S.H. Wood purchased foundry at Clyde 2 - 1761 - Humphrey Sherman married Mary Durfee 3 - 1851 - Two story school opened in Town of Arcadia 4 - 1893 - Indebtedness, Town Ontario, estimated $50,517.21 5 - 1793 - First Church of Palmyra organized 6 - 1780 - Battle of Kings Mountain 7 - 1863 - Judge William Sisson died in Lyons 8 - 1874 - Newell Taft, early settler of Lyons, died 9 - 1866 - 1st Free Meth. Church of Ontario organized 10 - 1898 - Peace Treaty with Spain 11 - 1861 - Formation of Third N.Y. Artillery 12 - 1863 - R.W. Ashley of Lyons died 13 - 1875 - Newark Grange founded 14 - 1870 - M. Allen Eddy born in Macedon 15 - 1884 - First electric lights in streets of Auburn 16 - 1799 - Samuel Soverhill bought 140 acres; paid $589.50 17 - 1910 - A. Haykins & R. Mason leased Crystal rink 18 - 1880 - Dr. Alfred P. Crafts, Wolcott, died 19 - 1856 - Cincinnatus Academy, Cortland Co., opened 20 - 1925 - Meeting of Wayne Savings & Loan Assoc. in Lyons 21 - 1910 - J.H. Coyle, Newark, started bus. Trip to S. Amer. 22 - 1849 - Agr., Hort., & Mech. Assoc. of Galen organized 23 - 1874 - Free Advent. Christ. Church org. in Ontario 24 - 1843 - Levi Gaylord leader, free Cong. Church, Lyons 25 - 1809 - Sarah Mills, 1st death in Wolcott 26 - 1776 - Battle of Trenton, N.J. 27 - 1840 - First daguerreotypes in N.Y. 28 - 1924 - St. Michaels choir, Lyons, gave concert, Co. Home 29 - 1882 - Butler Lodge 504 I.O.O.F. initiated 30 - 1876 - P.T. Sexton elected Pres. 1st Nat'l Bank, Palmyra 31 - 1817 - Lemuel Parkhurst appt'd postmaster, Palmyra HISTORIC EVENTS for JANUARY 1938 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1876 - Irving C. Fort made a partner in "Clyde Times" 2 - 1800 - First Presbyterian Church of Lyons formed 3 - 1911 - First U.S. Postal Savings Bank 4 - 1796 - Town of Swift given name of Palmyra 5 - 1925 - Grace M. Smith gave dance recital at Newark 6 - 1830 - The "Clyde Standard" established by E.P. Moon 7 - 1875 - Henry VanTassel, dry goods merchant, died Clyde 8 - 1925 - Open meeting of American Legion at Newark 9 - 1830 - O. Dogberry started "The Reflector" monthly 10 - 1920 - German peace with U.S. 11 - 1826 - Frederick Smith appt'd Surrogate, Wayne Co. 12 - 1919 - Peace Conference in Paris 13 - 1860 - Palmyra Fire Department reorganized 14 - 1784 - Peace with Britain ratified 15 - 1877 - First issue of "Syracuse Evening Herald" 16 - 1799 - "Mud Creek" officially declared navigable 17 - 1895 - Tax rate for Arcadia $10.57 per $1000 assessed 18 - 1859 - Great fire at Newark 19 - 1839 - Ira Ford, Galen, app't Capt. 71st Inf. 20 - 1890 - Dr. Levi Gaylord of Sodus died 21 - 1888 - Galen Agr. Soc. Changed to E. Wayne Agr. Soc. 22 - 18886 - Plans started to construct water system in Newark 23 - 1885 - Lorenzo Fish, 24 yrs. Postmaster Pltnyvll, died 24 - 1854 - First election in Newark Village 25 - 1859 - Lyons Gas and Light Co. incorporated 26 - 1895 - Elliott Bros., comedians, at Sherman Opera House 27 - 1880 - Edison patented the electric lamp 28 - 1860 - Griswold took 1/2 interest in Briggs Bank, Clyde 29 - 1823 - Town of Macedon formed 30 - 1830 - Wm. Sisson appt'd Judge, Court Common Pleas 31 - 1895 - $40,000 pledged to start $50,000 brewery in Lyons HISTORIC EVENTS for FEBRUARY 1938 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1894 - Macedon Hist. And Geograph. Soc. Organized 2 - 1931 - John M. Holley appt'd D.A. of Wayne County 3 - 1881 - First brick building in Lyons destroyed by fire 4 - 1828 - First election of officers of Palmyra Village 5 - 1863 - Newark Union Free School & Academy organized 6 - 1788 - Massachusetts ratified the U.S. Constitution 7 - 1823 - Charter granted Palmyra Eagle Chapter 79 R.A.M. 8 - 1881 - Wayne Chapter 276 R.A.M. chartered 9 - 1864 - Wayne Co. Homeopathic Med. Soc. Organized, Lyons 10 - 1884 - 8 business blocks burned in Wolcott, loss $150,000 11 - 1824 - Newark Lodge 83 F.A.M. organized 12 - 1833 - Lyman Sherwood appt'd Surrogate of Wayne Co. 13 - 1839 - Pomeroy Tucker appt'd Postmaster of Palmyra 14 - 1812 - Town of Galen formed 15 - 1825 - Town of Arcadia formed 16 - 1833 - Geo. E. Dill, Wolcott, appt'd Capt. 186th Inf. 17 - 1824 - Trustees to build new Preb. Church in Lyons 18 - 1825 - Town Winchester divided from Town of Wmson. 19 - 1872 - Clyde Lodge 300 I.O.O.F. organized 20 - 1802 - Town of Williamson formed 21 - 1840 - Ball at Barney's Hotel, Newark, honor Washington 22 - 1828 - First street in Palmyra Village laid out 23 - 1895 - Temperance people of Newark held caucus 24 - 1852 - Village of Wolcott incorporated 25 - 1826 - Town of Huron formed 26 - 1817 - Western Presb. Church, Palmyra, organized 27 - 1836 - L.M. Moore, Butler, appt'd Capt. 5th Horse Art. 28 - 1827 - First U.S. railroad chartered HISTORIC EVENTS For AUGUST 1938 As Listed In The RURAL INDEX and ALMANAC WAYNE COUNTY, N.Y. 1 - 1890 - Marion Horse Trotters' Assoc. Organized 2 - 1862 - War Meeting at Wolcott; 27 men volunteering 3 - 1821 - First issue "Lyons Republican"; $2.00 per year 4 - 1858 - "Newark Courier" started 5 - 1862 - 22 recruits left for Auburn from Town of Rose 6 - 1862 - War Meeting Red Creek; T.M. Pomeroy, speaker 7 - 1837 - 1st Universalist Soc. Of Newark organized 8 - 1893 - Canton Galen No. 48, I.O.O.F. was mustered 9 - 1865 - Reception by Aid Societies for returned soldiers 10 - 1821 - Second issue of the "Lyons Republican" 11 - 1835 - Lucas Hubbell, Lyons, appointed Chaplain 71st Inf. 12 - 1843 - M.E. Church of Red Creek organized 13 - 1880 - Dr.S. Hiram Plumb, of Red Creek, died 14 - 1817 - Humanity Lodge 283, F.A.M. installed officers 15 - 1887 - Reformed Dutch Church of Palmyra organized 16 - 1878 - Sodus Agricultural Society organized 17 - 1877 - Dr. William G. David of Lyons died 18 - 1886 - Work started to establish water system at Lyons 19 - 1910 - Wayne County Grange picnic; farm of S.E. Budd 20 - 1891 - Bay Shore Lodge 606 I.O.O.F. organized, N. Rose 21 - 1866 - Corner stone of 1st M.E. Church, Palmyra, laid 22 - 1835 - Palmyra authorized to buy horse and harness, $125 23 - 1871 - Lake Ontario Shore R.R. started at Red Creek 24 - 1820 - Inception of Ontario Canal Co. at Canandaigua 25 - 1826 - Grace Episcopal Church of Lyons incorporated 26 - 1840 - Ira H. Eddy, Macedon, appt'd Ensign, 39th Inf. 27 - 1839 - H.N. Spencer, Wolcott, appt'd Lieut., 186th Inf. 28 - 1832 - N. Warner, Macedon, appt'd Capt. 5th Horse Art. 29 - 1817 - Rev. Townsend pastor W. Presb. Church, Palmyra 30 - 1862 - Isaac D. Blauvelt promoted to Captain 31 - 1877 - Charles D. Lawton, lawyer, died at Clyde Back to Historical Articles Section Created: 4/3/06 Updated: 4/7/06 Copyright © 2006 - 2011 Allyn Hess Perry Wayne County NYGenWeb A County Site of the USGenWeb Project All Rights Reserved. |