Ancestral Sightings contains notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents found in out-of-county and out-of-state resources. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your contribution to this page! **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
Ancestral Sightings contains notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents found in out-of-county and out-of-state resources. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your contribution to this page! **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
NEW 4/3/12 Two biographical sketches of former Palmyrans from Pioneer History of Orleans County, New York, by Arad Thomas. Albion, N.Y.: H.A. Bruner, Orleans American Steam Press Print, 1871.
Lyman Bates was born in Palmyra, N. Y., January 16th, 1798.
In November, 1819, he came to Ridgeway and commenced clearing a new farm.
In January, 1821, he married Miss Abinerva Kingman, who was born in Palmyra in June, 1796. When not employed in discharging the duties of public office, in which much of his life has been spent, he has labored on his farm. He has served nine years as Supervisor of the town of Ridgeway, been several terms justice of the peace, and held other town offices. He served one term of five years as a Judge of the Old Court of Common Pleas of Orleans county. He was a member of Assembly for Orleans county in 1828. He was President of the Farmer's Bank of Orleans, and has always been deeply engaged in business.
Coming here when everything was new and unsettled, he identified himself with every movement made to develop the resources of - the country, and to establish and maintain good order and prosperity. Of a plausible address and sound mind, honorable, fair, impartial and honest in all he did, his party, his friends and all who knew him,- have ever made him the prominent man in his town and neighborhood, whose opinions have been sought, whose counsel has been followed, and whose influence for good has been seen and felt. [page 339]
Darius Southworth was born in Palmyra, N.Y., March 18th, 1800. He worked some at the trade of a carpenter while a minor, but since the year 1825, he has made that his principal business.
He married Mercy Mason, daughter of James Mason, of Millville, in Shelby, where he has ever since resided. They have four children, Elvira A., Albert, Dexter L., and George J.H., all now living. [pages 394-395]
NEW 4/3/12 A biographical sketch of Edward Lewis Durfee, from Decennial record of the Class of 1896, Yale College, compiled by Clarence S. Day, Jr. New York: De Vinne Press, 1907.
Edward L. Durfee
Instructor in History in Yale College.
Residence, 95 College Street, New Haven, Conn.
Edward Lewis Durfee was born January 26th, 1875, at Palmyra, N. Y. He is a son of Oliver Durfee and Arloa Lovilla Whipple, who were married June 1st, 1873, at Palmyra, and who had one other son, who died before maturity.
Oliver Durfee (b. May 4th, 1852, at Marion, N. Y.) has spent the greater part of his life at Palmyra, Lyons, N. Y., and New York City, engaged as a bank cashier, manager of a manufacturing concern, Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Mayor. His parents were Pardon Durfee, a bank cashier, of Lyons, N. Y., and Annie Maria Durfee, of Marion, N. Y. The family came to America from France, via England, c. 1652, and settled at Taunton and Fall River, Mass.
Arloa Lovilla (Whipple) Durfee (b. May 7th, 1852, at Palmyra; d. Sept., 1884, at Palmyra) was the daughter of William Henry Whipple, a railroad man, and Susan McOniber, (sic; McComber) both of Palmyra.
Durfee prepared for College at the Palmyra Classical Union School. He received a Philosophical Oration at the Junior Exhibition and at Commencement, and Two Year Honors in History. Phi Beta Kappa. Beta Theta Pi.
He was married Sept. 16th, 1903, at New Haven, Conn., to Miss Alice Payson Judd, daughter of Edward Payson Judd of New Haven.
Durfee wrote in 1902, as follows:- "After graduation, pursued graduate studies in history at Yale for two and a half years on the Eldredge Fellowship, September, 1896 to January, 1899. Was also Assistant in English and Mediaeval History in 1898-99. Compelled to resign on account of illness. Spent year in business in New York in the office of a manufacturing concern, June, 1899 to June, 1900. Taught in the Hillhouse High School, New Haven, and in the New Britain High School, September, 1900 to June, 1901. Resumed graduate work at Yale in connection with teaching in the City Schools of New Haven, September, 1901 to June, 1902."
"During the school year 1902-03," he added this spring, "I was Instructor in History in the Newton High School, Newton, Mass. In the fall of 1903 I took up my work as Instructor in History in Yale College, and have been pleasantly employed in that occupation ever since." [pages 326-327; the rest of Mr. Durfee's reportage is of a chatty, non-genealogical nature.]
NEW 4/3/12 This profile of the family of Abner Forbes Lakey and Lucy Pomeroy comes from History and genealogy of the Pomeroy family: colateral lines in family groups, Normandy, Great Britain and America; comprising the ancestors and descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy from Beaminster, County Dorset, England, 1630, Part 3. By Albert A. Pomeroy. Detroit: Geo. A. Drake & Co, 1922.
2490 LUCY POMEROY, (Enos, Stephen, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Medad, Eltweed), b. Dec. 3, 1793, Buckland, Mass.; m. June 17, 1812, at Buckland, Abner Forbes Lakey of Palmyra, N. Y., b. March 19, 1787, d. Sept. 16, 1836, son of James Lakey and wife Charlotte Forbes, of Upton, Mass.; they migrated from Upton to Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y., where they made their home; Lucy Pomeroy d. there Sept. 21, 1829.
8th gen. Children:
4810 Ira Lakey, b. April 17, 1813; m. Judith Eldred of Cape Cod. He began his business career as a silversmith and jeweler as an apprentice in New Bedford, Mass., but the lure of the sea soon claimed him, and he joined a whaling ship as sailor, and followed the sea for 16 years. His third voyage was made as Captain of the ship Harvest; his fourth and last as master of the Syren Queen, both being prosperous. He was the means of the establishment of the first Christian mission to the Caroline Islands. Res., Palmyra, N. Y., where he d. in the '80s.
4811 Franklin Lakey, b. Jan. 4, 1815; m. Louise Chase. He was a large operator in grain and other produce in Wayne Co., N. Y., and with his energy and genius for affairs, he was a recognized factor in the business world of Western New York. He d. 1877, s. p., leaving a widow.
4812 Elizabeth Edwards Lakey, b. Nov. 18, 1817; m. Dec., 1844, Daniel T. Lillie; manufacturer of nautical instruments; d. of yellow fever. Res., New Orleans, La., where she d. June, 1913. +
4813 Rowena Lakey, b. March 7, 1819; m. Oct. 25, 1850, Dr. Isaac Knapp of Fort Wayne, Ind., a prosperous dentist; he d. Feb. 25, 1899. After his death she made her home with her family at Hillcourt, Palmyra; s. p.
4814 Eunice Lakey, b. May, 18 1822; m. Dr. Chauncey Giles, who was principal of the Palmyra school. They moved to Lebanon and Pomeroy, Ohio, where he was at the head of the respective academies. Later he became a follower of Emanuel Swedenborg, and a minister of that faith. He had a fine church in New York, and later one in Philadelphia, (the New Church.) He was sent to Paris and to London to establish churches. Mrs. Giles was at all times a most devoted and diplomatic helpmeet. +
4815 Caroline Lakey, b. April 27, 1824; m. Oct. 17,1854, Allen Thomas Goldsmith, b. Sept. 26, 1827, d. Nov. 11, 1894; she d. Feb. 21, 1901. In her early young womanhood she taught school both in the Lyons school and later in the Lebanon academy, under Mr. Giles, her brother-in-law. Here she formed the friendship of one of the daughters of Hon. Thomas Corwin of Ohio and was invited to spend two winters with them in Washington, when Mr. Corwin was Secretary of the Treasury. Here she had a rich and varied experience. She was a woman of artistic and literary attainments, and devoted to her family and friends.
9th gen. Children of Ira and Judith Lakey, (4810):
4815.1 William Gregg Lakey, b.; living in Buffalo, N. Y.
4815.2 Rowena Lakey, b.; m. Amos Sanford of Palmyra, N. Y.+
[pages 65-66]
NEW 12/17/11 Elizabeth Hatfield Justin Holcomb(e) studied at Macedon Academy in the mid-1840s. Elizabeth's biographical sketch comes from Fifteen Hundred Biographies with Over 1,400 Portraits: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of the Lives and Achievements of American Women During the Nineteenth Century, Vol. I, by Frances Elizabeth Willard and Mary Ashton Rice Livermore. Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick. 1897.
HOLCOMBE, Mrs. Elizabeth J., physician, was born 19th August, 1827. She is related on the side of her maternal grandmother to Elias Hicks, the founder of the Unitarian branch of the Society of Friends. After graduating from the State Normal School in Albany, N. Y., she became the wife of Dr. J. W. Justin. After his early death, to provide for her children she filled the position of preceptress in the union free school and academy in Newark, N. Y., for fourteen years. In 1864 she became the wife of Rev. Chester Holcombe, the father of the Hon. Chester Holcombe, late secretary of legation to China. After the death of her second husband, and at the age of forty, she began in earnest the professional study of medicine. After her graduation from the Woman's Medical College in Philadelphia, she was appointed resident physician to the Woman's Hospital, filling, at the same time, the position of lecturer in the training school for nurses. There she remained three years. She then entered upon a private practice in Syracuse, N.Y. Soon after that her son, Dr. Joel Justin, joined her, having graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and acquired, as the result of a post-graduate course, the degree of Ph.D. For a time he, too, practiced medicine being with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in Syracuse University, first as instructor in chemistry and afterward as professor of medical jurisprudence. He has since become widely known as the inventor of the Justin dynamite shell, and has surrendered his medical practice to become president of the company which bears his name. Mrs. Holcombe has made her home in Syracuse for the last seventeen years.
Ontario County Messenger, Canandaigua NY, April 19, 1848
MARRIED - In Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y., on the 13th ult., after the manner of the Friends, Doct. Joel W. Justin of Richmond, Ont. Co., N. Y. to Miss Elizabeth Hatfield of the former place.
Several researchers here and there on line suggest that Elizabeth Hatfield's parents were Stephen Hatfield and Phoebe Priest. A Stephen Hatfield, a blacksmith, is listed in the 1840 & 1850 censuses of Macedon, and 1860 census of Farmington, Ontario Co. The following is a re-marriage of this Stephen Hatfield:
Stephen Hatfield of Farmington, son of Absolem and Ruth.
Ruth Sheldon, daughter of John S. Clackner and Hannah.
[Source: Quaker Records from Farmington Monthly meeting, Ontario County, New York, transcribed by Josephine C. Frost (1910)]
The Western New York, Warsaw NY, October 6, 1910
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Holcomb, the mother of Dr. Joel Justin, died at the home of F. W. Shumaker, Wednesday, Sept. 28, aged 73 years. She was stricken with apoplexy last Saturday and never regained consciousness. After a short funeral service Thursday morning, conducted by Rev. L. A. Pierson, the body was taken to Montreal, Quebec, for burial. The funeral party was accompanied as far as Buffalo by Undertaker Aldrich.
Wyoming County Times, Warsaw NY, unknown date early Oct. 1910
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Holcomb, the mother of Dr. Joel Justin, died at the home of F. W. Shumaker last Wednesday, where she had come for a visit. She was stricken with apoplexy the Saturday before and never regained consciousness. The body was taken to Montreal, Quebec, for burial, Thursday morning.
Dr. Holcomb's first husband, Joel Winchester Justin, rests with his parents in Baker Cemetery, Town of Richmond, Ontario County NY:
Joel W., M. D., son of Elder Ira & Sarah Justin; died Mar. 14 1852; in his 32nd yr.
Dr. Holcomb's second husband, Chester Holcomb, to whom she was married only about a year before his death in 1865, rests in Newark Main Street Cemetery with his first wife.
Dr. Holcomb, together with Dr. Juliet Hanchett, also a graduate of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, was active in women's rights activities in Syracuse NY:
The Evening Herald, Syracuse NY, Monday, June 12, 1893:
At a meeting of the Political Equality club on Saturday, Dr. Elizabeth J. Holcombe, Dr. Juliet E. Hanchett, Mrs. C. C. Hall, Miss Arria S. Huntington and Mrs. G. N. Crouse, presidents of the various ward clubs, were elected members of the executive committee.
Her son's biographical sketch comes from The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, Vol. 6, edited by Rossiter Johnson & John Howard Brown. Boston: The Biographical Society. 1904.
JUSTIN, Joel Gilbert, inventor, was born at Richmond, Ontario county, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1852; son of Dr. Joel Winchester Justin. His mother was also a registered physician, and was the inventor of surgical instruments. He studied medicine under Dr. Henry Hartshorne of Philadelphia, Pa., and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, M.D., 1875, Ph. D., 1876. He settled in Syracuse, N.Y., where he practised his profession, and was instructor in chemistry at Syracuse university, 1877-79; lecturer on forensic medicine, 1879-80; professor of forensic medicine, 1880-84, and librarian, 1881-84. He invented a dynamite projectile to be fired from a rifle cannon, which was tested by the inventor before the U.S. board of ordnance at Perryville, N.Y., in 1892, and was highly successful.
The Castilian, Friday, July 6, 1906
Sanitarium Notes.
Dr. Helen DeWitt Justin, who has recently become an assistant physician in the Sanitarius is a refined, liberally educated woman and thoroughly scientific in her medical work. For many years her husband, Dr. Joel G. Justin was a professor in the medical department of Syracuse university. They have four children. The oldest, DeWitt, has just been graduated from Cornell university. An invalid daughter is a patient in the Sanitarium and the young son Warren is boarding in the village with his father who is in Castile on account of ill health. The mother of Dr. Joel Justin, Dr. Holcombe, is well known in New York as she practiced in Syracuse for many years. She is now living in Brooklyn with her son-in-law, Dr. Dowling, an Episcopal clergyman. Dr. Joel Justin originated the perforated paper corset for spinal curvature which is now generally used. In all his scientific study and research he has been greatly helped by his wife, Dr. Helen Justin.
Charles Edgar Jordan's biographical sketch comes from Notable Men of Alabama: Personal and Genealogical, Volume 2, edited by Joel Campbell DuBose. Atlanta, Ga.: Southern Historical Association, 1904.
CHARLES EDGAR JORDAN was born Sept. 28, 1865, in Wayne county, N. Y. His father, Edgar Jordan, born on a farm in Wayne county, N. Y., was a descendant of Governor Hoffman of New York. The family came from Tyrone county, Ireland. There were three brothers; one settled in New York, one in Virginia and the location of the other is unknown. Edgar Jordan died in 1867 at the age of forty seven years. His wife, Lucina (Higby) Jordan, daughter of General Higby, died in 1881 at the age of forty. They had but one child, Charles Edgar, who obtained his education in the schools of Palmyra, N. Y., completing a course of study there in 1885. He attended the Albany Law school, from which he graduated in 1887, and in September of the same year was admitted to the bar and removed to Florence, Ala., where he read and studied law in the office of Simpson & Jones. He began the practice of law in 1888 and after a time formed a partnership with John B. Weakley, now of Birmingham. This partnership was dissolved in 1890, and since that time Mr. Jordan has practiced alone. He is attorney for the Southern railroad, for the North Alabama railroad and several other corporations. He married at Lyons, N. Y., Gertrude, daughter of Nelson and Anna G. (Parine) Mirick. They are members of the Episcopal church, in which he is treasurer and vestryman. Mr. Jordan is genial and energetic, with the enterprising spirit that gains success. [page 242]
Mr. Jordan's parents Edgar and Lucina first appear in the 1860 census of Macedon. But Edgar's age is distinctly written as 25, not the 40 he should be according to the bio. Lucina was age 20. Edgar Jordan's real estate was valued at $6,000, and personal estate $1,000. Also residing with them were domestic Bridget "Gallahe" age 19 and farm laborer Jacob Philips. In 1850, Edgar A. Jordan, age 19 and attending school, was residing in the Town of Palmyra with Stephen B. Jordan, age 53, Maria Jordan age 50, Sarah Jordan age 73, and Ann Eliza Randall age 14. The 1867-68 county directory lists Edgar A. Jordan, farmer, 112 1/4 acres, resident of Palmyra, post office address Macedon. Edgar A. Jordan's will is in Volume L1, page 281. In 1870 widow Lucena Jordan age 35 and keeping house, and son Chas. Jordan age 4, were residing alone in the village of Palmyra. Mrs. Jordan's real estate was valued at $17,000, and personal estate as $4,200. According to the biographical sketch, Charles Edgar Jordan's mother passed away in 1881, while the cemetery records state 1882. As the book came out over 20 years after his mother's and 37 years after his father's deaths, and Charles E. Jordan was an only child, perhaps he had no one to consult with and confirm his parents' information.
Palmyra Village Cemetery
Jordon, Edgar A., son of Stephen, July 11, 1867, 37y
Jordon, Lucena, wife of Edgar, Aug. 15, 1882, 47y
Jordon, Stephen B., May 3, 1873, 76y 5m
Jordon, Maria, wife of Stephen B., May 29, 1875, 75y
From findagrave
Florence Cemetery aka Florence City Cemetery
Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama
Jordan, Charles E., 1865 New York - June 30, 1926, Plot: D3-07
Jordan, Gertrude Mirick, October 12, 1865 - October 28, 1938 Alabama, Plot: D3-07
Miss Gertrude Mirick, daughter of Mrs. Nelson Mirick, of Lyons, and Charles E. Jordan, of Florence, Ala., will be married at the home of the bride's mother, Thursday of next week. Rev. Dr. Spalding will officiate. [Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Thursday, September 18, 1890]
Cass Broughton's biographical sketch comes from History of Minnehaha county, South Dakota: Containing an account of its settlements, growth, development and resources ..., by Dana Reed Bailey. Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Brown & Saenger, Printers, 1899.
Broughton, Cass, was born in Wayne county, New York, March 13, 1844. He attended school and worked on a farm until sixteen years old, then engaged in railroad work seven years, and in carpenter work until 1870, when he came West. He reached Sioux Falls on the 23d day of January of that year, and the May following, his family arrived. He then opened a boarding house in the old stone building previously occupied by the surgeon who had been stationed there with the soldiers. The building was then owned by his brother Ed. Broughton. On the 30th day of January, 1870, he took up a farm in sections thirty and thirty-one in Sioux Falls township, where he resided most of the time until 1889, when he moved into the city of Sioux Falls. While a resident of the township he held school and township offices, and made a good official. He is a respected citizen. [page 469]
Cass Broughton age 6 is found in the 1850 census of Wolcott, residing with Amos and Freelove Broughton, both age 38, Amos Broughton age 11, and Edwin Broughton age 7. Mr. Broughton was a carpenter, with real estate valued at $450. In 1860 Amos and Freelove Broughton, both age 48, and son Cass age 16, were residing in the village of Red Creek. Mr. Broughton was a miller with $600 real estate and $1675 personal estate. In 1870 Cass Broughton age 25 and a carpenter, his wife Margarett age 20, infant son Charles 3 months old, and his mother Freelove age 60 were residing in the Town of Hoosick, Rensselaer County NY. The census is dated July 28, 1870, and baby Charles was noted as being born in February. This is probably where the Broughton's originally came from, as Shulters Cemetery in Hoosick has several Broughton interments, including an Amos who isn't Cass's father. In 1880, Cass Broughton age 36 and a farmer, Margrett Broughton age 30, and Richard Broughton age 10 were residing in Sioux Falls. Cass Broughton 1844-1929 and Margaret S. Broughton 1852-1923 rest in Woodlawn Cemetery, Sioux Falls, SD.
Theron J. Smith's biographical sketch comes from An Illustrated History of the State of Idaho: containing a history of the state of Idaho from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time, together with glimpses of its auspicious future ..., Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1899.
Theron J. Smith, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, has influenced the settlement of more families in the Snake river valley than any two or three other men. He has been a factor in local real-estate transactions, and without doubt has been, in a general way, one of the most efficient promoters of the growth and prosperity of Idaho Falls and the settlement and development of its tributary territory. As immigrant agent of the Oregon Short Line Railroad, he has brought many excursions to this part of the country from Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois, and these excursions have resulted in a marked increase of population at and near Idaho Falls. He began the work six years. ago, and an idea of its value is afforded by the fact that in 1898 fifty-eight persons were settled by him in Bingham county.
Theron J. Smith was born in Wayne county, New York, July 22, 1844, and was descended from early settlers of Dutchess county, New York, many of whom were prominent in their time. His grandfather, Samuel Smith, together with his brothers, served the cause of the colonies in the American Revolution, and they were paid in colonial scrip, which was never redeemed, but they had the satisfaction of knowing that they had risked their lives in a good and triumphant cause. Late in life Samuel Smith represented his district in the assembly of the state of New York. Lewis H. Smith, son of Samuel Smith and father of Theron J. Smith, was born in Dutchess county, New York, and married one of the daughters of the county, Miss Phoebe Mott. He was a Quaker farmer, a good, intelligent, industrious man, and died in 1854, at the age of fifty, in Wayne county, from an attack of cholera, to which one of his sons succumbed at the same time. His wife attained the age of seventy-seven years. They had eight children, of whom five are living.
Theron J. Smith was the next to the youngest of this family of eight, and was about ten years old when his father died. He received a common-school and academic education in his native state, then gave his attention to farming, and located, when about twenty-five, at Lake City, Iowa, where he followed agricultural pursuits unsuccessfully until 1885, when he sold his farm and removed to Idaho Falls, where he arrived November 22. It was a little railroad town, in which he found a new home, a town which derived its importance from the railroad and the bridge and had no surrounding settlement that could bring much trade or support. Irrigation, real-estate operations, and a determined effort to bring a good class of settlers, changed the town into the commercial, financial and mechanical center of a thrifty and growing agricultural population. In this work of improvement settlement and development, Mr. Smith has taken a leading part. He induced settlement and fostered activity in real estate and this, in turn, encouraged investment along all industrial lines. He platted the Broadbeck addition to Idaho Falls and placed it on the market, and has handled real estate extensively otherwise, on his own account and for others.
In the spring of 1864, before Mr. Smith was twenty-one, in personal response to the urgent demand of the United States government for men for military duty, in the suppression of the southern rebellion, he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Fortieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served in Tennessee and Mississippi until he was discharged on account of ill health, in the fall of the same year. His regiment was detailed to guard railroads, and in connection with that work had many exciting encounters with guerrillas. This warfare was in many ways more harassing and dangerous than fighting in regular order of battle. Mr. Smith is a Grand Army man and a prominent Silver-Republican. He was elected justice of the peace and served in that office with much credit and greatly to the satisfaction of his fellow townsmen, but he has declined all other offices which have been offered him, in deference to the imperative demands made upon him by his private business.
October 13, 1868, he married Miss Sarah E. Bradt, of Mohawk-Dutch ancestry, and a native of Herkimer county, New York, daughter of James Bradt. Her father lived to be eighty-seven years old and her mother also attained a ripe old age. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have had six children, of whom four are living. Their daughter, Mary E., is Mrs. W. S. Jackson, of Idaho Falls, and Lewis M., Elva and Theron J., Jr., are members of their father's household. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. [page 539]
Lewis H. and Phebe A. Smith, both age 45, are found in the 1850 census of the Town of Macedon. Also residing with them are Eliza Smith age 21, Margarett Smith age 20, Samuel Smith age 17, Lewis Smith, age 16, and Theron and Sarah Smith, both age 4. Mr. Smith was a farmer with value of real estate $8,000. In the 1860 Macedon census, Theron Smith age 16 was residing with his mother Phebe A. Smith, Samuel M. Smith age 28, Sarah Smith age 14, and Eliza Haight age 32. Mrs. Smith was a farmer, with $7,000 real estate and $500 personal estate. Theron J. Smith, residence West Macedon, attended Macedon Academy in the late 1850s.
Martin Maginnis's biographical sketch comes from Forty-Fifth Congress, Congressional Directory Compiled for the Use of Congress, Corrected to October 18, 1877, by Ben Perley Poore, Clerk of Printing Records. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1877.
Territorial Delegates
Martin Maginnis, of Helena, was born in Wayne County, New York, October 27, 1840; removed with his parents to Minnesota at an early age; received an academic education and was a student of Hamlone University, but left to take charge of a Democratic newspaper; enlisted as a private in the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry on the 18th day of April, 1861; was made Second Lieutenant after the first battle of Bull Run, promoted to First Lieutenant in September, 1862, and to Captain in July, 1863; served in the line of his regiment in all the campaigns and nearly all the battles of the Army of the Potomac until September, 1864, when he was appointed Major of the Eleventh Minnesota Volunteers, and ordered to join the Army of the Cumberland, where he served, under command of General Thomas, until mustered out with his regiment in July, 1865; he removed to Montana the next year; engaged in mining and subsequently in publishing and editing "The Helena Daily Gazette;" was elected to the Forty-third and Forty-fourth Congresses, and was re-elected to the Forty fifth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 3,827 votes against 2,980 votes for E. D. Leavitt, Republican. [page 76]
Isaac Smith's biographical sketch comes from Portrait and Biographical Album of Osceola county [Michigan]. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1884.
Isaac Smith, farmer, section 30, Burdell Township, was born May 8, 1834, in Huron Township, Wayne Co., N.Y. Daniel Smith, his father, was born in Ontario, and descended from New England parentage. He was a mechanic in early life, but entered the ministry, and although more than 80 years of age is still actively engaged in parochial labor, in Kansas. Isaac's mother, Grata A. (Stage) Smith, was born in the State of New York, of New England parentage, and spent her whole life in the Empire State. She died in August, 1847, in Huron, Wayne County. Her six children outlived her, and are still living, with one exception.
Mr. Smith was 13 years of age when his mother died. Later, his father went to Wisconsin, where the son accompanied him and remained with him until he reached the age of 19, when he came to Manistee, Mich. There was at that date - 1858 - scarcely a settlement at that point. He continued to operate there three years, meanwhile purchasing in Berrien County 40 acres of land, located in Three Oaks Township. In June, 1854, he settled on his farm, where he resided some years, and combined his farming operations with the manufacture of brick and tile.
He enlisted in the 25th Mich. Vol. Inf., and was wounded in the lower right leg by a rifle shot, at Tubb's Bend, on Green River, Ky. He was sent to the hospital at Louisville, and thence to Madison Wis., on sick leave, where he officiated as nurse, nearly a year, and was transferred from there to Indianapolis to guard rebel prisoners. He received his discharge July 8, 1865, and returned to Three Oaks, resuming his agricultural operations.
He was married Sept. 18, 1865, to Barbara A. Sevice. Their children are Mabel and Lucas H. In the spring of 1871 Mr. Smith removed with his family to Osceola Co., Mich., and entered a homestead claim of 160 acres in Burdell Township. The settlers were few in number, remotely situated, and the forest was unbroken where he settled. He has improved his farm until it is one of the finest in the township, and includes 100 acres cleared and tillable land.
His first wife died, and he was again married April 21, 1878, in Dover Township, Lake County, Mich., to Mrs. Sarah E. (McNary) Hicks, daughter of Isaac and Lucretia (Rellyea) McNary. She was a widow and by her former husband she had one child, - James W.,- born May 7, 1861. She was born in Binghamton, Broome Co., N. Y., Sept. 19, 1840, and came with her parents to Chicago when she was seven years of age. They remained there but two years, becoming alarmed by the appearance of cholera. They went to Elgin, Ill., whence her father went two years later to Iowa. The family settled in Fayette County, where she was educated. She was first married at Brush Creek, in May, 1860. Her father is a farmer in Nebraska and is 73 years of age. Her mother died in Iowa, in 1868, at the age of 54. [pages 187-188]
Mr. Smith is a Republican in political sentiment, has been Justice of the Peace and held the various school offices. The family attend the Christian Church, of which the parents are members. [pages 187-188]
From: History of Macon County, Illinois, from its organization to 1876, by John W. Smith. Springfield, Ill: Rokker's Printing House. 1876.
Capt. JOEL S. POST was born in the town of Ontario, in what is now Wayne county, New York, April 27, 1816. In 1828 his father removed to Washtinaw (sic) county, Michigan territory, where he remained until the subject of this sketch was 23 years old. In 1839 Mr. Post removed to Macon county; and commenced the study of law under the late Judge Emerson in 1840; was admitted to the bar in 1841, and entered into the practice at Decatur, where he has since remained, being now the oldest practitioner of the Macon county bar. In 1846 Mr. P. enlisted in the service for the Mexican war and was appointed quartermaster with the rank of captain. In 1856 he was elected to represent the senatorial district including Macon and other counties, in the State Senate, and served two sessions. During this term of service he was mainly instrumental in securing the passage of a law establishing the Normal University, at Normal, Illinois. Mr. Post married Sally Ann Bunn, the oldest daughter of Rev. D. [David] P. Bunn, in November, 1853. She was born in Ross county, Ohio, in 1823. Of their children -
Bunn was born in 1856. Hellen was born in 1859.
It is proper in this connection to say, that in the preparation of this work, we have been materially aided and assisted by Captain Post. He has taken more interest in this effort by which something might be placed in a permanent shape, of the early history of the county, than any other person. [page 275]
NOTE: The following was an effort to check out an early Wayne County resident whose life story seemed interesting, and I hope the following will provide some leads in connecting faded, and filling in, a few missing dots. In 1850 Joel S. Post, age 35 and a lawyer, was boarding in Macon IL, in the household of tavern keeper Henry Snyder. J.S. Post age 43 was residing and practicing law in Decatur in 1860, with his wife Ann age 26 (born Ohio), and their children Mary age 6, James B. age 4 and Hellen age 2. In 1870 Joel Post age 54 resided in Decatur, with wife Ann age 38 b. Ohio, daughter Mollie age 16, son Bunn age 14, daughter Helen age 12, and Adolphus Post age 23 (a clerk, born NY). In 1880 he's still residing in Decatur, practicing law, and is listed as "Seth J. Post," widower age 64, father born Vermont, mother born Connecticut. He's listed in the census index as residing alone, but as brother-in-law, and in the context of the listings on the census page is obviously connected with builder and widower William B. Harry, b. Ohio. William Bell Harry was married to Sally Ann Bunn Post's younger sister Amelia. Residing nearby was Joel's father-in-law, Rev. David P. Bunn, a prominent local Universalist minister. Joel S. Post turns up in several researcher's lineages, said to have passed away June 7, 1886 in Decatur, IL.
No one states who Joel's parents were. It could be worthwhile checking into Jeremiah and Lucy Post. Enumerated in the 1850 census of York Township, Washetenaw County MI, is the household of farmer Jeremiah Post, age 61 b. Vt., Lucy Post age 59 b. Conn., farmer A. W. Post age 32 b. NY, Emily Post age 28 b. NY, farmer Charles Post age 19 b. NY, and Lucy E. Post, age 16 b. MI. In 1820 there were three Post families residing in the Town of Palmyra NY - Howell, Henry and Gilbert - all with persons under the age of 16, although Howell and Henry are especially surrounded by persons with surnames of the earlier settler families of present-day Town of Palmyra. In 1830 Jeremiah Post's ten-person household resides in Saline, Washtenaw County, Michigan, including 2 males between the ages of 10 and 14, and 1 male age 15-19. Both a Howell Post and a Henry Post are still listed in Palmyra, Wayne county, and there are 2 Gilbert Post's residing further west into NYS. Jeremiah Post was elected as a pathmaster at the first town meeting in Saline MI in April 1830. In 1840, Jeremiah Post's 9-person household is listed in the Town of York, Washtenaw County, including one male age 20-29 who might be A.W. Post. In 1840, Joel Post was probably residing within someone else's household while studying law in Macon County IL, and wouldn't be enumerated by name.
Adolphus Post, a member of Joel S. Post's household in 1870, is listed in the 1850 census of West Almond, Allegany County NY -
Andrus Post age 42 b. NH, Lucinda age 34, Adolphus age 3, and Coleman A. an infant under 1 year old. In 1860 this same family was still residing in West Almond - "Andrew" Post 54 b. New Hampshire, Lucinda [Hanks] Post 45, and Coleman A. Post age 10. Adolphus Post married Joel S. Post's daughter Helen in 1878 in Decatur IL, and returned to the Town of West Almond by 1880. In the 1880 census, Adolphus age 32, resides with wife Helen L. Post age 22, brother Coleman Post age 29, and sister Lorilla age 12. Adolphus Post passed away in 1884, and Helen returned to Decatur and remarried around 1890. As Helen had no children, and her horse trainer brother Bunn remained unmarried, Joel S. Post presumably had no grandchildren. There's no mention of daughter Mary/Mollie Post in Joel's biographical sketch. Adolphus Post's father, Andrus Post, is said to have been born in Oxford, NH, the son of a Rev. John Post. Of interest to Bunn researchers, Sally Ann Bunn Post's younger brother, David L. Bunn, prepared for the bar by "reading the law" in the office of Joel S. Post. D.L. Bunn was briefly a state's attorney during the Civil War, and soon after became a partner with his young uncle, lawyer Abraham Brower Bunn (1828-1881) of Decatur, Illinois. Abraham B. Bunn had entered Joel S. Post's office as an associate in 1850. Post married Abraham Bunn's niece Sally Ann Bunn in 1853.
The following three biographical sketches come from Portrait and Biographical Album, Mecosta County, Mich., containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1883.
Walter McFarlan, farmer, sec. 19, Grant Tp., was born March 14, 1814, in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y. His father, Walter McFarlan, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, May 1, 1774, and remained in his native country until he was 19 years old, coming to the United States in 1793. He followed the profession of a calico printer in Scotland, and when he settled in New York he became a farmer. He adopted the new country with all his might, became a "minute man" of 1812, was keenly alive to the issues that arose day by day brought forward for popular consideration, and exerted all his energies to aid the oppressed and relieve suffering of whatever type. When the British invaded the county of which he was a citizen, he held himself in readiness to answer her cry of distress, and was on duty when the invaders burned the village of Sodus, in Wayne County. He was an early adherent to the antislavery cause in New York, and on coming to Wayne County, Mich., became an essential factor in the operations of the Underground Railroad, of which he was known to be a "conductor," and without question aided as much as any other one man in securing safety and ultimate freedom for the slaves of the South who sought escape from bondage, and placed themselves under his guidance and protection. He was a zealous worker for temperance, and was a member of the M. E. Church for more than 70 years. He was in its ministry 40 years before his death. He came to Detroit in 1825. His wife, Margaret McFarlan, was born at Fort Bruland, N. J., in 1778, during the war of the Revolution, and her father was killed by the Indians near the fort. She was married in 1800 and died Oct. 12, 1862.
Mr. McFarlan of this sketch came to Michigan with his parents and remained with them during his minority, engaged in farm duties. He has been a farmer all his life, commencing that business on his own account by the purchase of a farm in Huron, Wayne Co., Mich., on which he lived 16 years. He next purchased a farm in St. Johns, Clinton Co., Mich., and, eight years later, came to Grant Tp., where he bought 85 acres of valuable land. Politically, Mr. McFarlan is a Republican; has been a member of the Free Methodist Church 18 years; was Justice of the Peace 12 years.
He was married Jan. 4, 1843, to Caroline Garretson, of Wayne Co., Mich. She was born April 5, 1826, and is of English extraction. Of this marriage 12 children were born, but four of whom survive: Helen P. was born March 20, 1844, and died May 19, 1875; Franklin, born Jan. 3, 1846, was a soldier of the civil war where he served two years, and died at Fort Hallock, Neb., Oct. 30, 1865; John Q. A., born Jan. 3, 1848, was also a soldier in the Union service and died June 9, 1867, of chronic diarrhoea contracted in the army; Fillmore W., born May 7, 1850, died Sept. 12, 1872; Norman J., born March 29, 1853, died April 11, 1877; Elva T., born June 15, 1855, is now Mrs. J. A. Harvey, of Newaygo Co. (married Aug. 6, 1876); Florence R., born Nov. 24, 1857, was married July 12, 1880, to John Moore, of Grant Tp.; Caroline K., born Aug. 10,1860, died Jan. 26, 1882; David H., born Oct. 14, 1862; Benjamin R., born July 9, 1866, died July 23, 1867; Clarissa A., born Jan. T, 1869; Sarah Jane, born Dec. 12, 1872, died March 27, 1876. [page 546]
Benj. J. Shourds, farmer, sec 1, Wheatland Tp., is a son of Jonathan and Sophronia (Jones) Shourds, who ere natives of New York, and descended from French and English ancestors. Mr. Shourds was born in Wayne Co., N.Y., March 6, 1838, and was reared at home to the age of 21 years. He obtained his education at the academy at Macedon Center, in his native county, and on attaining his majority began to work the homestead farm with his brother. He was married in Wayne County April 12, 1866, to Sarah D., daughter of Orrin and Betsey (Reed) Lapham, natives of the Empire State, who was born at Macedon Center, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 12, 1836, and was chiefly there educated, finishing her course of study at the Union College at Buffalo, N. Y. After marriage Mr. Shourds was engaged in farming in Wayne County until 1868, when he removed to Lenawee Co., Mich., locating in Palmyra, where he engaged in running a lath and planing mill. In the fall of 1869 he went to Allegan Co., Mich., and embarked in the mercantile business. In the fall of 1879 he returned to his native State and managed the farm of his father-in-law until the death of the latter, when Mr. Shourds came back to Michigan. He located on a farm of 120 acres in Wheatland Tp., which had been partly improved, where he has since been actively engaged in farming. He is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Order of Masonry. Mr. Shourds belongs to the Baptist Church. [page 544]
Daniel L. Welch, farmer on sec. 27, Deerfield Tp., was born in Wayne Co., N.Y., April 9, 1838. His parents, Lyman H. and Judith (Stansell) Welch, were natives of the Empire State, where the mother still lives; the father died in the fall of 1839. Daniel L., made his initial essay in life at the age of 17, and was variously occupied until the age of 32, when he fixed upon agriculture as a vocation in life. He bought 50 acres of land in Montcalm Co., Mich., which he sold in 1879, and purchased 40 acres in Deerfield, where he now lives. His farm was partly improved, and he speedily put the place into the best condition.
He was married in August, 1865, to Susannah M., daughter of Howland and Harriet (Conkling) Soule, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and New York. They settled in Lenawee Co., Mich., in the fall of 1845, removing thence to Montcalm County, where they yet live. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Welch are deceased. Otto A. was born March 1, 1873, and died Oct. 25, 1881. An infant died at birth.
Mr. Welch is an adherent of the Democratic party. [page 364]
John M. Berkaw's sketch comes from The History of Monroe County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878. The compilers of the book obviously spoke to Mr. Berkaw personally, as he wished to have his lost child remembered.
Guilford Township
BERKAW, JOHN M., farmer, S. 12; P. 0. Albia; born in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1826; in 1843, he went to Rochester, and learned the machinists' trade; in 1849, went to St. Louis; thence to Cincinnati, and worked at his trade; in 1866, he came to this county; where he married Miss Lucy Parmender, she was born in Franklin Co., Ohio; they have two children - Julietta L. and Clara; lost one child - Arthur, aged 11 years 6 months and 8 days.
Few the starry Summers
That o'er his path had flown,
Ere the angels called him
To the far unknown.
Smiles of gleaming brightness
Wreathed his fair young face,
Till its placid whiteness
Told of Death's embrace.
Two biographical sketches from The History of Jasper County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.
HILL, W. E., farmer, Sec. 4; P. 0. Newton; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., in Sept., 1842. Married Miss R. Emeret in Illinois in 1868; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1842; they have one child - Philip Sidney; owns 100 acres of land, valued $35 per acre. He moved to Illinois when a boy. Enlisted in the 138th Ill. V. I. in Aug., 1862; lost his health and was discharged by reason of physical disability. He moved to Jasper Co., Iowa in 1873, where he has a good farm with all good improvements. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are members of the M. E. Church. [page 574]
CRAVEN, DAVID P., farmer, S. 24; P. 0. Kellogg; was born in Wayne Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1841, and came to this county in 1866, and owns 330 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. He is a Democrat in politics. His wife, Julia E. Bennett, was born in same county June 14, 1844; they were married Nov. 8, 1865; their children's names are James E., born Sept. 6, 1866; David Homer, July 10, 1869; John Reverdy, Sept. 29, 1871 ; Thurman P., Aug. 10,1875; Galen Gladstone, June 22, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Craven have been school teachers in New York State and also in Iowa. He has been County Supervisor. Is an enterprising man and has his large farm under a high state of cultivation. [page 633; Mariposa Township]
Other Craven's listed in Mariposa Township, no biographical sketches provided:
Craven, A. B., far., S. 26; P. O. Kellogg.
Craven, J., far., S. 26; P. O. Kellogg.
Craven, M. A., far., S. 23; P. O. Kellogg.
Francis S. Olmsted's biographical sketch comes from The History of Black Hawk County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.
OLMSTED, F. S., farmer; born April 20, 1825, in Wayne Co., N. Y.; in March, 1867, came to Cedar Falls; he owns five acres with his residence in the city, also 65 acres in Sec. 14, and 160 acres in Sec. 16. Married Jane Wells in 1847; she was born in 1828, in Wayne Co., N.Y.; have five children - Helen (now Mrs. F. H. Peabody), Park C., Flora, Bert and George. Are members of the M. E. Church. [pages 502-503; Cedar Falls Township]
In the 1860 census, farmer Francis S. Olmsted 35, Jane 31, Helen 7, and Park 2, are listed as residing in the Town of Arcadia.
From Genealogy of the Olmsted Family in America: embracing the descendants of James and Richard Olmsted and covering a period of nearly three centuries, 1632-1912, compiled by Henry King Olmsted, revised by George Kemp Ward. New York: A.T. De La Mare Printing and Publishing Company. 1912.
Page 127
(1622) FRANCIS SPENCER OLMSTED, b. at Arcadia, Wayne County,. N. Y., Apr. 20, 1825; d. at Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa, Mar. 28, 1884; m. at Joy, Wayne County, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1847, Jane G. Wells; b. at Sodus, Wayne County, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1828; dau. of (Col.) Collins and Mary A. (Pratt) Wells. He moved to Cedar Falls in March, 1867. Died at "Olmsted Hill," N. Y. This place named from the highest hill in Wayne County, N. Y.
2769, Helen Louisa +.
2770, Park Collins +.
2771, Flora Belle,. Cedar Falls, Iowa; b. Sept. 18, 1863.
2772, Bert Frank; b. June 19, 1866; drowned July 8, 1885.
2773, George Herschel +.
Page 78
(752) LYMAN OLMSTED, Arcadia, Wayne County, N. Y. b. at Whitestown, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1793; d. at Cedar Falls, Iowa, July 13, 1878; m. abt. 1818, Eliza Barnard; b. May 8, 1803; d. June 20, 1859; dau. of Elisha and Roxanna (Cook) Barnard, of Whitestown, N. Y. He moved from Whitestown to Arcadia, and bought a farm near his brother Elihu. He served in the War of 1812. Was at Sackett's Harbor, and drew a pension. His house in Arcadia was on "Olmsted Hill," the highest hill in Wayne County, N. Y. He died at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Mrs. Olmsted died at Arcadia.
1621, Daniel T. +.
1622, Francis Spencer +.
1623, Edwin B. +.
1624, Helen M.; b. Nov. 22, 1833; d. Sept. 16, 1848.
1625, George Herschel (M. D.); b. Sept. 4, 1839; d. Dec. 16, 1863; grad. College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1863. He served as surgeon in the Civil War; was house physician at Bellevue Hospital, where he died of typhus fever.
Frank Mathews' profile was found in The History of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1879.
MATHEWS, FRANK, farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 5; P. 0. Mt. Pleasant; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., Dec. 3, 1829; when 9 years of age, his father come to Iowa; located in Henry Co., at Lowell, June 5, 1838; he made a claim and built the first house in Lowell; he was an old contractor on the Erie Canal, and, after coming here, superintended the building of the dam at Lowell. After reaching manhood, Prank was engaged in lumbering, on the river and was connected with building railroads; bad a contract for ties when the C, B. & Q. R R. was built. He married Miss Amelia J. Patterson Jan. 4, 1854; she was a native of Indiana; came to Iowa in 1840; after they were married, Mr. Mathews engaged in farming, and has been very successful; be owns about three hundred acres of land. He has held office of Justice of the Peace for eight years, Town Trustee and other town and school offices. They have seven children - Jay M., Emory A., Ettie A., Nora M., Harlan F., Jennie A. and Lulu D.; have lost four children. [page 656]
William O. Rawson's biographical sketch comes from The History of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1879.
RAWSON, WM. O., farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Cedar Rapids; owns 160 acres of land, probable value $6,400; Mr. Rawson was born Sept. 20, 1828, in Wayne Co., N. Y., and, in 1835, moved with his parents (Abner and Sarah Rawson) to Erie Co, Penn., where his father engaged in the business of tanning; in 1838, the family moved to Blackberry Tp. Kane Co., Ill., where they engaged in farming; in the meantime William 0. was sent to school, and assisted his father on the farm until he was 22 years old, when he turned his attention to blacksmithing, but, in the course of a couple of years, was obliged to abandon the business because of poor health. He was married Jan. 17,1850, to Caroline S., daughter of Jacob and Happy Sheets, of Kane Co., Ill; she was born July 4,1832; they have three children - Ella M., born April 13, 1852; Joe E., born Jan. 11, 1856, and Sarah A., born Feb. 14, 1859; they lost one child, Frank E., born Dec. 21, 1850, died Dec. 13, 1863. Mr. Ramson came to Iowa and settled in Clinton Co. in 1824, where he pre-empted 160 acres of land, and lived there until April, 1868, when he came to Linn Co., and has resided here since; he was engaged in buying and selling hogs and grain for two years in Palo, Fayette Tp., in this county. In politics, he is a Republican, and was Township Trustee two years; President of the township School Board two years; School District I Treasurer three years, and in Clinton Co., was Township Assessor two years, Township Trustee two years and School Director three years. [page 755; Clinton Township]
Davis McCarn's biographical sketch comes from from The History of Jones County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1879.
D[avis]. McCARN, attorney and counselor at law, of the firm of Sheean & McCarn, Anamosa; is a native of Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y., and was born April 11, 1832; he grew up to manhood and received his education in that State, and commenced reading law; he completed his law studies and was admitted to the bar in Rochester, N. Y., in March, 1855; in the fall of the same year, he came to Iowa, and located in Tipton, Cedar Co., and remained there until 1857, when he came to Jones Co., and located at Anamosa and engaged in the practice of law; there is no attorney here now that was here when he came. He was elected Judge of Jones Co., and held that office for five years, and has also held the office of Mayor of Anamosa and other town and school offices. In 1853, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Hopkins, from Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y.; they have two children - Burtis D. and George S., both attending school. [page 563; Fairview Township]
Five brief profiles from Who's Who in New York City and State, 3rd Ed., edited by John W. Leonard. New York: L.R. Hamersly & Company. 1907.
HARRIS, George De Forest:
Retired; b. Ontario, Wayne County, New York, July 22, 1853; s. John Franklin and Olive Elizabeth (Cary) Harris; ed. Marshall Warner Acad., Glendale, Mass., Ft. Edward (N. Y.) Collegiate Inst., Hudson River Inst., Claverack, N. Y.; m. Argyle, Washington Co., N. Y., Marian Barkley; children: Clarence Clayton (29), Alexander Barkley (27). Established wholesale coal business, 1872, while still at school; after leaving school organized extensive mining and quarrying company under the title of John F. Harris & Son. Retired from active business in 1902, since which time has traveled widely at home and abroad. Senior partner George D. Harris & Co.; director Harris Collieries Co., Standard Materials Co., Coal and Iron Nat. Back, N. Y. City, etc. Republican. Recreations: Automobiling, yachting, hunting. Address: 1 Broadway, N. Y. City. [page 630]
CARMER, Myron E:
Physician: b. Dryden, N. Y., Sept 17, 1854; s. A. C. and Sarah (Griswold) Carmer; grad. Brockport Normal Sch., 1876, Hamilton Coll., A.B., 1880 (flrst math. prize and Phi Beta Kappa), A.M., 1883; Med. Coll. of Univ. of Vt., M.D., 1885; m. Clinton, N. Y., 1880, Anna Sykes; children: James S. (25), rs. Sarah Ohmann (23), Rachel A. (21), John C. (19). Was five years prin. Cincinnatus Acad., Cincinnatus, N. Y., 1881-85; has practised medicine in Lyons, N. Y., since 1887; physician to Wayne Co. Home, Wayne Co. Jail, etc. Med. examiner for N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Prudential Ins. Co., etc. Republican. Presbyterian; comm'r to Gen. Assembly, Presbyterian Ch., 1903. In Brockport, was mem. Gamma Sigma; In Hamilton, Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa, and in Univ. Vt., Delta Mu. Mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc, N. Y. State Med. Soc., etc. Address: Lyons, N. Y. [page 245-246]
BEAN, Charles D.:
Lawyer; b. Marlon, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 31, 1863; s. Charles and Chloa Maria (Danford) Bean; most of early life spent In N. Y. City; removed with parents to Geneva, 1874; grad. B.S., Hobart Coll.; PhB., Syracuse Univ.; A.M., Alleghany Coll.; LL.D., Southern Normal Univ. Coll. of Law; unmarried. After graduating from college, enjoyed pleasure tour in Europe; since then practising law In Geneva, N. Y.; elected Judge (two terms) of the Ontario County Court of Sessions. Democrat. Episcopalian. Elected master of Ark Lodge 33, P. and A. M., two terms. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi college fraternity; mem. Geneva Commandery, K. T. Mem. Y. M. C. A., Delphine Hist. Soc. (historian); Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Geneva Bar Ass'n. Contributor to various journals on legal topics and author of a history of Geneva and papers on college fraternity matters. Clubs: Brunswick, University, Political Equality, Masonic Temple. Address: Maple Hill, Geneva, N. Y. [page 100]
ROBERTSON, Jason Newell:
Physician, surgeon; b. Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 10, 1853; s. John and Harriet (Cooper) Robertson: ed. Red Creek Union Sem. and private tutors; grad. Univ. of Vt., M.D., 1877; m. Sterling Valley. N. Y., 1880, Anna May Howard; one daughter, Eva Lucile (Wellesley '08). Engaged In practice of medicine in Sterling Valley, N. Y.. 1877-79; since then at Wolcott, N. Y. Has traveled in Europe and Great Britain. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc, N. Y. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, F. and A. M. Address: Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y. [page 1112]
MYERS, John Franklin:
Physician, surgeon; b. Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y., 1864; s. John W. and Frances A. (Hallett) Myers; grad. Sodus Acad., 1882; Columbia Coll. of Phys. and Surg.. N. Y., 1887: m. Sodus, Mar. 29, 1893, Jennie Buerman; children: Franklin Linwood (10), Norma R. (7). Has built, owns and runs a private hospital. Presbyterian. Mem. County. State and Nat. Med. Ass'ns. Mem. F. and A. M. Address: Myers Hospital, Sodus, N. Y. [page 972]
Two biographical sketches from History of Napa and Lake Counties, California, Lyman L. Palmer. San Francisco: Slocum, Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1881.
GOODRICH, HIRAM. Son of Alvin and Pauline Monroe Goodrich, was born in Cayuga County, New York, August 7, 1814. He was given the advantages of a common school education, and resided on a farm until he was twenty-one years of age. He then moved to Berrien County, Michigan, where he began life as a laborer. In 1840 he began the livery business in Niles, Michigan, which he conducted in connection with farming until 1853, when he came to California. In February of that year he proceeded to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he fitted up ox-teams and started across the plains, coming via the old Carson route, by Salt Lake. He arrived in California, in September, 1853, and immediately joined his brother-in-law, Isaac Sackett, in Napa County, and began farming. In the spring of 1857 he settled on his present place, consisting of one hundred and sixty-four acres, and is engaged in wheat and grape growing. In 1864 he took charge of the Revere House in Napa, and conducted it for thirteen months. He was married December 25, 1840, to Miss Etta Sackett, who was born in Sodus, Wayne County, New York, April 8, 1822. Their children are Harriet J., Luman L., Alice, Ida R., Lee G., and Minnie E. They have lost one child, Lilburn, aged five years, five months and twenty days. [page 466]
POST, Joel S., lawyer and soldier of the Mexican War; was born in Ontario (now Wayne) County, N. Y., April 27, 1816; in 1828 removed with his father to Washtenaw County, Mich., remaining there until 1839, when he came to Macon County, Ill. The following year, he commenced the study of law with Judge Charles Emmerson, of Decatur, and was admitted to the bar in 1841. In 1846 he enlisted in the Mexican War, and served as Quartermaster of the Fourth Regiment (Col. E. D. Baker's); in 1856 was elected to the State Senate, and, at the following session, was a leading supporter of the measures which resulted in the establishment of the State Normal School at Bloomington. Capt. Post's later years were spent at Decatur, where he died, June 7. 1886. [page 430]
Flavel K. Granger's bio comes from Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, Volume 1, edited by Newton Bateman & Paul Selby. Chicago: Munsell Publishing Company. 1917.
GRANGER, Flavel K., lawyer, farmer and legislator, was born in Wayne County, N. Y., May 16, 1832, educated in public schools at Sodus in the same State, and settled at Waukegan, Ill., in 1853. Here, having studied law, he was admitted to the bar in 1855, removing to McHenry County the same year, and soon after engaging in the live-stock and wool business. In 1872 he was elected as a Republican Representative in the Twenty-eighth General Assembly, being successively re-elected to the Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first, and being chosen Temporary Speaker of the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth. He was a member of the State Senate for the Eighth District, having been elected in 1896. His home was at West McHenry, Ill. Died June 10,1905. [page 206]
Three biographical sketches from Who's Who in Finance and Banking, by John William Leonard. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Who's Who in Finance Inc. 1922
EDWARDS, Charles Jerome, 204 Montague St., Brooklyn, and 165 Broadway, New York; res. 98 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Life Insurance mgr., capitalist; b. Wayne County, N. Y., May 8, 1866: s. Lora and Mary (Chapman) Edwards; m. Portsmouth, N.H. Aug. 26, 1890. Edith Wendell. Dir. Mechanics Bank. New York Title and Mortgage Co., Morris Tian Co. of New York, Roosevelt Savings Bank, City of New York Insurance Co.; dir. and v.-pres. New York Plate Glass Insurance Co., Manhattan Bridge Three Cent Railroad Line. Commissioner of Elections City of Brooklyn, 1896-98; pres. Life Underwriters' Assn. of New York 1906, National Assn. of Life Underwriters 1907-08. Recreation: Aeronautics. Clubs: Bankers, Long Island Auto (pres. 1907), Aero of America (v.-pres.), Lawyers, Brooklyn (pres.), Rotary (ex-pres.). Democrat. [page 208]
HARRIS. George D., 522 Fifth Ave.; res. 135 West Forty-seventh St., New York. N. Y. Coal operator; b. Ontario, Wayne county, N. Y., July 22. 1853; s. John F. and Olive Elizabeth (Cary) Harris; ed. Ft. Edward Institute; Marshall Warner Claverack Institute; m. Argyle. N. Y.. Marian Berkley; children: Clarence C. and A. Berkley. Has been connected with John F. Harris and Son. miners of iron ore: Geo. D. Harris and Co., wholesale coal dealers; J. F. Harrls & Son, quarries; was pres. Standard Materials Co., and a dir. Coal and Iron National Bank; Harris Brothers Coal Mining Co.. Conastoga Coal Co.. Silverite Metals Corpn.; now retains only position as pres. George D. Harris & Co., Inc. Republican. [page 305]
SNYDER, Elmore William; Manufacturers' National Bank; res. 409 North Esplanade, Leavenworth, Kan.
Banker; b. Wayne County, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1850; s. of Colonel James W, and Sarah A. (O'Neill) Snyder; ed. at Red Creek (Wayne County, N. Y.) Union Seminary; m. Grandon, Vt.. Oct., 1878, Fannie M. Benson; children: Charles E., Ira Benson. Was pres. Bank of Clifton, Kan. 1878-83; pres. Manufacturers' National Bank, Leavenworth. Kan., since 1888; pres. Leavenworth Terminal Railway and Bridge Co., since 1892; pres. Home Riverside Coal Co., Leavenworth, Kan.; dir. Leavenworth Light, Heat and Power Co. Mason, Elk, United Workman. Republican. [page 639]
From A Standard History of Oklahoma: An Authentic Narrative of Its Development from the Date of the First European Exploration Down to the Present Time, Including Accounts of the Indian Tribes, Both Civilized and Wild, of the Cattle Range, of the Land Openings and the Achievements of the Most Recent Period, Volume IV, by Joseph Bradfield Thoburn. Chicago and New York: The American Historical Society. 1916.
Smith H. Babcock.
In financial circles and among investors generally the name Central Investment Company, Incorporated, is known pretty well all over the country. It has been highly successful in bringing the stable securities of Oklahoma, based on the rapidly rising farm values, to the attention of investors both in and out of the state, and it is now the largest company of its kind in the farm loan business in the state west of Chickasha. Its home offices are on Main Street at the corner of Third Street in IHobart and the present company is the outgrowth of the first business of the kind established at Hobart upwards of fifteen years ago by Smith H. Babcock, who is now president of the Central Investment Company.
Mr. Babcock is an Oklahoma pioneer. Born at Clyde, Wayne County, New York, January 23, 1853, his first twenty years were spent on his father's farm, and the year 1871 marked his graduation from the Clyde High School. His first independent venture was the purchase of a farm of ninety acres in Wayne County, New York, and he made that the basis of his livelihood and business career until 1883. In 1884, selling his property in New York and coming to the West, he bought a farm of 160 acres in McPherson County, Kansas, and was one of the men who persisted through the many difficulties which beset Kansas agriculture during the '80s, and eventually profited by his experience. In 1893 he sold his Kansas farm and on September 16, 1893, made the race at the opening of the Cherokee Strip. On that day he rode a hardy cow pony, thoroughly acclimated and accustomed to the plains, and led the run for twelve miles before he decided to stake his claim. His homestead of 160 acres was located a mile and a half northeast of Medford, now the county seat of Grant County. Mr. Babcock pursued his vocation as a farmer on the old homestead claim until 1902, then sold out and removed to Hobart in Kiowa County, where he followed shortly after the pioneer rush into that district. He opened his office as a dealer in farm lands, and was the first in Hobart to take up that line of business. Since then he has organized the Central Investment Company, now incorporated under the state law, and is directing its operations as president.
The Babcock family for several generations lived at Sag Harbor on Long Island, a port which in the nourishing days of the American merchant marine was one of the most important points of outfitting for ships engaged in the whaling industry. Three Babcock brothers named Hedges, Jonathan and Benjamin, had emigrated from England and settled in Sag Harbor just prior to the War of 1812, and all of them subsequently engaged in that war on the side of the United States. The ancestor from whom the Hobart business man is descended was Hedges Babcock. Mr. Babcock's father was Job Babcock, who was born at Sag Harbor, Long Island, in 1809, and died at Clyde, New York, in 1887. He moved out to Wayne County, New York, in 1851 and lived there quietly as a farmer the rest of his life. Previous to 1851, however, for twenty-two years he had been captain of a whaling vessel that hailed from Sag Harbor. He was not the only member of his family engaged in that industry. He had six brothers, named Benjamin, Hoyl, Henry, Lyman, Jonathan and Hedges, all of whom were captains of whaling vessels that called Sag Harbor their home port. All these veterans of the seas are now deceased. Job Babcock was a republican in politics, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He married Mary Ann Hull, who was born at Hartford, Connecticut, in 1817, and died at Clyde, New York, in 1897. She also had seven brothers and all of them were seafaring men. Smith H. was the older of two sons, and his brother. George is now a farmer at Clyde, New York.
Since casting his first vote Mr. Babcock has been steadily a republican in politics, and while living in New York and in Kansas served on school boards. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in Hobart Lodge No. 176 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is past noble grand and was a member of the encampment and canton of that order in Kansas.
At Clyde, New York, in 1872, Mr. Babcock married Miss Cora Gibson, who is a native of Fort Edward, New York, a daughter of D. G. Gibson, who is now living retired at Clyde, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock can take a reasonable degree of pride in their fine family of children, numbering nine in all. Charles, the oldest, was cashier in the bank at Medford, Oklahoma, at the time of his death in 1892; Benjamin, the second son, is a graduate of the Kansas City Veterinary College and is now a veterinary surgeon at Kirksberg, Idaho; Alice is the wife of Mr. Birdsteen of Los Angeles, California; May, also a resident of Los Angeles, married George Sharp, who is cashier for the Southern Pacific Railroad; Ford is vice president of the Central Investment Company of Hobart; Mattie is the wife of Park Siple, cashier for the United States Express Company at Little Rock, Arkansas; Edith is the wife of Temple Kirkpatrick, who is secretary of the Central Investment Company; George lives in Hobart and is in the vulanizing business; Harold, the youngest, is now a freshman in the Hobart High School. [page 1710]
P.J. Chrisler's biographical sketch comes from History of Solano County, by J. P. Munro-Fraser. San Francisco: Wood, Alley & Co., East Oakland. 1879.
CHRISLER, P. J., was born in Ontario County, New York, July 4, 1831, and here he was educated. In 1854 he emigrated to St. Joseph County, Michigan, where he married Sarah M. Pulver, daughter of Fletcher Pulver, of Lyons, Wayne County, New York, January 4, 1858. She was born March 14, 1838. They emigrated to this State, and immediately settled in Suisun City. Mr. Chrisler was first engaged in the produce trade, on his arrival in this locality, but afterward changed to that of a grocer. In June, 1870, he moved to Vaca Valley, five miles northwest from Vacaville, erected a house, had a Post-office established, over which he presided as postmaster, platted the ground for the purpose of founding a village, which he named Tolenas; but on account of the scarcity of water the project was abandoned, and he returned to Suisun the same year. He is now engaged in the lumber and sewing machine trades, as well as having established one of the most important insurance offices in this county. Leslie J., Minnie A., Jennie Gertrude (the last deceased), Sarah E., William A., Charles D. and Peter Spencer are the names of his children. [page 400; Suisun city]
This biographical sketch of Van Rensselaer Durfee comes from Historical and Biographical Record of Southern California: Containing a History of Southern California From its Earliest Settlement to the Opening Year of the Twentieth Century, by James Miller Guinn. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company. 1902
Throughout his long and useful life Mr. Durfee adhered to those principles of truth and justice which are bound to win at least moderate success, and which invariably inspire in the minds of friends and associates a profound confidence and lasting regard. Often beset by discouraging circumstances, and in the face of retarding obstacles, he maintained a cheerful equanimity, and pursued the even tenor of his ways as one sure of the final adjustment of all matters.
Early in life responsibility overshadowed for a time whatever excess of ambition he may have possessed, for between the rising and the setting of the sun his hands and brain were entirely at the disposal of his arduous duties. He was born in Wayne county, N. Y., November 19, 1829, a son of Borden and Mary (Haslett) Durfee, natives of New York state. The family of which he is a member is a large and influential one in Wayne county, having for many years exerted an influence in political, educational and agricultural circles there. When a comparatively young boy V. R. Durfee was taken by his parents to Howell, Livingston county, Mich., where he attended the public schools as opportunity offered, but was mainly concerned with assisting with the management of the home farm, which fell to his lot as the oldest son of the family. As time wore on he became the chief support of those dependent on him, and his life was a hard one for many reasons, one being because the country was new, and they were face to face with the hardships expected by all pioneers. At one time while a young man he taught school in Michigan, and was a justice of the peace, and at Fenton, Genesee county, he was for a number of years interested in a sash and door and blind manufactory. He later embarked upon an independent venture in the lumber business, and in this way managed to make some money and get a reasonable start in life.
In 1887 Mr. Durfee came to Southern California, and lived here until his demise October 7, 1900. The estate in Orange county upon which he expended so many years of anxious care is a tribute to his industry and good management, and is under a high state of cultivation. There are sixty acres in the ranch, and the land is mostly under fruit. The pleasant rural home is now occupied by the widow and children of Mr. Durfee, who carefully carry out the plans formulated by him before his death. He was twice married, and of his union with Jane Hollister, of Michigan, there were three children, one of whom is living, Charles F., of Santa Ana, Cal. The present Mrs. Durfee was formerly Amelia W. Stanton, also a native of Michigan, and the mother of three children, two of whom are living; R. V., who is at home, and Mary H., also living with her mother. Mr. Durfee was a stanch Republican, although he never entertained political aspirations. He was active in church work, and served as one of the first trustees of the Villa Park Congregational Church. In his death the town of his adoption lost one of her most reliable citizens, and one who left behind him many kindly memories of thoughtfulness for all with whom he came in contact. [pages 524-525]
NOTE: the 1850 census of Oceola Township, Livingston County, Michigan, lists farmer "Burdon" Durfee, Mary Durfee, "Van Renseller" Durfee, Aaron Durfee and Elias Durfee (b. Michigan). Various researchers on line state that V.R.'s father's name was Benjamin Borden Durfee, his mother's Mary Ann Haslett.
Henry Schaffner's biographical sketch comes from The History of Peoria County, Illinois. Chicago: Johnson & Company. 1880.
SCHAFFNER HENRY (deceased), widow resides Sec. 10, P. O. Mossville, was born Jan. 3, 1830, in Lompertsloch, Alsace, France, and is the son of Jacob and Dorothy Schaffner, who were natives of that province. When sixteen years old he came to America with his elder sister, and during the nine succeeding years resided in Lyons, Wayne county, N. Y., and while there married Dec. 20, 1855, Catherine Feiock, a native of Germany, who was born Oct. 24, 1833, and came to this country with her father when twenty years of age. The fruits of this union were two children - George, born May 21, 1858, and Edward, born March 22, 1864. Immediately after marriage they removed to Illinois, settled in Medina township, Peoria county, and resided for about nine years on Sec. 8, removing in 1865 to the farm now occupied by Mrs. Schaffner and her two sons. They own forty acres of land, all under cultivation, and which they value, with existing improvements, at $3,200. Mr. Schaffner died on his homestead, Aug. 1, 1874. He was an industrious, hard working man, who enjoyed the confidence and respect of all his neighbors, was a thorough farmer, a good citizen, and a kind husband and father. Schaffner Catharine, farmer, P. O. Mossvllle. [page 802]
NOTE: in the 1850 census of Lyons, laborer Henry Shafner, age 21 born Germany, and Barbara Walter, age 15 born Germany, resided with the family of prosperous farmer John Westfall, age 33. Henry Schafner age 30 born Germany, Catherine Schafner age 28 born Germany, and George Schafner age 2 born Illinois, are found in the 1860 census of Medina Township, Peoria County, Illinois (post office Mount Hawley).
William Morris Stewart (August 9, 1827 Wayne County, NY - April 23, 1909 Washington, DC) was several times elected U.S. Senator from Nevada. According to his official Congressional biography, he was born in Galen, but near Lyons. If you do a web search on him, there's a lot out there.
From: The Biographical Record of Logan County, Illinois. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1901.
WILLIAM MORRIS STEWART, noted as a political leader and senator, was born in Lyons, Wayne county, New York, August 9, 1827, and removed with his parents while still a small child to Mesopotamia township, Trumbull county, Ohio. He attended the Lyons Union school and Farmington Academy, where he obtained his education. Later he taught mathematics in the former school, while yet a pupil, and with the little money thus earned and the assistance of James C. Smith, one of the judges of the supreme court of New York, he entered Yale College. He remained there until the winter of 1849-50, when, attracted by the gold discoveries in California he wended his way thither. He arrived at San Francisco in May, 1850, and later engaged in mining with pick and shovel in Nevada county. In this way he accumulated some money, and in the spring of 1852 he took up the study of law under John R. McConnell. The following December he was appointed district attorney, to which office he was chosen at the general election of the next year. In 1854 he was appointed attorney-general of California, and in 1860 he removed to Virginia City, Nevada, where he largely engaged in early mining litigation. Mr. Stewart was also interested in the development of the "Cornstock lode," and in 1861 was chosen a member of the territorial council. He was elected a member of the constitutional convention in 1863, and was elected United States senator in 1864, and re-elected in 1869. At the expiration of his term in 1875, he resumed the practice of law in Nevada, California, and the Pacific coast generally. He was thus engaged when he was elected again to the United States senate as a Republican in 1887 to succeed the late James G. Fair, a Democrat, and took his seat March 4, 1887. On the expiration of his term he was again re-elected and became one of the leaders of his party in congress. His ability as an orator, and the prominent part he took in the discussion of public questions, gained him a national reputation. [pages 213-214]
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Richard Gilbert's brief biographical sketch comes from History of Guthrie and Adair counties, Iowa: together with sketches of their towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history, portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of old settlers and representative citizens. Springfield, Ill.: Continental Historical Company. 1884.
Richard Gilbert was born in Rutland county, Vermont, in April, 1813, being the son of Caleb and Polly (Cutter) Gilbert. He moved to Wayne county, New York, when he was about a year old and there remained until he was nearly sixteen years of age. He then went to Westfield, New York, and remained but a few months, when he went to Lancaster, Ohio, where he followed the occupation of making fanning mills. After drifting around from place to place in Ohio, he went to Indianapolis, where he remained eighteen or nineteen years, working at his old trade until the spring of 1850, when he went to California, making the voyage around Cape Horn. After making a trip to Oregon, he returned home. He came to Guthrie county in September, 1852, entering three hundred and twenty acres of land in section 5. He was married in 1836, to Miss Martha Thomas, of Indianapolis. They had three children - Obed F., killed at Pea Ridge; Charles G., was killed in 1881, on the Wabash railroad, and an infant. His wife died in May, 1849. He was married in December, 1853, to Miss Isabel M. Campbell, a native of Indiana, by whom he had seven children: Harrison H., Emma J., Henry W., William H, Richard 0., and Lucy P., died, aged twenty months. He owns one hundred and fifty-four acres, all of which is under cultivation. He raises a large stock of cattle, hogs and sheep. {page 488-489]
Robert Traver's biography comes from Portrait and Biographical Album of Barry and Eaton Counties, Michigan. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1891.
ROBERT TRAVER is a prominent and influential citizen of Baltimore Township, Barry County, who carries on farming on section 9. There he has resided for twenty-one years and in the midst of the forest developed his farm. The land which he purchased was entirely destitute of improvements and was covered with a heavy growth of timber. In the usual manner of the pioneer settlers he began life in the West in a log cabin, but has now a beautiful frame residence, situated on a knoll, whence one can look for miles over the surrounding country. A beautiful grove of evergreens deck the lawn in front, throwing their graceful shade over the dwelling. In the rear are large barns which furnish ample shelter for his grain and stock, and all his other outbuildings are models of convenience.
The life record of Mr. Traver is as follows: He was born on the 11th of March, 1830, in Wayne County, N. Y., and is one of eight children. His father, Daniel Traver, was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., in 1785, and served as a soldier in the War of 1812, after which he removed to Ontario County, N. Y., where he followed his trade of carpentering and joining. He also owned a small farm and superintended its cultivation. After a few years he removed to Wayne County where he purchased another farm containing one hundred acres of valuable land, and then abandoning his trade gave his entire attention to agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred on the 5th of July, 1870. His wife, whose maiden name was Lucy Smith, was born in Orniston, Canada, October 6, 1799. Their children were: Peter, who was born in Manchester, Canada, August 17, 1824; Daniel, born March 29, 1826; David, March 7, 1828; Robert, March 11, 1830; Henry, June 3, 1833; Mary, October 9, 1834; Asa, January 16, 1837; and Lucy, February 26, 1841. Of these, Robert, Henry, Asa and Mary are now living, the last-named being a resident of the State of Washington, while Henry and Asa reside in New York.
The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood days in the East and was reared to manhood under the parental roof. He enlisted for the late war as a member of Company D, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery under Capt. William Wood, and was first sent to Washington, D. C. The first battle of note in which he participated was the Seven Days' Battle of the Wilderness in 1864. This was followed by the engagement at North Anna River in Virginia, and the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., on the 19th of October, 1864, when he was wounded. His injuries were such that he was sent to the hospital, where he remained until the following June, when he was discharged from the service and returned to Wayne County, N. Y.
Mr. Traver has been twice married. On the 28th of September, 1852, he was 28th of September, 1852, he was joined in wedlock with Miss Mary Ann Gordon, of the Empire State, who died during the late war while her husband was stationed in Washington City. On the 24th of March, 1869, he was again married, Miss Cecilia Crawley, daughter of James Crawley, becoming his wife. Unto them have been born nine children who gladden the home by their presence, and the family circle yet remains unbroken. Asa D., the eldest, is followed by Lucy E., Ira J., Mary J., Robert, Isabel, Lillie, Sarah Ann and Edwin. They have been provided with good educational advantages, such as will fit them for the practical duties of life, and the elder ones have attended the High School of Hastings. Mr. Traver is an intelligent and public spirited citizen, prominent and influential in the community where he resides, and manifests a commendable interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the town and county. Those who know him regard him highly as a man of sterling worth, and it thus affords us pleasure to present his sketch to the readers of this ALBUM. [pages 498-499]
Parents & Siblings of Robert Traver buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Town of Galen:
TRAVER Daniel, 5 Jul. 1870 85y2m16d
TRAVER Lucy, wf Daniel, 12 May 1882 82y7m6d
TRAVER Peter 1824-1880
TRAVER Daniel 1842 17y5m
TRAVER David 1861 32y11m23d
TRAVER Robert 1830-1892
TRAVER Henry 1832-1908
TRAVER Asa 1837-19-(no date)
TRAVER Lucy 1848 7y
Elizabeth Everett Tiffany's biographical sketch was found in Portrait And Biographical Album of Sedgwick County, Kansas. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1888.
MRS. ELIZABETH J. TIFFANY, widow of the late Hiram Tiffany, of Wayne County, N.Y., after the death of her husband, which occurred July 13, 1880, gathered together her personal effects, and with an ample capital came to the city of Wichita, and invested in real estate. She is in many respects a remarkable woman, possessing more than ordinary business capacity, and has managed her property interests in such a manner that she is now independent, and the owner of property valued at nearly $50,000. While courageous in her investments she has not been reckless, and the fact that she began with $3,000, from which she has realized the amount already stated, is a forcible illustration of her sagacity and good judgment.
Mrs. Tiffany was born in Wayne County, N.Y. Sept. 23, 1833, and is the daughter of John and Ann F. (Peacock) Everett, also natives of the Empire State, and of German descent. She was reared on the farm of her father, and on the 19th of September, 1850, when a young lady seventeen years of age, was united in marriage with Hiram Tiffany, who had been born and reared not far from her own neighborhood. Mr. T. was born Jan. 16, 1824, and was the son of Gardner Tiffany, a native of Wayne County, Pa., and of Scotch descent. He married Miss Rebecca Slayton, and removing from the Keystone State, they settled in Wayne County, N.Y., where Gardner Tiffany became the owner of 500 acres of land, all in one body. This was fertile and valuable, and yielded a generous income. Hiram inherited a farm from his father's estate, to which he added by purchase, and set out and cultivated one of the finest orchards in Wayne County, from which he raised annually a large amount of choice fruit.
Hiram Tiffany was a man of fine abilities, and of correct and upright character. He was a Republican in politics, and prominent in the affairs of his township, holding its various offices of trust and responsibility. In religious views both he and his wife were in accord with the doctrines of the Free Baptist Church. Mr. Tiffany was a strict abstainer from intoxicating drinks, a member of the Sons of Temperance, and a man whose character was above reproach. He passed his entire life engaged in agricultural pursuits, and died at the homestead in Wayne County, at the age of fifty-six years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany there were born four children, the record of whom is as follows: Frederick R. married Miss Emma Holmes, of Wayne County, N.Y., and they are the parents of three children - Inez E., Hazel M. and Mosceline; this son, like his father, votes the Republican ticket; he is a resident of Wichita. Gardner L., the second son, married Miss Emma L. Brandt, of Wayne County, N.Y., they have two children - Freddie E. and Hattie L.; he is carrying on farming and the evaporation of fruit in Wayne County, N.Y. Lida A. is the wife of Orlando J. Newhall, a carpenter of Wichita, and they have one child - Wells T. Lizzie H. married Melville Warren, formerly of Lincoln, Ill., but now a shoe dealer of Wichita; they have two children - Claudine and Wayne.
In 1884 Mrs. Tiffany left the scenes of her childhood and early womanhood in Wayne County, N.Y., selling out her property there, and in company with her son Frederick and her daughter Lizzie came to Wichita, where her admirable business ability has resulted in making her a wealthy woman. At the same time her sterling worth of character and natural goodness of heart have drawn around her a large company of sincere friends. There are none more worthy of representation in a work of this kind than this lady, who has accomplished more than many men with the same opportunities. Her comfortable residence is located at No. 1506 East Douglas avenue. [pages 382 - 383]
Mrs. Tiffany was buried with her husband and his parents back in Wayne County, in Walworth Freewill Cemetery.
Gardner, Mar. 31, 1856, 68-11-23
Rebecca Slayton, wife, May 1868, 84 yr.
Reuben, Dec. 3, 1814 - Feb. 23, 1893
Hiram, 1823 - 1880
Elizabeth J., wife, 1833 - 1904
Also resting in Walworth Freewill Cemetery are her parents and two younger brothers:
John, Feb. 7, 1872, 65 yr.
Ann, wife, Nov. 7, 1872, 63 yr. 6 mo.
John Frederick, son 1850, 2 yr.
Harrison W., son, 1836, 1 yr.
Three biographical sketches from Portrait and Biographical Album, Isabella County, Mich. containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County. Chapman Brothers, 1884.
John L. Nichols, farmer, section 22, Nottawa Township, is a son of William H. and Sophia D. (Ottot) Nichols. The father was born in Columbia Co., N. Y., of Holland parentage, and died in Wayne Co., N.Y., in 1882; and the latter was of the people known as Pennsylvania Germans, was born in New York State, and died in Wayne County, N. Y., in 1878.
The subject of this biography was born in Clyde, Wayne Co., N.Y., June 4, 1852, and lived with his parents until he attained his majority. He came to Isabella Township, this county, in the fall of 1876, and for two years taught school in the Government's Indian school at Nipissing. In the fall of 1879, he took up his residence on his present farm of 40 acres purchased in the summer of 1877. He has about eight acres improved. In 183 he purchased 40 acres more in partnership with his brother.
He was married March 5, 1872, at Rose Valley, Wayne Co., N. Y., to Miss Anna M. Stewart, daughter of John and Jane (Graham) Stewart, natives respectively of Canada and Ireland. Both parents are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have four children of their own: Fritz G., born Sept. 24, 1873; Roy Eugene, June 2, 1878; Patience, Feb. 8, 1880; and Hope Eunice, April 7, 1883; and one adopted daughter, Cora Ellen Sixbury, born Sept. 8, 1871. [page 363]
Chester A. Ward, senior member of the firm of C. A. & W. E. Ward, general merchants of Mt. Pleasant, was born Aug. 26, 1817, in Cayuga Co., N. Y. His parents, Jonas and Julia Ann (Willis) Ward, were farmers and reared their sons on the homestead place.
Mr. Ward remained in the care of his mother on the homestead, his father having died about 1828, following agricultural pursuits until he was 18 years old, when he went to Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y., and entered the employment of his brother-in-law, Smith Ely, as a clerk. He officiated in that capacity two years and engaged in mercantile interests in his own behalf. He continued operations in general trade three years. In 1849 he was elected Sheriff and removed to Lyons, the county seat. He officiated as Sheriff three years. On the expiration of his term of office he went to the city of New York and interested himself in the produce commission business, in which he was engaged five years. In 1858 he removed to St. Joseph Co., Mich., and opened a general store at Burr Oak, which he managed six years. He was then employed by a New York mining company to go to St. Joe lead mines, which were located in St. Francis Co., Mo., as financial manager. He officiated in that capacity between two and three years, returning at the expiration of that time to Burr Oak, where he engaged two years as a clerk. He went to Hamilton, Ont., and remained six months to establish his son in business, after which he came to Stanton, Mich., to take charge of a branch hardware store in the interests of an Ionia firm. He continued in that engagement about two years. Within a year after its termination, in company with Geo. C. Wallace, he opened a general mill supply business, in which he continued two years. At the end of that time he sold his interests and served as clerk one year for Mr. Wallace, after which he went to Blanchard, Isabella County, and opened a grocery and provision store. He commenced business there in February, 1879, and remained until June 12, 1880, when he came to Mr. Pleasant and established the business in which he is now engaged, in company with his son William E., and a gentleman named C. Chrysler. The latter closed his relations with the firm four months later. The stock represents a value of $5,000, and the firm are engaged in the transaction of a solid cash business.
Mr. Ward was married in Clyde, May 28, 1848, to Caroline D., daughter of Aaron and Electa Young. She was born in Geneva, N. Y., April 2, 1819. Of four children born of this marriage two are now living: William E., business associate of his father, was born Sept. 15, 1849; John R., born in Lyons, Nov. 27, 1851, is clerking in a wholesale and retail grocery in Syracuse, N. Y.; Thomas C. was born Aug. 19, 1859, and died 12 days later; Mary C., born April 7, 1861, died March 22, 1864. [page 490]
Warren Wardwell, general farmer and blacksmith, section 5, Lincoln Township, was born in Ledyard, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831. His parents, Lemuel and Betsey (Whitmore) Wardwell, were natives of New England, of English and Scottish ancestry. Mr. Wardwell, Sr., was a farmer, and died in Scipio, Hillsdale Co., MIch., in February, 1859; and the latter is still living, in Lincoln Township, this county, aged 74 years.
Warren, the subject of this sketch, lived in his native county until nine years old, when the family made a removal to Seneca Co., N. Y. When 17 years old, in 1848, he left home and returned to his native county and for a year and a half followed his trade as blacksmith, which he had learned under the superintendence of Levi Elmendorff, at Waterloo, Seneca Co., N. Y., serving as an apprentice two years. While in Cayuga County he worked for Hiram Finch, at Springport. Returning again to Seneca County, he re-engaged himself at Mr. Elmendorff, as a "jour." Afterward he went to Wayne Co., N. Y., and established a general blacksmith shop, which he conducted two years; then he worked as a journeyman two years in Lock Berlin, same county. In January, 1855, he went to Red Creek, Cayuga County, and worked for a Mr. Toole until September, 1856; then he followed his trade until next year at Seneca Falls.
In April, 1858, he came to this State and settled at Litchfield, Hillsdale County, where he worked at blacksmithing for Chauncey Calhoun; from 1859 to 1861 he carried on a shop of his own, and in the fall of the latter year he moved to this county, "squatting" on a quarter-section of wild land, on section 5, and "homesteading it" in 1863. He was three weeks making the journey to his county, coming with three wagon loads of goods. On arriving here there was no building within two miles of him excepting a deserted hunter's shanty, in which he lived three weeks, while erecting a cabin on his own place. The shanty was made of poles and roofed with bark, and was barely large enough to contain them and their goods. The township was yet not organized, and the first permanent settlement was three miles away. It required five days to go to St. John's or Ionia, to secure provisions. He disposed of 80 acres of this place to his brother, to apply on services rendered in the war, and nearly all the remainder is improved and in good farming condition. Of the whole original tract he cleared about a hundred acres.
Dec. 29, 1849, in Wayne Co., N. Y., Mr. Wardwell married Miss Mary, daughter of Peter and Serena (Scott) McQueen, natives of Wayne Co., N. Y., of English, Dutch and Irish ancestry. Mrs. W. was born also in that county, March 20, 1827. They have no children, but have an adopted daughter, Estella G., who was born Sept. 6, 1869.
Mr. W. was Road Commissioner in 1865-6; in political matters he is a Republican, and, with his wife, is a member of the Christian Church. [page 68]
David A. Mills' biographical sketch comes from Portrait and biographical album of Midland County, Mich. Containing portraits and biographical sketches prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of Michigan and of the Presidents of the United States; also containing a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago : Chapman Bros., 1884.
David A. Mills, farmer, section 23, Ingersoll Township, is a son of Harvey E. and Melinda (Crampton) Mills; his father was born in Rose, Wayne Co., N. Y., and his mother in Addison, Vt. After marriage they resided in Wayne County until 1840, when they came to Lapeer Co., Mich., where he (the father) died, Oct. 26, 1850. In the fall of 1855 his widowed mother married Alpheus Chapman and settled in Saginaw County, where she died Sept. 30, 1866. By her first marriage there were seven children: Harvey C., Peter A., Harriet P., Emily E., David A., Jane D., and Harvey C. (2d).
The subject of this sketch was born in Hadley, Lapeer Co., Mich., July 15, 1841; attended school only until nine years of age, as then his father died and until 14 years old he had to assist in supporting the family. At the latter age he went to live with an older sister, and about two years afterward his mother bought for him a farm of 80 acres, in Ingersoll Township, where she lived with him until her death in 1866. He then rented a farm in Saginaw County, carried it on two years, and then returned to his farm in this county, where he has since resided,- except six months in Midland. He has sold 20 acres of his place, and now has about 35 acres in a good tillable condition.
In his district he has been Justice of the Peace, Highway Commissioner, Constable, and is at present Deputy Sheriff. Politically, he is identified with the Republican party.
Mr. Mills was married in Saginaw County, Aug. 14, 1861, to Eliza A., daughter of Phineas F. and Mary (Chase) Pierce. (See sketch of P. F. Pierce.) She was born in Erie Co., N. Y., July 23, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Mills adopted a young child named Anna B. Jelley, to whom was consequently given their own name of Mills. She grew up in the family and was married, but died three months afterward, at the home of her foster parents. [page 326]
NOTES: online research by site coordinator Martha, who isn't related to the family. No one out there seems to be looking for this family, who settled Wayne County before it was a separate county.
The 1840 United States Federal Census has a Harvey Mills listed in the Town of Galen, Wayne County. (1840 Census Roll #350, page 25)
In an online census database, the following individuals resided in the Town of Galen in 1830 - Nathaniel Mills, Samuel Mills, and Simeon R. Mills - who might or might not be related to father Harvey E. Mills.
A David Mills married Lucy E. Crampton in Lapeer County, MI on Jan. 1, 1845, marriage listed in the Michigan Dibean Marriage Index. They might be related to Harvey E. Mills and his wife Melinda Crampton Mills. This couple resided in Hadley, Lapeer County MI in 1850 and 1860, the village where David A. Mills of this sketch was born.
In an online census database of the 1850 United States Federal Census, there were 29 individuals of the surname Mills residing in Hadley, Lapeer County MI, most enumerated on pages 372-374. Does this cluster indicate that there was a migration of Wayne County NY Mills family members out to Michigan in the early 1840s? Enumerated on page 372 are Harvey's mother Melinda age 36, father as "Harry" age 35, Harriet age 14, Emily age 10, Daniel age 8 (this might be David above), Jane age 4, "Harry" age 3, a John S. Mills age 39, a Sarah Mills age 27, a George age 15. The other David Mills, age 20, and referred to above, is listed on page 373. All of these Mills are reported to be b. NY or MI, except for Melinda Mills, who was b. VT.
In the 1860 census, David Mills age 20 and "Harry" Mills age 12 are residing in Tittabawassee (post office Jay), Saginaw County MI with John Lewis age 22, Emily Lewis age 22, and Cecelia Lewis age 1. Emily is likely the older sister mentioned in the biographical sketch. His mother Melinda Crampton Mills Chapman, age 41, is also residing in Tittabawassee, with her husband Alpheus age 61, and three Chapman children. David A. Mills age 18 is also listed in the 1860 census of Ingersoll MI, no other persons in the household and no other Mills residing in Ingersoll. George Mills might be George W. Mills age 25, residing with wife and little girl in Rich (post office North Branch), Lapeer County MI.
In 1870, David A. Mills age 29 resided in Ingersoll, Midland County MI, with wife Eliza A. age 32, brother Harvy age 22, and Annabell age 8, the adopted daughter mentioned in the sketch. In 1870 a John Jelley age 50 b. Ireland and James Jelley age 12 b. Michigan were residing in Bay City, Bay County (Roll# M593_662, Page 400). I don't have access to see the actual census page, but perhaps he's a widower - I'd appreciate a site visitor taking the time to check and let me know. A John Jelly married Sarah McCully on March 18, 1852, in Genesee County MI. Brother Harvey Mills is possibly the Harvey Mills age 26 who married Mary Townsend age 16 on May 11, 1873 (marriage recorded July 11, 1873).
In the 1880 census, David A. Mills, age 38 and a farmer, resided in Ingersoll, Midland County MI, with his wife Eliza age 41 and daughter Anna Jelly age 19 (her parents both said to be b. Ireland).
In the 1900 Michigan census, David A. Mills age 58 and wife Eliza A. age 60 resided in Ingersoll, Midland County. In 1910 David "E." Mills, age 68 mother b. VT, resided with wife Clementine age 61 in Ingersoll. He doesn't appear in the 1920 or 1930 census.
Two biographical sketches from History of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches. Cleveland: HZ Williams & Bro., 1882.
M.T. Jewell was born in Sodus, Wayne county, New York, June 20,1825, only son of Dr. M. T. and Dorcas (St. John) Jewell. Early in life he was employed in a general store, and when fifteen, entered, as clerk, a bank in Lambertsville, New Jersey, where he remained for two years, the last year being teller of the bank. Returning to New York he engaged in mercantile business in various places, commencing a general business, including drugs, in Sodus in 1845. He was afterwards for two years employed as salesman in New York city. In 1853 he came to Ohio and subsequently engaged in the grocery and drug business in Youngstown. About 1857 he purchased the corner where he now does business. He was burnt out in 1867 and afterwards erected the building which he now occupies, doing an extensive business in drugs and medicines. He was married, in 1855, to Maria F. Edwards, daughter of William Edwards, and granddaughter of Colonel Peregrine Fitzhugh, one of the old and prominent families of New York State. Mrs. Jewell was born in 1826. Dr. M. T. Jewell, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a surgeon in the War of 1812, contracting a disease from which he died in 1825. [Biographical Sketches, page 470]
Johnathan Warner was born in Sodus, Wayne county, New York, February 10, 1808. When fifteen or sixteen years of age he went to Oswego, where he was employed as a clerk in a store. He afterwards returned to Sodus and engaged in mercantile business. He was married November 22, 1829, to Eliza Landon, who was born in Oneida county, New York, April 6, 1810. Mr. Warner continued in business in Sodus until about the year 1843, when he removed to Youngstown, Ohio, where he carried on the same business many years. He afterwards engaged in the iron business, and with Mr. Philpott built the first furnace at Brier Hill in that section, and operated there some two years. A short time previous to the war of 1861-65 he removed to Mineral Ridge, built two blast furnaces, and afterwards carried on an extensive business there many years. He finally sold his furnaces for a large figure, taking in part payment several thousand acres undeveloped mineral lands in the Lake Superior region. He organized the Republic Iron company, of Marquette, Michigan, of which he as president several years, and in which he is still a stockholder. Mr. Warner was the first to discover the unprecedented richness of the mine originally called Smith Mountain, and inaugurated the movement for its development. In 1872 he bought back his furnace at Mineral Ridge. The panic came the next year, and proved disastrous to his business, and he was compelled to make an assignment. He subsequently went to North Carolina and leased a gold mine, which proved unremunerative, and after remaining there a couple of years he returned to Mineral Ridge, where he has since led a substantially retired life. Mr. Warner's career has been one of great activity, and he has done much for the material development of the region in which he has lived. He has also been a generous donor to moral and religious enterprises. Mr. and Mrs. Warner are the parents of five children, who are all living, as follows: Mrs. Myron I. Arms of Youngstown; Edwin J.and Jacob B., of Denver, Colorado; Charles M. and William H., of Mineral Ridge. [Weathersfield Township, Page 243]
Another biographical sketch from History of Allegan and Barry counties, Michigan, with illustrations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia: D.W. Ensign & Co., 1880. The page has a picture of Dr. Drake.
In the history of the medical profession of Barry County no one occupies a more deservedl popular position than the subject of this biography. A residence of over a quarter of a century, during which time he has been in the active practice of his profession, has fully demonstrated his general worth and assigned him a conspicuous place in the history of the city of Hastings. He was born in Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y., July 31, 1828. At the age of ten the family emigrated to Michigan and settled near Saline, Washtenaw Co., where the elder Drake purchased a farm. The doctor obtained a common-school education, and in 1846 commenced the study of medicine with Dr. A. G. Crittenden, of Saline. In 1848 he entered the Cleveland Medical College, where he was graduated in 1850. Soon after his graduation he went to Wisconsin for the purpose of establishing himself in the practice of his profession, but failing to find a desirable location he returned to Michigan, and in July, 1851, came to Hastings, where he has since resided, with the exception of a few years spent in Nebraska. In 1864 he received the appointment of assistant surgeon of the 3d Michigan Infantry; he accompanied the regiment to the field, but by reason of ill health was compelled to resign his position. He returned to Hastings, and upon the recovery of his health resumed the practice of of his profession. In 1860 he married Marion C. Palmer, of Hastings, a lady of culture and refinement. She died in 1878.
Among his medical brethren Dr. Drake is known as a successful practitioner and a gentleman. He is president of the County Medical Society, and a member of the State Medical Society and the Western Michigan District Medical Society. The doctor has taken an active interest in the development of Hastings, and has identified himself with all measures tending to the advancement of the interests of education or society. He has been a prominent member of the board of education, and has been president of the village. He is a believer in the precepts and teachings of Freemasonry, and has held prominent positions in that order, notably among the number that of Master and High Priest. Dr. Drake is well and favorably known, and one who is highly respected and esteemed. He possesses the necessary qualifications of the successful physician other than knowledge, - geniality of disposition and firmness, coupled with kindness and compassion,- and his valuable services as a physician, and the public spirit he has evinced as a citizen, entitle him to a foremost position among the representative men of Barry County.
The doctor is a radical Republican, having been bred a Whig, and the New York Tribune having been his political Testament. His residence in Kansas and Nebraska from 18855 to 1858 gave him an insight into the means resorted to by the pro-slavery party to fasten the peculiar institution upon Kansas. He claims to have been the only Whig in the territory of Kansas in the employ of the government during the period of the forming of its State Constitution.
The following biographical sketch comes from History of the City
of Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Albert Baxter. Grand Rapids: Munsell & Company, 1891.
ALFRED GARLOCK, M. D., was for thirty years and more among the most widely known of the physicians of this city and county.
He was born at Newark, N. Y., December 18, 1824. He studied medicine at Palmyra, and graduated for his profession at
Buffalo in the spring of 1849. In 1849 he came to Grand Rapids and opened an office in the Irving Hall building, and
very soon found himself busy in an extensive practice. From there a few years later he removed his office to the north
side of Monroe street, and then about I860, or soon after, to Luce's Block, where it remained until his death; his
residence being situated on the east side of Barclay street, a little north of Fulton - the present family homestead.
Dr. Garlock married, August 26, 1849, Jane Vanderhoof, of Plainsville, N. Y. He died at his home in this city, of
pneumonia, February 17, I884. His widow and two daughters, Clara and May, are yet residents here. Dr. Garlock had a very
large patronage, and patients so crowded upon him that for many years he was kept busy early and late, much of the time
night and day, and literally worn down to his death. He had a frank, genial, pleasing way, that won the confidence of his
patients. Naturally gentle and kind-hearted, he was also generous to those in need, and to such gave much gratuitous
service. Few, even of his profession, leave a richer legacy of love and grateful remembrance than has the subject of this
brief sketch. (page 704)
Josiah Francis' biographical sketch comes from History of the Early
Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois. "Centennial record," By John Carroll Power, assisted by his wife,
Mrs. S. A. Power. Under the auspices of the Old Settlers' Society. Springfield, Ill.: E. A. Wilson & Co.,1876.
FRANCIS, JOSIAH, was born Sept. 24, 1801 in Pittsfield, Berkshire county, Mass. He was married Dec. 2, 1824, in Pittsfield, to Fidelia Clark, who was born Jan. 11, 1803, in Westhampton, Hampshire county, Mass. In 1825 they moved to Palmyra, Wayne county, N.Y., where they had two living children. They moved to Springfield, Ill., arriving June 30, 1836, and had one child in Springfield. Mr. Francis engaged in the manufacture of cabinet furniture, in connection with his brother Charles B., and continued in that business until 1852, when he engaged in farming, four miles northeast of Springfield, near what is now German Prairie station. Of his children -
Lucius C., born Dec. 26, 1828, at Palmyra, Wayne county, N.Y., married Aug. 23, 1860, in Springfield, Ill., to Clara Pierson. She died Nov. 14, 1864. Mr. Francis was married Dec. 23, 1873, in Atlanta, Ill., to Mrs. Susan Leonard, whose maiden name was Keigwin. She was born March 21, 1840, in Springfield. They reside half a mile west of German Prairie staion, but their postoffice is Springfield, Ill.
James S., born Jan. 15, 1831, in Palmyra, Wayne county, N.Y., resides with his father.
Maria E., born Oct. 23, 1837, in Springfield, Ill., and lives with her father.
Mrs. Fidelia Francis died Oct. 21, 1874, in Sangamon county, and Josiah Francis resides near German Prairie station,
with his postoffice at Springfield, Ill.
The following biographical sketch comes from Cleave's Biographical Cyclopaedia
of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons, by Egbert Cleave. Philadelphia: Galaxy Publishing Company, 1873. pp. 387-388.
PERRINE, GEORGE W., M.D., of Milwaukee, Wis., was born in Lyons, Wayne county, N. Y., December 16th, 1816. He graduated at Geneva Medical College, in 1839. He first practised at Syracuse, N. Y., and afterwards at Lyons, N. Y., in both places making extended and favorable reputation. In 1855, he removed to Milwaukee, where he remained the balance of his life. Previous to his removal to Milwaukee, in the year 1853, he adopted the tenets of homoeopathy, having previous to that time been prominent as an old school physician. Resolutions of respect to his memory by the members of the Illinois Homoeopathic Association, the Wisconsin State Medical Society, the physicians of Milwaukee in public meeting, and the vestry of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church of Milwaukee, of which church he was from his youth a zealous and devoted member. He died April 20th, 1872, aged fifty-five years.
The following biographical sketches come from History of Allegan and Barry counties, Michigan, with illustrations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia: D.W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
The parents of Pliny McOmber were residents of Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y., at the time of this birth, which occurred in that place on the 15th of March, 1825. When Pliny was about eight years of age the family removed to Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., where he attended the district school during the winter terms. In 1836 the advantages offered by the new State of Michigan began to attract great attention among the farmers of the Eastern States, and a very large and constantly increasing emigration was the result. Among those who became infected with this almost universal desire to remove West for the purpose of bettering their fortunes on the virgin lands of the Peninsular State was Mr. Richard McOmber, who came to Michigan in the summer of 1837, and purchased the northeast quarter of section 22, in Johnstown (now Maple Grove), and removed to it with his family in the fall of 1838. This purchase had been made from John Mott, whose daughters were living in the neighborhood, one of these -- Miss Emma Mott -- beng teacher of the school which Pliny first attended in Michigan.
He remained at home with his father, assisting in the labors of the farm, until 1848, when, in company with two sons of Dr. Harwood, he engaged in the erection of a saw-mill on Cedar Creek, in section 9, of the township of Baltimore (then Johnstown). He continued to operate this mill for about three years, when returned to his father's farm, but soon after went to Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y., for the purpose of attending school at that place. After a year of study at Palmyra he returned home, but in the year 1852 he again went to New York State, where he attended school at Palmyra, Wayne Co., for about one year. While there he made the acquaintance of Miss Emily Sanford, who became his wife on the 2d of March, 1854. The newly-married couple came to Michigan and lived in the family of his father. On the death of the latter, Pliny McOmber came into the possession of the homestead, where he still resides.
Mr. McOmber, who was originally an old-line Whig, became an ardent Republican, and continued a firm adherent to the principles of that party from its birth, in 1856, until the organization of the Greenback party, when he transferred his support to the latter.
[pages 461-462]
More information about him on p. 394
Pliny McOmber and William and Peter Harwood had arrived a year before the advent of Mr. Day, and had erected a saw-mill on section 9. The year following, Darwin McOmber came, and purchased Mr. Harwood's interest. Pliny McOmber subsequently returned to Maple Grove, his former residence, and Darwin assumed entire control of the mill business, which he conducted until 1875. This was the
earliest saw-mill in Baltimore, and sawed much of the timber used in the construction of the first homes of that township.
In connection with the mill DARWIN McOMBER owned 80 acres of land, which he cleared, and on which his present residence stands. In the beginning his nearest neighbor, James Judd, was two and a half miles awy, both Kelley and Dowling having left the township. At this time, and for several years after, there was no school nearer than three miles. Mr. McOmber now has an estate of 640 acres, lying on sections 8, 9, and 16, a large portion of which is cultivated.
The Empire State seems to have been the home not only but the permanent abiding-place of the McAlpine family previous to the arrival of the subject of the present biography in Michigan. His father, William McAlpine, was born in 1792, and died in 1867. His mother, Lydia, whose birth occurred about 1790, died in 1869, both having remained in their native State of New York all their lives.
Of their five children, James was born in Windham, Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1820, and at the age of eleven years departed from the paternal roof and sought employment abroad, his father receiving the proceeds of his labor.
At the age of twenty he married Lucinda M. Granger, who was born Oct. 17, 1819, in Sodus, Wayne Co., N.Y., and was the sixth of a family of ten children. Her father, Noble Granger, was a native of the Bay State, as was also her mother, both bearing the family name of Granger, though not related.
James McAlpine after his marriage spent some time in agricultural pursuits in his native State, first in Ontario County, and later in Monroe County, where he cultivated farms on shares. In 1845 he came to Michigan on a prospecting-tour. Having been favorably impressed with the soil of Monterey, he purchased land in that township, and later returned for his wife and child. On their arrival in Michigan they found a hospitable welcome at the house of Flasky Atwell, a near neighbor, until a substantial frame house could be erected by Mr. McAlpine on his recent purchase, to which they removed Nov. 25, 1845.
After his arrival, thirty dollars was the cash balance remaining with which to engage in the work of improvement. However, Mr. McAlpine was equal to the emergency. Employment was found in the immediate vicinity, which enabled him to provide for the wants of the household, while the intervals were devoted to cultivating the land and securing crops which should afford them a subsistence. By industry and excellent judgment this land was soon converted into productive farm upon which he now resides. Mr. McAlpine's political convictions have caused him to affiliate with the Democratic party. He has devoted much time to the interests of the township, and held many important public trusts. Mr. and Mrs. McAlpine have had three children, the first of whom, Martin V. B., was born June 23, 1843; William Noble's birth occurred Nov. 23, 1849, and his death in October, 1853; Henry C. was born Feb. 24, 1856; he is still residing with his parents, while the elder son is married and located near them. These children have each been educated in the faith of their parents, - that of the Methodist denomination.
(page 290; photos of Mr. & Mrs. McAlpine, and their fine home, on next page)
More information about him on p. 284
James McAlpine came from Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1845, and settled upon 80 acres on section 28, remaining with the family of Fluskey Atwell until he made his own land habitable. He chopped 20 acres the first year, which he speedily made productive. With Mr. McAlpine came is brother Willis, who assisted him in the improvement of his land and afterwards returned to his old home in New York.
NICHOLAS BROWN came from Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1838, and settled on 125 acres of uncleared land on section 12.
Among the most successful of the pioneers of Monterey is JOHN M. GRANGER. He removed from Wayne Co., N.Y., in 1849, and, in connection with his brother, purchased 400 acres of Charles Howard, of Detroit, on sections 21, 22, and 28. Of this land Mr. Granger retained 120 acres, on which he now resides. The township at this time was being rapidly settled, and the work of the laborer was apparent in the fields of lofty corn and waving grain that had superseded the ancient monarchs of the forest.
John M. Granger's brother, ELI D. GRANGER, came soon afterwards, and located upon a portion of the original 400 acres. Mr. Granger was a graduate of the New York State Normal School, and a gentleman of scholarly attainments. [more...]
Hiram Harden was born in the township of Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., where his ancestors had lived many years. About the year 1820 he emigrated to the town of Williamson, Wayne Co., N. Y., where his son, William F., was born July 19, 1830. At that early day (1820) Wayne County was a new country, and Mr. Harden bought a farm in the midst of an almost unbroken wilderness. This farm he cleared up and improved, living on it half a century, leaving it to go into the village of Williamson a few years previous to his death. Wm. F. grew to manhood on his father's farm, receiving a good common-school education. Arrived at his majority, he worked for seven years his father's farm on shares, teaching school winters. In this way he got his first start in life. In 1858, Mr. Harden and his wife came to Martin township, Allegan Co., Mich., on a visit, and while here bought of his brother-in-law one hundred acres of the farm on which he now resides. It was partly improved, and embraced a small barn and a log house. To the farm then bought Mr. Harden has since added, until he now owns three hundred and ten acres, of which two hundred and fifty-five acres are under a splendid state of cultivation, with a large house and many and fine out-buildings, while he stands high as one of Martin's most successful farmers and business men.
In politics Mr. Harden was in early life a Whig, as were his ancestors before him. On the organization of the Republican party he became one of its most ardent supporters, and still believes it to be the party of progress and civil liberty. He has been many times its standard-bearer, having been in this township school inspector, highway commissioner, and for twelve years supervisor,- eight years successively. In 1876 he represented his county on the State board of equalization, and in 1875 was elected to represent his district in the lower house at the special session of the State Legislature, to which he was again elected for the full term of 1875-76. He served as chairman on the committee on federal relations, and as a member of the committee on local taxation. All of which positions Mr. Harden has filled with credit and to the entire satisfaction of his fellow-citizens.
On the 29th day of September, 1852, he was married to Miss Mary J. Wilcox, who was born in Wayne County, where her parents were among the earliest settlers. She was a daughter of Earl and Jane (Stewart) Wilcox, and was born Aug. 21, 1830. Their union has been blessed with five children, as follows: Josephine J., born March 31, 1853; Malon D., Nov. 6, 1855; Jennie E., Sept. 19, 1860; Hattie M., May 7, 1866; and Cora B., May 11, 1872. [page 278]
RICHARD FERRIS, son of Leonard Ferris, was born in Wayne Co., N. Y., Aug. 7, 1822. His father being engaged in farming, Richard worked at home on the farm until he was eighteen years of age. During the winter months he attended the district school near home. One winter he attended a select school in Mishawaka, Ind., taught by a blind man. The winters of 1848 and 1849 he was at Notre Dame University, near South Bend, Ind. His educational advantages were superior to many young men of that day.
Mr. Ferris made several changes in his business and place of residence before his final settling in this state. These changes are as follows: in 1843, went to Mishawaka, Ind., working in a mill-yard; in 1844, hired out by the month in Cass Co., Mich.; returning to Mishawaka the later part of the same year, he engaged in a saw-mill as a sawyer; in 1850, came to Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Mich., working in a saw-mill in summer, and teaching in winter in the village of Lawrence; in 1851, returned a second time to Mishawaka, this time buying an interest in a saw-mill; in August, 1851, returned to Michigan, and here bought an interest in a saw-mill at Lawrence, on Brush Creek; in 1854, moved to Cheshire township, Allegan Co., purchasing five hundred and sixty acres of wild land. Here he commenced clearing, and erected a saw-mill for the purpose of sawing up the lumber. This mill burned down in 1860. A new one was erected in 1863.
He spent part of his time attending to his farm, but since 1876 he has devoted his time exclusively to farming. He is now living on the same tract of land he purchased when first coming into the township; he now owns five hundred and twenty acres. Mr. Ferris is Republican, and is an active member of the party. He has filled the offices of township clerk and school inspector for several years. In 1870 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature. He is of Irish and American parents. In religion he is a liberal Catholic.
April 29, 1851, he married Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Ann Milburn. They have had four children, viz.: William M., Mary E., Marcus A., and Joseph G., who died Dec. 8, 1879. The others are living at home with their parents. Mrs. Ferris was born in England Jan. 1, 1826, remaining there until she was twenty-two years old.
[page 194; at top of page are portraits of Mr. & Mrs. Ferris, and their deceased son, Joseph G. Click here to see obituaries of the couple and other Ferris family obits.]
From Wayne Co., N. Y., came WILLIAM PULLEN in 1837, who remained on year in the village and then purchased 240 acres on section 24 and 25, upon which he settled. While in the village he prepared a house of planks ready for erection, which he removed with a team to its destination (although there was no road but an Indian trail), where it was speedily put up. Twenty-two acres were chopped over the first year, but the brush was so green that it would not burn. Mr. Pullen, however, made a virtue of necessity, and planted potatoes and corn among the logs and bushes, obtaining a very respectable crop. Mr. Pullen's house afforded an early resort for the children, who availed themselves of the instruction of Miss Harriet Blackman, who taught at the early age of fourteen years. She is still teaching in the county. Mr. Pullen, under a contract with the highway commissioners, cut alone twelve miles of road through the township. [page 176]
JAMES GREEN came from Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1838, and took up his residence on section 23, but subsequently retired to the village, where, at the advanced age of ninety-seven years, he is still vigorous and active. [page 176]
The Delano family are of English origin, and emigrated to America soon after the great fire in London in the fifteenth century, they having, it is said, lost their all by that disaster. Israel Delano was born in Pembroke, Mass., where his mother resided during her husband's absence at sea, he being captain of a whaling vessel and dying on board ship. Israel, when quite young, emigrated to Ontario Co., N. Y., which was then an almost unbroken wilderness, and was called Ontario township as well as county. He located in what afterwards was known as Palmyra township, subsequently divided, making his residence in Macedon township, Wayne Co. He thus lived in two different counties and three townships without ever changing his abiding-place. He bought three hundred and twenty acres of land, receiving an article which said he should have a deed when the purchase-price was paid. He was the possessor of only an axe and the indominitable will and the industry for which the pioneers of America have always been noted. He went into Ontario with the family of Judge Rogers, whose daughter, Martha, he afterwards married. The judge's mother was noted far and near for her great strength, there being but few men in the country around that she could not master in a trial of strength. Accounts of her prowess are still given by the descendants of the early settlers of that part of New York. On the land thus obtained Mr. Delano resided until his death, in August, 1857, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. He cleared up and improved the farm which ultimately became one of the fine farms of Wayne County. There were born to them eleven children,- four sons and four daughters, growing to man's and woman's estate. William R. Delano, the ninth of the family, was born in Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 6, 1812. His chances for an education were very limited, as the children of his father's family were put to work as soon as they were old enough to be of any assistance. Arrived at his majority, he commenced life on his own account. He cleared and cropped land on his father's farm a couple of years, then, in the fall of 1835, came to Michigan, and bought of the government one hundred and sixty acres of land in Gun Plain township, Allegan County, and then returned to Washtenaw County, where he worked at jobbing during the winter. The following spring he joined a surveying-party sent out by the government, and spent the spring and summer of 1836 surveying in Wisconsin. The winter of 1836-37 was passed in Washtenaw County, working at whatever he could get to do, and the following season in St. Joseph, Mich. The spring of 1838 found him on his land in Gun Plain, on which he built a log shanty just large enough to eat and sleep in and keep out the wolves. For several years he then worked on his farm when not working for other parties, to earn the money necessary to keep his modest establishment, over which he alone presided, in running order. In 1848 he returned to the old home in Wayne County, and worked his father's farm, which he continued to do until the death of his father, when he bought out some of the heirs and became part owner of the old homestead. In 1865 he returned to Michigan, having previously sold his interest in his Wayne County property and bought in Gun Plain township four hundred acres of land lying in sections 1, 10, and 15. The home-farm is nicely situated on a beautiful little creek which meanders through it. In this fine home Mr. Delano will probably pass the remainder of his days. He is a Republican, but not a politician, and is not a member of any church. Of him his neighbors and fellow-townsmen say that he is a man whom to know is to respect and esteem, and one of whom naught but
the highest praise is spoken.
[page 233, including his portrait]
The following 4 biographical sketches come from Portrait and biographical album of Ingham and Livingston counties, Michigan : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the counties, together with biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the Presidents of the United States. Chicago: Chapman Bros., 1891.
EMORY DURFEE. There is a saying that life at twenty is a tragedy, at forty a comedy and at sixty a roaring farce, which means that as the years pass one learns that the few years spent here are, after all, but an incident in the great eternity and each little phase of the career important as it may seem at the time, loses to a great extent its significance and individuality and becomes a part simply of "when I was a boy" or "when I was a young man." He of whom we write has already passed the septuagenarian's mile post, having been born March 27, 1820, in Palmyra Township, Wayne County, N.Y. He is now a resident on section 1, Handy Township, Livingston County, having come to Michigan and settled in his present location in 1867. Here he is the proprietor of a fine farm of one hundred and eighty acres.
Our subject is a son of Stephen and Mary (Allen) Durfee, natives of Rhode Island and New York respectively. The former was employed as a farmer in that State and continued in the calling until his decease. He was a Whig in his political preference and belongs to that quaint religious body commonly called Quakers, more pleasantly Friends, who have given some of the noblest characters to the world -- people whose lives are models of purity and cleanliness. Stephen and Mary Durfee were the parents of twelve children, only three of whom are now living. The eldest, Chloa, is Mrs. Underwood; Anna D. is Mrs. Wicks; then comes our subject.
Mr. Durfee's grandsire was Gideon Durfee, a native of Rhode Island, who later moved to New York where he passed the remainder of his life. He had a large family, comprising twelve children. He was a Federalist in party inclination and gave the whole of his warm Irish nature to any cause that he espoused. The original of our sketch was reared on the home farm and remained with his parents until he was twenty-six years of age and then came to Michigan and settled in Wayne County in the township of Lavonia in 1846. On coming to this State he purchased one hundred acres of land and was engaged in cultivating the same for twenty years. During that time he held various offices in the township, especially those concerning educational matters.
At the expiration of the time above mentioned Mr. Durfee traded his farm in Wayne County for his present farm in Handy Township, Livingston County. He was united in matrimony in 1841 to Miss Eliza J. Carr, who died, leaving him one son, whose name is Edgar, now of Fentonville, Mich. This young man married Elizabeth Bennett, who is now deceased; she left a family of four children -- Elmer, Everette, Jesse and Elman. By the second marriage he was united to Allie Johnson and is the parent of three children by this union -- Clarence, Claude and Freddie.
After living some time alone our subject married his wife's sister, Cordelia Carr. She was a native of Palmyra Township, Wayne County, N.Y. Her parents were David and Rebecca (Evans) Carr, natives of New Jersey. The father was a farmer and came to Michigan in 1844. He settled in Shiawassee County and was there engaged in farming, remaining until his decease. They had a family of thirteen children, of whom six only are now living. They are James E., Mrs. Durfee, David A., Rebecca M., Caroline A., who is Mrs. Harder and Emily.
Nine children grace the union of our subject and his present wife. They are Eliza J., Henry H., Stephen, Clarence, Helen V., Alfred, Eliza married Mr. Hughes and is the mother of one child -- Inis C.; Henry H. married Saville Allen and is the parent of three children -- Daisy, Bessie and Oral; he is a successful farmer in this county. Stephen married Ettie D. Pitts; their union has been blest by the advent of three children -- Archie A., Elroy H. and Ethel H., the last named being twins. Clarence M. married Carrie Atkins; they have four children -- Mabel, Erma, Emory and Percival; two of these children are by a former marriage of Mrs. Durfee with George Huck. Helen V. now Mrs. Eugene Cheeney; she also is the mother of four children -- Pearl, Blanche, Vern and Lester H., who is deceased. Alfred, William, Edith and Annie are the remaining members of the family.
He of whom we write has sought to give his children every advantage in an educational way possible to their condition and location. They have all had the advantages of a liberal education and are intelligent, and refined men and women who take a prominent position in society wherever found. Stephen is principal of the High School at Vernon, Shiawassee County, this State; Alfred is engaged in teaching in a High School in Colorado; Helen has been a teacher as have also Edith and Annie. They are all graduates from the High School.
Mr. Durfee is a Republican in his political sentiments. For many years he has been a member of the Odd Fellows and belongs to the Farmers' Alliance of this section. He is a man who ranks among the first of the agriculturists in this region. Mr. Durfee's father is the first man that ever raised a building in Palmyra, N.Y. without distributing whisky. He inaugurated his temperance principles by giving a fine supper instead of the intoxicants. Our subject's great-grandfather came from Ireland in 1736 and settled in Rhode Island.
JOHN W. BOARDMAN, a prominent citizen of Leroy Township, Ingham County, whose beautiful home is situated in Webberville, was born in Connecticut, March 5, 1836. He came with his parents, Watson L. and Elizabeth Boardman from Now England to Ingham County, Mich., in 1838 and made a settlement in Locke Township, being the first family within its bounds. A log cabin in the woods was the first Michigan home of this family and they at once began the work of felling the trees and preparing the land for cultivation. The father died upon the farm leaving a family of five children, four of whom are now living, namely: Mary, now the widow of Mr. Lepley in Livingston County; Helen, wife of James Payne in Gratiot County; Daniel L. in Kansas and John W. The father served as Road Commissioner and was a prominent man in the township. He was twice married but had no children by the second union.
Our subject grew to manhood in Locke Township, and saw his full share of pioneer life. His mother was called away from life when he was about twelve years old and after receiving his education in the district schools of the township he entered upon his life work as farming. He was married July 4, 1858 to Henrietta Fisher, who was born October 19, 1839 in Wayne County, N.Y. and is a daughter of Robert and Maria (Van Wert) Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher had settled in Locke Township, this county, at an early day when Mrs. Boardman was only ten years old. Of their ten children eight are now living, namely: Rebecca, (Mrs. Pinckney), George L., William, James, David, Andrew and Josephine (wife of George Hamilton) besides Mrs. Boardman. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and citizens highly respected in the township.
Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, and two are now living, namely: Francis E. and John W. Our subject resided on his farm in Locke Township until 1884 when he removed to Webberville, and has since made it his home. He owns a farm of one hundred and twenty-one acres which he has accumulated by his own efforts, ably seconded by the help of his faithful and judicious companion. He enlisted in the Union Army August 12, 1862, joining as a private Company H, Twenty-sixth Michigan Infantry, which became a part of the Army of the Potomac. He participated in a number of skirmishes and did duty mostly in Virginia and for a short time was in North Carolina, receiving his honorable discharge August 29, 1863.
This gentleman is an efficient and active member of the Grand Army Post at Webberville, and has been senior Vice Commander and Sergeant of the Post. He is also identified with the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Fowlerville and an active worker in every cause which he deems of value to the community. In politics he is in sympathy with the Republican party and in this connection is esteemed as an influential leader of thought. All who know him rejoice in his prosperity, and feel that it is the just reward of his efforts and integrity.
CHARLES L. CARL. The subject of our sketch is one of the most enterprising young farmers in Ingham County. He owns and occupies a fine place, comprising two hundred and seventy acres on section 5, Meridian Township. His parents, Isaac and Jane (Towar) Carl, were natives of Maine and New York respectively. The natal day of the former was August 2, 1815. He died in this township January 15, 1879. Our subject's mother was born June 25, 1830. Her decease occurred July 27, 1883.
Isaac Carl came to Michigan in 1844, and bought one hundred and twenty acres of the farm now owned by his son, this being a dense forest at that time. He was a self-made man in every respect, but at the time of his death had acquired a good property. He stood high in the estimation of the people of Meridian Township, and was at one time Supervisor, having been elected to the office by the Republican party, to which he adhered. Our subject was born on the old homestead, in this township, January 28, 1859. His youthful days were divided between an attendance at school and work on the farm. He progressed far enough in his educational pursuits to obtain a teacher's certificate, which he did in 1877. He then taught nine terms of school in his locality and was successful, gaining a reputation for faithful and efficient work. His growing farm interests, however, obliged him to leave teaching and to devote his time exclusively to the management of his estate. He inherited sixty acres of the old homestead, which gave him a good start in life, but he has had the good sense and ambition to increase his possessions by individual efforts. When only twenty-one years old he bought the remaining sixty acres of the old homestead, and two years later he added forty acres more to the estate, and when twenty-nine years of age he purchased another farm containing one hundred and ten acres. All this land is lying in one tract.
Our subject has made most of the improvements which his farm boasts. Financially he is in a prosperous condition that any young farmer of his age might envy. Mr. Carl lost his mother by a dreadful catastrophe, she having been instantly killed in a collision on the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad, July 27, 1883. Our subject was married to Miss Corla Dennis, March 27, 1884. The lady is a daughter of Leonard Dennis, of Wheatfield Township, Ingham County, he being one of the prominent farmers of that locality and having located there from Wayne County, N. Y. Three children have blest the union of our subject and his wife. They are: Leonard, who was born August 22, 1885; Leta, September 28, 1887; and Rollin, September 23, 1891. Mr. Carl is a member in good standing of the Masonic lodge at Okemos. For a time he was Secretary of his fraternity. In politics he is thoroughly independent, always voting for men known to represent the best interests of the people. He is interested in the current events of the day and keeps well posted as to the world's history.
DANIEL R. SHERMAN, M. D. is one of the prominent physicians and surgeons of Lansing, Ingham County, where he has practiced since April 15, 1880, and is now one of the most popular practitioners in the city. Having all he could do with office practice in the beginning of 1889, he ceased riding and now attends only to those patients who come to him. His office is located in the principal part of the business portion of the city, at 105 Ottawa Street, where he has been for nine years. His residence is located at 312 Seymour Street, and is a place worthy of its location, which is in the finest part of the city. Dr. Sherman was born in Wayne County, N.Y., July 28, 1843, and is a son of Gilbert and Hannah M. (Rowley) Sherman. When their son was but seven years old, the parents removed to Noble County, Indiana. The father was a farmer and millwright by trade and was so occupied in Indiana. Our subject there received his literary education, and when a mere boy in years, enlisted in the First Illinois Artillery in the War of the Rebellion. His enlistment was made November 8, 1861, at Ft. Holt, Ky., and he was sent to join the army of the Cumberland, which was at that time stationed at Ft. Henry, where he, with his regiment was engaged in battle, also at Ft. Donaldson, and was surrounded by the terrible carnage of battle at Shiloh, Corinth, Vicksburg and Atlanta, names that are all synonymous with that which is most terrible in warfare. He was also present at the seige of Atlanta.
Discharged at the expiration of his time, having served for three years, Mr. Sherman returned to Noble County, where his parents still lived, and engaged in farming. In 1867 the parents accompanied our subject to Lawrence County, Mo., where the young man engaged in milling. Here the mother died. The father still lives, his residence being in Coldwater, Mich. He has attained the almost patriarchal age of seventy-eight years. Our subject successfully pursued the calling of milling until 1871, when he sold out and went to Coldwater, Mich., where he engaged in the grocery business for one year. In 1873, he built what is known as the Brutus House, midway between Petoskey and Sheboygan, and established the post-office at Brutus, being appointed the first Postmaster of that place, his installation taking place under President Hayes, and this position he continued to hold as long as he remained there. He also built the mill at Constantine in 1876 for Lantz Brown.
Dr. Sherman had early acquired a predilection for the profession of medicine and during the years in which he was actively engaged in business life, he did not lose sight of his resolution to some day be a physician and was constantly engaged in the reading of medical works, so that he had a very good knowledge of his profession, even before taking the college course. He went to Chicago to begin his practice, opening an office at 170 State Street, shortly afterward commencing to attend lectures at the Bennett Medical College. He pursued his course to such purpose that he graduated with honors in the class of 1880, and then returned to this city to pursue the practice of his profession.
Our subject was first married in Noble County, Ind. to Sarah Koontz, of Kendallville, Ind. At her death she left three children to mourn their motherless state. Julia is now the wife of George Barnes. Gilbert L. is a student at Worcester, Ohio, where he is preparing for the ministry. Franklin J. is occupied as a clerk in a grocery. Dr. Sherman was a second time married, his bride being Emily J. Currier, of Coldwater. With her he lived most happily, she adding to his domestic life all that he finds wanting in his professional career. Socially our subject has many demands upon his time. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, and is a Knight of Labor, in which he was a Master Workman. In the first named order he was the first Noble Grand of Bronson and also Petoskey Lodge. He is now connected with the State Eclectic Medical Society, and is a broad and progressive man in his theories regarding the healing art.
Bios of three men with Wayne County connections, who moved to Newaygo County, Michigan. Source: Portrait and biographical album of Newaygo county, Mich., containing portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, also containing a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago: Chapman Bros. 1884.
EZRA COON, farmer, section 7, Big Prairie Township, was born June 30, 1814, in Malta, Saratoga Co., N. Y. His father, Jeremiah Coon, was of English lineage and was born in the town of Half Moon, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1785, and his mother, Sally (Talmage) Coon, was a native of Malta, born about 1791, or English parentage.
Mr. Coon came to Michigan in 1833 and stayed one year at Trenton, Wayne County. Then he returned to his native State and remained until 1837, when he again came to Michigan and prepared for a permanent settlement, by the purchase of 80 acres of land at Gibraltar, Wayne County, where he was interested in farming until 1847, when he sold his farm and removed to Branch County. He was a resident of Coldwater, about 30 years, and in 1878 came to Newaygo County. He bought his homestead of 87 1/4 acres of land and has since given his time and energies to its cultivation and improvement. He is an adherent of the principles and issues of the National party.
Caroline (Parks) Coon was born at Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y., Jan. 2, 1824. She is the daughter of James H. and Sally (Rowland) Parks, both of whom are natives of New York. The father was born in 1793 and died Aug. 10, 1865. The mother was born about 1803, and died Sept. 19, 1876, in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y., where her husband died a few years earlier. Mr. and Mrs. Coon were married June 28, 1843, in Lyons, and have been the parents of four children. They are James T., Frank P. and Willis Fitch, living. Ada W., only daughter and third child, is deceased. [page 284]
NELSON P. COOK, farmer, section 2, Big Prairie Township, was born April 8, 1841, in Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y. His parents, Asahel and Louisa (Dumond) Cook, were both natives of the State of New York, where the father was born about the year 1815; he died Nov. 7, 1880, in Allegan County.
Mr. Cook came to Michigan with his parents when he was 13 years old. They settled in Arlington, Van Buren County, and he continued an inmate of his father's household until he was 27 years of age, when he was married and began life as a family man. He passed a number of years in various employments, including farming, lumbering and operating threshing-machines. He came to Newaygo County in 1872, and Feb. 28 entered a homestead claim of 160 acres of land. He has cleared and improved 30 acres of land, placed it under good cultivation and erected suitable and convenient farm buildings. His place is well stocked with horses, cattle, sheep and swine. In political relations he is a Democrat.
Mr. Cook was married Oct. 5, 1868, in Arlington, to Hannah, daughter of Hiram and Jane (Wilson) Lewis. She was born in Greenbush, Albany Co., N. Y., April 9, 1850. Her parents were natives of the Empire State, born respectively in 1818 and 1819. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have been the parents of two children: Margaret, born June 28, 1869, is the sole surviving child. [page 306]
SAMUEL B. B. STEVENS, a pioneer settler in Newaygo County, residing at Newaygo, was born Sept. 15, 1818, at Norfolk, Va., and is a son of William and Ann (Cowell) Stevens. Both parents were of English ancestry.
Mr. Stevens has been a citizen of Michigan since 1841, when he came to Muskegon and passed a few months occupied in tallying lumber. He then proceeded to Grand Haven, where he resided until 1854, chiefly occupied as a mill hand. In that year he went again to Muskegon, and in 1855 came to Newaygo, which was then in its infancy. His first engagement was as a sawyer in the mill of John A. Brooks. In 1856 he entered the employ of the original Newaygo Lumber Company, with whom he remained four years. Previous to leaving Virginia he had learned the trade of mason and plasterer, and in 1860 he again turned his attention to that pursuit, alternating winters with the duties of lumberman, which he prosecuted vigorously and extensively, operating as a contractor and employing a considerable number of men. He retired from active business in 1871. He owns a pleasant and comfortable home.
Mr. Stevens was married in Grand Haven, April 5, 1848, to Juliette M., daughter of Ira and Minerva Rice, born July 4, 1824, at Palmyra, Wayne Co., N.Y. Of this marriage eight children were born, five of whom are living, viz.: Ann Agnes is the wife of Joseph C. Russell, of Detroit; Ida is the wife of L. D. Hammond, of Newaygo; the remaining are Bedford W., Minnie M., and Willie I. [page 387-388]
Wayne County Family Bios Section