From Other States and NYS Counties, Part 5

Ancestral Sightings contains notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents found in out-of-county and out-of-state resources. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your contribution to this page! **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.

NEW 1/8/16   Guy Humphrey McMaster's sketch was found in The Universal Cyclopaedia: A New Ed., Vol. 7. Ed. Charles Kendall Adams. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900.

McMASTER, Guy Humphrey; jurist and poet; b. at Clyde, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1829; graduated at Hamilton College, and became a practicing lawyer, county judge, and surrogate in Steuben co., N.Y., a history of which county he published in 1849. He is chiefly remembered, however, as the author of the famous "Carmen Bellicosum," originally contributed to The Knickerbocker Magazine in 1849. D. at Bath, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1887. [page 402]

NEW 1/8/16   Here's another group of men who were either born, resided or worked in Wayne County, and attended Wesleyan University in the 19th century. Information was ordered by the class they would have graduated with or did graduate with. As most of this information was self-reported, family vitals information is assumed to fairly reliable but should be compared to other resources. Source: Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., Fourth Edition, 1911. New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company. 1911.

Class of 1853


Born June 7, 1832, Philadelphia, Pa.
Taught in Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N.Y., 1854. Joined Philadelphia Conference, M.E. Church, 1857. Stationed at Scott Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1857-58. Transferred successively to the Oregon, California, East Genesee, and Central New York conferences. Principal of Oregon City Seminary, Ore., 1858. Professor of Mathematics in a college in California, 1860-67. Principal of public schools, Seneca Falls, N.Y., 1869; Penn Yan Academy, N.Y., 1875-83. Stationed at Enfield, N.Y., 1884-85; Spencerport, 1885-88; Horseheads, 1888-91; Troy, Pa., 1891-93; Ovid, N.Y., 1893-94; Montour Falls, 1894-95. Superannuated, 1895. Died December 12, 1899, Newark, N.Y.
Married March 8, 1855, Mary Dennis, of Macedon Center, N.Y. Children: Francis, b. March 31, 1856, d. December 29l, 1895; Agnes Rebecca, b. November 24, 1859, d. April 19, 1888; Henry Thomas, b. October 10, 1861, d. June 27, 1869; Mary Hogarth, b. December 27, 1863, m. C. E. Welles, d. Decmeber 25, 1904; Emily, b. May 15, 1866, m. W. B. Brown; Alice, b. September 27, 1868, m. Dr. W. M. Follett; Alfred, b. March 27, 1871; Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1874.
Address of widow: 16 VanDuser St., Newark, N.Y.

Class of 1855


Born December 14, 1834, Butler, N.Y. Brother of No. 571. [NOTE: brother was Andrew Roe.]
Engaged in farming inMinnesota, 1856-58. In business in Wolcott, N.Y., 1859-60. Studied law, 1860-62. Admitted to the bar, 1862. Practising law in Wolcott, N. Y., 1862 -.
Married January 20,1857, Sarah Jane Dill, of Wolcott, N.Y.; deceased. Married November 9, 1895, Kittie J. Traver, of Victory, N.Y. Children: Flora Esther, b. October 30, 1858; George Willis, b. November 2, 1860; Ada Dill, b. December 20, 1863; Jessie Monta, b. July 24, 1869; Sarah Cornelia, b. August 23, 1871; Frederick William (No. 1968), b. April 3, 1874; William, b. June 9, 1897; Helen E., b. September 20, 1898.
Address: Wolcott, N.Y.


Born October 31, 1837, Leeds, England. Taught in Red Creek, N.Y., 1856-57; Wolcott, N.Y., 1858-61; Alexander, N. Y., 1861-65; Skaneateles, N.Y., 1865-68. Proprietor of a book store, also insurance agent, Wolcott, N.Y., 1873-78. Engaged in the retail coal trade in Auburn, N.Y., 1878-97. Retired, 1897. Died April 17, 1909, Auburn, N.Y.
Married November 13, 1857, Sarah Miranda Caldicott, of Red Creek, N.Y., who died July, 1896. Children: Mary Louisa, b. January 10, 1859; Jennie Tamezan, b. September 21, 1863, m. Charles Starr; Frederick Caldicott, b. September 25, 1870.

Class of 1881


Born May 29, 1857, South Butler, N.Y. Brother of No. 937 (Alfred Seelye Roe), and of G. M. Roe (class of 1874).
Left college during Freshman year. Entered the Class of 1883, and left at the end of Sophomore year. In business.
Address: Johnstown, Pa.

Class of 1897

FREDERICK WILLIAM ROE, B.A.; M.A., Columbia University, 1904; Ph.D., Columbia, 1909.

Born April 3, 1874, Wolcott, N.Y. Son of No. 522.
Taught in High School, Duluth, MInn., 1897-98; Mount Hermon School, Mass., 1898-1900; Allegheny Preparatory School, Meadville, Pa., 1900-03. Graduate student in Columbia University, 1903-05. Instructor in English, University of Wisconsin, 1905-09; Assistant Profeossor, 1909- . Author: Thomas Carlyle as a Critic of Literature. Editor: Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities; Nineteen Century Prose (joint-editor).
Married January 2, 1901, Lucy Lewis, of Canton, Pa.
Address: 218 West Gilman St., Madison, Wis.

Class of 1898


Born March 9, 1875, Clyde, N.Y.
Engaged in railway construction, Syracuse and Utica, N.Y., 1898-1904. With the Middle States Inspection Bureau,New York,N.Y., 1905. Chemist, General Chemical Company, New York N.Y., 1905-08; U.S. NavyDepartmant, New York, N.Y., 1909-.
Address: Chemical Laboratory, U.S. Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N.Y.

NEW 12/16/15   Charles B. Dean's biographical sketch comes from The History of Dubuque County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company. 1880.

CHARLES B. DEAN, of the firm of Rouse, Dean & Co., Iowa Iron Works manufacturers of steam engines, boilers, grist and saw-mill machinery; is a native of Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y.; he came to Iowa and located in Dubuque in 1865, and became a member of the firm of Rouse & Dean in 1873; he has the financial management of the business. [page 781]

NEW 12/16/15   Edward G. Herendeen's biographical sketch comes from Biographical Directory of the State of New York, 1900. New York: Biographical Directory Co. 1900.

HERENDEEN, EDWARD G. - Lawyer, Robinson Building, Elmira; residence 414 West Church street. Born in Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1857. Educated at Hobart College (A.B., '79, and A.M., '82). (Married.) Member of the firm of Herendeen & Mandeville. President Herendeen Mf'g Co. of Geneva; director Merchants' National Bank and Elmira Building Co.; trustee Supreme Court Library at Elmira, and Hobart College. Member of executive committee New York State Bar Association; member board of managers Elmira City and Elmira Country Clubs; member American Bar Association, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Kappa Alpha Fraternity. [page 195]

NEW 12/16/15   These four sketches of men with Wayne County connections were found in History of Ontario County, New York, compiled by Lewis Cass Aldrich. Syracuse NY: D. Mason & Company. 1893.

Coe, William W., Canandaigua, was born in Galen, Wayne county, February 28, 1841, a son of William W., a farmer of that town, and a native of Berkshire county, Mass., where he was born April 30, 1810. He moved into New York State while a young man and located in Galen, where he followed farming until his death, November 9, 1840. He married Catherine Vosburgh (who survives him, aged eighty-three years), and five children, four of whom still live. William W. spent his early life in the town of his birth. He was educated in Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, and his first occupation was as clerk in J.C. Atkins's grocery at Clyde. He was with him three years, then spent three years with P. G. Dennison in his dry goods store. January 1, 1862, Mr. Coe came to Canandaigua and engaged in the insurance business, which has been very successful by dint of hard work, and careful attention. He represented three of the best companies in the country in fire insurance, besides his life and accident company. He is also notary public and agent for steamship tickets. Mr. Coe married March 23, 1865, Emma P. Clarke, of Clyde, who lived but five months. He married second in November, 1869, Caroline, daughter of Albert Sheldon, the merchant, and they have two children: iva May, and Charles Albert, now in his fifteenth year. Mr. Coe is a member of Canandaigua Lodge No. 294, of which he is junior deacon. [page 278]

Howe, M. D., William A., Phelps, was born in Phelps, September 11, 1862, one of seven children of John Q. and Nancy A. (Griffith) Howe. John Q., the father, was born in Arcadia, Wayne county, in 1818; came to Phelps when a boy and spent his life in the town, engaging for more than forty-five years in the active practice of medicine. Thomas Howe, the grandfather, was born in Vermont, and came to this State and settled about the beginning of the century, his ancestors coming to Vermont from England early in the seventeenth century. William A. married, May 17, 1892, Elizabeth M., daughter of Samuel S. and Frances (Bellamy) Partridge, of Phelps. They have one child, Margaret Partridge, born April5, 1893. He graduated from the Phelps Union and Classical School in 1882; entered Hobart College in the fall of the same yar, and graduated there in 1885. He then entered Columbia Medical College, New YOrk, graduating in 1888, since which time he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Phelps. [page 90]

Purdy, Alex M., Manchester, was born in Wayne county May 31, 1835. He received a good education in the schools of the vicinity and at the Friends' Boarding School. Mr. Purdy has been engaged in horticultural pursuits and the nursery business for the greater portion of his l ife. He is also editor of the Fruit Recorder and Evaporator, a publication devoted to these special branches of horticulture Mr. Purdy possesses a fine farm of 112 acres in close proximity to Palmyra, upon which he has an evaporating plant, and in which he uses large quantities of apples. Alex. M. Purdy married first Mary Reynolds, by whom he had five children, and some time after her decease he married Phoebe J. Dorland, by whom he had four children, seven living and two deceased. [page 141]

Beach, Arnold W., Bristol, was born in Walworth, Wayne county, August 24, 1831, a son of Amos and Eleanor (Arnold) Beach, who reared four sons and five daughters Mr. Beach and wife went to Richmond, where he died in 1835. Mrs. Beach then married Leonard Howard and removed to McComb county, Mich., where she died in 1873. Arnold W. Beach was reared by Dr. Daniel Durgan, and received a common school education. February 22, 1855, he married Adeliza M. Codding, a native of Bristol, born December 17, 1832. She is a daughter of Deacon Stephen A. Codding, a son of Faunce and Sallie (Andrews) Codding, early settlers of Bristol Mr. and Mrs. Codding had four sons and a daughter. He died in Bristol in 1810 at the age of forty, and his wife in Lockport, Ill., at the age of eighty years. Mr. Beach and wife have had three children: Emma C., who died at the age of three years; Hattie M., born July 28, 1865, wife of Luther J. Howe, of Shortsville, and Stephen H., born August 14, 174. Mr. Beach is a farmer, is a Republican, and has been overseer of the poor six years. He and wife are members of the Congregational church, of which Mr. Beach has been a deacon six years. [page 22]

NEW 12/16/15   The following men, who were either born, resided or worked in Wayne County, attended Wesleyan University in the 19th century. Information was ordered by the class they would have graduated with or did graduate with. As most of this information was self-reported, family vitals information is assumed to fairly reliable but should be compared to other resources. Later editions of the university's directory may contain additional or corrected information. Source: Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., Third Edition, 1881-1883. Hartford, Conn.: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company. 1883.

Class of 1835


Born, Nov. 1, 1811, in Coeymans, Albany Co., N. Y.
1836, Teacher of Languages in Oneida Conference Seminary (now Central New York Conference Seminary), Cazenovia, N. Y. 1837-42, Teacher of English Literature in Albany Academy, N. Y. 1842-4, Principal of Vernon Academy, N. Y. 1845-8, Principal of Red Creek Academy, N. Y. 1848-50, Principal of Jordan Academy, N. Y. 1851, Teacher of Mathematics in Palmyra Union School, N. Y. 1852-81, On his farm in Macedon Centre, N. Y.
Married, May 1, 1838, Miss Elvira Pratt of Madison County, N. Y. Children: Theodore Henry, b. Feb. 15, 1839; Mary Adelaide, b. Jan. 14,1842, married E. M. Fort; Augustus James, b. Dec. 29, 1843; Helen Elvira, b. April 27, 1846, married D. P. Bucklin; Charles Merwin, b. April 16, 1853.
1881, Address: Macedon Centre, Wayne Co., N. Y.

NOTE: the 1911 edition states that Mr. Jolley was on his farm in Macedon Center, N.Y. from 1852-1883. He resided in Newark, N. Y. from 1883-1896. He died March 1, 1896 in Newark, N.Y. Mrs. Pratt died April 4, 1885. Son Theodore Henry Jolley died October 15, 1896.

Class of 1843


Born, June 12, 1820, in Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1840, Left College in the fall of Junior year. 1841-3, Studied law in the office of Hon. Addison Gardiner, Rochester, N. Y. 1843-81, Practiced law in Rochester, N. Y. 1855-8, and 1869-72, City Justice of Rochester, N. Y. Inventor of improved telescopic gun-sight, patented May 31, 1864, No. 42,983. P. G. M. of Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of the State of New York. 1844, Married Mary F. Vanschuyner of Rochester, N. Y. Children: Mary Eugenia; William Roe.
1881, Address: 63 Court St., Rochester, N. Y.

Class of 1848


Born, Nov. 18, 1827, in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1848-9, Engaged in the shoe business, Geneva, N. Y. 1849, Began study of Law; soon relinquished it for Medicine. 1852, M.D., Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio. 1852-9, Practiced Medicine, Richmond, Ind. Died, September, 1859, in Richmond, Ind.
Married, August, 1852, Miss Jane E. Blanchard of Richmond, Ind. Children: Mary; Belle.

Class of 1849


Born, March 13, 1828, in Seneca, Ontario Co., N. Y.
1850-1, Studied in Methodist General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H. 1853, Office Assistant on The National Magazine, The Methodist Quarterly Review, and The Sunday School Advocate. 1854 Teacher in South Lowell Academy, N. C. 1855-8, Health impaired by severe illness. 1859, Founder and Principal of an Academy in Sonora, N. Y. 1864, Joined East Genesee Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church; Appointed to Savona Circuit, Steuben Co., N. Y. 1865, Stationed at Marion, N. Y. 1866-8, East Palmyra. 1869, Marion. 1870-2, Port Gibson. 1873, Junius. 1875-81, Engaged in farming in Marion, N. Y. 1878-81, Superannuated.
Married, May 1, 1851, Miss Susan L. Vail of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., who died March 9, 1864. Married, Oct. 26, 1864, Miss Hannah E. Orcutt. Children: Wesley Centenary, b. Feb. 21, 1866; Susie, b. June 26, 1867, d. in infancy; Edwin Sherman, b. July 18, 1868; William Marion, b. Jan. 21, 1870; Isaac Easter, b. April 9, 1871; Alfred Cookman, b. May 26, 1872, d. Aug. 18, 1872; Charles T., b. Feb. 20m 187.
1881, Address: Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y.

NOTE: the 1911 edition states that Mr. Runyan moved from Marion, N.Y. to Marion, Kansas in 1884, and died there May 23, 1909. His widow was still residing there in 1911.

Class of 1850


Born, June 1, 1825, in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y.
Left College at the close of Freshman year. 1850, A.B., Union College.
Intended profession: Ministry. Drowned, Aug. 3, 1850, in the Clyde River, Lyons, N.Y.
1881, Address of sister: Mrs. George P. Adams, Jackson, Mich.

Class of 1851


Born, Jan. 27, 1830, in Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1852-7, Engaged in mercantile business, Palmyra, N. Y. 1857-60, In business in Fremont, Ohio. 1861, In business in Rochester, N. Y. 1862-3, In U. S. Army, 13th New York Volunteers. 1863-79, In business in Palmyra, N. Y. 1879-81, Residing in Fremont, Ohio.
Married, Aug. 12, 1851, Miss Mary E. Nixon of Macedon Center, N. Y., who died June, 1857. Married, Nov. 8, 1859, Miss Caroline E. Dollison of Fremont, Ohio, who died 1865. Children: Mary Josephine, b. Nov. 8, 1854; d. 1879; Julia Ann, B. Dec. 23, 1860.
1881, Address: Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio

NOTE: the 1911 edition adds that Julia Ann married T. Decker. In 1911, Mr. Beckwith's address was R.F.D. No. 2, Fremont, Ohio.

Class of 1852


1851, Residence: Red Creek, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1853, Joined Black River Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church; stationed at Waddington Mission, N. Y. 1854, Belgium Church, Liverpool. 1855-6, Cleveland. 1857, Phoenix. 1858-9, Scriba. 1860, Three Mile Bay. 1861-2, Depauville. 1863-4, Philadelphia. 1865, Reported no longer in Conference. 1879-81, As a Local Preacher, supplying Freeville, N.Y.
1881, Address: Freeville, Tompkins Co., N. Y.

Class of 1857


Born, Oct. 10, 1831, in Butler, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1857-60, Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Science in Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, N. Y. 1858, Joined Black River Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. 1860-3, Principal of Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, N. Y. 1863-4, Stationed at Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. 1865-6, Heuvelton. 1867-8, Mexico. 1869, Transferred to Central New York Conference. 1869-71, Stationed at Baldwinsville, N. Y. 1872-3, Cortland. 1874-6, Moravia. 1877-8, Watkins. 1879-80, Waterloo. 1881, Skaneateles.
Married, Aug. 4, 1857, Miss Roxalana Paddock. Children: Cary A., b. Aug. 5, 1861, Class of 1884; Willis Fenton, b. Feb. 1, 1868.
1881, Address: Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., N.Y.

NOTE: the 1911 edition picks up as follows: Skaneateles, 1881-84; Oneida, 1884-85; Marcellus, 1885-87. Supernumerary, 1887. Later superannuated. Assistant editor of The Marcellus Observer, The Camillus Enterprise, and The Elbridge Citizen, 1887-1895. In 1911, Mr. Roe resided in Marcellus, NY. Both of his sons attended Wesleyan.

Son Cary A. Roe, born at Gouverneur, N.Y., received his B.A. with the class of 1884, and his M.A. in 1887. He taught at Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., from 1884-86, and in the High School, Saratoga, N.Y., 1886-87. He engaged in journalism in Marcelus, N.Y. from 1887-1906, in Penn Yan, N.Y. from 1906-07, and in Lockport, N.Y., from 1907 until publication of this edition. He married Mary Lou Coats of Watkins Glen, N.Y. on June 30, 1886. They had one son, Ralph Coats, b. December 12, 1890. As of 1911, Cary Roe was residing in Lockport. Son Willis Fenton Roe was born in Mexico, NY and received his B.A. with the class of 1890. He was a clerk in the War Department at Washington D.C. from 1890 until the time of the 1911 edition. On June 14, 1892, he married E. Pauline Leech of Washington, D.C. They had children Roxa, b. March 16, 1896 and Abner Leech, b. March 1, 1903. As of 1911 his address was 1758 OnNtario Place, Washington, D.C.

Class of 1860


Born, May 4, 1834, in Utica, N. Y.
1860, Teacher of Classical Department, Mohawk Union School, N. Y. 1861-3, Principal of Moravia Institute, N. Y. 1863, Vice-Principal of Macedon Academy, N. Y. 1864-5, Principal of Walworth Academy, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1867, Principal of Jordan Academy, N. Y. 1869-71, Principal of Norwich Academy, Chenango Co., N. Y. 1871-3, Principal of Holland Patent Union School, N. Y. 1875-6, Principal of Sandy Creek Union School, N. Y. 1879, Principal of Schuylerville Union School, N. Y. 1879-81, Principal of Cambridge Academy, N. Y.; residing in Holland Patent, N. Y.
Married, Nov. 13, 1860, Fannie H. Babcock of Holland Patent, N. Y.
William J. B., b. July 9, 1866. [NOTE: the 1911 edition of the directory includes a daughter, Luella May, b. Aug. 23, 1886, and a few differences in dates of work positions]
1881, Address: Holland Patent, Oneida Co., N.Y.

Class of 1862


Born, Oct. 18, 1832, in Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1863, Engaged in caring for aged and feeble father. Died, Nov. 21, 1863, in Wolcott, N. Y.

Class of 1870


Born, June 8, 1844, in Rose, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1864-5, Served in 9th New York Heavy Artillery; engaged in the Battle of Cold Harbor; taken prisoner by Early during his raid on Washington, and imprisoned at Danville, Va., for seven months. 1870-5, Principal of High School, Ashland, Mass. 1875-80, Master in High School, Worcester, Mass. 1881, Principal of High School, Worcester, Mass.
Married, June 22, 1874, Nora A. Metcalf of Ashland, Mass. Children: Addie Estelle, b. April 6, 1875, d. Feb. 24, 1878; Annabel C., b. Sept. 3, 1879.
1881, Address: Worcester, Mass.
NOTE: the 1911 directory edition says he was the brother of G. M. Roe (class of 1874) and of C. M. Roe (class of 1881). Also names children Delos Metcalf, b. Jan. 8, 1883, d. May 28, 1892, and Harriet Eudora, b. June 5, 1885, who graduated from Mount Holyoke College in 1907. Mr. Roe's later career included Massachusetts state-level political office, newspaper and magazine publishing, school administration, and historical book authorship. In 1911 he resided at 5 Dix St., Worcester, Massachusetts.


Born, 1836, in Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1867, A.B., Madison University. 1967-8, Principal of Wilson Collegiate Institute, N. Y. 1869-71, Principal of Macedon Academy, N. Y. 1871, Engaged in the work of the ministry, Northern New York and Kansas Conferences, Methodist Episcopal Church.
Smith Centre, Smith Co., Kans.

NOTE: the 1911 edition states that Rev. Horton was born August 29, 1834 (not 1836) at Wolcott and received his B.A. degree in 1867 from Madison (now Colgate) Univeristy. He was superannuated in 1884 and died August 8, 1886 at Smith Center, Kansas.

Class of 1874


Born, Oct. 13, 1843, in Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1874-5, Resided at home in Marion, N. Y. 1875-6, Teacher of Elocution in Troy Conference Seminary, Poultney, Vt. 1876-7, Studied in School of Theology of Boston University. 1877-8, Preached most of the year. 1878, Preached at Methodist Episcopal Church in Sodus Point, N. Y. 1879, Joined Genesee Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. 1879, Stationed at Sodus Point, N. Y. 1880, Transferred to Central New York Conference; stationed at Mottville and Skaneateles. 1881, Supernumerary; studying in School of Theology, Boston University.
1881, Address: 36 Broomfield St., Boston, Mass.


Born, Oct. 30, 1848 in Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y.
1872, Left College at close of Sophomore year. 1872-3, Taught school in Middleville, N. Y. 1873-81, Stenographer and Traveling Correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer.
1874, Married Emma A. Loomis of Fulton, N. Y. Children: Mamie; Lewis Loomis.
1881, Address: 141 Smith St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Class of 1879


Born, Dec. 1, 1856, in Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vt. Brother of No. 1269 (Merrill Hitchcock)
1879-80, Studied Law and Political and social Science in Yale College.
1880-1, Studied Law in Office of J. E. Briggs, Esq., Newark, N. Y. 1881, Admitted to the Bar of New York State. 1881-2, Practicing Law in Newark, N. Y.
1882, Address: Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y.

Class of 1882


Born, Dec. 15, 1827, in La Grange, Dutchess Co., N. Y.
1850-4, Studied in Genesee College, Lima, N. Y. 1855-6, Teacher of Ancient Languages in Oxford Collegiate Institute, N. Y. 1856, A.B., Hamilton College. 1856-7, Teacher of Ancient Languages in Susquehanna Seminary, Binghamton, N. Y. 1857, A.M, Madison University. 1857-8, Principal of Oxford Collegiate Institute, N. Y. 1858-61, Studied in Universities of Berlin, Bonn, Gottingen, and Athens; traveled in Europe. 1862, Principal of High School, Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1863-4, Teacher of Ancient Languages in Oneida (now Central New York) Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N.Y. 1864-73, Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, and Instructor in the Modern Languages in Wesleyan University. 1873-82, Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Wesleyan University. 1875, LL.D., Rochester University.
Married, Nov. 25, 1862, Miss Mary Pierce Morgan of Lima, N. Y. Children: a son b. Aug. 4, 1866, d. Aug. 4, 1866; Mary Catharine, b. May 11, 1873; Frederick Alma, b. Dec. 13, 1878; Marguerite Augusta, b. March 23, 1882.
1882, Address: Middletown, Conn.


Born, 1845, in Savannah, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1864-5, First Lieutenant, 8th U. S. Colored Artillery. 1868, M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College. 1868-82, Practicing Medicine. 1877-81, Librarian of N. Y. Academy of Medicine. 1880, Member of Committee on Revision of U.S. Pharmacopoeia. 1881-2, Lecturer on Medical Botany, Medical Department, University of the City of New York.
323 West 27th St., New York, N. Y.

NEW 12/16/15   These ministerial students and ministers with Wayne County connections attended Auburn Theological Seminary in Auburn, Cayuga County, NY. The abbreviation "aet." indicates their age when they passed away. Source: General Catalogue of the Auburn Theological Seminary: Including the Trustees, Treasurers, Professors, and Alumni. Auburn, N.Y.: Daily Advertiser and Weekly Journal Printing House. 1883.

JOHN STEBBINS BACON, Attended 1859-62
Born July 12, 1833; united with the Church in Palmyra, N. Y. Oct., 1858; studied at Genesee College; A. M. from Hamilton College in 1875; married to SARAH H. PRENTISS, of Pultney, N. Y., May 5, 1858.

Ordained at South Butler, N. Y., by Presby. of Lyons, Sept. 9, 1862; Amboy, 1862-70; Syracuse Fourth Pres. Ch., 1870-6; Niagara Falls, from 1876. [page 123]

MILTON A. BROWN, class of 1855-8
Came to Auburn from Palmyra, N. Y.; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1855; married before entering Sem.; died summer of 1858. His wife and 2 sons survived him. Appointed chap. of Auburn Prison. [page 217]

IRA ODELL DELONG, class of 1852-5, aet. 44
Born in Pleasant Valley, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1824; united with the Pres. Church in Palmyra; Lane Sem., Junior year; Auburn, 1853-4; Union Sem., N. Y., 1854-5, and post grad. 1858-9; married to Miss SUSAN ELIZABETH UPHAM, of Brunswick, Me., June 24, 1863; died in Madedon, N. Y., of consumption, May 30, 1868. He had one daughter; his wife survived him.

Ordained by Presby. of Ontario, June 23, 1863; Keokuk, Iowa, 1 year; Hornellsville, N. Y. 1859-61; Nunda, 1861-3; Macedon, 1863-4; Honeoye Falls, 1864-8. [page 236]

Born in Macedon, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1859; united with the Western Pres. Church in Palmyra, June, 1864; graduated from Yale college in 1871; married to Miss LILLA GRAHAM, of Austin, Tex., May 14, 1878.

Ordained at Austin,Tex., by Presby. of Austin, May 14, 1878; Brenham from 1878. [page 167]

ARMON SPENCER, Attended 1847-50
Born in Huron, N. Y.,Sept. 11, 1818; united with the Pres. church in Huron, probably in 1832; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1847; Auburn the course, and post grad. in 1855-6; married to Mrs. LYDIA CLARISSA PARTRIDGE, of Newark, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1880.

Ordained at Palmyra, N. Y. by Presby. of Geneva, 1854; Cong. Ch., Reeds Corners, 1852-4; East Palmyra, 1854-5; Bristol, N. Y., 1857-8; Pres. Ch., Williamson, 1862-70; Cambria, Wis., 1870-1; home miss., Mich., 4 years; Summit, Cong. Ch., 2 years; health failed; resident in Newark, N. Y. Published "An Opening for a Candidate," 1881. [pages 90-91]

Born in New Hartford,Conn., Sept. 9, 1853; united with the Reformed (Dutch) Church in Syracuse, 1870; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875; married to Miss JENNIE ARRILLA HARRISON, of Palmyra, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1879.

Ordained pastor of 1st Ch., Lansing, Mich., by Presby. of Lansing, Sept. 17, 1879. [page 177]

MORTON FITCH TRIPPE, Attended 1872-5
Born in Bridgewater, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1847; united with the Pres. Church in Rose, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1868; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872; married to SARAH L. HOLMES, of Bloomsburgh, Pa., May 18, 1875. Ordained pastor, Augusta, N. Y., by Utica Presby., June 15, 1875; Augusta, 1875-9; Sodus, 1879-81; miss. to Indians at Tonawanda, (resident at Versailles) from 1881. [page 165]

HIRAM FOSTER WHITE, Attended 1876-9
Born in Palmyra, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1849; united with the Pres. Church in East Palmyra, July, 1869; graduated from Williams College in 1871; Auburn, 1875-7 and 1878-9; married to Miss MARY LOUISA CHAMBERLAIN, of Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 15, 1879.

Ordained, Seward, Neb., by Presby. of Nebraska City, April 4, 1880; Beatrice, Neb., 1878-81; Juneau, Wis., from 1881. [page 178]

Roy S. White's biographical sketch comes from History of Idaho: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests, Volume 2, by Hiram Taylor French. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1914.

ROY S. WHITE. One of the foremost business men of New Plymouth, Idaho, is Roy S. White, who conducts the only exclusive hardware establishment of the town. He is a young man of splendid business training, alert, resourceful and of the progressive order, and his store reflects his spirit, for it is one that in its equipment and appointments would be a credit to the largest city of the state.

A son of Robert N. White, he was born in Lyons, Wayne county, New York, May 27, 1883, but in 1887 the family removed to Nebraska, where Roy grew to manhood. Educated first in the public schools of Lincoln, Nebraska, he later became a student at Sheldon University, Chicago, Illinois, from which institution he was graduated as a Bachelor of Science in 1909. Following that he completed a business course, and with this broad and thorough preparation for business activity he began his independent career. In the meantime, however, he had been earning his own way and had been securing the means for his education, being thus in every sense a self-made man. He started out as a wage earner at $3 per week and up to the time he located at New Plymouth, Idaho, had had more than a decade of practical business experience. For seven years he was identified with the Lincoln Sash & Door Manufacturing Company, of Lincoln, Nebraska, subsequently serving one year for the National Lumber & Box Company, of Hoquiam, Washington, in charge of their sash and door department. Returning to Lincoln, Nebraska, he was department manager of the Appel Mercantile Company, wholesale milliners of that city, but after three years he resigned that position to become a stockholder and a director in the Plymouth Hardware & Lumber Company, of New Plymouth. Idaho. In June, 1911, Mr. White purchased the entire stock and the good will of the hardware branch of this business and has since been engaged in its management, the establishment being known as that of the White Hardware Company. It is the only concern of its kind in New Plymouth and carries a complete line of goods in all of its departments, while its fixtures in the way of cases and other such appointments are strictly modern and make of it an establishment that would be a credit to the largest cities of the West. His progressive ideas are money makers, for his annual business is now approximately $20,000 and has shown a steady increase from the date of his purchase.

Robert N. White, the father of Roy S., and now a retired resident of Lincoln, Nebraska, is a native of New York and for many years followed the profession of mechanical engineer. He was married December 15, 1876, at Fairville, New York, to Elizabeth Whitbeck, a native of New York and yet living. Elias N. White, the grandfather of our subject, was born in New York in 1826 and is yet living, being now a resident of Burlington, Racine county, Wisconsin. He has been a citizen of Wisconsin many years and is one of its prominent and highly esteemed men, having served three terms as a representative in the Wisconsin legislature and having served eighteen years as mayor of Burlington.

At Lincoln, Nebraska, on February 15, 1911, Mr. White was happily joined in marriage to Miss Lillian Van Sickle, a native of Nebraska and a daughter of G. A. Van Sickle. Mr. and Mrs. White have one son, Harold Edgar, born January 1, 1912, at New Plymouth, Idaho. In political faith Mr. White is a Democrat but does not actively participate in political affairs. He is a member of the lumber order of Hoo Hoos and is a member of the New Plymouth Commercial Club. He and his wife are communicants of the Congregational church. Though he has been a resident of this state a very short period he is already one of its stanchest admirers and most loyal citizens, eager to aid in its forwarding.

Two brief biographical sketches of the Aldrich brothers, from History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography, by Thomas McAdory Owen and Mrs. Marie (Bankhead) Owen. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1921.

ALDRICH, TRUMAN HEMINWAY, mining engineer, was born at Palmyra, Wayne County, N. Y., October 17, 1848; son of William Farrington and Louisa Eugenia (Klapp) Aldrlch; grandson of Charles and Olive (Farrington) Aldrlch of Menden, Mass., later of Palmyra, N. Y. and of John and Maria (Barker) Klapp of La Grange, Dutchess County, N. Y.; greatgrandson of Samuel Augustus Barker, an adjutant-general in the Revolutionary Army, an aide-de-camp to Gen. Lafayette, a graduate of Yale and a member of the State senate of New York. The Klapps were Dutch people, John, his grandfather being raised by his guardian Stephen Van Rensselaer; was a soldier in the War of 1812, and later a member of the State senate of New York. William F. Aldrich was a lawyer, moving to New York city in 1865, where he was later county solicitor, State bank examiner and founder and first secretary of the Union Trust company of New York. Truman H. was educated in the public schools of Palmyra and graduated from the West Chester Pennsylvania military institute. He took his degree of M. E. at the Rensselaer polytechnic institute at Troy in 1869. He began the practice of his profession in New York, but after two years here and in New Jersey, he removed to Selma. He engaged in the banking business and after two years gave this up to take up coal mining, operating successfully for many years, the Montevallo, Pratt and several other mines. In 1892, he became vice-president and general manager of the Tennessee coal, iron and railroad company. He has long been interested in geology and conchology and has generously contributed to the museum of the State geological survey, the collection of shells alone comprising more than four thousand specimens. His contributions to the literature on scientific subjects have been many and have covered a wide field. He is a Republican and was nominated for the 54th congress from the 9th district by his party, being endorsed by the Populist party. The election was given to Hon. Oscar Underwood but after a contest he was seated two days before the close of the first session of the congress. He served from June 9, 1896, to March 3, 1897. He was appointed postmaster of Birmingham by President Taft and confirmed on December 11, 1911, serving until December, 1915. He is an Episcopalian. He was married to Anna, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Ogden) Morrison, of Newark, N. J. Children: 1. Georgia M., m. J. W. Herron, Jr., 3 children; 2. Truman Herbert, m. Louisa Bannister. 1 child; 3. Maria A. Residence: Birmingham.

ALDRICH, WILLIAM FARRINGTON, congressman and miner, born at Palmyra, N. Y., March 11, 1853, son of William F. and Louisa (Klapp) Aldrlch, and brother of Truman H. Aldrich (q. v.). He was educated in the public schools of Palmyra and graduated in civil engineering at Warren's military academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1873. He moved to Alabama in 1874 and later founded the town of Aldrich in Shelby County, he having engaged in mining on his arrival in this State. He is a Republican and had the endorsement of both his own party and that of the Populist in 1894. His Democratic opponent, Hon. Gaston A. Robbins, was given the certificate of election but after a contest he was seated on March 13, 1896, and served until the close of the 54th congress on March 3, 1897. He sucessfully contested the election of Thomas S. Plowman to the 55th congress, being seated on February 9, 1898, and again contested the election of his former opponent Gaston A. Robbins to the 56th congress, being seated on March 8, 1900. He served until March 3, 1901. He was owner and publisher of the "Birmingham Times" for many years. He is a Knight Templar and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason. Married: on April 16, 1889, to Josephine Cables, of Rochester, N. Y. Residence: Birmingham. [pages 16-17]

Brief biographical profiles of people born in Wayne County from Biographical annals of the civil government of the United States: from original and official source, by Charles Lanman and Joseph M. Morrison. New York: J.M. Morrison, 1887.

Dorsheimer, William; was born at Lyons, Wayne County, New York, February 5, 1832; was fitted for college at Phillips's Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, and entered Harvard College in 1849; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1854, and engaged in practice; resided in Buffalo, New York, for a number of years; was appointed Major in the United States Army in 1861; in 1867 was appointed United States Attorney for the Northern District of New York; in 1874 was elected Lieutenant-Governor of the State; was re-elected in 1876; removed to New York City in 1877, and continued the practice of his profession; was elected a Representative from New York to the Forty-eighth Congress. [page 144]

Stewart, William M.; was born in Wayne County, New York, August 9, 1827; removed, with his father, to Ohio in 1835; left home in his thirteenth year, and prepared himself for college, chiefly in New York; entered Yale College in 1848, where he remained eighteen months, and then left for the gold fields of California; spent two years in the mining business; in 1852 commenced reading law; during that year was appointed District Attorney for the County of Nevada, and was subsequently elected to the same office; in 1854, during the absence of the Attorney-General of California, was appointed to perform the duties of that office; next spent about eighteen months practicing his profession in San Francisco; afterwards practiced in Nevada City and Downieville; in 1860 removed to the then Territory of Utah (now Nevada); served in the Territorial Legislature in 1861; was a member of the "Constitutional Convention" held in 1863; was elected a Senator in Congress from Nevada for the term commencing in 1865 and ending in 1869, serving on the Committees on the Judiciary, Public Lands, Pacific Railroad, and Mines and Mining; in 1865 received, from Yale College, the degree of Master of Arts; was re-elected for the term ending in 1875, and was Chairman of the Committee on Railroads. [page 477]

Powers, Orlando W.; was born at Pultneyville, Wayne County, New York, June 16, 1851; his early life was passed upon a farm; received a common school and academic education; studied law, and graduated from the Law Department of Michigan University in the class of 1871; in 1873 settled at Kalamazoo, Michigan, and began the practice of law; soon secured a large business; in 1879 was elected City Attorney of Kalamazoo; in 1880 was the Democratic nominee for Congress in the Fourth Congressional District of Michigan, and, although defeated, polled the largest vote ever cast in that district for a straight Democratic candidate; in 1882 prepared, and published, a work on Chancery Practice; in 1883 published "Powers' Supreme Court Practice"; in 1884 was elected a Delegate-at-Large to the Democratic National Convention, and was the member from Michigan on the Committee on permanent organization; in the spring of 1885 was again elected City Attorney of Kalamazoo; in April of the same year was appointed, by President Cleveland, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Utah. [page 404]

Brief biographical profiles of people born in Wayne County from Herringshaw's American Blue Book of Biography, by Thomas William Herringshaw. Chicago: American Publishers' Association, 1914.

Aldrich, William Farrington, financier and statesman of Aldrich, Ala., was born March 11, 1853, in Palmyra, N.Y. He has been a member of congress. He is editor and owner of the Birmingham Times. [page 13] [Link off-site to Wikipedia profile of Congressman William Farrington Aldrich]

Antisdale, Louis Marlin, journalist and publisher of Rochester, N.Y., was born Oct. 27, 1869, in Marion, N.Y. He graduated with the degree of A.B. from the university of Rochester. He has been deputy collector of internal revenue. He has been reporter and business manager of the Rochester Herald; and since 1898 has been editor-in-chief and part owner of that publication. [page 30]

Atwood, John Warren, physician and surgeon of Matteawan, N.Y., was born Sept. 14, 1862, in Marion, N.Y. He has attained prominence in his profession. [page 38]

Beach, Seth Curtis, clergyman and author of Watertown, Mass., was born Aug. 8, 1837, in Marion, N.Y. Since 1907 he has been president of the Unitarian ministerial union. He is the author of Daughters of the Puritans. [page 74]

Bean, Charles D., lawyer and jurist of Geneva, N.Y., was born April 21, 1863, in Marion, N.Y. He has received the degrees of Ph.B., A.M., and LL.D. He then toured Europe and has since practiced law in Geneva. He served two terms as judge of the Ontario county court of sessions. He has been president of the board of trustees of the Endymion preparatory school; and is a member of the Geneva chamber of commerce and various societies. He is the author of a History of Geneva. [page 75]

Brownson, Willard Herbert, soldier of Washington, D.C., was born July 8, 1845, in Lyons, N.Y. He served in the Spanish-American war. Since 1907 he has been chief of the bureau of navigation. [page 146] [Link off-site to Wikipedia profile of Rear Admiral Willard Herbert Brownson]

Bullis, John Lapham, soldier of 621 Pierce st., San Antonio, Texas, was born April 17, 1841, in Macedon, N.Y. He served in the civil war and attained the rank of corporal. In 1905 he was promoted from the rank of major to brigadier-general. [page 155] [Link off-site to a biographical sketch of Brig.-Gen. John Lapham Bullis]

Camp, John H., lawyer and statesman of Lyons, N.Y., was born April 14, 1840, in Ithaca, N.Y. In 1877-83 he was a member of congress. [page 175] [Link off-site to official Congressional sketch of Congresssman John Henry Camp]

Carhartt, Hamilton, manufacturer and banker of Detroit, Mich., was born in 1855 in Macedon Locks, N.Y. He is president of the Carhartt Automobile corporation. [page 180] [Our site doesn't link to commercial sites, but do a web search on "Hamilton Carhartt"!]

Cook, Orator Fuller, bionomist of Washington, D.C., was born May 28, 1867, in Clyde, N.Y. He is bionomist of the United States department of agriculture. [page 238] [Link off-site to Wikipedia profile of botanist Orator F. Cook]

Cooke, Thornton, banker of Kansas City, Mo., was born Dec. 22, 1873 in South Sodus, N.Y. He is president of the Manufacturers and Mechanics' bank. He has been mayor of Herington, Kan. [page 239]

Cornwell, William Caryl, banker and author of 42 Broadway, New York City, was born Aug. 19, 1851, in Lyons, N.Y. In 1878-93 he was connected with the bank of Buffalo; and in 1893 organized and became president of the City National bank of Buffalo. He was one of the founders of the New York State bankers' association, and its first president. He was a delegate to the monetary convention in 1895; and the Indianapolis monetary convention in 1898. He is the author of The Currency and Banking Law of Canada; Sound Money Monographs; Bonds as a Safety Reserve for Bankers; and What is a Bank? [page 245]

Clute, Henry Alson, soldier, farmer, merchant and statesman of Detroit, Mich., was born March 24, 1840, in Wayne county, N.Y. He served three years in the civil war. In 1897 he was a member of the Michigan state legislature. [page 219]

Deming, Horace Edward, lawyer and author of 15 William st., New York City, was born March 31, 1850, in Palmyra, N.Y. he has founded several clubs for political reforms. He is part author of A Municipal Program. [page 292]

Diefendorf, Allen Ross, physician and author of New Haven, Conn., was born Dec. 21, 1871, in Savannah, N.Y. Since 1896 he has practiced medicine; and is lecturer in psychiatry at Yale university. He is the author of Clinical Psychiatry. [page 301]

Farnham, Henry Philip, lawyer and author of Rochester, N.Y., was born April 5, 1863, in Palmyra, N.Y. He is associate editor of Lawyers' Reports. [page 359]

Fiske, Bradley Allen, naval officer and inventor of Washington, D.C., was born June 13, 1854, in Lyons, N.Y. Aide to naval operations in the navy department. He is the author of Electricity and Electrical Engineering. [page 373] [Link off-site to Wikipedia profile and photo of Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske; Link off-site to his book War Time in Manila.]

Goddard, Luther M., lawyer and jurist of 2658 Humboldt st., Denver, Col., was born Oct. 27, 1840, in Palmyra, N.Y. In 1882-94 he was judge of the fifth judicial district of Colorado. Since 1901 he has been associate justice of the state supreme court of Colorado. [page 427]

Gregg, William Henry, retired manufacturer of 3013 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo., was born March 24, 1831, in Palmyra, N.Y. He was educated in the public schools of Rochester and in 1846 moved to St. Louis. He was president of the Southern White Lead company of St. Louis and Chicago in 1867-89 until it was sold; and became president of the Gregg Genealogical company. He is the author of Where, When and How to Catch Fish on the East Coast of Florida, and Controversial Issues in Scottish History. [page 446] [NOTE: his mother Anne Wilcox was Gideon Durfee's granddaughter.] [Link off-site to biographical sketch and photo of William Henry Gregg; *** Click off the little pop-up ad windows.*** ]

Griffith, Frederick Winter, manufacturer and statesman of Palmyra, N.Y., was born Dec. 17, 1858, in Phelps, N.Y. He graduated with the degree of A.B. from Hamilton college. He is treasurer and vice-president of the Garlock Packing company, a large corporation doing business throughout the United States and in foreign countries. In 1900-02 he was a member of the New York state assembly, and in 1910-12 was a state senator. He is president of the Palmyra Printing company; and is a trustee of Hamilton college. [page 448]

Hathaway, Seymour Judson, lawyer and author of Marietta, Ohio, was born Jan. 27, 1844, in Macedon, N.Y. He has been president of the Marietta board of trade. He is the author of Military History of Washington county, Ohio. [page 484]

Mesick, William Smith, lawyer and statesman of Mancelona, Mich., was born Aug. 26, 1856, in Newark, N.Y. In 1897-1901 he was a member of congress. [page 675] [Link off-site to official Congressional sketch of Congresssman William Smith Mesick]

Munsell, William Watkins, publisher of Chicago, Ill., was born Oct. 25, 1850, in Rose, N.Y., of English-Welsh descent, the first of the family locating in Connecticut early in the seventeenth century. He was educated in Leavenworth institute of Wolcott, Griffith academy of Springville and Falley seminary, all of New York. For fifteen years he was engaged in the banking business; in 1874 entered the publishing business; and is now president of the Munsell Publishing company. He resides in a beautiful home in Auburn park, a suburb of Chicago. [page 705] [The W. W. Munsell & Co. published genealogical and county history books]

Murphy, Hon. Thomas, lawyer of 415 Jersey st., Buffalo, N.Y., was born Dec. 21, 1862, in East Palmyra, NY. He was educated at the Union school and Central high school of Buffalo, N.Y. For many years he was attorney for the United States Electric company. In 1899-1907 he served as police justice; and established separate trials for children and adults. He has been president of the Juvenile improvement association; and was a delegate to the international peace congress in New York City. [page 708]

Robinson, Charles Alexander, educator and author of Peekskill, N.Y., was born Feb. 22, 1871, in West Huron, N.Y. He is the author of Outlines of Latin Prose Syntax and other works. [page 806] [He was a professor of Classics at Princeton University and principal of Peekskill Military Academy.]

Roe, Alfred Seelye, educator, statesman and author of Worcester, Mass., was born June 8, 1844, in Rose, N.Y. He served in the civil war. He has been a member of the state legislature. [page 809]

Roe, George Mortimer, journalist and author of Cincinnati, Ohio, was born Oct. 30, 1848, in Clyde, N.Y. He is the author of a History of Cincinnati and other works. [page 809]

Sherwood, William H., musician and composer of 3146 Lake Park ave., Chicago, Ill., was born Jan. 31, 1854, in Lyons, N.Y. He is the author of Music Study and the Mutual Relations of Interpretation and Technic. [page 851] [Link off-site to fascinating information about William Hall Sherwood]

Smith, Arthur Cosslett, lawyer and author of 6 Sibley place, Rochester, N.Y., was born in 1852 in Lyons, N.Y. He is the author of The Monk and the Dancer and The Turquoise Cup. [page 860]

Snyder, Elmore William, banker at Leavenworth, Kan., was born Nov. 23, 1850, in Wayne county, N.Y. He is president of the Home Riverside Coal company. [page 872]

Story, Eugene C., physician of 103 Fifth st., Olympia, Wash., was born Jan. 6, 1856, in Clyde, N.Y. He is United States civil service medical examiner for Olympia, Wash. [page 895]

Taylor, Willard U., lawyer of 65 Wall st., New York City, was born July 19, 1868, in Lyons, N.Y. He makes a specialty of admiralty and commercial law. He is president of the maritime exchange; president of Apex Equipment company; and president of the Undercliff Terminal and Warehouse company. He is vice-commodore of the Atlantic yacht club. [page 912]

Tyndell, Charles H., clergyman, lecturer and author of Mount Vernon, N.Y., was born July 31, 1857, in Alton, N.Y. He is the author of Object Lessons for Children and other works. [page 936]

Underwood, Joseph Merritt, nurseryman and banker of Lake City, Minn., was born Nov. 10, 1844, in Palmyra, N.Y. He is president of the Jewell Nursery company; and has been mayor of this city. [page 937] [Link off-site to biography of Joseph Merritt Underwood; his mother was Chloe Durfee.]

Van Dyne, Frederick, lawyer, diplomat and author of Chevy Chase, Md., was born Nov. 24, 1861, in Palmyra, N.Y. Since 1907 he has been American consul at Kingston, Jamaica. He is the author of Our Foreign Service and other works. [page 941]

Van Marter, Martha, journalist and author of 17 Webster Place, East Orange, N.J, was born Dec. 31, 1839, in Lyons, N.Y. She is the author of The Primary Teacher and other works. [page 942]

Veeder, Major Albert, physician and scientist of Lyons, N.Y., was born Nov. 10, 1848, in Ashtabula, Ohio. Since 1883 he has practiced medicine in Lyons. He is the author of numerous monographs on public water supply. [page 945]

NEW 3/11/11: More information about Seth Curtis Beach, listed in above resource, from Who's Who in New England, Volume 1, by Albert Nelson Marquis. Chicago: A.N. Marquis & Company. 1909.

BEACH, Seth Curtis, clergyman, author; b. Marion, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1837; s. Luther Markham and Angelina Elizabeth (Curtis) B.; ed. Antioch Coll., Ohio, 1859-62, Union Coll., Schenectady, N.Y., A.B., 1863, Harvard Divinity Sch., 1863-6; (D.D., Union, 1903); m. Boston, Nov. 17, 1859, Frances Hall Judd. Ordained Unitarian clergyman, 1867; pastor Augusta, Me., 1867-9, Dedham, Mass., 1875-88, Bangor, Me., 1891-1901, Wayland, Mass., since 1901. Supt. Unitarian missionary work, 1888-90. Dir. Am. Unitarian Assn., 1887-90; pres. Unitarian Ministerial Union, 1907. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Author: Daughters of the Puritans, 1895. Address: Wayland, Mass. [page 88-89]

More information about Elmore W. Snyder, listed above, from Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History..., Volume 3, Part 2, edited by Frank Wilson Blackmar. Chicago: Standard Publishing Company. 1912.


Elmore W. Snyder is one of the substantial citizens whose sound business judgment, energy and ability as a financier has helped to give Leavenworth its high standing among the cities of the West. He was born in Wayne county, New York, Nov. 30, 1850, being the oldest son of Col. James W. and Sarah A. (O'Neill) Snyder, both natives of Wayne county. James Snyder was a farmer, but at the call for volunteers at the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted in the Ninth New York artillery, and was elected captain of Company A. He took part in various engagements, among them those of Cedar Creek and Winchester, and served until the close of the war, having been commissioned colonel for gallantry in action.

Elmore W. Snyder received his education at Union Seminary and soon after leaving school accepted a position as bookkeeper with a manufacturing firm in Rochester, N. Y. In 1876 he determined to go west and located in Illinois, but two years later removed to Washington county,. Kansas, where, with his brother, in 1878, he organized the first banking house of Clifton, under the firm name of Snyder Brothers. In 1879 this firm established the Bank of Clifton, with E. W. Snyder as president, which position he retained for a number of years, this bank afterward being reorganized as the First National Bank of Clifton. Mr. Snyder removed to Leavenworth in 1883, and became a member of the firm of Snyder & Denton, grain merchants. The business grew so rapidly that within a short time he was forced to dispose of his interests in Clifton in order to devote all his time to business in Leavenworth. During his partnership with Mr. Denton the firm built the Kansas Central Elevator, which has become one of the industrial landmarks of Leavenworth. In 1888 the Manufacturers' National Bank of Leavenworth was organized, with Mr. Snyder as president, and which position he has since filled. This institution was located in the Wulfenkuler Building until 1910, when they purchased the Masonic Building, at the corner of Delaware avenue and Fourth street. After remodeling this building and equipping their banking offices with the most modern fixtures and one of the most substantial bank vaults in the state, they moved to their new location in the fall of 1910. Mr. Snyder has not confined himself to banking entirely, for it was through his efforts that the plan of building a bridge across the Missouri river at Leavenworth was again taken up and agitated: In 1892 he interested Vinton Stillings in the idea and a company was formed, known as the Leavenworth Terminal Railway & Bridge Company, with a capital stock of $600,000. Mr. Snyder was president for seventeen years, and he and Mr. Stillings were the principal stockholders of the company.. A steel bridge, 1,010 feet in length, was erected and opened for the public Jan. 1, 1894. Over this bridge three railroads were able to enter the city: The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Chicago & Great Western. In addition to the bridge the company built a terminal depot and store house, for the accommodation of passengers and freight. The success of the enterprise, which was one of great magnitude, shows the good judgment, energy and ability of the men who conceived the idea. Mr. Snyder is president of the Home Riverside Coal Company, which owns and operates three mines, employing over 700 men. He is also a member of the State Bankers' Association, and was its vice-president in 1898. Business interests have prevented Mr. Snyder taking an active part in politics. He has always been a stanch supporter of the Republican party, and has served as chairman of the county central committee. He was president of the city council one year and represented the first ward in the council four years. The nomination for mayor of Leavenworth, which was tendered him, was declined, but his interest in educational matters induced him to become a member of the board of education. In 1896 he was the Republican nominee for the state senate, and though opposed by a Fusion ticket, he came within 130 votes of being elected. While living in Rochester, N. Y., he joined the Masonic order, and is now connected with Leavenworth Lodge, No. 2, Free and Accepted Masons; Leavenworth Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Leavenworth Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar; and Abdallah Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the American Order of United Workmen.

In 1877 Mr. Snyder married Fannie M. Benson, a daughter of Lafayette Benson, a merchant of Brandon, Vt., who subsequently removed to Gardner, Ill., where he died. Mrs. Snyder was educated at the Evanston Female Academy, Evanston, Ill. She takes an active interest in club work, is a member of the Art League and was one of the women who assisted in the organization of the Leavenworth Library Association, and was president of that organization at the time the Carnegie library was built. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have two sons: Charles E., who is the cashier of the Merchants' National Bank of Leavenworth, and has served as representative in the lower house of the state legislature, and Ira Benson, who is one of the leading merchants of Leavenworth. The family are members of St. Paul's Episcopal church. [pages 789-790]

More information about Henry A. Clute, listed above, from Biographical Review of Calhoun County, Michigan. Chicago: Hobart & Mather. 1904.


A valiant soldier of the Civil war, a legislator who stood manfully by his principles in the face of opposition, and a successful business man, who in his career has triumphed over difficulties and obstacles which would have discouraged many a man of less resolute spirit, the entire life history of Hon. Henry A. Clute is such as to commend him to the respect, confidence and admiration of his fellow men. He was born in Wayne county, near Newark, New York, March 24. 1840, his parents being Henry L. and Alazan (Rhodes) Clute. The mother was a representative of an old Connecticut family. Henry Clute, the grandfather of our subject, was descended from one of the early Dutch families of the Empire state, three brothers of the name settling in Easopus Meadows soon after the founding of New York city. Henry L. Clute, the father, resided at Johnstown, New York, his native city, until thirty years of age and was there married. He engaged in tanning and also in the manufacture of gloves and about 1835 removed to Wayne county, New York, where he again engaged in the manufacture of gloves and mittens and in the tanning business, remaining there until 1842. At that time he traveled through the western country in order to buy deer skins. At Windsor, Michigan he changed the money which he had brought from the east into "wild cat" currency and then, not being able to secure the number of skins that he had expected, he invested in eight acres of land in Convis township, at what is still known as Clute's Corners.

Soon afterward Mr. Clute returned to New York and in 1844 brought his family to Michigan, journeying by canal to Buffalo, thence by way of the lake to Detroit, and on across the country with teams. He settled upon his land, at once began to clear and develop it. and as time passed he also added to his property until he was the owner of four hundred acres. He continued his farming operations there until his death, which occurred in 1855, when he was fifty-one years of age. His widow long survived him and was residing upon a part of the old home farm at the time of her death, which occurred when she was eighty-eight years of age. In the family were six children, four sons and two daughters, our subject being the second son.

Henry A. Clute was but four years of age when brought by his parents to Michigan. His educational advantages were only those afforded by the common schools, but his training at farm labor and kindred work was not meager. In the winter that he was nine years of age he drew seventy cords of wood to Marshall with a yoke of oxen, receiving a dollar per cord for the wood when it was delivered. Manv duties and tasks devolved upon him in his early boyhood. For a brief period he attended Olivet College, but after his father's death, being the eldest son at home, it was necessary that he remain there and take charge of the farm. This he did, accomplishing the task in a most worthy manner, although the burden was a heavy one for young shoulders. His father left to him eighty acres of land and he was to receive an additional forty acres upon the death of his mother. In 1857, the mother renting the farm, the family removed to Corunna, Shiawasse[e] county. Michigan, and as he had opportunity, he attended the Union school for several years. He was ambitious to secure an education and embraced every privilege accorded him in order to extend his knowledge.

In 1861 the family returned to the farm and Mr. Clute, of this review, took possession of his own land, in addition to managing the old homestead. Not long after the Civil war was inaugurated. It was his great desire to go to the front to aid in the preservation of the Union and on the 30th of August, 1862, he enlisted in Company H. of Merrill's Horse, an organization then in the field. He preferred to go to the front at once as a private, rather than wait for the formation of a new regiment, in which he might have secured official rank. He joined his command at Mexico. Missouri, having experienced considerable difficulty in getting transportation and finding it necessary to go by way of Louisville and St. Louis. The regiment was engaged in scouting duty all through Missouri and in 1863 went to Little Rock, but Mr. Clute was left at the general hospital at Ironton on account of his eyesight. Later he was granted a furlough and was home for forty days under treatment. Upon his return to St. Louis he was put on detached service in the department headquarters and while there had his eyes treated at his own expense by good specialists. He was there until Price made his last raid in Missouri, when he obtained a leave of absence from the department and, joining his regiment, chased Price across the state, marching twice across the state, one thousand miles, in fifty days. Later, when the regiment was ordered to Chattanooga, Mr. Clute asked to be returned to his command and was with the regiment until the close of the war, taking part in the movements under General Thomas. In June, 1865, he was honorably discharged, after almost three years of faithful military service.

Returning to the north, Mr. Clute resumed farming operations as manager, of the old homestead place, as well as of his own land. He worked earnestly and indefatigably, and as time progressed and his financial resources increased, he was enabled to add to his property until he owned three hundred and eighty-seven acres in the home place and one hundred and sixty acres in Kansas, which he also improved. As a companion and helpmate for life's journey he chose Miss Florence Crossman, whom he married in 1867. She was born at Marengo, Michigan, a daughter of Luther Crossman, who was one of the pioneers of Calhoun county, arriving ln 1832. He settled in Marengo township, and being a carpenter and joiner, he built the first frame barn in the county. In this part of the state he lived until called to his final rest. Mrs. Clute died September 10, 1888, leaving eight living children: Charles H., Schuyler L., Homer A. and George C., who are farmers; Grace, the wife of Frederick Wilber, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, and Henry L., who is a graduate of the electrical department of the Michigan University, and is now with the Westinghouse Company, of Pittsburg; Sidney M. and Florence J., in Ypsilanti. Michigan, at school.

Mr. Clute continued upon his farm in this county until 1882, when he went to Kansas and purchased and improved a farm, upon which he lived for three years. He was also engaged in dealing in stock, and conducted a lumber yard at Waverly, that state. He is called the father of that town, having instituted a number of important business enterprises there, and in his business operations was a very successful man. He afterward returned to his farm in Calhoun county and continued its cultivation until his sons were old enough to take charge, when, in 1892, he took up his abode in Marshall, where he now resides. He had improved over a half section of land, had erected fine buildings, and, indeed, had developed a farm property of which he has every reason to be proud.

For his second wife Mr. Clute chose Mrs. Jeanette Crossman, a daughter of Caleb Hanchett, who was also a pioneer settler of this county. She had, by her first marriage, one daughter, Mabel, who was educated in music in Oberlin, Ohio, and in Chicago.

Mr. Clute has been quite active in politics. He was formerly a supporter of the Republican party, and as such was elected supervisor in 1874. in a strong Democratic township. He was absent the following year, but in 1876 was re-elected. In 1878 he went to Texas on account of his health, and while there the Greenback party was formed and he became one of its supporters. He was elected to the office of supervisor on the' Greenback ticket on his return over both the Republican and Democratic tickets, and while in Kansas he was a justice of the peace. After his return to this county in 1885 he did not again engage actively in political work until 1896, when he was nominated on the Union-Silver ticket for representative to the State Legislature and was elected by a majority of five hundred. While a member of the minority party in the house, he never wavered in his allegiance to his principles. Since that time he has been retired, but his interest in county, state and nation has never abated, and his co-operation may always be counted upon for the public good.

For many years Mr. Clute has been connected with the Grand Army of the Republic, his membership being now with C. Colegrove post, of which he was the commander in 1903, He also filled that position about three years ago, and during that time was chairman of the building committee and also chairman of the committee to solicit funds for the erection of the fine Grand Army Memorial Hall, which was completed in 1902. It is supplied with reading rooms, a Grand Army hall and library, and in the basement there is a dining room capable of seating one hundred and thirty people at a time. Mr. Clute has attended national encampments at various places, including the one of 1903, at San Francisco, and while on that trip he traveled almost eight thousand miles. Honored and respected by all. there are many bright pages in the history of Mr. Clute, recording most commendable deeds. Deprived in youth of many of the privileges which boys enjoy, he developed a strong and self-reliant character that has enabled him to work his way steadily upward in his business career. His military service and political record are alike commendable and thus he well deserves mention among the representative men of his adopted county, men whose lives are a credit and honor to the people who have honored them. [pages 582-585]

NEW 12/10/04: Seth N. Beden's biographical sketch was contributed by Colleen Mysliwiec, who is not related to him. From the 1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties, in Michigan. Chapman Bros."

SETH N. BEDEN, who is carrying on general farming on a splendid estate of sixty acres in Vienna Township, Genesee County, is a man of more than ordinary intelligence and education. He was born January 25, 1825, in Rose Township, Wayne County, N.Y., and is a son of Smithfield BEDEN, who was born in Smithfield, (now called Fairfield,) Vt., and as he was the first white child born in the township, received its name and also had a grant from the township of forty acres of land on account of his name.

His father, William BEDEN, was the first white settler in that township nearly one hundred years ago. That pioneer felled a large hemlock tree which was used as the back of his shanty, and the father of our subject used to remark that he was born in the shadow of a hemlock tree. The grandfather served for seven years, eight months and eleven days in the Revolutionary War and held the rank of Sergeant. He was also in the War of 1812 as was likewise his son Smithfield.

Smithfield BEDEN became a physician and came to Michigan in 1836, and in Hadley, Lapeer County, took from the Government eighty acres, which he cleared and lived upon until his death, in 1853. When he settled there, there were only fourteen voters in the township which now forms two townships - Hadley and Metamora. For a number of years he was Justice of the Peace and Township Clerk and was a Whig in politics. His faithful wife, to whom he was married in Wyoming County, N.Y., was previous to her union with him, Rebecca MELVIN. She was born in New Hampshire and died in Genesee County in 1874, at the advanced age of eighty-five years. Their son, Seth, remained at home until he attained his majority, after which he went away from home and worked for his board while attending district school, and then studied at the Fenton Schools until able to obtain a teacher's certificate.

The young man taught six terms very successfully and entered the State Normal School of Ypsilanti when it first opened. Lack of funds obliged him to drop out for a while and he became Principal of the Howell schools until he could earn means to resume his studies at the Normal.

In order to make up time and graduate with his class he had to take seven studies each term during the last year, and was allowed to undertake this unusual curriculum on condition that when his standing should fall below one hundred on any study he should drop that branch from his list, but he was enabled to continue throughout the year with a grade of one hundred in every branch.

After graduation Mr. BEDEN taught in Romeo, Hadley and other towns until the breaking out of the war, and then enlisted in 1862, in Company K, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, and was in every engagement where it took part, and it is the record of this regiment that it was in four more engagements than any other Michigan command, being under fire more than eighty times. During all this time Mr. BEDEN was never excused from duty during a single day and for the last six months he was on Gen. WILSON's staff, as Topographical Engineer.

Since the war our subject has largely engaged in teaching and civil engineering and surveying and has twice completed a term as County Surveyor, but has made his home upon his beautiful farm since 1865. It was during that year that he was united in marriage with Miss Emma A. STEARNS of Vienna Township, Genesee County, and they have had one child - William S., who was born January 25, 1874, and died in his fourth year.

Mr. and Mrs. BEDEN are people of devoted Christian character, his connection being with the Congregational Church and hers with the Methodist Episcopal denomination. He is connected with the Bradley Post, No. 194, G.A.R. at Clio, and has been a Republican since the formation of that party. His connection with educational matters and his deep interest in them, as well as his native talents have made him very valuable to the township in regard to all school matters and he has served as School Inspector. He was one of the charter members of the Michigan Engineering Society and has prepared papers and read them before the society. The first Solar Transit ever brought into Michigan was brought hither by this intelligent gentleman and used by him in his surveying and he still has this valuable instrument.

NEW 12/10/04: Moses Middleton's bio was contributed by Colleen Mysliwiec, who is not related to him. From the 1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties, in Michigan. Chapman Bros."

MOSES MIDDLETON, Supervisor of Forrest Township, Genesee County, is one of the prominent agriculturists of this second of the country. He owns an excellent farm of eighty acres, under a high state of cultivation, which yields him a golden tribute for the care and labor he bestows upon it. As a farmer his dealings have been marked by integrity and shrewdness, and these traits have made him an invaluable aid in the upbuilding of his township, and give him high rank among its citizens. He is interested in promoting the prosperity of the township and county, as well as the welfare of the country at large, and in regard to political questions we find him a Republican, stanch and true.

A native of the State of New York, Mr. Middleton was born in Sodus Township, Wayne County, April 16, 1851, and is therefore at the present writing (1891) in the prime of life. His parents, John and Charlotte (Miller) Middleton, were natives respectively of England, and the vicinity of Albany, N. Y. The father was reared in England, and thence emigrated to America when he was about thirty years old. He devoted his attention to farming in his native land and was thus engaged in the New World. He was married in England, and became the father of two children by that union. After his wife died he married again and two children were also born of that union. Some years after coming to America his wife died and later he was married to Mrs. Charlotte Drumm, the widow of James Drumm. Our subject was the only child born of that union.

In mingled work and play, in the usual manner of farmer lads, the subject of this biographical notice passed his boyhood. At the age of ten years his father died and he then removed with his mother to Phelps, Ontario County, N. Y., where her children by her first marriage lived. The education which our subject received was a limited one, and most of it was acquired after he was old enough to study alone and do for himself. At the age of sixteen he left his home in Phelps and coming to Michigan, located in Genesee County. He had lost his father by death when he was a lad of only ten years and consequently he has had his own way to make in the world from childhood. When he came to this State he worked in mills, and afterward learned the carpenter's trade, at which he found employment during the summer months; the winter seasons were employed in teaching. In 1878 he removed to Forest Township, and began to labor as a farmer.

About the time of his location in Forest Township Mr. Middleton was married April 16, 1878, his bride being Miss Suzette C. Cole, of Richfield Township, this county. Mrs. Middleton was the daughter of Walter J. Cole, a farmer of Richfield Township and Marian (Hastings) Cole, his wife. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, a son Wallace Ray, whose birth occurred January 11, 1884. Although Mr. Middleton has devoted his time principally to general farming he has yet found time for other work. Since he came to this place he has taught several terms in the district school during the winter seasons and about 1886 he began surveying. During that year he was elected County surveyor, which position he held and filled efficiently for four years. At present he is serving his sixth term as supervisor of Forest Township, and in that position he is advancing the interest of the township.

In other positions besides those above named, Mr. Middleton has also served and always efficiently. As Highway commissioner, he improved the condition of the roads of the community; as School Inspector he raised the standards of education; as School Director for fourteen years he did all in his power to secure efficient teachers and offer the best educational advantages to the children of the neighborhood. Upon his farm may be seen in their proper season the various grains which he finds adapted to the soil and climate, while scattered through the meadows are the various breeds of live stock which he raises.

NEW 12/10/04: David Winget's bio was contributed by Colleen Mysliwiec. "Hello, These are not my relatives, but feel that someone may be interested in the information. It comes from the 1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties, in Michigan. Chapman Bros."

DAVID WINGET lives on a good farm on section 16, Flint Township, Genesee County. He was born in Phelps, Ontario County, N. Y., April 3, 1824, and when six years of age was taken by his parents, Caleb and Mary (Farris) Winget to their new home in Wayne County, N. Y. They settled in Sodus Township, where our subject was reared and educated, remaining there until he was twenty-four or twenty-five years of age. He was early trained in the economic principles of agricultural life, although while living in Sodus he worked at coopering for about three years; aside from that he has always been engaged in farming and in breeding stock.

After leaving Sodus, our subject settled in Huron, Wayne County, N. Y., and lived there until the spring of 1854, when he came to Genesee County and settled in the township of Mundy. There he purchased a farm upon which he resided until the spring of 1883, when he sold out his place and bought where he now lives in Flint Township. Mr. Winget has been an important factor in clearing up and improving the land in Mundy Township, and has made valuable changes, individually and in company with others. He has a first-class series of buildings upon his farm, which comprises one hundred and sixty-three acres, and each department of the place is thoroughly developed. He has fine orchards and his stock is of the best grades.

Our subject was married in Wayne County, N. Y., February 15, 1843, to Miss Lucy Abbott, who was born in Galen, of the same locality, June 13, 1824. Her parents were John and Jerusha (Babbitt) Abbott, who died in the place where the daughter was born. Our subject's father passed away in Sodus, N. Y.; his mother died in Mundy Township. Mr. and Mrs. Winget are the parents of nine children, whose names are Elma, Sarah, Almira, Henry, Catherine, Frances, Jerusha, Maxwell D. and Hattie. Elma, Sarah and Almira died at the ages respectively of fifteen, seventeen and twenty-eight years. Almira was the wife of Albert Ives; Henry and Catherine died in infancy; Frances is the wife of Ira F. Wright; Jerusha is the wife of Everette Meeker; Hattie passed away when eighteen years of age; and Maxwell D. was killed by the bursting of a balance wheel, while cutting corn stalks.

Mr. Winget has served as Justice of the Peace in Mundy Township for two terms, and has also been conspicuous in school matters. He is a strong Republican politically, and takes an active part in all local affairs. His attention however is chiefly occupied by his farm work, and the result of his efforts is that he owns one of the finest estates in the county. A view of his place with its principal buildings appears on another page.

Bios of five former Wayne County natives, or persons with Wayne County connections, who moved to Dallas County, Iowa. Source: "The History of Dallas County, Iowa, containing a history of the county, its cities, towns, etc." Desmoines: Union Historical Company. 1879.

BRENTON, WH. H., stock-dealer, buying and shipping stock, Dallas Center; born in Johnson county, Indiana, January 12, 1840; when thirteen years of age he came with his parents to Iowa; they came by wagon and arrived in this county in October, 1853, and located about three miles south on Sec. 16; upon the breaking out of the war he enlisted April 20, 1861, in the 2d Regiment Iowa Infantry, Co. D; he was wounded in the battle of Fort Donnelson; after the war he engaged in farming and stock-raising, and feeding stock, and for the past few years has bought and shipped stock extensively; he owns 960 acres of excellent land in this county; he married Miss Mary E. Richmond, from Wayne county, New York, May 25, 1862; they have three children: Charles R., Clyde E. and Eva Ann. (Walnut Township)

BROCKWAY, WM. F., watchmaker and jeweler, and postmaster at Adel; born in Wayne county, New York, February 5, 1851; when five years of age he came with his parents to Buchanan county, Iowa; he was brought up there; he served apprenticeship in watch-making and jewelry trade there and in Des Moines for five years, and came to Adel May 15, 1871, and engaged in his present business; he married Miss Iris Byers, from this town, April 1, 1872; they have three children: Leta, Charlie and Della. (Adel Township)

REDFIELD, J. W., capitalist; P. O. Redfield; born in Wayne county, New York, in 1839; came to Iowa in 1857, and located in Redfield; married Pauline Forrester in October, 1866; she was born in Canada in 1846; have one child: Emma Louise. Mr. R. has been a member of the board of supervisors three or four terms. Republican. (Union Township)

RICHMOND, RUFUS R., farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. Dallas Center; born in Columbia county, New York, January 17, 1815; he was raised there and in Wayne county, and came to Iowa and settled in this county in June, 1855; located near where he now lives and engaged in farming; after the war broke out he enlisted in the 23d Regiment Iowa Infantry, Co. G, and was in all the battles of the Regiment except two; he was in the service three years; he has held office of assessor and was elected justice of the peace at the recent election; he owns 330 acres of land; he married Ann Rossman, from the State of New York, in 1840; she died in January, 1866, leaving six children: Mary E., Allen R., Cassius M., James A., Richard M. and Edward A.; Allen R. was in the 17th Regiment Iowa Infantry, Co. G, and was killed at the battle of Iuka; Cassius M. was in the 23d Regiment Iowa Infantry, Co. G, and died in the hospital. Mr. Richmond again married in 1868 to Elizabeth Barton, from Columbia county, New York. (Adel Township)

SLOANE, SAM. G., publisher of the Dallas Center Globe, Dallas Center; born in Clinton county, Ohio, September 7, 1851; when only two years of age his parents came to Iowa and located in Dallas county; they removed to Chariton, Lucas county, and lived there two years, and went to Sioux City, where they lived until the death of his father, Dr. Sloane; in the fall of 1860 his mother returned to this county and located in Adel, and he was raised here: served apprenticeship in the printing business; he established the Dallas Center Globe, and got out his first issue December 31, 1875; he married Miss Emma Louise BROCKWAY, from Clyde, Wayne county, New York, July 26, 1876; they have one daughter, Verva Mary, born October 1, 1877. (Adel Township)

Bios of two former Wayne County natives who moved to Jefferson County, Iowa. Source: "The History of Jefferson County, Iowa, containing a history of the county, its cities, towns, etc." Chicago: Western Historical Company. 1879.

SPENCER, GEORGE H., farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Pleasant Plain; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1830; came to this county with his parents in 1839. Married Miss D. Thomas in Richland Co., Ohio; she was a native of Ontario Co., N. Y.; have four children living - Thodosia, Charles D., Louisa and Lochiel T. Member of the Baptist Church; was licensed minister in the spring of 1877. Republican. Owns 158 acres of land. His father, George Spencer, was a native of Hartford, Conn.; married Catherine Horne, a native of Wayne Co., N. Y.; came to this county in 1839; he was born in 1793; died Sept. 9, 1862; was a faithful member of the Baptist Church. A Republican, and opposed to human bondage. (Penn Township)

POTTER, A. C., Prof., wholesale and retail dealer in pianos, organs, sheet music, violins and guitars, located in Workman's Block, north side of the square; born in Wayne Co. N. Y.; moved to Fairfield in 1869, where he is permanently located; also gives lessons on the piano and organ and vocal culture. (Fairfield)

Bios of four former Wayne County natives, or individuals with Wayne County connections, who moved to Oakland County, Michigan.

HARVEY TOWNSEND, who owns a fine farm of 120 acres in Oxford township, Oakland County, was born in Wayne County, New York, May 7, 1836, and is a son of Nathan and Nancy Townsend, both of whom were natives of New York. When Harvey Townsend was 10 years old, his parents came to Michigan, locating 57 years ago in Lapeer County, where the father took up land. Nathan Townsend died in Marathon township, Lapeer County, in 1863, aged 64 years, and the mother died in Hadley township, Lapeer County, a few years later, aged 6o years. The survivors of their children are our subject and his younger brother, Octavius, who is a farmer in Lapeer County. Harvey Townsend was reared and educated in Lapeer County, although he had but few educational advantages. He learned the trade of stone mason and followed that in connection with well digging for some years. He became the owner of a farm in Lapeer County which he sold prior to coming to Oakland County. He has lived on his present farm in Oxford township for the past 26 years. The farm is owned by Mrs. Townsend, and is the one that was first settled by her parents, Isaac and Artimisia Brown, and on this farm her father and mother died, the former in 1888 and the latter in 1868. Mr. Townsend devotes his attention to general farming and has been very successful in all its branches. (p. 594)

Source: "Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Oakland County, Michigan." Chicago: Biographical Publishing Company. 1903.

STEPHEN M. GAGE, postmaster and general merchant at Walled Lake, Commerce township. Oakland County, was born in Lyon township, this county, July 7, 184I, and is a son of David and Malinda (Brown) Gage, both of whom were born in Wayne County, New York.

After his marriage in New York, David Gage came to Michigan in 1835 and secured 160 acres of government land in Lyon township, Oakland County, and on this farm our subject and the rest of the family were reared. The names of the children are as follows: WVilliam, deceased; Cornelia, who married James N. Wilson, lives at South Lyon and has four children, Elma, David William and Charles; Stephen M., our subject; Jane, Mary and David, deceased; Frances, who married Z. D. Scott, lives in Duluth, Minnesota, and has two children, - Ruth and Alice; two who died in infancy; William, who was married to Dora Hallenbeck of New Hudson, Michigan, removed to Riverside, California, and has two children, Albert and Vena; and an infant that died soon after birth.

Stephen M. Gage obtained his education in the district schools of Lyon township and then took a course at the State Normal School at Ypsilanti. In 1862 he enlisted for service in the Civil War, entering Company B, 20th Reg., Michigan Vol. Inf.; after participating in many of the most serious and conclusive battles of the war, he was mustered out at Augusta, Maine, July 12, 1865, being granted an honorable discharge. He did a brave soldier's part in the dreadful days at South Mountain, Antietam and Fredericksburg, and on a thousand occasions was exposed to death while on the line, while skirmishing on picket duty and during marches through the enemy's country.

In April, 1865, while at home on furlough, the brave soldier was united in marriage with Jennie Wilson, who is a daughter of Washington Wilson, of Salem, Michigan. After the close of the war, he bought a farm located one mile east of New Hudson, where he resided some five years, selling it to purchase another one a mile west of Walled Lake, in Commerce township. This he also sold five years later and in 1877 embarked in a general mercantile business at Walled Lake where he was well established when a destructive fire burned him out in 1899. With characteristic energy, he immediately looked about for a new building, and finally bought the old school house, which he fitted for his purpose, and has since then conducted a first class general store. He is an ardent Republican and was appointed postmaster by the late President Harrison and was not disturbed during the administration of President Cleveland, a tribute to his personal popularity. Mr. and Mrs. Gage have two daughters, both settled conveniently near: Minnie, born in 1870, who married John B. Strong, a merchant of Laurium, Michigan, and has four children, - Stephen, Harold, Jenette and Amy; and Helen, who married Albert J. Church, of Walled Lake, Oakland County, and has one son, Benjamin.

Mr. Gage is fraternally connected with the Knights of the Maccabees. He and family belong to the Methodist Church. The family is one of both business and social prominence in Commerce township. (p. 407 - 409)

Source: "Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Oakland County, Michigan." Chicago: Biographical Publishing Company. 1903.

JOSEPH PRESTON TERRY, one of the substantial men, prominent farmers and large land owners of Oakland County, Michigan, resides on his finely improved farm of 340 acres in section 13, Pontiac township. Mr. Terry was born on a farm situated between Port Gibson and Newark, Wayne County, New York, March 14, 1824, and is a son of Nathan G. and Belinda (Preston) Terry, and a grandson of Jonathan Terry.

The Terry family is of French extraction and at the time of the French Revolution became Refugees, settling in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. There Jonathan Terry was born and there he married a young woman with the same name as his own and their children were: Uriah, Ebenezer, Nathaniel, George, Nathan G., William, Jonathan, Mrs. Polly Horton and Mrs. Deborah Horton. It is related of this grandfather that he was something of a poet, and an example of his talent is still extant, some 20 stanzas written on the death of George Washington, and sung in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at the first Fourth of July celebration after Washington's death.

Nathan G. Terry was born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and lived there until the age of 30 years, when he removed to New York, and when our subject was 11 years old removed to Oakland County, Michigan. settling in Commerce township. Six years later, in 1841, he removed to Pontiac township and purchased 240 acres of land, now included in our subject's present farm. to which original tract the latter has added 100 adjacent acres. Nathan G. Terry died in 1852, at the age of 62 years. He was a Democrat in political views. Although not formally connected with any religious denomination, he was a man of exemplary life and was universally respected. He married Belinda Preston, who was born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and they had children as follows: Mrs. Deborah Tucker, who died at the home of our subject some two years ago; David D., who lived and died in Oakland County; Joseph Preston, of this sketch; and Uriah and Mrs. Angeline Stockwell, who died in this county.

Mr. Terry has devoted his life wholly to agricultural pursuits and owns one of the finest farms in the county. Formerly he was identified with the Democratic party, but now is in sympathy with the principles of the Populist party. As a man of good judgment and large means, he is prominent in all public matters in his township and may always be found casting his influence in the direction of progressive movements which promise to be of permanent benefit to his locality.

Mr. Terry has been twice married. In early manhood he was married to Maggie Bugbee, who was born in New York and was a daughter of Tobias and Naomi Bugbee. At her death she left one son, Josiah P., who resides on the homestead. Josiah P. Terry married Mary Ross, who was born in Oakland County, and is a daughter of David and Lydia Ross, and they have two daughters,- Maggie and Ernestine. Our subject's second marriage took place in 1882, to Mary Bryant, who was born in Pontiac township and is a daughter of Jairus and Hannah (Wilder) Bryant. As will be seen, the Terry family is one of the old and honored ones of the locality and its members enjoy the esteem of the community. (p. 70)

Source: "Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Oakland County, Michigan." Chicago: Biographical Publishing Company. 1903.

ALONZO SIBLEY, whose death on March 16, 1896, removed one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Oakland County, Michigan, resided on an attractive and productive farm in Commerce township. He was one of the local leaders of the Republican party, with which he had been identified since 1856.

Alonzo Sibley was descended from Puritan stock, paternally and maternally. His father was Elias Sibley, a native of New Hampshire, and his grandfather was Ebenezer Sibley, a soldier of the Revolutionary War. His mother was Ruth A. Chase, a native of Connecticut. After marriage Elias and Ruth A. (Chase) Sibley moved to Preston, Chenango County, New York, where they settled on a new farm. In 1826 they moved to Wayne County, New York, where they remained until 1834. In that year they came to Michigan, settling on a new farm in Bloomfield township, Oakland County, where Mr. Sibley died in 1856 and his widow two years later. They were active and devout members of the Presbyterian Church. Their family consisted of seven children.

Alonzo Sibley was born July 14, 1810, in Preston, Chenango County, New York, and attended the early district schools in that community. He began work for himself at the age of 16 years, and when 18 his father gave him his time. He worked at farming for others by the month until he came to Michigan. He landed at Detroit May 10, 183I, from the little steamer "Sheldon Thompson," one of the two steamers then plying on the lakes, the trip consuming eight days. Michigan at that time was very sparsely settled and Indians and wild animals abounded. The young man went prospecting through the State and selected in Commerce township, Oakland County, what became the home farm, buying eighty acres from the government, the deed to which was signed by President Andrew Jackson. In the fall of 1831 he returned to his Eastern home and spent the winter, and in the spring returned to the West and built a log, cabin and began clearing the land, putting in crops and fencing a few acres. He again returned home in the fall of 1832 and the following spring was married to Mary Heath, who was born in Monroe County, New York, in 1813. The young couple proceeded immediately to their new home. They became the parents of a child who died in infancy; Mrs. Sibley died in 1836. Our subject formed a second union in 1837 with Sarah Ann Heath, who died in 1873, having been the mother of seven children, as follows: Mary Jane, wife of James Pratt of Traverse City, Michigan; Harriet A., who married Rev. J. B. Drew, and died in 1886; Watson A., who married Maggie Hubbel and resides in Muskegon, Michigan; Judson L., treasurer of Oakland County, a record of whose life appears elsewhere in this volume; and three children who died in infancy. Mr. Sibley was married a third time, November 26, 1875, to Adeline Colby, a daughter of William and Lucy (Dennis) Colby. Her parents removed from Maine to New York in the early days and settled in Wayne County. Her father, was a "Minute Man" in the War of 1812, and died in 1836, at the age of 45 years. His widow was afterward married to Rev. Samuel Wyre, of the Free Will Baptist Church, and they settled at Sibley's Corner in Oakland County, Michigan. Rev. Mr. Wyre died June 6, 1870. Mrs. Sibley was one of 10 children and was born June 10, 1817, in Wayne County, New York, where she received her education. She died March 19, 1896, three days after her husband and on the day of his burial.

Mr. Sibley owned 300 acres of land, 200 being under cultivation. He built his residence in 1846, and it was considered a very fine home, altogether the best in that section. For over 50 years he was a deacon in the Free Will Baptist Church which he helped to organize, and also was trustee. He was a member of the School Board and held three scholarships in Hillsdale College, where his son Judson L. was graduated in the scientific course. His son Watson was in the 22nd Reg. Michigan Vol. Inf., and served three years, taking part in many battles, and acting as hospital steward. He is now a wholesale and retail druggist at Muskegon, Michigan, where he has lived since 1869.

Alonzo Sibley was a Democrat in politics until 1856, when he became a Republican and from that time he was unswerving in his allegiance to that party. He was a delegate to many county, congressional and State conventions, and served as assessor, highway commissioner and justice of the peace, holding the latter office for a period of 12 years. He was a grand old man, irreproachable in character, and his death was mourned in all sincerity by his family and many friends. (p. 42 - 44)

Source: "Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Oakland County, Michigan." Chicago: Biographical Publishing Company. 1903.

NEW 5/20/04: Myron Snyder's bio was contributed by Colleen Mysliwiec, who says "These are not my relatives, but feel that someone may be interested in the information. The source is History of Lapeer, Genesee, and Tuscola Counties in Michigan."

MYRON SNYDER is a farmer and stockraiser of Elba Township, Lapeer County. He was born in Wayne County, N.Y., October 17, 1829, and was the second in order of birth of a family of three. Sidney W. died in Buffalo County, Neb., and Stephen died in California. Their parents were Peter and Susan (Derby) Snyder, natives of Rensselaer County and Cayuga County, N.Y., respectively. The father was born about 1811 and the mother about 1819. Our subject was reared a farmer, to which calling his father had devoted himself a great portion of the time.

Our subject's grandsire on the paternal side was Stephen Snyder, also a native of Rensselaer County, N.Y. He had a family of three children, whose names were Paul, Peter and Barney. The Snyders were originally of German extraction. Our subject was reared for the most part in his native State and was educated in the common schools of the district.

On reaching manhood the original of our sketch was united in marriage with Miss Sarah J. Hoyt, a daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Alferd) Hoyt. She was one of a family of seven children, the ancestors being Maine people. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have three children living, having laid away one little one in God's acre. Adelmer is married and a resident of Duluth, Minn.; Minnie is the wife of W.E. Johnson of Port Huron and Charles M. is married and is a resident of Elba Township.

Mr. Snyder came to Lapeer County in 1867 and purchased a farm on which he now resides. It comprised one hundred and sixty acres of land, but he has since added to it until at the present time he owns two hundred and eighty-give acres of as good land as there is in the township. He raises horses, cattle and sheep and has followed the drover's business, buying and selling and shipping stock here for the past fifteen years. Politically Mr. Snyder votes with the republican party. Socially he is a Mason and is a member of the Royal Arcanum.

NEW 5/20/04: Homer Beach's bio was contributed by Colleen Mysliwiec. "Hello, These are not my relatives, but feel that someone may be interested in the information. It comes from the 1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties, in Michigan. Chapman Bros."

HOMER A. BEACH. Besides being the owner of a valuable tract of land in Millington Township, Tuscola County, our subject is proprietor of the general store in the village and not only does a thriving business in his own interest, but makes a convenient market and purchasing place for the agricultural class in this region. Mr. Beach is a son of Aaron and Betsey (Hutchinson) Beach. The former was a native of the old Bay State, but in his young manhood went to New York where he met and married our subject's mother, who was a native of that State. They became the parents of four sons and one daughter. They came to Michigan at an early day and settled in Livingston County on a farm and there lived until their decease. He was a shoemaker by trade and although taking a lively interest in the political issues of the day, never aspired to public office. He died in 1887 at the age of eighty-eight years. His wife died when our subject was about six years of age.

Mr. H.A. Beach was born May 28, 1825, in Wayne County, N.Y. He came with his parents to Livingston County, this State, making his home under the paternal roof until of age. He learned the carpenter's trade and after following it for a short time went to work at farming and carried on the two callings together for some time. Our subject was married in Oakland County, this State, in April, 1853, to Miss Sarah Donaldson, a native of Hickville, Oakland County. This lady died in 1855 and in December, 1858, Mr. Beach was married to Miss Lucinda Ferguson, a native of New York. By this union they became the parents of five children, four of whom are living at the present time, there being two sons and two daughters. Chester A., is in partnership with his father in the store; Frank resides in Millington, Township; Stella lives in Port Austin; Fanny is still at home with her parents.

Mr. Beach came to Tuscola County, October 19, 1853, and settled on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres on sections 18 and 19, of Government land; he was the second settler in the township. He followed farming and lumbering as a business until about 1871, when he engaged in mercantile pursuits, having opened the second store in the village. The place was then very new, stumps being the most conspicuous feature, among which wolves prowled at night and deer were not infrequently seen. He now owns three hundred and five acres which is well improved, there being good buildings upon the place and the broad acres being under an excellent state of cultivation. The building that our subject now occupies as a store is 24x80 feet in dimensions. He here carries a well-assorted general stock of boots and shoes, dry-goods, furniture and groceries and does a large business. Mr. Beach is a Republican in politics, but has no aspirations to be an office-holder.

The following short profiles of Finger Lakes residents were spotted in History of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, Pa. with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers. New York: W.W. Munsell & Co., 1880. These are not Wayne County, but being posted in hopes they'll help someone.

IRVING A. STEARNS, mining and civil engineer, was born in Gorham, Ontario county, N.Y., September 12, 1846, and married Chloe W. Shoemaker, of Wilkes-Barre. (p. 236G; Luzerne county)

JOHN J. DURKIN, of Pleasant Valley, was born at Scranton, November 1st, 1851. His wife was M.A. McDonald, of Penn Yan, N.Y. He was formerly a merchant, but is at present justice of the peace, having previously held various borough offices. (p. 330E; Luzerne county)

A.E. HUNT. Alexander E. Hunt, of the firm of Hunt Brothers & Co. (limited), Scranton, was born in Paulina, N.J., April 1st, 1835, and married Frances E. Gay, of Seneca Falls, N.Y. He has served as treasurer of the above named firm. (p. 438C; Lackawanna County)

Bios of four former Wayne County natives who moved to Rock County, Wisconsin. These two county history books can be viewed in the local history room at the New York City main research library at 5th Ave. and 42nd St.

MYRON H. SOVERHILL, a leading dealer in leaf tobacco, of Janesville, has been a resident of this city since January, 1856. He was born in Newark, Wayne Co., N.Y., July 14, 1828, and probably is descended from Samuel Soverhill, a native of Wales, who came to America during the Colonial days. He was a sailor, owning several coasting vessels, and at the time of the Revolution was engaged in the lumber trade between Maine and Long Island. The British captured his vessels and endeavored to press him into their service, but he resisted their efforts, lost his life by so doing, and was thrown overboard into the sea. His son, the grandfather of our subject, for that reason contracted a great hatred for the British, and when the War of 1812 (which was caused by the British trying to impress American seamen into their service) broke out, he immediately engaged in that struggle. He was at that time in command of a military company in the State of New York. He took part in the engagement at Sodus Point, the battle of Chippewa, and the battle of Queenstown, in which Gen. Brock was killed. He continued to live in Wayne County until his death. He had a family of three daughters and three sons - Isaac, Hiram, and Joel, the latter being the only one of the family yet living, his home being the old homestead in Wayne County.

Hiram Soverhill, the father of our subject, was the first white child born in Arcadia Township, Wayne Co., N.Y., the date of his birth being Nov. 16, 1800. He was reared to the occupation of farming, and was united in marriage with Eliza Jessup, who was born in Wayne County in 1808, and was a daughter of Lewis Jessup, a native of New Jersey, who settled in Wayne County at an early day. A family of five children, three sons and two daughters, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Soverhill, and all are yet living, Myron H., of this sketch, being the eldest; Andrew D. is a resident of Newark, N.Y.; Edward P. makes his home at the same place; Sarah is the wife of John R. Boyce, of Minneapolis, Minn.; and Mary, a maiden lady, is with her sister.

The subject of this sketch is the only one of the family who ever located in Wisconsin. He was reared to farm life, and received his education in his native county. After arriving at manhood, he was joined in wedlock with Miss Adeline Sanford, a native of Wayne County, N.Y., and a daughter of Joseph H. and Dorcas (Humphrey) Sanford. Her father's family numbered eight children, four sons and four daughters, but only three are now living - William, of Barry County, Mich.; Emily, wife of Pliny Macomber, of Maple Grove, Mich.; and Mrs. Soverhill.

In the fall of 1855 Mr. Soverhill made a trip to Rock County for the purpose of selecting a location, and purchased a farm on section 8, in the town of Fulton. But little improvement had been made at the time of the purchase, but he at once began to develop and cultivate the land, which he soon transformed into a beautiful farm, which is yet in his possession. From 1856 until 1882, when retiring from farm life, he there made his home. In 1858 he turned his attention to the raising of tobacco, and that year harvested a crop. He was one of the first to engage in that industry in Rock County, and since the date mentioned not a year has passed in which he has failed to raise a crop of tobacco. He purchased the first tobacco bought on commission in the State of Wisconsin, at Edgerton, in 1869, and, though having retired from farm life, he still continues this business, engaged in the buying of leaf tobacco and wool. The magnitude of the tobacco trade and the extent to which Mr. Soverhill has dealt in this commodity is illustrated by the fact that in the season of 1882 he purchased 3,000 cases, or sufficient to load sixty cars with an average capacity of 60,000 pounds. He handles more wool than any other dealer in Southern Wisconsin.

Mr. Soverhill is one of the representative men of Rock County, with whose progress and advancement he has been identified for thirty-five years. In his political views he was in early life a Democrat but when the party divided on the question of slavery, he espoused the cause of freedom, and at the organization of the Republican party joined that body, with which he has since been identified. In his religious views he is a Presbyterian. Mr. and Mrs. Soverhill are the parents of five children, one son and four daughters: Sanford; Minnie, wife of Mr. Tracy, of Chicago; Helen, wife of T. B. Earle, of Edgerton, Rock County; Florence, wife of B. De Forest, of Rock County; and Edith, who is at home.

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock County, Wisconsin, containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state." Chicago:Acme Publishing Co. 1889.

More about Mr. Soverhill with information about other children:

MYRON H. SOVERHILL, farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Edgerton; born in Wayne Co., N.Y.; came to Wisconsin in 1855 and settled on his present homestead; son of Hiram and Eliza SOVERHILL. Married, Nov. 16, 1851, Adeline SANFORD, daughter of Joseph H. and Dorcas, of Newark, Wayne Co., N.Y.; have five children - Sanford, Mary L., Helen A., Florence and Edith; Charles F., born in 1854, died in 1870; Isadora, born in 1858, died in 1863. Religion, Presbyterian; Republican.

Source: "The History of Rock County, Wisconsin." Chicago:Western Historical Company. 1879.

EUGENE H. SKINNER, the owner of one of the most highly improved farms in Newark Township, situated on section 7, and also a raiser of tobacco, was born in Wayne County, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1846, and is a son of Jacob and Eliza (Peck) Skinner. His father was a native of Kent County, England, his mother of Monroe County, N.Y. Mr. Skinner had previously been married, while a resident of England, and by that union two children were born - Elizabeth, widow of William Golding, of Minnesota; and Theron, who was a member of the 22d Wisconsin Infantry, was taken prisoner, and died at the home of our subject from disease contracted while in Libby Prison.

About the year 1840, Mr. Skinner emigrated with his family to America, becoming a resident of New York, where his wife died. In that State he afterwards became acquainted with and married Miss Eliza Jane Peck. In 1846 he removed to Rock County, Wis., and pre-empted forty acres of land on section 7, Newark Township, but subsequently added to his original purchase until his farm comprised 120 acres. He there made his home until December, 1857, when he made a visit to his mother in New York, where he was taken sick and died. His wife survived him until Feb. 7, 1881, dying at the old homestead in this county. They were the parents of four children - Eugene, of this sketch; Sylvester A., who is living in Louis County, Wash., was a soldier in the late war, serving in the 43d Wisconsin Infantry , from October, 1864 till July 1865, when he was honorably discharged; Mary J., wife of E.K. Felt, of Washington County, Kan.; and Hannah A.

The earlier years of his life our subject passed upon his father's farm, and in the common schools of the county received his education. When thirteen years of age, however, he left his home and went to live with an uncle, with whom he remained until his eighteenth year. Returning to his home in 1863, he took charge of the farm, continuing to manage affairs until 1865, when he bought the interest of the other heirs. He now owns 263 acres of fine land, 180 of which is under a high state of cultivation, while the improvements are among the best to be found in Newark Township. He has a fine grade of all kinds of stock, including short horn cattle, and his barns provide shelter for one hundred head of stock.

On the 20th day of November, 1871, the union of Mr. Skinner and Miss Clarinda Padfield was celebrated. Unto them has been born an interesting family of four children, one son and three daughters - Burton E., Edith E., Eva I. and Agnes M. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner have one of the most comfortable homes in the community, where hospitality abounds and all receive a hearty welcome. He is regarded as one of the leading citizens of the community, and has held various township offices, including that of treasurer. In March, 1874, he was elected secretary of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, representing Rock, Plymouth, Newark, Avon, Spring Valley, Beloit and Center townships, and has annually been re-elected. The company insures nothing but farm property. Honorable and upright in all his dealings, Mr. Skinner has won the confidence and respect of all who know him.

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock County, Wisconsin, containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state. Chicago:Acme Publishing Co. 1889.

More information about Mr. Skinner:

EUGENE H. SKINNER, farmer, Sec. 7; P.O. Beloit; born in Wayne Co., N.Y., in 1847; his parents came to Newark in 1848; took up forty acres of land in Section 7, and built a log cabin; afterward bought eighty acres more in same section; his father died in Newark in 1857; his mother is still living, and holds her dower of forty-five acres of land, which he is working with his own. He married in Janesville, in November, 1871, Clarinda Padfield, of Newark; they have three children. When his father died the property, 120 acres in all, was divided between the heirs, and he bought them all out except one sister, who holds her share and is living with his family; in 1869, he built a large frame residence with large barns and all improvements, and now owns 170 acres of land. He is the Secretary of the Newark Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for the protection of farm property from fire and lightning; he has also been Supervisor for three terms, and Town Treasurer; his two brothers, Theron Y. and Sylvester A., were both in the army; Theron died of fever, and Sylvester was in Libby Prison twenty-four days, and then exchanged.

Source: The History of Rock County, Wisconsin. Chicago: Western Historical Company. 1879.

JAMES P. SHIELDS, farmer Sec. 17; P.O. Janesville; born in the village of Lyons, Wayne Co., N.Y.; he is the son of James and Susan Shields; his father was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, 1802; at an early age, he learned the trade of carriage-building; in spring of 1822, came to St. John, N.B., where he was employed in the navy yard for a short time; late in the same year, he went to Boston, Mass., where he worked at his trade until August, 1823, at which time he took his departure for Albany, N.Y., where he sought and secured employment at Gould's carriage-factory, where he remained for years; he assisted in ironing-off the cars first run on the Albany & Schenectady R.R., which was the first railroad ever built in the United States. Married, about the year 1832, in Albany, N.Y., Miss Susan Simmonds, who was born near Schenectady, N.Y., in 1804; the results of their union was seven children - John, born April 25, 1834; William, Jan. 17, 1840; Charles, June 6, 1842; Robert, June 2, 1845; Almen, May 4, 1848; Fanny E., Jan. 18, 1850; James, Aug. 24, 1837. Their parents came to Wisconsin in June, 1847; located in Rock Township; bought a farm of 240 acres, on which he worked industriously, and prospered finely; his sons were industrious, and assisted him much; Mr. Shields, Sr., is still living on his farm in Rock Township; after a painful illness his wife died in April, 1868; his daughter, Mary E., married Henry Kayler, who is living on and managing the old homestead; James P., the principal subject of this sketch, received a common-school education; always was industrious; assisted his father on the farm till the spring of 1861; at that time, his father bought, in Harmony, 160 acres, 80 of which he gave to his son; James appreciates this gift, and has made some handsome improvements; built barn, granary, neat, tasty frame house; cozy home, and managing eighty acres besides; raises a variety of crops; he is prospering finely. Married, in Fort Wayne, Ind., October, 1863, Miss Anna Hopple, who was born in Allen Co., Ind., July 30, 1843; the results of their happy union has been five children; four are living - Nevada, Penola, William, Emma. Mr. Shields is liberal in religion; has always voted the Republican ticket.

Source: "The History of Rock County, Wisconsin." Chicago:Western Historical Company. 1879.

PHILIP PALMER, farmer and miller, Sec. 27; P.O. Afton; born Oct. 29, 1814, in Wayne Co., N.Y.; came to Wisconsin in 1857; lived in Walworth Co. three years and moved to Rock Co. in 1860. Married Miss Lucinda, daughter of William and Anna Potter, of Wayne Co., N.Y., in 1836. They have six children - Evaline A., Caroline E. (died in 1842), Garafelia A., Harriet E. (died in 1849), Hiram P. and George H. He owns 110 acres six miles south of Janesville, where he raises a good grade of stock, etc. He was elected a Justice of the Peace in 1875; was a member and one of the organizers of the Rock River Grange. He and family are members of the Baptist Church in Afton.

Source: "The History of Rock County, Wisconsin." Chicago:Western Historical Company. 1879.

PERRINE, George W., M.D., of Milwaukee, Wis., was born in Lyons, Wayne county, N.Y., December 16th, 1816. He graduated at Geneva Medical College, in 1839. He first practised at Syracuse, N.Y., and afterwards at Lyons, N.Y., in both places making extended and favorable reputation. In 1855, he removed to Milwaukee, where he remained the balance of his life. Previous to his removal to Milwaukee, in the year 1853, he adopted the tenets of homoeopathy, having previous to that time been prominent as an old school physician. Resolutions of respect to his memory were unanimously adopted by the members of the Illinois Homoeopathic Association, the Wisconsin State Medical Society, the physicians of Milwaukee in public meeting, and the vestry of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church of Milwaukee, of which church he was from his youth a zealous and devoted member. He died April 20th, 1872, aged fifty-five years.

Source: "Cleave's Biographical Cyclopaedia of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons," by Egbert Cleave, 1873. Pages 387-388.

HOLBY, John M., of Lyons, N.Y., a member of the 30th congress; d. at Florida, March 1848.

Source: "American Biographical Notes, being short notices of deceased persons, chiefly those not included in Allen's or in Drake's biographical dictionaries, gathered from many sources, and arranged by Franklin B. Hough." 1875, page 207.

The following bio of Butler native Eben Fitch Runyan was contributed by Hamilton County NYGenWeb coordinator Lisa Slaski.


Eben F. Runyan was born in Butler, Wayne County, N.Y., December 3, 1831, and nearly twenty years of his life were spent in the East, where he secured his education. In the meantime he worked as a clerk in a store, or doing any sort of labor which might aid in elevating him intellectually and financially. In the year 1850 Mr. Runyan decided to make his home in the West, finally locating in McHenry County, Ill., where for three years he engaged in farming operations during the summer months, teaching school each winter. The study of law had always possessed a certain amount of fascination for him, and so diligently did he engage in this, his favorite pursuit, that on May 16, 1855, he was admitted to the Illinois Bar. Removing to Chicago soon after, he began the practice of law, and became a member of the firm of Brown & Runyan, this partnership continuing for a period of three years or more. In the year 1860, the relationship between his former partners and himself having been dissolved, Mr. Runyan entered into partnership with D.J. Avery, a brother-in-law, and Mr. Comstock, a former law student. in 1860 he was married to Miss Flora R. Avery, of Waukegan, Ill. From this time on the young man made rapid strides towards that success for which he was ever striving. He was elected a member of the Board of Education in 1864,and in 1871 and 1872 was President of the Board. In 1876 he was made one of the West Park Commissioners, and assisted in selecting the sites for all the West-side parks. Notwithstanding the various outside matters demanding his attention, Mr. Runyan devoted his time and talents principally to his law practice, and it is not to be wondered at that time he became one of the most successful practitioners in the city. During the more than forty years he was a member of the bar he probably tried more cases than any other Chicago lawyer now living. As a trial lawyer he possessed ability of a high order. He was devoted to the interests of his clients, appearing to make their cases his own. He was a fluent speaker, and his long and varied experience together with ability of a high order, became factors in winning many a difficult case. He was twice nominated for the position of Judge. The firm was again changed, and Mr. Runyan had the pleasure of taking his son, Eben F. Runyan, Jr., into partnership, with new offices located in the Ashland Block.

No matter how busy the man, or how necessary his personality in the social or professional life of a city, Death appears to claim any victim he may choose, and the successful lawyer was no exception to this rule. Bright's disease attacked him, and after an illness which confined him to his bed less than two weeks, Mr. Runyan passed away February 6, 1899. The funeral services were held at the Fourth Baptist Church, Ashland Avenue and West Monroe Street, and the interment was at Rosehill. His numerous clients feel that none can supply the place of the man so faithful to their interests, the family circle is incomplete, and the city has lost a shining example of what industry and hard study can produce. Indeed Chicago is the poorer by the death of Eben F. Runyan, lawyer and gentleman.

Source: Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, Cook County Edition, Volume I, edited by Newton Bateman and Paul Selby. Chicago: Munsell Publishing Company. 1905. Page 986.

Arcadia native Dr. John Wesley Finch's bio was graciously contributed by Hamilton County NYGenWeb coordinator Lisa Slaski.

FINCH, DR. JOHN WESLEY, of Adrian, Michigan, was born in Arcadia, Wayne County, New York, June 6, 1826. He is the son of Andrew and Catherine (Crandall) Finch, who removed from Kinderhook to Wayne County, New York, where the continued to reside until 1835. Nathaniel Finch, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, emigrated to Connecticut from England, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, and located lands which, by his industry and perseverance, he transformed into a pleasant and productive farm. This farm lies about three miles north of where the old Horseneck Church once stood; the old homestead of the Finch's is still owned by the descendants of the pioneer whose name it bears. In 1835, when nine years of age, Doctor Finch removed with his father to Ridgeway, Orleans County, New York. He spent his boyhood upon his father's farm, and early in life acquired habits of industry by which he has secured success and the confidence and esteem of the different communities in which he has resided. While very young, he manifested a decided taste for philosophical, mechanical, and educational pursuits. In 1845-46, he was a pupil at Yates Academy; and, in 1848, at Marion Academy, in the State of New York, where he never failed to distinguish himself for diligence, intelligence, and courteous deportment. In 1849 he engaged in teaching, which profession he followed most of the time until 1855, when he went to Chicago and entered upon mercantile pursuits. In 1857 he went to Red Wing, Minnesota, with a view to making that his permanent home; but the great financial crisis, at that time, having prostrated business, he returned to Ohio the following year. Feeling that his abilities fitted him for the work, he adopted the profession of dentistry, and opened an office in Cleveland, where he remained until 1862. He was then induced to remove to Adrian, Michigan, where he has since continued to practice his profession with marked ability and success.

He has interested himself largely in the prosperity and growth of the beautiful city which he has made his home. In educational matters he has ever felt a deep interest, and has served several years as a member of the Board of Trustees of the city schools. He was one of the founders of the Michigan State Dental Association, of which he is a member, and was elected President in 1875. In 1855 Doctor Finch was initiated into the mysteries of Free Masonry, in Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 266, at Richfield, Summit County, Ohio. When he came to Adrian, he joined Adrian Lodge, No. 19, Free and Accepted Masons, and has continued a member of the same to the present time. He has filled the various offices of the lodge up to and including that of Master, with honor to himself and profit to the fraternity; and is now Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan. He was High Priest of Adrian Chapter, No. 10, Royal Arch Masons, and satisfactorily performed his various and complicated duties. He has filled most of the offices in the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Michigan, including that of Grand High Priest, which position he held for the year 1873. At the close of his term, he was presented with a flattering testimonial, by the grand body, for the able, judicious, and impartial manner in which he discharged the duties of his office. For seven consecutive years he has been Eminent Commander of Adrian Commandery, No. 4, of Knights Templar; and no more fitting eulogy upon his honesty, integrity, and ability can be offered than the fact that, for the long time he has filled the office, it has been by the almost unanimous vote of his Commandery. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, he has attained to the thirty-second degree. Doctor Finch has retained the confidence and esteem of the various Masonic bodies of which he has been a member; and now enjoys a national reputation as a wise and accomplished Mason, whose hand is ever ready to assist the weak and unfortunate, and whose heart ever beats in response to that of the sorrowing. He has always been independent in politics, voting, without regard to party, according to his honest convictions of right. In September, 1855, he married Frances M. Thorp, of Bath, Summit County, Ohio, and has been a devoted and faithful husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Finch have two sons,- the elder, Sherman F. Finch, recently graduated at the Michigan University, and bids fair to be as successful as his father in dentistry, which he has chosen as his profession. The younger son, Arthur E. Finch, a bright and promising lad, is still engaged in his studies at school. Doctor Finch, although in his fifty-second year, looks really ten years younger, which is doubtless largely attributable to his temperate habits. He possesses a strong and vigorous constitution, and has every prospect of a long and useful life.

Source: "American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-Made Men, with Portrait Illustrations on Steel. Michigan Volume." Cincinnati, O.: Western Biographical Publishing Co., 1878. Page 37-38.

Galen native Richard L. Dawley's biographical sketch was graciously contributed by Hamilton County NYGenWeb coordinator Lisa Slaski.

RICHARD L. DAWLEY, railroad repairer, son of Elijah Dawley and Esther Baldwin Dawley, of New York birth, was born in Galen, Wayne county, March 26, 1826. He lived on a farm and attended a common school until eighteen years old, residing with an uncle, his parents having died before he was two years old. At nineteen he came to what was then the west, and learned cabinet-making in Milwaukee. August 13, 1846, he enlisted in the regular army of the United States, and served five years, going through the Mexican war under Gen. Scott. On his discharge at Fort Ripley in 1851, he went to Plymouth, Wisconsin, and worked at his trade. In 1856 he became a resident of Winona, where he engaged in the manufacture of fanning mills, in partnership with another party. The business removed to St. Charles three years later, and kept up till 1862. In January of the latter year Mr. Dawley enlisted in the 2d Minn. Lt. Art., in which he served till April, 1864, holding the rank of first lieutenant when he resigned. He was an actor int he battles of Perryville, Stone River, Tullahoma, Chicamauga, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, and numerous skirmishes and light engagements. His business and family affairs requiring his presence at home, he was compelled to resign. He engaged in farming, his land lying partly within the limits of this city, and followed that occupation till 1873, ever since which time he has been in the employ of the Winona & St. Peter Railroad Company. Mr. Dawley was at one time director of the city school board, and to him is due a large share of the credit for the establishment of the present graded system of their government and conduct. He was again chosen member of the same board in 1882, for the term of three years. He was chairman of the town board in 1860 and city councilor in 1881. His political principles are democratic. In religion he is orthodox. In 1861 he organized a militia company here, and has ever since been known by the title of captain. Most of this company afterward entered the United States service. Mr. Dawley is a member of Rising Sun Lodge, A.F.and A.M. of St. Charles. In November, 1853, he was married to Mary J. Avril, who was born in Bellville, Canada, May 1, 1835. She was a daughter of Henry Avril, of New York. Mrs. Dawley was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at her death, which occurred Aril 4, 1874. Seven children survive her, as follows: William H., born August 4, 1854, now in Fargo, Dakota; Charles L., February 28, 1856, lives at De Smet, Dakota; Ida, April 18, 1858; Emma, November 26, 1859; Hiram A., August 20, 1865; Richard Starr, September 9, 1867; Frank M., March 30, 1872.

Source: "History of Winona County, together with Biographical Matter, Statistics, Etc., gathered from matter furnished by interviews with old settlers, county, township and other records, and extracts from files of papers, pamphlets, and such other sources as have been available." Chicago: H.H. Hill and Company, Publishers. 1883. Page 954.

Wayne County Family Bios Section

Created: 12/15/03
Last Updated: 10/13/17
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