Ancestral Sightings contains bios, notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents found in out-of-county resources. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send in your contribution to this page. **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS: From NY State Resources Part 9 |
New 11/25/12 From The Lake Shore News, Wolcott NY, unknown date in 1906
Soldiers' Reunion Will Be Held Next Year at Bonnicastle.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year of the Wayne County Soldiers' and Sailors' association at the close of the Bonnicastle reunion:
[reformatted for ease in online reading]
President, A. F. Sheldon, Lyons
first vice-president, G. W. Brinkerhoff, Red Creek
second vice-president, Forest R. Pierson, South Butler
secretary, Irving R. Seelye, North Rose
chaplain, J. Forncrook, Harrisburg, Pa.
surgeon, Rev. Matthew Gaffney, Williamson
quarter-master, Charles L. Tassell, Marion
Arcadia, S. B. VanDuser
Butler, Forest R. Pierson
Galen, William Marlott
Huron, Harvey Barnes
Lyons, J. Sidney Roys
Macedon, F. H. Briggs
Marion, David Lown
Ontario, David Spelchler
Palmyra, David B. Gamble
Rose, Asher W. Seager
Savannah, J. B. Wiley
Sodus, Charles Mills
Walworth, A. T. White
Williamson, Whitney D. Russell
Wolcott, N. J. Field
A. F. Sheldon, Lyons
Irving R. Seelye, North Rose
Charles L. Tassell, Marion
The encampment will be held in 1907 at Bonnicastle the third week of August.
New 11/25/12 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, January 23, 1900
F. M. King, of the New York postoffice, is at the Palmyra postoffice, instructing the officials in that office in the routine of free delivery, which is soon to be established in that village. Mr. King will remain in Palmyra until after the free delivery system is in operation.
New 11/25/12 From The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1932
Michael A. Fisher, one of Clyde's oldest residents, celebrated his 87th birthday Sunday. He received many gifts. Mr. Fisher four years ago was honored as the oldest retail shoe dealer in the United States. Upon his retirement last year he had completed more then 60 years in the shoe business. Mr. Fisher called on us Monday and left some interesting reminiscences for our "Do You Remember?" column. He promised to send us some more. That's the spirit! Let's hear from some more of our old residents.
New 11/25/12 From the Wayne County Review, April 27, 1905 (Lyons NY)
Letters testamentary were issued to Georgiana Smith upon proof of the will of Caroline Barnes, who died at Clyde this month, leaving real estate valued at $1,000 which is devised to the executrix, a daughter of the testator.
Letters testamentary were granted to Magdalena Ehrhardt upon proof of the will of George Ehrhardt, who died in the town of Arcadia in April, 1905, aged 80 years. The real estate given is valued at $8,000 and the personal estate does not exceed $900. By the terms of the will the executrix, who is the wife of the decedent, receives the life use of the estate and at her death the property is to be equally divided among his children, Dedreich Ehrhardt, Mary Jane Hart, George Henry Ehrhardt, Philip Edward Ehrhardt, Emma Esabel Hartnagle, William Franklin Ehrhardt, Frederick Jacob Ehrhardt and several grandchildren.
New 11/25/12 From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date, probably in October 1889 (Newark NY)
The elegant new residence of N. L. McDonald, built by C. C. Horton, pleasantly located on the corner of Franklin and Mason streets, is now nearly completed. It is a model of convenience, finished in oiled chestnut and butternut, and has been painted in artistic style by the Lyke Brothers. Dr. McDonald will move into it in a few days.
Lyons is to have a shirt factory employing fifty or more hands.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pitkin's baby daughter has the scarlet fever, but is getting along very nicely.
Mrs. Valentine Miller has been spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Wilder, in Shortsville. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Miller and John Miller spent Sunday there.
New 11/25/12 From The West Shore News, Wolcott NY, unknown date 1906
Mrs. William A. Baker, of LaGrande, Oregon, formerly of Wolcott, is reported to be seriously ill.
Miss Cecile Horton is home from Syracuse university. Her father, Geo. S. Horton, expects to start on a two monoths' European trip June 8.
Ed Early visited his brother, Michael Early, at Batavia, last week.
Francis McGinniss, of Syracuse, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Quinn.
Hazel Westbrook, of Rochester, is spending a few weeks with her parents.
Mrs. Fanny Holdridge, of Rochester, visited at Andrew Holdridge's over Sunday.
Mrs. Cady, of Palmyra, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. Clate Silver, Thursday.
Alvine Barnes is seriously ill of pneumonia at his home in West Rose.
Mrs. F. H. Closs is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. Morelock, in Lockport.
Fred Stubley, of Syracuse, visited his mother, Mrs. George Stubley, Sunday.
Mrs. Blanche Howe is in Cortland, visiting relatives, and expects to be away for some time.
Mrs. Tunis Fowler and two children, of Huron, are the guests of her mother, Mrs. Hannah Sherman.
Mrs. E. Irish has returned home from several weeks' visit at her daughter's, Mrs. E. E. Beers's, at Benton, Pa.
Friends of Miss Nellie Turner who is at Saranac Lake for her health, will be pleased to know that reports from her are very encouraging and show a decided gain. [NOTE: Saranac Lake was the location of Dr. Trudeau's tuberculosis sanitarium]
New 11/25/12 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, December 16, 1885
Miss Mary E. Clark, of Fairville, has received a patent on a fruit-dryer.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year at the meeting of the German Mechanics' association in Lyons, on Saturday evening: President, Henry Aul; vice-president, Frank Meyer; treasurer, Jacob Miller; secretary, Frederick Scheetz(?); marshal, George Haussig(?).
The Oswego party who purchased Long Island, in Sodus Bay, has taken two canal boats there to board their men while they clear off the fine chestnut timber that covers the island.
Ex-County Clerk Abel J. Bixby and family will remove from Lyons to Phelpsville, Kansas, next week. Mr. Bixby is largely interested in a sheep ranch near the latter place.
A few days since, Wallie, the little son of Mrs. Mary Simpson, while skating on the Wolcott pond, broke through the ice and came very near drowning, his playmates reaching him a large limb just in time to save him from a watery grave.
At the last meeting of the Dwight post, No. 109, G. A. R., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Commander, Major William H. Sentell; vice-commanders, Neymour (sic?)/Seymour S. Short, Christopher Snyder; chaplain, David Knight; surgeon, Joshua W. Lepper; quartermaster, William Cheetham; officer of the day, Walter J. Shaver; officer of the guard, Joseph H. Boyer; delegate to state encampment, William J. Cheetham; alternate, Samuel W. Brundage; adjutant, Samuel W. Brundage.
Last Saturday afternoon a girl named Senie Pritchard, about 18 years old, went to the Smith drug store in Clyde and purchased half an ounce of arsenic for the purpose, as she said, of killing rats, and it was so entered in the book of record of poisons sold, according to law. She went home, but instead of feeding it to rats she took it herself, with suicidal intent. Had she taken only a few grains, she might have accomplished her purpose, but by taking an overdose it acted as an emetic and saved her life. She is now out of danger.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year, at the regular meeting of Eureka grange in Lyons, on Saturday evening: Master, William Van Marter; overseer, Charles H. Moore; lecturer, Rev. S. A. McKay; steward, E. P. Taylor; chaplain, Frederick Busby; treasurer, Ira T. Whitney; secretary, E. W. Sylvester; gatekeeper, Andrew Sheldon; Ceres, Jennie Barclay; Pomona, Miss Emma Bishop; Flora, Miss Emma Waters; chorister, Henry Teachout; executive committee, C. H. Ray, C. D. More and Delos Dillingham.
On Saturday evening last, as John Turbush, of North Huron, was returning home from Walcott (sic), his horse began to lag, and Mr. Turbush thoughtlessly struck him with the whip. The horse spring into a run so suddenly as to pull one of the lines from Mr. Turbush's hand. Pulling up on the other line turned the coarse (sic) or the horse so suddenly that the wagon was overturned and Mr. Turbush and his daughter were hurled to the ground with great force. The lady was but slightly injured, but Mr. Turbush, who is a heavy man, was so injured internally that it is feared that he will not recover.
Camp & Dunwell, lawyers in Lyons, are still engaged in searching for heirs of Cephas Johnson, a farmer, who lived near that place thirty years ago and whose runaway son, Benjamin S. Johnson, recently died on a farm near Grant City, Mo., without wife or children, and leaving a fortune of half a million dollars to be divided among his heirs in Wayne county. It seems that he heard nothing of his brothers and sisters in this county for twenty-seven years, and they too knew nothing of the runaway brother in all that time. The matter is exciting unusual interest all over Wayne county, wherever there are any of the Johnson heirs.
New 11/25/12 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, March 18, 1922, page 17
Newark State School Provides for 1,100 Mentally Defective Females.
In Newark, crowning her highest eminence, is one of the state charitable institutions, the Newark State School for Mental Defectives.
About 1851, under the superintendency of Dr. Harvey B. Wilbur, was erected at Syracuse the first building for the care of the mentally defective in this country. In September, 1878, a group of adult women in that school needed care elsewhere. It was then that the main building of the Newark State School, formerly built as a church school, was formed, and the first institution in the world, exclusively for the care of mentally defective women was opened. In 1885 it was made a separate institution. It has steadily grown until now it has 103 acres of land and twenty-eight buildings. These include thirteen buildings housing ___ (illegible) girls and women, the power plant, the laundry, the shops, residences for officers and employees and other necessary buildings.
The estimated value of the real estate is $652,825 and of the personal property, $1--,--- (illegible) making the total investment of the state in this school $7---,--- (illegible). About 150 officers and employees are required to operate the school. The monthly pay roll is approximate $10,650(?).
The purpose of the school is to provide care and training for those mentally defective females about __ (?) years old who may not be as well managed elsewhere. Admissions are are made from all of the counties of the state on a pro rata basis. There is no cure for mental deficiency. Victims carry a permanent defect from which they never recover. Because of this defect, they lack judgment and moral resistance to temptation and get into all sorts of difficulties. But they are susceptible to training and frequently show marked improvement. This school aims to provide those who are entrusted to its care with protection against those who would tempt them into wrong-doing and a training for as high a degree of efficiency as their mentality permits.
The training consists of day-school work, all kinds of domestic work, and in special industries such as basketry, fancy sewing, embroidery, rug-making, lace-making, chair-caning, mattress-making, etc. The instruction in domestic work is given in the regular daily routine of the school. There are regularly organized classes for the day-school work and the special industries and ____ (illegible).
New 11/25/12 From The Clyde Times, Thursday Nov. 28, 1889
South Butler.
Miss Ella Winegar, of Lowell, Mich., is expected to arrive at this place this week, where she will visit relatives and friends for several weeks.
New 11/25/12 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, November 24, 1893
Several cases of diphtheria are reported in Clyde, and the number of scholars in the schools of that village is now much less than before for a long time. The board of education is doing all in its power to prevent the disease from getting into the schools.
New 11/25/12 From the Wayne County Review, Lyons NY, Thursday, June 4, 1903
South Lyons.
Levi Whitlock has gone to Port Jervis to visit his brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Decker entertained William Creager and Miss Myrtle Closs of Sterling, Ohio, last week.
Frank Hill is painting his residence a beautiful olive color body trimmed with white, and a deep wine color for window sash.
Peter Gosline's mail box was run into Sunday night and broken down. A reward for the detection of the guilty party is offered.
The noted revivalist of the Presbyterian church at Junius preached the funeral sermon of the late Jackson Norris. Mr. Norris was nearly 82 years of age. He was in Dresden at the time of his death.
In plowing several days ago on the farm of Mrs. Seager near Phelps the skeleton of an Indian well preserved was unearthed and two more were found but not in as good condition. It is believed to have been an Indian burying ground as skeletons have been found there before. This land has been in the Seager family for over 100 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, Miss Floss Heffron and Mrs. Marinda Wheeler left May 28 for Buffalo where they will take the boat to Detroit. Mr. Fisher will spend his time there setting up the machinery for the Hillsdale Steel Boot company, while the remainder of the party will visit southern Michigan. They will be gone about a month.
Charles Rooke has one of the best gardens in this vicinity.
The annual banquet of the King's Daughters will be held June 9 at the home of Mrs. Charles Rooke.
North Lyons.
About fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryder gave them a delightful surprise last Friday evening. The occasion being their twentieth anniversary. After refreshments were served, Rev. Mr. Hull made a very pleasant speech in which he gave some good advice and presented them with lace curtains that their friends had selected. All report a very pleasant time.
New 11/25/12 From the Wayne Democratic Press, Lyons NY, Wednesday morning, Dec. 1, 1856
James G. Clark,
The poet-violinist, sings in Fairville this (Wednesday) evening, East Palmyra Tuesday, Alton Friday, and at Sodus Point Saturday. Our friends in those places should not fail to attend.
New 11/25/12 From The Courier, Palmyra NY, August 30, 1897
Miss Gertie Faul and cousin, Miss Etta Dailey are spending this week with their grandmother, Mrs. A. Boughton of Wolcott.
Mr. and Mrs. George Weeks of New York were called here last week on account of the death of Mrs. A. Weeks.
Mrs. Dr. D. McPherson, with her two children, went to Ontario, Tuesday morning for a ten days visit with friends and relatives residing on the lake shore.
New 11/25/12 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, October 28, 1886.
Rev. J. W. Te Winkle, of East Williamson, has received a call from the Reformed Church, of Alto, Wisconsin.
New 11/25/12 From The Clyde Times, Thursday, August 23, 1906, front page
For Term of County Court, to be Held September 4th.
A panel of trial jurors to sit at the trial term of County court, to be convened, at Lyons, September 4th, Judge S. Nelson Sawyer presiding, was drawn last Friday, as follows:
Fred L. Reeves, Palmyra
William H. Everhart, Butler
Arthur Cranz (?), Butler
William H. Hinkle, Newark
Charles R. Whitehead, Macedon
Cady VanVleck, Wolcott
William Barton, Lyons
Cyrus Sprague, Butler
Sherman E. Bishop, Clyde
William Storr, Palmyra
Charles C. Lawrence, Walworth
Levi Cattieu, first, Sodus
Charles Emory, Alton
Harvey Edwards, Butler
Abon Lake, Newark
Willis P. Rogers, Marion
Arthur Skinner, South Butler
John Richardson, Huron
Edward N. Parker, Palmyra
Jacob DeGilkie, Sodus
Stephen Barnsdale, Macedon Center
Abram D. Smith, Sodus
Levi DeVoll, Galen
John Cline, Huron
Harry Turner, Ontario
Gustavus Stuck, Savannah
Henry Lincks, Rose
Lewis Penta, Savannah
Adelbert Howell, Marion
Peter W. DaMay, Sodus
Charles Woodworth, Palmyra
William H. Marks, Palmyra
Frank Proseus, Sodus
Thomas Farnsworth, Marion
Alfred Truax, Ontario
A. E. Cady, East Williamson
New 11/25/12 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, July 21, 1890
During one of the recent storms the inhabitants of the vicinity of the Lamb school house were startled by a vivid flash of lightning and an almost simultaneous clap of thunder. It was some days, however, before it was discovered that the bolt had passed down the chimney of the vacant school house, demolishing the stove-pipe, splintering one of the desks, and passing out through the floor.
Mrs. H. W. Smith, of Savannah, is confined to the house with inflammatory rheumatism.
Major Roys, of Lyons, left an estate valued at upwards of $50,000. No will has yet been found.
Charles H. Tibbetts and Webster Nichols, of Clyde, have secured positions as station painters on the West Shore railroad.
J. E. Johnson of Savannah, has purchased real estate in Indiana and will remove there as soon as he disposes of his Savannah property.
Professor Meyer, a teacher in the Lyons Union School, has tendered his resignation, to take effect immediately. He has secured a position in a Wisconsin school at a salary of $900 per year.
Charles Smith, the young man whose attempted suicide by cutting his throat, was reported in these columns last week, has so far recovered as to be considered out of danger. He regrets sincerely the course he took and is now quite anxious to secure a new lease of life.
The Railroad Hotel at the Central station in Macedon burned to the ground about 9 o'clock Saturday morning. It was owned by a Mrs. Miller and was insured. Most of the furnishings were saved, but the loss on the building is about $1,500. The place has no fire department.
New 11/25/12 From The Lake Shore News, unknown date in first third of 1908
The Purdy fruit farm, one of the best-known fruit farms about Palmyra, for the past twenty-five years conducted by the late Alexander M. Purdy, has been purchased by Dunning & Gordon, of Auburn. The farm is situated about three miles south of Palmyra on the Canandaigua road.
In the surrogate's court in Lyons on Monday, in the matter of the proof of the will of John Buckley, who died at Rose December 27, 1907, leaving real estate of the value of $5,000 and personal estate of the value of $2,000, letters testamentary were issued to Edward E. Buckley. By the terms of the will the testator gives the use of all his estate to his wife, Ann Buckley. At her death it is to be divided as follows: To his daughter, Mary Buckley, $2,000; the balance to be divided equally among his children, Sarah Welch, Margaret Kane, Edward Buckley, Michael Buckley, John Buckley and Martin Buckley.
New 11/25/12 From The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, November 21, 1918 (Fairport NY)
Macedon Center, Nov. 19-
Joseph Chapman and family were in Walworth, Wednesday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Chapman's sister, Mrs. James Welch.
Ray Rutter had the misfortune to break three small bones in his wrist, while cranking a car, last week.
Macedon, Nov. 18-
Jerome Parker, of Fairport, was a guest of his brother, C. H. Parker, recently.
New 11/25/12 From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in late 1890 (Newark NY)
John Dean has gone to Hot Springs, North Carolina with Hiram Clark and family, of Palmyra. It is hoped he will return with renewed health.
E. D. Alling also is very sick with pneumonia, symptoms better. Many others have the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beach and family of Wolcott are spending a few days with his brother, Will Beach.
Born, Jan. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Walters, a son.
Mrs. A. G. Peroy who had a slight shock last Friday does not improve much.
New 11/25/12 From the Wayne County Review, Thursday, December 25, 1902
Sodus Center.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roe of Newark and Mr. and Mrs. George Roe of Doland S. Dak., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Coleman Saturday.
New 11/25/12 From The Oswego Daily Times, Tuesday, December 7, 1897, page 2
Rose, Dec. 6.- Miss M. Evaline Osgood has returned to the Geneseo normal.
Bert Osgood of the Rochester business institute spent several days with his parents recently.
New 11/25/12 From The Cato Citizen and Tri-County Leader, Thursday, November 29, 1928, VOL. XXXIV, No. 2
Leo Cortright of Detroit visited his father, here, last week.
L. L. Ackerman is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Harry Lippett, at Hamilton.
Mrs. Belle Spurr spent last week with her son Orsen and wife at Cambridge.
Joseph Bassett is still very ill of pneumonia, tho slightly improved at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barns and Miss Della Mack have been visiting relatives in Kansas City during the past week.
The newly elected officers of the grange will be installed Saturday. They are as follows:
Master, Anna Wright
Overseer, Willis Blaisdell
Steward, E. A. Ford
Treasurer, E.A. Ford
Chaplain, Blanche Viele
Lecturer, Hazel Blaisdell
Assistant Stewrad, Harry Ford
Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. Harry Ford
LaVerne Knapp has returned from Tonawanda.
Chas. Bailey of Suncook, N.H., was a recent guest at the home of Frank N. Waldorf.
Floyd Talcott was home on a 20 day furlough from the Marine base at Norfolk, Va.
Mrs. J. Donald Dewitt has gone to Webster, Mass. to stay with her husband over Thanksgiving.
Miss Elizabeth Waldorf of the Strong Memorial Hospital nursing staff in Rochester was home over Sunday.
Mrs. Elva D. Jeffers spent part of last week in Wolcott at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. L. R. Morrison.
Mrs. Ida Cosad is going to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter Mrs. Russel McDonald and family at Cleveland.
The Wilkinson farm of 110 acres near Red Creek has been sold to Samuel Anthony.
(Compiled from Files of the Auburn Advertiser-Journal)
Fire destroyed the fine residence of Andrew S. Spencer, of Butler, recently. Miss Cora Spencer aged 17 years, and her older sister were sleeping on the upper floor when the fire was discovered. The older sister hurried below to give the alarm and in the excitement Miss Cora was forgotten. A heroic young man rescued her but she was so badly burned, life was extinct.
Donald Spaulding, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spaulding accidentally shot himself thro (sic) the knee with a 22 calibre pistol.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Sours have gone to Lyons to spend the winter with their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Coleman.
New 11/25/12 From The American School Board Journal, Volume 62, by Susanna Cocroft. Edited by William George Bruce and William Conrad Bruce. National School Boards Association, 1921.
The union school building at Lyons, N.Y., which was built some 32 years ago at a cost of $60,000 was burnt to the ground in December last. It was insured for $55,000. It will probably cost from $150,000 to $200,000 to replace the building at the present cost of labor and material. The fire which was of unknown origin caused the death of two girls, 12 and 13 years of age, who were in the gymnasium at the time. It was fortunate that the fire which was discovered at five o'clock did not occur two hours earlier as there might have been a much greater loss of life, the school being attended by 900 students. [page 73]
From the Lake Shore News, date unknown, but after March 5th, 1912 and before April 4, 1912.
Mrs. Edward Powers is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Mary Jeffers, of Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morrell, of Savannah, called last Monday to see their mother, who is in poor health.
Clayton Loveless left for Ontario Tuesday night. He has gone there to assist his father-in-law about some carpenter work.
A surprise party was held at Mr. Gaylord's Saturday evening. It was in honor of their daughter's birthday. Several were present and a pleasant time is reported.
Mrs. Giles Winchell celebrated her birthday last Thursday. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Farnum and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Park, of Wolcott, and Mrs. Estelle McKoon, of Rose.
Edward Powers went to Clyde on Monday with a load of calves. He said on the road from Rose to Clyde there was no snow. He found the going pretty bad before he broached Clyde.
Ansol(?) Keesler/Koeslar(?) and wife are making their farewell visits before they take their departure for their new home. They spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Lamb at Stewards corners.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powers visited their old neighbors at Westbury, Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. James Parcell, also Mr. and Mrs. William DeVall. She left her baby in care of her sister, Mrs. Mary Jeffers.
Orren Moore and son, E. M. Moore, drove to Clyde Sunday to see Newton Moore, a brother. They found the roads in bad shape. Orren stood the ride well for a man almost 85 years old. He called on friends on his way home.
An oyster supper was held at William Shear's near North Rose, last Friday evening. Several from this locality were present and report a very pleasant time. There were 93 present. They stayed 'till the early hours of the morning.
Mrs. Walter Wolven, of Oswego, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Merrill.
Miss Byancy Pringle spent a couple of days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Eli Roberts.
The Misses Ruth and Lena Otis, of Butler, visited their grandmother, Mrs. Brown, over Sunday.
Ed. Spurr arrived last Wednesday from Kalamazoo, Mich., and is the guest of his brother Macy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pringle, Mrs. Bert Pringle and Mrs. Gertie Stevens spent last Thursday with relatives in Sterling.
Miss Ruth Anderson returned home last Tuesday, after visiting her cousin, Mrs. Hattie Wolven, of Oswego, for the last three or four weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pringle entertained dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pringle and children, Grandpa Pringle and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Content and nephew, Harry Pringle.
Among those who spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Peer were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pringle and daughter Byancy, Mrrs. Bert Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle and son Charles, of Westbury, and Mrs. Hattie Spurr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coutent and little nephew, Harry Pringle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pringle and relatives from Saturday until Monday. After two weeks they will go to Mr. Content's farm at Meadow Brook, N. Y. They have just moved from Sterling.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilluly, Jr., returned home Tuesday night after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolven of Oswego, for a week. They were married March 3 at Wolcott by the Rev. C. C. Baker in the presence of near friends and relatives. The bride was prettily gowned in white lace over white silk. After April 1st they will make their home with the fathe rof the groom on the William Roe farm on Spring Green.
R. S. Borradaile has been the guest of his children at Rochester since last Friday.
Miss Fannie Holmes Seely has been spending several days with relatives in Wolcott.
H. Chase and family, of Wolcott, were recent guests of his sister, Mrs. F. D. Kelly.
James C. Bartleson has moved from Red Creek to the Barclay farm, a mile north of town, which he purchased last year.
The death of Mrs. George Preston, which occurred Tuesday afternoon of last week, is sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends. Her age was 69 years, nearly all of which had been spent in this vicinity.
Mrs. Emily White returned Tuesday from spending the winter with her granddaughter, Mrs. A. J. Nixon, at Ottawa, Canada. The latter came on the same time and will remain for a week as the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will T. White.
William Ketcham, of Williamson, has leased the Hazen farm and is moving there this week. Jacob Tack, the present occupant, will move to the Edward Riggs farm, which he recently purchased. Amos Carll has rented the Mather farm for the coming year. Samuel Burlee has moved to the F. C. Raymer farm and Aymer(?) Peirson from that farm to South Sodus. Clark Lester has moved to the Daniel Bloomer farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and family of four children, from Trenton Cananda, are expected in town this week. They will re side on the Elisha Thornton farm. J. H. Glass will move to the S. H. Schimpf house the first of April.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRODUCE CLAIMS. - Pursuant to an order of Hon. Clyde W. Knapp, of Wayne County, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against David Lake, late of Huron, in the county of Wayne, deceased, that they are required to present the same with vouchers thereof, to Augusta C. Lake, the executrix of the said deceased, at the office of Edw. T. Brown, attorney for said executrix, in Wolcott, N. Y., on or before the 4th day of April, A. D., 1912. Dated October 14th, 1911. Augusta C. Lake, Executrix of Estate of David Lake, deceased.
Edw. T. Brown, Attorney for Exe-
cutrix, Wolcott, N. Y.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRODUCE CLAIMS. - Pursuant to an order of Hon. Clyde W. Knapp, Surrogate of Wayne County, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Hiram Milliman, late of Wolcott, in the County of Wayne, deceased, that they are re quired to present the same with vouchers thereof to Fred Bevier, one of the administrators of said deceased, at the store of said administrator in Wolcott, on or before the 25th day of April, A. D., 1912. Dated November 3d, 1911.
Rowland Milliman, Fred Bevier, administrators of estate of Hiram Milliman, deceased.
Edwa. T. Bron, Attorney for Administrators, Wolcott, N. Y.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRODUCE CLAIMS.- Pursuant to an order of Hon. Clyde W. Knapp, of Wayne County, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Halsey M. Smith, late of the town of Rose, in the county of Wayne, deceased, that they are required to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to Charles B. Kellecutt, the executor of said Charles B. Kellecutt in the town of Huron, on or before the 15th day of April, . D., 1912. Dated, September 25th, 1911.
Charles B. Kellecutt, Executor of the estate of said Halsey M. Smith. Joel Fanning, Attorney for Executor, Wolcott, N. Y.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRODUCE CLAIMS. - Pursuant to an order of Hon. Clyde W. Knapp, of Wayne County, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Phillip P. Townsend, late of the town of Huron, in the county of Wayne, deceased, that they are required to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to George Lamb, the executor of the said deceased, at the residence of said George Lamb, executor, in the town of Huron, on or before the 7th day of September, A. D., 1912. Dated, March 5th, 1912. George Lamb, Executor. Joel Fanning, Attorney for Executor, Wolcott, N. Y.
From the Wayne County Review, January 25, 1906
Last Friday evening at half past 7 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lillian B. Miller to Joseph Proseus. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ellison B. Doughty of the M. E. church of Phelps. The Miller residence was very prettily decorated for the occasion with evergreen and potted plants. The color scene being green and white. The ceremony was performed in the large parlor under an arch of evergreen. The bride was handsomely gowned in a dress of white pongee. Miss Florence I. Mestler acted as maid of honor, Walter Huckle as best man and little Marion Harwood, a neice (sic) of the bride, as flower girl. The happy couple were the recipients of a large number of elegant presents. They left Saturday morning for Niagara Falls and Toronto. They will be at home to their friends after February 1st on Main Street.
Miss Bertha Mestler of Newark spent Sunday with her parents in this place.
Mr. William T. Jordan spent the latter part of last week and the first part of this week with relatives in Savannah and Port Byron.
Mrs. John Stewart spent several days of last week with her sister in Savannah.
E.M. Myers of Clyde spent Sunday with relatives in this place.
Isaac Smith of Lysander is visiting his sister, Mrs. G. Mount.
Arthur Skinner is visiting his daughter, at Volney for a few days.
Mrs. George Brinkerhoff is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Pasco.
Mrs. F. H. Read is entertaining her father, Andre Holcolm of Postenkill, N. Y.
South Lyons
Mrs N. S. Cuddeback, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Frind of Zurich, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hoppel and her mother, Mrs. George Kurtz, spent a few days at Fairville last week.
Sodus Center
Mrs. Charles Schlosser of Newark visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Chapman Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Negus entertained Albert Harris and his sons, Gordon and Angus of Alton Sunday.
North Lyons
A party of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. George Munn on Tuesday evening the occasion being their fifth wedding anniversary.
A girl baby is reported at the home of Mr. McPelts on South Maple Street.
Edward Exner of Nebraska is visiting friends in town.
From The Savannah Times, May 11, 1917.
The following grand and trial jurors were drawn at Lyons to serve at the term of the Supreme Court to be convened May 21 by Justice Robert F. Thompson of Canandaigua.
Grand Jurors
James Colwell, Ontario; Frank De Forest, Huron; Henry Kellogg, Clyde; Peter De Lass, Ontario; John Glover, Sodus; John Benning, Lyons; F. T. Hopkins, Sodus; H. Wilbur Closs, Palmyra; E. A. Himes, Sodus Center; Christopher Luppold, Palmyra; Fred Cook, Clyde; Wallace Weed, Clyde; James Plyghter, Newark; Perry Messener, Sodus; Roy Giddings, Savannah; William A. Cady, Palmyra; Johhn Blankenburgh, Newark; John H.. Walton, Palmyra; E. A. Payne, Sodus; William Lytle, Wolcott; George Walters, Lyons; William H. Munn, Lyons; George Norris, Pultneyville; Leon J. Anthony, Palmyra.
Trial Jurors
James Davis, North Rose; Harry Ford, Newark; John Mc Gee, Palmyra; Abram Israel, Sodus; Burt Youngs, Walworth; E. L. Stopfel, Clyde; George Walker, West Walworth; Walter Shaw, Walworth; Roy Watson, Clyde; H. J. Welcher, Newark; Philip Van Tassell, Newark; William Stone, Huron; Frank Belknap, Savannah; A. J. Vanlare, Marion; George Wignell, Walworth; Myron Gillette, Huron; Austin Clark, Ontario; Pliny Aldridge, Macedon; Lawrence Duffy, Palmyra; Charles Greene, Wolcott; J. H. Gillette sr., Clyde; William Norman, Macedon; Arthur Wheeler, Palmyra; W. R. Hammond, South Butler; Charles Taylor, Huron; Albert Calkins, Savannah; Philip Rooker, Newark; R. W. Stalker, Walworth; Victor Duell, Marion; Charles PIckett, Pultneyville; John Rehkugler, Rose; S. A. Lounsbury, Walworth; Henry Pettit, Sodus; F. W. Klumpp, Sodus; W. H. Langdon, Palmyra; Willard Sloan, Clyde.
South Butler.
L. C. Griffing has purchased Butler and Savannah stage of Arthur Sherman and took possession Monday.
Wm. Taylor has had pension raised from $12 to $30 a month.
From The Savannah Times, May 8, 1914.
C. H. Reamer has sold his residence to C. A. Reamer.
Mrs. T. C. Wethey entertained her sister, Mrs. Streeter, and her family of Wolcott, over Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Dahlgleich and son, of Tennisfail, Alberta, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. W. Spry.
Alberta is a land where fine babies are raised, if we may judge by a sample visiting at Prof. E. W. Spry's. This product of British Columbia is only six months old but weights 20 pounds. It is also called a handsome and intelligent child.
Washington Townsend was elected trustee, and Elmer Rogers collector in the Carncross district Tuesday evening. A resolution to send the pupils in District No. 2, to Savannah High School instead of maintaining school in the district, was voted down.
C.E. Bush, of Spring Lake, called at the home of his son, Wellington, on Sunday last.
Sidney Jazzard and wife, returned from Alberta on Saturday last. We are all pleased to see "Sid" once more. He expects to remain in town indefinitely.
Isaac P. Welch is in need of money to pay his bills which are pressing him for payment, and "Ike" wouldn't ask for it unless he really needed it. Will those owing him for milk, please pay?
John Thompson has recovered from his impaired eyesight.
Frank Spoor, of Morrisville, was a guest in town on Sunday last.
Miss Helen Jazzard visited her aunt, Mrs. Howard Williams, last Friday.
Clarence Couse has broken ground on his new house on Grand Avenue.
E. S. Wood and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. J. L. Metcalf, in Newark, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Finch, of Richford, Tioga county, visited their neice (sic), Mrs. C. C. Lull, on Sunday.
Fred Loveland, one of Savannah's incorrigible and handsome bachelors, has gone to Fulton to make his home.
E. J. Carter and better half, of Spring Lake, graced Savannah with their presence last Sunday afternoon.
From The Democratic Herald, March 22, 1893 (Clyde NY).
Butler Center.
Mrs. J. Bunce is moving in the house with her son, Dwight Mead.
Larnard Ray is on the sick list.
Mrs. W. Johnson is gaining slowly.
J. H. Potter will soon be doing business again, as he is erecting a new building.
John Syleman has returned from Auburn where he has been visiting his son and resumed his duties as stage driver.
Ernest Washburn has his new house nearly completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Ford and son, are visiting relatives in Auburn.
Mrs. J. Driscoll has returned from an extended visit to Muncie, Indiana.
Fred. F. Howe has accepted a position in the Chas. A. Sherman drug-store.
Miss Nellie E. deZeng has re turned from an extended visit among friends in Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Benjamin of Middleport, are the guests of John Rose, South Park street.
Louis F. Lux and wife, of Rochester, have been passing a few days with Mrs. Alex. Graham.
Mrs. E. Gordon has returned from Erie, Pa., where she passed the winter with her daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Schlegel, of Rochester, were guests of Chas. R. Laidlaw for a few days the past week.
C. H. Hamilton has returned from a two week's visit to Denver, Col., and has taken the active management of the old Merrill drug store.
Nat. A. Hurley contemplates opening a grocery in the store recently occupied by A. H. Jackson, on Columbia street, about the middle of April.
Mrs. J. D. Forgham, who has been living in Seneca Falls for the last two years, returned to Clyde last week, to make this place her home.
H. H. Watrous, of Lyons, candidate for the post-mastership, is disturbed in his peaceful slumber by a suit for separation and alimony brought by his wife.
Mrs. Emma Bellknap and children, Ella and Carrie, of Spring Lake, and Mrs. Ada Bellknap and son Edward, of Taughannock Falls, are visiting their parents in Clyde, called here by the death of their brother, Arthur A. Stickels.
Chas. M. Smith, who has been confined to his bed at the Clyde Hotel for the past two weeks with a severe attack of typhoid fever, is still in a critical condition, no material change having taken place during the last week. His host of friends earnestly wish him a speedy return to health.
Frank Lauder, a former well-known resident and for many years proprietor of a meat market in Clyde, is in town for a few weeks' visit among old friends, after an absence of nearly five years. Mr. Lauder is from Mountain View, Santa Clara, Cal., and gives external evidence of the healthfulness of the region.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meade celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary at their home a short distance south of Clyde, last Monday evening. About two hundred guests were in attendance and the occasion proved to be a most enjoyable affair. The happy couple were the recipients of a large number of valuable presents and many were the wishes of a long continuation of their happy matrimonial career.
From The Democratic Herald, August 3, 1892 (Clyde NY).
James Costello , of Findlay, Ohio, is visiting his mother for a few weeks.
Wm. Keegan, wife and daughter, of Warren, Pa.,, are guests of E. R. Bockovoen.
Mrs. Spencer Barton, of Rochester, formerly of Lyons, is visiting at Harvey Case's.
H. W. Wendell and family, of Syracuse, are passing a few days with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lux, of Frankton, Ind., arrived in town Friday for a two weeks' visit.
Miss Frances C. Munson, of Rochester, is passing a few weeks at the residence of her uncle, S. H. Clarke.
A. B. Diefendorf, of Lansingburg, has been in Clyde this week, delivering the bird's-eye views of the village.
Miss Mary Turner is passing a few weeks at home before resuming her duties as preceptress of Sodus Academy.
Ed. Strong left Monday morning for New Haven, Ct., where he is engaged with Ryan & McDonald in railroad business.
Miss Grace Horton, who has been spending several weeks in Rochester, returned home accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Sheridan Daboll.
The marriage of Miss Anna Keller, of Clyde, to Daniel McMullen, of Ellenville, will be celebrated at the St. John's R. C. Rectory this evening, Rev. J. J. Gleeson officiating.
Fred Dussler left Monday for his home in Frankton, Ind. He as accompanied by Miss Jane Horton who will make her future home with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Blodgett of that place.
Prof. Elisha Curtis, principal of Sodus Academy, has received the high honor of the appointment of Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction at Albany at a salary of $3,500 per year. His many friends will be pleased to learn of his good fortune.
The Views of Clyde.
During the week, Mr. A. B. Diefendorf, of Lansingburg, has been delivering the new bird's-eye views of Clyde to the subscribers of the work. To say that the work is finely gotten up but faintly expresses it as we have never seen a more accurate perspective than this production of the Burleigh Lith. Co., of Troy. Not only are the stores and residences accurately placed but also the natural characteristics of the village are shown to good advantage.
Serious Accident.
Clifford, the ten-year-old son of J. J. Cookingham met with a serious accident yesterday. He started on a run from his father's barn to the house and accidentally stumbled, falling heavily enough to break his collar bone. The boy was immediately cared for and made as comfortable as possible but it will be several weeks before he will be able to be about again.
Tent Theatre.
Dr. Isdell 's big tent theatre opened to a full house Monday evening, and is said to be the best show that has stopped at Clyde this season. They have concluded by request of citizens to remain two nights longer, Wednesday and Thursday, August 3 and 4, on Smith's lot, Main street.
From The Democratic Herald, November 30, 1892 (Clyde NY).
Wayne County Jurors.
Saturday, at the county clerk's office in Lyons the following were drawn to serve as trial jurors at the December term of the court of sessions:
John Kekugler, Rose
A. McMurah, Marion
Frank Phillips, Wolcott
James Sherwood, Marion
Robert J. Kelly, Huron
Henry Whitlock,, Palmyra
Samuel Belden, Sodus
Enos H. Read, Wolcott
E. H. Atherton, Macedon
Alonzo D. Clark, Sodus
Charles Hewson, Sodus
Alfred West, Sodus
William Caywood, South Butler
Addison L. Root, Palmyra
James Albright, Ontario Center
James Dennis, Zurich
C. F. Genther, Lyons
Thomas Pallister, Williamson
William F. Howe, Macedon
Michael Carey, Marion
Frederick Bastian, Lock Berlin
E. B. Elliott, Newark
Charles W. Pratt, Williamson
Lyman Young, Lyons
W. N. Nash, Newark
William Breen, Palmyra
Frank Boothall, Palmyra
Wiliam Ray, Union Hill
Geo. H. Case, Sodus Point
Joseph M. Ward, Butler
O. M. Helmer, South Butler
William Creager, Galen
Eli H. Gallup, Macedon
Joseph Proseus, Newark
T. K. Young, Marion
John Mason, Sodus
Local Happenings.
Under the will of the late James Elmer, of Lyons, the M.E. church of that village was left the sum of $1,000.
Frank Lockwood left yesterday to pass the winter in Michigan.
H.S. Wendell was up from Syracuse for a short time last week.
Rev. F. G. Boylan, who has been visiting at W. G. Barrick's, left Thursday for his home in Miles City, Montana.
Mrs. Bell VAnAlstyne, of Ithaca, formerly of Clyde, is visiting relatives in town, having been called here to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Mary Petteys.
Charles A. Ernest was united in wedlock Tuesday evening to Miss Maggie Radder, of Lyons. The ceremony was solemnized at the bride's home in that village.
Mrs. A. Peck and family, who have been for many years residents of Clyde, after passing a few days with Wolcott friends, left THursday for Bloomington, Ill., which city they will make their home.
The funeral services of Mrs. Mary Petteys were held at Cook's school house, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. Gardner, of South Butler officiated. The remains were laid to rest in the Pilgrim cemetery in Savannah.
Mrs. Thompson has removed to Buffalo.
Mrs. Mary Roberts, has exchanged her property in Port Byron, for a farm in Savannah, owned by Mrs. Frank Ritter.
Fred Whiting has discontinued his business and returned to Spring Lake.
Delos Betts and wife, have returned from an extended visit in Michigan. Mr. Betts lost his vote by being absent, but rejoices in the election of Cleveland, and if Mr. Betts does not decline, the Democrats of Savannah propose to elect him Town Judge, for a term of three years at next town Meeting.
From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, January 11, 1895.
Ex-Supervisor Alanson Church of Wolcott, one of the best-known and highly respected citizens of that village, who has been ill for a long time, is now believed to be past help and his death is expected hourly.
From The Democratic Herald, February 14, 1894 (Clyde NY).
Wager Remington, of New York City, made this village a short call last week, having a desire to see again his native home. At one time clerking for Evans & Shults, where now stands the Munson store house, also clerking at South Butler for Geo. Winegar, and in 1862 enlisted in 111th, and went South being several times promoted in rank. Through his benevolence many a letter of information of the unfortuate and their suffering at the battle of the wilderness were sent to their friends in Wayne county. In respect to his many good deeds and still cherished in the soldier's heart the Remington Post at South Butler was named after him. Mr. Remington promises to call again some time next June and renew the old acquaintances of his friends and ex-soldiers.
John Hillibrant has arrived from Massachusetts, and his family and son's family are soon to follow to make this county their home.
Mrs. Rebecca Taylor has moved into the Hayes house on Clyde street.
From The Democratic Herald, February 7, 1894 (Clyde NY).
Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Louise Riggs and Frederick B. Smith, both of Palmyra, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riggs on Fayette street. The ceremony will take place Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 p. m., February 14th, an uncle of the bridge, Rev. Herman C. Riggs, of Rochester, will officiate.
The marriage of Arthur J. Mead, of Savannah, and Anna Searle, of South Butler, was solemnized on Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Searle. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by Rev. M. V. Grisso, pastor of the Disciples Church in South Butler of which the bride is a member in the presence of about eighty friends and relatives of the contracting parties.
Edward O'Conner and Miss Edna ___ Navin both of Savannah were married at St. John's Catholic church Clyde, on Sunday afternoon, January 28th, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor are both young people surrounded by hosts of friends who with them happiness and prosperity in the future. (Note: the last name was spelled two different ways in the paragraph.)
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blaisdell were the recipients of twins, born to them last Saturday, a boy weighing 10 1/2 pounds and a girl weighing 9 1/2 pounds.
Richard A. Porter, of Patchouge, Long Island, and Miss Jennie Marie Hovey, of Lyons, were married Thursday, January 25th, at the home of the bride, by Rev. M. S. Wells.
From The Western Argus, unknown date, probably December 1842 (Lyons NY).
In Palmyra, on the evening of 12th(?) inst. by Rev. D. Cushing, Mr. Aaron W. Heden, of Arcadia, to Miss Ruth Aramanta Harrison, of Palmyra.
The parties were both deaf mutes; yet the excellent education made perfectly easy and truly interesting the administration of that mutual pledge which unites them for life.
More rational hilarity and cheerful enjoyment is not often seen then was manifested on that occasion. They kindly remembered the printer, and requested him to put the notice of their marriage in type and language that speaks to the eye rather than to the ear.
- W. Standard.
The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Cramer & Wells is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are earnestly solicited to call at their store and settle the same without delay.
The Goods remaining on hand will be sold at reduced prices to close the concern.
Lyons, Oct. 27, 1842
IN CHANCERY - Before the Vice Chancellor of the Seventh Circuit.- Samuel S. Briggs vs. David L. DeGolyer and others.
BILL TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE- David L. DeGolyer defendant in this cause, who resides in the state of Ohio, is requested to appear therein within three months from the 13th day of December 1842, or the bill in this cause will be taken as confessed by him. Wm. S. STOW, Solicitor for Complainant.
PURSUANT to an order of Lyman Sherwood, Surrogate of the county of Wayne, Notice is hereby given to all persons who have claims against Lucius M. Moore, late of the town of Butler, in said county, deceased, to exhibit the same with vouchers thereof to ELIAS Y. MUNSON, one of the administrators of the said deceased, at his office in the town of Wolcott in said county, on or before the third Monday of February next. Dated August 5, 1842.
ANNA MOORE, Administratrix.
From The Western Argus, August 8, 1832 (Lyons NY).
Cholera at Palmyra.- On the 6th instant a man by the name Frisbie died with the spasmodic cholera at Palmyra. The case was distinctly marked. He had been ill of a diarrhea for some time before he was seized with the fatal symptoms of which he died. He was not a resident of the village, and rode from Clyde to Palmyra on Sunday.
From The Western Argus, June 3, 1835 (Lyons NY).
Whereas my wife Catherine has left my bed and board without any just cause of provocation, I hereby forbid all persons harboring or treating her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Wolcott, March 9th, 1835
From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, date unknown.
Lyons, Aug. 25.- The wedding of Albert C. Andler to Miss Hattie Louise Lancaster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lancaster, of North Lyons, was solemnized at 6 o'clock this evening in the German Methodist parsonage by Rev. W. B. Stauffer. Only a few immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. Miss Mae Pickering, of Lock Berlin, was bridesmaid and Frank Lancaster, brother of the bride, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Andler will make their home at No. 29 Maple street, this village.
Lyons, Aug. 25.- The annual reunion of the Goseline family was held yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Goseline, of South Lyons. This was the eighth annual reunion, and about forty were present. After dinner was served the annual meeting and election of officers was held. The following were elected for the coming year: President, Peter Goseline, of Lyons; vice-president, Eugene Hoffman, of Tyre City; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Sarah Hoffman; historian, Warren Hoffman. The afternoon was spent in games of various kinds.
From The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1891 (Clyde NY).
The marriage of Miss Edna Bockoven, of Lock Berlin, to Wm. Young of Lyons, was celebrated at the bride's residence Wednesday evening last.
M. J. Blodgett and family left for their new home in Frankton, Ind., last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Blodgett has for several years conducted business successfully in this village, and he leaves behind him a wide circle of friends and acquaintainces. We wish him success in his new home.
A very quiet wedding was performed last Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the residence of John Bowmaster, on Glasgow street, it being the marriage of his daughter, Maggie, to Chas. Burch of Newark. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Evans, Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, in the presence of a few relatives. Mr. Burch is a young and enterprising business man of Newark, and he has secured as a life partner one of Clyde's most esteemed young ladies. They departed the same evening for their home in Newark and have with them the best wishes of many friends.
From The Clyde Times, Wednesday, April 5, 1893.
The marriage of John Rodman to Miss Mary Miles was solemnized at St. John's Catholic Church on Sunday last, Rev. J. J. Gleeson officiating. Mr. Dennis Spillane acted as best man and Miss Mary Welch as bridesmaid.
Ed. W. Dickie and wife are receiving congratulations on the advent of a 9 1/2 pound girl, which took possession of their home Wednesday, March 29th.
Wayne, Ontario and Seneca County residents who graduated from the State Normal School at Geneseo NY in 1929, abstracted from the college's 58th commencement program:
Kindergarten-Primary Grades
BACKUS, Ruth E., Marion N.Y.
BOISVERT, Mary A., Waterloo N.Y.
ELMHURST, Eleanor Frances, Fruitland N.Y.
McLEOD, Ramona L., Macedon N.Y.
OSHANT, Thelma A. Clyde N.Y.
PECK, Ethel R., Phelps N.Y.
RISLEY, Arline Marjorie, Onario N.Y.
STEELE, Mabel R., Sodus N.Y.
TETER, Louise Caroline, 110 West St., Geneva N.Y.
WOOD, Mary E., 95 Cayuga St., Seneca Falls, N.Y.
YOUNG, Mabel A. Clyde N.Y.
Intermediate Grades
CROUCH, Editha Mildred, Naples N.Y.
Grammar Grades
DAILOR, Rose E., Shortsville N.Y.
DAVID, Geraldine Frances, 6 Nagle Place, Geneva N.Y.
DRISCOLL, Catherine H., Palmyra, N.Y.
GOLDSMITH, Margaret Elizabeth, Palmyra,, N.Y.
GRIFFIN, Leah M., West Bloomfield, N.Y.
HARKNESS, Catharine A., Rushville, N.Y.
KAUFMAN, Ines L., Canandaigua N.Y.
NETHAWAY, Norma A., Canandaigua N.Y.
SACKETT, Esther, West Bloomfield, N.Y.
WHEELER, Mildred M., Canandaigua N.Y.
WHYTE, Ada McIntire, Geneva, N.Y.
Candidates for Graduation August 9, 1929
Kindergarten-Primary Grades
ALDRIDGE, Charlotte M., Victor N.Y.
MUMBY, Elsie E., Canandaigua N.Y.
Intermediate Grades
AFFLECK, Katherine J., Stanley N.Y.
BARTON, Mary F., Clyde N.Y.
Grammar Grades
FISHER, Jane Louise, Canandaigua N.Y.
LAUNT, Florence B., West Bloomfield N.Y.
From The Western Argus, August 28, 1833 ( Lyons NY)
All persons indebted to the estate of Jas. C. Van Voorhis, deceased, late of the town of Lyons, are requested to pay the same to William Voorhies without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to present the same to Wm. Voorhies, for settlement.
Lyons, 25th Feb. 1833.
John Adams has removed his Store to the east end of the new Brick Block on the Canal, directly opposite his old stand. April 22.
A Valuable Farm of
120 ACRES, situate a short distance north of the village of Lyons, and adjoining the Erie Canal, is offered for sale by t he subscriber, on liberal terms.
Lyons, April 26, 1832.
The co-partnership hereinfore existing between the subscribers under the firm of Bruen & Condit, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Clyde, June 16 1833.
The subscriber has for sale a quantity of first rate Pine boards and shingles, for sale cheap for cash.
The subscriber having purchased the stand formerly occupied by Hewlet & Goodrich, at the head of the Lock, has removed his stock of Groceries & Provision to the same, where he will be glad to wait on his friends and the public in general.
Lyons, April 9th, 1833
DR. LEWIS CARLISLE would respectfully inform the citizens of Lyons, and its vicinity, that he has commenced the practice of Physic and Surgery in the village of Lyons, and will be happy to attend upon all calls in the line of his profession with punctuality. Office in the north west corner of his dwelling house, on the east side of William street, next door north of G. H. Chapin's office, and two doors north of the Lyons Hotel.
June 26, 1833.
BORABACK'S Lottery Office has been removed in a room near the Collector's Office, in the new brick block corner of Canal and Geneva streets.- May 22.
Brigade Orders.
Head Quarters 2d Rifle Brigade}
Port Gibson, July 1st, 1833}
The Officers, non-Commissioned Officers and Musicians of the several Regiments, and of the separate Battalion, composing the 2d Brigade 2d division of Rifle-men, of the militia of the State of New York, are ordered to oparade, for improvement in Marshal exercise, at the time and place following, to wit:
Those of the 6th Regiment, at Wm. Blossom's Canandaigua, on the 16th and 17th days of August next.
Those of the Yates Battalion, on the 19th and 20th days of August next, Penn-Yan.
Those of the 10th Regiment, at the Clinton House, Ithaca, on the 20th and 21st days of August next.
Those of the 2d at the house of Jehu Sealy, in the town of Scipio on the 21st and 22d days of August next.
Those of the 11th Regiment, at the house of Beries(?), in Fayette on the 22d and 23d days of August next.
Those of the 16th at the Newark Coffee-house, Wayne county, on the 23d and 24th days of August next.
Each parade to commence at 9 o'clock in the morning of each day.
And the said Regiments and Battalions, are respectfully ordered to rendezvous, with their music, colors, arms and accoutrements entire, for Review and Inspection, at the times and places following, to wit:
The Yates Battalion, Major commandant McMaster, on the 11th day of September nexxt at Cobb's Hotel, Penn-Yan, Yates county.
The 10th Regiment, Col. Stanley,, on the 12th day of September next, at the Clinton House, Ithaca, Tompkins county.
The 2d Regiment, Col. Brown, on the 12th day of September next at Jehu Sealy's, in the town of Scipio, Cayuga county.
The 11th Regiment, Col. Ward, on the 14th day of September next, at Kelly and Watkins' Seneca Falls, Seneca county.
The 6th Regiment, Lt. Col. Tuttle, on the 16th of September next, at Vienna, Ontario county.
The 16th Regiment, Col. Granger, on the 17th day of September next, at Doct(?) Manns' East-Ridge, Sodus, Wayne county.
The Commandant of each Regiment and of the separate Battalions, is requested to form the line of his command precisely at 9 o'clock in the morning.
By order of brigadier General
E. B. BILL, Brigade-Inspector.
From The Western Argus, November 25, 1835 (Lyons NY).
Under the late act of Congress, - all kinds - for sale at the Argus Office,
September 25, 1833.
The highest price in cash will be paid for FLAX SEED at the Lyons Druggist and Book Store, (Centre Building.)
BEAUMONT & STAFFORD will pay the highest price in cash for any quantity of Wheat delivered at their store in Lyons. Lyons, August 31, 1833.
MR. BLOUNT will commence his next quarter, on Monday the 19th of October inst. He gives instruction in the branches commonly taught in such schools, and upon the usual terms.
Feeling much interest in the advancement of common schools; and knowing from personal observation, that most of our common school teachers are very imperfectly qualified, both in respect to eduction, and experience in management; he is induced to propose, to those intending to teach, a course of instruction, embracing a thorough knowledge of the branches required in common schools, with lectures on management, system, and government in school.
From his experience in the business of instruction, and his opportunities for acquiring information on improvements in teaching, he hopes to give satisfaction to the Patrons of his school.- Lyons, October 5, 1835.
NOTICE.- Application will be made at the ensuing session of the legislature of this state, for the incorporation of a bank, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the village of Lyons, Wayne county, and to be called the Bank of Lyons.- Dated Lyons, November 5, 1835.
NOTICE is hereby given, that application will be made to the next Legislature, for the purpose of an act to amend the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Sodus Canal Company," passed March 19, 1829, so as to allow the said company to commence the canal, authorized by said act, at such point on the Erie canal as the said company shall deem most suitable, and terminate the said canal, at such point on neither of the Bays connected with Lake Ontario, in the county of Wayne, as said company shall deem most suitable, to connect the navigation of said canal with the navigation of said Lake; and so as to allow the said company to construct said canal and locks of the dimensions of the Erie Canal, when made, to conform to existing laws.- Dated, November 20th, 1835.
The subscriber would inform the public that he has just received a new assortment of
Of all descriptions, all of which he offers cheap for cash or produce. Being acquainted with the different stone shops in the eastern states, enables him to furnish a cheaper and better article than can be got at an other shop in this vicinity. He respectfully invites all those who wish to purchase anything in his line of business, to call and see for themselves. All orders in his line of business, strictly attended to.
Lyons, January 28, 1834.
I want a smart active chap, fourteen or sixteen years of age, to bring up to the mercantile business.
Lyons, Nov. 4, 1835.
Taken up by the Subscriber, in Lock Berlin, on the 10th inst. TWO CANAL HORSES. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges, and take them away. They may be found at the residence of the subscriber, at Lock Berlin, three miles east of the village of Lyons.
Lock Berlin, Nov. 18, 1835.
NOTICE is hereby given, that application will be made to the next Legislature for the passage of an act to incorporate a company to construct a Rail Road from the village of Syracuse to the city of Rochester, along, or near the line of the Erie Canal, with a capital of $150,000.
November 10, 1835.
The Winter term of the Newark High School for the instruction of Young Ladies in the elementary and higher branches of education, will commence on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, and continue eleven weeks. Tuition of the common English branches, $3. For the higher branches, $3.50.- French, $4. Drawing and painting, $5.
Upon seasonable notice being given, boad will be engaged for those from abroad, at $1.25 to $1.50 per week.
For further information respecting the school, its present standing, and the system of instruction adopted, please to refer to the following gentlemen, viz.: Rev. Sirs, Elliott and Wheeler, Drs. R. P. Williams, C. S. Button, A. Doane, Hon. T. Partridge and L. Sherwood, Messrs. J. Lusk, J. P. Bartle, E. Blackmar, E. B. Bill, and Gen. V. G. Barney.
Newark, Oct. 13, 1830.
JAMES E. CHITTY, Fashionable Barber, respectfully informs his old customers and the public generally, that he has removed into Rice's Center Buildings, third door south of the Post-Office, where he will be happy to attend to all calls in his line, such as
making PLAIN-CURLS, &c. &c. and requests a share of public patronage.
The subscriber would respectfully inform his old friends, and the public, that he has commenced the business of
in all its varieties, on his own hook, in the back part of the building now occupied as a store by Jacob Leach and son, on the corner of Broad and Water-streets where he will be ready to furnish all articles, in his line, of first rate quality, and at the lowest possible prices. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Lyons, November 4, 1835.
Lyons, Nov. 3, 1835.
From The Western Argus, May 28, 1834 (Lyons NY)
The Mammoth Menagerie of Messers. Titus, June, Angevine, & co. was yesterday exhibited in this village to nearly three thousand delighted spectators. It was really the most splendid affair of the kind we have ever witnessed. The animals were in fine order, and several of them of the most rare and valuable kind. One of the Elephants was the largest we have ever seen. The Rhinoceros attracted universal attention.- The retinue, on its arrival in this village, was truly imposing, consisting of some twenty carriages, several of them drawn by four and one of them by six splendid horses. It is altogether worthy of the patronage of the public.
From The Western Argus, Lyons, April 16, 1834.
MARRIED.- At Seneca Falls, yesterday morning, by Rev. Mr. Lane, Mr. Edmund Gay, Esq. of Waterloo, to Miss Lucinda, daughter of Col. Jacob Chamberlain, of the former place.
Lyons, Dec. 18, 1833.
From the Syracuse Herald, December 30, 1907, page 3 (Syracuse NY).
Personal Mention.
Wolcott, Dec. 30.- Miss Nellie Thacker of Jamaica, L. I., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Thacker, for her holiday vacation.
Mrs. Heslor of Marion is visiting Mrs. Charles T. Shaw.
Miss Ida May Sherwood of New York is the holiday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sherwood.
Mrs. Charles H. Bradshaw of New York is a holiday guest of her sister, Mrs. Flora Moore.
Miss Lucille Roberts of Wellesley college is home for her vacation.
Leon and Porter Brockway of Cornell university are spending their vacation with their parents.
George A. Bower of Detroit is spending a few days with his uncle, S. M. Bower.
Mrs. Davis of Auburn has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles T. Shaw.
Miss Nina Crafts, who is teaching at Great Neck, L. I., is spending her vacation in Wolcott with her sister.
Miss Laura Sennett, Hoboken, N. J., is with her parents for the holidays.
Mrs. Tilly of Memphis has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Houston.
Mrs. Milton B. Miles of Rochester is in Wolcott for the holidays.
Bradner Newberry, telegraph operator at the R. W. & O. station at Norton, is home for the holidays.
Mrs. Lena Raynor and son of Rochester are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Thomas.
Miss Grace Fox, who is teaching in Fulton, is home.
Leon and Marion Beach of Keuka Park are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peck.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rice of Watertown are guests of Mrs. J. J. Tillapaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Loveless and Miss Cora Reed of Fort Plain are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enos H. Reed.
From The Syracuse Herald, June 13, 1911 (Syracuse NY).
Celebrates her 101st Birthday.
Newark, June 13.- Mrs. Lavinia Blackmar Allerton celebrated her one hundred and first birthday yesterday at her home in Van Buren street. Mrs. Allerton is the oldest resident of Wayne county. She is the widow of Mead Allerton. She was born in the year 1810 in Freehold, Queen county, New York, where she lived with her parents until her marriage to Mr. Allerton. Upon leaving Freehold Mr. and Mrs. Allerton moved to Port Gibson, a few miles west of here. In 1860 they came to Newark and moved into the large, stately home at No. 12 Van Buren street, where Mrs. Allerton still lives. Mrs. Allerton received many hearty congratulations from her friends yesterday.
The Evening Herald, February 17, 1900 (Syracuse NY).
A Blaze in Corteville & Bushart's Grocery Store.
Newark, Feb. 19.- Fire broke out in Corteville & Bushart's grocery store in the Wilson block, Palmyra street, at 8:30 o'clock last evening. It was caused by a defective flue in the furnace. The flames burned the floor directly above the furnace. The Fire department quickly put out the fire. The loss is principally from smoke and water, the entire stock of the store being a practical loss. It is covered by insurance.
The Evening Herald, April 5, 1900 (Syracuse NY).
Clyde, April 5.- Chase & Coffee, blacksmiths, have dissolved partnership. Charles Chase will carry on the business. Mr. Coffee will move to Syracuse, where he has secured a position.
Dr. J. Newton Arnold of Clyde, a member of Snedaker post No. 173 (?), G. A. R., has been placed in nomination for the office of medical director of the department of New York.
L. L. Moses of the Clyde Gas and Electric company will, with his family, move to Syracuse next week.
There will be an Easter Monday reception at the Clyde opera house under the auspices of Miss Augusta Argberger and Dennis Sheehan.
The Evening Herald, April 6, 1900 (Syracuse NY).
Was Consorting With a Bootblack
- Arrested and Taken Back to
His Anxious Family.
Lyons, April 6.- Roy Thompson, the 19-year-old son of Samuel Thompson of York settlement, who ran away from the Sodus High school more than two weeks ago, was arrested here yesterday and taken home by his father. It is thought that he is slightly "off" mentally. He had been staying here with "Shine" Haines, a bootblack.
Young Thompson had expressed dread of the Regents' examination, which was approaching in the High school, where he was a pupil, and decided to escape it. Instead of returning home, as was his custom every Saturday night, he went to Charlotte on a freight train with a boy named Fowler, and from Charlotte came to this village. His parents, who were distracted over his disappearance, had searched the country for him.
The Evening Herald, February 12, 1900 (Syracuse NY).
One Penetrated His Knee - He Car-
ried It Seventy Years and Then
Dug It Out.
Lyons, Feb. 12.- When David B. Goewey, now 80 years old, was a boy of 10, he fell from a fence into some bushes and a thorn was thrust into his knee. Efforts to remove it were futile and in time a lump formed around it. As it did not cause serious inconvenience, it was allowed to remain.
During the seventy years that the thorn has been in his knee, Mr. Goewey has had occasional twinges of discomfort, and when one of these came on a few days ago, he took out his jackknife and began to search for the intrusive object. After probing carefully for some little time, he struck the thorn and removed it. The brier was in as perfect condition as when it went in.
From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, Wednesday, April 28, 1897.
Local Paragraphs.
M. R. Tournier is singing second tenor in the Lyons male quartette.
Geo. Westfall has been appointed flagman at the Central crossing in Phelps.
E. J. Peck of Wolcott has been spending several days at the home of C. H. Beach in Newark.
E. K. Hitchcock is about to move to Battle Creek, Mich., after a residence of many years in Sodus.
Dr. Henry H. Watrous of Lyons, a well known man in Wayne county, died Sunday morning, aged sixty years.
Mrs. Frank Boswell of Phelps committed suicide Thursday by poisoning. Her married life of two years had not been happy.
J. Stuerwald has a new pair of handsome black horses for his black hearse, purchased for him in Buffalo by E. A. Welcher.
Mrs. Elizabeth Harder, widow of the late John N. Harder, for many years a Newark business man, died on the 18th at her house in Rochester, aged 92 years.
R. E. Morse was home from Syracuse over Sunday. He is special agent for the Penn. Mutual Life Insurance Co., and also handles real estate. His office is 304 Granger block.
A. J. Tellier and Miss Emma Greenaigle were married on Wednesday evening last by Rev. D. G. Dunkin. About fifty guests were present, and the occasion was a very pleasant one.
By invitation Modjeska M. Hendricks and several of her schoolmates celebrated her fourteenth birthday at the home of an older friend, Saturday afternoon. There were games, fortune telling, and shadow pictures, light refreshments were served. The house was decorated with white heliotrope. She was presented with a volume of Tennyson by those present.
Dr. Lou Kelley of Farmer City, Ill., and Miss Mary Richards, of this village, who has been teaching in Woodstock, Ill., were married on Easter Monday, at the residence of Miss Richards' sister, Mrs. Lou Sanford, in Chicago. They went immediately to the doctor's home, as he is too busy to admit of a wedding trip. Many Newark friends of both bride and groom unite in sending hearty congratulations to them.
Several cases of scarlet fever in Marion.
Mrs. Geo. P. Graves died Monday in Wolcott.
Messrs. Charles Lux, Harry Van Tassel and George Noble, of Clyde, attended the fair last Thursday evening.
Last Friday Governor Black re-appointed Geo. O. Baker, of Clyde, Gertrude A. Moss of Rochester, and Chas. McLouth, of Palmyra, as managers of the State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women at Newark.
In a letter received from M. M. Kenyon, Jersey City, he says: "We have a moving time this week and should be very glad to see any of you at our new home. We had a delightful call from Dr. Landon and wife last Sunday and how good it seemed to see friends from Newark."
A petition is being circulated among the residents of South Lyons for the establishment of a post-office at Alloway and for Henry Jennings as post-master. Alloway has not had a post-office since the abolition of the old Geneva and Lyons stage route operated by the late Harvey Warren prior to the opening of the direct line of the New York Central railroad.
At the Baptist church in this village this evening at six o'clock will occur the marriage of Abraham Ford Du Bois, editor of the Newark Union, to Miss Helen M. Sleight, the only daughter of Mrs. Emily Sleight. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Daniel O. Dunkin, pastor of the church. John E. DuBois, of the University of Rochester, brother of the groom, will be best man. The ushers will be B. E. Comstock, R. E. Wilder, J. E. Burt, of Newark, and A. C. Potter of the University of Rochester. Miss Grace Day of Newark will be maid of honor. Miss Gertrude Moule, of Riga, cousin of the bride, and Miss Sarah Stuart, of Newark, will be the bridesmaids.
From the Clyde Herald, Wednesday, October 13, 1915.
Ray Stell, of Rochester, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stell.
Mrs. Ana Randall, of Cazenovia, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Miller, for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Vincent spent last Sunday with Mrs. Vincent's daughter, Mrs. Clarence Fisher, of Newark.
Prof. and Mrs. S. E. Bishop are spending a week at Interlaken, the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Earl Miller.
W. W. Legg, Jr., of Cato, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Legg, for a short time last week.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, residing two miles east of Clyde, died on Monday morning last.
Harry VanTassel, of Downington, Pa., has been the guest of his mother, Mrs. A. L. VanTassel, during the past week.
Mrs. Thomas Brooks went to Waterloo last Friday for a visit of several weeks with her cousin, Mrs. May Hartzoff.
Mrs. James P. Lawyer, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kellogg, for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Binghamton last Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Horton successfully underwent an operation for the removal of a tumor in a Rochester hospital last Saturday morning. At present her condition is regarded as favorable.
Albert M. Ebart, of Wayne, Pa., former editor of the Clyde Times, was united in marriage to Miss Anna Elizabeth Dunne, daughter of a prominent citizen of Wayne, on Tuesday, October 5th.
Curtis S. Ladd, who has been spending the past three months in Rome and Gloversvile, has returned to Clyde for a few weeks stay, after which he will return to Gloversville where he has accepted a position.
From the Clyde Herald, Wednesday, September 21, 1927.
North Rose.
Miss Mildred Porter will leave Friday for South Hadley, Mass., where she will enter Mt. Holyoke College.
George Gray has returned to Cornell University.
Miss Elizabeth Tellier has returned to Keuka College.
Mrs. Frederick Harris has been called to Tonawanda by the death of her brother-in-law.
Herman Lake, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his niece, Mrs. N. R. Graham, and other relatives here. On Sunday a reunion of the Lake family was held at the home of A. W. Lovejoy in Mr. Lake's honor. About forty were present including those from Oswego, North Rose, Huron and Sodus.
Mrs. Eliza Wilson is visiting her son, George Wilson, and family, in Waterloo.
Mrs. Arthur Wilson passed several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Baird, who is seriously ill at her home near Geneva.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anstee entertained relatives from Newark Sunday.
South Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wells were week end guests of his sister, Mrs. Ada Hastings, at Homer, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Dratt were over Sunday guests of her sister, Mrs. W. A. ViVier, at Borodino.
Samuel Southwich has purchased the late Sarah Westcott homestead located in Mill street.
Mrs. Rollo Cox has been entertaining relatives from Syracuse for the past week.
John Reed is ill.
From the Clyde Herald, Wednesday, October 22, 1919.
North Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowman, of Bad Axe, Mich., are visiting relatives here.
Miss Rachael Sherman was a week end guest of her parents at Cazenovia.
Mrs. Mary Crawford, of Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Addison Lang, and other relatives here.
Mrs. Addie Knapp who has been visiting her son has returned to her home in Albion.
Howard Miner has gone to Philadelphia, Pa., where he has accepted a position. His family will move there later.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd have been called to Rochester by the death of Mrs. Wm. Harley, Mrs. Boyd's brother's wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boyd have been called to Rochester by the death of Mrs. Boyd's father, Mr. Schellinger.
Miss Lela M. Rose was a week end guest of her aunt at Hannibal.
From the Clyde Herald, Wednesday, September 3, 1924.
North Rose.
Miss Lela M. Rose has returned from Fulton where she spent the summer with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Butts.
The following teachers have gone to their schools for the school year: Miss Anna Warner to Oakfield, Miss Mildred Porter to Jamestown, Miss Virginia Quereau to Camden.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Welch had a son born to them Tuesday in the Lyons Hospital.
Miss Olga Catchpole has returned to her school at Poughkeepsie.
Miss Doris Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray, and Miss Ruth Briggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs, have entered the Geneva City Hospital for nursing courses.
From the Clyde Herald, Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1924.
North Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Perry of Harrisburg, Pa., had a son born to them Oct. 22. Mrs. Perry was formerly Miss Ruth Wood of North Rose. They now have four daughters and a son.
Mrs. Betsey Gordon is visiting her son in Galen.
Mrs. Ray Wright had the misfortune to have her hair caught in the waste pulley Tuesday while employed in Bert Richards' evaporator. Some of her hair was torn out and some of the flesh on her forehead loosened and she suffered greatly from shock. She was attended by Dr. George D. Winchell.
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Lydia Clingerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clingerman of this village to Harry Blauvelt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Finley Blauvelt of Huron. The ceremony was performed in the Presbyterian parsonage at Wolcott Sunday, Nov. 2, by Rev. Duncan Salmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Oaks were week end guests of relatives in Hilton.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd were given a surprise party last Saturday evening by the Embroidery Club and their husbands in honor of the 25th anniversary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were presented with a purse of silver. The presentation was made by E. A. Salter on behalf of the club.
Miss Catherine Welch, of Clyde, spent Sunday with her niece, Miss Anna Welch.
Miss Virginia Quereau, of Camden, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quereau, Sunday.
Frank Miles, who spent the summer with Harry Proseus, has returned to his home in Rochester.
Mrs. Arthur Wilson visited her brother and Mrs. Geo. Smith in Geneva over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mastin of Geneva were guests of his father, John Mastin, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bicknell and son, Burton, and Mrs. Charles Brownell attended the funeral of Welles Hurlburt in Clyde last week Monday.
Ralph Sloan, of Waterloo, was the guest of his cousin, Norman Sloan, Sunday.
Mrs. Merl Crystel has a badly injured thumb as a result of striking it on the forks of a power machine in the Story evaporator. Dr. Sherman of Clyde is caring for the injury.
Albert Blakeman was home from East Rochester over the week end.
Ferguson's Corners.
Miss Alice Barnes is recovering from an operation for appendicitis performed by Dr. Carmer at the Barber Hospital, Lyons, Saturday.
A. H. Barnes is seriously ill with lobar pneumonia.
From the Clyde Herald, Wednesday, November 15, 1916.
South Butler.
Mrs. Frank Leech and daughter, Janet of Blodgetts Mills, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wilson.
Joe Parsons, of Rochester, visited his brother George, over Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Wilson and daughter, Adelaide, were in Wolcott last Friday.
Mrs. Henry Eades of Red Creek was the guest of her daughter Mrs. N. G. Wilson, on Saturday.
North Rose.
Fay Hendricks and family have moved to Rochester.
L. L. Mitchell was home from Rochester to vote.
Mrs. LeRoy Sanford and daughter, who have been visiting her father, Hiram McOmber and her brother, Ross, have returned to their home in Waverly.
Mrs. Sarah Cooper of Hannibal, was a week-end guest of her niece, Miss Lela Rose.
Edwin Catchpole was home from Rochester to vote.
From the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, September 10, 1903, page 4.
Father took Young Man West When
He Was a Child - Mother Detected
Likeness When She Saw Him in
a Theatrical Troup.
Sodus Point, Sept. 9.- Because a show happened to come to the veterans' encampment, which has been held here for nearly two weeks, a son who has been lost to his mother for about twenty-five years has been restored to her, and there is much rejoicing.
Years ago William Martin, who was then the husband of the woman who has found her son, disappeared one day, taking two of the three children with him. It develops that he located in Michigan. There the children went under the name of Fremont.
The boy, whose name was Claude Martin, was about four years of age at that time, and he soon commenced to ask questions. The father then decided to remove the little girl to the northern part of the state, where she was given into the keeping of another family.
The father finally died, but on his death bed would not divulge the secret which would mean so much to the children. They were practically left orphans in the world, and neither knew where the other was. A few years afterwards the relatives in this town got trace of the girl, but she died in the West without ever returning to her old home.
The boy was educated by friends with whom he found a home. He resolved to become a school teacher, and followed that profession until the roving spirit overcame him and he started out to see the world. He has been an extensive traveler, having circled the globe and visited nearly every country in the world.
For the last three years he has been in the show business. While at the encampment Mrs. Boyer, his mother, who has been married twice since she was deserted by Mr. Martin, was struck by the likeness between the young man and her first husband, and her baby boy who was taken from her. A quiet investigation was commenced, and it finally resulted in the discovery that the young man was her long-lost boy. Both were delighted.
Mr. Collins, as he is known in the theatrical world, has gone to Elmira, where he will be the remainder of the week. Later he will return to this town to visit his mother and see a sister who is still living. It is said that he has accumulated considerable property in the show business.
Mr. Collins says that he had many times become despondent when he realized that he did not know of a single relative in the world. Now he feels that life is well worth living.
From the Evening Herald, December 16, 1899, page 9. (Syracuse NY)
A donation supper will be held for the Rev. William G. Reed, pastor of the Sodus Point Methodist Episcopal church, on Thursday evening of next week. The Rev. Mr. Reed has succeeded in clearing the church from debt during the last conference year. He formerly preached at Erieville.
The marriage of Miss Katherine Collier and Charles Kelly is announced, the Rev. Harsey (?) King performing the ceremony. The young couple will be at home at Williamson after January 1st.
The Colt They Were Driving Was Scared and Bolted.
Wolcott, Dec. 16.- Mrs. J. W. Brown and another lady from North Wolcott met with a painful accident in this village Thursday afternoon. They had just been shopping and were leaving for home, driving a young and spirited colt, which when half way down Main street became frightened, and turning, attempted to dash through Frank Abbott's plate glass front window. The sidewalk at this point is more than three feet higher than the main highway, and the horse fell upon striking it, throwing both ladies into the gutter. Both of the ladies were more or less bruised, and there is some fear in Mrs. Brown's case of internal injury. They drove the horse home.
Lyons, Dec. 16.
James Lovery has rented the Hiram G. Crum/Orum(?) property in Geneva street and has opened up a hotel, called the place Riverside.
Philip Klippel has sold his farm in Huron to Frank Tague for $1,500 and will remove to and engage in the grocery business in Lock Berlin.
Edward E. Ford of Brooklyn, deputy grand regent of the Royal Arcanum, is trying to establish a branch of the order in this place.
Charles A. Hawley, referee in bankruptcy, will meet the creditors, Nicholas Espenscheid and Albert M. Baker, both of Sodus, at Edson W. Hamen's (?) law office, Saturday, December 23d, these parties having both been adjudged bankrupts.
From the Evening Herald, December 6, 1899, page 3 (Syracuse NY)
Floyd Snyder's Injuries Probably Fatal.
The Man Was Driven Bodily
Through a Board Partition Into
an Adjoining Room and Was Set
on Fire - Several Buildings Destroyed.
Special to The Herald:
Wolcott, Dec. 6.- Yesterday afternoon Floyd Snyder, an employe of the White Star laundry, was alone in the building, ironing shirts with the gasoline ironer, when, without warning, the tank exploded, blowing out the front of the building and driving young Snyder completely through a pine partition into an adjoining room and setting him on fire in a thousand places.
He ran out in Main street, surrounded by flames, which were finally smothered by a horse blanket in the hands of the crowd. He was taken to a physician's office, where the flesh literally peeled from his limbs as his clothing was removed. He is so fatally burned that little or no hope is given of his recovery.
Owing to slow work on the part of the fire department, the fire gained terrific headway and for a time it looked as if the entire corner of East Maine and Mill streets, including the electric light and power plant, must go. But the flames were finally got under control, after James Brewster's wagon and harness shop and its annex, the White Star laundry, owned and operated by Robert E./L. (?) Tyndall; J. E. Lawrence's marble establishment and K. O. T. M. lodge rooms were totally destroyed. The total loss is estimated at $6,000, all being covered by insurance, except Mr. Tyndall and the Maccabees, who lose $1,000 and $500 respectively.
This is the first fatal fire in the history of the village.
Note: Floyd survived and kept his job! In the 1900 census, Floyd T. Snyder, age 22, and laborer in a laundry, is residing with his parents Oscar W. and Hattie F., and sister Grace.
Mr. Bastian Fell From His Hay Mow.
Lock Berlin, Dec. 6.- Daniel Bastian, who works the Philip Gansz farm near Creager's bridge, met with a serious accident Monday night. He left the house about 8 o'clock, intending, as he said, to go out to the barn and look after the horses. His wife had gone to bed. She fell asleep and did not awaken until about midnight when she found that her husband was not in the house. She got dressed, lighted a lantern and went to the barn, where she found her husband lying on the barn floor unconscious, his clothing covered with blood, which was streaming from a gaping wound in his head. Mrs. Bastian carried her husband to the house and after a time he revived a little and said he had climbed up into the mow a to throw down some hay for the horses and had fallen, striking his head against a wagon wheel, making the cut. A neighbor was summoned and Dr. M. E. Carmer of Lyons was sent for. He found it necessary to make several stitches in the injured man's head. It is believed he will recover.
From the Evening Herald, November 1, 1899, page 3 (Syracuse NY)
Mrs. Vashti Tuttle's Hundredth Birthday.
Has Lived in the Same House Near-
ly Seventy-five Years - Next
Spring an Electric Road Will
Pass the Spot Where, Ninety
Years Ago, She Was Put Down
From a Connecticut Ox Cart.
Sodus, Nov. 1- Yesterday the relatives of Mrs. Vashti Tuttle of Williamson gathered to do honor to her one hundredth birthday. Mrs. Tuttle is active, and her general health is excellent. She goes about the house whistling and singing and takes an interest in what is going on. Yesterday a large number of friends and villagers called.
She was born in Litchfield, Conn. October 31st, 1799. When she was about 10 years old the family moved to this section, driving all the way with oxen. Here a cabin was erected by her father, Newell Haydon. It was necessary to keep a fire burning all night in order to keep the wolves away, and the Indians were very troublesome. There was no public highway, but there was a mail and paper delivery once a week when the weather was pleasant. After a little stage route was started between Rochester, Oswego and Albany. Previous to this her father used to drive to Rochester with a load of produce once in awhile (sic), using the oxen. The distance was about thirty-three miles, and he liable to be gone nearly a week. The stages were patronized by those who wished to do their trading in Rochester and Oswego. It was only seldom that there was a passenger for Albany. Next spring an electric road will pass her house.
In 1825 Miss Haydon was married to Lucas S. Tuttle, who had built a house for his wife in which she has passed the rest of her life, a period of seventy-four years.
During her early married life she was in the millinery business, supplying her far away neighbors with the fineries of that day. Her reputation as a nurse spread abroad and she was called miles and miles away to care for the sick. One doctor always employed her when he had a patient who was very ill. In this way she became one of the best known women in Western New York.
Her husband was a Captain in the war of 1812, and she now draws a pension of $12 a month. She is cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tuttle.
Two children were born to Mrs. Tuttle, Cladius Marcus Tuttle of Sodus and Miss Vashti Elizabeth, deceased.
She was the fourth daughter of a family of twelve children, who were born as follows: Calvin, 1794; Harriette, 1796; Sala, 1798; Vashti, 1799; Norton, 1802; Eveline, 1805; Eliza, 1807; Erastus, 1809; Polly, 1812; Emma, 1815; William, 1818; Hiram, 1820.
Among those present at the celebration yesterday, some coming several hundred miles, were Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Denner and Miss Claire Denner of Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Elnathan Reed of Hackensack, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tuttle of Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Claudius Tuttle of Sodus, Mrs. Frank Young and Miss Edith Young of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boynton of Walworth and Thaddeus Orton and Miss H. Ellen Orton of Sodus.
From the Evening Herald, October 26, 1899, page 3 (Syracuse NY)
It Was Claimed That She Planned
the Raid Made on the Summer
Cottages - She Has Long Been
More or Less Familiar With
Wayne County Crimes.
Lyons, Oct. 26.- Deputy Sheriff William Allen of Sodus yesterday arrested, upon a bench warrant and brought before Justice Werner in Supreme court, Mrs. Achsah Austin, to plead to an indictment found by the Grand jury charging her with receiving stolen goods, knowing the same to have been stolen. Mrs. Austin pleaded not guilty and was released upon $500 bail.
It is charged that Mrs. Austin was the instigator of a plot to rob the cottages at Burns grove on Great Sodus Bay on the nights of April 30th and May 5th last. According to the testimony of Frank Harrington, one of the implicated parties, Mrs. Austin instigated the plot to rob the cottages at Burns grove. She furnished the horse and buggy for the first raid, which was made by Harrington, Harrington's wife and John Lapp. Arthur Porter joined in the second raid, and it was he who borrowed a lumber wagon and team from Chester Allen's barn without the owner's knowledge or consent. At the first raid but little booty was obtained, but the ground was looked over and future operations were planned.
On the second occation (sic) several cottages were looted, but the perpetrators becoming alarmed made a bonfire and burned part of their plunder. Some of it was found in possession of the Harringtons, who had just gone to housekeeping. The latter and John Lapp were this week sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.
"Old Axie" was the wife of Harry Taylor, who twenty years ago robbed old "Jimmy" Rail of $400, which he had secreted in a barrel of beans in his hut at "Hell's Half Acre," now called Resort. Taylor and his gang were the terror of the county.
The Evening Herald, December 16, 1899, page 9. (Syracuse NY)
Defending Herself From Charges of
Receiving Stolen Property.
Lyons, Dec. 16.- The case of the people against Achsah Austin of Huron, indicted for knowingly receiving stolen property, was commenced in County court before Judge Sawyer and a jury yesterday afternoon.
It required quite a time to get a jury, talesmen being selected from the audience until the panel was completed. Frank and Cora Harrington were brought down from the Monroe county penitentiary as witnesses. The Harringtons testified that they robbed the cottages in Burns grove, Great Sodus Bay, at the suggestion of Mrs. Achsah Austin, commonly known as "Old Axie," and that the latter got some of the property, it being found in her possession when the premises were searched. The case was still on when court adjourned for the day. This morning it was resumed. Court adjourned at 3 o'clock this afternoon until Tuesday morning. The following additional panel of jurors was drawn to serve in the criminal cases:
Albert Dagle, farmer, North Rose; John Blauvelt, farmer, Huron; H. Greenfield, molder, Macedon; Arthur Stone, farmer, Rose; James Stockard, merchant, Sodus; Syrus Aikens, farmer, Savannah; Theodore C. Wethy, produce dealer, Savannah; John E. Contes, laborer, Sodus; Ensign D. Wade, farmer, Rose; Abram Loveless, farmer, Butler; Sanford Hall, farmer, Marion; Wellington Weed, farmer, Clyde; John Fewster, farmer, Ontario; Selah Finch, farmer, Rose; Jacob Sherman, farmer, North Wolcott; Edward Strong, merchant, Clyde; Eugene Lake, merchant, Palmyra; Warner Curtis, laborer, Sodus; George Wells, farmer, Butler; Edward Patachit, farmer, Marion.
From the Evening Herald, December 22, 1899 (Syracuse NY)
The Court Ordered It - Was Not Con-
nected with Burns Grove Theft.
Lyons, Dec. 22.- The trial of the case of the people against Achsah Austin of York Settlement, indicted for knowingly receiving stolen goods, was completed yesterday, Judge Sawyer directing a verdict of acquittal. The case has been on trial about three days, costing the county considerable money. Achsah Austin was charged with knowingly receiving goods stolen from cottages at Burns Grove on Great Sodus Bay. When first arrested she was taken before Justice of the Peace Albert Harris at Alton, and after examination was acquitted. Notwithstanding this, she was indicted and the evidence as given at the trial proved that Justice Harris was right when he acquitted the prisoner months ago.
From the Evening Herald, October 26, 1899, page 3 (Syracuse NY)
Young Sucher Has a Bullet Through His Lung.
He Was Hunting, His Gun Didn't
Work Right, and He Picked at
the Cartridge, Which Exploded
and Brought Him Down - Doctors
Still Hope to Save Him.
Sodus, Oct. 26.- Yesterday afternoon, Ivan, son of George Sucher of Alton, went into the woods near that place to hunt. He experienced some trouble in making a pistol which he carried operate successfully, so he began to tamper with it, and endeavored to extract the bullet. In doing so he held the muzzle of the pistol towards his left breast, and pointing directly at his heart. While he was picking at the bullet, the powder exploded, driving the bullet into his breast. It entered squarely over the heart, and the doctor says he does not understand why the man was not killed instantly, as the bullet is plainly to be felt in his back, and a straight line from the spot where it entered to the place where it lodged would pass directly through his heart.
He was assisted to his home, some distance away, and Dr. J. F. Myers of this village was summoned by telephone. Doctor Myers says if he lives for forty-eight hours, or until the bullet can be extracted, there is a chance that he may recover.
The only thing which prevented his bleeding to death while his companion, a young boy who was hunting with him, went for a conveyance in which to take him home, was the fact that one of the arteries was closed. The blood is pressing against his lungs, the bullet having passed through the left one, and they are filling up. The doctor hopes to be able to relieve that after the bullet is removed, in which case, if he survives the operation, there is a fighting chance for his life.
Note: and he lived 62 more years to tell about it!
Sodus Rural Cemetery
SUCHER Ivan E., 1882-1961
1914 Farm Directory. Town of Sodus
Sucher, Ivan E. (Margaret) 2 ch bookkeeper T H&L S St Paul St Alton
From Syracuse Herald, February 3, 1916.
Fireman Rescued Clyde Boy From Drowning.
West Shore Employe Stops Engine
and Jumps in Water and Drags
Out Raymond Williams as He Is
Sinking the Third Time.
Clyde, Feb. 21.- Fireman McGraw jumped from his engine to rescue a drowning boy from the icy waters of the Clyde river Saturday evening. Villagers and his railroad associates have started a movement to bring his act to the attention of the Carnegie Hero foundation.
Running west on the West Shore in an extra engine, McGraw saw Raymond Williams, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Williams of this village, struggling between cakes of ice in the Clyde river. McGraw stopped his engine, jumped off and ran to a point across from where the boy was.
Went Down Third Time.
As McGraw plunged into the water he saw the boy go down for the last time. After a hard struggle he located Williams and brought him to the surface.
McGraw finally got the boy on the shore. Nearly exhausted by his efforts the fireman could not get out of the water. McGraw was numb from the cold and had to be taken out by a trainman.
Young Williams was able to make his way home in spite of his exhaustion, while his rescuer was taken to the station until he recovered from the shock of his plunge. He changed his clothes and resumed his trip in the engine.
From the Syracuse Herald, February 19, 1911, page B-7.
Charles J. Dewey, Oldest Man
in Wayne County, Still
Shaves Himself.
Was Born in Rock-ribbed Old Scho-
harie County and With His Bride
Emigrated to Wayne County With
an Ox Team - Expects to Reach the
Century Mark.
Special to The Syracuse Herald.
Rose, Feb. 18.- Charles J. Dewey of this place, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. William Wyckoff, is one of the oldest men in Wayne county if not the oldest. While there are several women in this section past 90 years, Mr. Dewey is the only man. He is in his 97th year. He was born in Schoharie county August 9th, 1814. His parents were Ira and Charlotte Tillson Dewey, both of whom died before reaching the age of 70 years. They were the parents of one daughter and seven sons, two of whom are now living, Charles J. of Rose and George of Schoharie county. The latter in over 80 years of age. Mr. Dewey has reached a greater age than any of his immediate ancestors or his brothers and sisters, but a brother Marcus died in Ohio a number of years ago at the age of 90 years.
From the Syracuse Herald, September 24, 1911, page 10.
North Rose, Sept. 23.- A reunion will be held next Friday at the home of Edgar Smith to celebrate the 90th birthday of Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Jemima Smith. Mrs. Smith has remarkable health and strength. Her memory is excellent and her mind is bright and clear. She was born on September 29th, 1821, in Suffolk, England. Her parents were James Catchpole and Susan Wights Catchpole, who came from England in 1837 and settled on the White Spring farm near Geneva. Their trip across the ocean was made in a sailing vessel occupied eleven weeks. Later the family moved to North Rose, where Mr. Catchpole and his sons purchased and cleared a thousand-acre tract of land. The tract now comprises the Edgar Smith, Miss Grace Catchpole, Mrs. Hannah Catchpole, John Bly and Isaac De King farms.
Mr. and Mrs. Catchpole had eight children born to them, three of whom are now living, Mrs. Jemima Smith and Miss Mary Catchpole of North Rose, and Mrs. Susan Smith of Geneva.
In 1847 Jemima Catchpole was united in marriage to John Smith of North Rose. Five children were born to them. The following now survive: William and Edgar Smith of North Rose and Mrs. Frederick Kelsey of Galen. John Smith died about thirteen years ago.
Many members of the Catchpole family have reached an advanced age. Mrs. Smith's father, James Catchpole, lived to be 92. Her sister, Mrs. Susan Smith, now living in Geneva, is 94 years old.
The Catchpole family seems to have had a fondness for the name Smith. The two sisters, Jemima and Susan, and two of their nieces married Smiths. It is a strange fact that none of the four Smiths are related.
Wayne County NY Family Bios Section