Ancestral Sightings contains bios, notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your Wayne County related finds. Be sure to put "WAYNE COUNTY ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS" in the subject heading of your email so that it's not overlooked or deleted as spam. **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.

From NY State Resources
Part 5

NEW 6/14/11   from The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, December 4, 1888 (Clyde NY)

Personal Mention.

Mrs. Chas. Forbes visited her parents at Rochester a few days last week.

Mrs. Jane Gilbert, of Auburn, has been passing a few days at C. H. Ford's.

Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon left last week Monday for Erie, Pa., where she will pass the winter.

Miss May A. Turner, Preceptress of Sodus Academy, spent Thanksgiving with her parents in this village.

Mr. Charles Eldridge has returned from an extended visit to Chicago where he has been pursuing his vocation.

Mrs. Lee Schwartz, of Batavia, but recently a resident of this village spent Thanksgiving with friends in town.

Mr. John Kellogg and wife, of Vine Valley, Yates Co., have taken up their residence in this village and will occupy the Patten house on Hill street.

Mr. and Mrs. Jobie Sly will celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage at their residence east of Clyde, on Tuesday evening, December 25th.

Election of Officers.

The following officers of the Clyde Grange No. 33 Patrons of Husbandry for 1889 were elected Saturday afternoon, December 1st, 1888.

Master - Wallace H. Weed
Overseer - Wm. H. Osborne
Lecturer - W. L. Devereaux
Steward - J. G. Vanness
Assistant Steward - Archibald Barton
Chaplain - Mrs. M. W. Meed (?)
Treasurer - Norman Sloan
Secretary - Sylvester H. Clarke
Gate Keeper - D. E. Converse
Pomona - Mrs. Julia Osborne
Flora - Mrs. Albert Shephard
Ceres - Mrs. C. J. Barless
Stewardess - Mrs. W. H. Weed
Organist - Miss Dora Weed
Librarian - Mrs. H. O. Ketchum
Executive Committee - George A. Baird, Sylvester H. Clarke and Malcom Little

A Valuable Gift.

The popular photographer, Prof. J. R. Muth, North Park street, has again shown his interest in his own town by giving the Ever-Readys for their fair a handsom gilt frame, and with the consent of Rev. Father Gleeson, placed his picture therein, together valued at $15. Muth is always ever ready.

Trial Jurors.

The following trial jurors were drawn November 23d to serve at the County Court and Court of Sessions to be held in Lyons, commencing December 10th:

Silas Lovejoy, farmer, Rose.
Frederick Espenschied, farmer, Alton.
Washington Loveless, farmer, Butler.
James Inman, farmer, Clyde.
William B. Lyman, farmer, Rose.
Andrew J. Doville, clerk, Sodus Point.
John Hanakee, farmer, Williamson.
George Johnson, farmer, Wolcott.
John Marriott, farmer, Rose.
Francis D. Tummonds, farmer, Sodus.
Justis J. Wheeler, farmer, Wolcott.
Isaac Dubois, farmer, Sodus.
Abram Harris, undertaker, Wolcott.
James VanOstrand, farmer, Newark.
William A. Milliman, farmer, Wolcott.
A.R. Gamble, fruit-dealer, Palmyra.
L. J. Bryant, gardener, Newark.
Joseph Lefrois, Jr., farmer, Union Hill.
Archibald Barton, farmer, Clyde.
Leonard Hood, farmer, Wallington.
Philip Mindel, stone-cutter, Lyons.
Isaac Hurley, farmer, Ontario Center.
Edwin W. Danforth, farmer, Sodus.
George Filkins, farmer, Lyons.
David H. Andrus, farmer, Huron.
Burgess Jenkins, carpenter, Wolcott.
Ernest Berns, machinist, Lyons.
C. M. Crandall, joiner, Palmyra.
Edward Hill, farmer, LYons.
Orin Cahoon, mechanic, Huron.
David A. Foote, photographer, Wolcott.
George Fanning, farmer, Butler.
Henry Tripp, mechanic, Williamson.
Eugene O. Rogers, farmer, Walworth.
Edgar E. Wheat, farmer, Fairville.
Wm. P. Mirick, grocer, Lyons.

NEW 6/14/11   from The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, May 21, 1889 (Clyde NY)

At Home and Abroad.

Mrs. Martin Hall and daughter have returned to their home at Syracuse.

Mrs. J. Vandenberg was called to Jordan last week by the serious illness of her mother.

Mrs. W. W. Westfall and daughter have been making a brief visit with relatives at Cato.

Rev. J. N. Brown, of West Webster, formerly chaplain of the 111th regiment will deliver the Decoration Day address in this village.

Mr. Geo. P. Graves who has been employed at Hackett's shoe store, Brooklyn, for the past year, is expected to return home this week for a summer vacation. "Perly's" many friends will be glad to see him.

Hon. Wm. H. Lyons, of 488 Broadway, New York, who was in the "olden time" a resident of Clyde, was Tuesday appointed by President Harrison, a member of the Indian commission, an office that he held under Grant and Arthur, but was removed by Cleveland.

Grand and Trial Jurors.

The following grand and trial jurors were drawn at the County Clerk's office Friday afternoon to serve at a Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held at Lyons on June 3d:


Ezra VanAuken, farmer, Arcadia.
L. H. Vielie, farmer, Butler.
Silas S. Pierson, banker, Arcadia.
John Albright, farmer, Ontario.
S. D. Crofoot, farmer, Savannah.
Smith E. Slocum, farmer, Ontario.
Pliny Foster, farmer, Arcadia.
Horace Westcott, grocer, Lyons.
Edward Welcher, miller, Arcadia.
Herman L. Riggs, farmer, Palmyra.
David Vandy, mechanic, Sodus.
John L. Spoor, farmer, Savannah.
C. DeZutter, farmer, Williamson.
A. S. Farnum, farmer, Savannah.
D. J. Kyle, farmer, Wolcott.
Horace J. Crosby, farmer, Arcadia.
Thomas L. Andrews, farmer, Galen.
W. D. Russell, farmer, Williamson.
Jerome Phelps, farmer, Butler.
Charles Kelly, farmer, Arcadia.
Asher W. Seager, farmer, Rose.
Anson Hulburt, farmer, Galen.
Henry Whitbeck, farmer, Palmyra.
D. A. Emeigh, farmer, Galen.


T. Holmes, furnaceman, Wolcott.
John Stock, marker, Clyde.
Abram Burlee, laborer, Sodus.
Jacob Wisner, shoemaker, Palmyra.
George Bastian, farmer, Lyons.
John C. Hawk, farmer, Ontario.
John Bixby, farmer, Savannah.
John M. Mackey, farmer, Clyde.
L. F. Hurlbert, carpenter, Palmyra.
Wm. W. Upson, farmer, Huron.
Robert Smith, busman, Lyons.
Manly Benjamin, gentleman, Clyde.
Henry Gatchell, farmer, Clyde.
William Caywood, farmer, Butler.
Isaac Granger, farmer, Furnc'ville.
Abram DeBrine, farmer, Socus.
Isaac Roy, 2d, farmer, Lyons.
Jno. Roberts, merch'nt, Williamson.
Thos. Chapman, farmer, Palmyra.
Henry Colter, farmer, Fairville.
Jacob Barclay, farmer, Sodus.
G. A. Taylor, agent, Sodus.
W. H. Cone, farmer, Ontario.
B. T. Curtis, mechanic, Marion.
J. D. Reeves, farmer, Newark.
Jonas Easly, farmer, Walworth.
George Vincent, farmer, Butler.
William P. Styles, farmer, Butler.
Abram R. Bullis, farmer, Macedon.
Fred H. Terry, druggist, Clyde.
C. H. Sanford, farmer, Marion.
L. H. Dratt, farmer, Butler.
G. D. Downing, farmer, Macedon.
Watkins Seamen, farmer, Huron.
Daniel Bates, farmer, Sodus.
Hiram Kent, farmer, Macedon.
It appearing that Henry Colter is dead in his place was drawn Jos. Sandervell, farmer, Fairville.

NEW 6/14/11   from The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1889 (Clyde NY)

At Home and Abroad.

Adam Fisher is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Sarah Barton, of New York.

Mrs. Thos. G. Kennedy returned to her home in Brooklyn last week.

Chas. H. Denison was home from Geneseo Normal School over Sunday.

W. G. Baker was home from Cornell University for a few days last week.

Mrs. A. F. Terry left last week to visit her son, George D., of Binghamton.

Mr. Jas. C. Watson, of Rochester, was in town yesterday calling upon old friends.

Master Geo. H. Tremper, is home from St. John's Military Academy, at Manlius, for a few days.

Mr. Charles Carey of PHelps has accepted a position as night operator at the New York Central station.

Jno. P. Fisher and family have removed to Rochester, in which city they will make their future home.

John Bowmaster returned from New York, Sunday, where he was called by the death of his brother, Charles Bowmaster.

Austin Davis met with a narrow escape from instant death while at work unloading a canal boat at the Lux coal yard. The coal was taken from the boat into the bin above by horse power, the scuttles when emptied being lowered by an apparatus which is controlled by a person at the terminus of the lift. By some oversight a scuttled was allowed to fall before being emptied and directly beneath it stood Mr. Davis, who, upon being suddenly warned of its coming, bent forward just far enough to save him from being struck on the head by over 400 pounds weight. As it was, the scuttled of coal struck between his shoulders in such a manner as to inflict injuries from which it will take him a long time to wholly recover.

School District Officers.

Following is a list of the officers elected in the several school districts in the town of Galen at the annual school meetings in 1889, as reported by the several district clerks:

DISTRICT NO. 2 - Trustee, J. Stanley Armitage; Clerk, Jas. H. Inman; Collector, Chas. Malchoff.

DISTRICT NO. 3 - Trustee, John G. VanNess; Clerk, Harvey Nelson; Collector, Archibald Barton.

DISTRICT NO. 4 - Trustee, Wallace H. Weed; Clerk, Arthur T. Reynolds; Collector, William T. Jenkins.

DISTRICT NO. 5 - Trustee, Geo. Woodworth; Clerk, H. Kise; Collector, Edwin Powers.

DISTRICT NO. 6 - Trustee, W. L. Devereaux; Clerk, E. H. Glover; Collector, Lewis Stack; Librarian, Mrs. W. L. Devereaux.

DISTRICT NO. 7 - Trustee, Geo. Foist; Clerk, Frank Kelsey; Collector, Ovid Jeffers.

DISTRICT NO. 8 - Trustee, Fred Gansz; Clerk, Chas. Bastian; Collector, Henry Martin.

DISTRICT NO. 9 - Trustees, Jas. Race, Alfred Mackie, Abram Covell; Clerk, Fred S. Kelsey; Collector, Frank P. McIntosh.

DISTRICT NO. 10 (GALEN AND JUNIUS) - Trustee, William Snedaker; Clerk, Frank Shotwell; Collector, Frank Bowen.

DISTRICT NO. 11 - Trustee, Thos. Bentley; Clerk, O. A. Burton; Collector, Arthur Brooks.

DISTRICT NO. 12 ( GALEN AND JUNIUS) - Trustee, Amos Desmond; Clerk, A. J. Stevens; Collector, J. S. Beadle.

DISTRICT NO. 13 - Trustee, Robert Marriott; Clerk, Peter Nichols; Collector, Robert Nichols; Librarian, Theodore Stowell.

DISTRICT NO. 14 - Trustee, Chas. A. Lux; Clerk, Jas. L. Howard; Collector, Sylvester H. Clarke; Librarian, A. G. Graham.

DISTRICT NO. 15 - Trustee, William Baldridge; Cler, J. H. Class; Collector, Jas. Dunkley; Librarian, Thos. Adams.

DISTRICT NO. 16 - Trustees, Willard N. Field, Stephen D. Streeter, Archibald M. GRaham; Clerk, John C. Gillette; Collector, Lendal P. Powers; Librarian, Mrs. M. E. Ackerman.

DISTRICT NO. 17 - Trustee, Henry Kellogg; Clerk, Harvey Bonning; Collector, Lester Petteys.

DISTRICT NO. 18 - Trustee, Fred W. Sohn; Clerk, Geo. Schwab; Collector, Fred Stultz.

DISTRICT NO. 19 - Trustee, Henry Southard; Clerk, Harrison Aurand; Collector, T. A. Gordon.



Summer Beverages,


Of purest quality. Excellence guaranteed.

- Also -

Deep Rock Water,

From the celebrated Mineral Spring of Oswego.

G. D. Barrett, Proprietor.

Manufactory on Ford street, first door east
Of Steam Mill, Clyde, N.Y

There is to be a reunion of the 9th New York Heavy Artillery at Auburn on the 19th inst. A large attendance from Wayne county is hoped for. All comrades intending to go are requested to report to any of the following gentlemen: Dr. D. S. Chamberlain, Lyons; Maj. H. P. Knowles, Palmyra; Capt. Chauncey W. Fish, Pultneyville; Col. D. S. Moore, of Wolcott.

NEW 6/14/11   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, January 21, 1909, front page

The engine company of the Wolcott fire department elected officers last Thursday night as follows: Foreman, Bert Fox; assistant, John Christian; Chairman, L. D. Seymour; secretary, Eugene Seymour; treasurer, J. R. Waldorf; fire wardens, Burgess Douglass, Harlow Loveless and John Shafer.


Newton Michael now has fully decided to build a house on Draper street next spring. He paid $400 for the lot he bought from Fred W. King, with a frontage of about 66 feet.

Ben Forbes has sold his house and lot in Wolcott to Mrs. Will Green, of Huron, who expects to come here to live. It is understood that Mrs. Forbes has since selling bought a place at Westbury.

Family Birthday Party.

There was a happy birthday party at Charles Bigelow's, North Wolcott, last Saturday. Four generations in that family have their birthday on Jan. 16. Mrs. Sarah Mack, of Burrell's corners, was not able to be present this year. Those who had birthdays, who were present, were Mrs. Charles Bigelow, Mrs. George Dickinson and Mrs. Mitt Wadsworth. There were eleven in the party and all but Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth stayed over Sunday or with other friends at North Wolcott.

Personal Mention.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wing, of West Port Bay street, had an eight-pound son born last week Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Curtis, of Hartford, Conn., arrived in Wolcott Monday evening to visit her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Tillapaugh.

L. L. Olmsted, of Chicago, arrived in Wolcott Saturday night to visit his cousins here, of whom he has a large lumber. He is a son of Elijah Olmsted and was here fourteen years ago.


Some Think Homer Baker Intended Leaving His Property to the Church.

The funeral of Homer Baker was held in the Sunday school room at the Wolcott M. E. church last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. There were about thirty-five friends and acquaintances present, but the cousin at Fairport did not come. Rev. M. S. Mowers conducted the service.

There does not seem to be any vacant place in the Baker lot in the cemetery. The grave digger started, but struck a rough box. So they placed the body in the vault.

By order of the coroner, a telegraph was sent to William A. Baker, at Greenfield, Cal. He is nine miles from a telegraph office and so was asked to reply by letter about the disposition of the property. So far as is known there is no will, though some of Mr. Baker's friends think he intended to leave his place of 12 acres to the Wolcott M. E. Church.

In the absence of a will, his brother Will, is the sole heir. No money expect the $40 found by the coroner has been discovered, though no thorough search had been made at last accounts.

Gilbert A. Chapin, brother of the late Mrs. Joseph Talcott, of Wolcott, was badly hurt recently at Los Angeles, Cal., whence he had lately moved from Texas, to make his home with his son Willis.

The accident probably took place on Thursday, Jan. 7, and will keep him in his bed for some time to come. In attempting to alight from a trolley car he was thrown violently to the ground, terribly lacerating both legs and received internal injuries, it is feared. He was carried into a drug store, where physicians sewed up the torn flesh and did all possible to relieve his suffering. The exact extent of his injuries is not known by the relatives here.

Wolcott Estates in Court.

In Surrogate's court at Lyons on Monday, letters of administration were granted to E. A. Wadsworth, of Wolcott, on the personal estate, amounting to $5,000, of Albert B. Thacker, who died in Wolcott Jan. 11, 1909.

In the matter of the proof of the will of Hiram D. Winchell, who died in Wolcott Jan. 7, 1909, leaving a personal estate of the value of $2,000, letters testamentary were issued to Anna Winchell, to whom the entire estate is given by the terms of the will. W. R. Caldecutt and Edwin B. Dowd were appointed appraisers.

NEW 6/14/11   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, unknown date ca. February 10, 1909

Erander A. Crisler visited his aunt, Mrs. Margaret Welch, in Alton, Saturday.

John Cullen, of New York, has purchased the Sherman farm of 100 acres for $6,500.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crisler returned from their honeymoon Monday evening.

Mrs. G. L. Reynolds, of Lyons, is spending some time with her son, Henry Renolds.

Mrs. Charles Hoagland visited at her father's Burgess Jenkins, in Red Creek, over Sunday.

Mrs. Ambrose Diddy visited her cousin, Mrs. Harry Seaman (?), who is seriously ill, at Alton, Thursday.

Mrs. George Sherman is seriously ill and not expected to live, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Wood.

Cullen Brothers are having the lumber drawn from the Shaker Tract to build a large barn in the spring on the home farm. Charles Boyce will do the building.

William McGovern will move his family from the Valentine farm to Endicott April 1st. Myron Harrington, of Wayne Center, will take his place on the Valentine farm.

Sunday guests at Gardner Harper's were Miss Pearl Hoyt, Mrs. Elmer Bennett and two children, Hazel and Lawrence, of Cato; Will Winchell, of Savannah, and Chancey Harper, of Galen.

Operations have commenced on a branch of the Bell telephone line which will extend from the residence of George Lockwood to the main line form Rose to North Rose, Chas. L. Osborne being the local manager.

Plank Road.

Charles Frazer and Miss Satie Snyder were married by the Rev. Jennie I. Pitts last Wednesday night and at present are staying with the bride's mother, Mrs. J. H. Snyder.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frazer surprised them with a kitchen shower Monday night. George Lewis furnished the music for dancing and Eddie Larkin was floor manager. On Tuesday night there was a reception at the home of Hiram Frazer.


Jerry Garner is morning his farming utensils to a farm near Fair Haven, which he has leased.

Hattie Day, of West Rose, was the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Day, the past week.

Work on the new hotel on LeRoy's island is progressing, although the weather has been too cold for the workmen. They are pushing the work.

A masquerade and dance was given at Bonnicastle in the pavilion on Tuesday evening. A large crowd was present.

Fair Haven.

Mrs. Fred Turner, Jr., has gone on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Elmer Betts, near Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Crouse, of Fulton, have been spending several days with their daughter, Mrs. I. Cooper and family.

(location not stated; possibly Wolcott)

Mrs. Frank Belknap is entertaining her sister, Miss Sickles from Rochester.

Will Reed, of Lyons, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed, over Sunday.

Newton Wilson has been passing a few days with his sister, Miss Florence, at Liverpool.

Mr. and Mrs. Asa Acker are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, born Friday, Feb. 5th.

NEW 6/14/11   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, September 19, 1907, front page (Wolcott NY)


Charles E. Perkins, who had been in Wolcott since the Tuesday of old home week, left for New York Monday morning.

Miss Carrie Weller, who had been in Wolcott since old home week, returned yesterday to her home at Charlotte, N.C.

Miss Florence Lutes, of Wadsworth street, went to Buffalo on Monday to work as a trimmer in a wholesale millinery store.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paddock, of Rochester, have been the guests of the former's parents in Wolcott for a week past, returning home yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis visited his sister, Mrs. Charles T. Shaw, of Wolcott, from Saturday until Wednesday. Mr. Davis is physical director at the Cincinnati university.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Brown and son Robert, who had been spending their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. Daniel Miller, of Butler, have returned to their home in New York.

Dempster D. Sharp, of Wolcott, returned on Tuesday from a week's visit to his father at Genoa. While away he visited the state fair and looked after apples for the canning factory.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Reed, of Wolcott, who have been visiting their son Jacob, at Jamestown, No. Dak., since Sept. 2, will stop in Michigan to visit Mrs. Reed's sister, arriving home some time next week.

Mrs. John Shields, of Athol, S. Dakota, after an absence of thirty years, has returned for a visit to her old home. She is now with her sister, Rev. Jennie I. Pitts, of Wolcott. The sisters had not met in nearly twenty-seven years.

Miss Lou Ella Bird, of Wolcott, left for Cincinnatus, N.Y., on Wednesday, to resume work as a millinery trimmer. Her sister Blanche will go to Victor tomorrow for two or three days, before beginning work as teacher in the West Butler district-school.

Leon and Porter Brockway, of Wolcott, left for Cornell university on Monday, the former to resume his course, the latter to try the entrance examinations, all but two subjects being covered by his regents' counts, advance algebra and third-year German.

Invitations were sent out on Tuesday by Mrs. Lavina Palmer, of Wolcott, for the marriage of her daughter, Miss Leslie Nellie, to Neil Gleason Van Auken, of Buffalo, formerly of Wolcott. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride at 10 a. m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2.

Mrs. Emma Knapp and son, R. J. Knapp, expect to leave Wolcott next Monday for Morenci, Arizona, to make that place their home. Grayson Z. Knapp, another son, has been there for two or three years. Miss Iva Knapp, the daughter, expects to teach in the Rochester public schools the coming year.

Mrs. S. W. Houston, of Wolcott, went to Memphis last Friday to visit her parents, during her husband's hunting trip in the Adirondacks this week. The doctor started for the woods last Friday, but not feeling very well, returned Monday evening and left for Memphis in his automobile. He had a high fever and no appetite. Dr. and Mrs. Houston returned home yesterday. [NOTE: Memphis is a hamlet in the Town of Van Buren, Onondaga County, NY]


Miss Cecile Horton to Wed Clymer Austin on Oct. 2.

Invitations were issued on Monday by Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer Horton, of Wolcott, to witness the marriage of their daughter and only child, Miss Cecile, to Allen Clymer Austin, of Syracuse. The wedding takes place at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at the home of the bride's parents. After Nov. 20 the young couple will be at home at 442 Cortland avenue, Syracuse.

Saturday last a party of ten young ladies was entertained by Miss Horton at her home. The place cards at the refreshment table were invitations to the wedding. Hearts was the game played. The guests hemmed the bride-elect's wedding veil.

Matters About Town

Marion C. Roberts, nurseryman of North Wolcott, has gone into the plumbing business with a relative in Syracuse. He learned the trade some years ago and is said to be quite handy at it.

Tobacco growers of this vicinity are cutting their crops, which are the best for several years, though the increase is not as large as it was some years ago. Some have their tobacco in the sheds. There is no hail-out or wind-whipped tobacco this year about Wolcott.

Alfred Prevost, chief of police, doesn't know which leg to limp on. A week ago he fell over a tub at the lock-up, while steering a prisoner behind the slate, and hurt his left leg. Last Friday he went to Justice Demmon Sheldon's, in Huron, and while leading his own horse out of the stable was kicked on the right leg by another horse.

Fishing is Not Extra Good.

The pickerel fishing has been slow during the past week. Last Thursday afternoon, in a hard wind off Tompkins point, Port bay, Harry K. Graves and L. M. Mead landed an 8-pounder. C. S. Graves got two small ones this week.

There has been good fishing by spells at East bay, but when C. F. Van Valkenburg tried it there a few days ago he got only three small ones.

The hot and still weather stopped the sport, but good fishing is promised later.

Constitution Something to Eat.

Lyons, Sept. 18- Justice Foote at the opening of the equity term on Monday wore his official robes for the first time. All day a crowd of aliens hung about to become naturalized. They were given a ridged (sic) examination and only three got their papers.

One candidate did not know what laws were, what the Mafia was, nor where the laws came from, except that George Washington made them. The next man thought the constitution was something good to eat, and went down and out. The next one was positive that President Roosevelt was King of America, with life tenure of office. He perished before reaching the goal. So it went until the room was cleared.

E. A. Robbins Gets a Bequest.

In the surrogate's court in Lyons on Monday the will of Elizabeth Howard, who died at Wolcott, July 14, 1907, was admitted to probate and letters testamentary granted to Edward A. Robbins. The estate consists of $600 in real estate and $200 in personal property, all of which is given to the nephew, Edward A. Robbins, because of the care and attention he had given his aunt. The beneficiary is requested to give one bean kettle, a looking glass and the family bible to Harriet Robbins, a sister of the testatrix.

Old Home Week Poem Read.

At the meeting of the Wolcott grange a week ago last Saturday, the program included instrumental music by Mrs. J. H. L. Roe, a recitation by Miss Adelia P. Brown, and a poem by Mrs. Becker, a former resident of Wolcott, whose maiden name was Miss Vine Johnson.

This poem like Postmaster Brink's address, was on the schedule for old home week. It was highly spoken of by all who heard it read.

NEW 6/4/11   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Thursday, November 12, 1885, page 3

Ira Davenport, one of the Davenport brothers, of which so much has ben said in connection with Spiritualistic seances, is making his nephew, Justice J. Wheeler, who resides near Wolcott, a visit. He is accompanied by his son Ira, who takes the place of his deceased brother as one of the manipulators. Several seances have been given at Mr. Wheeler's residence, at which Ira, the younger, was mysteriously tied to a chair, and guitars and banjos were made to flat about the room. These manifestations all occur in a darkened room where the curious investigators are arranged in a semi-circular position with hands joined. It costs fifty cents to attend the entertainment, and several who have attended report that they were not fully convinced yet.

NEW 6/4/11   from The Lyons Republican, Friday, October 18, 1918

Judge Clyde W. Knapp, who was called to Wellesley, Mass. by the illness of his daughter, returned Tuesday night leaving Miss Knapp on the rapid road to recovery.

Word was received Tuesday from University of Michigan of the illness of Howard Marshall and Luman Deuchler with influenza. Just how serious it is was not stated in the telegram. A. E. Marshall left that night to be with the boys.

NEW 6/4/11   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, January 2, 1908, front page (Wolcott NY)

Shaffer to Play with Sousa.

News was received in Lyons Monday morning by Stephen Shaffer, from New York city, that his son was to play with the John Philip Sousa band, as leading clarinetist. The opening concert will be given at the Hippodrome next Sunday. From there the band will take a six months' tour of the Southern states. It will be remembered that Walter Shaffer played for some time in Lyons with the Twenty-seventh Regiment band, of which his father was leader. After leaving there he was with the Kiltie's band for about a year.

Among The Sick.

Mrs. Albert Sours, of Wolcott, has been quite ill of late, having suffered from heart trouble four days of last week. She is somewhat improved at present.

Robert Gregg, of the plank road, who has been at the point of death for weeks, from heart disease and dropsy, now is considerably stronger. He sits up some, and even has walked a little, with assistance.

Ben Davis, of Huron, is recovering from his recent severe attack of rheumatism. He thinks O. M. Curtis's mineral water helped him. After drinking six gallons, he felt like a "new man," as the recommendations say.

Mrs. Litetia McKnight, of this village, lies at the point of death at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Robertson. Her life was despaired of a month or more ago, but she lingers from day to day, showing wonderful vitality. She has been in feeble health for years, being a victim of hay fever, which each season has sapped her vitality. Her age is 74 years. Her son George, a professor in the Ohio State university, at Columbus, is in Wolcott.

Sarah E. Dratt's Estate.

In the surrogate's court in Lyons on Monday letters testamentary were granted to George W. Pangburn, of Rochester, on the proof of the will of Sarah E. Dratt, who died in Butler, on Dec. 24, 1907, leaving real estate of the value of $4,000 and personal estate of the value of $3,000. By the terms of the will the testatrix bequeaths to her six children, John L. Dratt, Mary F. Finch, William R. Dratt, Lincoln Dratt, Eva Wetmore and Jennie Crofoot, the proceeds from the sale of the South Butler hotel, to be divided equally. All stock, carriages, sleighs on the premises at testatrix's death go to her son, John L. Dratt. The balance of the personal ____ (illegible). Henry G. Wetmore and Nathan J. Grant were appointed appraisers.

Personal Mention.

Freeman Tator, of Rochester, spent New Year's with relatives in Wolcott.

Mrs. Nellie Hendrick, of New York, is the guest of Mrs. Emily B. Hendrick, of Wolcott.

John, Laura and Olyve Hedges, of Rochester, are visiting relatives and friends in Wolcott.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanDerpool, of Ontario, are the guests of his mother, Mrs. H. M. VanDerpool.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Metcalf, of Wolcott, spent New Years in Newark as the guests of Mrs. F./E.)? L. Knapp.

George P. Graves, of Wolcott, went to Nunda last Friday to visit his son Ray, returning Monday evening.

Mrs. B. F. Forbes, of Wolcott, entertained her niece, Miss Flossie Mattison, of Red Creek, a part of last week.

Paul M. Burgdorf, who is taking a course in pharmacy at the University of Buffalo, spent holiday week visiting old friends about Westbury and Red Creek.

Perry S. Shear, of North Rose, and Miss Eveline M. Jones, of Rose township, were married at the M. E. parsonage in Wolcott Tuesday evening, by the Rev. J. L. Gillard.

Miss Jennie Reynolds, of Huron, spent Christmas day in Rochester, the guest of her brother, Charles W. Reynolds, who was the guest of his parents in Huron over New Year's day.

Albert Drury, Butler town clerk, returned Friday night from Cortland, where he spent Christmas day to visit Edward L. Williams, a son of his late wife by her first marriage.

William R. Foster, of Rochester, of the New York Central signal department, western division, has been in town for a few days visiting, with his sister Eunice and Miss Alice L. Harman.

Florence Roe and Lilian Cosad, of Wolcott, went to Auburn last Friday to visit Helen Stevenson. From Auburn they went to Weedsport to visit Miss Roe's aunt, Mrs. White, arriving home yesterday.

A wedding took place at Wolcott M. P. parsonage last Sunday afternoon. The bridegroom was Floyd Van Horn and the bride Miss Estella Somes, both residents of East Port Bay street. The knot was tied by Rev. Jennie I. Pitts.

Ernest F. Fox, of Newark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox, of Wolcott, has been elected superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school of that place for the ensuing year. At the recent election of officers of the Knights of the Maccabees of the same place he was made commander of the tent.

Miss Martha, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. George E. Hutchings, of 412 Bear street, Syracuse, was married on Tuesday at 6 p. m., to Mr. Scott Rockwell McKean, of Newberry, Pa., who is the cashier of a bank there. Miss Grace Fox, of Wolcott, was present at the ceremony.

John O. Church, who is engaged with the Boston Y. M. C. A., and Miss Eleanor Doolittle, of Cazenovia, spent last Thursday with Mrs. Wallace Phillips. Mr. Church is her brother and Miss Doolittle is a school friend. Mrs. W. H. Church, of Syracuse, who has been spending a few weeks with her daughter, returns home to-day.

Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bidwell, of Wolcott, gave a turkey dinner last Friday evening for their son Leon, who is home for the holidays from the Buffalo dental college. His guests were Miss Jane Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. Clymer Austin, of Syracuse, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Strait. After the dinner they all attended the private dancing party in Whitford's opera house.

Matters About Town.

Cyrus E. Fitch has secured a widow's pension of $8 a month for Mrs. Norman Davenport, of Butler, dating from Aug. 23, last.

D. M. Weager expects to move to his farm in Butler in the spring. His fine residence on West Main street will be for rent, and, as understood, Walter R. Strait has been promised the first chance.

The young people held a dancing party at Whitford's opera house last Friday night, which was well attended, many couples coming from nearby villages. There were two tables of the visitors at the Wolcott house for supper. Hill's orchestra, of Fair Haven, furnished the music.

Eastern Star Election.

Draper chapter of the Eastern Star, held their annual election last Friday evening. The elective and appointive officers are: Worthy matron, Mrs. W. C. Cunningham; worthy patron, Dr. L. C. Jones; associate matron, Mrs. C. B. Graves; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Murphy; secretary, Mrs. Nellie Moses; conductress, Mrs. Bert Sabin; associate conductress, Mrs. Murtie Prevost; chaplain,Mrs. E. B. Whitbeck; marshal, Mrs. C. D. Walker; historian, Mrs. C. T. Metcalf; organist, Mrs. S. W. Houston; warden, Mrs. C. H. Hammer; sentinel, B. S. Wood; Adah, Mrs. Charles Lawrence; Ruth, Miss Sue G. Crafts; Esther, Mrs. W. V. Bidwell; Martha, Miss Lelah Cornwell; Electa, Mrs. J. A. Hale. The installation will take place Friday evening, Jan. 10.

Levi Morris Farm Sold.

The Levi Morris farm, on the plank road, Wolcott township, has been sold to Leonard Clary, for $3,000. Mr. Clary and his wife have been caring of late for Mrs. John Vincent.

The farm contains 76 acres. It was owned by Rev. Augustus Grotrian, of Buffalo, who took it on a mortgage of $2,700, and upon his death it went to Mrs. Emma Schrouth, his daughter, of the same city, who sold it to Clary. The farm has three acres of orchard.

George H. Green Sells His Farm.

George H. Green, of Wolcott, has sold his farm on Dutch street, Huron, to Isaac VanLiere. The place contains 60 acres. VanLiere paid $3,500, with four cows thrown in.

NEW 6/4/11   from The Western Argus, May 18, 1836

The people of the state of New-York: To all persons interested in the estate of James Dickson, late of the town of Galen, in the county of Wayne deceased.

WHEREAS, Luana Dickson, administratrix, and Stephen Salisbury junior, Daniel Field, and James Humeston, administrators of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of James Dickson deceased, are desirous of having the account of their proceedings, as such administratrix and administrators finally settled and applied for a citation for that purpose: you are therefore required to appear before our surrogate of the county of Wayne, at his office in the town of Arcadia, in said county, on the twenty fifth day April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to attend the settlement of the said accounts.
Given under the hand and seal of Office of our said Surrogate, at Arcadia, in said County, the twenty first day of March 1836.

List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Sodus, April 1, 1836

Andrew Amos H. - 3
Allen Isaac
Andrews Ebenezer H.
Allen Charity
Beane Jahiel
Bell Mary Jane
Benjamin Ban___ (croft?) - 2
Bushnell Asa W.
Barker Jonathan
Barlemy (?) Stephen
Bell James K.
Bushnell Elisha
Bennett Thomas
Bushnell Stephen
Crane Edwin D.
C___land Elisha W.
Coddington Benjamin
Cox/Coe(?) Jahiel
Cook A.H.
Cady Charles
Collins Charles
Dennington John - 2
Daley William
Davis Jane C.
Dilling Madock Elder
Ellsworth Ami Jr.
Ellsworth Chloe
Fulton William
Gaylord Levi B.
Gurney Stephen
Green Ira - 2
Gibbs Eliza M.
Gatchel Elisha
Hulbert Isaac
Harding Henry
Hendrick & Co.
Hill Eunice
Johnson Jacob
Johnson William
Seymour Uriah
Johnson Emily
Johnson Jesse
Kipling Robert
King C. G.
Lane Salmon J.(?) - 2
Lemmon Isaac
Lape Samuel
Leonard Enas (?)
Ladue Ezekiel
McIntyre William - 3
Morse William P.
Mason Lurana L.
Messenger Lorenzo
Monsieur R.
Momson Mabel
Nigh Benona (?)
Peeler John F.
Palmer George Z.
Pall Daniel
Peace Abel
Pratt Ira
Pierce H. B.
Pallock James
Pulver John K./H.(?)
Pelur (?) Peter J.
Redfield Charles
Rouse (?) Peter
Raney Benjamin
Raskel(?) Lorenzo O./G.(?)
Robert Deal
Sylvester Amos K.(?)
Seymour S.S.
Stewart Espy J. - 2
Sentell Edward W.
Spencer Abner P.
Sanford George W.
Snyder Peter
Sterling Richard
Smith E. F. Esqr.
Seymour Orin B.
Smither James
Smith John
Stall Catharine A.
Taylor William
Trowbridge Alwick
Taylor Stephen Jr.
Taylor Caroline Miss
Thompson Robert
Teachout William
Van Derburgh John
White Seth
Whiting William
Wood Moses
Weaver Henry
Walling William
Wescott Palmer
Wride William

List of Letters, remaining in the post Office at Newark, Wayne Co. N.Y. ____ (month was omitted) 1, 1836

Smith Adsit
Ambrose Abbot
Benjamin P. Avery
Aaron Aldrich
Sarvyes Byington
William Borst
Joseph Burnet
Marcus Beecher - 2
Theodore Blossom
Samuel Bray
Oliver Bugbee
Betsey Bennet
Jonathan Barnes
Aaron Brower
Noble Benedict
Henry L. Clute
Heman Calhoun
Almon CozIer
Patrick Conney - 2
Mary M. Conger
Nath Coyle
Charlotte Colburn
Dr. A. Doane
Mary Deviney
Eliza Demmon
James Denodiel (?)
Isaac Dickson
Roderick Drinkwater
John J. Everts
Henry Eddy
Adam A. Flint
R. B. Fairchild
Samuel D. Fairchild
Chloe Green
Jacob P. Groat
Catharine S. Groat
Pierce Granger - 1
John Gilbert
David Grimes
William Green - 2
John G___ (illegible, crease in paper)
Moses Hill
Emmet W. Hyde
Juliett Hallock
Caleb Hendee
Amos Holbrook
Samuel Hildreth
Joseph Hildreth - 2
Margaret Harris
Harriet D. Hubbard
George Henson
Samuel W. Hoag
Edward Halstead
Wm Hall
Aurelia D. Harris
Nathan Hall/Hull (?)
James Hutchinson
David Jewell jr.
E. E. Jones
Peter P. Kocher
Abner Kent
John W. Langdon - 2
Austin Lee/Leo (?)
Nelson Moors
Robert McChesney
S. H. McDowell
Wm. Matoon
Isaac H. McNei(?)
Rev. Elbert Nevins
Emmet Potter
John Philip
Peter Pulver
Percival Palmer
john D. Peer
Wm. H. Pulver
Joseph S. Potter
Thomas J. Payne
Sarah Patrick
George Probasco
Rodrick Price
Ruth Reaves
Henry Roth__r
Hickson Rush
Allen Roberson
Ebenezer Ryon
James Scow Esq.
Lyman Sherwood Esq.
G. W. Scott Esq.
David Smith
Lorenzo Sherwood Esq.
Mr. Siblely
Tryphena Sickles
Enoch Steves(?)
Socrates Smith Esq.
Benard (sic) S____ (illegible)
Benjamin Sabin
Cornelius Slate
Alida Statts
Michael Slemon(?)
Robert Smith
Edmund P. Sherman
Stephen S___ (illegible, crease in paper)
James Steveson
William Turner
Randolph Tillotson
Ephraim Taylor
Walter VAndusen - 2
Lucy V. Cook
Zadock Vanscoder
Isaac Wright
Jacob Ward
Samuel Wallace
William Wills
Otis White
Joseph Waller
Nathan Willson
Leonard Wilcox
Jason Wheeler
Friend Webster
John Warner
John P. Warner

MARRIED - in this village on the 12th inst. by Rev. L. Hubbell, Mr. ASA BLODGET, to Miss ANN TUTTLE.

Also this morning by the same, Mr. OZRO BUCKINGHAM, to Miss HARRIET STIGNEY (sic), and Mr. DOUGLASS D. CLARK, to Miss HARRIET CREIG, all of this village. [NOTE: Harriet STICKNEY, dau. of Eliphalet Stickney and Phoebe HOWELL?]

NEW 6/4/11   from the Western Argus, Lyons NY, unknown date between July 10 and August 12, 1845

PURSUANT to an order of James C Smith, Surrogate of the County of Wayne, notice is hereby given to all persons who have claims against Jacob Sebring, late of the town of Wolcott in said county, deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to Abraham Teachout his Administrator, at the dwelling house of the said Administrator, in the town of Wolcott aforesaid, on or before the fifteenth day of January next.- Dated July 4, 1845.
SALLY SEBRING, Administratrix,

PURSUANT to an order of James C. Smith, Surrogate of the county of Wayne, Notice is hereby given to all persons who have claims against John M. Sentell, late of the town of Sodus in said county, deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to Stephen Tinklepaugh, his administrator, at the dwelling house of said administrator, in Sodus aforesaid, at or before the twelfth day of August next. - Dated the 29th Jan. 1845.

PURSUANT to an order of James C. Smith, Surrogate of the County of Wayne, notice is hereby given to all persons who have clams against Ensign Calkins, late of the town of Butler in said county, deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to Harriet B. Calkins, his Administratrix, at her dwelling house in Butler aforesaid, on or before the first day of September next. Dated February 2, 1845.

HOMICIDE.- MR. ABRAM FISH, a respectable farmer of the town of Manchester, residing about four miles south from this village, died on the 17th inst. aged 72 years. A week previous, he was struck on the head with a club by a man of the name of Isaac Lockwood, (a hired laborer to Mr. Fish,) and his death resulted from the injury thus received. We do not learn that there had been any controversy or unfriendly misunderstanding between them. Lockwood has for years been habitually intemperate, and is supposed to have been partially in a fit of delirium tremens at the time he gave the unprovoked and fatal blow. O, cruel monster Alcohol!- Lockwood fled shortly before the death of his victim, but is pursued and will no doubt be arrested and properly dealt with. - Wayne Sentinel.

DROWNED.- Two young lads, one the son of Erastus Gooding, deceased, aged 6 years and 6 months, and the other the son of George Cook, aged 6 years and 6 months, were drowned in the town of North Bristol in this county, last Friday. It appears they had attempted to bathe in a small stream, and finding too deep water were both drowned. Their clothing was found on the shore. This is indeed a sad bereavement to the parents of the children, and should serve as another warning to those who have the care of lads, in allowing them to bathe alone or without the care of older persons. - Ontario Messenger.


THE Subscriber will lease for one or more years from the 1st of April 1846, the valuable Tavern Stand and property appertaining therein, situate in the village of Alton, town of Sodus, and County of Wayne, known as the


The House has been recently enlarged and repaired in the most elegant style - and the Barns, Sheds, and other outbuildings are far superior to any in this section of the country. There are 17 acres of most valuable land under cultivation, adjoining the house. It is situated on the most public road from Rochester to Oswego, and also on the main road from Lyons to Sodus Point.

Any person who possesses the required qualifications to keep a Public House, and none other, can make application to R. W. Ashley, Jr., of Lyons, N.Y., who is authorized by me (my residence being at Toronto, Upper Canada,) to enter into in my name, all the necessary contracts. The object of giving this early notice, is that all may have an opportunity of making application; and the reason why the property cannot be leased before the 1st of April next, is that the term of the present lease does not expire till then.
Dated July 10, 1845

NEW 6/4/11   from The Herald, Wednesday, May 30, 1906 (Clyde NY)

The phonograph in the office of Frank Finch, the seedman, over the post-office, serves as a fair substitute for the missing band concerts and attracts quite an audience every fair evening that it is set in operation.

Italian Celebration and Fireworks.

The St. Anthony Society of the Italians of this village are making preparations to observe St. Anthony's Day with appropriate exercises on Wednesday, June 13th. In the forenoon there will be a parade with a band of music after which divine services will be held in St. John's Catholic church. During the afternoon a band concert will be given in the park and the evening will be devoted to a grand display of fireworks. The annual celebration of the Italian Societies have come to be looked forward to with pleasure by the citizens of this and surrounding towns and the coming event promises to be on a larger scale than any heretofore held.

Killed by the Cars.

Rev. Banoni (sic) Stevens was struck and instantly killed by the accommodation train No. 2 on the New York Central Railroad near Savannah at 8:10 o'clock Friday morning. Mr. Stevens was 80 years old and had made his home with his son, Elford, who resided near the railroad. He was walking on the tracks when he was struck by the train and his skull was crushed.

Mr. Stevens was an Adventist minister, having had charge of the Adventist church in South Butler for several years. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. William Brown of Wolcott and Mrs. Willis Nichols of Savannah, also one son Elford D. Stevens of Savannah. Coroner Allen was notified and viewed the remains, deciding that an inquest was unnecessary.

NEW 4/1/11   from The Newark Union-Gazette, Saturday Morning, November 17, 1917

Sodus Center

Miss Helen L. Klumpp is spending the month with her sister, Mrs. William B. Smith, at Muncy, Penn.

Miss Verna Woodard has been spending a few days with relatives at Lock Berlin.

Andrew W. Lewis who was operated on last week for the removal of a malignant carcinoma, is reported as improving rapidly, and unless there be a recurrence of the trouble, his complete recovery is assured.

William J. Dodd of Port Byron was in town part of the week preparing to move back here about December 11. He has sold his farm in Cayuga County, and will sell his tools and stock at auction next Tuesday.

Isaac DuBois and his son, Earl, who reside just north of Sodus Center, have purchased a farm near Red Creek and will locate there next spring.

Orlando Bennett of Geneva was the guest of his brother, C. T. Bennett over Sunday.

Mrs. Annie B. Merchant entertained her son John E. Merchant, and family of Rochester the early part of the week.


Miller Howell returned to his work in Rochester Monday after two week's vacation spent with his family here.

Mr. and Mrs. William Burger and son have moved to Calidonia (sic). His father living there made him a present of a new automobile since moving.

Miss Mildred Benton resigned from her school work at Mt. Morris to accept a position in a High School in Southampton, Long Island, where she will receive eight hundred dollars per year with promise of one hundred a year added for every additional year she may remain.

H. G. Cheetham was home from Fort Niagara for a couple days recently.

Mrs. E. Shipley is with her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Garfield, who is taking treatment at the Castile Sanitarium.

East Palmyra

Robert Gamble left Monday to spend the winter with his brother in San Mateo, Florida.

Mrs. Henry Cook has been spending the week with her son, Loren Cook and family of Rochester.

Charles Jagger of Newark spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. Jones Warner and family.

Marion, Nov. 12th

Arthur Kenyon of Pennsylvania has purchased the farm owned by Mrs. Wm. Snyder and will take possession this fall.

Peter DuBoise, Jr., who lately purchased the house and small farm owned by Alexander Pettit, is having it wired for electricity.

Samuel Cook bid off the house and two lots owned by the late Georgianna Hill at the recent auction by administrator H. S. Potter. The house brought $735, the lot $305.

John Guilfoil, a highly respected farmer living on the Palmyra Road, is seriously ill as the result of a slight stroke of appoplexy (sic). Mrs. Guilfoil is assisted in caring for him by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Floyd Guilfoil.

Helen Goossen and Florence Lookup were home from Rochester University for the weekend.

Mrs. C. H. Scutt has returned from Syracuse where she visited her niece, Miss Helen Scutt, and Miss Georgia Noble, a former teacher in Marion High School.

The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Helen Sweeney this Tuesday. The program was the question of Suffrage and Citizenship and was in charge of Mrs. Malcolm Bremer(?). Mrs. Sweeney was assisted as hostess by Mrs. Chester Sanford and Mrs. Albert Freeman.

Floyd Fuller is a guest in Caladonia (sic) for two weeks.

NEW 6/4/11   from The Newark Union-Gazette, Saturday Morning, January 20, 1917


A very quiet wedding took place at St. Michael's rectory Wednesday morning, Jan. 17, 1917, at 6:45 o'clock, when Miss Lillian Mayre Johnson and Clinton Culver Austin were united in marriage by Rev. J. J. Gibbons. The beautiful ring service was used which was very impressive.

The bride was attended by Mrs. Neil Morgan of Rochester, N.Y., and Stanley Johnson of Newark, a cousin of the bride, was best man.

The bride wore her traveling suit of green velvet with white silk waist and a black velvet hat. They left on an early train for a southern trip.

A pre-nuptial event was a variety shower given by Mrs. D. M. Johnson and Mrs. D. R. Culver at the home of Mrs. Johnson, when the bride-to-be received a great many beautiful and useful presents.

Justice of the Peace Herrick on Jan. 10 united in marriage Joseph A. R./B.(?) Blum of Rochester to Helen Nellie Kane, daughter of George Kane of Arcadia.

P. Garlock & company held its annual meeting Tuesday and elected the following officers: Charles H. Garlock, president and treasurer; Clarence Kelley, vice president; J. Fred Helmer, secretary. The company declared a dividend of 6 per cent, payable on February 1.

The marriage of Miss Alida Hughes of Palmyra and Lewis Gratten of Rochester occurred at Palmyra Wednesday. Rev. J. E. Hartley officiating.

A fire started in the old Lydia Sherman homestead on North Main Street yesterday morning at about 9:30 o'clock. The house is now owned by V. DeLuca and is occupied by a family of Italians. One of the beds caught on fire and the blaze was soon extinguished. Slight damage was done.

Peter DeLyser has sold his farm of 85 acres located six miles north of the village to C. I. DeZutter of Williamson, consideration, $11,000. The farm contains 35 acres of muck. Mr. DeLyser has purchased a fifteen acre fruit farm in Williamson. It was formerly owned by Peter DuBole and is located on the state road. Mr. DeLyser will move his family there soon after his auction which will be held Feb. 15th.

NEW 4/1/11   from The Wayne County Review, Thursday, July 16, 1903

South Lyons.

Miss Ethel Barclay of Lyons is the guest of her cousin, Miss Marian Meehan.

Miss Myrtle Closs of Sterling, Ohio, has lately been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Decker.

C. P. Webster has left for his home in Hastings, Nebraska. He has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. H. Hammond.

Henry Jennings has purchased of Elijah Lemon of Sodus the mare Belle Snyder, a fast stepper which took part in the Fourth of July races at Lyons. Consideration, $250.


A. W. Whitbeck has the cellar ready for a new dwelling to be built on Seneca street.

Eli Gant is again a citizen of Savannah and is busy looking after his farming interests.

The central pay car left its usual boodle of cash Saturday and in the evening everybody had money to throw away. Some kept to business up to twelve at night when the ambulance wagon was called to remove the burdened ones to a place of safety.

Mrs. A. J. Conroe spent the week with relatives in Westbury.

The thermometer registered 98 in the shade Thursday and Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wandle Secor of Long Island are spending a few weeks in town the guests of their mother, Mrs. Sarah Secor.

Charles Wood, deceased, held a policy of $2000 in the A. O. M. W. order to be generally divided between his two daughters and son, also two policies of $3000 in the New York Mutual and Massachusetts Mutual, payable to his wife.

Miss Ella Damewood has returned from Long Island, where she has been teaching for the past year, to spend the vacation with her parents.

Mrs. Charles Westcott gave a birthday party last Friday in honor of her son, Clinton.

Miss Lena Manroe of Leonardsville is a guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Hosea Ure.

Calvin Sherman is spending a part of his vacation among the Thousand islands with his grandmother, Mrs. Bibbens of Syracuse.

North Lyons.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Collins and children of Rochester are visiting at the home of her brother, Daniel Hurley, in North Lyons.

William Tack of Palmyra spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. George Grimm.

Arthur Benning will go to Colorado in about two weeks to accept a lucrative position in the construction of a sugar factory.

S.A. Hildebrant of Zurich will assist M. Gilkey in handling his berry crop.

Mr. Byron Barclay of Geneva, formally (sic) of North Lyons is in California at the present writing.

Henry Wunder has purchased a new buggy of Sears Roebuck & Co. Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkey of Fulton have been spending the past week with Mr. Gilkey's parents. Mr. Gilkey returned to Fulton yesterday where he is employed as foreman in a large paper mill. Mrs. Gilkey will remain here a few weeks to assist in the berry rush.


Miss Nellie Sedore has accepted a position in the Philo & Shorts store.

The many friends in this place of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sucher of Sodus extend congratulations on the new arrival.

Floyd Teeter has accepted a position in the Life Saving Station at Charlotte and will begin his new duties this week.

The berry crop is being harvested in this vicinity and bids fair to yield a large crop.

The friends of Edward Ragen are some what alarmed over his disappearance. He went ot Sodus Point the Fourth and has not been seen since.

Wilber Winney has his new barber shop and pool room completed and now has a modern up-to-date establishment. Mr. Winney will put in a complete line of tobaccoes, (sic) candies, lunches and shaving outfits.

[unclear whether the following are for Alton or Lyons]

Mr. and Mrs. John Lowie are rejoicing over the birth of a son.

George Seager has moved his family from Glenmark into the DoVille house lately purchased by Samuel Burns.

S. Streeter of Rochester was in town over Sunday, the guest of Miss Eva Winney.

The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Welch continues very illl.

A large number of our citizens attended the ball game at Sodus last Wednesday between the local team of that place and the Chicago Stars. Will Welch says that he was so taken with the beauty of the Stars that he will apply for a place on their team as soon as he gets his berries picked.

Mrs. Cornelius DeZutter of Williamson is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles F. Burns.

O. C. Gilbert and son will give an entertainment this evening in Rowland hall consisting of an address and songs. He will speak of slave days and the songs will be of the same nature.

South Butler.

Mr. and Mrs. George Brown are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter born Saturday July 11th.

Mrs. Mary Wadsworth is spending a short time with relatives in Cleveland, Oswego County.

Mr. Guy Van Buren and Miss Mabel Hammond were united in marriage at Red Creek Saturday by Rev. Mr. Shirley. Both young people are well known in this vicinity and hearty congratulations are extended.

Miss Leta Pasco of Red Creek is visiting her brother, W. M. Pasco.

Alford and James Langton of Elbridge was in town, Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Williams.

Wayne Center.

There will be a dance in Fred Houghtaling's new barn Friday evening, July 17th.

Almer Curtis and Ray Appleman of Joy spent Saturday evening with the Misses Lucena and Alice Hosford.

New 4/1/11   From The Lyons Republican, Friday, October 18, 1918

Dr. Willard A. Veeder of the Physicians Reserve Corps has just received his commission as captain with orders to report within fifteen days at New Haven, Conn.

The War department has confirmed the action of the American Red Cross in appointing Terry Van Camp to duty overseas. He will report to the headquarters of the Atlantic Division in New York, October 21. Overseas he will serve as a casualty searcher.

The only people of this community who visited the war trophy train which did not stop in Lyons last Wednesday were Mrs. H. G. Hotchkiss, Mrs. Leman Hotchkiss and Mr. and Mrs. William G. David. While motoring the party found the train sidetracted (sic) east of Lyons. The officers in charge invited them aboard.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Greenlaw, residents of Lyons up to about a year ago and who are now living in Ridgewood, N. J., have received word that their son, Minot, is wounded in France. Minot Greenlaw entered the service of his country about a year ago, leaving LYons with one of the earlier draft quotas. Basil Greenlaw, another son, is now in the service as first class yeoman in the Navy. Miss Esther Greenlaw, the daughter is in training for a Red Cross nurse in a New York hospital. Mr. Greenlaw was engaged in the nursery house, while a resident of this village.

Albert Westphal of U. S. transport ship is home on a furlough.

Edward Crough, who has been ill for several weeks with typhoid fever, was out for the first time Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Murphy attended the funeral of the latter's niece, Mrs. J. Kieffer (?), at Syracuse, yesterday.

New 4/1/11   From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, April 29, 1898, page 4

The family of ex-Supervisor John A. Boyd, of Sodus, will celebrate this month the one hundredth anniversary of its arrival in the town of Sodus. The grandfather of Mr. Boyd left Maryland in April 1798, and settled in Sodus, where the family have continuously resided ever since.

Superintendent Fornham (sic) has made the following appointments for the town of Galen: Clyde lift bridge, H. C. Moon, William H. Blodgett; Lock No. 53, Frank MIller, head, James Hannas, foot; Lock No. 54, Eugene Barnes, head, Fred Smith, head, Daniel Moon, foot, George Bernheimer, foot; bank watchman, Joseph Root/Ront (?).

New 4/1/11   From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in 1889

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Welcher this morning.

Ira M. George of Boston, spent Sunday with his brother, J. T. George.

Miss Topping, of Michigan, has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. A. S. Westfall, and has now gone to Marion to visit other relatives.

Wesley Palmer, of Port Gibson, and Mrs. Flora Palmer have been made administrators of W. D. Palmer's estate. The stock of boots and shoes is now being appraised by H. S. Potter, of Marion, and Joel H. Prescott.

Joseph Blackman, of Lyons, aged 11, received injuries Sunday which may result fatally. He was driving a horse before a road cart, when the horse kicked, breaking the cross-bar, which flew up and struck the lad's head, fracturing the skull. [Is this the same Joseph Blackman? Newark Main Street Cemetery - Blackman, Joseph E. 1879-1933]

Mrs. C. S. Edwards and daughter, of Grand Rapids, Mich., have been guests at Otto Freeh's.

Ed. M. Hooper is attending the state firemen's convention at Plattsburgh as a delegate from the Newark fire department.

Miss Bristol of Louisville, Kentucky, a daughter of David Bristol, a former Newark business man, has been a guest of the Misses Wright on Williams street for several days.

Geo. F. Palmer, A. H. Vanderbilt, Rev. L. Coffin, Dan. Rechlau, Geo. Sleighel, Leman Purchase, Geo. Brewer, Fred Shaw, J. T. George, P. E. Nellis, C. A. Tator, and perhaps others, Past Grands of the Newark lodge, are in Rochester to-day, attending the meeting or the State lodge of Odd Fellows.

Peter R. Sleight's little child is very ill, with but slight hopes of recovery.

New 4/1/11   From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, November 22, 1899


Freddie Frey, of Newark, spent last week with his cousin, Arthur Frey.


The following letters were advertised in the Newark post-office Nov. 18, 1899:
Black, A.
Blomquist, A.
Donahue, Thos.
Fineout, Jacob
Hathaway, Wm.
Mosier, D. F.
Pells, Cornelius
Ellis, John E.
      R.P. GROAT, postmaster


Mrs. John W. Hartel and daughter Mabel of Buffalo are guests of Mrs. J. C. Smith and family.

Jay Catlin and sister, Miss Carrie, of Zurich, called on friends here Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Montondo are home from a carriage drive and visit among old Oswego county friends.

Mrs. Cassius M. Clapp of Huron and Mrs. Omar M. Curtis of Wolcott were calling on old friends and neighbors here last week.

Mrs. Emma J. Green, widow of the late C. C. Green of South Sodus, has been granted a pension of $8 per month, and Andrew J. Vermilyer of Alton has had his pension increased from $17 to $24 per month.

Mr. and Mrs. Seward McMullen of Canandaigua were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schimph, last week.

The matrimonial fever is still raging in town. To-morrow, Wednesday, will witness the marital union of two of our most popular young couples. At noon, Miss Louise May, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, will become the wife of John Clark Belden, and four hours later, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaRock, on Geneva street, their younger daughter, Ermina Enora, will be wedded to Reuben Delbert Comstock. Mr. Comstock and Miss LaRock will attend as best man and maid of honor at the former marriage, and Mr. and Mrs. Belden will officiate in similar capacities at the latter. Rev. W. H. Bentley of Spring Lake will perform both ceremonies. Only the immediate friends and relatives are invited to either. The happy quartette will enjoy their honeymoon in company, visiting Philadelphia, Washington, and other points south, leaving on the 6 o'clock train over the Rome-Watertown.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Campbell leave Thursday for New York where they expect to spend the winter.

Henry Pearsall is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Cyrus E. Fitch, in Butler, and will not return home until after Thanksgiving.

Claud T. Borradaile was home from Wolcott the fore part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin LaRock of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. E./R./B.(?) J. Weeks of Rose, Mrs. Edward Lamphere of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hall of Wolcott, and Mrs. R. W. Harris of Waterport, N.Y., are in town this week, guests at the Wednesday weddings.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tinklepaugh were recent guests of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Van Tassell, in Geneva.

Miss Laura Loucks of Sharon, Conn., arrived in town Saturday, and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Messinger.

John F. McMullen has accepted a position with Snyder & Allerton of Newark.

Friends here are in receipt of cards announcing the marriage of Miss Julia Allen, of Cleveland, Ohio, who has spent several summers with friends in this village during the past few years, to Mr. Otto Williams, cashier of the Cuyahoga National bank of that city.

Lawrence Morley is expected home from New York for Thanksgiving.


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tack, on the 16th inst., a son.

Frank Crosby and bride of Orleans county have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John L. Crosby.

John Blankenburg has returned from Bear Lake, Pa., where he has been drying apples during the season.


Arthur Westfall of Rochester is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. H. Hopkins.

New 4/1/11   From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in April 1898


The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Stout extend their sympathy in the affliction recently come to them by the death of their only child, Ivan, aged 10 months, after a short illness of pneumonia. The funeral was held Saturday at the Presbyterian church.

Ray Marble who has been attending school at Jamestown will remain at home during the summer.

Mr. Geo. Stacy has purchased the home formerly owned by Miss Mary Himes. Mr. La Due the Turner property. Mr. Brinkerhoff of Syracuse the Mrs. Frank Austin house. Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Zurich have moved in the Weston house. Mr. John Gillard has purchased the Becklan farm. [NOTE: Becklan = Beckman?]

Mrs. Lay of Rochester has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Pheobe (sic) Robinson.

Born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stow, a daughter.

Earnest Brinkerhoff, a cadet of the Military school at Fairfield, Herkimer county, is the guest of his parents.

East Palmyra.

We learn that Jerome Galloway was married a few days ago, to a Miss Forbes of Clyde, by Rev. F. M. Smith.

Miss Hattie Clark comes home this week from Rochester, where she has spent most of the winter.

A. Merritt has moved to a farm south of Newark, and David Fuller into the Murphy house.

Mrs. Estelle Reeves is expected to start homeward from California some time the present week.


Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allen, Thursday, April 7, a daughter.

George Martin of Mexico, N.Y., is making his parents and friends here a short visit.

The saw mill of Frank Stearns was totally destroyed by fire early Friday morning. The loss is estimated at about $2,000. There was no insurance.

Mrs. Dr. Wright, a very aged lady, fell and broke her leg Sunday.

Charles Stearns is seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia.

Port Gibson.

Nellie and John Hays and Mamie O'Leary are out after a siege of scarlet fever.

Mrs. Anna R. Snyder has been spending the past week with her mother, who is very seriously ill, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Dr. Landon of Newark.

Sam Parker, who is at present making his home with his brother J. W. Parker, is a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism.


Mrs. Ed Anderson and two sons of Palmyra are here for a week with her brother, C. L. Gaylord.

NEW 4/1/11   From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 4, 1899, page 2


Mrs. Frank Harr, of Warren, Pa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Culver.

The Sunday school of Minsteed will hold a social at the home of Jasper Sunderville, Friday, Jan. 6.

East Palmyra.

Our newly-married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jagger, are about to make their residence under the same roof as Mrs. Fitzgerald.

Edwin Reeves goes to Jersey City soon to spend a week with his brothers, James and Spencer.

Mrs. Charles Hood and Mrs. E. F. Packard have been confined to the house some time by illness. Mrs. R. S. Post has improved more rapidly of late than her husband. Mrs. J. H. Post remains at home because of asthma. C. C. Thompson seems to be failing slowly.

Sodus Centre.

James Almon Whitbeck, a Sodus boy, who saw active service in the late Spanish-American war, has been promoted to the rank of first yeoman, from that of third yeoman, and transferred from the United States cruiser Wilmington to the Alliance, with double pay. He has been in the service of Uncle Sam less than two years.

Friday evening, Dec. 23, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reynold(s), west of the village, occurred the marriage of Miss Kate Dutcher and Mr. Wm. Shepherdson, Rev. Mr. Tholens, of Rose officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Powell have returned from a short wedding trip and are at his home south of the village.

Wm. H. Morley, of Ann Arbor Medical College, is visiting friends on Maple St.

Miss Alice Cassin, of Chicago, is spending the holidays with her parents on Railroad St.

South Lyons.

Mrs. Chas. F. Swarts, of Albany is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jackson.


The children and grand-children of Mrs. Harriett Tassell met at her home Saturday, the 24th, to celebrate her birthday, and enjoy her Christmas dinner.

Phillip Muhl and Robert Morgan came home from Syracuse to spend Christmas with their familes.

Frank Thomas, and daughter, Ethel, of Rochester, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, H. J. Thomas and wife.

Cassius Wake, of Moline, Ill., is calling on old friends and relatives in town, he having come to attend the funeral of his uncle, Johnathan Wake.

Miss Marie Reeves spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Stearns, of Marion.

Mrs. Charles Garfield, of Rochester, spent the holidays with her mother and grand-parents, A. O. Miller and wife.


Spencer Devall left last week for Galesburgh, MIch., where he will visit relatives.

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowman west of Zurich, Wednesday, occurred the marriage of Ernest Koebler/Koehler(?) to Miss S. VanHollan. Rev. J. Harting officiated.

Mrs. John Wilson of Newark was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bramer, Sunday.

The marriage of William Rose of this place and Miss Emma Malchow of Fairville will take place in Lyons tomorrow. Rev. J. Harting wil perform the ceremony.

Miss Ida Humbert of North Lyons was the guest of her cousin, Miss Etta Humbert, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNamara of Buffalo spent New Year's with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara.

Miss Maud Miller of Wayne Centre has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Katie Schmuck.

Mrs. Emma Gerling returned to Rochester Sunday after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bastian.

Miss Etta Humbert is taking music lessons of George Stell of Lyons.

NEW 4/1/11   From the Wayne County Review, Thursday, January 22, 1903

Sodus Center.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a baby girl.

South Butler

The friends of Henry Hudley, formerly of this place but now of Janesville, Wisconsin, were pleased to hear of his recent marriage to a lady from that place. Congratulations are extended.

George Fowler, of the Syracuse University was home with his parents over Sunday.

North Rose

Stephen Chaffee of Syracuse is holding a series of revival meetings at this place with very good results thus far.

Born Jan. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sidler, a daughter.

Born Jan. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Seeley of New York, a daughter.

New 7/21/08   From the Palmyra Sentinel, unknown date in early January 1828.


Remaining in the Post-Office, at Williamson, January 1st, 1828.

____ ALEXANDER Esq. [as printed in paper]
William BARTON
Elijeh CLARK [as printed in paper]
Orange JAMES
Epenetus KETCHUM
Derias PRATT
Wm. SMITH Jun.
Daniel SABIN or Joseph SABIN [as printed in paper]
James WRIGHT 4
Jonothan WATEROUS [as printed in paper]


Last Call Save One.

ALL demands in the hands of the Executors of Ambrose Hall, deceased, that are now due, must be paid or arranged, before the fifteenth of January next, or they will be sued without discrimination.

N. B.- No arrangement will be made on any debt under fifty dollars, other than to receive the ____.

WM. WILLCOX} Executors
Palmyra, Dec. 20, 1827.

From the Palmyra Sentinel, unknown date in early October 1827.


Remaining in the Post Office, at Palmyra, N. Y., October 1, 1827

ALLEN, Draper
ALLEN, Nathan
ALLEN, Henry S.
ALDRICH, Adolphas
BINGHAM, Jeremiah
BEATTY, Leonard
BEERS, David R.
COPE, Joseph
COE, J. Esqr.
CUYLER, Wm. Howe
COLE, Abner
CLARK, Lyman
COWLS, Sylvester or Solomon [as printed in paper]
CULYER, Jane [as printed in paper]
CHASE, Nehemiah
DEWEY, _oan
EVANS, Alfred
ENAS, Allin [as printed in paper]
_____ Zodiah [as printed in paper]
FOSTER, Hannah
FRALICK, Abraham
GRANDIN, Philip J.
GLOVER, Martin
GOODING, Charles
HOUT (?), Margaret
HULBERT, Francis 2
HICKS, Gardiner
HOLMES, Barnabas
HORTON, Sam'l T.
HOWE, Daniel
HEATH, Soloman
HALL, Ambrose
HAYDEN, William
HILL, Elizabeth
HIBBARD, Esther Mrs.
HUDSON, George A.
HECOX, Giles
HOAG, Joseph
INGALLS, William
JONES, Daniel
KENT, Lewis
LANGDON, Benjamin
LAWRENCE, Sam'l P. 3
McCOLLUM, Rachel
McDANIEL, Roderick
MOSES, Jedediah
MARVIN, Abijah
McCLARY, Alanson
NEWLAND, Adolphus 2
NEWTON, Dudley 2
NILES, Hiram Cap.
PECK, Lanson
PRICHARD, Richard 3
PAYNE, Hiram
PIERCE, Mercy M.
PLUMB, Daniel
PARK, James
PARMATER, Johnathan
POST, Elizabeth
PERRY, Israel
ROGERS, Thomas 2d.
REES, Abigail
ROUND, Isaac
ROGERS, Denison
SMITH, Joseph Jun.
SHERMAN, Ment [as printed in paper]
SMITH, David or Asa [as printed in paper]
SHELDON, Jonathan 3
STUART, Thomas
STORK, Reuben
SMITH, Samuel
TREAT, Henry H.
TERRY, Constant
TREAT, Thos. S.
TREAT, Sutlus [as printed in paper]
VANDUZEN, Christopher
WHITE, Asahel
WOOD, Edward 2
WHITE, James
WESCOTT, Elizabeth
WAKFIELD, D. B. [as printed in paper]

J. S. COLT, P. M.

Stray Cow and Calf.

Taken up by the subscriber, on the 16th inst., a red and white speckled Cow, twelve or fourteen years old, - square crop off the left ear - having with her a red Calf, about two months old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and taken them away.            LEBEUS HAMMOND.
Palmyra, Sept. 21, 1827.

An Address, delivered to the Masonic Fraternity, of Ark Lodge, Geneva, upon the festival of St. John the Baptist, immediately before the dedication of the new Hall, June 26(?), A. __ 58_7, by the Rev. ___ John A. Clark, __ M., just received at the Palmyra Bookstore.


By the subscriber, on the 27th ult., near H. Jessup & Co.'s Tannery, in this village, a dark ___ colored GREAT COAT, with two capes - belt on behind, and lined with yellow ___ ock. Whoever may find said coat, will please leave it at this office.

Palmyra, Oct. 3, 1827


ALL persons are advised not to purchase a certain note, the amount of which is ____, given by the subscriber to Hugh Kerney, a year and a half or two years ago.
Marion, Oct. 4, 1827.

MARRIED - In this place, yesterday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Potter, Mr. HAZARD R.(?) WILLCOX, to Miss ELIZABETH GOSS.

In Farmington, last evening, Mr. Bartlet White, of Manchester, to Miss Cynthia Reed, of the former place.


The agency of Mr. Samuel L. Thomson, in the sale of lands lying in the towns of Galen and Sodus, in the county of Wayne, for the executors of James H. Kip, deceased, has ceased by a revocation of his powers in that matter. Sales of said land are hereafter to be made with Hiram K. Jerome, Esq., of Palmyra, in said county only; to whom a power of attorney for that purpose has been given. Future payments on contracts made with said Thomson, must hereafter be made to Mr. Jerome, and no other person.- Dated New-York, September 22, 1827.
JAMES H. KIP, dec'd.

New 5/29/05   Found in The Medentian, the 1945 yearbook of the Medical and Dental Schools of the University of Buffalo.

Dr. James G. Brandetsas

Under Dental School Graduates, Class of 1945:

Palmyra, New York

University of Rochester
Delta Sigma Delta
Omicron Kappa Upsilon
Art Editor, Medentian, '43
Art Editor, Medentian, '44
Editor in Chief, Medentian, '45
Student Council Representative for Medentian, '45
Art Editor, "Pillbox"
A.S.T.P. Band

"Bryant and Stratton"
Wholesome, a real friend, Jim restores your faith in people. He was naive, but we made his sense of humor over. "I'll see if Pete can go too." He pins Angeliney just often enough to make him humble.

New 3/3/05   From The Valley Breeze, Friday January 17, 1913, p. 5. Published in Van Etten, Chemung County, NY.

Newark- William Ostrander, recently released from an insane asylum, became violent, set fire to his house and attempted to blow up the ruins with a charge of powder. When the firemen and police arrived he opened fire on them with a shotgun, but failed to hit any one, although one bullet pierced the sleeve of Chief Lapoint's coat. The police returned the shots and finally rushed Ostrander and bound him hand and foot. [Note: "Newark" refers to Newark NY newspaper. Location might be different.]

New 3/3/05   Most of us see on the census records that we're descended from farmers - but what did they raise or grow? Old agricultural catalogs and newspapers often print testimonial letters, useful for answering this question, and serving to place someone at a time and location between census years. These testimonial letters were printed in the April 1875 issue of The New Kirby Advertiser, "A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Interests of Farmers and Manufacturers," the promotional newspaper of D.M. Osborne & Co., of Auburn, NY, published by Knapp & Peck. The D.M. Osborne company was the precursor of the International Harvester company.

"The Most Profitable Machine to Buy."

LORENZO LAND writes our Agent at Newark, Wayne Co. N.Y.: "I take pleasure in expressing my satisfaction with the Kirby Combined Mower and Reaper. I have used the machine you sold me in the year 1868 in harvesting annually for seven years the crops of over seventy-five acres, and in my opinion it is not excelled, either as a mower or reaper, by any harvesting machine made. I have proved its good qualities in all kids and conditions of grain and grass and on rough and uneven ground, and were we to buy another machine it would be a Kirby. I know it may be safely depended on for good work, requiring very little repair, and not liable to any derangement in the field to interrupt and delay the harvest work. I recommend it to farmers as in my judgment the best machine in use and the most profitable one to buoy. I consider my machine good for ten years to come." "Will Out-last Two of any Two-wheel Machines."

HENRY HUMESTON, of Newark Wayne Co., N.Y., writes: "Seven years ago I bought a Combined Kirby machine, and I have since harvested with it annually from fifty to seventy-five acres of grain and grass. It has required by very little repair, and I wuld not part with the old machine for the best new two-wheel reaper there is made, for I think the Kirby will out-last any two of them. As for lightness of draft, reliability at all times and in all places, quality of work, and also for quantity of work, all I have to say is, let some one who has a two-wheel machine go into the field with me and I will satisfy him that he made a mistake when he bought it."

New 2/22/05   Thank you to Darwina, coordinator of Ontario Co. NYGenWeb, for the following two short articles from the defunct Ontario County Journal newspaper.

From Ontario County Journal 27 June 1884

At Clyde on Thursday, Mrs. Kate Holland, aged seventy-two years, was run over by the cars while crossing the Central's track. One of her legs was cut off. Her husband was recently killed near the same place.

Another suicide within a few months has occurred in Ontario, Wayne county. Mrs. Burtram, the mother of the young man of that name who shot himself dead a few weeks ago, committed suicide by hanging herself in a barn on the 13th instant. Insanity is given as the cause of the act. The woman had been known to have a tendency to suicide for some time.

New 2/13/05   Thank you to Ellen Warner for four more death notices of local residents published in the Rochester papers. If you have info to share, Ellen would appreciate hearing from you.

Rocheter Democrat & Chronicle, Nov. 14, 1940:

Mrs. Ellen (Power) Mahoney died at the home of her daughter Mrs. D.J. Kennedy, 117 Stafford Street Palmyra November 12, after a long illness. Surviving besides her daughter is one grandson, Thomas Kennedy of Palmyra; several nieces and nephews and cousins.

Rochester Times Union, 1928

Newark, May 28- Merrill Hartle, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loey Hartle of Stuerwald Ave. and George Powers, 24, son of Philip Powers of Manchester, were killed instantly yesterday morning at 1 o'clock at Greene's crossing, east of Walworth on the New York Central Railroad, when the automobile they were driving crashed into a fast eastbound freight train. Hartle and Powers were employed in repairing the Palmyra Hotel and both had visited a restaurant at Palmyra at midnight. No one witnessed the tragedy. The car, owned and driven by Hartle smashed into the side of the freight train, derailing the fifth and sixth cars ahead of the caboose, ripping up a switch and tearing up 100 railroad ties. The freight came to a stop and while the trainmen were trying to discover the cause of the accident the flagman discovered the wrecked automobile and found the bodies about two hours later, one 50 feet east of the crossing, and the other 75 feet distant. Coroner Arthur Mepham of Ontario and Dr. C. C. Nesbitt of Palmyra investigated. The bodies were taken to the undertaking parlors of Silver & Cady, Palmyra and later Hartle's body was removed to Parker's undertaking parlors at Newark and Powers body was taken to Shortsville. Coroner Mepham stated he would conduct an inquest at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Both boys had fractured skulls.

Democrat & Chronicle, October 23, 1916:

James White, a well-known citizen living on the Walworth Road near the station died this morning at the age of 90. He leaves his wife and seven children. James White of Palmyra, Thomas White of Macedon, Cornelius White of Phelps, Mrs. Nellie O'Horah of Shortsville, Mrs. Mary Stevenson of New York and Mrs. Julia Sullivan and Mrs. Margaret Newhall of Rochester.

Democrat & Chronicle, Feb. 3, 1921:

Mrs. Anna White died at the home of her son Thomas on the Walworth Road Tuesday evening, February 1, 1921, aged 86 years. She leaves four sons, James of Palmyra, Thomas of Walworth, John of Los Angeles and Cornelius of Phelps; three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Newhall of Rochester, Mrs. W.E. Stevenson of New York City and Mrs. Helen O'Hare of Shortsville; eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Funeral services will be Friday at 10 a.m. from St. Anne's Church, Palmyra. Burial will be in St. Anne's.

New 2/9/05   Today's "Thank you very much!" goes to Ellen Warner for newspaper notices about Lulu Riffenberg Hartman and George Gunn. If you have info to share about them, drop Ellen a line.

Palmyra Aug. 19, 1892:

The body of George Gunn, a laborer, about 30 years old was found floating in the canal just west of this village, on Sunday morning last, and was taken in charge by Drake and Johnson undertakers. Gunn was in Palmyra late Saturday evening and the supposition is that he had been drinking and while on his way to Macedon by towpath he fell into the canal and met his death by drowning.

Rochester D&C Sept. 14, 1915:


Palmyra, September 13 -

Lulu Riffenberg Hartman, wife of Raymond Hartman of the Postal Service, Palmyra, died on Sunday evening after an hour's illness in Lyons, NY.

Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hartman, motored to Lyons Sunday and were the guests of Mrs. Jacob Sees in that village. Mrs. Hartman had complained of a severe headache, and during the evening, she was seized with convulsions terminating in a paralytic or apoplectic stroke and died within an hour. Physicians were immediately summoned, but were unable to relive the sufferer. The remains were brought to Palmyra during the night by Silver and Cady Undertakers. The funeral will be held Wednesday from her late home in Charlotte Street or at Zion Church, Rev. E.H. Edson officiating.

Mrs. Hartman was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riffenberg and was a young woman of many accomplishments. She was 26 years old. Besides her parents and husband she leaves two daughters; Ruth aged six and Florence, a babe of three months. Mrs. Hartman was born in Palmyra and was a graduate of Palmyra High School. She leaves a large circle of friends.

[Note: The D&C is the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.]

Thank you to Darwina, coordinator of Ontario Co. NYGenWeb, for the following short articles from various Ontario County newspapers.

From Ontario Messenger, 2 January 1861 (published Canandaigua NY)

James Waterman, of Walworth, Wayne county, now seventy-three years of age, was one of the pilots of the Fulton, the first steamboat (except that of John Fitch) which ever navigated the waters of the Hudson. Her first trip was in October, 1807. She couldn't have been very fast, for Mr. Waterman says that he could have "given her a mile start, and then overtaken her with a canoe.

From Geneva Daily Times, 17 July 1895

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE AT LYONS - Mrs. William Fohs, residing at No. 58 Montezuma street, tried to commit suicide by taking laudanum yesterday. Her attempt was unsuccessful. It is said that she is slightly unbalanced mentally but this her husband denies, stating that it is her ungovernable temper that is to blame, not insanity. Considerable sympathy is expressed for the family of the would-be-suicide.

From Geneva Daily Times, 19 July 1895

HAS GONE OFF TO WAR - E. C. Williams, formerly employed by Bowman Lane on his farm west of Lyons, is now in Cuba where he is assisting the insurgents in their fight for liberty.

From Geneva Daily Times, 24 July 1895

Dr. Charles H. Towlerton of Lyons, assisted by Dr. B. Wilson of Rochester, has performed an operation upon Mrs. Mervin M. Compson, removing her right eye.

Information abstracted from old Degree of Pocahontas Improved Order of Red Men booklets.

Seegwun Council No. 87 was the Palmyra NY council of the Degree of Pocahontas, the women's affiliate of the Improved Order of Red Men. This was the only active council in the county, and there were no other councils in Ontario or Seneca Counties in 1917. That year Seegwun, No. 87 had a membership of 65 and met the 1st and 3rd Mondays, Palmyra. Addie M. Wood, 9 Clinton Street, Palmyra, N.Y.

In 1917 the Past Pocahontas' were Julia Fennell, Addie M. Wood, Laura L. Trumbull, Florence Harding, Laura Bavis, Carrie Anslinger, Hattie Wood, Anna Mae Burns, Maria Van Lare. (this list has different members than 1915, possibly representing living P.P.'s or those who were still members of this particular Council)

In 1915 Seegwun Council No. 87 met the 1st and 3rd Mondays, Palmyra. Addie M. Wood, 48 Jackson Street, Palmyra, N.Y. As of 1915, the Past Pocahontas' were Alice E. Palmer, Julia Fennell, Addie M. Wood, Laura L. Trumbull, Florence Harding, Laura Bavis, Carrie Anslinger, Cynthia Sabedra, Lavina Calhoun, Hattie Wood, Nellie Coughlin, Anna Mae Hickey, and Anna M. Burns. In 1915 there were 88 members.

In 1902 there were 35 members earlier in the year, growing to 41 members. Representatives to the Great Council of New York State were Addie M. Wood and Mary A. Jeffrey. The list of P.P.'s was short - Mrs. Mary A. Jeffery, Carrie Anslinger and Addie M. Wood.

Most of us see on the census records that we're descended from farmers - but what did they raise or grow? Old agricultural catalogs and newspapers often print testimonial letters, useful for answering this question, and serving to place someone at a time and location between census years. This testimonial letter was printed in the 1898 promotional booklet for Campbell's Early Grapes, raised by George S. Josselyn, of Fredonia, NY.

WALWORTH, N.Y. Oct. 29, 1897,
Dear Sir- The Campbell's Early vines you sent us last spring have grown finely. They were very strong plants, about such as from our long business experience, we have learned to expect from you. We never received from you any but very good ones.
T.G. Yeomans

Finger Lakes Region women who were listed as members of the Scottish Women's Society, of Rochester, N.Y. 1920-1921

Mrs. Isabella Houston NEGUS, Sodus, N.Y.
Mrs. Aletta Berger Scollin, Seneca Falls, N.Y.

From the Candor Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1914.

Frederick J. B. Le Febvre, aged 57 years, died last week at Sodus Point, where he had long been in charge of the railway department, the lake shipping interests and other interests of the Pennsylvania railroad. He was for several years the personal representative of the late E. H. Harriman, the railway magnate. (p. 2)

During the severe electrical storm last week two valuable cows owned by John J. Miner were struck and instantly killed. The cattle were standing under a maple tree in a pasture lot on the Miner farm, two miles southwest of North Rose, N.Y., when struck. The trees under which they were standing were badly splintered. (p. 2)

Elliot B. Norris of Sodus, former master of the New York state grange, was elected president of the Farmers' National Insurance company, a new life insurance society starting with $300,000 capital. (p. 3)

Donated by Ontario County GenWeb coordinator Darwina Michael!

From Ontario Messenger 6 January 1858

MURDER AT CLYDE - The Clyde Times of Thursday says a horrible murder was perpetrated in that village the night previous by Nicholas Ward. His wife was found dead and covered with wounds, and circumstances show Ward, who is under arrest, to be the murderer. A child at the point of death was found in the house, but the cause of its condition is not stated.

From Ontario Messenger 7 April 1858

SUDDEN DEATH AT LYONS - The Lyons Republican notices the sudden death of Eva Van Wie, aged ten years, on Wednesday. She was apparently in good health Tuesday morning, and playing about as usual. In the afternoon, while holding a babe in her arms, she ruptured a blood vessel, and raised nearly a quart of blood. Medical assistance was of no avail, and she died next morning.

From Ontario Messenger 13 April 1859

A young man named Charles E. Reed, residing at Sodus, Wayne Co., accidentally shot himself on the 24th ult., while out hunting. The whole charge of the gun was lodged in his right shoulder and side. He lived some 43 hours in great distress, when death came to his relief. He lacked only 14 days of being 21 years old.

From Ontario Messenger 27 July 1859

MURDER AT WILLIAMSON, WAYNE CO. - We learn from the Palmyra Courier that on Thursday, the 14th inst., two men, Jeremiah Demelt and Thos. Dunlap, the latter being intoxicated, got into a dispute at Williamson, Wayne Co., and after some altercation Dunlap struck Demelt on the head with a club, felling him to the earth and shattering his skull. Demelt died on Monday last. The murderer has fled, but it is thought the officers in pursuit will soon be able to arrest him. Dunlap has been known for a long time as a desperate character, it being rumored that he had previously caused the death of two other men in drunken fights. The deceased lived in the same house with Dunlap, in the town of Williamson. They were each about fifty years of age. Great excitement prevails in the community. The murderer is supposed to be in the woods near the scene of his crime.

From The Livonia Gazette, Friday, August 20, 1926

South Livonia Locals

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niver spent the week-end at Ontario Center with their cousin, Mrs. Ethel Steele.

Names from a Wallington, N.Y. School Photo, dated March 13, 1893. Contributed by co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry, the photograph is on file at the Office of the County Historian, Lyons, N.Y.

Photograph saved by student Nellie Resue Bestard

Teacher: S. Fernando Cole
Brown, Harry
Walt Brown, Walt
Burlee, Abie
Burlee, Cynthia
Burlee, John
Burlee, Sam
Bush, Bert
Bush, Frank
Fowler, Anne
Harris, Sadie
Hewson, Belle
Kitchen, Grant
Kitchen, Warner
Kitchen, Will
LaRock, Charlie
Mayeu, Carrie
Mayeu, Lucie
Myers, Doc
Resue, Nellie
Reynolds, C.N.
Robinson, John
Turner, Edith Darlene
Vandermillen, Katie
Whiting, Blance

The following Finger Lakes Region students are listed in The Garnet, Vol. 73, the 1929 yearbook of Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.

Bennett, Edward Reo - Williamson, N.Y., senior
Ketchum, Addison, Raymond - Clyde, N.Y., senior
Simson, Paul William - Seneca Falls, N.Y., junior
Wood, John Gibson - Canandaigua, N.Y., junior
Dutcher, Harvey Spencer - Seneca Falls, N.Y., sophomore
Knight, Frank Milton - Seneca Falls, N.Y., sophomore
Peckham, Joseph Nichols - Auburn, N.Y., sophomore
Yackel, George Chalker - Lyons, N.Y., freshman

The names of the following Finger Lakes Region students and physicians were abstracted from the Bulletin of The University of Rochester. The School of Medicine and Dentistry. 1933-34, November 1933. Series XXVIII, No. 7. Only two Wayne County residents were listed. Names from neighboring counties were abstracted as it's helpful to find your relative's name posted anywhere on line. The students listed below hailed from counties covered by Rootsweb's FingerLakes-L mailing list, and one from a neighboring Monroe County town. There were no listings of dental students or dentists in the catalog. The word "interne" is not a typo, but was spelled with a final "e" in the original.

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine

Students 1933-34

Fourth Year
Paul Leo Boisvert, B.S. Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y.
William Gibson H. Dobbs, A.B. University of Rochester, Auburn, N.Y.
Frank Wood, B.S. Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y.

Third Year
Helen Bertha Hart, A.B. Wellesley College, Fairport, N.Y.
John William Mead, B.S. Pennsylvania State College, Canandaigua, N.Y.
Paul VanDyne Newland, A.B. University of Rochester, Clifton Springs, N.Y.

Second Year
William Augustine Connolly, B.S. Hobart College, Waterloo, N.Y.
Edwin James Medden, A.B. Union College, Seneca Falls, N.Y.

First Year
Frederick Gunby McKerr, A.B. Colgate University, Canandaigua, N.Y.

Doctors of Medicine of The University of Rochester


Elmer Leon DuBois, B.S. Colgate University, 1925; Interne, Genesee Hospital, Rochester, 1929-30; Resident Physician, 1930-31; Private Practice, Newark, N.Y.


George Gurnee Esley, A.B. University of Rochester, 1924; Interne, Genesee Hospital, Rochester, 1931-32; Private Practice, Sodus, N.Y. Died, August 1, 1933.

John Fletcher McAmmond, B.S., Colgate University, 1923; Interne, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1931-32; Private Practice, Canandaigua, N.Y.

Philip Jacob Moorad, B.S., Hobart College, 1927; Interne, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1931-32; Assistant Physician, Brigham Hall Hospital, Canandaigua.

Robert John Thomas, A.B., Hamilton College, 1927; Interne, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, 1931-32; Interne, Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, 1932-33; Private Practice, 156 Genesee Street, Auburn, N.Y.


Miriam Lincoln, A.B. Radcliffe College, 1922; Interne, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1932-33; Private Practice, 12 Park Place, Geneva, N.Y.

From The Webster Herald, Friday, April 12, 1940, Vol. 42, No. 31", a Monroe County paper.


Mrs. John VanderWheele of East Williamson expects to return home from the Genesee Hospital this week where she has been a patient.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fry had as Sunday callers, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hall and daughter Helen, and her friend, all of Palmyra.


Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Peet, Jr., of East Orange, N.Y. and Mrs. Charles Clark of Palmyra called at "Peet-acres" Monday, on their uncle, J.C. Peet and Mrs. Peet.

Mr. and Mrs. David Jackling of Gates and Miss Frances Lewis of Newark were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Garnish.


Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Phillips of Erie, Pa., visited their son, Rev. L.R. Phillips and family last week for several days.

Mrs. Martin McCarten underwent an operation for the removal of cataract from her eyes Monday in the General Hospital and is making good recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Albright and son James were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cass.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Smouten of Williamson are occupying an apartment in the home of Mrs. Kate Brewer.

Mrs. Glen Spink and Mrs. Glen Hutchin spent Saturday with Mrs. Claude Spink in Webster.

Mrs. and Mrs. Kenneth Cass and family visited Mrs. Cass' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Flood in Rochester Sunday.

Mrs. Jane Southwick left for her home in Hoisington, Kansas Saturday, after spending a few days with Mrs. T.C. Ransley and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Reno Marhoff entertained the following guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bowman of Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Merhoff of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Merhoff of Sodus, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mayer and Miss Dorothy Suter of Webster, Mrs. Viola Porrey of Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. Al. VanHouten and baby.

On Tuesday evening, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Arndt and Miss Hilda Arndt were guests of the Banner Class of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Webster, at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Louie Kittelberger.

Mrs. Bert Williams, Mrs. Byron Eaton and Mrs. Peter Leenhouts and baby daughter called on Mrs. Clifford Marshall in Webster Friday afternoon.

A delegation from the local Presbyterian church attended the meeting of the Lyons Prebytery in Newark Tuesday.

Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Arndt and daughter Hilda were entertained on Monday by Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Arndt and daughter Betty at Garson Avenue, Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marshall and baby daughter of Webster spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alborn.

Floyd Risley is confined to the house by illness.

Mrs. Herbert Dison is nursing in the Strong Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Furber entertained Rev. and Mrs. William Arndt and daughter Hilda, also Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Arndt and daughter Betty, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchholz and daughter Ruth of Webster called in the evening.

Mrs. Nina Mason was hostess to the Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Dell Payne has returned home after spending nearly a week in Webster with Mrs. M.J. Gilbert.

Miss Jane Smart of Webster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurley.

Mr. and Mrs. James McGavern returned home Saturday from a nine weeks trip through the South.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGowan have been entertaining relatives the past week. Mr. McGowan's father, Henry McGowan of Bliss is spending the week here. Other guests included Miss Georgia B. McGowan of Houghton College, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.R. McGowan of Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. George DeWitt and two daughters of Bliss, D.D. Frank of Knoxville, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bly of Elmira.


Mrs. A.W. Blythe spent Tuesday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. M.E. White of Union Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huxley and Miss Mildred Huxley were guests at the home of Mrs. T.C. Ransley and family Friday evening, in honor of Mrs. Jane Southwick of Hoisington, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner of Rochester were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sheahen.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Brich Church met with Mrs. Ethel Gurnee Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey have moved from the Furnace to Canandaigua.

Mrs. Vincent Burnett and little daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. George Merz in Webster Sunday.

Miss Margery Rouch and Dr. Robert Piercy of Rochester called on Mrs. Agnes Stevens Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Barney Burnett visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stadt in Webster Sunday.

Mrs. Bertha Shoecraft of Sodus spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs. Mary Hurley.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown entertained Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Furber, Mrs. T.C. Ransley and Rex Ransley for supper and the evening on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wendell are moving into the Harold Sheahen house on Mill Street.

Mrs. Jennie May of Walworth was a guest of Mrs. Richard Barrett T hursday and Mrs. Joe Dickenson of Webster was a guest at the Barrett home Friday.

Will Phillips has been confined to his bed by illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Spink spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barth of West Webster.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tobin of Penfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Royce Weller.



Emma V., wife of Frank Verdine of Ontario, died at her home Tuesday, April 9, 1940, aged sixty years. She leaves her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Howard Hartnagle of Lyons; one son John Verdine of Ontario; two grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. William Johns and onee brother Frank Fewster of Ontario.

Mrs. Verdine was born in Centerville, Iowa, the dauther of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Fewster, but practically her entire life was spent in Ontario. She was a member of the Ontario Congregational Church and a woman of great charm and refinement.

Funeral services were held from Howk & Mepham's Chapel, Thursday afternoon. Rev. L.R. Phillips, minister of the Congregational Church, officiated. Burial was made in Ridge Chapel Cemetery.


Mr. and Mrs. John Furber entertained members of the Arndt family Sunday in honor of the birthday of Mrs. William Arndt.

The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. and Mrs. Truman Hart whose sister-in-law Mrs. Thomas Hart died in Fairport Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams Johns and son William attended the funeral services held for Mrs. Vern Johns in Rochester on Monday.

Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Ames attended a dinner given the choir of the senior class at the Divinity school Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Sam Cragg of Niagara Falls called on Ontario friends Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hill are expecting to move to the Delass house which they recently purchased, in the near future. The house has been undergoing extensive alterations and repairs.

Mrs. Kate Brewer and son Lawrence spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Obine in Williamson.

Mrs. Martha Curtice, Mrs. Mildred Weeks and Ben. Herr of Rochester called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Verdow Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson spent the week-end with relatives in Parrish.

Mr. and Mrs. Warner Esley and Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Henderson attended the celebration held at the Gleason plant in Rochester Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brewer and family and Mrs. Kate Brewer visited Mr. and Mrs. Morris Irwin in Owego Sunday.

Donald Schermerhorn is going 'round with his arm and shoulder strapped up, letting a broken collar bone heal. He fell at school and did the damage last Friday.

Miss Theda Alborn was a supper guest of Mrs. Scurrah Tuesday evening.

Robert Rugg is home from Harvard College for the spring vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peer called on Mrs. Lettie Norton in Fairport Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Norton's many friends here will be glad to learn she was sitting up Sunday and is recovering from her long illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vedine have moved from the Motley farm to the house owned by Mrs. Alex. McNickel, of Webster, known locally as the Mack house, at Ontario Center.

Lloyd Williams made a business trip to Michigan early in the week.


Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dye and Peter Miller were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pinkley at Ontario.

Mr. and Mrs. John Shear spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer at Wolcott.

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whittier and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest White of Rochester motored to Sodus and called on Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Bartleson and Mrs. Mary Todd.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knorr of Palmyra, Miss Mildred Rena Molner of Rochester were week-end guests of Mrs. Clara Molner.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren and Ida Warren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Leaty.

The Campbell Class held an all-day meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Baker. Dinner was served at noon and two quilts were tied.

Mrs. Wilbur Leaty spent Monday with Mrs. Elwyn Leaty at Fruitland.

Miss Jeanne Collier accompanied the Walworth High School Band to Waterloo last Sataurday afternoon.

Mrs. Cleda Gibson who was in an automobile accident last October, had to return to the Genesee Hospital for another operation on her leg and will have it in a cast for another six weeks.

Little Judy Greene was ill a few days this past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Marshall of Rochester called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hermance and family Sunday.

Monday afternoon, April 15th, Miss Frances Scharett is performing in the second competition of the Leopold Stokowski all American Youth orchestra at Kilbourn Hall in Rochester. Miss Scharett plays the saxophone.

Mrs. Edwin Reeves of Nine Mile Point is gaining slowly and able to sit up a little each day.

Mrs. Jennie Thompson of Nine Mile Point is improving in health.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beh and family called on Mr. B. Kordofski and son in Ontario Sunday.

Mrs. Chas. Paige is entertaining the Social Twelve at her home this evening (Friday).

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bowman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reno Merhoff in Ontario Center on Sunday.


Mrs. LeRoy Hampshire called on Mrs. Earl Hampshire Saturday afternoon in Webster.

Mr. and Mrs. William Longrod had guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William Brenneman of Macedon.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lloyd called on friends in Pultneyville, Sunday.

Mrs. and Mrs. Winfield Forman have moved into the Jones house at the Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Forman returned from their honeymoon Sunday and are now living on Vandy Avenue.

Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. James Place were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rotmans, Mr. and Mrs. John Rotmans, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephens and Mrs. Emma Farr all of Rochester.

Mrs. Etta Grimes called on Mrs. Rena Thompson in Ontario, Monday.

Mrs. Ethel Hahn is spending a few days with Mrs. Etta Grimes.

Mrs. John Smith has been reported on the sick list.


Mrs. Frank Pieters was in Rochester Monday with her mother, Mrs. McCartin of Ontario, who has had an operation on her eye.


Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Callan of Maple Drive, visited friends and relatives at Seneca Falls and Waterloo on Sunday.

New 4/29/04  From The Webster Herald, Friday, June 21, 1940, Vol. 42, No. 41", a Monroe County paper.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wooster entertained their children and grandchildren, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sheahen attended a house party by the Catchpole Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lookup in Marion over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dean and children and Mrs. Anna Willard enjoyed a picnic dinner at Chimney Bluffs, Sunday.

Jack Palmer visited Niagara Falls, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Royce Weller called on Mr. and Mrs. John Priest in Penfield, Sunday afternoon.

Donald Merhoff is home from Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, for the summer vacation.

Mrs. Kate Brewer, Lawrence Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brewer and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Irwin in Oswego.

Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Palmer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Palmer and daughter Julia, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cass and baby daughter and Mrs. Willis Palmer of Vinton, Ia. at diner, Sunday.

Mr. H.J. Newton, MIss Betty Colley and Miss Neva Newton of Syracuse were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Brundage.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rouch and Mrs. Gladys Stevens of West Webster visited Miss Alma Rouch at Biggs Memorial Hospital, Sunday.

Mrs. Marion Payne of Wolcott spent Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Van Ingen.

Mr. Henry McGowan of Bliss, was a guest of his son Lloyd McGowan and Mrs. McGowan Saturday and Sunday. His mother, Mrs. Caroline McGowan who had been visiting here returned home with him. Other guests at the McGowan home Sunday were Merton Albro and Miss Marion Gelett of Pike.

The Sunshine Club of the fifth grade in high school sent the sum of one dollar to the Red Cross and the Lake Side School sent a similar sum for relief abroad.

Miss Eleanor Crooks was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schemerhorn Wednesday night.

South Shore Grange will give a Children's Day program at its meeting Saturday evening. Deputy Fairbanks of Williamson will pay his official visit at that time also.

Miss Mary Elizabeth Hickey is home from college at New Rochelle. Miss Elizabeth Mepham from Keuka and Miss Jean Brown from Rider College for their vacations.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fewster were called to Poughkeepsie Saturday by the death of Mrs. Frewster's father Frank Koslick.

Allen Albright was host to his base ball team of the High School at a dinner Friday evening. Messers Funnell, Colburn and Martiny of the faculty were also guests.

Mrs. Ed Keymel and Mrs. Roger Keymel called on Miss Ada Wright in Rochester Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Palmer entertained Mrs. Willis Palmer of Vinton Ia. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huston of Union Hill at dinner Saturday night.

Dr. and Mrs. Byron Palmer and daughter Margaret were in New York City several days early in the week to attend the wedding of a cousin.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson spent several days this week with their daughter Mrs. Arthur Stark and Mr. Stark in Elizabeth, N.J.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bausch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lounsbury were in Ithaca Tuesday where they attended a Guernsey dairy tour.

William Ryan of Brooklyn was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Huxley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huxley and other friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Carter, Mrs. Henry Carter and Mrs. Sarah Moore of Charlotte were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Denis Saturday.

Ontario friends of the Fred Jennings family formerly of this place will be interested to know Royce Coes Jennings, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jennings was graduated this June from the University of N. Carolina. Young Jennings is an outstanding athlete with high records in football and running.

The Home Bureau units of Ontario are to have an all day meeting at the Congregational Church today (Friday) when plans for next year's work will be made. Mrs. Pfautz, Wayne County Home Bureau manager will be present as will a representative from Cornell.

Miss Marion Lascelle of the High School faculty entertained a few friends from Ontario at dinner Saturday evening as a farewell party for Miss Virginia Pinsen who is leaving at the close of school. Miss Pinsen was presented a gift in memory of the occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger spent from Sunday until Wednesday with relatives in Rochester.

Mrs. H.C. Millard was hostess to the Missionary Society six of the Presbyterian Church, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Howk are occupying their cottage at Bear Creek Harbor.

Miss Elfleda Maine and Miss Cora Swift of Evanston, Illinois are spending the week with Mrs. Cora Ransley and family.

The Royalty Club of the Amaranth enjoyed a picnic at the summer home of Mrs. Helen Tobin, Thursday. Guests were present from Geneva, Lyons and points east.

James Beneway is home from Cornell University for the summer.

Mrs. Elmer Ginnegaw is reported to be confined to the house by illness.

The Lakeside school with the teacher enjoyed a picnic at Webster Park, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Payne were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ellis in Webster, Sunday.

Prospective Candidates Ontario High School Friday Evening

Caroline Abbott, Gerald Becker, Mary Beneway, Edward Blankenburg, Peggy Bogue, June DeLass, Jennie DiRose, Douglas Doyle, Kathleen Goodwin, Albert Grabb, Herbert Hart, Louis Kothringer, Louise Kothringer, Carl Klapp, William Loftus, Lenora Luke, Gerald McCarty, John Noto, Robert Perkins, Robert Place, Douglas Powers, Gordon Roberts, Floyd Ruffell, Keith Trimble, Leo Triou, Dorothy Triou, Eloise Van Norway, Eunice Walker, Fern Wemes and Elmer White.

[Note: this is a listing of prospective graduates of Ontario High School.]

Ontario O.E.S. Honors District Deputy

Ontario Chapter OES entertained guests in a lavish manner Tuesday evening when Mrs. Ruth Sheahen D-DGM and Fred Crum AGL made a visit marking Mrs. Sheahen's homecoming. A dinner served in the Baptist Church dining room preceded the meeting. The ruling Matrons and Patrons of the District of Wayne were present as was Mr. Crum's Chapter from Marion. Grand officers who were present included R.W. Emil Blutau, R.W. Josephine Hoy, R.W. Margery Paddock,,; R.W. Bertha Lookup; R.W. Mona Mc Neely; R.W. Edna Brimm, and R.W. Henry Wilson. A program was presented when the Hilleger sisters gave musical numbers and the young children of Mr. and Mrs. Sheahen, Carol and Robert, sang.

Several honorary degrees were conferred and Mrs. Sheahen was generously remembered with gifts from the home chapter, officers and friends. W.M. Victoria Furber had the meeting in charge.
[Note: O.E.S. = Order of the Eastern Star]


Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jacobs included, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weekley of Fairport, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rohr of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeWert of Walworth, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mildohn of Macedon.

Mrs. Dan Legassee and daughter Elizabeth of Sodus were recent supper guests of Mrs. Susie Legassee and family.


Ministers of various churches in ONTARIO:

Ontario Center Presbyterian Church - Rev. H.C. Millard, Pastor
Ontario Congregational Church - Rev. L.R. Phillips, Minister
Ontario Baptist Church - Rev. Kenneth Ames, Pastor
North Ontario M.E. Church - Rev. Paul Hewitt, Pastor
Ontario Reformed Church - minister's name not given


Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Mason and family are living at their summer home at South Shore, Sodus for the summer.

Mrs. Fred Amsler attended the Erklenz wedding in Palmyra on Saturday and visited other relatives in Palmyra on Saturday afternoon and evening.


A very pretty wedding was solemnized in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rush at 320 West Main St., Palmyra, New York, at 12:30 o'clock, Saturday, Une 15, when their daughter, Helen Viola, became the bride of Ivan John Erklenz of Webster. The ceremony was performed before a bank of white peonies and fern by the Reverend Daniel Schauss, pastor of the Evangelical Church of Webster, in the presence of about 50 relatives and friends. Mrs. Peter Culp sand "I Love Your Truly," "O Promise Me" and "O Perfect Love," accompanied by Miss Minnie Crandall at the piano.

[description of bride's dress]

Mrs. Dorothy Hack of Walworth, matron of honor [description of dress]... Alfred VanHouten of Rochester acted as best man.

Immediately following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served, ten being seated at the bride's table, after which the newlyweds left on a honeymoon to New York. [description of dress] Upon their return they will be at home to their friends at 99 Orchard Street, Webster. (p. 6)


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burrow and daughters, Irene and Dorothy spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Warner Eslery.

Mrs. Leona Baruheart, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Esley and son Bayard, and Mrs. William Teller spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Henderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strobeck are attending the Dairymen's League annual meeting at Utica this week.

The Lincoln Home Bureau members will hold their picnic on June 27th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dinse.


Miss Donna Brown is entertaining Miss Wilfreda Brown of Baldwinsville, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hogan visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wirth in North Tonawanda, Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Donna Brown is leaving today (Friday) for Huntington Club at West Eaton, N.Y. where she is to act as Counsellor for girls at this camp. Miss Brown expects to be gone the rest of the summer.

Misses Peggy and Laurie Hogan and Master Donald Hogan spent the week-end with their aunt Mrs. Lucille Sorgham at her cottage on Canandaigua Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Welland Montgomery entertained relatives on Fathers Day, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Place of Elmira were guests for the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Place.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Firstead of Rochester were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Place.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buschart visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Phillips in Williamson on Sunday.

William Woodhams who has been confined to Park Avenue Hospital for some time is home again.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richmond and son Donnie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. White on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving White and daughter, Marjory of Lincoln called Sunday at the White-Wagner home.

Mrs. E.P. Keenahan entertained relatives from Rochester on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. James DeBrucker, Mrs. Florence Wilson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fronier on Sunday.

News about regional people in "The Hornellsville Herald," Vol. XXI, No. 34, Whole No. 1065, for Wednesday, October 19, 1892, pp.3.

An 18 year old son of George Helfman of Ovid attempted suicide by hanging Thursday afternoon. He was discovered in time to be resuscitated.

Mrs. Samuel Pontius of Waterloo committed suicide Thursday. She was found lying in a spring, where she had persistently drowned herself, the water being very shallow. It is thought she was out of her mind.

From "Cornell University 1944-45 Directory," published by The University, Ithaca, New York.


HEIT, (Miss) Marjorie Roselle, Ag ... Clyde
HOUSE, William Rowland, Jr., 2 A, 408 Dryden Road ... Lyons
KELLER, (Miss) Nancy Irene, 4 A, 218 Fall Creek Drive ... Lyons
McVITTIE, (Miss) Jean Elizabeth, 4 A, 117 Triphammer ... Canandaigua
McVITTIE, Robert Lewis, 2 Ag, The Knoll ... Canandaigua
SEELYE, (Miss) Germaine Dora, 7 Ag, Balch ... Wolcott

Wayne County NY Family Bios Section

Created: 5/12/04
Updated: 7/21/08; 4/1/11; 6/14/11; 10/13/17
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