Ancestral Sightings contains bios, notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your Wayne County related finds. Be sure to put "WAYNE COUNTY ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS" in the subject heading of your email so that it's not overlooked or deleted as spam. **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS: From NY State Resources Part 4 |
NEW 11/30/10 From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in August 1896 (Newark, NY)
Geo. Rannie has purchased a bakery in Farmer, Seneca county.
Mrs. J. D. Palmer, of Salamanca, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Barker.
Miss Lizzie Keir has gone back to the Geneseo Normal for her last year.
A daughter was born early Thursday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Peles.
Misses Anna Denning and Jessie Filkins return to the Geneseo Normal this week.
Miss Alta Hollister goes to Conemough and Titusville, Pa., to visit her brothers.
The Misses Della and Martha Reeves have gone to Buffalo to enter the Normal school there.
Miss Allie Pollok has returned to the Albany Normal College to complete her course.
Born, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Goosen, Willow avenue, a baby girl, weighing ten pounds.
Rev. Dr. Keppell, of Clyde, has accepted a call to a professorship in a Chattanooga, Tenn., college.
Misses Mabel and Bessie Pettis, of Rochester, are spending the week with their grandfather, W. H. Petis.
C.H. Jones, of New Jersey, with his wife and little son Charles, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Almeda Jones, the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roys, of Albany, are visiting Mrs. Roys' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. They came to Utica on a tandem wheel.
The Misses Emma and Nellie Stone leave Newark on Saturday to begin their respective schools; the former at Jacksonville, Ill., and the other in Burlington, Iowa.
Clark Waring, of Columbia, S. C., is in town visiting his cousin, Clark Phillips.
Mrs. Ketchum, mother of Mrs. Geo. A. Horn, died at her home in Crystal Springs last week.
In the family of Mrs. Schuntz, of Marbletown, three children are sick of typhoid fever and diptheria (sic).
Theodore Trowbridge of Sodus Centre was taken to Willard State Hospital for treatment yesterday.
Roy Mestler has been having a very pleasant visit the past week in Rochester, the guest of his uncle W. B. Mestler.
Geo. N. Sleight and family leave for Chicago tomorrow. Mr. Sleight will take a post-graduate course in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit at the Chicago University.
Edwin Frey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Frey, gave his people quite a scare last week, by pretending to commit suicide. He is still alive, however, and at his work.
NEW 11/30/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, February 19, 1901, page 4
Called Abroad.
Rev. Edward Mason, pastor of the Williamson Baptist Church, has resigned to accept a call from a London, England, church, where he was a pastor for more than twenty-five years. After making a tour of Canada and the united States he will sail for England, but will not commence his duties until September 1st.
Mrs. William Heidenrichs, of Lyons, was united in marriage yesterday to Edward Eckert, of the same place.
NEW 11/30/10 Biographical sketches of five Wayne County politicians who represented the county in the legislature in Albany.
From The Argus Almanac: a political and financial annual for 1880. Albany: The Argus Company, Publishers. 1880.
Addison W. Gates,
Represents the Second District of Wayne county in the Assembly. He was born at Ontario, in that county, March 19, 1833, of parents who were natives of this State. He received his education at the common schools and academy of his native place and Union College, from which institution he graduated In 1861. He was reared on a farm, but is now engaged in the practice of the law. From 1862 until 1869 Mr. Gates was Chief Clerk to the Assessor of Internal Revenue in and for the Twenty-fourth District of this State. In politics he has always been a Republican, but was never before last fall a candidate for a political office. He was elected to the Assembly by a vote of 3,836 to 2,577 for James Reeves, Democrat, and 32 for S. N. Main, National. Mr. Gates is married and resides at Macedon.
[Page 94]
William E. Greenwood,
Who represents the Second district of Wayne county, was born in Ontario, N.Y., January 21, 1830, he now being fifty-two years of age. His parents were New Englanders. Mr. Greenwood was educated In the common schools of Ontario and in the Walworth Academy, and for several years followed the profession of a teacher, afterward turning his attention to the business of a merchant, which he pursued for some time. He is now a farmer. He was a First Lieutenant in the Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, and participated in the battle of Cold Harbor. In politics he has always been a Republican, and as such has been a member of the Wayne county board of supervisors. He was elected to his present place by a vote of 2,975, George Harrison, his Democratic opponent, receiving 2,113. Mr. Greenwood is married and his address is West Walworth.
[Page 94]
Leman Hotchkiss,
Mr. Hotchkiss is the Democratic representative of the Second district of Wayne county, and resides at Lyons, where he was born on the 2lst of September, 1814. He was educated In the common schools, Lyons Union School, Dr. Reed's school at Geneva, and Hobart College, spending one year at the latter institution. By occupation he is a miller and also a produce dealer. He has always been a Democrat, was a member of the Board of Supervisors three years, and was elected to the Assembly by a majority of one vote over Wm. K. Greenwood, Republican, who was elected to the last Assembly by a plurality of 832. Greenwood was declared elected by the board of canvassers, who threw out the vote of the Third district of Lyons, but legal proceedings compelled a recanvass, and as a result Mr. Hotchkiss secured the seat.
[Page 103]
Who represents the First District of Wayne in the Assembly, was born at Cambridge, Washington county, November 7, 1820, of parents who were also natives of that county. He was educated at the common schools, Chase's Academy, Chatham, the Greenwich Academy and Argyle Academy, and has always been a farmer by occupation. He is President of the Wayne County Fire Relief Association, Railroad Commissioner for the town of Sodus, Director of the Lake Ontario Shore Railroad Company, and has, four terms, represented his town In the Board of Supervisors. In politics Mr. Robinson was originally a Free Soiler and since a Republican. He was elected to the Assembly by a vote of 8,727 to 2,411 for C. A. Howe, Democrat, and 315 for Coad, National. Mr. Robinson is married and resides at Sodus.
[Page 100]
Jefferson Sherman,
Of the Second District of Wayne county, was born of American parents at Marlon, in that county, In 1835. His school education was obtained at the common schools and the Marion Academy, but he was mainly self-taught. For twenty years he was engaged in teaching school, and from 1860 to 1864 was Vice-Principal of the Macedon Academy and Principal In 1868. During these years he discussed the public topics of the day in articles which appeared over his signature in the local press. He is now a farmer. In politics Mr. Sherman has always been a Republican with the exception of 1872, when he supported Greeley for the Presidency. He has held various local political positions, and was School Commissioner from 1864 to 1867. He was a member of the Assembly of I878, acting on the Committees on Public Education, and Salt. He was re-elected last fall over D. C. Hotchkiss, Democrat, by a plurality of 133. Mr Sherman is married and resides at Marlon.
[Page 96]
NEW 11/30/10 Officers of Wayne County NY agricultural organizations in 1909.
From: State of New York. Department of Agriculture. Seventeenth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, For the Year Expiring September 30, 1909. Transmitted to the Legislature January 7, 1910. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, State Printers, 1911. Pages 57e - 58e.
Agricultural Organizations
Wayne Granges:
Pomona. Org. 1900. 739 members. Meeting, quarterly. Master, Silas Wright, Red Creek. Sec. Mrs. P. S. Aldrich, Palmyra. Lect. Mrs. Hiram Burgess, Newark.
No. 33. Org. 1873. 350 members. Meeting, Saturday. Master, D. A. Emeigh, Seneca Falls. See. Mrs. D. A. Emeigh, Seneca Falls. Lect. Mrs. Walter Lundy, Clyde.
No. 46. Org. 1874. 488 members. Meeting, every Saturday. Master, Major A. Vedder, Lyons. Sec. Miss Carrie Ayor, Lyons. Lect. J. S. Roys, Lyons.
No. 73. Org ..... ..... members. Meeting, ..... Master, Abram Felker, Sodus. Sec. Flora M. Flemming, Sodus. Lect. K. M. Flemming, Sodus.
No. 122. Org. 1874. 150 members. Meeting, first and third Saturday, monthly. Master. J. C. Hulbert, Lincoln. Sec. Mrs. John Payne, Macedon. Lect. Mrs. Anna Kier, Macedon.
No. 123. Org. 1874. 213 members. Meeting, monthly in summer, weekly in winter. Master, Chas. H. Johnson, Palmyra. Sec. F. L. Reeves. Palmyra. Lect. Mrs. P. S. Aldrich, Palmyra.
No. 124. Org. 1874. 255 members. Meeting, every other Saturday Master, W. H. LaFever, Wolcott. R. 3. Sec. Dana Waldron, Wolcott, R. 2. Lect. C. M. Prindle, Wolcott, R. 2.
No. 131. Org. 1874. 130 members. Meeting, every other Saturday Master, E. P. Browne, Savannah. Sec. Mrs. F. M. Browne, Savannah Lect. Mrs. Howard Wood, Savannah.
No. 159. Org. 1875. 73 members. Meeting, first Saturday each month Master, Lester H. Shannon, North Rose. Sec. A. P. Thompson, Alton. Lect. Loren Allen, Alton.
No. 175. Org ..... ..... members. Meeting, ..... Master, E. J. Van Marter, Lyons, R. D. Sec. Geo. Heinrieh, Lyons, R. 2. Lect. Mrs. May Heinrieh.
No. 214. Org. 1874. 359 members. Meeting, first and third Friday, monthly. Master, Geo. S. Reeves, Marion. Sec. Mrs. Julia White, Marion. Lect. Asa W. Russell, Marion.
No. 289. Org. 1875. 169 members. Meeting, second and fourth Saturday, monthly. Master, U. W. Sherburn, Walworth. Sec. E. A. Toby, Walworth. Lect. F. Carman, Walworth.
No. 326. Org. 1875. 111 members. Meeting, every other Saturday. Master, Wm. Greene, Walworth, R. D. Sec. Amelia P. Mosher, Macedon Center. Lect. Mrs. Phili Packard, Macedon, R. D.
No. 338. Org. 1875. 383 members. Meeting, second and fourth Saturday, monthly. Master, S. D. Milhan, Williamson. Sec. Mrs. P. R. Fairbanks, Williamson. Lect. P. R. Fairbanks, Williamson.
No. 348. Org. 1875. 730 members. Meeting, every alternate Saturday. Master, J. Bvron Smith, Wolcott. Sec. Mrs. Judd Clark, Wolcott. Lect. J. S. Tyrell, Wolcott.
No. 366. Org. 1875. 5.25 members. Meeting, each alternate Saturday through the summer, every Saturday, during fall and winter. Master, A. G. Leroux, Newark. Sec. Minerva McLaughlin, Newark. Lect. Mrs. R. S. Post, Newark.
No. 552. Org. 1888. 180 members. Meeting, second and fourth Saturday, monthly. Master, G. P. Norton, Ontario Center. Sec. Glen C. Cone, Ontario Center. Lect. Mrs. James Speller, Ontario.
No. 926. Org. 1902. 310 members. Meeting, every other Saturday. Master, Silas Wright, Red Creek. Sec. Eva. M. Phippin, Red Creek. Lect. Belle Bennett, Red Creek.
No. 1051. Org. 1906. 106 members. Meeting, on call. Master, E. W. Catchpole, North Rose. Sec. S. C. Woodard, North Rose. Lect. C. M. Clapp, North Rose.
No. 1140. Org. 1908. 60 members. Meeting, every two weeks. Master, Geo. W. Sampson, Wolcott, R. 7. Sec. Lelah M. Sampson, Wolcott, R. 7. Sec. Willis R. Younglove, Red Creek, R. D. No. 4.
Juvenile No. 1. Master, Clarence Wraight, Wolcott. Sec. Ruby Wood, Wolcott. Lect. Viola Newbury, Wolcott.
Juvenile No. 2. Master, Truman Scutt, Palmyra. See. Mildred Walters, Newark. Lect. Marjory Floodman, Newark.
Newark Fair Association. Org. 1893. 12 members. Place and date of meeting, Newark, Sept. 15-18, inclusive. Pres. J. D. Reeves, Newark. Sec. Chas E. Leggett, Newark.
Palmyra Union Agricultural Society. Org. 1856. Members (stockholders). Pres. Chas. E. Griswold, Palmyra. Sec. John H. Walton, Palmyra.
The Fire Relief Association Of Wayne County. Org. 1878. About 400 members. Pres. Albert Yeoman, Walworth. Sec. A. F. Sheldon, Lyons.
Wayne County Agricultural Society. Org. 1837 members. Place and date of meeting, Lyons, Sept. 9-11, inclusive. Pres. Wm. T. Jordan, Lock Berlin. Sec. Edward Klippel, Lyons.
Wayne County Fruit Growers Association. Org. 1890. 100 members. Meeting, semi-annually. Pres. Willis P. Rogers, Williamson. Sec. Wesley Grinnell, Sodus, R. D.
Williamson Fruit Growers Association. Org. 1906. 75 members. Meeting, every Monday. Pres. P. R. Fairbanks, Williamson. Sec. F. W. Lockley, Pultneyville.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Western Argus, unknown date in October 1845 (Lyons NY)
MARRIED- In this village on Thursday afternoon last, by Thomas N___, Esq., Mr. W.W. HASKIN, Merchant of Madison, W.T. to Miss ROSETTE CARPENTER, of Wolcott. [Note: this is likely Madison, Wisconsin, at that time a territory.]
[NOTE: this is a "best effort" transcription of names, as the scanned image of this list was difficult to read. Refer to an original paper copy of this newspaper, if surviving, to confirm spellings.]
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Lyons, N.Y., October 1st, 1845. | |
Anthony Charlotte Austin Samuel Aikenhead Robert Albaugh Annice Burnett John Bravo Thomas Breed Andrews Baley Charles Barcley Rachel Ann Bose Capt David Barney Sophia Berry Joseph Brooks Henry Butler John Babcock Joseph Barret Wm R Bickford & Hoffman Barton Daniel Bradley Lucina Bamberry Wm. Badger Oristes Blanchard Phebe Butler/Barler(?) Henry Baker/Bakee(?) Ammasa Barrows Mary Ann Boice Benjamin L Benson/Bemson(?) Deborah Butler John Broun Helen C Canine Samuel Comstock Mary Ching(?) Charles Churchil Isral(sic) Coates John Cornell Mr. Cole Jane Demming Hyram Deitz Peter Euler Andreas Ellis Bennett Foerheard Joseph Frost Hannah Fox W Jun Fisher Benjamin Fulton Levi L Freeman Chas C French Lucy Gordon H. W. Gilbert Emeline Garshall Susan Groot Helen Gardnes/Gardner Octavia Green Isaac R Gates Wm Jr Green Isaac F Gilbert J Ginks John Hecox Eli Happel George Howard Samuel Hieworden Mr Hoag Erastus Hill J P W Hurlburt Mary B Harington Alfred Hooper Nicholas Hay Volten Hillman Levi C Haas Michel Holley Charles Capt Hopkins Nancy Hunt Ward Hastings C Hicks Nancy Hooper Scoty(?) How David H Jones Elizabeth Jarrolman NIcholas Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised. C. POUCHER, P.M. |
Jenks Oliver C Knoll Samuel L Knapp Catharine Kellogg Geo Luck Christopher B Lambright J S Lampson Solomon Lurn Samuel Moore C Melvin Eliza R McMath Elizabeth Mitchell Calvin Munson Hiram Morris Abraham Merril H McMullen George Moore R N Nichols Geo Nutt Hiram Newkirk Leonard Nott Wm J Odell P Thomas Patent Ollas/Elias (?) Parks Jerome Park Sally Phelps Timothy Pease Benjamin Patten Sylas Putney H W Rice E A B Roy John Rogers Freeman Rogers Mr Rogers Seth Riggs Dunham or Gilbert Rodenback Daniel Reynolds Solaman (sic) Sterling Avis Sherwood Sarah L Stewart Elias Stanton Martha H Strong I C Sprague Elizabeth Smith Betsey Smith Mary Smith James (?) J Smith Sarah Smith Samantha Sprague Armanda Sprague Lowel Shepard B Shaver John V Secore Jacob Sears Reuben Stuart William Simpson Isaac Tyler H Thornton James M Tiffany Lamont Thornton H H Taylor Charles J Upright Edmond Van Etta James Vaughn G C Van Valkenburg I Van Marter Eleanor Whitmore Lorenzo Warner Col F.(?) Watcoms(?) Phineas Wadell John Wright Anna Wilcox Caleb Whitney T J Wells Philip C Willis Huldah Woodruff Matilda Watrous James |
WAYNE COUNTY SS:- Notice is hereby given, that distribution of money existing from the sale of the real estate of Lucius M. Moore late of Butler, deceased, will be made among the creditors of the said deceased, by James C. Smith Surrogate of the said county, at his office in the town of Lyons, in the said county, on the second day of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place, the creditors who have not heretofore established their debts or demands before the Surrogate, will present and prove them.- Dated August 12, 1845.
JAMES C. SMITH, Surrogate.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Thursday, February 15, 1906
Mrs. Tinker Had Been in Poor Health
for Several Days - Inhaled Illum-
inating Gas While Her Husband
Was Absent From the House.
Lyons, Feb. 14- Mrs. Sarah Jeanette Wright Tinker, wife of Rev. Dr. Ezra S. Tinker, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this village committed suicide between 7 and 7:30 o'clock this morning in her bedroom in the Methodist parsonage. Mrs. Tinker had not been well since Friday, apparently suffering with symptoms of grip. She had not called a physician but had remained at home, and in her room, employing home remedies and under the constant care of her husband.
After attending to her at hourly intervals during the night, more because she was nervous and restless than on account of any pain or suffering or alarming symptoms, Dr. Tinker left the house at 6:36 this morning to go to breakfast at Mrs. Kellar's boarding house on Phelps street where he and Mrs. Tinker had taken their meals since coming to LYons last fall. At 7:30 he returned and on opening the door was assailed with an almost overwhelming odor of gas. Going into the parlors he examined the fixtures in both rooms and found them all right.
Mrs. Tinker's bedroom opened off the living room and not noticing that her door was closed he called to her, asking if she knew where the gas was leaking. Getting no reply he opened her door and found Mrs. Tinker sitting in a ch air beside her bed with one end of a gas robe (?) over the fixture, the other end held in her stiffened hand close against her bared chest. She was dead and an examination made by Dr. M. A. Veeder, who was instantly called proved that she had killed herself immediately after her husband's departure. The gas robe (?) she used had been taken by her from the table lamp in her husband's study the moment he had left the house.
A Series of Afflictions.
Dr. TInker, and every one who knew his exteemable wife, feel assured that the suicide mania with which she was seized is the direct result of a series of afflictions, such as few are called upon to bear. In November, ____, during Dr. Tinker's pastorate in the First Methodist Church in Portland, Me., the family was visited by a scourge of diphtheria. There were eight cases of the disease in the home at one time; all of them of the most virulent type. When the quarantine was raised at the end of two months there had been five deaths, tree of the victim being Dr. and Mrs. Tinker's children, aged 15, 13 and 10 years, respectively. Mrs. Tinker herself was left in such a state of ___ depression after these fatalities that for nine successive year thereafter, Dr. Tinker said she was afflicted with diphtheria at the exact period of the year in which the epidemic had occurred.
He said that although she would suffer with every symptom of diphtheria and the house would be quarantined for a number of weeks regularly, the examination of a culture from her throat never revealed any diphtheria bacillus and the disease was considered to have arisen sympathetically.
Added to these afflictions Mrs. Tinker was called upon to part with her youngest son, seven years ago. The boy was then a student in college in Delaware and died suddenly from heart trouble which had been brought on by the attack of diphtheria which he had suffered with the rest of the family in Portland, This blow seemed the one afflection (sic) too much for the bereaved mother and though she seemed cheerful to the acquaintances she had made since coming to Lyons, her husband says she grieved constantly over the loss of her children.
Mr. Tinker's Resignation.
Dr. Tinker assumed the pastorate of the Methodist Church here only last October. Early this year his resignation was accepted and he announced that owing to a desire on Mrs. Tinker's part to be near her only remaining child, he had accepted a call to the State Street Methodist Church in Bristol, R.I. It was his intention to preach his first sermon to his new charge on the first Sunday in April, but he says now his plans are all at sea as he doesn't know that he will go there at all.
Mrs. Sarah Jeanev___ Wright Tinker was born in Dundee, N.Y. in 1848. Her father was Dr. Samuel H. Wright, of Dundee, and later of Penn Yan, one of the most distinguished ho___ists and mathematicians in the country. His death occurred last October, just as Mrs. Tinker was leaving her home in Syracuse, Dr. Tinker's last charge, as _____. Her mother was Joanna McLean, of New York a descendant of one of the most prominent Methodist families in the country, and a sister of the mother of William ___ and Justice Arthur E. Sutherland, of Rochester.
Doctor and Mrs. Tinker were united in marriage by Rev. Dr. Andrew Sutherland in Dundee, in October, 1865. Dr. Tinker's parishes previous to 189_ (?) were in New England, Delaware and Rhode Island. Since then he has had charge of the Methodist church in Towanda, Pa., of the Brown Memorial Church in Syracuse and of the Methodist Church in this village. THe only surviving child of Mrs. Tinker is Berlin W. Tinker, superintendent of public schools in Waterbury, Conn.
Coroner Allen was summoned.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Lyons Advertiser, unknown date in 1840 (Lyons NY)
All persons interested in the erection of a Baptist church in this village, are requested to meet at the place where the church is to be built, on Thursday the 3rd of September next, at 7 o'clock, A.M., for the purpose of drawing stone for the basement of said church. A general attendance is requested.
By order of the Trustees,
D. CRANE, Clerk.
Lyons, August 23, 1840.
CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice, Also, harness and carriages repaired.
All kinds of Country Produce taken at cash price for the above articles. Also, cash paid for any quantity of Hides.
Lyons, August 12, 1840.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, May 19, 1903
Wealthy Farmer and Prominent Republican of Lyons Committed the Rash Act During Absence of Family - Mild Form of Insanity Cause.
Lincoln Van Wickle, one of the best known young men in the town of Lyons, committed suicide during a fit of insanity, Sunday afternoon, by hanging himself from a beam in the barn with a piece of clothesline. The act was committed while the other members of the family were in Arcadia attending a funeral.
Deceased was the eldest son of the late J. Gardner Van Wickle, one of the pioneers of Wayne county, who amassed a fortune, built and lived in the finest farm residence in Wayne county, and died some years ago leaving a lot of a farms, aggregating 504 acres, in the richest farming lands in West Lyons. Deceased was about 48 years of age, unmarried, and is survived by a mother, brother, George, and sister, Miss Alice, all residents of West Lyons.
J. Gardner Van Wickle, father of deceased, became insane, but the insanity was of a mild type. Deceased was of a very nervous temperament, with a predisposition towards insanity. He had been under the treatment of Dr. Angel in Rochester, but the latter did not consider it necessary to place the patient in an institution. It was not thought that he contemplated suicide.
Some years ago, however, when his father was taken to an an asylum, Lincoln remarked, standing on the front stoop, "I think I will be the next one." Since the decease of his father he had been low spirited, troubled with insomnia and moody. The estate of his father had been left to the children and widow in common, and some time ago Lincoln disposed of his share to the remaining members of the family, thinking it would relieve his mind.
Sunday he did not appear to be different than before. In the afternoon the Patten family drove out to take the Van Wickles to a funeral in Arcadia. All went along except Lincoln.
When the Van Wickle family returned Sunday evening about dusk and George Van Wickle went into the stable, he found upon opening the second stable door, the hanging form of his brother, Lincoln. It was very evident that the suicide had been premeditated.
Deceased was about 48 years of age and a prominent Republican. He was president of the Republican club at Lyons for some years and had been a delegate to many conventions.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, July 28, 1903
Struck by the Cars.
Newark, July 27.- William Lake, of Marbletown, had a narrow escape from death at 2 o'clock Sunday morning while driving across the New York Central tracks with a horse and buggy. He was coming toward the village from Mud Mills, and as he approached the crossing did not hear a light engine and caboose going east, which struck the rear wheel of the buggy, throwing him out. The engine stopped and the crew picked him up. He was taken to the Langdon Hotel, where Dr. Landon dressed his injuries. A deep cut over the right eye required two stitches and a gash in the chin one stitch. He also had other bruises about the face.
Cemetery Association Incorporated.
Lyons, July 27.- The certificate of incorporation of the East Williamson Cemetery Association was filed at the Wayne county clerk's office to-day, incorporation being under Article III of the Membership Corporation Law. Annual meetings will be held at 2 o'clock on the afternoons of the first Tuesday in April of each year. There are to be three directors. Those named in the certificate are Peter Bruso, for one year, John Longrod, for two years, and Isaac Clicquennoi for three years.
New Pastor for Marion.
Marion, July 27.- Rev. Ensign D. Hammond has resigned as pastor of the First Christian Church, at Binghamton, to become pastor of the Marion Christian Church. He preached his farewell sermon in Binghamton yesterday, and will come to Marion at once.
Student Ill With Typhoid.
Clyde, July 27.- Herbert M. Douglass, of Clyde, was brought home from Cornell University, Ithaca, last Saturday evening, seriously ill with typhoid fever.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, October 30, 1903
Several Wills Admitted to Probate by Surrogate Sawyer.
Lyons, Oct. 29- An adjourned term of Wayne County Surrogate's Court was held this week by Surrogate Sawyer at which the following business was transacted:
Decree was entered judicially settling the accounts of William H. Nicholoy as administrator of the personal estate of Maria Krum late of Arcadia. The estate amounted in gross to $238.75 and after deducting claims and expenses was ordered divided, $42.44 to each of David C. and Levi S. Krum; $6.06 to each of A.C. Krum, George Krum, Meda Carpenter, Jennie Sherman, Addie Wilbur, Etta Krum, Minnie Lyke.
The will of J. Henry Zetsche, late of Sodus, was admitted to probate and letters testamentary issued to Julia Zetsche. The estate consists of $2,000 in real estate and $5,000 in personal property, all of which without reserve, is left to the widow, Mrs. Julia Zetsche.
The will of Cornelius De Young, late of Sodus, was admitted to probate, disposing of $1,000 in real estate and $500 in personal property. Life use of the entire estate is given to the widow Mrs. Katharine De Young, the executor being empowered, with the consent of the widow, to sell the real estate if at any time it or any part thereof may be required to suitably maintain and support the widow. Upon the death of the widow, the residue is given to Jacob Anderson and his heirs. Letters testamentary were issued to Edward Pullman.
The will of Abigail G. Lapham, late of Macedon, was admitted to probate and letters testamentary were issued to Dewitt C. Lapham. Estate consists of $5,000 in real estate and $7,500 in personal property. Use of the estate is given to a sister, Mary J. Lapham; various articles of personal property to a brother, De Witt C. Lapham; $25 to a niece, Lucy Bissell, of Holly, Michigan; $25 to a niece, Georgia Phillips, of Fenton, Michigan; the use and occupancy during life of the interest of the testatrix in the Nathan Lapham homestead in Macedon and one-half of the residue of the personal property, subject to the life interest of Mary J. Lapham is given to a brother De Witt J. Lapham [Note: middle initial as printed]; to nephews, Byron D. Lapham and Nathan D. Lapham in equal shares is given the household furniture, residue of the personal property subject to the interest of Mary J. Lapham and the interest of testatrix in the Nathan Lapham homestead subject to the life interests of Mary J. Lapham and De Witt C. Lapham.
Raises Basket Willows.
Clyde, Oct. 29- Ransom R. Barnes of Clyde is the largest grower of basket willows in the United States. The willows are raised on a farm of sixty acres, about four miles northwest of Clyde, which is devoted exclusively to this industry. The annual product will average about two hundred tons, and it requires the services of twenty men for a month to harvest the crop which always finds a ready market in the eastern part of the state.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in late August 1888 (Newark NY)
Mrs. R. W. Roberts of Shortsville is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. H. Pulver.
Miss Hattie Budd of Syracuse, is visiting her brother, E. J. Budd, and other friends in town.
The marriage one week ago to night in Lyon (sic), of O. C. Robinson, one of our young and most enterprizing business men, to Miss Edith Westfall at the residence of her step-father, Mr. Durfee, was an event of great interest to a large circle of friends, and especially to Newark people; for it will bring to our society a most worthy and attractive young woman. Mr. Robinson was reared among us, is highly regarded for those qualities which make him every way a useful citizen, and is well established in a prosperous business career. After a somewhat extensive tour in New England, their home will be at Mrs. Robinson's.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, January 5, 1917, front page [Note: year date of paper misprinted; it should be 1918.]
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Burgess Enjoyed an Unusual Event --
Family Gathered for the Celebration --
Mrs. Burgess Reports the Knitting of Twenty-Four Pairs of Socks For the Red Cross
The sixty-seventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Burgess was celebrated Monday, December 31, 1917, at their home east of Marbletown. The occasion was made the more interesting for Mr. and Mrs. Burgess by the gathering of their family.
Mr. and Mrs. Burgess were married December 31, 1850, at Phelps, N.Y., and since that time they have lived on the old place at Marbletown, where Mr. Burgess was born March 20, 1825, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luce Burgess. his boyhood was spent in this vicinity and after his marriage, the union was blessed by three daughters, Mrs. Clara Hooper, Mrs. Eva Cuddeback and Mrs. Ida H. Shephard, all of Phelps.
Mrs. Burgess was born April 18, 1833, the daughter of Aaron Aldrich. She has been "doing her bit" in helping to win this world war and well remembered the trying days of the Civil War. Most of the young women today are past learning to knit, but Mrs. Burgess learned to knit years ago and has kept up the practice more or less ever since, and during recent months she has been helping the Red Cross and has knitted twenty four pairs of socks, in addition to some of the other work. Mr. Burgess has also helped by "keeping the home fires warm and cheerful," while his wife has been helping to make the soldiers comfortable.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date June 1889
Mrs. Charles Grove of Grand Rapids, Mich., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Dugan, and with her is now visiting friends in Geneva.
Mrs. Geo. B. Michael, of Niagara Falls, has been spending some time with her father, N. P. Rowe.
The only cottonwood tree in Wayne county stands by the side of the highway between Rose Valley and North Rose. It was brought from Indiana in the spring of 1819 by Samuel Southwick and placed there. At that time there was no settlement at either Rose Valley or North Rose, and only two houses on the north side of the river in Clyde. - Cor. Dem. & Chron.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Palmyra Democrat,unknown date, early February 1893
E. M. Hooper of East Newark, was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Gan____, of Geneva on Tuesday.
F.J. Dodman of Hamilton, Ont., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. F. W. Cole.
Levi Whitlock, a farmer living near Lyons was thrown from his cutter on Wednesday afternoon of this week, fracturing his skull. He is in a very precarious condition and it is thought he will not recover.
In the railroad wreck near New Brunswick, N.J., Jan. 14, Doc, the wonderful trotting dog, which appeared at Newark last year, was crushed and burned to death. For some years he had been a regular feature at the bench shows in Chicago. Doc was an Irish setter. In track harness, in front of a miniature pneumatic-tired sulky, with his tongue out, and speeding a mile with high knee action, he mocked a trotter so faithfully that he seemed a horse in the form of a dog. Doc hailed from Brighton, Ont. Willie Ketchum, Doc's constant driver, is a man of 20, the size of an eight year old boy. The dog was valued at $3,000.
Mr. Geo. D. Williamson of Batavia, and formerly of this place, was in town Wednesday renewing old acquaintances.
On Wednesday of this week, Dr. H. L. Smith and Miss Katherine A. Herbert were united in marriage at the home of the bride in this place. The ceremony was impressively performed by the Rev. S. G. Hopkins of the Presbyterian Church in the presence of the near relatives of the contracting parties. The DEMOCRAT wishes them a pleasant and prosperous journey through life.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, September 19, 1892, page 4
Rev. Hale Gardner, the newly appointed minister of the Methodist Protestant Church of South Butler, preached his first sermon yesterday morning, and Rev. G. M. Boughton, former pastor spoke in the evening to a large congregation.
NEW 7/7/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, November 10, 1896, page 4
The engagement of Miss Matie Smith, of Lyons, and Fred Lyke, of Newark, has been announced. The wedding will take place December 22d.
Inquest in the Death of Charles Allen at Savannah
Result of the Inquest -
Despondent Over the Loss of Money He took His Life With Morphine -
The Burial
The inquest under the direction of Coroner Chase over the death of Charles Allen, who was found dead in bed at the Goodman house last week, was concluded at Savannah yesterday afternoon. It was brought out by witnesses that the deceased spent some of his time at the home of Alonzo Taylor, east of the village, and that he then gave one Charles Palmer about $5 in money to buy victuals and drink. Palmer did not return with the goods. He left town and has not been seen there since. Allen told several parties that Palmer or some one else had stolen $50 from him. He told the same story to Landlord Goodman and borrowed $2 to procure a warrant for Palmer's arrest. Drs. Sweeting and Williams swore that enough morphine was found in the man's stomach to cause death, and Druggist Sherman testified to selling Allen 100 morphine pills containing about eighteen grains in all of the drug. From two to five grains is a fatal dose. F. M. Douglas, of Red Creek, swore that the deceased had worked his father's farm during the past two years. He had sold $85 worth of live stock and appropriated the money. He also had over $50 earned at his trade of cooper. The loss of his money no doubt led him to take his life, fearing imprisonment, as Douglas is said to have had a good case against him. The following verdict was rendered: "Charles Alfred Allen came to his death by taking an overdose of morphine between the hours of 8 P. M., November 5th, and 8 A. M., November 6th, at the Goodman house, Savannah." Preparations were made to hold funeral services over the unfortunate man at the Savannah Methodist Episcopal Church, on Sunday afternoon, and six soldiers had been selected for bearers, while Rev. C. Herrick was to preach the sermon. The remains were encased in a good cloth covered casket and were decently interred. But on Saturday night the poormaster and Undertaker Brown, of Fair Haven, appeared on the scene, as $35 is allowed by law for the burial of a soldier. The remains were turned over to them Sunday morning, placed in a cheap casket, taken in a wagon to Fair Haven, and interred without his two children (who came to Savannah after the body was gone) being able to gaze on his face, and without religious services. Such was the end of Charles Allen, a hard drinker, an embezzler and a suicide.
NEW 6/13/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, August 17, 1898, page 4
Arthur Page, of Newark, who has been participating in the war at Cuba, reached home yesterday morning. He was a member of the crew of the United States steamer Uncas, which was in the fight off Matanzas, where Page was severely wounded by a bursting shell. He was accorded a most enthusiastic welcome.
NEW 6/13/10 From The Clyde Eagle, July 18, 1844
An affray occurred on the 9th(?) inst. at Lock Berlin, four miles west of this place, in which a young man by the name of Jerome Shaw, whose parents reside at Lockport, was so injured and beaten with clubs that he died on the 11th. There were two other persons badly injured, one by the name of Thomas Knight, of White Hall, it is thought will die. The facts in the case appear to be from the testimony in the examination, that the boat Patriot was trying to pass the scow boat Texas, to get to the lock first, and the scow endeavoring to keep her back by crowding her to the towing path, and while the boats were along side each other or nearly so, Thomas Knight stepped on to the scow boat for the purpose of pushing the boats apart or for some other purpose, when some words were passed, and he was struck with a club or pole; whereupon the captain of the Patriot went on board the scow, and then there was a general striking of clubs, &c. Jerome Shaw, at this time was in the stere cabin, and had just sat down to his dinner, which on hearing a noise he got up and went out at the cabin window on to the scow, and had scarcely done so when he was knocked down with a club and beaten in so shocking a manner on and around his head that his skull was fractured in many places and a part of it completely beaten in.
We can gather nothing from the testimony showing that the injured men had premeditated an attack, or that they had with them any weapons when they went on board the scow boat. Four of the scow's hands have been held to bail for their appearance at the next term of Oyer and Terminer.
A Coroner's Inquest was held on the body of Jerome Shaw, one of the hands of the canal boat Patriot, of White Hall, in this village on Thursday last. The following was the verdict of the jury: that he came to his death by blows from a club, in the hands of some person belonging to the canal boat Texas.
NEW 6/13/10 From The Clyde Eagle, January 4, 1845
NOTE: the image of the microfilm of this paper was difficult to read. If you have access to the original hard copies, please send corrections to the site coordinators!
At Sodus Bay Phalanx, on Saturday, Dec. 22, 1844, by ___ Littleton Esq., Dr. D.H. Sweezy(?) to Miss Maria Loisa Josephine Kellogg both of this village.
On Wednesday Dec. 11th, by Rev. Mr. Gridley of Junius, Mr. T. D. HERBERT(?) of Dublin Village Seneca Co., to Mrs. E. D. Brown of this place.
On Tuesday, Dec. 24th, by Rev. Wm. R. Webb, Mr. W.D. ___n of this village, to Miss Luana(?) King of Junius.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Clyde, January 1st, 1845.
Allen Miss Eliza
B___ William
Ba___ter Agustine
B___ F.
B_____ Luke
Bassett Richard W.
Brown Mrs./Miss(?) Susan
B_____ Wm.
Crowell, Miss Jerusha
Curtice Rev. Mr.
Castor Christopher W.
Conwas George B.(?)
Dixon John
D___ C____d
D___n Eli P.
Diddy John Q.
De Golyer John
Finch MIss Jane A.
Hen__ixon S.B.
Hawley S.S.
Hamilton George A.
Hankins(?) David
Haley William
Judson Eben
Johnson O.
Jenner Lewis T.
Knapp Sylvester
King Israel
Knight Simeon sen.
Lamb Almond P.
Love, Miss M__lda
Mastin Mrs. Fanny
Montague Miss Jane D. L.
Mead Pel_ck
M--- Adaline B----
Pound Miss Tamera
Raney & Smith
Rice Ne---
Roe Samuel
Reynolds Norman
Rider Willis
Slater Mrs. Eliza
Sperry Miss Mary
Schrivener Miss Mary
Shaler/Slater John
Stackus(?) Wm.
Sitser/Sitzer David
Smith Henry V./Y.
Thompson Joseph I.
Thompson Miss Ellen
Terry Thomas L.
Terry Chauncey
Vose George
Vandenburg James
Vanduzen Jacob
Wormer Charles
NEW 6/13/10 From the Clyde Times, May 23, 1912, page 4
By the courtesy of Mrs. Ward Syron this office is in the possession of a copy of the Clyde Eagle, the forerunner of the Clyde Times, dated May 17th, 1845. This copy contains an article on the early settlement and naming of this village, which may be of interest to our readers. It would without doubt be the more interesting if the contributor's name were given, but unfortunately this was omitted. The article is entitled, "Sketches of Clyde," and reads as follows:
"MR. EDITOR:-- It may not perhaps be uninteresting to many of your readers to peruse the following notes upon the early settlement of Clyde and its vicinity. The author has flattered himself that some little sketch of the kind would be received with favor, and has given a bare outline of his own experience for the last forty years, during which time he has been a constant resident in these parts. He came into this 'western world,' this 'uninhabited wilderness' in the year 1805, and settled within the limits of the present town of Junius, Seneca County, which town then included a vastly larger extent of territory. Seneca County then extended to Lake Ontario and Junius included the present towns of Junius, Waterloo, Seneca Falls and Tyre in Seneca County; Galen, Savannah, Rose, Butler, Huron and Wolcott in Wayne County, of which Clyde is nearly the geographical center. Wayne County was set off from Seneca and Ontario Counties about twenty years ago.
"There were at the time of the author's coming hither, only four small settlements in the above mentioned territory. The earliest was that at Seneca Falls, made by Willhelmus Mynders; the next was in the town of Waterloo, made by John Green, afterwards called the Trip settlement, and now goes by the name of Lundy's Corners. The third settlement was made in Junius by three brothers, bearing the name of Southwick, and the fourth in Tyre by three brothers, by the name of Crane. The number of inhabitants in these settlements were of course very small. Perhaps it would be not far from the truth to compare them to the same number of common school districts of the present day.
"North of the Southwick settlement it was a dense wilderness to Lake Ontario. No one had as yet ventured to wrestle with the forest in this wild region. Now and then a sturdy New Englander, young and full of his characteristic enterprise, while coming to this 'far west,' to plant for himself a home with perhaps a companion to share the fatigue of his journey, would venture even to the banks of our river, exercise his yankee ingenuity in constructing a raft to bear him over and, as evening overtook him, select perhaps some wide-spreading tree, where now the very heart of our village is, for his shelter during the night, and lie down to enjoy the bear's fierce growl and the wolf's bitter cry, till the morning dawned to ease him from his anxiety and ready to see him on his trackless path. There were no marks of civilization near. No rude hut sent up its cheerful smoke to invite the lonely traveler in. It was one dense, continuous ___ of trees.
"Travelers now began to pass quite frequently from the Southern settlements, through this place to Sodus Bay, but it was by no particular road or path; each was guided by his own chart and compass - his eyes and his nose.
"The first house that was erected in this vicinity, was built by Mr. Johnathan Melvin, Jr., about a mile west of the lock, upon the northern bank of the river, in the year 1808. This house, it will be justice to say, was but a rudely constructed shanty. During the next year, 1809, Mr. Melvin built a very good and substantial log house on the south side of the river, on a lot now vacated, directly opposite the residence of Sylvester Clark, Esq. This we may call the first house erected in Clyde.
"At this time, the place went by the name of the Blockhouse and was so called several years. It derived this name from a block house, that was built here by some tories and smugglers, in the time of the Revolution, for the purpose of smuggling goods and provisions to and from Canada. It was situated upon the northern bank of the river, some distance below the mineral spring, where a brook, called from the circumstance, Block House creek, empties into the river. The blockhouse was burned near the close of the Revolution and in a few years the spot grew up with underbrush and trees.
"Emigrants were constantly pouring into this western country, and it was seen that if a connection should be made between the four settlements already mentioned and Sodus Bay, that the whole country around would be greatly increased in value. Accordingly, by the exertions and co-operation of Willhelmus Mynders, Jesse Southwick and Jonathan Melvin, a bridge was built across the river and a road constructed to Sodus Bay in the year 1809. They were the more strenuous to have this connection, because it was then supposed that Sodus would become the great thoroughfare of Western New York. It had already attained a considerable size, was rapidly increasing and, it was supposed by some, that the navigation of the St. Lawrence river would be so improved that, in a few years, ships could sail from the bay at Sodus to any port on the globe. This, however, was considered somewhat visionary by others.
"Several settlers soon planted themselves here and the place was called Lauraville, in honor of a lady, who was a friend of Mr. Mynders. A grist mill was erected in about the year 1818, by Major DeZeng and his son, William S. DeZeng, Esq., now of Geneva. In the year 1820, Sylvester Clark, Esq., opened a store, near the spot where he now lives. The village received an impulse from the improvements, which had been recently made, and business became such as to encourage traders and mechanics to settle here. The river was navigable, and boats came here quite frequently.
"The name of the place was again changed and it was called Clyde, by the request of Mr. MacNab, from the River Clyde in Scotland, on whose banks he had resided.
"What remains to be told can be seen by every observer. The rapid growth of Clyde, its lively business and its increasing importance has made a deep impression upon all who have been long acquainted with it. It would be foreign to the subject of the present letter to compare it with other villages around us, but we can say and truly, too, that there is no place, of its age and size in Western New York, which does a more extensive business and is gaining more rapidly in the esteem of the public, than this same village of Clyde.
"Yours, Etc."
Both grand and trial jurors for the May term of Supreme Court to convene at Lyons before Justice Arthur E. Southerland the week of Monday, May 27th, were drawn at the Wayne County Clerk's office by Judge Clyde W. Knapp, Sheriff O.H. Sherman and County Clerk D. C. Wheeler.
Grand Jurors.
John Mastin, Clyde; Frank H. Daboll, Clyde; Giles Wilchell, Butler; James Hall, Unison; Ira Allen, Sodus Point; Oscar Westfall, Marion; Smith Slocuom, Ontario; Nathan Conrow, Lincoln; Frank Burt, Clyde; Delos Chapin, Butler; Fred H. Kreuger, Clyde; Charles Durfee, Macedon; Charles Kreiss, Galen; Henry Bean, Walworth; Burt Dean, Marion; Wm. Wright, Newark; Levi Young, Lyons; Earl Servoss, Macedon; Edward Welcher, Newark; Charles Lyon, East Palmyra; Arthur Alderman, Macedon; John Lefevre, Huron; G. M. Card, Macedon; Newell Thompson, Unison.
Trial Jurors.
Edward Kennedy, Savannah; C. G. Stewart, Lyons; William Libert, Newark; W.H. Munn, Lyons; Theron Whitbeck, Newark; Edard Arnold, Arcadia; C. B. Salisbury, Lyons; Whomas Wesley, Macedon; Peter De Rider, Putneyville (sic); A. D. Harder, Savannah; W. N. Hoban, Savannah; Charles Peters, Marion; Fred Haden, Savannah; William Burkley, Sodus; Charles Clause, Galen; Morris O'Brien, Macedon; Isaac Tack, Arcadia; Lewis Davis, Huron; A. H. Fuller, Palmyra; William H. Bush, Palmyra; George E. Wilson,, South Butler; Clinton Luce, Marion; Thomas Payne, Ontario; J. D. Pratt, Ontario; A. Bendschneider, Walworth; Abraham Loveless, Butler; Arthur Fitch, Butler; G. S. Miller, Lyons; William Biglow, Wolcott; Willard Eaton, Macedon.
WANTED.-- Experienced Operators on silk gloves, or girls to learn. Steady work. Pay weekly. The Gloversville Silk Mills, Water Street, Lyons.
NEW 6/13/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, June 14, 1900
Not a Funny Experience.
The Oswego party, consisting of Eugene Gattius (?), Dr. Edwin F. Stewart, Daniel Brewer and William Ferris, whom it was feared had met death on Lake Ontario, have been rescued. They left early in the week for Sodus bay, stopped in Fair Haven and then continued their course. When near Sodus point their engine gave out and left them at the mercy of a heavy sea, the wind blowing from the shore and carrying them out into the lake. They drifted about for nearly two days, without a mouthful to eat. The wind changed its course several times. Three times they were very near their own harbor, but not close enough to make their distress known. At Mexico point they were only about a mile from shore, but could not make any signal heard. They finally drifted down toward Big Sandy, and the life-saving station people discovered that they were in trouble and a tug was sent out for them. Then they were taken to Oswego, nearly famished.
The extensive fruit farm of the Case-Norris Company in Sodus was sold yesterday under mortgage foreclosure on the court house steps in Lyons. The property was secured by George Yeomans for $9,500. The farm consists of 100 acres.
Bert Hamer, an employee on the farm of Charles Lane, a short distance west of Lyons, was arraigned before Justice of the Peace Freshour in Lyons yesterday, charged with assault in the third degree on the person of William Sheerin, a fellow farm hand. The assault was the result of a wrangle over which of the two men was doing the most work. Hamer pleaded not guilty, and an adjournment was taken for two weeks.
The town board and voters of Palmyra are debating the question of putting in the United States voting machines, to be used at the various elections in that village. A machine is now on exhibition in one of the business places in Palmyra, and will remain there the rest of the week, thus giving the voters a chance to inspect its workings. The putting in of these machines would necessitate the redistricting of the town, and instead of four the town would be divided into two districts.
Invitations have been received in Lyons to the reception following the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Dunning and Harry L. Averill, both of Palmyra. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Csar (sic) Dunning, and the prospective groom is the son of E. J. Averill, editor and publisher of the Palmyra Courier. The wedding will be celebrated on the afternoon of une 27th, at the residence of the bride's mother, a short distance south of Palmyra. The Rev. Mr. Cameron, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Palmyra, and the Rev. Mr. Walkley, rector of the Episcopal Church, will unite in performing the ceremony, which will be witnessed only by the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. In the evening a reception with dancing will be tendered the newly-married couple.
NEW 6/13/10 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, September 14, 1900
Fears for the Mist.
The small schooner Mist, which put out from Sodus Bay Tuesday evening, bound for Sackett's Harbor, is supposed to have been lost. She was loaded with peaches, and was captained by Eugene Harroun, of Sodus Center.
The marriage of Miss Ruby M. Cole, a former well-known young woman of Palmyra, to Noyes Failing, of Oswego, occurred at the home of the bride's parents in that city, at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening.
NEW 6/13/10 From The Clyde Herald, August 27, 1930, front page
Galen's rural schools will open on Tuesday, with the following staff: South Side, Alice Meyers, Angeline Petrosino; White School House, Sara Southard; Shepard's Corners, Marion Stauring; Mellon, Elizabeth Brand; Meade, Ethel Beecher; Lockpit, Bessie Crawford; Glover, Mrs. Myra Glover; Angel Corners, Doris Brown; Lamb, Sara Armitage; Watson, Elsie Feek; Marengo, Maude Sharpe; Weed, Mae Godfrey; Kroerger (sic), Olive Bastian; Ganz, Gertrude Nichols; Ferguson's Corners, Elisabeth Young, and Lock Berlin, Elberta Hall and Myrtle Storms.
The Misses Nellie and Maude Hand, former Clyde residents, but now of Jamestown, N.Y., have been visiting old time friends here for a few days.
William Allen, a former Clyde boy and now a practicing attorney of St. Louis, Mo., has been spending a short time with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Scutt are rejoicing over the birth of a son this morning.
Members of the George Aden Brown Post, American Legion, are planning a benefit movie, to be given at the Playhouse, Sept. 11. Benny Rubin is to be featured in "Hot Curves." The committee is: Willis Beecher, chairman; John Walsh, Dr. Allen, Patsy D'Amato and LaVerne Cain.
NEW 6/13/10 From The Clyde Herald, unknown date May 1912
A daughter was born to Prof. and Mrs. George R. Bodley.
Charles Legg of Syracuse was the guest of his parent (sic) Mr. and Mrs. William Legg.
Mrs. Claude Taylor, of Canandaigua, visited her father, Wm. J. Collins, here last Friday.
Miss Jane Coon, of Syracuse, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coon over last Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Patten of Syracuse has been the recent guest of her brother, John H.(?) Gillett, returning to her home Sunday evening.
From "The Fairport Herald, Wednesday, April 17, 1912," a Monroe County paper. Some of the information abstracted from the three Fairport newspaper issues on this page pertains to neighboring Monroe County residents, but is provided as it might help someone. Spellings and punctuation are as given in the original newspapers. We thank you in advance for directing all questions about persons, publications, locations, businesses, events, etc. to the historical societies, not to the coordinators of this site.
The Baptist church at Williamson is the beneficiary of $500 left by the will of Mrs. Lucy Russell, who died in that village April 1, last.
Henry B. Mitchell, aged 18, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell of Palmyra, has been missing from his home since March 28. He left the house that morning to attend school and nothing has been seen or heard of him since. He was a studious and ambitious lad and was to have graduated in June. Mrs. Mitchell is prostrated with grief and suspense.
How It's Done in Lyons
The story comes from Lyons that a merchant collected a $30 grocery bill of a liquor dealer in a novel way. The grocer had made several demands for his money, but could not separate the man from his roll. Sunday morning the grocer and a clerk stopped into the liquor dealer's pace and bought a pint of whiskey, paying 75 cents. During the next few hours it gradually dawned on the liquor dealer that he had put himself in an exceedingly embarrassing position. He took counsel, went to the grocer, inquired the amount of his bill, paid $20 on account and squared the balance before sundown. He also got the bottle of whiskey back. The cork had not even been drawn.
Mrs. Cora Ransley is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Knapp, at Fairport for a few days. -Ontario Mail.
Mrs. Salina Root and Miss Helen Bills, of Fairport, spent Monday in this village the guests of F.R. Bills and wife. - Macedon Newsgatherer.
A reduction in the faculty of the Clyde school from eighteen to sixteen effecting a saving of nearly $600, and an increased number of non-resident pupils, will make about a thousand dollars less to be raised by taxation the coming year.
The Andrus Family.
The following is from a Pittsford subscriber:
Mrs. Milliman:-
I have been reading in your Fairport Herald, and saw the name of Mrs. Nellie J. Andrus with Mrs. Carrie S. Fritts in a card of thanks.
I was interested in Mrs. Andrus' name. Many years ago my father, Daniel Andrus, left Deleware (sic) Co. and came to western New York,
and settled on a 40-acre farm now owned by a descendent of James Ransom. The farm is now known as the Andrus farm. When my father left
Deleware county, he left a large family of Andrus boys and girls. Only a few people spell the name "Andrus." That is why I would like to become
acquainted with Mrs. Nellie J. Andrus.
Perhaps if you would send this to the Fairport Herald I might hear from them and be able to trace the genealogy of the Andrus family.
The brother who passed away recently was in his 89th year. One of my brothers died in the 95th year of his age. Had been in the Civil war as deputy sheriff. His name was Justus D. Andrus. My brother, Joseph, was 93 when he died. I am the last of my father's family. There is a family of Andrus now in Deleware county. My father was in the war of 1812. If I hear from Mrs. Nellie J. Andrus, I can give a long list of Andrus boys in Weeping Water, Neb.
Yours truly,
Hannah C. Andrus Geare.
Pittsford, N.Y.
Several Villages in Strong Competition For Them.
Since the Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern car barns at Newark were burned there has been considerable agitation in some of the towns down the line to secure the new barns, and it is understood that the location will be selected within a few days.
The officials of the road no doubt will not overlook the advantages of Fairport as a convenient location, and it is understood that the company has ample ground for them just west of the village near the West Shore underground crossing. The traffic is much heavier at this end of the route, much heavier at this end of the route, and the location of the barns here, would obviate many long runs for early morning cars.
It is said that there is strong competition between Newark, Lyons and Clyde to get the barns, which mean considerable added business for the successful contestant.
Newark is putting forth strong effort to retain the barns. Clyde, which is twelve miles to the east and about midway on the line of the R.S. & E., is using the argument that its locations makes it the natural operating point, and hence the logical site for the new structure. The barns were built at the Newark location before the road was operated east of Clyde, the road having been built in successive links, beginning with the Rochester-Fairport section.
It is probably that the barns will be of larger capacity than the former structure, the traffic of the line having increased greatly since completion. In addition to heavy passenger travel a large volume of express matter is handled. The Newark barns were of wood, but it is probable that the new buildings will be of a more substantial type of a construction.
John F. White passed away at his home on North Main st. Friday morning. He had been in failing health some years from heart trouble, and the end came as the gradual going out of a candle, the heart action gradually growing weaker until it ceased altogether.
Mr. White was born in the Midlands, now Montezuma, Cayuga county, June 5, 1848. His early years were passed in that locality, and later he came to Penfield, and for 13 years worked the George W. Clark farm. He then came to Fairport, about 15 years ago, and since that time worked on the Col. S.P. Howard farm south of the village, and also in the DeLand works. He later purchased a little place northwest of the village, which he sold to James Newman, and of late has resided on North Main st., at the corner of East ave.
He married Miss Minnie Hames of this village Dec. 24, 1874, who with one daughter, Clara E., survive. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the house, Rev. D.J. Torens, pastor of the Congregational church, officiating, and interment was made in Oakwood cemetery, Penfield.
Mrs. Ralph Rainbow.
Mrs. Ralph Rainbow died late yesterday afternoon at the home of the family in Egypt, having been ill only a few days. She is survived by her husband; one daughter, Ruth Cooper Rainbow, and an infant son ten days old; her mother, Mary Cooper, of Egypt, and a brother, Harlock T. Cooper, of Hopewell, N.Y. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at the house, at 2 o'clock, and interment will be made in Greenvale cemetery, Fairport.
Editorial Expression.
Lyons village is to take a vote on establishing a municipal electric lighting plant. Come down to Fairport if you want to see a model plant operated on a model business plan, actually for the people.
Macedon Center, April 15- Wm. Wiedrich and family of Walworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wiedrich.
Mrs. Wm. Alles visited at the home of her son, Roy, near Palmyra, Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Harbou of California is spending some time with relatives in town.
Miss Amelia Wiedrich of Rochester was in town the first of the week.
The Germans are building a new church on the foundation of the one destroyed by fire last summer.
There was an extra large attendance at grange Saturday afternoon, and the 1st and 2nd degrees were conferred on a class of nine. After conferring degrees, maple syrup, rolls and fried cakes were served by the gentlemen.
Mrs. Mary George is able to be out among her friends once more.
Mrs. John Foskett spent a couple of days last week with relatives in Rochester.
Wm. Greene visited his brother in Farmington Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan of Farmington were guests of relatives in town Sunday.
Bert Brownell and family are moving from the Fardner house into the Lincoln house.
John Risseuw and family spent the Sabbath in the Center at the home of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Mabee entertained relatives the first of the week.
Carl Blaker, Fred Spafford and Leon Wiedrich attended the debate in Convention Hall, Rochester, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Packard was in Rochester Saturday.
Webster, April 15- Miss Freda Weber of this town and Mr. Leroy Wellington Bilger of Ontario, were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of the Holt road. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bilger of Ontario. The ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreens and Easter lilies. Rev. W. Arndt, pastor of the Lutheran church, of which the bride is a member, officiated, the double ring service being used.
The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Anna Weber, and the best man was William Bilger, brother of the groom. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served, about sixty guests being present. At the bride's table covers were laid for twelve. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Lizzie Porrey, aunt of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Bilger will reside at Union Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Risley of Ontario were guests of relatives in town Sunday.
Wayneport, April 15- Mrs. H.S. DeWitt of Rochester spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. E. Glover.
Miss Harriet Cator of Macedon spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Katheleen Tice.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bouchard entertained their sister and a friend from East Rochester the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Massecar spent Friday in Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLeod spent Sunday with their parents, R.A. McLeod and wife.
Mrs. Lavina Clark returned home Wednesday after spending a week visiting in Fairport and Rochester.
South Perinton.
Harlow Guest spent Thursday of last week with relatives in Palmyra.
Laura and Wilda Allen of Clyde visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Allen, last week.
Benjamin H. Loomis died last week Thursday morning at his home in the south part of the town, aged 65 years. He was the eldest son of the late Hannah Ketchum and George Loomis. He was born in Syracuse, January 2, 1847, and had always lived in this town, with the exception of the first three years of his life. He was married in 1868 to Miss Alma Jenks, and 14 years ago he went to live on the old Loomis homestead, where he has since resided. He leaves two sons, George and Charles, of this town, and five daughters, Mrs. Hannah Devine, of this town, Mrs. Bernardine Alderman, of Macedon, Mrs. Mildred Battin, of Victor, and Leona, who resides at home. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the house, Rev. E.F. Wood of Victor officiating.
Ontario, April 15- The board of education have engaged the following teachers for the coming year: Principal, Charles V. Harson, of Fulton, a graduate of Colgate university; preceptress, Miss Carpenter, of Jamestown; assistant preceptress, Miss Dodds, of Rochester; seventh and eighth grades, Miss Alford, of Lyons; fifth and sixth grades, Miss Lookup, of Marion; third and fourth grades, Miss Jones, of Brooklyn; first and second grades, Miss Milliner, of Rochester.
The Ladies' Missionary society of the Congregational church met at the home of Mrs. J.S. Robbison Thursday afternoon and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. J.D. Pratt; vice president, Mrs. Selleck; secretary, Mrs. Lucy Pound; recording secretary, Mrs. E. Banton; treasurer, Mrs. George Sabin.
Isaac Delass is very ill.
Miss Marguerite Teats of Geneva spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in town.
Miss Alta Franks of Avon spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Granks.
Mrs. Charles Pease has gone to Alden, where she will take baths for rheumatism.
Floyd Alborn has purchased a new Ford auto to use on his mail route.
The Ontario high school baseball team will open the season with a game with Williamson high school on Monday, April 22, at Williamson.
Work has begun on the new canning factory; it is being built of cement blocks.
The remains of Miss Grace H. Strowger of Rochester, were brought to Oakwood cemetery for burial Tuesday. Miss Strowger died Saturday morning after a brief illness of pneumonia. At the time of her death, Miss Strowger was critic teacher at the Brockport Normal school, which position she has held since graduation from the University of Rochester in 1910. She was a member of Constellation Chapter, O.E.S., in which she has served as an officer for several years. She is survived by a sister, Miss Jennie Strowger, and a brother, Frank Strowger, both of Rochester. Her untimely death came as a great shock to her many friends and her loss will be keenly felt by all those with whom she was associated.
Walworth, April 15- Robert Wignall has been visiting at Rochester the past week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pembroke, Wednesday, a daughter.
We are glad to know that the sick in Walworth are recovering.
Charles Tuttle was home from Rochester over Sunday.
Charles Clark of Lincoln was in town one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Downs of Rochester are visiting relatives in town.
Dr. Esley was in Rochester Saturday.
Mrs. Washburn of Lockberlin (sic) is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Shepherd Hurley a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. William Petty and daughter, Josie, visited at Marion Monday.
Mr. Claud Snyder is entertaining his brother and family from Rochester.
Harley Hawks of Genesee, Penn., will work for A.G. Clark this summer.
Stop 20, R. S. & E.
Misses Ruth and Celia Hoag from Macedon Center spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Sullivan has left our neighborhood for Bushnell's Basin, where they intend to make their home, having sold their farm to their son, Mr. T. Sullivan.
Miss Harriet Metcalfe spent Sunday afternoon with her cousin, Miss Winifred Burton, of Macedon.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lapham visited at the home of Mrs. Lapham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Reed, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coon and Claude Coon spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Coon.
Mrs. Silas Pannell has been suffering the past few days with neuralgia.
Miss Winnifred Burton from Macedon spent Monday night with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Metcalfe.
Miss Abbie Douglass is visiting in Rochester and expects to visit the exhibition of pure foods in Convention hall before returning.
From "The Fairport Herald, Wednesday, June 12, 1912," a Monroe County paper.
Roy Colegrove, twelve-year-old boy of Clyde, choked on a piece of meat the other day. It was finally forced down into his stomach, but his throat has been paralyzed ever since.
Mrs. Michael Sweeney of Fairport was a guest of her sisters and friends here the past week. -Lyons Republican.
Mrs. Anna Bills of Fairport, who is spending some time here with her son, Fred and wife, was taken quite ill last Friday and was confined to her bed for a few days. Her condition is now improved and she is again able to be about. - Macedon Newsgatherer.
Mr. Whitford of Wolcott is visiting at the home of his brother-in-law, Jesse Campbell, on North Main st.
Lights for Macedon.
The local village board has entered into a contract with the trolley company to furnish our village with lights for the street and as many houses in and about our village as the householder wishes. The current, as we understand, will be decidedly lower in price than that which we are receiving at the present time, but whether or not we will receive twenty-four hour service through this medium, we cannot learn. During a few hours in the early morning the current is off the trolley lines. At any rate, we will have a municipal lighting plant and the earnings of the plant will go to help defray the village expenses. -Macedon Newsgatherer.
Friday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John De Mallie occurred the marriage of the daughter, Josephine, to Cornelius Bart of Ontario. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.H. Hosper, pastor of the Ontario Reformed church, of which the bride is a member. Promptly at one o'clock the bridal party descended the stairs to the strains of Lohengrin, played by Agnes DeMallie, cousin of the bride. Taking their positions under an arch of evergreens beautifully trimmed with yellow and white roses. The bridal party included Mr. Rine Van Der Brook and Susie Hart, sister of the groom, John Van Hall and Katherine DeMallie, sister of the bride. The bride wore a gown of white silk with pearl trimmings and carried white lilacs. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held, followed by a three course dinner. Covers were laid for twelve at the ladies table. The following young ladies assisted at the tables, Misses Mae Van DerLyke, Maggie Triou, Ida and Elizabeth Youngman. Guests were present from Brighton, Marion, Williamson, and Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Bart will reside at Ontario.
Mrs. William Messner and son of Clyde are guests of her sister, Mrs. Jesse Robson.
East Rochester.
Sarah C. Morgan, wife of Thomas Morgan, a well known and highly respected resident of this village, died at her late home, 214 East Commercial st., Wednesday, June 5. Mrs. Morgan was born at Savannah, N.Y., 22 years ago, and with her mother came to this village about 10 years ago. For some time previous to her marriage, which was about 13 years ago, she was employed as cashier at Geo. A. March's store. She is survived by her husband and one son, born May 30, also by her mother, Mrs. Laura King, two sisters, Miss Dora Wood of this village and Mrs. Lillian Suns of Hornell and one brother, Lloyd, of this place. Funeral services were largely attended from her late home on Friday afternoon, Rev. Brandon Greenaway officiating, and interment was made at Pittsford cemetery. [Note: either date of birth or time of her employment is an error on the part of the newspaper, not of the transcriber.]
Stop 20, R.S. & E.
Stop 20, June 10- Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Reed spent Tuesday afternoon in Palmyra.
Macedon Center.
Macedon Center, JUne 10- Daniel Youngs and family and Lovett Jordan and family spent Sunday with relatives in Fairport.
We saw but dimly the mist and vapors, of the evenings dews and damps, what, at a distance, seemed the funeral tapers, proved to be the Grange hall lamps.
The first evening meeting of the grange was well attended, about forty members being present.
Saturday afternoon, June 22, will be observed as Children's day for grangers and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Packard and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eldredge took an auto mobile trip to Pomona grange session at Red Creek last Wednesday and report a very enjoyable day.
Wm. Greene is spending a few days at Toronto.
The pupils of Miss Jennie George's school, with their mothers, sisters and friends, enjoyed a picnic in Frank Diebold's orchard last Wednesday afternoon. About seventy-five were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crellin spent Sunday with Webster relatives.
Mrs. Charles Wendt was taken to the hospital last Wednesday, where she underwent her fourth operation for hernia. Her condition is quite critical at the present writing.
Stephen Coomber is treating his residence to a new coat of paint.
Miss Anna Chapman is the latest victim of the mumps.
Wm. Doyle is recovering from the measles.
Dr. Hooker of Rochester will give an address in Academy hall Tuesday evening, June 18th, under the auspices of the Mens club. All are invited to attend.
The Ladies Aid held their regular meeting Thursday afternoon.
Jay Wiedrich and sister, who have been spending some time with relatives in this vicinity, removed to their new home near Savannah last week. Miss Eva White accompanied them.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon and James Doyle and family spent Sunday with relatives in Farmington.
Wayneport, June 10- Joseph Green and family of Farmington were Sunday guests at R.A. McLeod's.
Miss Luella Manley of Macedon spent Sunday with Miss Viola DeWitt.
C. Tabor and family of Macedon spent Sunday with Mrs. James Tice.
Miss M. Glover and Henry DeWitt of Rochester spent Saturday with Mrs. E. Glover.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweet spent Sunday in Macedon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Briggs are spending some time visiting in Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. McLeod spent Sunday in Palmyra, the guests of their son, Charles and wife.
Miss Clara Jacobs and friend of Fairport spent Saturday with Miss Rowena Briggs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Coon of Fairport were Sunday guests at J.S. Massecar's.
South Perinton.
Miss Olive Blazey, now a trained nurse at Roanoke, Virginia, is in South Perinton visiting her father, C. F. Blazey, and also at Macedon visiting her brothers and sisters at that place.
West Walworth.
West Walworth, June 10- The Ladies Auxiliary of the Evangelical church will hold a carpet social Thursday evening, June, 13th, for the purpose of raising money for their new carpet. The stated price for supper is 15 and 20 cents, but the friends can contribute whatever they wish to. Ice cream will be served with the supper. Come one and all.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ikewood and daughter, Leona, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Myron Rogers.
Will DeSmidt is home from Syracuse university for the summer vacation.
F.J. Welker and wife, Harry Everhart and wife, and Leon Oscamp spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Canandaigua.
Mrs. Chas. Bills and Miss Alice Clague are on the sick list.
C.H. Lotze is having an addition built on his store. F.J. Welker is doing the work.
C.A. Stalker has also broken ground for an additional building.
Will Rosenbauer and family of Webster visited at the home of Adam Schinster Sunday.
At the yearly business meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Wm. Powell; vice president, Mrs. Geo. Welker; secretary, Mrs. Chas. Clark; assistant secretary, Mrs. Geo. Druschel; treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Kuttruff.
Wm. Frey has returned from Mumford.
William Cory spent last week with relatives in Webster.
Mrs. Jane Nivison of Fairport is visiting relatives in and about town.
C.C. Beckwith of Fairport was in town Sunday.
Rev. A. Schlenk expects to leave tomorrow to attend the State Sunday School convention at Batavia.
East Penfield.
Mrs. William Cunningham and daughter, Thelma, of Ontario spent Sunday at Charles Schrader's.
Walworth, June 10- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Daney have been entertaining their nephew and friend a few days.
Albert Miller and family of Marion visited G.A. Patterson and family Sunday.
Mrs. Glenn Petty and children have been visiting her parents at Williamson a few days.
Mrs. Laura Hall and daughter attended the funeral of her brother, Edward Kuent of Syracuse.
F.A. Boynton and family and Mrs. Dumond visited at John Franks Sunday.
Miss Nettie Johnson visited friends and relatives in Rochester Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. William Malcolm is spending a few days with her daughter of Lincoln.
Quite a number attended the convention at Sodus last week.
Glenn Petty and family were in Rochester Saturday.
Arthur Hatch and sons were in town Thursday.
J. Petty has a new Ford auto.
Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Clark have returned from their trip to Pennsylvania.
Charles Daney and wife, U.W. Sherburne and wife and Bessie Blythe attended the Eastern Star convention at Lyons Thursday.
Miss Bessie Reynolds of Marion is visiting friends in town.
Laura Reeves of East Rochester is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. J. Lawrence, a few days.
Prof. Otis and Rev. Walker were at Ontario Saturday.
Children's day exercises were largely attended in the M.E. church Sunday. The Baptist church will hold their exercises next Sunday.
John Downs and family visited at R.D. Waterman's Sunday.
C. Reynolds and family were the guests of M. Reynolds of Marion Sunday.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Pursuant to an order of Hon. Selden S. Brown, Surrogate of the County of Monroe, notice is hereby given,
according to law, to all persons having claims or demands against Cornelius R. DeBrine late of the Town of Brighton, County of
Monroe, State of New York, deceased, to present the same with the voucher thereof, to the undersigned administratrix at her place for the
transaction of business as such administratrix at 322-24 Ellwanger & Barry Bldg., Rochester, N.Y., on or before the
15th day of September, 1912.
Attorney for Administratrix
322-24 Ellwanger & Barry Bldg.
Rochester, N.Y.
Appreciate Gift of Canes.
In its account of the Memorial day exercises at Marion, the Enterprise of that place included the following:
H.H. Knapp of Fairport was present, as usual on these occasions, and brought the old soldiers each a souvenir which they are likely to carry in kindly remembrance of the donor, during life. The letter accompanying the gift follows:
Com. Chas. Sanford, of John B. Burrud Post, Marion, N.Y.
Dear Sir:- I am through the kindness of Comrade H.H. Knapp, presenting to your Post a bundle of canes for their use on Memorial day. These canes were cut by myself on Mt. McGregor, near the cottage where our beloved General Grant departed this life.
Please hand these to the boys, and I can assure you that my best wishes go with them.
Yours very respectfully,
Commander of E.A. Slocum, Post,
Fairport, N.Y.
From "The Fairport Herald, Wednesday, July 9, 1913," a Monroe County paper.
Some of the More Interesting Happenings
From Here and There
Occurrences About People and Places Mostly Clipped From Exchanges For Readers of The Herald.
The Lyons village board of trustees have adopted an ordinance requiring vehicles of all kinds to carry lights at night.
It is estimated that it will cost the State of New York $1,500,00 for land taken for the barge canal purposes in the village of Seneca Falls.
Clippings of Interest From Our Neighbors to the East.
Mrs. James Hickey, aged 68, died Monday night at her home on Walworth road. She had been in poor health several years.
Mrs. Alida Agnes Davis, wife of Hon. Barnet H. Davis, a widely known Palmyra woman, died at her home on Jackson st., Tuesday afternoon. Although ill for some time, her death was a sad surprise to many relatives and friends in this community.
Mrs. Davis was born in Montgomery county and in 1860 was married to B.H. Davis. They came to Palmyra 50 or more years ago, residing here ever since. Mrs. Davis was prominent in social circles here for many years and spent much time in Albany when Mr. Davis was a member of the Legislature.
Macedon Center, July 7- During the thunder storm Friday afternoon, Fred Prober's barn was struck by lightning and all his farm buildings destroyed, together with nine loads of hay, which had been drawn in that day, a truck wagon, corn harvester, grain drill and all the chickens. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Beside other damage done by the storm, considerable real estate from Clarence Blaker's hill was conveyed across the road and deposited in Will Miller's rye, much to the harm of the grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dinse of Walworth were Sunday guests of Wm. Alles and wife.
Walter Eldredge and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Seaman of New York are visiting friends in town.
The Germans held a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bauer on the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welch entertained relatives from Newark and Pultneyville last Friday.
Miss Grace L. Boyd of Canandaigua was a recent guest of Mrs. Wm. Brownell for a few days.
Miss Amelia Wiedrich of Turk Hill visited relatives in town Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wiedrich entertained relatives from Walworth and Macedon Sunday.
Miss Iona Eldredge was taken to the General hospital in Rochester last Thursday, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.
Benjamin Hance and family have gone to their summer home on the shore of Lake Ontario
Wm. Harris and sister have returned from Buffalo for the summer.
Wm. Brownell was in Buffalo the first of the week looking for cattle.
Mrs. Fred Kofahl of Macedon visited relatives in town the Fourth.
Mrs. Clementine Bancroft of Rochester spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hoag.
Either the Fourth or the hot weather must have been too much for the grangers, as the attendance was very small Saturday evening.
Miss Emma Doyle is spending some time with Farmington friends.
Several from this vicinity attended Ringling's circus in Rochester last week.
Miss Mabel Cass of Rochester was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. James Doyle and daughter, Julia, spent last Thursday with relatives in Farmington.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, July 4th, a son.
Walworth Center, July 7- Leah Main of West Walworth spent Sunday with Nordica Freer.
Miss May Content of Marion is visiting Lucy DeSmidt.
Miss Ida Wright, who has been teaching in New Jersey, is home for the summer vacation.
Jacob Pembroke and family visited his sister Sunday.
Miss Satie Verhule spent the Fourth at the lake shore.
Mrs. Rose Larkins of Williamson is visiting at Chas. Freer's.
Will DeSmidt is home from Syracuse university for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Clement of Buffalo are guests at the home of Zack Freer.
Charles Miller and family were Sunday guests at William Steubing's.
Mrs. Ernest Dinse and Miss Louise Dinse spent a day in Rochester last week.
Mrs. Cornelius Verhule Isaac and Netie Verhule were at Hall's Center for the Fourth with relatives.
Harry VanOrman and Warren Pierce of Fairville were visitors at Arzah Howard's Sunday.
Albert Sweet of Macedon spent Sunday at Mr. Johnson's.
James Downs made a business trip to Rochester Saturday.
Reunion Strengthens Tie Between the North and the South.
The editor of the Herald has received a letter from his father, O.P. Miner, of Cortland, a member of the 76th Regiment, who attended the reunion at Gettysburg, and believing that it represents the prevailing sentiment of the veterans regarding the reunion we give herewith extracts from it.
"Yesterday at 9 a.m. I left Gettysburg, arriving home at midnight. I would not have missed going for a good deal. One can learn more of the correct positions of our troops and the lines of battle in an hour or two of personal inspection than by reading pages of history. Monuments and markers are erected, even in the woods, showing where officers fell and where the different corps, brigades and regiments were placed.
"The breastworks built by our men right through the woods for their defense are plainly visible. Cannon made entirely from iron, wheels and all, stand on concrete on the very spot where cannon stood during the battle belching forth shot and shell. This applies to the different commands of the Confederates and to the batteries in the rear of PIcket's men just before his charge as well as to the Federal.
"On Cemetery hill is erected a high tower, from the top of which, reached by stairs, one has a view of the battlefield from the Round Tops to Culp's hill. Some time you should visit this greatest battlefield of this continent.
"The general government and some of the states did themselves honor in arranging for this reunion of the Blue and the Gray, which in my judgment will bind together the North and the South more firmly than anything else could do.
"I met and talked with many of the Confederates and invariably they were glad that the result was as it was. One intelligent veteran from North Carolina, who, by the way, is a Progressive, and voted for Roosevelt, said this was the general feeling in his section.
"We had plenty of good and wholesome food, such as meat, potatoes, bread, hard tack, tea and coffee, etc. On the Fourth for dinner they gave us good and well cooked chicken and ice cream with the rest. The water was good and pure. I had two or three drinks from Spangler's spring, where 50 years ago both 'Yanks' and 'Johnnies' quenched their thirst at the base of Culp's hill. Good paved streets have been built through the battlefields, woods and all."
Miss Leone Blazey of Macedon, who has been spending a short time with her cousin, M. Angibell Williams, returned to her home.
H.H. Knapp was in Lyons the Fourth.
Wayne Simons of North Rose visited friends in town Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray spent the Fourth with relatives in Williamson.
Miss Loretta Taylor of Palmyra was a guest of Miss Edna Hartung over the Fourth.
F.F. Schummers and daughter, Gladys, and Miss Dorothy Peak are spending a few days at Sodus.
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Esten have been spending a few days with friends at Wolcott, Red Creek and New Haven.
Frank Packard and family and Phil Packard and family of Macedon were entertained at Dr. H.C. Reeves' on the Fourth.
Mrs. Duane Taylor, who has been seriously ill at the home of her motherinlaw, Mrs. A. Taylor on West Church st., for the past two weeks, expects to leave tomorrow for her home in Romulus, accompanied by Mrs. Taylor.
Mrs. H.C. Reeves and two children, Vincent and Esther, expect to leave Friday for Sodus, where they will spend some time.
A.M. Seaman, whose death occurred in a Rochester hospital Friday from typhoid fever, was 21 years of age. He had lived there but a short time, having been married last October. The remains were taken to Clayton, N.Y. for burial. A singular coincidence is the fact that Mr. Seaman's death occurred but a few hours after that of his next door neighbor, Charles Nash, by accidental drowning in the canal. Both lived in Deland park.
Mrs. Emma Bahler Lotze, wife of John Lotze, died at the family home in West Walworth yesterday at the age of 75 years. She is survived by her husband, one daughterinlaw, Mrs. Etta Lotze, and three grandchildren, all of West Walworth, and one brother, Michael Bahler, of Fairport. The funeral will be held at the house at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow and at the Evangelical church in West Walworth at 3 o'clock. Burial in West Walworth cemetery.
Miss Hallie B. Card spent Friday in Ontario, attending a reunion of the Normal Training Class of '12.
Menzo Smith called on friends here Friday. Mr. Smith went Sunday night to attend the G.A.R. encampment at Gettysburg.
Harold Beal of East Rochester visited at Mrs. Menzo Smith's Thursday.
Miss Madie Allyn, Margaret Smith and Willard Briggs were among those from this vicinity, who attended the alumni banquet in Macedon Thursday evening. Miss Smith responded to a toast.
Mrs. Menzo Smith and Mrs. Chloe Allyn returned from Mt. Morris Wednesday.
The Beal family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Beal of Macedon Saturday. About forty were present from Macedon, Walworth, East Rochester, Penfield and Manchester, Iowa.
Dinner and supper were served with Mrs. Walter Smith as chairman of the refreshment committee. The sports included, 1st, a millinery contest for the men, won by Frank Beal, with little Mildred Beal as model. 2nd, a grab contest, won by Mrs. Earl Beal of East Rochester. 3d, nut cracking contest, won by Mrs. Percy Baker and Beal Smith. 4th, a men's foot race, won by Harold Beal of East Rochester. 5th, a ladies' foot race, won by Beth Baker of Walworth. After the sports the following literary program was carried out: Piano solo, Beth Baker; recitation, Agnes Toole; vocal solo, Mrs. Chas. Harris; recitation, Helen Beal. Immediately following the program a business meeting was held, at which the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Chas. Beal; vice president, Walter Smith; secretary, Miss Margaret Smith.
Miss Smith and Miss Allyn made a week end visit, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beal.
Miss Bertha Flynn of Newark, visted at Richard Farrell's Monday.
Wayneport, July 7- Mrs. Raymond McLeod and daughters spent the past week with friends in Farmington.
The Misses Kathleen and Sarah Tice and Anna Doyle spent Friday in Fairport.
Harold Dean of Fairport spent a few days of the past week in town.
Miss Margaret Griffith spent Sunday in Macedon.
Henry DeWitt of Rochester spent Saturday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Welch and son, of Rochester, were guests of J. Massecar and wife Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welker and Wm. Kennett of West Walworth and Mrs. Edward Clark of Rochester were Sunday guests of E. Glover.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bouchard spent a few days of the past week in East Rochester.
On July 4th between 40 and 50 of the Peet family gathered at the home of J.C. Peet on the Ridge road to celebrate the centennial of the farm coming into the Peet family. Among the relics to be seen were the original deed transferring 203 acres and 69 rods of land from Daniel Penfield and Mary, his wife, to Samuel Peet. This property was later divided between the two sons of Samuel Peet, Hiram, father of the late Silas C. Peet, and Nelson, the father of the late Mrs. Lucretia Staats. The property coming to the son, Hiram, has been held for these 100 years by one of his descendants, and never but once and then for only a short period, has there been a mortgage against the property.
After a bountiful dinner served on the lawn in front of the house the host of the occasion, J.C. Peet, welcomed his relatives from Michigan and various parts of N.Y. state and then called upon Mortimer S. Peet of Norwich, N.Y., to speak of the past Peets or give the genealogy of the Peet family.
The first Peet of which there is any record was John Peet, who came from Seven Oaks, Kent Co., Eng., to American in 1635. The name has suffered two changes, being spelled first Peat, then Pitt. During this period the well known English statesman, Wm. Pitt, was a member of the family; then the name was spelled Peet, and has so continued. The family originally settled in Connecticut, but has spread now to all parts of the country. After bringing the line down through two Johns, one David, five Samuels and a Hiram, the grandfather of the present owner of the farm, and telling some anecdotes of the ancestors, the story of the present was taken up by Nelson R. Peet, who in a short spicy speech explained the changes and improvements of the present day in the methods and crops raised and he called upon those present to see to it that the past never be allowed to grow less high. The toastmaster then introduced the eldest son of the eldest son of the next generation to shell out a prophecy of the Peet family, and introduced Sheldon W. Peet, of Lockport, N.Y., who in a very happy and witty manner told what was to be expected of the future Peets. A duet by James C. Peet, secretary and Robert L. Peet followed and was much enjoyed by all present.
The afternoon was spent in visiting and games and in trying to keep cool until the high wind came up and cooled the atmosphere.
Austin Peet of Battle Creek, Mich., whose boyhood home was at the corner of the Ridge and the West Hatch road, is visiting relatives and friends in Webster and West Webster.
West Walworth, July 7- Mrs. Emma Herman and daughters, of Buffalo, visited Louis Mildahm's over Sunday.
Harrison Granger and family of Palmyra spent Sunday with Frank Ikewood and wife.
Miss Martha Schumacher spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Pittsford.
Mrs. J.B. Carman is on the sick list.
Will Desmidt of Syracuse spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Desmidt.
Isaac Suwyn was taken to a hospital in Rochester Wednesday and died Thursday. Funeral was held Sunday from his home east of the village. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, one son and a daughter, also a brother and other friends.
Wm. Barth and wife of Rochester spent the latter part of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Klous.
Chas. Frey of Fairport is visiting relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Rochester spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Northrup.
Joseph Kasper, Jr., of Webster and Miss Elizabeth Bogner of Rochester called on friends in town Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Joyce and son, Gordon, of Palmyra, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Welker.
Mrs. John Lotze and Mrs. Wm. Clague are very low at this writing.
Miss Mae Content of Palmyra is visiting the home of Jacob Desmidt. Mrs. W.F. Klippel spent the later part of last week with relatives at Walworth.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, a son, July 4th.
During the storm of July 4th the barn of Fred Prober was struck by lightning and burned to the ground.
The ball game held the Fourth between Ontario and W. Walworth resulted in a score of 6 to 8 in favor of the W. Walworth boys.
The Willing Gleaners class will hold their meeting Thursday evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weaver.
The Quarterly meeting of the Evangelical church will be held Saturday evening, July 12. Communion services the following Sunday. Presiding elder Rev. D.C. Braunschweig of Rochester will preach at both sermons.
C.A. Stalker and family motored to Phelps Sunday.
Walworth, July 7- Walter Hurley of Rochester was home over Sunday.
Walter Hall and friend, Josie Petty, and Frank Dayton and friend Addie Petty, were in Charlotte the 4th.
Mina Bell Berlingham of Niagara Falls is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Hall.
Miss Jane Conant of Waterloo is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Barker, a few days.
Charles Langdon and wife of Fulton spent the 4th with their parents, Shepherd Hurley and wife.
Clifford Patterson and friend, Miss Doyle, and Miss Blanche Patterson spent the 4th in Webster.
Myron Lovel, wife and little niece, of Oswego, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Rice.
Considerable damage was done by the terrible electrical storm that passed over our little village July 4th. Several trees were struck and the barn owned by Bert Molner was struck and burned to the ground. Two barns west of the village known as the Denice place were struck.
Harry Conant and wife are entertaining their cousin from Palmyra.
Allison Franks and wife are entertaining relatives from the West.
Mrs. James Crane is entertaining her son, Mr. Francis.
Will and Thomas Downs of Rochester were the guests of their parents, John Downs and wife, over Sunday.
T.H. Mitchel of Cleveland expects to return home Wednesday. They have been spending several weeks with relatives in town.
E. Estey of East Rochester was in town the 4th.
Willis Almenkinder and wife of Brighton have moved back to Walworth and will make their home with Abe Almenkinder and wife this summer.
Miss Elsie Reed of Rochester was the guest of Mrs. Strong over Sunday.
The men of the M.E. church will furnish singing Sunday evening, July 13.
I. Petty and family are entertaining relatives from Rochester.
S. Gage had the misfortune to lose a horse Friday.
Word has been received of the birth of a daughter to Peter Molner and wife of Webster. Mr. Molner was formerly of Walworth.
Lula Hall was home from Rochester the last of the week.
George Rice is home for a few weeks.
Mrs. U.W. Sherburne is under the doctor's care at this writing.
Mrs. Miner Speers of Marion called on friends Sunday.
Charles Tuttle and wife of Rochester spent the 4th with their parents.
Allen Clark and family autoed to Nine Mile Point Sunday.
There was a band of gypsies camping in the M.E. church yard Saturday night. They started on just before time for church to begin Sunday.
The Deyo reunion was held at the home of Ezra Bell in Ontario.
Farmington, July 7- Arthur Wallace of Palmyra was in town last Wednesday.
Dr. George Allen and daughters, Laura, Wilda and Dorothy, of Clyde, spent last Sunday with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Gardner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rouch and daughter, Nellie, of Walworth, last Friday.
Mrs. E.G. Allen attended a reunion of old neighbors at the home of Mrs. Mitchel Wilson last week Friday, in honor of Mrs. Chloe Allen of Iowa, a former resident of Macedon.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Knapp of Palmyra were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Mott last Friday.
George W. Smith, a former resident of this town, died at the late Gideon Smith homestead last week Tuesday afternoon, after suffering for a long time. Mr. Smith was born March 24, 1824, the son of Asa and Anna Herendeen Smith, in the house where he died. He was married November 27, 1861, to Miss Ermice Doty, who died several years ago. He was the last member of his family, his brother, Gideon Smith, having died two years ago. There survives him one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Hutchens, of Maine and three sons, Addison and Harry, also of Maine and Milton W. Smith of Rochester. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home, Reuben Payne officiating. Interment was made in the North Farmington cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. George Greene of Macedon were guests of their brother, Joseph Greene and family, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Burlee, recently spent a week with friends in Palmyra.
Short bios of Reverends
Martin Winchell Homes, J.H. Morrison and Jay Richards Shaw found by one of the site co-coordinators in "History of the Seneca Baptist Association with Sketches of Churches and Pastors,"
by Lewis Halsey. Illustrated. Ithaca, N.Y.: Journal Association Book and Job Printing House. 1879.
Born, Galen, Wayne Co., Aug. 6, 1817. Converted at Phelps, under Jacob Knapp's preaching, 1836. Taught in Geneseo Academy, Ill.
Enter M.U., 1840. L., Phelps, 1843. O., Middlesex, July 7, 1847, C.G. Carpenter, Moderator, A.C. Kneeland, preacher. Married Mary A.,
daughter of Samuel Barker, of Phelps, June 13, 1847. P., Middlesex. Grad. Fairmount, O., Theol. Sem., 1856. P., Phelps Village,
1856-60; Romulus, (7); Farmer Village (3); Havana. Aided in founding Cook Academy. P., Lima, O., Monroeville, O. Has held
meetings at Orleans, Branchport, Mumford, Wheatland, N.Y., Franklin, O., Bay City, Mich. Has witnessed a revival in nearly every church
with which he has labored. A number of his sermons on national affairs have been published. Baptised 80 at Romulus, 50 at Farmer Village,
85 at Lima, 39 at Monroeville. [pp. 244-45]
Born, Marion, N.Y., April 4, 1815. B'd, Pontiac, Mich., July 6, 1828. Grad. M.U., 1844. Married Lucetta Lawson, of Venice, Sept. 25, 1844.
O., Oct. 10, 1844. P., Holland Patent, Bennettsburg 1846-49; Wilson, (8); Sublette, Ill., 1856; Oshkosh, Wis., 1861. Obliged by ill-health
to bring his labors to a close. P., Ionia, Mich., 1863. Supply at Ovid, Mich., (1). P., Holley, Mich., 1867-75. At Milford, Rockford,
Pewamo, Mich. Resides at Holley, Mich., occasionally supplying feeble churches. Received honorary A.M., from Shurtleff Coll., 1858. The
Bennnettsburg church almost idolized him and long mourned his departure. [p. 249]
Born, Hector, Schuyler Co., Feb. 20, 1841. B'd. Trumansburg, by C.L. Bacon, March 16, 1857. L., Trumansburg, Jan. 6, 1870.
Married, May 16, 1866, Mary E. Martin, of Burdette. At M.U., 1870-71, R.T.S., 1871-72. O., Walworth, June 27, 1872, sermon by Rev.
G.A. Starkweather. P., Walworth, 1872-78, his labors being greatly blessed. Pastor at Camillus since July 1, 1878. A noble pastor and
a noble people. [p. 251]
[Note: "B'd" = baptized; M.U. = Madison University, now Colgate University; "O." = ordained; "P." = pastor.]
New 4/29/04 The names of the following Finger Lakes
Region students were abstracted by one of the site co-coordinators from "The Cornell University Register 1883-84," Published by the University at Ithaca, N.Y. The students listed below hailed from counties covered by Ancestry/Rootsweb's FingerLakes-L mailing list. Wayne County students' names are bolded.
Carpenter, Fred Wisner, Owego, Civil Engineering
Ditmars, George Ford, Ovid Centre, Science and Letters
Gambee, Linnie, Fayette, Science and Letters
Hasbrouck, Charles Alfred, Ithaca, Civil Engineering
Lapham, Ludlow Eliakim, Penn Yan, Arts
Van Ostrand, Byron Dean, Marion, Science and Letters
Waring, John, Ovid, Mechanic Arts
Weed, Oscar Dillwyn, North Rose, Arts
Williams, Timothy Shaler, Ithaca, Arts
Potter, Charles Anson, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Russell, Ernest Emory, Havana, Hist. and Pol. Science [Havana is now Montour Falls]
Bostwick, Edward Hermon, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Bull, John Jr., Slaterville, Science and Letters
Chappell, Fred Martin, Montezuma, Natural History
Clock, Cora May, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Comstock, Anna Botsford, Ithaca, Natural History
Curtis, Charles Elbert, Ithaca, Civil Engineering
Kelley, Charles Lester, Arcadia, Civil Engineering
Powell, George Wilson, Reed's Corners, Civil Engineering
Van Sickle, John, Cayuga, Science and Letters
Austin, Ennis Raymond, Owasco, Architecture
Brundage, Charles Hubert, Penn Yan, Optional
Chapman, Enest Albert, Groton, Science and Letters
Dusinberre, George Brown Jr., Geneva, Mechanic Arts
Genung, Albert Smith, Ithaca, Optional
Howard, Frank Thurber, Ithaca, Arts
Hull, Charles Henry, Ithaca, Hist. and Pol. Science
Illston, Henry Benjamin, Ithaca, Optional
Law, John Edwin, Ithaca, Medical Preparatory
Lorber, Lewis James Edward Joseph, Ithaca, Arts
Mooney, Margaret Elizabeth, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Nourse, Sarah Cornelia, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Paddock, Anna Maria, Auburn, Philosophy
Pierce, George Henry, Branchport, Architecture
Stanbrough, Lyman Truman, Owego, Science and Letters
Sweet, Joseph Ferris, Throop, Optional
Tyler, Edward, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Wheeler, Amos, Ithaca, Optional
White, Charles David, Marion, Natural History
Yawger, John Francis, Union Springs, Science and Letters
Barrows, Kate Magee, Watkins, Optional
Bishop, Robert Hallam, Trumbull's Corners, Philosophy
Bodine, Donaldson, Lodi, Science and Letters
Casey, George Whitman, Auburn, Architecture
Cornell, Ezra, Ithaca, Optional
Harris, William Mason, Owego, Civil Engineering
Hedden Edward, Ithaca, Civil Engineering
Hungerford, Mary Gavina, Ithaca, Optional
Jones, Clinton Irving, Groton, Optional
Olmstead, Edward, Waverly, Medical Preparatory
Potter, Grant, Ithaca, Mechanic Arts
Roberts, Perry Buchanan, Ithaca, Optional
Romer, William Johnstone, Ithaca, Optional
Runner, Emma Avaline, Ithaca, Science and Letters
Sands, Herbert, Clyde, Civil Engineering
Selmser, Kate Eveline, Waterloo, Optional
Stanbrough, Frank Truman, Owego, Civil Engineering
Sweet, Robert Vaughn, Throop, Medical Preparatory
Tarbell, Ed, North Lansing, Agriculture
Williams, Chauncey Grant, Ithaca, Electrical Engineering
Williams, Otis Lincoln, Ithaca, Electrical Engineering
Wright, Ellsworth David, Ithaca, Arts
Wayne County NY Family Bios Section
Created: 4/29/04
Updated: 10/13/17
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