Ancestral Sightings contains bios, notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your Wayne County related finds. Be sure to put "WAYNE COUNTY ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS" in the subject heading of your email so that it's not overlooked or deleted as spam. **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS: From NY State Resources Part 2 |
From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in 1896
Marion Enterprise: A pleasant gathering of relatives and friends took place Wednesday evening, Sept. 23, '96, at the residence of the bride's parents in Marion, N.Y., when Emma S. Forster and Fred H. Pollock of Fairville were married. The presents were quite numerous and valuable.
Wolcott News:- A Savannah farmer is reported to have seen an advertisement recently from a man in Portland, Me., for curing a horse of slobbering, for only 50 cents. So the Savannahite, having a horse that slobbered badly, promptly bought 25 two-cent stamps and sent them to the enterprising Yankee, who by return mail gave him this terse advise: "Teach your horse to spit." This is about on a par with the recipe for preventing army worms from destroying one's crops. It cost a dollar and was a printed slip which read: "Don't plant any crops."
NEW 10/7/11 from The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, August 21, 1888, Clyde NY
A Fire in Wolcott.
The fine and almost new building of Casper Spahr, located in Main street, in Wolcott, two stories below and two stories about the street, occupied by him as a restaurant - the family occupying the upper rooms as living apartments, was discovered to be on fire in the basement about 2:30 Wednesday morning. The alarm was quickly sounded, and the fire department was promtly (sic) on the ground. The smoke was so dense inside that Mr. Spahr came near being suffocated before he could make his escape which he effected by raising one of the front windows and letting himself down to the sidewalk by means of a rope. In three-quarters of an hour the roof fell in and the walls reeled and came down with a terrible crash burying the entire contents of the building, furniture and all in one furious mass of flame. Not a thing was taken from the building. Mrs. Spahr and daughter were absent from home, at Wood's Island where they had been a week or more. There was no one in the building but Mr. Spahr. His loss is estimated at $8,000. He has insurance on the building, $2,000; on furniture, $1,500; on fixtures in restaurant, $400. He lost all his private papers, such as policies of insurance, deeds, etc. The origin of the fire is a mystery, occurring as it did in the basement, where there had been no fire for months.
Fell From a Bridge.
C. Fred Guenthner, of Lyons, returned from Syracuse last Thursday evening on the West Shore train, and when the train reached Lyons was asleep. The conductor discovered that Mr. Guenthner wanted to get off at Lyons just as the bridge over the Canandaigua outlet had been passed and stopped the train and let him get off there. Mr. Guenthner then started for the depot, but in crossing the bridge missed his footing, and fell into the river twenty feet below. Although much bruised he managed to get out and reach home in safety, but with the loss of hat and some money. His physician, Dr. Putnam, thinks that he may be injured internally.
The following named persons were drawn Friday at the County Clerk's office to serve as trial jurors at the County Court and Court of Sessions to be held at Lyons Sept. 3, 1888:
Anson Hilimier (sic; Hilimire), farmer, Palmyra
Adrian Fisher, farmer, Williamson
Frank Loveless, mechanic, Butler
Geo. E. Patrick, gentleman, Wolcott
Wm. E. Chapman, farmer, Palmyra
Fred g. Crandall, printer Palmyra
Wm. S. Patsons machinist, Palmyra
A. H. Huntley, farmer, Marion
Myron W. Gurnee, laborer, Sodus
Ovid Jeffers, Farmer, Clyde
M. H. Fenn, farmer, Lyons
Chas. Fosdick, farmer, Walworth
Fred Frey, farmer, Lyons
James Dickey, grocer, Clyde
F. E. Davis, merchant, Butler
John M. Powers, farmer, Newark
Alonzo Wynkoop, farmer, Palmyra
Byron Morse, farmer, Arcadia
Jerome D. Walters, farmer, Wolcott
Forman F. Fowler, speculator, Wolcott
V. H. Sweeting, clerk, Lyons
Silas H. Wares, farmer, Sodus
Nathan Brusee, carpenter, Williamson
Wm. Pound, merchant, Williamson
Frank H. Clark, farmer, Fairville
Wm. C. Robinson, lumberman, Lons
John Walldruff, farmer, Huron
A. G. Wigglesworth, produce, Palmyra
Henry Martin, wagon maker, Lyons
Amos Carll, farmer, Zurich
Esbon Whitbeck, farmer, Sodus
Manville Caywood, farmer, Wolcott
Carlos Brown, farmer, Clyde
Jacob Rohr, teamster, Lyons
Wm H. Bump, liveryman, Palmyra
Frank Wlcox, farmer, Marion
NEW 10/7/11 from The Democratic Herald, Wednesday, February 8, 1899
Two little children of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Compson, of Lyons, met with a serious accident last week Wednesday while playing on the canal near their home. The little girl aged four broke through the ice and her five-year-old brother went to her rescue, with the result that they both fell into the water. They were soon rescued, but the little girl was beyond help and died twenty minutes later.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carpenter have removed from the Henry Backman house to Rochester.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Herald, Wednesday, January 3, 1906
Mrs. B. F. Coburn, of Binghamton, is passing some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Terry.
Chas. W. Dunbar, of Newark, former proprietor of the Clyde hotel was in town for a short time last week.
Rev. J. J. Farrell, of the Soldier's Home in Bath, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. John Farrell for a short time last week.
Installation of Officers.
Griswold Chapter, No. 201, R.A.M., installed the following officers at the regular convocation held in Masonic Hall last Monday evening. Past D.D.G.M.(?) Geo. O. Baker was the installing officer:
High Priest - J. E. McGinnis
King - E. M. Ellinwood
Scribe - W. R. Wiles
Secretary - W. R. Vrooman
Treasurer - W. N. Field
Royal Arch Capt. - T. H. Hallett
Principal Sojourner - J. L. Thorpe
Capt. of Host - G. D. Barrett
Master 2nd Veil - C. G. Smith
Master 1st Veil - F. M. Wood
Sentinel - Louis Nichols
Clyde Lodge, I. O. O. F.
Clyde Lodge No. 300, I.O.O.f., will give a public installation followed by an elaborate banquet at their hall this Wednesday evening. Following are the new officers which will be installed by D. D. G. M. Czar Zeloff:-
Noble Grand - Wm. E. Powers
Vice Grand - George E. Brisbin
Rec. Sec. - J. W. H. Shipler
Fin. Sec. - Czar Zeloff
Treasurer - John Stock
Trustee - H. J. Fisk
NEW 10/7/11 from The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, Jul. 23, 1889, Clyde NY
Frank Campbell, of South Butler, had a narrow escape from instant death Thursday afternoon. He was engaged in putting up air pipes on a tobacco shed on a farm owned by Caywood & Reed, about a mile west of the village, when a bracket broke, letting him fall a distance of twenty-four feet to the ground. G. L. Sayre also fell, but caught another bracket and fortunately drew himself up. Mr. Campbell was taken up unconscious and carried into the shed, and later to his home, where Dr. W. J. Coppernoll attended him. Though he was terribly bruised no bones were broken, and he is comparatively comfortable. The ground where he fell is covered with large sticks and timbers, and the spot where he struck was the only clear place.
Soldiers' Reunion.
The Wayne County Veterans' Association will hold its ninth annual encampment and reunion at Margaretta Grove, Sodus Point, August 13th to 16th, inclusive. This is one of the pleasantest spots to be found for a reunion, and the present one bids fair to be the most successful ever held. The arrangements are as near perfect as can be made, and a large number of talented speakers have been secured, among whom may be named: Judge A. W. Tenney, of New York City, the most eloquent and impassioned speaker of the age; Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, a war veteran of national fame; Col. J. P. Foster, of Geneva; Hon. Chas. T. Saxton, of Clyde; Prof. A. S. Roe, of Worcester, Mass.; Col. S. D. Richardson, the soldier poet; Job E. Hedges, of New York; Royal R. Scott, of Canandaigua; Miss Clara Barton, of Red Cross fame; Mrs. Sarah C. Mink, Department President of the Woman's Relief Corps, and other prominent speakers. All railroads have consented to reduced rates, and tickets will be on sale good from the 10th to 17th inclusive. Tents can be procured for that period of time, if secured soon, by application to Chas. Mills, Quartermaster, Sodus, N.Y.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Democratic Herald, Tuesday, July 17, 1888, Clyde NY
Belva Lockwood is 57 years of age.
A new fire bell has been ordered by the village trustees of Lyons from the well-known McShane foundry in Baltimore. The bell will weight 1,000 pounds and is guaranteed to meet all requirements at a cost of $336.
Last week a three-year-old daughter of Wm. DeGelleke, of Sodus, swallowed enough morphine pills to kill three persons. Soon her father found her asleep in the yard. The amount taken caused her to vomit, and Dr. J. F. Myers gave her an antidote, and she was soon out of danger. Parents should be more careful about leaving such things within the reach of their children.
Mrs. Catharine Randall, of Russell, Pa., as been making a brief call upon friends in town.
Mr. Fred Lawrence, who has been stopping at Kokomo, Ind., is home for a few weeks' visit.
Mr. John McGrath, of St. John's Seminary, Troy, is passing his vacation with friends in town.
Mr. Albert Pardee, a former resident of Clyde, but now of Port Byron, is making friends here a short visit.
Mr. William Chapman, of Utica, a former resident of this village, is making a brief visit among his many friends here.
Mr. Charles Burch, who has been residing in this village for the past three years, has returned to his home in Canada.
Mrs. Geo. D. Terry will leave this week for Binghamton to join her husband, who recently took up his residence in that city.
Mr. Wm. Gleeson, who recently graduated from St. John's Seminary, Troy, is visiting at the residence of his brother, Rev. J. J. Gleeson.
Mr. William Haight, who resided in this vicinity about fifty years ago but who is now a resident of Rochester, is making his old friends in town a short visit.
Messrs. S. W. Soule, as commander, and A. M. VanBuskirk and Fred A. Birdsell, as delegates from J. N. Arnold Post, No. 90, S. of V., attended the State Encampment of the Sons of Veterans, held at Ithaca, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Newark Union, Saturday, January 6, 1906, page 2
Miss Kitty H. Lay wishes to announce to her patrons and the public generally that until further notice she will give scalp treatments and shampooing at her residence, 3 West Miller Street, every ay (Sundays excepted). Miss Lay uses the celebrated Harper System which is conceded by all competent Hair specialists, to be the best.
NEW 10/7/11 from the Wayne County Review, Thursday, December 31, 1903, Lyons NY
W. H. Egan and W. S. Scott, who have conducted the Lyons Potteries during the past two years under the partnership name of Lyons Stone Ware company, will not continue the business after Saturday. During the coming year the business will be operated by O. F. Thomas under the direct management and supervision of W. H. Mapes and Frederick Ohmann.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between W. H. Egan and W. S. Scott, doing business under the firm name of Lyons Stone Ware company, will terminate January 2, 1904, on which date said partnership will be dissolved. Dated Lyons, December 30, 1903. W.H. Egan, W.S. Scott
Miss Sadie Waterman is home from Cazenovia Seminary.
Andrew P. Moody returned to New York Sunday after spending two days in town.
Mrs. R. D. Lane spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Palmer, in Clyde.
Fred. Leach is spending the week in town after a visit with his brother Arthur Leach in Wilmerding, Pa.
Henry Williams of Syracuse and George and Charles Williams of New York are spending the week in town.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wells of Port Jervis, are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Crowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howland, formerly of this village, are parents of a daughter born at their home in Tonowanda (sic) last week.
Julius Stolz will not accept the position offered him in Cleveland until the remainder of the stock in the Stolz store is disposed of.
Miss Jennie McLaughlin, a school teacher in New York city, is spending her holiday vacation at her home west of this village.
Dr. Ostrander performed the marriage ceremony for Mrs. Mary M. Downie and John Sully, both of Albany, at the Presbyterian parsonage Saturday evening.
Mrs. A. M. Leach will spend the remainder of the winter in Wilmerding, Pa., with her son, Arthur Leach, who is district manager of the Federal Telephone company which supplies service to all the suburbs of Pittsburg.
John Howley, a prominent young railroad man, was united in marriage Tuesday evening to Miss Viola Cooper, daughter of Chauncey Cooper. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. N. Webbe in the rectory of Grace church.
Dr. Albert E. Leach of Mt. Morris, formerly of this village, was united in marriage last week Tuesday to Miss Minnie M. Horton of Passaic N.J. The ceremony was performed at the bride's home in that city. Frederic J. Leach acted as best man and there were present, besides friends of the bride, Mr. A. M. Leach and Miss Minnie Leach of this village and Governor and Mrs. Chamberlain of Connecticut, uncle and aunt of the bride respectively. The bride and groom are passing their honeymoon in New York city and will take up their residence the latter part of the week in a new home recently commenced by Dr. Leach in Mt. Morris.
Constantine Popoff, the young Bulgarian who was for a time last fall at the home of Frank Hornbeck in South Lyons, writes from Massachusetts that he has recovered sufficiently form his recent illness to leave the hospital to which he has been confined. Mr. Popoff is undecided in his plans. He may return to this vicinity for the purpose of continuing the study for which he came to this country, that of learning American farming methods.
Miss Sarah Rebecca Edwards of this village and Calvin Edison Macomber of Port Byron were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Jackson street last Thursday evening. Rev. L. A. Ostrander officiating. The bride was simply but tastefully attired in a gown of white mull. Mrs. William Edwards and Miss Matilda Edwards acted as bridesmaids and Harry Rude of Port Byron and William Edwards, brother of the bride, officiated as attendants to the groom. The bride was the recipient of many costly presents. The bride and groom took an evening train for an eastern tour. On their return they will take up their residence in Syracuse.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Herald, Wednesday, June 12, 1907, Clyde NY
The annual reunion of the 98th Regiment of New York Veterans is being held at Newark to-day.
Measles, mumps and pink-eye are so prevalent in Sodus that the usual Children's Day exercises had to be postponed two weeks.
Wayne County Wills.
Surrogate S. Nelson Sawyer convened his regular term of Wayne county Surrogate's court last Monday, transacting business as follows:
Letters of guardianship over Elliott F. Himes and Harriet K. Himes were granted to Katherine Himes De Neef upon filing a bond of %500.
Letters of administration upon the personal estate of Emiline Vosburg who died at Wolcott, August 7, 1906, were issued to William Delbert Pitts who filed a bond of $400. Arvine Creque and Edward Smith were appointed appraisers.
Letters of administration upon the personal estate of William Cornell who died at Arcadia, April 21, were issued to Adelaide Cornell and Emor E. Burleigh upon filing a bond of $17,000; T. David Prescott and Thereon Y. Allerton were appointed as appraisers.
A decree was entered, judicially settling the accounts of Frank L. Waldorf and Reuben E. Burton as executors of the will of Peter Waldruff late of Galen. The estate in gross amounted to $8,788.07 and netted $234.25 which was awarded the executors for commissions and counsel fees.
A decree was entered, judicially settling the account of Edwin Friece as administrator with the will annexed of Mary Mink late of Sodus. The estate amounted in gross to $1.603.39 and netted $1,582.67, of which the administrator was allowed $65.08 for commissions; $97 for counsel fee; Allen Friece was given $236.76; Lillie Friece, $236.76; Edwin Friece, $236.76. One half of the net estate belonging to the heirs of Maria Davis Putnam who died in California, an order of reference was made to Attorney Joel Fanning of Wolcott to take proofs and report to the Surrogate as to the names of the parties entitled to the shares and of their interests therein, further proceedings being adjourned to July 15, 1907.
NEW 10/7/11 from the Clyde Democratic Herald, Wednesday, January 9, 1901
F. DeMatthies has opened a shoe and candy store one door west of his repair shop.
Miss Mary Buell of Brooklyn was a recent guest at the home of her brother, Fred Buell, south of Clyde.
Mrs. Charles Borden of Port Byron is passing this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Overocker.
Wm. W. Westfall and wife will leave this week for an extended visit at LeRoy, Mich., for a change to better his health.
On Tuesday evening Geo. B. Goodell and Miss Helen V. Buell were married at the Presbyterian Manse by Rev. V. N. Yergin.
Ray Story returned last week to Watertown, where he has a fine position, after a two weeks vacation in Marengo and Clyde.
Lewis Sheldon, of Rochester, but formerly of Clyde, lies critically ill at that city. His sister, Miss Ida Sheldon is attending him.
Ford A. Spencer slipped on the steps of his home on Saturday noon and fell, seriously injuring his back. He has since been confined to the house.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, July 26, 1899, page 8
Miss Leora Peirson of Jordan spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Albert Proseus.
Frank Johnson, of Michigan, visited his cousin, Miss Winifred E. Johnson last week.
Mrs. Grace Williams Sutton of Detroit, with her child, is in Sodus for a few weeks.
John Elve is taking a wheeling trip to Rochester, Warsaw, Buffalo and NIagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muth are in Fort Wayne, Ind., for a month's visit with their daughter.
Mrs. Chas. Williamson of Mt. Vernon, formerly of this village, was in town Friday.
Judd Beadle of Lyons and Miss Ida M. Van Coit of Manchester Bridge were married last week.
Mr. Bradley, of Solvay, spent several days last week with his grand-daughter, Mrs. J. J. Randall.
Rev. Dr. Burgess and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Reed, Miss Cora Pannett(?) and Miss Maude Rogers are in Mexico attending the wedding of Miss Eva Miller, for two years preceptress in the Newark school.
Marvin Richmond and wife of Newark came to town on their wheels Monday and spent the day with Dr. B. S. Carr and wife and on Tuesday they wheeled westward to visit relatives at Ontario and Union Hill. - Williamson Sentinel.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in September 1887
Newark and Vicinity.
Mrs. Mary Forest of Chicago will visit for some time in Newark.
O.C. Silver of Savannah, has a new building for furniture and his undertaking business.
Mrs. S. A. Day, her two daughters, and Miss Nolan are at their old home in Lowville.
Horace Loveland and sister Miss Anna left yesterday for Cazenovia, to attend the seminary.
A syndicate, composed of gentlemen from Clyde and Syracuse, have purchased a large tract of land on Seneca River for a game preserve, and will erect a large club house, which will be located near the West Shore R. R. bridge. - Clyde Times.
Capt. Alfred Wakely, of the 98th regiment of the N.Y. volunteers, and formerly a hardware merchant in Williamson, is spending a few days in this locality before returning to Los Angeles, Cal., where he has made a comfortable fortune from investments in land. - Lyons Republican.
Wm. Teare who has been a resident of Newark for many years, will hereafter live with his daughter in South Greece.
Miss Nellie Sherwood, daughter of Prof. L.H. Sherwood, Lyons, goes soon to Burlington, N.J., to take charge of the department of instrumental music in St. Mary's Hall.
Between eleven and twelve o'clock on Saturday, the barn on the farm of George Wallace, three miles east of Clyde, formerly owned by George G. Roe was discovered to be on fire, and before anything of much value could be removed the entire building was enveloped in flames. The dwelling was so near the barn that it was only saved with the greatest difficulty. In the barn was the entire grain crop of the year, thrashed and ready for the market, all of which was destroyed. It is understood that there was an insurance of $1,000 on the barn and contents, but that will not pay one-third of the loss. The children were playing in the barn just before the fire was discovered and it is thought that they had matches and accidentally started the fire. A large corn-house 24x36 feet in size was also burned. - Dem. & Chron.
Miss Ella Hazen of this place who has been sick several months, goes this week to Watertown for treatment.
Dr. N. L. McDonald has returned from New York, where he has been receiving instructions in Sheffield tooth crowning system directly from Dr. Sheffield, the inventor and patentee. Dr. McDonald is the only dentist in this vicinity who can do this work, and as he has to pay license and royalty money, he deserves liberal patronage.
NEW 10/7/11 from The Newark Union, Saturday, January 6, 1906, page 2
The Independent Order of Foresters elected the following officers:
Past Chief Ranger - Alvin E. Miller
Chief Ranger - H. O. Paul
Vice Chief Ranger - Wilbur Quance
Financial Secretary - James Coyle
Recording Secretary - F. E. Bishop
Treasurer - C. S. Hanks
Senior Woodward - A Kier
Junior Woodward - M. T. Rease
Senior Beadle - H. M. Barnes
Junior Beadle - Michael Wakeman
The Reformed church Sunday school elected the following officers Sunday:
Superintendent - Rev. G. Dangremond
Asst. Supt. - E. Baylord
Secretary - Miss Nettie Hask
Asst. Sec. - Daniel Norris
Treasurer - Miss Susie Norris
Organist - Miss Nettie Brill
Asst. Organist - Miss Susie Norris
Friday evening, Dec. 29, Newark Camp No. 9483, Modern Woodmen of America, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Consul - John Allaart
Advisor - Wm. J. Utter
Banker - Chas. Utter
Clerk - W. J. Malette
Escort - Peter Martin
Watchman - Adam Newman
Sentry - Chas. Heinrich
Physician - Dr. Geo. H. Craft
Manager for 3 years - A. W. Clark
They will be installed Friday evening, Jan. 12, after which a social time will be held.
The Presbyterian Sunday school have elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Superintendent - J. J. Mallery
Assistant superintendent - John Elve
Secretary - Miss Mabel Garlock
Treasurer - Everett Nicholoy
Librarian - Miss Fern Welcher
Organist - Miss Little
Superintendent primary department - Mrs. Blankenburg
Newark Lodge, No. 116, A. O. U. W., have elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Master Workman - John Espenscheid
Foreman - John Kellerhouse
Overseer - Wm. Harvey
Guide - C. Smith
REcorder - Nathaniel Cook
Financier - C. P. Soverhill
Receiver - M. B. Allen
Outside watchman - George Seargeson
NOTE: AOUW = Ancient Order Of United Workmen.
Newark, N.Y., January 1st, 1906.
I beg to announce that I have recently opened an office for the Practice of Law over the Post Office in this village, and am now prepared to do all kinds of legal business.
Collecting and Surrogate Practice a Specialty. Money to loan on good read estate avenues.
NEW 10/7/11 from the Lake Shore News, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1911, front page
Miss Kittie Jacobs of Wadsworth street, is believed to be in a dying condition of consumption. She is attended by Dr. J. J. Tillapaugh.
Mrs. Henry Erklenz, who lives on the Hammer Bros. farm in Butler, is seriously ill with cerebro spinal meningitis, being attended by Dr. J. J. Tillapaugh. She h as a hospital nurse from Rochester.
Mrs. Robert King Sr., was taken last Thursday with appendicitis, being attended by Dr. J.J. Tillapaugh and having Mrs. Fowler as nurse. She is improving this week and no operation is considered necessary.
Mrs. Amariah Coffee, of Wolcott, has been very ill of appendicitis. She was taken Friday and at home time it was feared an operation would be necessary. She told Dr. Tillapaugh she would rather die than have an operation. That danger is believed to have passed. A nurse came Sunday.
North Side of Main Street Had a Scare Last Saturday Noon.
The north side of Main street, Wolcott came near getting a serious scorching at noon Saturday.
George Vought, a tailor, sublet the front room over the Candy Kitchen a few months ago from Mrs. Mabye, who has the flat there from Hammer Bros., owners of the building.
Vought was cleaning clothes in the front, having a dish full of a mixture of water and gasoline. The rear of the room was separated from the front by a curtain. Back of the curtain was a stove in which there must have been a light, for Vought heard the swish of the gas as it lighted. It set the curtain ablaze. Vought was burned before he could smother the fire which was on his hands and arms.
The alarm sounded while people were at dinner. The fireman responded promptly and there was tall hustling (?) when they knew where the fire was.
Not a drop of water went into the building. The chemicals and the hooks with their portable tanks tended to the business and did it promptly.
The chemicals put up a ladder from a front window and confined the blaze to the room where it started.
The stuff from the chemical retorts ran through the floor into Poulakis Bros' Candy Kitchen, soaking down their candy with the acid, both inside the show cases and outside. Poulakis Bros. were insured with George P. Graves for $1,800. What their loss is remains to be determined, as Mr. Graves was in New York at the time of the fire.
Vought received quite severe burns on both hands and arms, with touches on his face. He is going about since the fire with both hands helpless from bandages. A subscription paper has been started for his benefit.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank the firemen for their fine work at the fire Saturday noon, and also my friends who have come to my relief in a financial way.
George Vought.
Charles Chase has accepted a position as clerk in Salter's shoe store, beginning last Tuesday.
Duck hunting began last Saturday. The sport was not particularly brisk, as so many who like to shoot are busy with their orchards at present.
Charles D. Walker, former manager of the pickle factory here, who moved to Utica, is operating a plant at Boyne City, Mich. He writes that it has been a good pickle year there, but that last week the nights were too cold.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, March 29, 1899
Sodus Centre.
The engagement of Miss Marie Cattieu and Clarence E. Garlock, two of Sodus Point's most popular young people, is announced.
A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, near Salt Works, in the town of Sodus, when John Allen, a former resident of Rochester, became the husband of Miss Jessie Hewitt. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edward C. Bennett, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church. The groomsman was George Payne, of Rochester, and the bridesmaid was Miss Elizabeth Allen, of Rochester, sister of the groom. Miss Cecil Sergeant played the wedding march.
The following teachers have been engaged for the spring term in the various districts in this vicinity: Misses Kansler and Walhizer in our public school; Sodus Academy, Professor Elisha Curtiss, Miss Rose G. Brundage and Miss Grace L. Grannis; public school, Myron O. Tripp, Miss Harriette E. Boyd and Mrs. Raymond C. Tinklepaugh; Alton, James Gatchell and Miss Edith Ferris; Wayne Centre, John Hulsover; Sodus Point, William Pettit and Miss Ester Bentley; South Sodus, James P. Thompson and Miss Mabelle Ferris; Glenmark, Chauncey Fuller; Covel, Norris Town; York Settlement, Miss Margaret Moore; Brick, Fay H. Blauvelt; Whitbeck, Miss Floy Norris; Bell, William M. Pullman; Sauers, Raymond C. Hill; Maxwell, Claude Sergeant; Granger, Miss Elizabeth Duffloo(?); East Williamson, Miss Gertrude Bennett; Calciana, Miss Harriet H. Hopkins; Zurich, Miss L. May Harris; Fairville, Miss Mina La Rock; Wallington, Irving Richardson; Simmons, Miss Mary Cassin; Kelley, Miss Anna Moore; Joy, Miss Emana(?) Cramer; Mt. Pleasant, Lyons, Mr. Wilder; Dodd, John Hosford.
Charles Ward, formerly of this town, left Pomona, Cal., a few days ago on his bicycle to make a trip to San Francisco, where he may reside in the future.
A train of unusual importance passed through Wallington recently. It consisted of 26 large flat cars, on which were loaded a similar number of mammoth cannons. The train was enroute to San Francisco from Watertown. After its destination is reached the guns will be loaded on transports and taken to Manila. The cannons belong to the regiments that are now on their was to the Phillipines (sic).
Lee Dowd, formerly night operator at Wallington, has been transferred to the station at Charlotte.
Squire Bryant and Frank D. Power are critically ill, and fears of their diseases terminating fatally are entertained. A council of physicians, in each case, was held last week.
East Palmyra.
James Reeves, 2nd, of Hoboken, New Jersey, was lately married to Miss Carrie Knapp of that city. His brother, Spencer, is a dealer in musical instruments, etc., in the same city.
Miss Jennie Wagonmaker, the teacher in Dist. No. 8, was married a few days ago to J. Shippers, of Marion. The new teacher in that district is Miss Robina Haskell.
R. J. Burr leaves for his former home in Michigan the present week. He will be missed in East Palmyra and especially as the superintendent of the Methodist Sunday-school.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fraser March 21, a daughter.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Record, Friday, November 25, 1898, Sodus NY
Ralph Hendricks and Nellie Conway were married Wednesday evening, November 16th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Brewster. The happy couple left the following morning for a visit to Colorado and southern California, where Mr. Hendricks hopes to improve his health.
The Debating society met in the school building Monday evening and elected the following officers: President, Dwight F./P.(?) Johnson; first vice-president, Clarence E. Rogers; secretary and treasurer, Charles J. Lawrence. Their next meeting will be a mock law suit, held December 5th.
NEW 10/1/11 from the Clyde Democratic Herald, Wednesday, Jan. 16th, 1895
Up In Smoke.
The Hunters' Home in Seneca River, a few miles east of Savannah. was destroyed by fire Wednesday afternoon last. The fire broke out during the absence of the proprietors. The Home was originally built by O. Helmer and J. M. Streeter some twenty years ago. It was added to some seventeen years ago. Later John Nichols, of Syracuse brought his house from the bridge and added it to the Home, thus making a large and commodious abiding place for hunters from all sections. The loss is estimated at $1,000 with no insurance. The Home will be rebuilt on modern plans.
John T. Costello of this village has been appointed a guard in the State prison at Auburn, at a salary of $75 per month. Rumor has it that another Clyde man will also be appointed to a similar position.
NEW 10/1/11 from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, March 14, 1896, page 4
Susannah Cooman, of Williamson, has applied to the Wayne surrogate's court for proof of the will of Joseph Cooman, late of Williamson, deceased, and citations have been issued to the heirs-of-law and next-of-kin of decedent, eighteen in all, requiring their presence at the surrogate's chambers in Newark on Monday, April 27th, to attend the probate of the will. There are eighteen parties interested, of which eight reside in Roode, Holland, six in this state, one in Nebraska, one in Wisconsin, while the residence of one is unknown.
Henry G. Tinsley, only son of the late William T. Tinsley, of Lyons, who was for many years associated with his father in conducting the Lyons Republican has been appointed staff correspondent of the Los Angeles Daily Times of Los Angeles, Cal., and will represent that paper as elder of the bureau at the state capital where after during the sessions of the legislature. During the national Republican convention at St. Louis Mr. Tinsley will act as special correspondent of his paper. He resides at Pomona, Cal., at present and was for a number of years the correspondent of the Democrat and Chronicle and other papers at Lyons.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Savannah Times, Friday, May 13, 1921
South Butler News and Personal Items.
Frank Marcellus, wife and son Jack of Rochester were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Jane Marcellus.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wheeler were in Syracuse the first of the week. They were called there by the serious illness and death of his sister, Mrs. Loren Southwick.
Mrs. Patsy Corrigan of Auburn spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Azel Dratt.
Charles Candee of Rochester was the guest of his father, Wilbur Candee a portion of the week.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, October 25, 1899
Sodus Centre.
One of the most charming of weddings occurred at Treadwell at the home of Mrs. Sarah McIntosh when her youngest daughter was united in Wedlock to Ruel Morse, of Wallington, Wednesday, Ocober 18. The ceremony was performed promptly at 2 o'clock amid flowers and evergreens and in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives, by Rev. Mr. Kisken, pastor of the Methodist church of Treadwell. Miss Ida Smith, of Sidney, was maid of honor and Albert McIntosh, brother of the bride, was best man. A reception followed, and the couple took the New York, Ontario and Western train southward for a week's trip. Mr. and Mrs. Morse will be at home to their friends in the McDowell house at Wallington, after Nov. 1.
Hickson Rush, a farmer residing about two miles north of this village, advertises as follows: My oldest son, Merton, disappeared Tuesday afternoon from his home in Sodus. Aged 13; very large for that age; looks to be 16; wore white canvas hat. Information as to whereabouts will be properly rewarded.
The engagement is announced of two of our most charming young society ladies, to two of the most prpominent young men of Sodus Point, that of Miss Louisa May Harris, at present the efficient and accomplished principal of the Wallington public school, to Mr. John Clark Beldon, and Miss Ermin Enora LaRock, at present the equally popular and talented principal of the Fairville public school, to Mr. Reuben Delbert Comstock. A host of friends throughout Wayne county will united with us in offering sincere congratulations and best wishes.
Port Gibson.
On Wednesday of last week occurred the marriage of Miss Annie Govenor, daughter of Abram Govenor, to Jacob Acker. The ceremony took place at Palmyra, the officiating clergyman being of the Dutch Reform denomination. Many kind wishes.
Sodus Point.
The engagements of John Beldon and Miss Mae Harris of Sodus Centre, and Reuben Comstalk and Miss Mina Larock of Wallington have been announced.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Savannah Times, Friday, May 6, 1921
Clyde Personals and Local News.
Letters of guardianship were issued on last Monday in the Surrogates Court to Frank Haugh of this village on the person and estate of Irwin Haugh Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Douglass returned last Sunday from their wedding trip and have been the guests of Mrs. Douglass's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tuck.
Trial and Grand Jurors Drawn
for May Term of Supreme Court
Justice John B. M. Stephens will convene the May Trial Term of the Supreme Court in Lyons commencing May 16. A panel of grand and trial jurors to serve at this term was drawn at Lyons, Friday, as follows:
Grand Jurors: John Hartnagel, Newark' Elmer Adams, Williamson; Levi Lane, Lyons; Lyell G. Mattison, Newark; Ross McOmber, North Rose; Ward McArthur, Spring Lake; Oliver A. Eggleston, Newark; William Alderman, Palmyra; Harry L. Ostor, Newark; William H. Griggin, Newark; Thomas Foley, Union Hill; Albert Appleman, Newark; Olin Jolley, Williamson; Williams Eakins, South Butler; B. E. Luce, Marion; Lincoln Bishop, Lyons; James E. Harris, Ontario; Walter P. Smith, Palmyra; Charles Rumrill, Palmyra; Sprague Eddy, Wolcott; John H. Jennings, Lyons; Walter Klipple, West Walworth; Frank Closs, Jr., Rose; Edward Schaub, Lyons.
Trial Jurors: Andrey W. Fink, Lyons; P. J. VanHall, Marion; George Palmer, Wolcott; Charles Granger, Ontario; John McMullen, Lyons; Arthur Betts, Wolcott; George H. Truax, Palmyra; Henry A. Berns, Lyons; Arthur Epenscheid, Sodus; William Marshall, North Rose; C. A. Frey, Newark; Clayton Brewster, Wolcott; S. G. Turner, Sodus; George Phelps, Red Creek; A. Franks, Walworth; Hayes Esley, Ontario; Jacob Albright, Ontario; Sidney B. Martin, Lyons; John Woodhouse, Newark; MIlton Beckwith, Sodus; Jermain Andrew, Ontario Center; William Plighter, Newark; George Hoad, Macedon; John Howell, Marion; Frank S. Wise, Clyde; H. S. Roberts, Wolcott; Julius Matzell, Lyons; O. Clate Silver, Palmyra; William Andrews, Red Creek; Ralph Crellin, Macedon; John Briggs, North Rose; Henry Malchoff, Clyde; Ralph Nelson, Clyde; Monroe Cass, Ontario; L. W. Snyder, Marion; Charles Snyder, Newark.
NEW 10/1/11 from the Wayne County Record, Thursday, August 21, 1902, Lyons NY
Miss Harriette E. Boyd of Wallington has been promoted to an important clerkship in the census bureau at Washington.
Louis Keesler, who now has a responsible position in a silver plating factory in DeWitt, will be home over Sunday.
Otto Berns and Miss Bena Martin, popular and prominent young people of this village, announce their engagement of married, the wedding to take place in October.
Mrs. Martin Cantine and daughter, Frances, of Saugerties, were guests Monday and Tuesday of Mrs. Cantine's uncle, James H. Rudd.
Philip Feldtman of the Broadway squad of New York police was the guest of his parents in this village the last of last week and until Tuesday.
NEW 10/1/11 from the Wayne County Review, Thursday, June 19, 1902, Lyons NY
A second pickle company has been formed among the business and professional men of Wolcott to raise pickles for the new pickle and sauerkraut factory. Twenty acres of land have been leased near Red Creek and work will be begun at once H. R. Lyle is secretary and treasurer of the company and J. Byron Smith is manager. The syndicate is composed of Boyd Brothers, W. D. Campbell, Raleigh Stewart, Dr. D. B. Horton, J. Byron Smith, H. R. Lyle, D. B. Adams, Dr. J.J. Tillapaugh, McGilvra & Van Patten, A.L. Sherwood, William Tunnison, Mrs. E. J. Peck and Fred Kristzer(?). The pickle company furnishes the seed free of charge.
Albert McDowell who has been lying at the point of death for the past few days is convalescent. Indigestion was the cause of illness.
Charles Burns and bride are expected home from their wedding trip this week.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Democratic Herald, Wednesday, May 16, 1900, Clyde NY
Dwight Sherwood, of Wolcott, moved to Clyde last week, and has started a boot and shoe business in the Sloan block in this village.
The Union school building at South Butler has been condemned as unsafe. A new building will be erected.
Mrs. Geo. A. Logan, of Hoboken, N.J., has been called to Clyde by the serious illness of her father, Mr. H. G. Whiting.
Mrs. J. C. L'Amoreaux returned last Wednesday from a several months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Kennedy of Wayne, Pa.
Charles A. Wadley and daughter, Frances, of Long Island City, have been the guests of his mother, Mrs. M. Wadley for a few days this week.
Winnie Ward from County Mayo and Ann McGowan from County Sligo, Ireland, have arrived at Malcom. They sailed from Queenstown Easter Day.
Rev. I. P. Franklin, rector of St. John's Episcopal church has accepted a call to the Auburn, N.Y. St. John's Episcopal church at a salary of $1,000. He will take up his new charge about July 1st.
Mrs. George Roy and daughters, Stella and Mary Louise, have returned home from Coudersport, Pa., where they have been passing the winter with Mr. Roy, who is employed in the glass works at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hughson had occasion to greet their twenty-second grandchild on Friday evening last, when a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Delany. In consequence hearty congratulations are being bestowed on all concerned.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Lake Shore News, unknown date in May, 1913
Sodus Center.
Frank and Frederick Lee, of East Bethany, N.Y. who were born on the farm now owned by George R. Rawden, and who left here more than a quarter of a century ago, were in town during the week, calling on old friends and renewing former acquaintances.
Miss Bertha L. Kansler has been secured as teacher by Trustee Grady in district No. 23, Salt Works. Miss Flora R. Buckminister, of Wolcott, will return next year as teacher at Wallington; Miss Juanita Olmstead, of Wolcott, to the Calciana public school, and Miss Mabel Rowe, of Newark, to the Dodd district, No. 19. Mrs. Henry S. Schimpf has been re-engaged as principal of the Sodus Center school. Miss Cecil Mason will rear the tender thought of district No. 22, the Kelly district, next year, and Miss Grace H. Pearl will transfer the field of her activities as teacher from Joy to Sodus Point.
A son was born to Clark Ellis and wife on May 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vandenburg recently visited her brother, James, at Sterling for a few days. They also entertained their sister, Mrs. Grant Harper, and daughter, of Rochester, over Sunday.
Augusta Ingersoll, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ingersoll, and John Ward, of Rochester, were married at the home of the bride on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. I. J. Howland, of South Butler, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will live in Rochester.
NEW 10/1/11 from The Record, Friday, October 21, 1898, Sodus NY
South Sodus.
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Webber, a son.
NEW 10/1/11 from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, January 21, 1895, page 4
Dr. F. S. Barton, of Clyde, recently purchased a cutter of a Mr. Ditton of Zurich that was made for Mr. Ditton's' grandfather in 1767. Mr. Barton has had it newly-painted, and now has it in ___ (illegible). It is in as good condition as when made.
NEW 8/14/11 from The Clyde Democratic Herald, Wednesday, Mar 23, 1900
Frank P. Nobles and son, George, formerly of Clyde, but now of Webster, N.Y., were visitors in town over Sunday.
Dr. J. N. Arnold was in attendance at the annual encampment of the State G.A.R., in Utica, last week.
NEW 8/14/11 from The Clyde Herald, unknown date late January 1919.
North Rose.
The Misses Alice Deady and Edna Sherman have graduated from the Brockport Normal and returned to their homes in this village.
Miss Viola Young has resigned her position as teacher in the Auburn High School and will leave tomorrow to accept a government position in Washington, D.C.
Kenneth Oaks, of Colgate University, passed Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Oaks.
NEW 8/14/11 from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, January 1, 1894, page 4
Diphtheria has again broken out at Savannah, Miss Lillie Douglass, a young lady about 20 years of age, being the victim. She is a teacher in the village school at South Butler, and was taken sick while spending the holiday vacation at home last week. During the late epidemic her brother had the disease and occupied her room, but as it was thoroughly fumigated afterward, it was supposed that all the germs were destroyed. It is thought by occupying this room she contracted the disease. Every precaution is being taken to prevent further spread.
NEW 8/14/11 from The Palmyra Democrat, Wednesday, December 5, 1888
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Felker have removed to Charlotte.
Miss Myrtie Gage is holding sway at the "Ridge Chapel" school house.
John Eldridge of Lakeside, and Miss Mary Bean of this village, were made happy through the efforts of Rev. John Walton on Wednesday evening, the 21st.
Nov. 29th at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. J. R. Henderson. Mr. Frederick E. Converse to Miss Florance L. Vail. [NOTE: spelling in title is as in the paper.]
Vicinity and State.
The Bath Soldiers' Home is full, and no more applications can be received until the completion of the new building.
Harvey Snow, a cooper at Holly, has disappeared, leaving a wife and son, and numerous creditors. It is believed he has gone to England, his native land. [NOTE: this is the village Holley, Monroe County, NY]
Silas Clyne, an insane inmate of Auburn prison, scaled the wall and escaped last Saturday. His sentence had expired, but on account of his insanity he was detained.
A discovery of natural gas coming to the surface in the vicinity of Tonawanda has caused considerable excitement, and numerous wells are being sunk in that locality.
A.M. Smith, a D. L. and W. conductor, at Binghamton, was killed near that place last Thursday, by falling from a platform to the track, the wheels passing over his head.
Payson Miner, of Buffalo, chief clerk in a book agency, was found dead last Thursday with a lady's gossamer bound tightly around his head. It is supposed to be a case of suicide.
A thousand bags of mail lay in the Central station at Rochester at one time last Friday awaiting shipment to western points. The railroad is unable to handle it very expeditiously on account of lack of cars.
Dr. Mary Walker spent several hours in Victor a few days ago, where she attracted much attention. The Doctor wore a Prince Albert coat, dark trousers, a neat fitting brown overcoat and a stove pipe hat. She declared that she could never make a success in life in the dress which women wear, and that she was proud of her own.
NEW 8/14/11 from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, October 27, 1891, page 5
Henry Pulver, the veteran 'bus driver at Palmyra, has resigned his position and will soon go to Chicago, where he will go in business with his son. He has driven a 'bus to and from the Central-Hudson depot at Palmyra for nearly twenty-two years, and during that time has carried over 196,000 passengers without injury to one of them, and has driven in his several daily trips nearly 65,000 miles or nearly three times around the earth. He is known by every traveling man that goes to Palmyra.
NEW 8/14/11 from the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 7, 1903, page 2
Mr. James T. Priest, a former student at M. C. I., returned to Toronto to-day, after his vacation in Marion the guest of Mrs. Abby Heslor. Mr. Priest preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning.
Miss Maud Gillette, who has been spending her vacation with her mother and sister in this village, returned to Bradford, Pa., Friday, to resume her duties as superintendent of drawing of the public schools in that city.
New 8/14/11 From The Lyons Republican, Friday, June 10, 1927, page 10
Sodus Centre.
Sunday promises to be a day of much historical interest, as on that date the United States Daughters of 1812 are to erect tablets marking the site of the battle of Sodus Point which was fought June 19, 1813, also the site of the only house left standing at Sodus Point after that battle. In that house the British left a wounded American, Asher Warner, who died the next day. His remains are interred in the Sodus Centre Cemetery.
Miss Katherine Olmstead, who after ten years' service as head of the nursing department of the International Red Cross in Europe, has resigned, and has opened the "Auberge Normande" Inn near her old home at Wallington. With its beautiful natural setting, unique furnishings and equipment, and a real old world atmosphere, it is a place well worth visiting.
Miss Barbara Carlson resumed her work as teacher in the Geneva schools Monday after being with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson over the week end.
Prof. Ross Vernon Bennett of New York is visiting his father, Clark T. Bennett on West st.
New 8/14/11 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, January 2, 1886, page 3
Riverside Lodge, No. 93, E. O. M. A., at Clyde, have elected the following officers for the ensuing term: C. S. Grosbeck, president; Valentine Kline, vice-president; Edwin Sands, secretary; E. W. Sherman, financial secretary; E. Lux, treasurer; M. Shafer, conductor; A. O. Holmes, chaplain; Henry Ernest, inside guardian; Frederick Rauser, outside guardian; C. S. Grosbeck, delegate to Grand lodge; Edwin Sands, alternate.
New 8/14/11 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, February 3, 1886, page 3
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wells, of Joy, celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary last Wednesday.
Sylvanus Shaw, the oldest farmer and resident in North Lyons, is dangerously ill at his house in that place. His physicians say that he cannot live more than a few days.
The following persons in Wayne county have received patents during the past week: F. F. Fowler, of Wolcott, for seat-spring for wagons: and O. J. Garlong, of Palmyra, for piston-rod packing.
Miss Florence E. Borradaile will teach the summer term of the Mt. Pleasant school at Sodus Center. Miss Borradaile is a graduate from the teachers' department of the Logansport (Ind.) Normal college, and has held the position of teacher in fine arts, in said college, the past year.
The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffrey was held at their home in Palmyra on Friday evening. A large number of guests were present and a number of elegant presents were received. Among them were an elegant castor, pickle castor, set of knives, forks and spoons, pie knife, tea set and others. An elegant repast was served during the evening, to which all did ample justice.
NEW 8/14/11 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, January 12, 1904, page 4
At the weekly term of Surrogate Court, held in the town of Lyons to-day, Judge S. Nelson Sawyer of Palmyra, presiding, the following business was transacted:
Letters testamentary were issued upon proof of the wills of Eason Young, late of Rose, to Norman A. Young. By the terms of the will the testator gives his entire estate to his son, the executor. The value of the estate is $2,500 real and $750 personal.
In the matter of the proof of the will of Arthur Shipley, late of Pultneyville, Ellen A. Tufts was appointed executrix of the estate, which amounts to $!,000 real and $300 personal, and was bequeathed in entirety to the executrix.
A decree was filed in the matter of the probate of the heirship of Flora E. Downer as heir of George T. Downer, late of Wolcott.
NEW 8/14/11 from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday June 13, 1892, page 4
Dr. R. Thomas of Newark is dangerously ill with creeping paralysis. He is in his 86th year.
NEW 8/14/11 from the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in 1888
Newark and Vicinity.
Mrs. A. M. Dillenbeck celebrated her birthday, last Friday. Her parents, A. S. Parks and wife, G. A. Hill and wife, Susie Hess, Mrs. Maggie Malory and Lela Parks were guests.
Rev. Roswell Randall Hoes, of Brooklyn Navy yard, who has been a naval chaplain, is at work upon a history of the Dutch Reform church of the Hudson River Valley. He was in town yesterday, accompanied by Prof. L. H. Clark, his friend, looking up maters among the old members of that church in this place.
This village has three Yale students, who are now home for vacation: Harry Farnham, Charles Kent and Fred Sanford.
A complete record of all interments in the cemetery of this village is being made by Oliver Durfee.
Lyons is now a luminous town. Electric beams fall along her streets, and picture fantastic and beautiful shadows of the umbrageous foliage upon her sidewalk. And it is to be hoped that some kindly rays may fall upon the solemn river Styx, that flows back and forth between the village and depot.
A dying child was taken off from an emigrant train at Clyde on Friday morning and taken to the residence of Mrs. Clark Potts where it soon breathed its last. The remains were buried in Maple Grove cemetery. The family proceeded on their sad journey from Denmark to Lake Preston, Dak.
New 8/14/11 From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Thursday, September 18, 1890
Harvey C. Watson, of Clyde, has secured a lucrative position in a large hardware establishment in Syracuse.
The marriage of Miss Lillie B. Gucker and Fred C. Nippert, of Newark, will take place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gucker, in that village next Wednesday evening.
[A death notice from Seneca County that might help someone]
Bessie Larish, daughter of Mrs. N. D. Belles, of Waterloo, died of phthisis Monday afternoon, aged 12 years. [an obsolete term for tuberculosis]
New 8/14/11 From the Syracuse Herald, June 8, 1908
Lyons, June 8.- Fire broke out Saturday morning in the home of Mrs. W. R. Mason, corner of Pearl and Butternut streets. An alarm was sounded and the Fire department made a fast run but their services were not needed as neighbors had the fire out. The fire caught from a defective chimney. Loss will not exceed $100.
New 4/1/11 From The Wayne County Review, Thursday, February 8, 1906
The News of South Lyons
Mr. S. Webber started Saturday on his trip to Fairfield (sic), Alaska, to settle up his brother's estate.
The funeral of George Pierce, who died last Friday, was held from his late residence on Saturday afternoon.
Sodus Center
Mrs. C. M. Smith is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. O.M. Curtis, at Wolcott.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Verbidge (sic; Verbridge) of Oak Orchard have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Negus.
The remains of Mrs. Andrew Bodine who died at her home east of Alton February 1st, at the age of 64/61(?) years, were brought to the Brick chapel cemetery for interment Sunday. The funeral was held at the late home of the deceased.
Fred Goss, who has spent the last two months in town visiting his grandfather, N. C. Vought, has returned to his home in St. Paul, Minn. His sister, Miss Bessie, accompanied him as far as South Bend, Ind., where she has accepted a position as stenographer in a law firm of that city.
Lock Berlin
At a meeting of the Epworth League, which was held at the church Sunday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Miss Edna L. Richmond; first vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Proseus; second vice-president, C. A. Goetzman; third vice-president, Mrs. L. N. Gilbert; fourth vice-president, Maude Jordan; secretary, Florence Mestler; treasurer, Frances Stewart; organist, Mrs. G. I. Maynard; assistant organist, Miss Edna L. Richmond.
Mrs. Andrew Bodine died at her home south of this place last Thursday after a lingering illness. She leaves a husband and one daughter, Mrs. Katherine Williams of Sodus Point. The funeral services were held Sunday from her late home. Interment in the Sodus Centre Cemetery.
New 4/1/11 From the Arcadian Weekly, unknown date between April 13 and May 4, 1889 (Newark NY)
Newark and Vicinity.
Mrs. Lizzie Reynolds and two children, of Omaha, are at Dr. Parsons'.
Survivors of the 8th N.Y. Cavalry go to Gettysburgh next week. Charley Roech/Roach/Rosch is one of them.
Mrs. Clark Kellogg, of Adams, visited her son Fred, and attended the opera last night, on her way to join her husband in Marshall, Mich.
L.D. Wake, of Conquest, is in town to-day. He has been to Joy to attend the funeral of his wife's sister, Miss Mattie Green, who died Sunday, of diphtheria.
M. W. Bigelow, till lately a resident of Newark, and well known by all the older citizens, died in Syracuse, after an illness of three weeks, and will be brought to Newark for burial by the 3:40 train on the Central this afternoon.
We have received from Miss Cora A. Stone a beautifully engraved programme of the commencement exercises of Mt. Holyoke college. Miss Stone, whose record all through the course has been an enviable one, has been chosen as the valedictorian of her class. She was once a Newark girl and after the family removed to Palmrya, taught several terms at Mud Mills.
The following are the names of the Newark academy graduating class of '89: Misses Nella Whitbeck, Anna Miller, Meda Peirson, Jennie Gordon, Belle Fitch, Geo. N. Sleight, Geo. Burnham, Clinton Van Dusen - eight in number.
George Terry of Pontiach (sic), Michigan, whose wife was a daughter of John Patrick, is visiting friends in town and says the treat him first-rate.
Mrs. L. J. Richmond left last night for her home in Denver, Col. She has been in Newark visiting friends and relatives for nearly a year. Her brothers, Arthur and Ernest, of Palmyra, were home to witness her departure.
New 4/1/11 Three Civil War veterans' autobiographical accounts, from A complete military history and record of the 108th Regiment N.Y. vols., from 1862 to 1894: Together with roster, letters, Rebel oaths of allegiance, Rebel passes, reminiscences, life sketches, photographs, etc., etc.. by George H. Washburn. Rochester: Press of E.R. Andrews, 1894.
Page 310
Watkins, Iowa, May, 1890. I was born in the town of Ontario, Wayne county, N. Y., on the 4th day of August, 1843. At the age of five years my mother died and I went to live with an uncle. My father, after three years, married again. I then went home to live, and went to village school. Shortly afterwards my parents moved to Walworth, Wayne county, N. Y., where I worked on a farm and went to school winters till sixteen years of age; then I left home and worked as a farm laborer till July 26, 1862. I enlisted in Company F, 108th Regiment, New York Volunteers (Captain F. E. Pierce), left with the regiment for the front in August and participated in all the battles till at the battle of Gettysburg I was wounded in the left heel and lay in the field hospital for two weeks and was then sent to Jarvis Hospital at Washington, D. C. Remained there till the following January, when I was sent to Camp Distribution, Va., and from there was transferred to the Veteran's Reserve Corps and assigned to Company F, 24th Regiment, quartered in the barracks, corner of 7th and 0 streets, Washington, D. C., doing guard and patrol. I was present at the second inauguration of President Lincoln as guard. I also stood guard over Secretary Seward's house after the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of Secretary Seward. I also helped guard the conspirators at the old capital prison.
On the 28th day of June, 1865,1 received my discharge and returned home to Wayne county, N. Y., where I remained till the following October, when I went to Benton, Ia., and worked by the month as a farm laborer. In 1867 I was married to Miss Ann E. Brown and afterwards bought some land and went to farming and have resided here ever since - about one-half mile from the village of Watkins, on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, and about nineteen miles west of Cedar Rapids. My family consists of three sons and one daughter.
Yours truly,
Stephen T. Sabin,
Late Company F, 108th New York Volunteers.
Pages 258-259
West Walworth, N. Y., May 4th, 1890. I was born in Tommelhardt, Wirtemberg, Germany, September 13th, 1835; went to school from the age of six to fourteen years, then followed the occupation of farming until I was twenty-one years old, when I came to this country, leaving my native land January 8th, 1857, arriving in New York, February 19th of the same year. I then started for Rochester, N. Y., where I had friends. I then took up the occupation of farming near that city, in which business I continued till the time of my enlistment, August 4th, 1862, at Sweden Center, Monroe county, New York State; was examined and sworn in, joining the regiment at Rochester. I was transferred to Company F, 108th Regiment New York Volunteers (Captain F. E. Pierce's Company), and leaving with the same on the 19th of the same month for the front. I was in every engagement in which the 108th participated from Antietam to Reams' Station, some twenty or more. At that battle 1 was taken prisoner and sent to Libby prison, also Belle Isle and Salisbury, N. C. In these three prisons I remained six months, at which time I was paroled and exchanged at City Point and sent to parole camp at Annapolis, Md.; there I received a thirty days' furlough and came to Rochester, N. Y.
In all the battles I took part in I only received a slight scratch, losing the tip end of my nose and having my gun shot from my hands. This was at Gettysburg battle. I also got knocked down with a minnie ball while making a charge with the regiment at Laurel Hill, and, but for my having my canvas tent and rubber blanket wrapped across my breast, I should probably have been killed, as the ball struck me over the heart, and, as stated before, knocked me senseless, the ball going through two or three thicknesses of the canvas. I was in the hospital but once, leaving the regiment soon after the battle of Chancellorsville, going to Acquia creek, and from there sent to Washington, D. C. I then joined my regiment at Frederick City, Maryland, a few days before the battle of Gettysburg. Nothing of any importance took place from this battle until our retreat at Mine Run, at which time I received a sun stroke from over marching and heat, from the effects of which I have never fully recovered.
I was at Rochester on my furlough at the time of General Lee's surrender, and when the same expired I returned to the front and remained with my regiment until I was discharged, returning home with them.
I resumed my old occupation, farming, and which I am at up to the present time.
About two years after my discharge I was married, and have raised a family of eight children, five boys and three girls; the oldest is twenty-two and the youngest is six years. I have resided in the vicinity of Rochester since my return from the army, and at the present time my residence is West Walworth, Wayne County, N. Y.
Yours truly,
Frederick Frey,
Late Company F, 108th N. Y. Vols.
Page 194
Major 108th New York Volunteers.
Campbell, Minn., April 14th, 1890. George H. Washburn, Secretary 108th New York Veterans, Rochester, N. Y.
Dear Comrade: Your letter and circular received. The small part I bore in the history of the 108th perhaps does not merit much commemoration, but I would not like to be left out. I shall look for the sketches of the members with a great deal of interest. The regiment is worthy of such a record. I can remember so many brave men who belonged to it; I can remember so many brave things performed by them, that I am glad some enduring record for their children and children's children is to be made. I do not know how much of a sketch you wish, and if in the accompanying sketch I put in too much, you can cross it out, and if you wish anything more you can write me.
I, Harmon S. Hogoboom, was born August 12th, 1834, in Arcadia, Wayne County, State of New York. Lived on the farm where born until 1851. Taught school until 1853, then spent four years at Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., graduating in 1857. Married the same year Miss Susan M. Bain, a graduate of the same college. Afterwards went to Cleveland, Ohio, and attended law school and graduated in 1859.
Removed to Rochester, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar at that place in 1860, and practiced law until May 14th, 1861, when I enlisted as a private in Company D, 13th New York Volunteers, Captain Lebbeus Brown, for three months. Was at first Bull Run and wounded slightly in the arm. and was discharged August 7th, 1861, term of service having expired. On July 29th, 1862, I was commissioned captain of Company B, 108th New York Volunteers; was in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., and March 2d, 1863, was commissioned major of the regiment; was in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and on August 7th, 1863, my resignation was accepted and I was discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability. Shortly after the war I moved to Janesville, Wis.; engaged in the coal business until 1884; I then moved to Idaho Territory and engaged in mining until 1886, when I removed to Campbell, Minnesota, and engaged in farming until the present time. I have one son living named Franklin D. Hogoboom, who is engaged in general merchandising at Wahoo, Nebraska.
Very truly your friend,
Harmon S. Hogoboom.
New 4/1/11 From The Wayne County Review, Thursday, September 17, 1903 (Lyons NY)
Ward R. Hubbard, a skilled employee of the Lyons Glass company, will be united in marriage next Wednesday to Miss Jennie McGuire, daughter of Mrs. John McGuire of New Berlin. The couple will take up their residence at the Baltzel after October 1.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hattler have returned to New York from Geneva to which city they were called by the illness and death of Mrs. Hattler's mother, Mrs. Bischoff.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. S. Welch of Los Angeles, Cal., are guests of their niece and nephew, Miss Hattie and William Welch. Mr. Welch is an old Lyons boy, a son of the late David Welch. He served during the war in the 3rd New York Artillery, and after his discharge went west on railroad construction work. For many years he has been engaged in real estate business in Los Angeles.
Captain Sebastian D. Holmes, formerly of this village, was elected president of the 111th Regiment Association at the annual reunion held at Weedsport last week. Captain Holmes is eminently deserving of the honor, his record during and since the war being beyond reproach, and his friends in this village congratulate him heartily on his distinction.
New 4/1/11 From The Wayne County Review, Thursday, January 22, 1903
South Lyons
Mrs. Jane Whitlock, whose home was until recently in South Lyons but who now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Cuddeback of Port Jervis, is reported to be in a critical condition as the result of a severe attack of grip. A letter received by L. J. Whitlock from Mrs. Cuddeback states that there is but little hope for her recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoetzel are happy because of the arrival of a little daughter in their home.
New 4/1/11 From the Oswego Daily Times, Thursday, October 8, 1896, page 7
Wayne County
Lyons, Oct. 8
Philip Feldman and Henry Weller, the two tallest men in this village have gone to New York city where they will endeavor to get positions on Roosevelt's police force. Both men are physically perfect.
Mrs. Philip Kaiser residing near Pilgrimport recently found some silver dinner forks in a pasture field near the house which leads Lyons officers to believe that they are part of the plunder taken recently from burglarized residences in WAyne County
New 4/1/11 From The Record, Friday, March 9, 1900 (Sodus NY)
Mrs. W. T. White of Buffalo has been visiting her sister, Mrs. G. D. Winchell.
Miss Myrtle Martin is in Lyons learning the dressmaking trade of her aunt, Saloma Martin.
North Rose.
Mrs. S. E. Waldruff has been in Huron for several days with her daughter, Mrs. George Rice, who is ill.
Rev. Mortimer Plumb of Youngstown, O., who has been with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Plumb, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Philo Boynton and daughter of Rose are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. George Hopkins was called to Syracuse Tuesday by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. George Studer.
One of the most enjoyable social events of the season at Calciana was a surprise Party given Master Earl Lester last Tuesday evening, about fifty of his friends being present. The guests began to arrive about seven o'clock, and diverted themselves with games and music until the midnight hours, when refreshments were served.
[Where is Calciana? An alternative name for Wallington, Town of Sodus. Also, "... the Calciana school district in Sodus... The Calciana school district is one of the smallest in the county. It contains only fifteen children of school age and on that account but little interest is taken in the annual school meeting." (Wayne County Review, Dec. 11, 1902, front page, Lyons NY)]
The infant child of George Thompson was ill last week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Millett, Friday, a daughter.
John DeDee spent Sunday with his grandmother at Ontario.
C. E. Elliott and family will shortly remove to Walworth, where Mr. Elliott will engage in business.
Clifford Albright of Dartmouth college is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Albright.
John L. Brown of Marion and Miss Susie C. De Burk, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony De Burk of Williamson, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon, March 7, at 1 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents north of this village.
Elmer J. Condit, assistant at the Sentinel office, had the misfortune to fall on the icy sidewalk Monday, breaking his wrist. He returned to his home in Phelps, where he will remain until able to resume his duties.
C.I. DeZutter has sold his house and lot on West Main street to Benjamin J. Moore.
Sodus Centre.
A curious freak of plant nature is said to be growing on the farm of John B. Harnart, south of this village. He reports the blooming of a peach tree two weeks ago.
The four small chldren of Harry W. Cottrell of Chicago, who are staying with their grandparents here, are the proud possessors of a new piano from their father.
Abram Mayou has accepted a position with S. B. Coleman.
Mrs. Ruel Morse is visiting friends and relatives at Treadwell, N.Y.
Mrs. A. J. Shepherdson of Newark was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Himes, last week.
S. B. Coleman recently secured a large contract for lumber.
Frank Tague will build a new house on the farm recently purchased by him of Philip Klippel. The lumber is now on the ground for building.
Elmer Bowman's face is radiant with smiles. It is a boy.
New 4/1/11 Wayne County Journal, May 23, 1929, page 4
Mrs. Martha Dickenson, who is 95 years of age, has been seriously ill at the home of Mrs. Ellen Beaty where she boards. She is now improving. Mrs. Susanna VanChloster has assisted in caring for her.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Poughkeepsie were guests last week of their daughter Mrs. C. H. Otto at the Baptist parsonage.
Born at Mount Vernon, N.Y, May 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers, a daughter named ____ ____ (name withheld for privacy). Mrs. Rogers is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brewster of this place.
Fred VanOstrand of Marion is a member of the 28th Regiment Band of Fort Niagara, which will broadcast a program from Buffalo the evening of May 30.
Miss Leona Cook who is a senior at Rochester University has a contract to teach at Churchville the coming year.
Corneal Petty and family have moved to their newly purchased home on Erotus Avenue.
Miss Jessie Deyo is quite ill at the home of her brother H. C. Deyo with whom she lives.
Word was received here recently of the death, some time ago, of a former well known resident of this town, James B. Murdoff, of Trenton, Canada. He is survived by his widow and one daughter.
New 4/1/11 From the Palmyra Democrat, Wednesday, February 17, 1892
Extra Jurors.
Extra Jurors for the murder trial this week have been drawn as follows:
C. M. Catlin, miller, Zurich
John Warner, farmer, Wolcott
Alonzo Case, farmer, Rose
Henry Vosten (sic; Vosteen), cigar manufacturer, Lyons
Edgar Hamm, farmer, Walworth
Erastus House, clerk, Ontario
Silas Lovejoy, farmer, Rose
G. C. Rowe, teamster, Newark
John Pearsall, farmer, Sodus
Sidney Baker, farmer, Williamson
G. F. Jones, mechanic, Palmyra
Thaddeus Phillips, farmer, Palmyra
John Goodsell, farmer, Sodus
Samuel Davenport, farmer, Rose
Henry DeRight, farmer, Marion
Fred Matthes, tinsmith, Lyons
John Spurr, farmer, Wolcott
Henry Cline, farmer, Huron
Peter DeBussie, farmer, Lyons
George Elton, farmer, Williamson
Chester Philips, farmer, Arcadia
Eugene Sanders, farmer, Furnaceville
J. Smith Crane, farmer, Marion
Asa Pollock, farmer, Newark
H. M. Olmstead, Savannah
Henry Hoo_ (?), farmer, Sodus
W.H. Harder, laborer, South Butler
Oscar C. Palmer, Lakeside
John Welch, merchant, Sodus
Edward Taylor, laborer, South Butler
Daniel Moran, merchant, Lyons
Alonzo Chase, farmer, Macedon
Elmer P. Graham, farmer, Butler
Isaac DuBois, farmer, Sodus
Lucius H. Velie, farmer, South Butler
Frank M. Fowler, farmer, Butler
Henry Links, farmer, Rose
James Parrish, farmer, Butler
William Barber, mechanic, Wolcott
Clark W. Bly, farmer, Palmyra
H. D. Matthewson, farmer, Macedon
William Derrick, mechanic, Palmyra
William Morgan, farmer, Palmyra
W. T. Clark, cooper, Wolcott
George Sweeting, mason, Walworth
W. H. Haman, farmer, South Butler
Charles Allen, teamster, Marion
E___ Rogers, salesman, Wolcott
Philip Wadsworth, farmer, South Butler
[NOTE: this was the sensational Feb. - Mar. 1892 trial of George A. Lumbert, for killing his father, James W. (William) Lumbert, with an axe.]
New 4/1/11 The Herald, Wednesday, July 3, 1918, page 7 (Fairport NY)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boekhout motored to Niagara Falls recently and spent a short time with their brother, Jas. Boekhout and family.
Roseland, May 24-
Mr. and Mrs. George Druschel and son, of West Walworth, called on Joseph Clow and family Sunday evening.
Wallace Martin of Greece spent Sunday with his parents, John Martin and wife.
Master Raymond Crane of Rochester is spending some time with her (sic) aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoot.
Gustus Claver's children are getting better after having the scarlet fever.
Found in The Post Express, Thursday Evening, August 17, 1905, a Rochester NY (Monroe County) newspaper.
Relatives of Wealthy Miner Live in Lyons.
ESTATE WORTH $2,000,000
Simon Hasselbach Only Known Near Descendant of Millionaire - Creager Family May Share in the Estate.
Lyons, Aug. 17 - Information has been received from California, which leads Simon Hasselbach, Henry Creager and Fred G.
Creager, of this village, to believe that they are shortly to share in the estate, estimated at $2,000,000, of the late
Henry Hasselbach, a miner, who amassed his money in South American mining fields.
Henry Hasselbach was born in Germany and left that country when young, to evade military service. He went to South
America and fell in with a lot of mining prospectors. The rest of the party either tired of the strenuous life or
died. Hasselbach struck it rich and died a bachelor a short time ago, leaving about $2,000,000 in gilt-edged securities.
Simon Hasselbach, of this village, is a nephew of the dead miner and will receive, it is claimed, upwards of $150,000 from
the estate. The late Mrs. Theodore Creager was a niece of the millionaire, and her children, two of whom, Henry and Fred C.
Creager live here, will inherit the share coming to their mother, which will amount to about $150,000.
Attorneys who have looked the matter up say that the fortune awaits the rightful claimants, who have only to present their claims
properly verified. There are eight of the Creager heirs. Simon Hasselbach is the only known near descendant. He is
at present employed by the Lyons Beet Sugar Refining company as a watchman. Fred G. Creager is a clerk at John M. Hattler's
department store, while Henry Creager, his brother, is a foreman in the George Marzolf cigar factory.
Hurled Over the Heads of Spectators During Fireworks Display - Used as Support for Bombs.
Clyde, Aug. 17 - An accident occurred Tuesday evening while the Stella de Italia fireworks display was
in progress that causes some of the spectators to shudder as they learn the facts.
A piece of iron, about six inches square, was used to support the sky-rockets and bombs as they were
let off.
All the force of one of the pieces, in some strange manner, got behind that fragment of iron and it was hurled
through the air just over the heads of the crowd.
Yesterday the iron was found in one of the rooms of the William Sly residence, a little east of the West Shore
station. It had gone through the side of the house, making a hole like a small cannon ball.
The favorite steamer ARUNDELL leaves Charlotte (Port of Rochester) Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:50 A.M., for Sodus Point, North Fair Haven, Oswego, Cape Vincent, Clayton, Frontenac, 1000 Island Park and Alexandria Bay, returning alternate days. G.T. Amsden, Powers Bldg.; Lewis & Co., Central Ave., and L.V.R.R. City Ticket Office, Agents.
Miss Margaret Clark
Special to the Post Express.
Sodus, Aug. 17 - A telegram from Detroit, Mich., announces the sudden death of Miss Margaret Clark, of Sodus, at one time a resident of Rochester. Death followed an operation for appendicitis. She was a graduate of Sodus academy and taught school in this town several years. She was about 33 years old. The survivors are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of Sodus; one sister, Mrs. Mary Wright, of Rochester, and five brothers, John and Roy Clark, of Rochester, Monroe Clark of Los Angeles, Cal.; Isaac Clark, of Lansing, Mich., and Grant Clark, of Sodus.
Local Personal Mentions
Miss Evalyn VanInwagen of Newark and Frank Sparks of Rochester will be married September 5th.
Relatives from Different Parts of the Country Meet in Newark.
Newark, Aug. 17 - At the Peirson reunion, held yesterday at the home of George Peirson, seventy
were in attendance. The day was passed with athletic sports, music and recitations, but the event of
the day was a bountiful feast. The dining room was decorated with flags, bunting and flowers. The reunion
was attended by members of the family from all parts of the country and many generations were represented at
the gathering.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, George Peirson; vice-president, Hon.
Silas S. Peirson; secretary, Miss Maude Quinlin; treasurer, Ray Jessup. The next reunion will be held at
the home of the Hon. S.S. Peirson, in this village on the third Wednesday in August, 1906.
Following are the names of those who were present: Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Wheat, Mr. and Mrs. Seward Price, Mr. &
and Mrs. Will Peirson, Mr. and Mrs. George Peirson, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Curtis, Buffalo; Roy Curtis, Mr. and Mrs.
George Price and children, Seward and Helen, Miss Marjorie Slaight, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. K.J.
Van Sickle, Palmyra; Rev. Louis A. Peirson, and wife, Castile; Mr. and Mrs. Quinby and daughters, Mary and Ruth, of
Sandusky, O.; Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Jessup, Misses Maude and Cecil Quinlin, Hon. S.S. Peirson and daughters, Misses Meda
and Winifred, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Jessup, Lima; Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peirson, East Palmyra;
Mrs. Eva Howell, Buffalo; S. Ray Peirson and daughter, Marguerite, Earn V. Peirson and daughters, Marion, Ethel
and Virginia, Harry Price, Peirson Price, Mrs. E.V. Peirson, Miss Nettie Bailey, Mrs. A. Wilson, George Slaight, Mrs. Earnest
Reed, Brooklyn.
Investigation of a Death.
Charles M. Hammond, 57 years old, a tailor, died August 9th in the Monroe county penitentiary. The prison officials were unable to find his relatives and, in accordance with the law, sent the body to Cornell College Medical school, where it was partly dissected. When the widow, Mary Hammond, of 296 Central avenue, learned where the body had been sent, she recalled it. Seeing the dissecting scars on the head, she thought her husband might have suffered foul play and so told the police. Investigation showed that Hammond died of alcoholism. [Note: this took place in Rochester. A demise to consider when you have a particularly elusive relative.]
Fifty cent excursion to Sodus Point every Sunday via New York Central (R., W., and O. division). Special train leaves State street station 8:45 a.m., and Brinker place two minutes later.
Wedding in Williamson
Williamson, Aug. 17 - Miss Elizabeth Johnson and Frank Van Enwyck, of Webster, were united in marriage last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, in this village by Rev. George Tyssee, pastor of the East Williamson Reformed church in the presence of forty guests. The bride and groom were unattended. The bride wore a gown of blue silk. An elaborate dinner was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Van Enwyck left for a wedding trip to Illinois and Michigan. They will reside at Webster.
Found in The Post Express, Tuesday Evening, August 15, 1905, a Rochester NY (Monroe County) newspaper.
Death of Martin Sauer, Aged 90.
Special to The Post Express.
NEWARK, Aug. 15 - Martin Sauer, aged 90 year, a prosperous farmer and almost life-long resident of Arcadia,
died at this home North of Newark last night. He was born in Germany and came to this country when a lad. His
wife died seven years ago. Seven children survive, four sons and three daughters.
Horse Breaks Master's Arm.
FAIRPORT, Aug. 15 - As Mr. Skeffen, who lives four miles east of Fairport, was hitching his horse yesterday afternoon the horse kicked him in the arm, breaking it between the wrist and elbow. He was brought to this village and the fracture was reduced by Dr. C.E. White.
Red Creek Business Men Start Project to Form and Equip a Company. - Good Material Available.
Red Creek, Aug. 15 - Plans are well under way toward the formation of a volunteer fire company here.
At a meeting of interested citizens held recently a committee of five business men was appointed to make the
necessary arrangements by which an organization will be established.
The men of this place have long had an enviable reputation as the fire fighters and on two different
occasions have saved a wooden building from destruction during the burning of a brick block, which was
separated from the block by only a narrow driveway. But lack of proper apparatus and organization prevented
them from coping with a fire which gained headway in a building, although they have usually been able to
prevent its spread to other buildings.
The citizens' committee, which has had charge of the local entertainment course, will devote the proceeds
of this year's course to the equipment of the fire company and it is expected that this, with some other
available funds, will furnish the village with up-to-date apparatus with which to fight fire. At least one of
this year's entertainments will be given by home talent and of course this will net the committee much larger
profits than those furnished by the bureau.
This place has had no serious fire in many years, but the citizens prefer to take no more chances. Some of
the older residents can remember the fateful night when practically the entire village was destroyed. Since then
the Van Alstyne block was twice burned, but during the last ten years practically nothing has been destroyed
by fire. The present condition of affairs also compels owners to pay much higher insurance rates than they would
if more ample protection from fire was available.
Bonnicastle to Be the Scene of Seventh Annual Gathering.
Sodus Center, Aug. 15 - The seventh annual reunion of the Waldorf family, regarded as the largest organization
of the kind in Western New York, will be held at Bonnicastle, Sodus Bay, to-morrow, and the following programme presented:
Address of welcome, David R. Waldorf, of Syracuse; response, E.C. Delano, of Sodus Center; address, Rev. E.L. Waldorf, of
Phelps; remarks, Delos W. Dillingham, of Lyons; solo, Charles W. Bradley, of Lyons; business meeting.
Following are the officers of the association: President, Jacob R. Waldorf, of Wolcott; vice-president, Frank L. Waldorf,
of Clyde; treasurer, Mrs. T.J. Wise, of Wolcott; secretary, J.C. Aldrich, of North Rose.
Sodus Center Personals.
Sodus Center, Aug. 15 - Manley E. Sturges and Edwin M. Sturges, of New York, are guests at the Sturges home, in Main street.
- Rev. B.F. Miller is taking his vacation, and no services will be held in St. Luke's church until Sunday, September 3d.
- Rev. M___ Green will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Sale of Clyde Lots.
LYONS, Aug. 15 - The following real estate transfers were recorded yesterday at the county clerk's office: Co-Operative Building bank of New York to Guiseppe Deringo of Clyde, $1,000, lot on Ford street in Clyde; James D. Bashford, as county treasurer of Lyons to James Goss of Savannah, $39.57, 3 acres in Savannah; Mary Stevens of Lyons to George R. Burkell of Lock Berlin, $125, one-half acre in Galen; Charles T. Ennis, as referee in the action of Harriet S. Way, against Lydia K. Austin, and others, to Chester G. Blaine, $405, lot on Montezuma street in Lyons; John F. Dryden and Leslie Gray of Penn Yan to Edgar B. Ward of Walworth, $150, one acre in Walworth. [Note: Harriet S. Way was Harriet Stevenson Way of Junius, daughter of Benton Stevenson of Waterloo.]
Money Paid in Partition Action.
Lyons, Aug. 15 - An order obtained by Hamn & Knapp before Justice Foote was entered at the county clerk's office yesterday, granting that County Treasurer Bashford pay over moneys in the hands belonging to Oscar M. Folger, one of the defendants in the partition action of Ada DeBoofer against Carrie Brisbee and others. The amount of Folger's share is $350. A bond of $750 was filed.
Product of Wayne County Orchard Brings 55 Cents a Bushel - Others Range All the Way from 35 Cents.
Wolcott, Aug. 15 - Although it is yet early in the season, a large part of the apple crop in this section has been sold to local dealers. For some time past there has been a brisk market and practically all of the orchards of good quality, which have a fair crop, have been sold at good prices.
The indications now are that there will not be over a third of a crop in this section, and this average is uneven in distribution. Some orchards have 50 per cent. of a crop, while others have scarcely any. A large orchardist who last year had 15,000 bushels, will this year have about 3,000 bushels, and they will be borne largely by trees which did not bear last year. The quality will also average poor.
Local dealers say that outside of fifteen or twenty orchards scattered through Huron, Butler, Wolcott and Rose, there is not 15 per cent, of last year's crop. These few good orchards have already been bought up at prices which will be remunerative to the grower. In at least one instance, an orchard hs been sold at 55 cents a bushel, while others have been sold at 35, 40 and 50 cents.
Evaporator owners are slow about buying, although many of them have closed contracts for future delivery of dried fruit. Heavy contracts are made at 5 and 5 1-2 cents, which prices do not warrant high prices for the fruit. Farmers feel that apples are sure to bring a good price and consequently are not at all anxious to sell to the evaporators, preferring to barrel as much as possible of the fruit and sell the remainder for what it will bring.
[A couple of out-of-county obits that might be helpful to someone.]
MEDINA - Jeremiah Doody, of Medina, died on Sunday, after a short illness, aged 72 years.
Richard Speers Dead.
Webster, Aug. 15 - Richard Speers, a prominent farmer, who died of apoplexy Sunday night at 9 o'clock,
at the age of 71, leave two sons and three daughters: Jason, of Rochester; Clark, of Penfield; Mrs. Wesley Van Allstyn,
of Rochester; Mrs. William Hawley and Miss Hattie Speers, both of this town; two brothers, James of Rochester and Jason
of Penfield.
Found in The Free Press, Saturday, May 5, 1894. Trumansburg, N.Y. This village is in northern Tompkins County.
Miss Emma Lechner, of Newark, who was severely injured a few months ago by being run into by a bicycle, has brought suit
in the supreme court against the village for $10,000, for injuries sustained. James W. Dunwell of Lyons, appears for the
plaintiff and H.L. Rupert of Newark, for the defendant.
Found in the newspaper "The Hornellsville Herald, Wednesday, October 19, 1892." News from elsewhere in the Finger Lakes that might be helpful to Wayne County researchers. Hornellsville is in Steuben County, New York State.
An 18 year old son of George Helfman of Ovid attempted suicide by hanging Thursday afternoon. He was discovered in time to be resuscitated.
Mrs. Samuel Pontius of Waterloo committed suicide Thursday. She was found lying in a spring, where she had persistently drowned herself, the water being very shallow. It is thought she was out of her mind.
John Ryar, a dangerous lunatiac sent from Corning some time ago to Ovid asylum, escaped from the attendant a few days ago and walked the entire distance to his old home.
Found in the Rochester Weekly Herald, Wednesday, December 21, 1887.
George Holden of Yonkers, who has been the guest of friends in town this week, will leave for his home today.
A school meeting was held on Monday evening in the chapel of the Lyons Union School, when Calvin Hotchkiss, democrat,
was elected over Daniel Althen, republican, by a vote of 270 to 165. William Van Camp was re-elected clerk
The labor of rebuilding the Clyde toboggan slide was commenced yesterday morning.
"Jack" Bolden, a colored man 56 years of age, died yesterday morning. The interment will take place tomorrow.
Mrs. Martha A. Haight, an old lady of this village, has brought suit against the village of Clyde to recover
$1,015 for injuries alleged to have been sustained in falling over a large boulder in front of the residence of
Asa Blodget on Caroline street on the evening of November 22d.
Sodus Center
A.E. Soloder, the christianized cannibal from the Fiji islands, will deliver a lecture in the Baptist church next Friday evening.
The steam fruit evaporator will close this week. Over 35,000 bushels of fruit have been evaporated since the season began,
making about one hundred and seventy five tons of dried fruit.
Seneca Falls [Seneca County, NY]
The gas well is down 800 feet, with no further indications of gas.
The Gleason fire patrol dance will take place at Danield's Opera house on Friday evening.
The contract for the building of a new block on State street on the Nercott property has abeen awarded to G.B. Follett.
Miss Nellie Southwick, who was found murdered in New York last Saturday, was formerly of this place. She was 25 years old and the
daughter of David Southwick of Tyre.
The Christian endeavor society of the Presbyterian church has elected the following officers: President, Professor A.C.
McLachlan; vice-president, E.J. Leonard; secretary, Mrs. A.C. Edwards; treasurer, Miss Bertha Tyler; corresponding secretary,
W.W. Coles. A set of Scott's works was presented to Professor McLachlan in appreciation of his services.
The Seneca Lodge, No. 104, K. of L., on Monday night elected the following officers: William S. Van Houten, C.C.; R.B. Van
Benschoten, P.C.; G.H. Swift, P.; James W. Gibson, K.R. and S.; Charles Colliss, M. of F.; A.G. Kenyon, M. of E.; L.B.
Aldrich, M. of A.; George B. Gascoigne, P.C.; representative to grand lodge, W.A. Swaby Latham; alternate, William M. Wilcoxen.
Henry S. Salisbury was elected trustee for three years.
From the book History of Monroe County, New York: with illustrations descriptive of its scenery, palatial residences, public buildings, fine blocks and important manufactories from original sketches by artists of the highest ability, by W.H. McIntosh. Philadelphia: Everts, Ensign and Everts, 1877.
The following are Monroe County resident business people who contributed money to having this book printed. The "s" means the date when they settled in Monroe Co. or set up business.
Town of Sweden
Bourne, Mrs. G., Brockport, dress and cloak maker, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1843
Cowley, M.L., Brockport, dlr. in ladies' fancy goods, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1844
Dolph, Walter, farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1863
Town of Parma
Jewell, Daniel, farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1839; p.o. add. North Parma
Town of Gates
Baker, John E., farmer, nurseryman, and milk dealer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1869
Town of Webster
Bancroft, T.F., West Webster, farmer and gardener, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1833; p.o. add. West Webster
Leavens, Geo., farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1855
McKinstrey, P., Meth. clergyman, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1850
Van Decar, E.H., farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1844
Warren, G.W., nurseryman, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1857
Town of Penfield
Brown, Reuben S., farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1835; p.o. add. West Webster
Frost, Jesse, farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1856; p.o. add. Lincoln, Wayne co.
Town of Perrinton
Brant, A.W., jeweler, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1875; p.o. add. Fairport
Denise, Garrett, farmer, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1873; p.o. add. Egypt
Peacock, C.L., druggist, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1867; p.o. add. Fairport
Town of Pittsford
Hicks, George R., proprietor of hotel and livery, b. Wayne co., N.Y.; s. 1862
From the Rochester Morning Herald, April 20, 1889. When reading, keep in mind that articles referring to "this city" refer to Rochester, unless under a heading for a specific place.
Doings in Monroe and Adjacent Counties
- The drill works are full of orders and are working a larger force than usual.
- The Till family will give a concert of vocal and instrumental music at the Baptist church this evening.
- Services appropriate to Easter at the Universalist and Catholic churches tomorrow morning. In the evening there
will be the usual Easter Sunday-school concert at the Universalist church. The singing will be the feature of the exercises.
- William Mosher has received the agency to sell the Rochester Morning Herald. All who will give him their order for the Herald can have
it delivered to their house, office or store at 12M.
- The Grand Army of the Republic and citizens of Rose will unite in exercises appropriate to celebrating the centennial of the United States.
The programme will be perfected next Tuesday night at a meeting to be held in Town hall for that purpose.
- Leland T. Powers will present "Twelfth Night" on his appearance at the opera house April 24th.
- Easter Sunday will be observed as usual in the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. In the morning Rev. E.B. Gerhart will
conduct the service with a sermon and Easter music. In the evening the Sunday school will have a special Easter service with songs and recitations.
- The funeral services over the remains of William H. Cuyler will be held from his residence at two o'clock. Rev. L.W. Richardson will officiate.
He died after a very short illness, having suffered a stroke of paralysis. He was born here in 1811 and has always lived here. His father
was killed in the war of 1812. He was one of the most staunch democrats and filled the position of postmaster under the democratic administration.
He leave a wife and a son and daughter. The son William, is now abroad for his health.
- Dr. Van Winkle is dead.
- James Knapp sustained a shock of paralysis on Wednesday.
- Good Friday was observed yesterday at the Protestant Episcopal church.
- J.G. Dingman has been appointed district deputy grand counsellor of the Royal Templars for Wayne county.
- Two commodious dwellings are being erected on Smith street, one by Mrs. Blanchardt, the other by Mrs. Wood.
- Frank Poucher has been improving the Tillotson property. The property is to be converted into two good sized stores.
- Mrs. Tutor of Dundee and Mrs. Morse of Rochester have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gamaliel Case. Mr. Case is recovering.
- The trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church have been planting some young maple trees in the front and on the west side of the church.
- A change in the time table of the Northern Central railroad makes an evening makes an evening connection at Wallington with the Rome,
Watertown and Ogdensburg.
- Charles Gramky found the Seager house unfit for remodeling and so has leveled it to the ground and sold the timber. It was one of the first
houses built in Sodus.
- At the meeting of the young people of the Methodist Episcopal church on Wednesday a temporary organization for an Oxford league was formed,
and a committee on constitution and by laws appointed. Another meeting will be held on next Wednesday evening.
- The school meeting called on Thursday night was adjourned for two weeks after much discussion.
- The Till family concert company will give a concert at the Presbyterian church next Thursday evening,
under the auspices of the Young People's society of Christian Endeavor.
- An exceptionally elaborate programme of Easter music has been prepared for the services at Grace church tomorrow.
At St. Michael's church Bordese's full mass will be sung.
- In the circuit court yesterday the case of Matthew Brown against Thomas Hopkins was concluded. Brown sued for $10,000 damages
for alienating his wife's affections. The jury was out only 10 minutes and brought in a verdict of no cause of action. The court then
adjourned without delay.
- In the circuit court on Thursday the case of Mary G. Patten against Daniel Goetzman was concluded. Last fall
Goetzman built a fire on his land to burn stumps, and the blaze set fire to some fences and timber on the
plaintiff's land, doing a damage, it is claimed, of $350. The case of Matthew Brown against Thomas Hopkins was taken up.
- In the court of oyer and terminer on Thursday afternoon the following prisoners were arraigned: George Fuller, indicted for
grand larceny, second degree; William Cortwright, burglary, third degree; John McLaughlin and Charles Casey, robbery, first
degree, and also grand larceny, second degree. All the parties pleaded not guilty. Fuller gave bail, the rest remanded to jail.
- About $16,000 or the $20,000 asked to be subscribed in the stock of the Manhattan silver plate company, which desires to locate
in Lyons, has been subscribed and the remaining amount will undoubtedly be raised. The first of next week a committee, consisting
of D.S. Chamberlain, A.M. Leach, A.L. Hoffman, W.S. Gavitt, and H.C. Zimmerlin, will go to Brooklyn and give the books of the concern
an inspection and ascertain all that is possible about the company. If a favorable report is brought back the company will remove
the plant here immediately.
- George B. Greenway of Syracuse has purchased the Morley cottage.
- There will be no services at St. John's Episcopal church tomorrow.
- Dogs are being poisoned in the streets here at the rate of about five per day.
- The water works company has commenced work on the foundation for the stand pipe on Ree's hill.
- Mrs. Palmer of Pontiac, Michigan, and A. Rice and his family of Fulton are guests at G.W. Cowles'.
- Mrs. Ethan B. Kellogg died on Tuesday at the age of 72 years. The funeral was held at the residence on Thursday
TRUMANSBURG [Tompkins County]
- Rev. A.M. Damon of Homer was in town on Tuesday.
- Lincoln Mink of Ithaca is about to open a grocery store.
- Tunis Swick from East Steamburg has taken up his residence on Washington street.
- Ellsworth Allen of Boston and Miss Carrie Holcomb of this village were married at the residence of the bride's parents on Thursday afternoon.
Present - Police Justice B. Keeler, presiding.
[Rochester, Monroe County, is the closest large city to Wayne County, and many residents moved there, found work there,
or took the short trip on the train for a day or evening's entertainment. As some Wayne Co. residents might have been "just passing through,"
this list was transcribed.]
John Mitchell, drunk; $5 or 15 days
Thomas Kennedy, drunk; $10 or 30 days
John Houser, safe-keeping; discharged.
Thomas Tierney, petit larceny, jail.
John Forrest, throwing stones at Special Moran, $5 or 10 days.
Michael Ward, refusing to pay his street car fare; not disposed of.
Conrad Saffron, inciting a riot; not disposed of.
Delos B. Leshander, Charles Nolan, Daniel Donovan, Charles Plunkett jr., drunken vagrants; jail.
James Murphy, John Welton, William Leonard, tramps; each 30 days.
Lester G. Fisher, drunk and disorderly; $5 or 15 days.
Charles Lewis, assault; discharged.
Edward Mengel, larceny; jail.
Lucy Mooney, Mary Connolly, grand larceny; April 24th. *
Samuel P. Kay, petit larceny; discharged.
Joseph Bauer, assault, third degree; discharged.
*Charged with Grand Larceny
Lucy Mooney and Mrs. Mary Connolly were arrested yesterday by Detectives Siefferd and Kavanagh on the charge
of grand larceny, in stealing a dress and other property valued at $75 from Mrs. Emma L. Bronson. The case was
set down for next Wednesday. The prisoners were arrested some time ago on the charge of grand larceny.
- Mrs. John Youtz was called to Binghamton on Wednesday to attend the funeral of her mother.
The funeral of George Egbert Ostrander was held yesterday afternoon at the church at Murray. He was 55
years of age. He served in the rebellion two years and was a member of company B, 14th New York heavy artillery.
W.B. Pickard officiated at the funeral, and members of the Grand Army from Albion and Kendall were present.
BUFFALO, April 19
Crushed Between the Cars
Paul Muzynowski, a car repairer of the Lackawanna, was killed this morning by being crushed between the cars.
He was 29 years of age.
The marriage of Miss Hattie Hare of this place to Alfred Pritchard of Rochester will take place on Tuesday at
2 P.M. at St. Michael's church. Rev. W.A. Coale will officiate.
Times Fixed for Funeral Services
Necrological Notes.
Julia A. Ginnity, daughter of Bernard E. and Julia Ginnity, died yesterday at the family residence, 359 Plymouth
avenue, aged nine months. The remains will be taken to Seneca Falls for interment.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary R. Raines will take place this afternoon from her late residence, 77 Park avenue, and will be
private. The remains will be taken to Canandaigua for interment.
The remains of M. Louise McIntyre, who died on Thursday night at her home, 33 Vick park, were taken to Philadelphia for
interment last evening.
John Kuhn, infant son of Anthony and Bertha Kuhn, died yesterday at the family residence in Gates. The funeral will take place
from Holy Family church at two o'clock this afternoon.
Frances Mary Elliott, infant daughter of Frank and Sarah Elliott, died yesterday at the family residence, on Greig street. The
remains will be taken to Brockport for interment.
Verdict of Accidental Death
Coroner Kliendienst held an inquest yesterday afternoon in the case of William J. Hethrington, the Rome,
Watertown and Ogdensburg brakeman, who was fatally injured near Charlotte on Wednesday night. The man had just
lost three fingers. It is supposed that he tried to make a coupling with the crippled hand, forgetting for the
moment its condition, and missing his hold, slipped and caught his foot in a frog. A verdict of accidental death
was rendered. The remains were sent home to Clifton, Ontario, yesterday.
- A.J. Lorish left Wednesday morning for Michigan.
- John C. Newman left for Grand Rapids, Michigan, Tuesday.
B.F. Armstrong left yesterday for Michigan.
John Fitzgerald Dying
John Fitzgerald, who was injured on Wednesday afternoon by being kicked by a horse, is in a dying condition at
St. Mary's hospital. When a Herald reporter called at the hospital last evening all hope of his recovery had been given up.
The unfortunate man was training a large horse on Minerva place. The animal knocked him down, rolled on him and kicked him in
the face, lacerating it terribly. He also sustained internal injuries.
The heirs of Yellis Mandeville, who died in 1778, have commenced an action to recover property at the corner of Hudson and
Gansevoorth streets in New York, valued at half a million dollars. Most of the plaintiffs reside in this city and county.
Milton Noyes is their attorney. [Note: the heirs are in Rochester. The corner is now part of the "Meat District" in the West Village
in Manhattan.]
LOST - TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Raymond Coxon, aged 4 years. Liberal reward will be paid for his return, dead or alive,
to 370 State street, and no questions asked.
N.Y.C. Direct Road - East
7:00 A.M. Stops at Fairport, Palmyra, Lyons, Clyde, Weedsport and Jordan.
8:40 A.M. Stops at all stations.
9:20 A.M. Stops at Lyons.
10:30 A.M. New York flyer.
11:40 A.M. Stops at all stations.
3:30 P.M. Stops at all stations.
5:00 P.M. Stops at all stations, except at Memphis, Warners and Amboy.
6:10 P.M. Stops at Lyons and Clyde.
7:25 P.M. Stops at all stations to Lyons only.
8:05 P.M. Stops at Lyons.
11:50 P.M. Stops at Lyons.
West Shore Railroad
N.Y.C. & H.R.R.R. Co., Lessee
7:25 A.M. Stops at all stations.
11:45 A.M. Stops at Fairport, Newark and Lyons. At Palmyra for through passengers only.
4:00 P.M. Stops at all stations to Syracuse.
5:40 P.M. Stops at all stations to Newark.
8:20 P.M. Atlantic express. Stops at Fairport and Newark.
11:15 P.M. St. Louis express. Stops at Fairport and Newark.
Fall Brook Coal Co.'s Railways
S., G. & C. Division
LYONS - Arrive: 9:45 A.M., 2:50 P.M., 8:30 P.M.; Leave: 7:15 A.M., 10:35 A.M., 6:15 P.M.
GENEVA - Arrive: 9:15 A.M., 2:00 P.M., 7:54 P.M.; Leave: 8:00 A.M., 12:40 P.M., 6:45 P.M.
Trains Run Daily.
Wayne County NY Family Bios Section