Ancestral Sightings contains bios, notices and brief mentions of Wayne County residents. These "stray" notices are important as an announcement of a birth, marriage, death or other event may not have appeared in a Wayne County paper or book. Please send us your Wayne County related finds. Be sure to put "WAYNE COUNTY ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS" in the subject heading of your email so that it's not overlooked or deleted as spam. **No notice is too small.** A one-line mention may be the solution to someone's brick wall.
ANCESTRAL SIGHTINGS: From NY State Resources Part 1 |
New 4/29/13 From The Newark Union, Saturday, September 7, 1907, page 2
Teachers and Pupils Who Were Identified With the Mud Mills School,
Prior to 1860, Met at Home of James Soverhill
One of the most interesting and unique reunions ever held is the town of Arcadia was the gathering at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Soverhill, in school district no. 3, popularly known as the Mud Mills District, Saturday afternoon, August 31st. The occasion was the meeting of the teachers and pupils identified with the school before 1860. There was a large representation, fifty-one being present besides the children and friends of the former pupils.
J. D. Reeves called the reunion to order, after which Professor Otis H. Robinson of the University of Rochester, formerly a teacher of the school, read letters of regret from the following:
William Osborne, of Ypsilanti, Mich., Gardner M. Soverhill, of Buffalo, Charles Eichoff, of Flint, Mich., Mary Soverhill, of Janesville, Wis., Mary Wakeman Althen, of Lowell, Mich., Henry Wakeman, of Mason City, Ill., Della Soverhill Markell, of Grand Ledge, Mich., Mrs. Elisa Sweet Jordan, of Springfield, Vt., Mrs. Florence Van Derboff Bolster, of Coldwater, Mich., Mrs. Minnie Sweet Churchill, of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Mary Bryant Rogers, of Exeter, Neb.
The following is a full list of teachers and pupils who were present: Prof. Otis Robinson now of Rochester, both a pupil and teacher in the Mud Mills School, Lida Wakeman Roberts, Louisa Wakeman Rogers of Rochester; James Coon and wife, of Batavia; Samuel Soverhill, Loreta Soverhill Dator, of Tiskilwa, Ill., Fred Kansler, Harriet Kansler, Harriet K. Webler, of Sodus Centre; Moses Stoppard and wife of Wolcott; Martha Reeves Pratt of Williamson; Meda Hyde Vanderhoff, of Phelps; Kate Wakeman Feller of Port Gibson; Lydia Weaver Robinson, Esther Weaver Robinson of Lyons; Christina Weaver Dixon of Newark; Meda Craig Waters, Lucy Craig Waters of Sodus; Lucius Clark and wife, (Kate Soverhill Clark) of East Palmyra; Helen Craig Randall of Port Gibson; Silas S. Peirson and wife, (Armeda VanWagonen Peirson), Sylvester B. Van Duser and wife, Nettie Bailey, Elizabeth Pratt, Millard Weeks and wife (Emma Soverhill Weeks), Edward Sherman and wife, C. P. Soverhill and wife, John Anderson and wife (Eliza Soverhill Anderson), Marvin C. Welcher and wife, Lillie Soverhill Stever, Sarah Soverhill Plass, Trumbull Craig and wife, Jacob Weaver, Nettie Craig West, George H. Peirson and wife (Mary Wakeman Peirson), Hannah Wakeman Colter, Maria Whiting Clark, Harriet Whiting Pratt, Irene Filkins, Helen Foster Meade, Mary Packs Freeman, Pliny Foster and wife, Mandeville Plass, Emily Robinson Sleight, Martha Landon (both pupil and teacher), Marvin See and wife, J. D. Reeves and wife, James Soverhill and wife. Patrons:- Allen Soverhill, Eliza Parks and Eliza Soverhill.
Many interesting incidents were related by those who spoke. Samuel G. Soverhill and his sister, Loretta Soverhill Dator, came from Tiskilwa, Ill., and Mr. Soverhill related many stories of the old school days. Marvin See described the old school house which stood on the hill now occupied by James Soverhill's house. This house was 21x60 feet, with a fire place in the middle. Marvin Welcher spoke of coming across a large piece of wood to attend school, which was then in charge of a teacher by the name of Brush. It was said of this teacher that he did, indeed, brush out pupils in "good and thorough shape." Nettie Bailey gave an interesting piece on "A Bachelors' Sale." It was told of Miss Bailey that on her first day of attendance at school she fell into the water. Hon. S. S. Peirson and Marvin Filkins attended "night school" and they were given an opportunity to relate their experiences, but seemed unwilling to unfold them. On one occasion the "big boys" of the school filled the chimney with snow, while the teacher was at dinner. The result was a half holiday. If half a dozen of the boys had not been as big as the teacher, the probability is that some one would have received an old time thrashing. At another time Pliny Foster held a handfull of buckwheat above the loose collar of the boy sitting in front of him and Dupha Reeves gave his hand a push. The immediate result was a complaint to the teacher who called out the offenders and asked which they would prefer, a feruling or a flogging. As the boys had been to the grist mill during the noon hour, they said they would take the flogging, and their clothes were well dusted.
Short remarks were also made by Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Peirson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Filkins, Moses Stoppard, Pliny Foster, Lucius Clark, Esther Weaver Robinson, and many others.
The old Mud Mills school building was the first in the town of Arcadia, having been built about 1806. Ahiel Guthrie taught five years, and had, at one time, 106 pupils on his roll. The stone school house, which most of those present remember, was built in 1836 on the site of the present school house. Among the teachers, previous to 1860, were Mr. Brush, "Jessy" Owen, George Sheldon, William Osborne, Otis Robinson, Mary Bryant, Andrew D. Soverhill, Maria Whiting, Harriet Hoag, Jacob Stever, Charles Garlock, Byron Thomas, Thomas Agett and Margaret Osborne.
An interesting fact in connection with the reunion was the presence of six sisters and a brother, seven of the eight children of the Wakeman family who attended school at Mud Mills.
The remarkable occasion closed with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" by the company, the piano accompainment (sic) being played by Mrs. Harry Dator.
"Oft in the stilly night
Ere slumber's chain has bound me
Fond memory brings the light
Of other days around me."
Marion Items
Wade Johnson, while delivering ice for H. B. Smith on last Saturday, accidentally dropped a cake of ice, injuring his right ankle.
New 4/29/13 From The Clyde Times, Thursday, February 11, 1904
South Butler
Wilbur Candee returned Saturday after a prolonged trip in the West.
Bennie Seaman was at home from Rochester over Sunday.
Bowers Phelps has purchased a house in Savannah and will remove in the spring.
Edward Purcell of Buffalo, was the guest of Floyd Gatchell last week.
Mrs. Charles Warrigan spent last week with her sister, in Syracuse.
David Odell of Huron is spending a few days with his brother, Edward Odell.
Edward Odell is confined to the house under the care of Dr. Barrett of Clyde.
Louis Mulchoff has been to Mount Clemons for his health and he has returned home much improved in health.
The Maccabees of Magee Tent, No. 218, installed their officers last Thursday night. The following are the officers: Past Commander, Lisber Sash; Commander, Leonard White; Lieut. Commander, Alfred Deboice; Record Keeper, Walter Morehouse; Finance Keeper, David Compson; Chaplain, Anthony Morehouse; Sergeant, William Kraft; Master-at-Arms, Peter Steele; First Master of Guards, William Morehouse; Second Master Guards, Frank Young; Sentinel, Floyd Gatchell; Picket, Charles Eggleston.
New 4/29/13 From The Lake Shore News, Thursday, December 22, 1904, front page
Marjory Hopkins, of Sodus Center, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank N. Waldorf, of Wolcott.
Mrs. John H. Fox, who was recently called here by the death of her mother, Mrs. John Mott, returned to her home in New York Monday.
G. H. Northrup spent a few days this week on a visit to his sister, Mrs. A. A. Baker, of Syracuse.
Clayton Graham, a son of Frank Graham, of Oberlin, Ohio, formerly of Huron, is understood to have lost his savings in the bursted Oberlin bank, due to Mrs. Chadwick.
Mrs. Harlow S. G. Loveless, of Fort Plain, N. Y., arrived in Wolcott on Monday with her baby, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Reed. Her husband is expected on Saturday to spend his holiday vacation. Mary Loveless, who has been living in the family since last fall, came with her sister-in-law.
Edward H. Kellogg, went to Buffalo yesterday on business. From there he will go to Kalamazoo, Mich., to finish the settlement of the estate of the late John W. Jones. Mr. Kellogg's clients, who are beneficiaries under the will are Mrs. Charlotte B. Darling and Mrs. Sophia DeVoll, of Huron, sisters of the testator. Mr. Kellogg expects to return home about the 28th or 29th inst.
New 4/29/13 From the Wayne County Journal, Palmyra NY, Thursday, June 27, 1907, page 8
Furnaceville, June 26- Mrs. Erma Holton's sixtieth birthday was celebrated on Thursday by a reunion of her children and grandchildren at her home.
New 4/29/13 From The Record, Sodus NY, Friday, March 9, 1900
Miss Myrtle Martin is in Lyons learning the dressmaking trade of her aunt, Saloma Martin.
North Rose
Mrs. Riter of Washington county is caring for her sister, Mrs. Charles Garlic.
Rev. Mortimer Plumb of Youngstown, O., who has been with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Plumb, has returned home.
Mrs. George Hopkins was called to Syracuse Tuesday by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. George Studer.
The infant child of George Thompson was ill last week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Millett, Friday, a daughter.
C. E. Elliott and family will shortly remove to Walworth, where Mr. Elliott will engage in business.
Sodus Centre
The four small children of Harry W. Cottrell of Chicago, who are staying with their grandparents here, are the proud possessors of a new piano from their father.
Wednesday evening of last week one could have seen Contractor Barclay proudly setting out with his horse and carriage to attend a pedro party at George Mann's, near Lyons. While they played, the snow fell softly down, and when Mr. Barclay started to return he found the snow so deep that he was obliged to leave his carriage at a farmer's barn, en route. Then he started to walk the remainder of the distance, leading the steed.It is said that when he reached home he fell exhausted. It was not stated whether he carried a banner bearing a "strange device" or not.
S. B. Coleman recently secured a large contract for lumber.
The Beals house is not yet rented. Hotel men are not anxious to rent in a no license town, especially a small village like Resort, where there are two hotels.
Frank Tague will build a new house on the farm recently purchased by him of Philip Klippel. The lumber is now on the ground for building.
Frank Chapin is very ill with pneumonia; also Mrs. Walter Sherman.
Elmer Bowman's face is radiant with smiles. It is a boy.
The storm, which began on Wednesday of last week, as a record breaker for the winter. The schools were closed and roads blockaded. No mail reached the post-office in the rural districts from Wednesday until Sunday. Men with shovels, teams, plows and kettles worked all day Saturday to get the roads even passible. A canal has been shoveled almost the entire distance between the Lummisville post office and Lake Bluff. Residents around Sodus Bay were completely isolated from the outside world for four days.
The charity entertainment was a failure, financially. Bad weather kept people away.The proceeds were badly needed by the ladies of the Relief Corps to assist the poor of the surrounding vicinity.
A carload of Ohio horses arrived in town Wednesday to be sold at auction on Thursday. They were a fine lot, all young, and in good condition.
New 4/29/13 From The Record, Sodus NY, April 1, 1904
North Rose and Vicinity
Miss Mary Quereau of Irvington is at home for Easter vacation.
Mrs. Harlow Chapin of Rose spent a part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Quereau.
The Misses Ethel and Mable Sours of Wolcott visited their uncle, George Wright, on Thursday.
Orrin Skutt has purchased the farm in East Rose, which was formerly owned by the late W. Jeffers.
Miss Lula Lytle of Wolcott, who has been in Miss Evva Tucker's millinery store for several years, has secured a fine position at Bristol, Vt.
North Huron
Charles Washburn has moved to the George Seaman farm, and George Seaman will live with his daughter, Mrs. William Sergeant, near Sodus village.
William Rumsey of Buffalo was in town Saturday to attend the funeral of his grand-father, Mr. Rogers.
Reuben Waldorf is very ill of typhoid fever at his home north of this village.
Miss Sarah Baker has been called home from New York, because of the severe illness of her mother, Mrs. David Baker.
Rose and Vicinity
Stephen Chapin was in Parma Center from Thursday until Saturday, visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. A. Perkins.
New 4/29/13 From the Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in September or first week of October 1889
Newark and Vicinity
John Powers of Clyde was killed Monday night by a West Shore train.
A. D. Soverhill and daughter, Connie, returned from New York Monday, the latter improving nicely.
Rev. J. J. McGrath, the newly ordained priest at Clyde, celebrated his first mass at St. John's Catholic church, Sunday morning.
Mrs. Minnie Krum Castner and children left for Denver, this morning.
Several Newark relatives are attending the wedding of Miss Nellie Buell in Lyons to-day.
Willis Hinman will leave Friday night for the New York Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital.
Mrs. Louise Reed and little daughter, after a pleasant summer in Newark, will start for the Henry (South Dakota) home, to-morrow morning.
New 4/29/13 From The Newark Union-Gazette, Saturday Morning, September 21, 1918
Mrs. Thomas Lemmens has received a letter from her son, Private Jacob Lemmens, stating that he is still in the hospital, but practically well. He was recently reported missing from his company.
The annual reunion of the 160th N. Y. Volunteers was held in the City Hall Annex, Exchange Street, Rochester, Thursday of this week. There are only two members left in Newark out of eighty-five, Nathaniel Cook and Victor LeRoux. On account of the ill health of Mr. Cook, Mr. LeRoux was the only one who attended.
The will of Clinton F. Luce, who died in the town of Williamson July 10, 1918, was admitted to probate and letters testamentary were issued to Clarence B. Pratt and Harriet O. Luce of Williamson. The entire estate is given to the widow, Harriet Luce.
Letters testamentary were issued to Burton Haviland on proof of the will of Charity Dunbar who died at Lock Berlin on July 20, 1918. By the terms of the will a house and lot situated in Lock Berlin is bequeathed to Burton Haviland, a son, of Clyde, providing he gives to Mrs. Mary Jeffers of Rose, a daughter of the decedent the sum of $100. Burton Jeffers of Rose is given $50. Willard Marsteiner, Grover Marsteiner and Rena Marsteiner are each given $25. Household effects are to be divided among Burton Haviland, Mary Jeffers, Burton Jeffers, Willard Marsteiner, Elmer Myers, Mary Haviland, Sarah Southard, Louisa M. Jeffers. John L.(?) Klippel and Edward Jennison of Lock Berlin were appointed appraisers.
Letters of administration were issued to Lillie Abbott of Arcadia on the $2,000 estate of Colvin Abbott late of Arcadia.
Letters of administration were issued to Garnet Laurett of Williamson in the mater of the estate of Harriet E. Town.
In the estate of Omar M. Curtis, late of the village of Wolcott, the administratrix, Carilla A. Curtis made a final accounting and a decree was entered discharging her and the sureties on her bond.
New 4/29/13 From The Democratic Herald, Clyde NY, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1891
Mrs. Chas. Blakeslee, of Rochester, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Ellinwood, for a few days.
Congratulations are being bestowed upon Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McMullen over the advent of a little daughter which blessed their home last evening.
Alfred S. Roe, who was formerly a resident of Wayne county, north of Clyde, has recently been elected a member of the lower house of the Massachusetts Legislature.
Rev. John Evans, rector of St. John's Episcopal church, having accepted a call to the Episcopal church at Youngstown, N.Y., preached his farewell sermon to the Clyde congregation Sunday. He will leave Friday of this week.
Mrs. J. R. Muth is organizing several classes in Painting and Crayoning. Figure Painting, Portraiture, and Landscape. Beginners as well as advanced pupils desired. For terms inquire at residence, North Park St., Clyde, N.Y.
The finest grade of cabinet photos at $2.00 per dozen at J. R. Muth's studio.
The following persons will probably attend the Treat-Wright wedding at Weedsport to-morrow: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, and daughter, Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Cowles and daugher, Bessie; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Childs, and Messers. Wm. Wood and Briggs S. Palmer.
Miss Lena Claus, a young lady of Lyons, took an overdose of morphine Sunday morning about 8 o'clock and lay in a lethargic condition until late in the afternoon. She is now out of danger.
Mrs. James Bashford, Sr., of Lyons, suffered a stroke of paralysis at her home Friday evening. She has since lain in a very precarious condition, and little hope of her recovery is entertained. Mrs. Bashford, who is over 70 years of age, is a daughter of Thomas Dorsey, whose father, after whom he was named, came from Virginia in 1802 and settled a large tract of land south of the river in the vicinity of the Alloway road.
Tuesday night made happy the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spoore by the advent of a little son.
Tuesday night thieves entered the cellar of Ensign Wade, a farmer living about one mile east of Rose, and stole a crock of butter, a tub of lard and a large quantity of preserves.
Mrs. Laura Wilkins started Tuesday morning for Chicago to visit her son. From there she will go on to California. She expects to be absent from home about four months.
The I.O.G.T. have elected the following officers: C. T., Truman Desmond; V. T., Maud Chaddock; Sec., Edwin Shoesmith; Treas., Mrs. Jared Chaddock; Financial Sec., Florence Niles; Chaplain, Lucetta Lyons; Martial, Geo. Harper; Guard, Fred Campbell; Sentinel, Lewis Jordan; Asst. Sec., Stella Deady. [NOTE: IOGT = International Order of Good Templars.]
The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Rose W. T. C. U., Wednesday afternoon: President, Mrs. Frank Waldruff; vice presidents, Mrs. Lois Chaddock, Mrs. James Osborn, Mrs. Vandercook; secretary, Miss Rose Chaddock; treasurer, Mrs. C. G. Wood. [NOTE: WCTU = Women's Christian Temperance Union.]
Hon. Oscar Weed, of Glenmark, and son Dill have picked over 2,500 barrels of first-class apples from their orchards this year and 3,000 bushels to evaporate.
Farm House and Barns Burned.
At 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon the frame house and barns of E. M. Farrand, residing a short distance north of Shepard's Corners, were burned to the ground. Mr. Farrand was not at home at the time but his wife, who was busily engaged with her household duties, suddenly discovered flames which made such rapid headway under the high winds which prevailed that it was impossible to save any of the household effects. Sparks from the house soon communicated flames to the three barns near by and they also were totally destroyed with their contents. Fortunately, Mr. Farrand's live stock were out in the open field otherwise they would certainly have perished in the flames. The burned buildings were large, comparatively new, and the total loss is estimated in the neighborhood of $5,000 with an insurance of $4,400 placed with companies represented by A.S. Hall & Son, Savannah.
NEW 4/29/13 from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, March 16, 1892, page 5
Henry Butts, of Sodus, received a telegram last evening that David Porter a relative of Baldwinsville, was dead. He started on foot to delver the message to his parents who live about six miles out in the country. He reached home after several hours of perilous travel through raging storm.
William G. Keckison, who has carried the United States mail from Joy to Sodus for the past eleven years, failed last Friday to reach Sodus on account of the terrible storm. This is only the fourth time he has missed during the entire time.
NEW 4/29/13 from The Lyons Republican, Friday, November 30, 1928
Sodus Center
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Lockner, Miss Alice Lockner, Mrs. Alice Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockner were in Elmira Saturday to attend the funeral of George Lockner, who died Wednesday at that place, following an operation.
Mrs. Kate Bartleson returned on Friday from a three months' visit with her sister, Mrs. John Gillman, at Kalamazoo, Mich. and other relatives in Chicago.
The Cobblestones has been closed for the winter and Mrs. A. E. Merchant is visiting her son J. E. Merchant at West Henrietta and later will go to Croton-on-the-Hudson to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Rozelle.
Mrs. Maude Woodard spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. William Hill of Wolcott.
D. E. Hughson has returned from visiting his brother, Oscar Hughson at Zurich.
NEW 4/29/13 from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, April 30, 1924
North Rose
The Senior class of the North Rose High School has organized with the following officers and members: President, Clinton Hall; Vice President, Dorothy Wise; Secretary, Mary Cahoon; Treasurer, Robert Oaks. George Gray and Paul Groat are also members.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riggs, of St. Cloud, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Mary Drakeford.
Mrs. J. R. Ferguson, of Syracuse, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Miner.
So. Butler
Mrs. Geo. Baird entertained her sister, Mrs. Jennie Corrigan, from Auburn on Sunday.
Events of 25 Years ago (this would be 1899)
Matthew Costello, Thomas McGrath, John Dower and John Walsh left this morning for Klondike.
Attorney Chas. Duesler, of Long Island City, is spending a week at his old home here.
New 6/18/03 Found in Circular and Catalogue of the Law School of the University of Albany for the Year 1860-61. Albany: Munsell & Rowland, 78 State Street, 1861.
Under listing of students for the course of 1860-61, the following Finger Lakes and Central NY State students:
COE, John S., Clyde N.Y., undergraduate degree from Union College
GARATT, Smith M., Candor N.Y., " " Alfred University
GERE, Eugene B., Owego N.Y.
GREENLY, Edward M., Ithaca N.Y.
KINNE, Silas, Ovid N.Y., " " Rutgers College, A.B.
LAWTON, George W., Auburn N.Y., " " Union College, A.M.
RAINES, John 3d, Geneva N.Y.
SMITH, Lewis M., Elmira N.Y.
Found in the book History of the Seventy Seventh Division, August 25th 1917. November 11th, 1918. Written in the field in France. Copyright 1919 by The 77th Division Association, New York.
Citations Received by Officers and Men of the 77th Division, World War I
302d Engineers
Name, Rank-Organization, Address, Place of Action, Date
Fitzgerald, J.L., Pvt.,1st Cl., Canandaigua, N.Y., Meuse, 11/11/18
Tripp, R.E., Pvt. Co. D, Sodus, N.Y., Meuse, 1/10/19
Waters, T.E., Pvt. Co. D, Port Byron, N.Y. Vesle, 11/3/18
Found in the booklet "The 47th Annual Report of the Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, 1912."
Listed under death claims paid out in 1911:
Date of Policy: 1892
Name: George F. Munn
Residence: Lyons N.Y.
Amount: $235.00
Found in the Boonville Herald and Adirondack Tourist, August 7, 1919
Mrs. Johanna Rapp and grandson Francis Stupasky have gone to Savannah, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tiffany of Palmyra, have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle.
Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Johnson and son Sedgwick of Lyons are enjoying camp life at Round Lake, making occasional visits to Boonville where they are always welcome.
From the Boonville Herald and Adirondack Tourist, Wednesday, July 30, 1919.
John Bain of Palmyra, who formerly conducted a harness store in this village, was in town Monday renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Bain and a friend were enroute to the camp at Fish Creek.
John Donnelly of Geneva called on relatives and friends recently.
From the newspaper "Boonville Herald and Adirondack Tourist, Thursday, May 22, 1919."
Old Forge News in Spring Time
Mrs. Baker, son and daughter of Geneva, have opened their cottage.
New 4/17/03 Found in Register of Merit of Jersey Cattle. New York: Published by the Club. December, 1911.
Breeders and Owners of Animals in Register of Merit.
MALONEY, John, Macedon, NY
Found in the March 31, 1932 issue of the Boonville Herald newspaper (Oneida County, NY): Mr. and Mrs. Bates Hosts at Wedding Supper Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Bates entertained a company of friends at their home on Main street Easter Sunday at a wedding supper in honor of Mrs. Bates' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Duvelow of Macedon, N.Y. Fourteen guests were present. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Taman and daughter Marion of Utica.
Found in the 1910 Masonic Royal Arch Directory for New York City and Vicinity are listings for:
- George McGown of Palmyra, who at that time was Grand Lecturer, an office within the Grand Chapter of the State of New York.
- Jared A. Reed of Newark, who was state G.R.A.C., whatever that means!
These two sightings were found by co-coordinator Allyn. The original articles can be viewed at the Office of the County Historian, Lyons, NY.
Syracuse Journal, April 3, 1873
Williamson is to have a new drug store and a steam grist mill.
Syracuse Journal, November 6, 1874
It is a fact that in digging a well at Williamson village, and going down twenty-seven feet, a vein of coal three inches thick was struck. Coal men are expected to come and examine into the matter.
These sightings come from the newspaper The Monroe County Mail. This 4-page newspaper was published in Fairport, NY and covered Fairport, Webster, Penfield and Pittsford in Monroe County, bordering Wayne County & Ontario County (Farmington/Manchester), other local news around the region, and state-wide murder cases or society scandals. There were separate columns for West Walworth, Macedon Center, and Ontario news in these 3 issues, but no separate birth, marriage or obit sections.
All spelling and punctuation are as given and won't be changed on these historical resources.
The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, July 4, 1895.
Mrs. George Wiltsie and family of Clyde, are spending some weeks with friends in Pittsford.
Master Roy Clark will spend the Fourth with cousins in Palmyra.
William Eldridge and wife of Macedon, were at Irving Eldridge's the first of the week.
Macedon Center
Macedon Center, June 27.- The large grain barn of William Packard was struck by lightning during the severe electric storm, Wednesday last. The current followed the eaves where it connected with the horse barn, which took fire in the hay. By quickness of all it was soon under control. A badly shattered barn is the result. No one injured.
West Walworth
West Walworth, July 2- Quite a party of relatives from this county attended the golden wedding reception of Dr. S.M. Brown and wife, at Meridian, Cayuga county, on Wednesday of last week. They report a very enjoyable time.
Weddings seem to be quite a fad at present and I have two more to chronicle this week.
M.E. Williams has added a wagon shop to his blacksmithing business.
Jay J. Bills has returned from Michigan, where he has been attending school during the past year.
W.H. Beach formerly of Williamson, now of Rochester, was in town on Sunday.
Mrs. Jack Freer is suffering with a cataract on one of her eyes.
Rev. M.G. Buck, who was engaged to preach in the Baptist church, sent in his resignation, which took effect June 30. The church will be ready for the resumption of services July 14th. Covenant meeting will be held next Saturday.
C.P. Patterson and W.R. Greenwood start on their return trip to California this week Friday, going by the northern route, via St. Paul, Portland and Sacramento. A party of friends will be entertained on Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Greenwood, who are invited to bid adieu to the travelers.
Last Wednesday, while F.A. Hill of Ontario was driving into the yard of William Greenwood, his horse was frightened and overturned the carriage, throwing Mr. Hill out, who although quite a good deal bruised, pluckily held onto the lines, thus securing the horse. The carriage was badly broken.
Perhaps it would be well for some of the Macedon people to make a few inquiries regarding the selling of cider which is said to be sold at a house just over the Walworth town line. Possibly some of the United States agents could answer their questions.
The gathering of the White family was held at Ellery G. Allen's, at Farmington, on Thursday last.
One of our farmers has started a peanut crop. The vines are very flourishing, and it is possible there will be "a corner" in the market this fall.
Local Paragraphs
The home of E.G. Allen of Farmington, was the scene of a large and pleasant gathering. Thursday last the occasion being the annual reunion of the White families. Friend from Rochester, Victor, Macedon, Walworth, and Fairport, were present numbering about 130. The picnic was adjourned to meet at the residence of Robert Reed in Walworth, in June, '96.
The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, July 14, 1887.
West Walworth
West Walworth, July 11, 1887. - We understand that Mr. John G. Herman, captain of the Peddler's base ball club, has sent a challenge to Mr. M.E. Williams, captain of the Mechanics club, to play a friendly game of ball, at such time and place as the latter club may choose, giving them also choice of umpire. As this promises to be an exciting game we are looking with interest to the time when it will take place.
The Good Templars' of this village, had an ice cream sociable on Saturday evening. We were pleased to see many former members of the order, and would be glad to see them at our regular meetings; they would be heartily welcomed there as well as to our social entertainments.
Miss Ella Brigham, of Fairport, was visiting, during the past week, at Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Bumpus'.
Mrs. Susan Link, of Oneida, is visiting at present with friends in this vicinity.
Mr. A.I. Seaman and lady, of Macedon, and Mrs. Alice Armstrong, of Palmyra, paid us a visit Saturday evening, enjoyed the entertainment at the lodge room and returned to their homes in the evening.
Macedon, July 12, 1887- Mrs. Harrington is spending a few days with her parents in Middleport.
Miss Bell Courter is spending her vacation at Union Hill.
Mrs. Satie Sturgess and children, of Medina, are visiting at her father's, Mr. J. Tiler's.
"Wild Rose" and lady and Mrs. Alice Armstrong, of Palmyra, attended West Walworth I.O.G.T. Saturday evening, and were the guest of "Clover" and lady until Sunday, also the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sinsabaugh, of Ontario, the same day.
Lincoln, July 12, 1887- Mr. George Volint, of Rose, spent a few days at the Baptist parsonage last week. [Note: this is an obsolete post office address in Ontario County.]
Village and Vicinity Notes
Mr. S.N. Gallup, of Macedon, N.Y., will sail for England in a few days, by the steamship Egypt, of the Red Star Line, to attend the American exhibition in London.
Excelsior Hook & Ladder Co., of Newark, recently presented the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department with a beautiful solid gold Chief Engineer's badge, costing $28.
Mr. Vanderbilt, who took the census of Newark, thinks the number of married people there without children is without precedent. Should he perform the same office in Fairport he would be equally impressed in the opposite direction.
Vicinity and State
Port Byron has an Italian boot and shoe dealer.
Sodus is to have a new $12,000 Methodist church, $9,000 of which has already been secured.
The annual reunion of the veterans of western New York was held at Silver Lake yesterday.
Chas. B. Price, an old resident of Lyons, has been pronounced insane and taken to the Buffalo asylum.
Schuyler Wickham, a lad aged eleven years, was drowned off Sodus Point in Sodus Bay Saturday afternoon, by falling from a steamer.
While walking home, about midnight, last Friday night, John F. Genthner, of Lyons, was suddenly struck a terrific blow on the back of the head, knocking him senseless. He was not found until morning. He had been robbed of about $80.
An Old Wayne County Man.
Hon. Elvin E. Raymond, who died at his home near Portland, Oregon, last week, was a native of Wayne county, and is well remembered by many of the older residents of that locality. He was born in the town of Rose in 1828, and his career is another instance of the success a man may achieve even though balked by the most abject poverty and distressing circumstances. He was one of ten children born on one of the poorest and most discouraging farms in eastern Wayne county. His father died when young Alvin was nineteen years old, and his family was left heavily in debt. For seven years he remained at home with the family, and by his industry and good management cleared the farm from debt and left it in good condition. He then started west with only $5 in his pocket to seek his fortune. He worked as a laborer in the mines in Arizona for several years and saved every dollar possible. In 1860 he went to Idaho and later removed to Oregon. He invested in timber lands and became a very wealthy man. He was twice a member of congress and once a prominent candidate for the Republican nomination for United States senator of Oregon. His estate is valued at about $2,000,000, and he leaves a large family, several of whom are now in Europe. He has a brother and sister residing in Livingston county. - Dem. and Chron.
The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, November 28, 1895.
Chauncey Welcher, Mr. and Mrs. Ora E. Welcher and Mr. and Mrs. David Gray attended the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Bush at Newark last week.
West Walworth
West Walworth, Nov. 25- George W. Bills intends to settle in the town of Grand Sedge, Mich., and will engage in business there. Mr. and Mrs. Bills have always made this their home and will be greatly missed by our society. We wish them plenty of good luck in their new home.
The Clemans school was closed last week on account of the sickness of the teacher, Will Nephan, who lives in Ontario.
Mrs. Eliza Skinner is staying with the family of John Rapp.
The piece of land known as "thirty-five acres," which joins the west side of the H.W. Schanck farm, has been purchased by our townsman, James Cosgrove. We wonder if he will clear it up and start a cranberry crop next spring.
The wedding of Miss Hattie Barmeister of this place, to Ernest Maurer of Penfield, will take place Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford have a baby boy, who was born November 10th.
The Baptist society will hold a social at the residence of E.A. Oatman, on Friday evening, December 6th.
The entertainment which was given by some of the best local talent of East Walworth, in the Baptist church here, on Wednesday evening of last week, was very fine. All of the numbers on the program were rendered so well that it would be hard to praise one more than another. After the exercises a supper was served in the lower room of the church. $15.55 was realized, a goodly _____ (paper torn at crease).
Union services were held in the Lincoln churches on Sunday, in observance of "Temperance Day," and union Thanksgiving service will be held Thursday morning, at the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Loomis of the Baptist church, will deliver the sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hoag gave a dinner party last Wednesday, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoag from Ohio, who are visiting them. Mr. Hoag has just come from New York, wehre he exhibited a number of horses at the Horse Show.
The new physiology books for the school have just been received at Bills' store.
(Too late for last week)
We have to apologize to that "new boy" of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sass for calling him a girl, but such we were told.
M.E. Williams and Frank Welker have each lowered their wells and secured good depth of water. R.S. Kenyon has erected a wind mill on his farm.
Reports from California say that C.P. Patterson is slowly improving. He is able to ride out occasionally.
Our merchant, John Lotze, leaves this week for a short trip to Washington.
Ontario, Nov. 25- The mental condition of Jacob Albright is thought to be no better than before he was taken to the asylum, and a constant watch is kept over him. He appears to have no recollection of his ___ __atement (paper torn)to take his own life.
Lawyer Hill of Rochester, has moved into town, where he is to continue the practice of law.
B.J. Durfee is at his mill for a few days; he has discharged his miller and hired John Beaty, a more competent man, who will have charge of the mill for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harris of Webster, visited their granddaughter, at the home of L. Jennings, on Friday, November 22d.
Miss Addie Palmer from Geneva, is home for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. E.S. Smith of Buffalo, is to spend Thanksgiving with her father, B.J. West.
Mrs. Carrie Huston has returned from Buffalo to Lakeside.
Miss Mary Prest, who is an energetic teacher, for a district school, was found to be deficient in drawing and had to give up her school on the Lake road. Both scholars and parents regret her loss as she is well adapted for teaching. It may be possible that the laws in regard to the qualifications of teachers are becoming a little strained and that many children in a school district would become better scholars with fewer studies. It would surely give them a chance to become proficient in some one thing at least, instead of having a smattering of all.
And now that the Grangers are using their groceries, bought by order for the best, and "take their medicine" bravely, thinking it is dearly bought wisdom, but it is true that the American people like to be humbugged. Those agents make it a study to spread their flattery on so smoothly that when it rubs off it leaves a scar. Monroe county is now getting a daubing in the shape of their history. Why can they not learn wisdom from the experience of their Wayne county neighbors?
Area death notices from Early Settlers of New York State, Their Ancestors and Descendants, by Janet Wethy Foley, pp. 168-171.
"The following records of deaths were copied from the "Gospel Advocate" Vol. 11, published in 1831. All deaths were in 1831, in New York State. We are grateful to Miss Clara L. Wood, Idaho."
Beebee, George Henry, son of Silas and Marcia, Nov. 30, Seneca Falls, 3m.
Holmes, Peleg, early settler at Palmyra, Revolutionary soldier, July 21, 76yr. Native of Warren, Conn.
Molton, Hon. William, Major in Revolution, July 5, Butler, 77y.
Go to the excellent site Oneida County NYGenWeb - typing "Wayne" into their search
engine you'll come up with more items, including obits mentioning relatives who resided in Wayne County. Oneida County is in the Mohawk Valley
Region of New York State.
From "Vitals from the Boonville Ledger - Feb 1853 - March 1855", on
the Oneida County NYGenWeb site.
POMEROY, Charles A. of Leyden, m. Miss Sylvia A. West, of Butler, Wayne County, in Butler, Wayne County, on 21st inst., by Elder W. Guthrie (BL 3 Feb 1855)
From "Rome Citizen Death Notices in 1872", on
the Oneida County NYGenWeb site.
GRIFFEN - At Ontario, Wayne county, New York, August 24, 1872, Armenia, wife of Alexander GRIFFEN, aged 77 years, 8 months and 20 days. (RCSep06/1872)
From "Rome Citizen Death Notices in 1884", on
the Oneida County NYGenWeb site.
SMITH - Shubel SMITH, an old resident of Rome, New York, died at Walworth, Wayne county, last Friday, February 29, 1884, aged 77 years.
From "Rome Citizen Death Notices in 1888", on
the Oneida County NYGenWeb site.
CRANDALL - Delta, New York news item: News comes of the death of Mrs. Louisa S. CRANDALL, at Wayne county, New York. She was a former resident in this place and a
sister of the late Mrs. E. Hicks. (RCJan27/1888)
From "Rome Citizen Death Notices in 1887", on
the Oneida County NYGenWeb site.
LOCKWOOD - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. N. Benedict, on North Madison street in Rome, New York, Sunday, December 11, 1887, Mrs. LUCINDA LOCKWOOD, aged 69
years, of Red Creek, Wayne county. Heart difficulty, combined with other ailments was the cause of her death. She was ill about four weeks. She leaves seven children, two of whom residein this city (Rome, NY) -- Mrs. Benedict and Miss Samantha Lockwood. The funeral occurred on Tuesday (December 13, 1887), at the residence of Mr. Benedict. The remains were takento Victory, New York, for interment. (RCDec16/1887)
From "Rome Citizen Death Notices in 1888", on
the Oneida County NYGenWeb site.
BURNHAM - WILLIAM G. BURNHAM, for some time employed as clerk in the insurance office of James H. Searles, died at Canton, St. Lawrence county, New York, whither he had
gone to recuperate his failing health. Mr. Burnham was born in Vermont. He received a liberal education, and held numerous important positions before he came to Rome, NY. Aboutsix years ago he removed here from Newark, Wayne county, and entered the employ of the R.W. & O. R.R. as clerk and telegraph operator under Freight Agent Graves. Last summer,owing to failing health he left the railroad company for a short rest, and then took a position with Mr. Searles. A wife, step-mother and three brothers survive. Deceased was 46 years ofage. (RCMar02/1888)
Contributed by Laura Perkins, coordinator of
Oswego County NYGenWeb.
Utica Daily Press, Saturday, Dec. 16, 1882
State News
Tobias FORBES of Clyde, Wayne County, aged 80, whose father was a cousin of William MORGAN, of Masonic notoriety, says MORGAN was not murdered by his captors, but released upon condition of leaving the country. He went to Melbourne, Australia, and published a newspaper which, after his death, passed into the hands of his son, who may now be living.
Contributed by Laura Perkins, Coordinator of Oswego County NYGenWeb.
Source: Book, "ALS IKH KAN, OLD GIRLS OF MRS. PIATTS SCHOOL, 1870 - 1892,
Child's & Son Print, Utica, N.Y."
This was a private school, called "The Utica Female Academy", chartered in April 1837, and located in Utica, N.Y. The school was widely known as a highly creditable, educational institution, long known as the "Balliol School," a boarding and day school for young ladies, and later known as "Miss Piatt's School." The students came from all over New York, as well as other states.
Matie Gridley, Canadaigua, N.Y.
In school 1875-76
Married, Oct 4, 1882, John Gilbert Blue
Present Address, 1425 Newbury Ave., Marinette, Wis.
Helen Gridley Blue, b. April 7, '86; d. April '86
Adopted, in '89, Mary Adams Blue
*Mary Louise Roys, Lyons, N.Y.
In school 1890-'92
Rooms 51, 27 and 52
Present address, Lyons, Wayne County, N.Y.
From the original record book of the C.F. Leonard Funeral Home, Interlaken, NY (Seneca County) 1912-1918:
Name of Dec'd - Harrison DAVIS
Late Residence - Sodus
Age - 63 years
Cause of Death - Struck by LV train ( note: Lehigh Valley Railroad)
Certifying Physician - John M. Higgins
Date of Death - Sept. 14, 1913
Date of Burial - Sept. 17, 1913
Funeral at Interlaken Rooms
Place of Burial - Scotts Corner Cemetery
Place of Death - Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa.
Cost funeral expenses - $84.00
Contributed by Dorathy Hardie from the book Physicians of Wayne County.
Newell E. Landon, eldest son of Zera N. Landon and Sarah ADAMS, was born March 3d, 1852, in the village of Newark. He received his education at the Newark Union School and in October, 1872, began the study of medicine with the late Dr. Charles J. POMEROY of Newark, then one of the leading physicians of Wayne County.
In September, 1873, Dr. Landon entered the Medical Department of Columbia College, graduating March 1st, 1876. After a competitive examination he received a hospital appointment, but declined it, accepting instead a partnership with his preceptor, Dr. Pomeroy. This partnership continued for three years.
He then opened an office in Newark and after practicing two years removed to Rochester, where he practiced one and a half years, then returned to Newark where he has since resided.
Dr. Landon married Miss Mary EATON, a teacher in the Newark Union School, January 1st, 1880. Her death occurred in 1881. One child, a son, was born, who died in infancy. Dr. Landon was again married to Miss Alice D. RUSSELL, daughter of the late Capt. L. C. Russell of Port Gibson, October 20th, 1886.
The Doctor has had for many years a large and lucrative practice. He was for seven years attending physician and surgeon to "The State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-minded Women," in Newark, till the appointment of a resident physician, since then has been the consulting physician. In 1885, he was appointed surgeon for the Penn. R. R.--N. C. Division, and has also been surgeon for the W. S. R. R. since its completion.
[Note].The death of Dr. Pomeroy seemed to leave wide open a medical gap ( if I may be allowed the phrase), and as Dr. Landon was Dr. Pomeroy's attending physician, very naturally he was the one to enter and fill the same if found competent. Anyone knowing the position which Dr. Pomeroy occupied in Newark and its surrounding community cannot be ignorant of the difficulties with which one who followed him would have to contend. How well Dr. Landon has filled the "gap" one has only to feel the pulse of that community, as the writer often has, in order to know.
also on page 90 partial article--
Augustus A. Young, son of Peter J. and Catherine (SOMMERS) Young, was born November 8th, 1849, in the town of Clay, Onondaga County, N. Y. He was prepared for college in the public schools of his native town and at the Central N. Y. Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y.; was graduated B. S. from Syracuse University in 1876. In September, 1876, he matriculated in the medical department, Syracuse University, under the preceptorship of M. H. BLYNN, M. D., of Cicero, N. Y. He took the full three years graded course (obligatory) and was graduated M. D. June 25th, 1879. Since January 1st, 1880, Dr. Young has practiced medicine at Newark, N. Y. He is a member of the Wayne County Medical Society, its president in 1891, giving the annual address on "Professional Courtesy;" the Central New York Medical Association; Academy of Medicine, Syracuse, N. Y.; Honorary member of the Onondaga County Medical Society; member of the American Microscopical Society; an active member of the Masonic Fraternity; Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is medical examiner for the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, New York Life Insurance Co., Equitable Insurance Co.,---
From "The Victor Centennial: 1813-1913"; pamphlet published by the authority of the General Committee of the Celebration, August 15 - 17, 1913.
Dr. Alfred M. Mead was born at Macedon Center, N.Y., November 21st, 1856, the second son of John G. and Emma B. COOKINGHAM Mead. He attended the public schools in his native town and Madison Academy, from which he was graduated in 1876. He then entered Buffalo Medical College, and upon his graduation from that institution, in 1880, he at once began the practice of medicine in Victor. He has achieved high rank in his profession.
Dr. Mead is one of the directors of the Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua; member of Ontario County Medical Society, the Central New York Medical Society, the New York State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. He has held the office of president of the County Medical Society, and has served two terms as coroner of the county. He was a trustee of the village for several yaers and is a member of the board of Education.
From The Cazenovia Seminary Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 1, April 1930. [Note: private boarding school in Madison County.]
Names of area residents abstracted from 1929-30 student register list:
Brown, Elizabeth C. - Williamson, N.Y.
Budlong, Roselyn L. - Sodus, N.Y.
Crawford, Margaret B. - Waterloo, N.Y.
Getzler, Leonard - Macedon, N.Y. (graduated 1929)
Giebel, Martha L. - Williamson, N.Y.
Grinnell, Willard J. - Sodus, N.Y.
Mills, L. Janette - Sodus, N.Y.
Mills, Walter M. - Sodus, N.Y.
Pratt, Roswell E. - Ontario, N.Y.
Stacy, Norma L. - Alton, N.Y.
Wilkins, M. Evelyn - Wolcott, N.Y.
Wood, William H. - Red Creek, N.Y.
Finger Lakes marriages contributed by Judy Breedlove to the NYFingerLakes-L mailing list, reprinted with her permission. Judy wants everyone to know that she's researching surnames SHAFT/SHAFF, DOTY, PUTNAM, TOBY/TOBEY, WATKINS, and VAN TASSEL.
"Geneva Gazette", newspaper on microfilm (at Geneva, NY library; this is in neighboring Ontario County, NY), December 7, 1836
In this village, on the 8th of October, by Richard Hogarth, Esq., Mr. Jacob V. Shaft, of Canastota, Madison County, to Margaret Putnam, of Canajoharie, Montgomery County.
October 22, by the same, Mr. Alexander Grieve to Miss Mary Robson, both of Seneca.
October 25, by the same, Mr. Daniel Roberts to Mrs. Hannah Hurd, both of Varick.
November 3, by the same, Mr. George Goodrich to Miss Ann Larrey, both of Geneva.
November 19, by the same, Mr. George O. Peppinger to Miss Jane Sherwood, both of Geneva.
November 20, by the same, William H. Brown, of Waterloo, to Miss Eliza Sherwood, of Geneva.
November 25, by the same, Mr. Jonathon Devenport to Mrs. Sarah Estes, both of Geneva.
November 24, by the same, Mr. James C. Ross to Miss Mary Demming, both of Geneva.
December 4, by the same, Mr. George Miles to Miss Mary Mills, both of Seneca Falls.
In Manchester, on the 24th ult., Mr. Simeon Dennis to Miss Julia Ann Capron, both of that town.
Contributed by Darwina Michael to the NYFingerLakes-L mailing list, reprinted with her permission.
"Geneva Gazette", newspaper on microfilm (at Geneva, NY library; this is in neighboring Ontario County, NY), 10 March 1830
On the 3d inst. by Rev. Mr. Phelps, Mr. Horace West to Miss Susan Weiser, both of this village.
On the 4th inst. by the same, Mr. George Bedell to Miss Lucy Barber; also Mr. George Cowles to Miss Almira Barber.
In Lyons, Deacon Rastus Wilder, of Galen, to Mrs. Elizabeth Mead. In Arcadia, Eber Thorn to Emily Tharp. In Ovid, George W. Hathaway, of Milo, to Louisa McMath. In Junius, Ephraim Maynard to Ann Maria Bull; Jonathan F. B. Johnson to Sally Bull; Resin Maynard to Mary Andrews. In Phelps, Joel P. Hawks, to Eliza Norman. In Waterloo, Pratt F. Goslin to Sarah Wrily. In Sodus, John O. Kelby to Harriet Shirts.
In Lyons, Francis GLOVER, aged 56 years. In Galen, Mr. (blank) Dowe, printer, 23. In Ovid, Mary STILES, of Amsterdam, 14. In Arcadia, Sally, wife of Eleazer MIGHELLS, 34. In Albany, on the 2d, of a pulmonary disease, the Rev. John Sellon.
In New York, the 4th instant, Colonel Richard Platt, aged 76.
At his residence in Jericho L. I.; in the 82d year of his age, Elias HICKS, an eminent minister in the Society of Friends. His disorder was paralytic, of about two weeks continuance.
Suddenly, at Stratford, Con. on the 10th inst. in the 62d year of his age, Gen. Matthias NICOLL.
Contributed by Darwina Michael to the NYFingerLakes-L mailing list, reprinted with her permission.
"Geneva Gazette", newspaper on microfilm (at Geneva, NY library), 12 June 1885
Mr. Preserved COOLEY, a venerable farmer of Fayette (*Seneca Co.), aged over 80 years, died suddenly on Wednesday last while on a visit to Mrs. CLARK, a relative of our neighboring town of Seneca.
"Geneva Gazette", newspaper on microfilm (at Geneva, NY library), 19 June 1885
Bartholomew DAILY, an estimable young man, a native of Geneva, died in Jersey City at the residence of his brother, Capt. J. B. Daily, yesterday morning. His remains arrived today, and the interment will take place today in the Catholic Cemetery. Deceased was in the 24th year of his age.
Under the appropriate head will be found the announcement of the death on Wednesday night last of Mrs. Mary B. WINNIE, mother of Charles, E. M. and H. K. Winnie, young men who are well and favorably known in Geneva. Mrs. Winnie had been ill for several months yet a fatal termination was hardly anticipated. It seems, however, that such was to be, the disease from which she suffered rendering her weaker and weaker until death occurred on Wednesday night. During her residence in Geneva Mrs. Winnie had made many friends who will sympathize with the sorrowing family and relatives in their bereavement. The remains were taken to her former home in Jefferson county for interment this morning.
Wayne County NY Family Bios Section
Created: 12/6/98
Updated: 6/18/03; 4/29/13; 10/7/17; 10/13/17
Copyright © 1998 - 2013 M. Magill/ Patti Norton/ Darwina Michael/ Judy Breedlove/ Dorathy Hardie/ Laura Perkins
All Rights Reserved.