Wayne County NY School Items

Item #1 is a booklet titled "Catalogue Ontario Union School. 1895-96" Ontario, N.Y. This was a catalogue
for prospective parents and students describing courses of study. No student names but a list of
officers and the faculty.
Some general information - the Ontario Union School was said to be situated on the Ridge Road midway between
the villages of Ontario and Ontario Center, Lake Ontario to the north, surrounded by the fruit belt. Courses
of study were available for Grades 1 - 9, including preparation for a State Normal School, music, and commercial business.
The cost of attendance was $12 per term of twenty weeks.
Board of Education |
J.S. Brandt, M.D. |
C.R. Harris | W. Payne |
G.H. Klock | J.D. Pratt |
R. Johnson | T.J. Peer, M.D. |
B.H. Hoag | George H. Brown |
Officers |
J.S. Brandt, M.D. | President |
W. Payne | Clerk |
J.C. Howk | Treasurer |
F.S. Risley | Collector |
Standing Committee |
On Text Books | J.S. Brandt, T.J. Peer, J. Pratt |
"On Repairs | G.H. Klck, P.F. Osborne, J.D. Pratt |
On Printing | R. Johnson, B.H. Hoag, W. Payne |
On Library | J.S. Brandt, J.D. Pratt, P.F. Osborne |
Faculty |
M.H. Bigelow | Principal (Latin, Greek Methods, Mathematics) |
Miss S. Ida Pintler | Preceptress (History, Grammar, German, Civil Government) |
Miss Edith E. Eaton | Grammar Department |
Miss Jennie E. Bills | Intermediate Department |
Mrs. Anna G. Putnam | Primary Department |
M.H. Bigelow | Librarian |
H.E. Vanderveer | Attendant Officer |
Rev. G.W. Newman | Special Business Court |

Item #2 is the little program "Commencement Exercises. Macedon Academy. Friday Evening, June 17th, 1887."
Class of '87 |
Lena R. Anthony |
William R. Greenwood |
Minnie B. Hadden |
George Metcalfe |
Mina C. Packard |
Reuben A. Reeves |
Prayer | Rev. F.H. Gates |
Oration | Wm. R. Greenwood |
Essay | Lena R. Anthony |
Oration | George Metcalfe |
Essay | Mina C. Packard |
Oration | Reuben A. Reeves |
Essay, with valedictory | Minnie B. Hadden |
Music | Nellie J. Leupolz |
Poem | Eugene Anthony |
History | Edwin W. Burton |
Prophecy | Jennie S. Packard |
Item #3 is a program for a "Public Reception of the Alpha Theta Society, Macedon Academy, Friday Evening, Nov. 8, 1872,"
printed by the Press of Curtis, Morey & Co., Rochester, N.Y. This was a presentation of student literary oration, debate, and singing.
Macedon Academy also had boarding students. Half of the students participating on this occasion came from the Mohawk Valley Region.
This program will be donated to the Office of the County Historian.
Prayer | Rev. I. H. Kellogg |
Salutatory | G. T. Cone, Lincoln |
Essay "When my ship comes in" | Frank McClure, Allegany |
Declamation- "The Doctor and his Pupil" | Charles Parker, Macedon Centre |
Vocal Solo, "Strangers Yet" | Marion Foster, Herkimer |
Recitation- "Abraham Davenport" | Georgie Howland, Macedon Centre |
"Resolved that there are indications of the downfall of the American Republic." |
Aff.- E. B. Mitchell, Remsen | Neg.- R. Morris, Remsen |
Music | By the Glee Club |
Recitation- Francaise La Réveil | Marion Foster, Herkimer |
The Palladium | Emma Salisbury, Norway |
Music | Spreading a Rumor |
Oration- Political Corruption | E. B. Mitchell, Remsen |
Valedictory- Light | Kate Coffin, Newport |
Music | Hark I hear the Organ's Peal |
Winter Term Commences Dec'r 11th, 1872 |
Item #4 is a photo of the restored Marbletown Schoolhouse in Arcadia, taken by area resident Deb Page-Parker in August 2000. One-room wood or brick schoolhouses such as this one (built in 1876) dotted Wayne County's countryside in the 19th century. A few were still in use into the 20th century.

Photo © 2000 Deb Page-Parker. All Rights Reserved.
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Created: 10/1/2000
Last Revision: 10/26/06
Wayne County NYGenWeb
Marbletown Photos Copyright © 2000 - 2011 Deb Page-Parker
All Rights Reserved.