Last Will and Testament/Proof of Will for Joseph Ferris [1807-1884]
Joseph was the oldest of the 9 children of Leonard and Betsy Ryan Ferris. Joseph was born
in Dutchess County [most likely the area that is now Putnam County] NY.
I, Joseph Ferris, of the town of Savannah, in the County of Wayne, and State of New York, of the
age of 67 years and upwards, being of sound mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my
Last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say:
First, I direct my executors, herein after named, to sell and convert into money all the real and
personal property of which I may die seized or possessed and I direct and authorized them to sell
the same upon such terms of credit as they may deem for best advantage to my estate and I authorize
and empower my said the executors to execute all necessary deeds of conveyance of my said real
estate to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and to take such bonds and mortgages for the
purchase money as they may think best, using their own discretion as to time to be given for
purchase price, to the end that the list price may be obtained and out of the avails of such
sales of personal property and real estate I direct my said executors to first pay all my
just debts, funeral expenses and expense of selling my estate.
Second, I give and bequeath to such of the children of my deceased son Washington Ferris as
shall be living at the time of my decease the sum of two thousand dollars to be divided equally
between them by my said executors, share and share alike, and I direct my said executors to
pay such sum to them from the avails of the property herein directed to be sold.
Third, I give and bequeath to my daughter Julia Sweet, wife of Vaughn Sweet, the sum of two
thousand dollars and I direct my executors, herein after named, to pay the said sum to her from
the avails of the property herein before directed to be sold and should my daughter Julia
Sweet not survive me, then the said sum shall be paid to her heirs, share and share alike.
Fourth, I given bequeath to my son O'Connell Ferris, now residing in the state of Michigan,
the sum of two thousand dollars, and I direct my executors, herein after named, to pay the
sum to him from the avails of the property herein directed to be sold and should my said son
not survive me, then the said sum shall be paid to his heirs, share and share alike.
Fifth, I give and bequeath to my daughter Dolly Jane Davis, wife of John Davis, the sum of
two thousand dollars, and I direct my executors, herein after named, to pay the same to her
from the avails of the sale of my said real and personal property, and should my said daughter
not survive me, then the said sum shall be paid to her heirs, share and share alike.
Sixth, I give and bequeath to my son Nelson Ferris, the sum of two thousand dollars and I
direct my executors, herein after named, to pay the same to him from the avails of my real
and personal property, herein directed to be sold and should my said son not survive me, I
direct said sum to be paid to his heirs, share and share alike.
Seventh, should any sum be left after paying the debts, legacies and sums herein before
directed to be paid, I give and bequeath the same as follows: one sixth part thereof to
such of the children of my said deceased son Washington Ferris, as shall be living at the
time of my death, divided between them share and share alike; and the remaining five sixths
to my children Julia Sweet, Sarah Hall, O'Connell Ferris, Dolly Jane Davis and Nelson Ferris
to be divided between them, share and share alike and should any of my said children not
survive me, his or her share under this clause shall be paid to his or her heirs, share and
share alike, and I direct my executors to make such payment.
Eighth, should any of my children desire to purchase the homestead where I now reside, it
is my will that they have the preference over others desiring to purchase at the same terms.
I have omitted to give my daughter, Sarah F. Hall as much as my other children because I had
given more than the sum here in named for each of them to her and her husband in the sale, to
them, of a farm this year.
Lastly, I nominate and appoint my son O'Connell Ferris and my sons-in-law Vaughn Sweet and
Aaron F. Hall executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I revoke all former wills by
me ever made.
In Testimony Whereof I have to this my Last Will and Testament written upon two sheets of paper
subscribed my name and affixed my seal this Second day of November, 1874.
Joseph Ferris
The written and foregoing instrument was at the date thereof subscribed by Joseph Ferris the
testator herein named and by him declared to be his Last Will and Testament in our presence and
here upon we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other sign our names
as witnesses hereto this Second day of November, 1874.
Geo. O Baker Residing at Clyde
J. Vandenburg Residing at Clyde
NOTE: This document is hand written, and was obtained from the Wayne county Historian, Wayne
County, New York.
In the matter of Proving the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Ferris, late of the town of
Savannah, in the county of Wayne, deceased.
COUNTY OF WAYNE, ss: Geo. O Baker of the town of Galen in the county of Wayne, being duly
sworn and examined before Hon. Thaddeus W. Collins, Surrogate of the said County of Wayne,
deposeth and saith that he was well acquainted with Joseph Ferris in his lifetime, and was
present and saw the said Joseph Ferris subscribe his name at the end of the instrument in
writing now produced and shown to deponent, bearing date the second day of November, 1874
purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Joseph Ferris, deceased. That
the said Joseph Ferris at the time he so subscribed it, declared the said instrument to be
his last will and testament, and requested this deponent and John Vanderburg, each one to
subscribe their names as witnesses to the execution thereof.
Thereupon, this deponent and said John Vanderburg in obedience to said request, accordingly
subscribed their names as witnesses at the end of said instrument, in presence of said Joseph
Ferris and of each other. This deponent further saith, that the said Joseph Ferris at the time
he so executed the said will was a citizen of the United States, an inhabitant of the County of
Wayne, of full age, of sounded disposing mind and memory, in all respects competent to make a
will, and not under any restraint. And that the said will now appears in all respects as when
so executed, without any alteration, obliteration or erasure whatsoever.
Sworn this 7th day of April, 1884, before me,
T. W. Collins, Surrogate
[signature] |
Geo. O. Baker
[signature] |
COUNTY OF WAYNE, ss: John Vanderburg of the town of Galen in the county of Wayne, being duly
sworn and examined before Hon. Thaddeus W Collins, Surrogate of the said County of Wayne,
desposeth and saith, that he was well aquainted with Joseph Ferris in his lifetime, and was
present and saw the said Joseph Ferris subscribe his name at the end of the instrument in
writing now produced and shown to this deponent, bearing date the second day of November,
1874, purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Joseph Ferris, deceased.
That the said Joseph Ferris at the time he sells subscribe did declared the said instrument
to be his last will and testament and requested this deponent and one Geo. OBaker, to subscribe
their names as witnesses to the execution thereof.
Thereupon, this deponent and said Geo. OBaker the in obedience to said request, accordingly
subscribe their names as witnesses at the end of said instrument, in the presence of the said
Joseph Ferris and of each other. This deponent further saith, that the said Joseph Ferris at
the time he so executed the said will was a citizen of the United State, an inhabitant of the
County of Wayne, of full age, of sound disposing mind and memory, in all respects competent to
make a will, and not under any restraint. And that the said will, now appears in all respects
as when so executed, without any alteration, obliteration or erasure whatsoever.
Sworn this 7th day of April, 1884, before me.
T. W. Collins, Surrogate
[signature] |
John Vanderburg
Here is an estate document on another of the Ferris Brothers, second child of Leonard and Sarah Elizabeth Ryan Ferris. William was blind [cause unknown] and did not marry until "middle age".
Affidavit To Exempt Estates From Fees
In the matter of the Estate of William Ferris, late of Savannah in the County of Wayne, Deceased.
Wayne County
Joseph Ferris of the town of Marion in the County of Wayne, being duly sworn says that he is a legal applicant for business to be done before the Surrogate of Wayne County in relation to the estate of William Ferris, late of the town of Savannah in said County of Wayne deceased, that is to say; for Letter of Administrations on the Estate of the deceased.
And the deponent further says that in his judgment the real and personal estate of the said deceased, will not exceed in value the sum of five hundred dollars, over and above the payment of the debts of the said deceased, and articles of said estate exempt from appraisal.
Joseph Ferris
Sworn this 28th day of April 1862, before me.
Stephen B Pound
The petition of Joseph Ferris respectfully showeth:
That William Ferris died at Savannah in said county on or about the twentieth day of February, 1862:
That the said William Ferris was an inhabitant of the said County of Wayne at or immediately previous
to his death: That no last will and testament of the said deceased has been found or discovered, to
the knowledge of your petitioner, and your petitioner believes that the said William Ferris died intestate: That your petitioner has, to the best of his ability, estimated and ascertained the value of the personal property of which the said deceased died possessed, and that the same does not exceed the sum of about three hundred dollars:
That the said intestate left a widow, Anna Ferris whose renunciation is hereto annexed and left next of kin whose names and places of residence are as follows: whose renunciation is hereto annexed: Leonard Ferris the father of the said deceased, your petitioner, and Margaret Betts, the wife of Riel Betts of Savannah aforesaid, Nelson Ferris, John A Ferris and Louisa Hawes, the wife of Elijah Hawes of St. Joseph County, Indiana, Richard Ferris of Cheshire, in the County of Allegan, Michigan, Ellen J Carkenord, the wife of John Carkenord of St. Joseph County, Michigan, who are brothers and sisters of the said deceased.
Your petitioner further showeth, that he is of full age; and prays that letters of Administration be granted to him of the goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased.
And your petitioner will ever pray, &c.
Dated this 28th day of April, 1862
Joseph Ferris
Stephen B Pound
Notary Public for Wayne County
We, Anna Ferris, widow of William Ferris, late of the town of Savannah deceased, and Leonard Ferris, father of said deceased, do hereby renounce our respective rights to Letters of Administration on the estate of said deceased, & request you to appoint Joseph Ferris, the brother of said deceased, administrator of his estate and give letters of administration to him accordingly.
Savannah, March 17, 1862
Robert Brown [signature]
Hugh Boyd [signature] |
Anna X Ferris
Leonard Ferris
County of Wayne SS: Robert Brown, being duly sworn says that the foregoing renunciation was signed by Anna Ferris and Leonard Ferris by making their mark to the same in the presence of this deponent and the said Hugh Boyd, respectfully subscribe their names hereto as witnesses to the execution thereof.
Sworn this 28th day of April, 1862, before me, Robert Brown
Stephen B Pound
Notary Public for Wayne County
NOTE: There were no other Renunciation documents included in this packet.
Both William Ferris and Joseph Ferris are buried in the Pilgrim's rest Cemetery, as are two other Ferris siblings--Leonard Ferris, Jr. and Margaret Sarah Ferris Betts.
Nelson Ferris, & his wife Sallie Weeks Ferris are buried at the Mishawaka City Cemetery in Mishawaka, St Joseph Co., IN.
Other Ferris siblings are:
Richard Ferris, buried at Pearson Cemetery, Allegan Co., MI [with wife Hannah Milburn Ferris]
John Allen Ferris [with wife Amy Jane Reynolds] are both buried at the Pearson Cemetery, Allegan Co., MI. John was a private in the 87th IN Vol Infantry in the Civil War.
Ellen Jane Ferris Carkenord [husband John Carkenord/Carkner] are buried at St Edward's Cemetery, Mendon, St. Joseph Co., MI. [These are my 4th great grandparents].
Louisa Ferris Hawes is buried at the Pearson Cemetery, Allegan Co., MI. Her husband, Elijah Hawes is buried at the Riverside Cemetery in Kalamazoo, MI. Elijah was a private in the 3rd MI Vol Cav in the Civil War and was from the town of Conquest in Cayuga Co, NY.