Surnames H, I, J

The Coordinators and Editors of Wayne County GenWeb are proud to host the online presentation of the index to THE definitive book on Wayne County, N.Y. - Professor W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, New York", originally printed in 1877. We'd first like to extend our deepest appreciation to the staff of the Office of the County Historian for allowing our Town of Rose Editor, Frank Dennis, to prepare their index for online presentation. In turn our gratitude is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis for their many hours spent scanning, typing, proof-reading and converting this very long index.

The warm cooperation between our volunteer project and the Office of the County Historian is mutually beneficial. If you find persons mentioned on this index of interest to you, please contact the Office of the County Historian. However, we've been advised that before they can conduct any lookups or research or make copies, you MUST request from them an authorization form first. Since there is a fee for doing research, they need to know the maximum research hours you will pay for before starting research for you. If you need further information, contact the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County.

McIntosh, Prof. W. H., 1877. "History of Wayne County, New York; with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of Highest Ability, 1789-1877". Everts, Ensign, & Everts, Philadelphia. 1877. (Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1976)

The original volume contained a table of contents but no index. In 1976 the Wayne County HIstorian's Office prepared an index to the names of persons mentioned in the book. This index was computer-scanned to allow posting on the Wayne County GenWeb. The original index, in double-column format, has been converted to single column format. Although it has been checked for errors in "translation", some undoubtedly remain. If readers find such errors, please call them to our attention.

Certain pages contain many names because lists of Civil War veterans or of patrons who supported publication of the book occur there. Veterans are listed for Arcadia (pp. 74-76), Butler (pp. 79-80), Galen (pp. 90-92), Huron (pp. 95-96), Lyons (pp. 112-114), Macedon (p. 120), Marion (pp. 125-126), Ontario (pp. 131-132), Palmyra (pp.151-153), Rose (p. 159), Savannah (pp. 163-164), Sodus (pp. 181-183), Walworth (pp. 187-188), Williamson (p. 192-193), and Wolcott (p. 204). Patrons are listed by township on pp. 210-216. Pages with numbers followed by letters (A,B,C) contain biographical information about individuals and their families; additional biographies are on pp. 205-209.

Frank Dennis
Town of Rose Editor
Wayne County NYGenWeb

Hackett, George 75; Gideon 185, 187; John 210; Miles 210; Mrs. Gideon 187

Hackrietz, Robert 112

Haddon (Hadden), Charles 160; Rev. T.B. 187

Hadley, J.A. 145; Jonathan 106; Prof. 85

Hadsell (Hadsall), Dorcas 125; Ira 213; Wm. 123

Hagen, Aaron 211

Hagerman, Charles 69; James 75

Hague, Frank 202

Hahn. Geo. 111

Haight, Cornelia 107; John 68

Hale (Haile), A. 40; Alfred 41, 98, 100, 101, 106B, 116, 211; A.S. 111; Henry 143; Isaac 150; James 80; Joel 41; Lavina Geer 116; Mr. 103, 200; Mrs. Alfred 106B; Nathaniel 19,93

Haley, Mike 91

Hall, Aaron 161, 162, 164, 208C; Albert, 208C; Amasa 43, 123; Ambrose 43, 66; Amos 37; Benjamin 77, 161; Edwin, 120: Eldon 208C; Elias 78, 161; Franklin 91; Harriet 208C; Henry, 208C: Hubbard 141; Isaac 79; James 208C, 216; Joel 64, 123; John 106, 187, 214; Joseph 106, 110, 123; Josiah 176; Joshua 78, 161; Leed 123; Lillian 208C; Louise, 208C; L.W. 213; Lydia 208C; Martha 208C; Mary 208C; Mary Southwick 208C; M.M. 45; Peter, 78, 161; Phila Mosher 208C; Rev. Leander 119; Sarah Lyon, 208C; Spencer 78, 161; Stores 164; Thomas 78, 152, 161; H. 42; Warren, 123; Wesley 208C; William 91, 174, 212

Hallack, Nathan 130

Hallett, Charles l73; H. 91; Jacob 33, 192; John 43; Judge 172; J.W. 189, 190, 191; Mrs. J. H. 191

Halliday, Chauncey 114B; Mary 114B

Halsey, Jesse 211

Halstead (Halsted), John 64; Reuben 152

Hamer, John 212

Hamilton, A.S. 125; B.W. 203; Charles 163, 164; David 161; Hattie 79; Thomas 139

Hamlin (Hamblin), Edward 120; George 154; Georgie Delamater 154; H.W. 91; Hubbard, 162; Leonard 193; Rev. 186; William 161

Hamlinck, D.F. 182

Hamm (Ham), Fred. 111; John 187

Hammond (Hamman), Isaac 89, 199, 216; Levi 91; William 213

Hampsen (Hampson, Hampton), Hudson 152; John 46, 87

Hanby, page 171; Charles 171, 182, 214; Joseph 182

Hance, Abraham 118; Benjamin 118, 192; John 193; Margaret 215; Samuel 118, 193; Sarah 146; Thomas 118, 119

Hanchett, David 177; Kate 108; N. 211; Manly 99

Hancock, Amy 95

Hand, Abner 83; Nathan 159

Handley (Hanly, Hanley), Hannah 213; Henry 91; Thomas 152

Hanes, William 80

Haney, William 158

Hanford, John 90; Stephen 91

Hanna (Hannah), Charles 120; Jas. 113

Hano, John 41, 202; Mr. 103

Happing, Sidney 158

Harbertson, John 214

Hard(s), Arthur 126; Michael 113

Harden, Edwin 120; James 42; J.B. 215

Hardenburgh, John 15

Harder, John 71

Harding, Abby 125; Abel 123; David 122, 123, 125, 191; Jesse 123; Micajah 123, 124,191; Sally 125; William 123

Hardrick, Aaron 83

Hardy, J.W. 136B, 154, 213; Rev. G.M. 131

Hare, Noah 119, 211

Harford, Charles 25

Harkness, Dr. 165; Edson 132; John 123; Leveritt 123: R. 122; Roswell 123; Seth 123; William 123, 212

Harland, James 40

Harlow, A. J. 47

Harmon (Harman), Alfred 91; Alpheus 19, 156, 198; Daniel 143, 159; D.B. 140B, 148B, 157, 213; George 109; Jacob 215; John 69, 77; Peter 158; William, 91, 158

Harmsley, Dorcas 169; Juliette 169

Harper, Albert 96; Alexander 96; Lorenzo 91

Harrimon, Mr. 72

Harrington (Herington), Amos 41,105; Daniel 160,161; Dorr 75; D.T. 75; Eugene 75; Galusha 175; Henry 145; Ira 161; James 120,211; Jeremiah 177; John 161; Mr. 77; Nehemiah 161; Peter 161; Rev. 148,171,187; S. 38; T. 100; Theophilus 161; Thomson 41,103,109; W. 120

Harris, A. 164; A.H. 132; Alpheus 134; Charles 132; Edgar 132; Elisha, 174; Erastus 164; Henry 91, 132; James 132, 187; John 15, 20, 113; Martin 135, 150; Marvin 47; Nathan 135, 139, 141; Oscar 188; O.W. 69; Preserved 150; Rhoda, 139; Robert 182; Seth 123; Solon 132, 152; Wm. 126

Harrison, page 65; Chandler 152; George 134, 137, 140, 213; H. 213; Jared 43; John 40; J.T. 210; Rev. T. 88, 125

Harse, William 152

Harst, Charles 159

Hart (Heart), Catherine 168; Daniel 167, 168, 176, 177, 191; David 152; Freeman 192; Henry 214; Horace 75; Mr. 47; Silas 142; Thomas 89; Truman 43, 66; William 47,113

Harth, David 113

Hartman, Benjamin 99,113; Stephen 110

Hartnagle, George 111

Hartwell, John 40,85

Harvey, Clement 170, 214; Dan 178: David 171; Edward 214; Elsey Lockwood 206; George 75; Henry 206; Mary Lockwood, 206; Truman 206

Harwood, Mrs. 135; R.M. 119; Webb 18,19,35, 117,119.134,135; William 134

Haskell, D.152; Daniel 75; Darius 91,113

Hasketh, Robert 152

Haskins, J.G. 125; Rev. 170

Hasselback, Simon 113

Hastings, Orlando 45

Hatch, Elvira 66A; O.T. 91; Whitford 191

Hathaway, Isaac 126, 134, 135; Joseph 99, 101, 102, 166, 167, 176, 178; Salmon 141, 142; Thomas 15, 175; Washington 126

Hattler, G.M. 111

Haven(s), Eldridge 138B; J. 212

Hawk(s), page 175; Rev. C.S. 148A

Hawkins, Alfred 75; Thomas 75; T.V. 152; William 179, 182

Hawley (Howley), page 201; Aaron 216; Anna 212; James 43; Jesse 45; John 175; Rev. Charles 72, 109, 170; Thomas 91,102,106; Wm. 204, 216

Hawthorne, page 209

Hay(s), Alexander 100, 110; John 69

Haybord, Garry 187

Hayden (Heydon), H.K. 69; Richard 164

Hayes, E.W. 69; Mrs. 72; Rev. Chas. 72

Haynes (Haines), John 109; Simeon 100

Hayward, Alfred 182; Joseph 143; Mehitable 169; Mrs. Josiah 174; Phineas 169

Haywood, Elbert 80; Geo.152

Hazen, Brothers 98, 99, 114B; L. 106; Marcellus 152

Head, C.P. 71

Heath, Clark 152; Daniel 152; David 152; Henry 152,193; Isaac 152; William, 75

Heck, Augustus 182; Wm. 113,182

Heckman, Rev. J.H. 192

Hecox, Catherine 106A; Charles 102, 113; Cyrus 100,102: Franklin 113; Mr. 68; Rev. William 172; Samuel 41, 100, 102, 104 ,105, 106A; Susan 106A; Susan Stafford 106A; William 106A

Hedden; Peter 91

Hefner (Efner), Thomas 89; William 106

Heitz, Daniel 75; Philip 75

Held, John 152

Helling, W.P. 72

Helmer, Oliver 160,164

Helms (Helmes), page 94; Captain 78: Celia 93; Lydia Mohaz 93; Thomas 19, 93, 201; William 19, 93

Heminway (Hemingway), F. 41; Truman 43, 143, 145, 148

Hendee (Handee), Alvah 141, 143; Alvin 135, 137; Mary Wilcox 135, 137

Henderbesch, G. 75

Henderson, Albert 152; Edwin 152; Gideon 156

Hendrick(s) (Hendrix), A.W. 186; David 202; Edgar 91; Horace 42; John 69; Melinda 204A; Peter 91

Hendrickson, Mr. 201

Henion, Oliver l26

Henneberger, P. 111

Henry, William 182

Hensler (Henslee), J. Madison 202

Herbert, Mr. 137

Herendeen, C.B. 121, 211; Durfee 209; Elizabeth 186A, 209; Hulda Dillingham 209; Joshua 25; Nary Lapham 121; Mary Smith 209; Mercy 186A, 209; Nathan 209: Welcome 186A, 209; Willits 118

Hergot, John 152

Hermans (Heermans), G. 99; Miss 107: R. 211; Rev. Charles 186; Rev. Louis 186

Hermenet (Hermet, Harmonett), Jacob 193; John 120

Herrick, C.C. 211; S.S. 41: Stephen 104

Hersey, Clarence 145

Hesinger. (Hessinger, Hessenter), Jake 193; Lawrence 109; Lydia 109; Mr. 100

Heslor (Hessler), Marion 125; M.M. 212

Hewitt (Hewett), Daniel 120, 152: John 26; Samuel 40

Hibbard (Hebard), Augustus 152; Calvin 132; D.B. 213: Ezra 152; E.G. 209; Lucius 199; Marcia 66A; P.V. 213; Rev. 171; Thos. 152; William 152

Hickey, Edward 75; Geo. 152; Jacob 75,152; Michael 152; Thomas 89: William 75

Hickok (Hickox), Eugene 157; Hannah 78A; Moses 158; Mrs. A.E. 157; Rev. Burton 148; W.F. 157; Wm. 42, 157, 159

Hicks, Alfred 96; Judson 126; Levi 187; Lewis 96; Orrin 212; Warren 132

Higby, Elisha 40

Higgins, Alasco 193; Charity 169; Charles, 176; David 178; Harriet 169; James 152; Lemuel 169; William 187

Higham, Robert 46,47

Hilbam, G.H. 73

Hildebrandt, Abraham 182

Hill(s), Abner 19, 117, 119, 139; Boughton 187 Brown 130A; Captain 103; Charles, 172, 192A; Cynthia 130A; David 16; Dr. J.D. 121; Elias 175; Erastus, 91; Esbon 75; Esther Lapham 121; F.A. 41,213; Francis 130A; Frank 126; George 69; H. 212; Hezekiah 130, 130A, 131, 188: H.G. 54; Horace 132; Ira 118; James 185;: Joab 64; John 132; Jonathan 185, 191; Lyman 79; Marvin 213; Mary Waters 192A; Mrs. Hezekiah 130A; Munson 152; Noadiah 176; A. 212; Pamelia Strickland 130A, 188; Parley 126; Patrick 113; Peter 110; Rev. George 110; Riley 130A; Rosina, Roxey 130A; S.C. 107, 113; Silas, 152; Sylvester 73, 113;Ward 130A;William 113, 126, 130A, 152.

Hiller, Jacob 193; William 91

Hillet, Andrew 167

Hilliard (Hillard), Thomas 113

Hilts, Peter 159

Hinckley (Hinkley), Ezekiel 75; Gilbert 19, 185

Hines (Hinds), John 204; Robert 137

Hinman, Corp. 53; Elihu 1h6; Emma 108; J.W. 89; N.R. 193

Hinolf, James 215

Hirst, Charles 202

Hisecote (Hiserote), Allen 75, 182

Hislop (Hys1op), John 152, 213; Myron 152; William 152

Hitchcock, B.F. 215; E.K. 169, 177, 184B, 214; J.C. 209; B. R. 170

Hoag, Francis 120, 187; H.H. 118; Hiram 187; Jefferson 216; John 120, 187; Rev. Wilber 209

Hobbs, Elizabeth Fowler 206C; Rev. Warren 206C

Hocknell (Hockwell), Richard 113

Hodge(s), Alice 131; Frederick 75,113; Isaac 130; I.Z. 213; James 182; J.Z. 131; Mary 80B; William 113, 182, 187; Zebedee 129, 130, 131

Hodgson, F.D. 71; William 75

Hoeltzel (Hoetzel), Geo. 113; Henry 182

Hoff (Huff), J.W. 213; M.A. 102, 111, 211; Nelson 113

Hoffman (Huffman), Edmund 80; Franklin 80, 164; Henry 91; Jacob 113; John 152; Joseph 47; Moses 96; Mr. 118; Mrs. H.M. 116B, 211; S.D. 158; V. 91

Hogaboom (Hogoboom, Hoagboom), R.209; Robert 74, 149

Hogan, Ashley 162,200B; Chester 161; Josephine 200B; Julia 200B: Lovina 200B; Polly 200B; Polly Monroe 200B; Rev. Ira 200B, 203, 216; Rev. J.H. 173; Rhoda 200B

Hogarth, Rev. William 203

Holaday, Rev. 158

Holbrook, Ephraim 186; J.R. 159

Holcomb, Alfred 75: Chester 170; Chloe, 168; Ed. 193; Harmon 182; Harrison 89; Henry 182; John 167, 168, 169, 174, 175, 176, 177, 189; Mary 89; Mrs. F.J. 71; Rev. 72, 131

Holden, J. 191

Holdridge, Ambrose 80; Andrew 160, 163, 164; Martin 164

Holl, Christian 111

Hollenbeck, David 164; Harriet 214; Rev. Garret 170; T.H. 75

Holley, John 43, 103, 107, 113; M. 102; Myron, 24, 33, 34, 36, 40, 43, 44, 45, 102, l04, 106, 109; Orville 38, 106; Sally 109; Sarah House 33; Thomas 164

Holling, Amanda Cogswell 128; Andrew 190, 196: J. 126; Mrs. Andrew 190; W.G. 126; William 190, 212; W.J. 124, 128

Hollister, Seymour 177; S.W. 172

Hollowday, John 94

Holmes, Burrow 79, 158; D.G. 186; George 152; I.S. 212; John 140: Mr. 103; Mrs. Harriet 213; Myron 176, 177, 178; Nathaniel 185; Robert 100; S.D. 41, 113

Holton (Halton, Haltroon), Frank, 132

Holtz, L. 111

Holzworth (Holzswarth), Andrew 111; August 73

Homer, Rev. Charles 72

Hone, William 173

Honley, Thomas 91

Hood, James 84

Hooker, Chas. 193; Frank 120; Thos. 113, 132; Zina 86

Hooper, Nicholas 101

Hoops, Major 20

Hoover, Michael 75

Hope, Mary Ann 212

Hopkins, Aaron 198; Almon 164; B.J. 213; Cassius 132; Crosby 69; Daniel, 203; D.S. 54; Freeman 19, 129, 130; Horace 166; James 168, 176, 177; Hedediah 137; John 137, 138, 178, 182; M. 43, 140, 152, 213; Mehitable 115; Melissa 130; Mr. 186; Murganzy 132; Rev. Daniel 147; Samuel 17l; Stephen 136, 171; Thomas 85, 168; Townley 176; W.A. 210; William, 136, 138

Hopkinson, James 152

Hopp, John 214; Matthias 182

Hoppen (Hoppin), Aaron 78; Isaac 201

Hopper, Isaac 201

Hor, Zenas 174

Horn(e), Charles 159; Dr. James 86, 157, 158; George 91; William 159

Hornby, page 190; John 20

Horton, page 137,143; Barney 134; Cornelius 67; Dr. 201; G.G. 69; Harvey 186; James 75; John 75; Robert 131; T.F. 69

Hosford, David 211; Elder 110; J.D. John 211; Rev. Isaac 79

Hosilton, Asil 186; Joab 186

Hosmer, Martin 126; Timothy 167; William 109

Hoste, A. 215

Hotchkiss, Calvin 102B, 107; David 71, 142, 143; H.G. 41, 98, 100, 211; Hiram 102B; James 125; Leman 102B; Mary Ashley 102B; Mr. 67, 104; Mrs. H.G. 99; Rev. 170

Houck, J.C. 131, 213

Hough, Azel 79; James 203; Mr. 103; Nelson 113; Wm. 38, 106

Houghtaling (Houghteling), W.H. 211

Houghton, O.A. 203; Rev. R. 158; Royal 79, 202, 203

House, Eleazer 83; John 33; Rev. Elisha, 187, 209; Sarah 33; Wm. 178

Houston (Hustin), Francis 132; H.H. 47

Hovey, A.J. 110; H. 102; Hiram 111; Mr. 169; N. 86; Rev. Jonathan 95; Solomon 37

Howard, page 64; Henry 126,158,159; Ira 185; James 83; John 152,159; Luther 145; O.R. 109; R.M. 210; William 210

Howcroft, George 176; Robert 171

Howe(s), Andrew 142; Charles 210; Elijah 156; George 91; Joel 191; Joseph 185, 186; Melvin 131; Melvina 131; Nathan 187; Orin 159; Rev. Charles 119; Sylvester 131; William 120

Howell, page 136; Alfred 152; Elizabeth 122; Eunice 138; Gaius 64; George 192; Gideon 126; Gilbert 62, 65, 138, 141, 176, 177; Isaac 137, 138; Jacob 209; Jonah 137, 138, 139, 140, 142; Judge 29; Mr. 65, 202; Nathaniel 24, 32, 33, 36, 40; Oscar 123; Seth 62, 137, 138; T.M. 36; Vernon 126; Z. 123

Howland, A.H. 187; Allen 42; Charles 75; George 66

Howler, David 91

Hoxie, Benjamin 119; George 120; John, 132; Orrin 182; William 120

Hoy, Robert 113

Hoyt, Asil 187; David 143; Evelyn 80; George 89; Mr. 142; Myron 187; Oscar 80; Rhoda 187

Hubbard (Hubbart), Bethiah 78A; Charles 91, 164; Isaac 152; Orestes 77; William 88

Hubbell, James 140, 209; Rev. Lucas 109; Walter 33, 40

Huber, Michael 75

Huberghtson, Jacob 193

Hudson, page 136, 190; Charles 69, 144; David 176; Enos 113, 159; Rev. James 173; Samuel 41, 69, 140, 209; T.B. 109; Wm. 98

Huestin, Jacob 112

Huestis, J. 74; Jonathan 172

Huggins, James 124; Morrison 124; Thankful 125; Zadoc 123, 125, 128

Hughson, A.P. 69; Benjamin 179, 182; Clement 178; Geo. 113; Horace 75

Hulbert (Halbert), Charles 118; Geo. 113; K.T. 113; Mr. 37

Hulett (Hewlett), Silas 174; S.P. 164B, 214; William 41, 109

Hull, page 102; Andrew 103; Elias 99, 104, 175, 178; Frank 91

Hullings, Lawrence 75

Humbert, Catharine 111; George 111

Humeston (Humiston), Artemus 86; James 43, 82, 84, 88

Hummel, Christian 111

Humphrey, A.D. 86; A.P. 202B; Arnold 202B; Charles 18; Elder 168; Harriet 202B; Hepzibah 202B; Lafayette 91; Oliver 18; Otis 152; Rosanna Mills, 202B; Samuel 202B; William 202B

Hunn, Parson 166; Rev. Zadoc 33, 34; Samuel 156, 158

Hunt, page 168; A. 113; Mr. 201; Rev. T. Dwight 170, 184; T. 73; W.A. 86, 210; William 83, 84A, 87, 120, 152, 161; W.S. 89, 210

Hunter, General 58; John 47; Jonathan 108, 109; Mr. 47; Robert 113; T. 113

Huntington, George 45

Huntley, Malcolm 202

Huor, Cyrus 106

Hupgood, George 79

Hurd (Hind), George 159, 182; Lovell 141, 143; Norman 159, 182; Wm. 47, 159, 164, 182

Hurlburt (Hurlbert, Hurlbut), page 142; B.F. 45; John 134, 139, 141; Mr. & Mrs. 147; Moses 106; S.W. 173; Thomas 91

Hurley, Mr. 185; Mrs. Jesse 130

Hurter, Burkhart 159,202

Hurterbice (Hurtubsie), page 193; Stephen 69

Huschmann, Thomas 111

Hussy, William 142,150

Husted, Lyman 64; M. 213; Sackett 64

Hutchings, A.J. 112; Alfred 91

Hutchins, Alfred 91; Andrew 91; Cicero 108; C.M. 146; D.B. 113; Delos 109, 187; John 192, 212

Hutchinson, Elisha 125; Julius 123; Luther 67; Mr. 67

Hutson, J. 213; Rebecca 131

Huxley, Edwin 152; John 152

Huyck, P. P. 143

Hyde, page 144; Alanson 200; Artemas, 64; Clara 202A; Dr. Zenas 19, 77, 93, 94, 198; Harlow 43, 94, 198, 216; Henry 42, 65; James 96; J.H. 42, 202; John 19, 93, 95, 198; Major 188; Miles 63; Mr. 148A; Orilla 204A; O.W. 66; Stephen 140, 146

Ingalls, Wm. 191

Ingersoll, George 164; Gilbert 164; Peter 150

Inglesby, Major 130

Ingraham, Dr. 5. 213; Rev. Ira 109,147,170; Wm. 152

Inman, Daniel 129, 130; Joseph 130

Ireland, Frank 75; George 182; Rev. James, 170; Wm. 113

Irish, Albert 75; Amos 176, 179; Edward 214; Elder 35; Gideon 75; Isaac 75, 179, 182; Theodore 75

Irons, John 131, 186; Rev. Jeremiah 119

Irving, Joseph 120; Rev. 187

Irwin, page 165; Jas. 152; John 75; William 166, 172, 173, 177

Ives, Chauncey 160, 162; John 164; Rev. I.B. 131, 186, 209; Rev.V. I. 89

Ivison, John 203

Jack, Johnnie 97

Jacklin, Miles 152

Jackson, Andrew 80; Chas. 152; Dr. 103; Geo. 211; Giles 102; Mr. 142; R.C. 143; Richmond 48; Robert 141; Timothy 140, 145; T.S. 144

Jackway, Hiram 213; Levi 152; William 134, 140, 142

Jacoby, Jacob 73; Levi 111

Jaggar (Jagger), page 136; Daniel 65, 152; Jerusha 154B

James, I. 48; James 84; R. 84

Jameson, H. 110; Hugh 38,110

Janer, Loran 193

Janes, Horatio 152

Jaques, Irving 126

Jarvis, page 148B; Edward 152; H.P. 109; John 152; Jos. 152; K.P. 89; William 149, 213

Jay, George 18

Jeffers, George 158; John 156; Mulford 216; Nathan 156; Robert 156, 157; William 156

Jeffery, Henry 152; James 152; Wm. 152

Jeheer, Jacob 41

Jemison, Mary 15

Jenkins, Adjutant 48; Benjamin 203; C.A., 91; Celestus 91; Ira 83; Jeremiah 106; John 18, 134, 140; M.W. 83, 86; Thomas 75; William 75

Jenks, Amos 34; Benjamin 79; Garrett, 75, 96, 182; James 120, 152

Jenner, John 91; Mr. 143; VanR. 91; W.P. 152

Jennings, Charles 113, 187; George 182; H. 211, 213; Henry 98; L. 213; Lemuel 25; Samuel 141, 142

Jennison (Jeneson, Jamison), Daniel 41, 89

Jenny, Enos 164; Van Rensselaer 164

Jeremiah, Pearson 210

Jerome, Hiram 38, 43, 143; H.K. 154

Jerrolds, Phoebe Fish 191; Stephen 191

Jessup, page 136, 144; Edwin 152; George, 137, 140, 143, 146, 149, 195, 213; Henry 141, 142; Lewis 63, 64, 110; Mary 154B; Mehitable 154B; Mr. 67, 142; Phoebe 63

Jewell, page 168; Bradner 178; Abram 182; Charles 182; David 64; Dr. 175; Ebenezer 179, 182; Ezra 103, 105, 106; Joseph 34, 108; Judge 104; Morris, 42, 176, 178

Jewett, William 171

John(s), Evan 46; Solomon 43

Johnson (Johnstone), page 168; A.B. 174; Amasa 172, 175, 176, 178; Anthony 179; Benjamin 64; Brothers 186; C.D. 136A, 140, 141, 213; Charles 140, 144; Christian 168; Cornelius 182; Daniel 87, 147; David 159; Dr. 175; Eli 101, 106, 107, 109; Elisha 45; Emery 152; Francis, 120; Geo. 152, 202; G.W. 202; Henry, 144; H.M. 141, 142; Hollis 193; Horace 204; H.S. 212; Jacob 178; James 152; J.B. 103; John 21, 32, 75, 119, 168, 179, 182; Joseph 75, 152, 191; Judge 93; Lawrence 164; Levi 152; Marion 160; Mark 166, 167,171, 176, 177, 178, 182; Marshall 142; Mary 128; Miss 70; Morris 164; Mr. 142; Mrs. 117; Paulus 182; Peter 179; Rev. 139,147; Rev. William 158; Robert 140, 152, 213; Samuel 152; Stephen 107, 182; Sylvester 178; Timothy 42; Thomas 43, 162, 173, 175, 178, 202; Walter 119, 212; W.H. 212; Widow 165; Wm. 136A, 191, 192, 213; W.O. 119; Violetta 81

Joiner, Dorus 199, 215; Stephen 198, 199; Sylvanus 199

Jolly, Hugh 119; J.H. 85

Jones, Alanson 94; B. 88, 91; B.F. 70; C.A. 47; Darwin 91; David 91; Edward 96, 103, 104, 106; Ebenezer 94; Elizabeth 119; Elisha 95; General 58; George 187; Harvey 38; Henry 110,172; Horatio 16, 23, 25; James 70, 75, 210; Jeremiah 83; J.L. 110; J.M. 144; John 16, 91, 213; Jonathan 202; Joseph 187; Leroy 120, 164; Mary 99; Mason, 152; Melinda 146; Miss 111; Mr. 143; Mrs. Sarah 108; Orrin, 91; Oliver 120; Philip 68; Rev. T. 148; R.H. 118; Richard 34, 99, 101, 108, 109, 176; S.A. 105; William 16, 91, 103, 108, 109, 119, 158, 164, 171, 187, 209

Jordan (Jourdan), B.J. 135; James 111

Joslyn, G.W. 152; Lyman 152

Joy, Benjamin 176

Judson, Haynes 69; Joseph 102; Rev. 131; Thomas 176, 177

June, David 106

Justin, E. 71

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