The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties in the late 1860s. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there.
How to use the Wayne County Directory: Persons in the Wayne County Directory generally were listed under the post office where they received their mail. These directory listings were first organized by township. Within the townships the compilers made further list divisions - the official post offices located within the township. The compilers of this directory were not always consistent, from township to township, in whether a place in parentheses was the official residence or post office where mail was received.
We hope you spot your ancestor in the directory listings but... we have no further information on individuals or families listed. The societies in our research resources section will give you further assistance.
From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Wayne County, N.Y. 1867
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1867
The post office address of the residents of the town of Sodus are as follows: Alton, Joy, Sodus, Sodus Center, Sodus Point and South Sodus in the town; and Pultneyville in town of Williamson
A small post village near the eastern border of the town. Daily mail by stage from Lyons.
Ackerman, Henry C. (Huron) farmer 50
Allen, Miss Sarah, farmer 74
Allen, Wm., farmer 20
Andrews, Joseph (Rose) farmer 15
Axtel, Mrs. Sally, farmer 65
Baker, John, peddler
Beldon, Jacob G., carpenter, and farmer 2
Birkley, Wm. (Huron) farmer 60
Black, John, tannery and farmer 10
Bockoven, Geo. C., farmer 32
Bowers, Adam (Huron) sawyer
Bradshaw, Edmund, justice of peace
Britton, John M., farmer 130
Brower, Peters (Rose) shingle maker, and farmer 22 1/4
Brown, Wm. D. (Huron) pedlar
Button, Miss Catharine A., farmer 34
Cahoon, Benj. S. (Huron) saw mill and farmer 22
Cahoon, Lyman R. (Huron) cooper
Cahoon, Wm. R., carpenter
Camp, Bradley J., farmer 64
Case, Albert, general merchant and farmer 2
Case, Levi, trapper and farmer 5
Catchpole, Robert Jr. (Huron) farmer 140
Chamberlain, Benj., farmer, leases 5
Ciscoe, Solomon (Huron) laborer
Clark, Benj., farmer 5
Claus, Geo., 77
Coats, Wm. (Huron) farmer 50
Cole, Seth, postmaster
Collier, Miss Mary, farmer 16
Comstock, Alonzo (Huron) sailor and farmer 2
Cramer, Daniel (Huron) farmer 96
Crick, John, farmer 90
Davenport, Alphonzo (Huron) farmer 28
Davenport, Samuel (Huron) farmer 9
Dixon, Lester, shoemaker
Dunbar, Henry (Rose) farmer 143
Espenschied, Adam H., cooper and farmer 140
Espenschied, Andrew, harness maker and farmer 87
Espenschied, Charles, farmer 20, and leases 40
Espenschied, Lawrence, farmer 116
Emory, Thos. (Huron) farmer, leases 36
Emory, Walter (Huron) farmer 83, and 500 on Shaker Tract
Featherly, Jacob I. (Huron) farmer 10
Floyd, Wm. A., pilot, engineer and farmer 50
Foster, James P., harness maker and farmer 15
Fowler, Chancy L., carpenter
Fowler, Mrs. Julius ( with sons) farmer 42
Gaffield, George, farmer 58
Gatchell, Christopher (with Elisha Gatchell Jr.)(Huron) farmer 55
Gatchell, Elisha (Huron) farmer 53
Gatchell, Elisha Jr. (with Christopher Gatchell)(Huron) farmer 55
Gatchell, James (Huron) farmer 55
Gatchell, Wm. W. (Huron) farmer 140
Griffin, John, farmer 40
Harris, James, farmer 30
Harris, Richard, prop. Alton House, and farmer 4
Hart, Samuel C. (Rose) farmer 48
Hewson, Thomas (Rose) farmer 41 1/2
Howard, Berzilla (Huron) fisherman
Howlett, Thos., carriage maker
Hoxie, Orin K., stone mason
Jewell, Alvey (Rose) farmer 111
Jewell, Barney (Rose) farmer 46 3/4
Jewell, Wm. Henry (Rose) thresher and farmer 28
Juel, Barney, farmer 5
Kimpland, Lanclot, farmer 40
Kimpland, Rufus (Huron) saw mill
Kiser, Wm., shoemaker
Knapp, Alex. A., farmer 41
Knox, Charles (Rose) farmer 81
Knox, Chas. E. (Huron) farmer, leases 38
Lockwood, John, farmer 9
Lockwood, Joseph, farmer 19
Marquat, Henry (Huron) farmer 80
Mastin, John, farmer 68
McDowell, Charles, farmer 50
McDowell, David (Huron) farmer 20
McDowell, Robert, broom maker, and farmer 64
Miller, James W., farmer 50
Mitchell, Calvin, farmer 41
Morley, Francis, grocery
Odell, Melvin R., boatman and farmer 2
Ostron, Henry H., physician and farmer 30
Paine, Smith R. (Huron) farmer 32
Palmer, Ralph S., farmer 100, assessed 150
Parrish, Miss Jerrey, village lot
Paul, Benj., farmer 6
Perce, David M., farmer 12
Perkins, George, farmer 24
Philo, Geo. W., blacksmith and farmer 2 1/4
Pitcher, Chester, boatman and farmer 18
Pomeroy, Ashbel S. (Huron) farmer 12
Prindle, Myron P. (Huron) farmer 36
Procious, Jerome, farmer 35
Racker, Wm., boot and shoe dealer
Rankard, Phillip, farmer 30
Reed, Francis, farmer 75
Reed, Stephen, farmer 73
Remp, Isaac, cooper, brewer and farmer 14
Reynolds, Jacob (Huron) farmer 87
Robinson, Isaac (Huron) farmer 82
Rogers, B. Frank, inspector of elections
Rowland, Reuben, general merchant
Rush, Rubin T., farmer, leases 20
Sebert, Geo., farmer 37
Seger, John (Huron) farmer, leases 44
Seymour, Eugene F. (Huron) farmer 13
Seymour, Orin (Huron) farmer 34
Shannon, Albert J. (Huron) farmer, leases 108
Shannon, Geo. M. (Rose) farmer 25
Shannon, Russell (Huron) farmer 20
Shannon, Theodore (Rose) farmer 3
Shannon, Mrs. Theodore (Rose) milliner
Shaver, Geo. R., farmer 30
Short, James L., constable
Silver, Harvey O., carpenter
Silver, Noah W., carpenter, and farmer 10
Smith, Rev. James (Huron) Methodist Clergyman, and farmer 10
Smith, Harry, farmer 40
Smith, Mrs. Lucy, farmer 17
Snyder, Michael, farmer 47
Snyder, Stephen B., farmer 50
Sprong, Alfred H. (Huron) carpenter
Stamer, Geo. H., farmer 28
Steamer, Samuel, farmer 10
Stearns, Lemuel, farmer 9
Steel, Holsey L., farmer 25
Stevenson, James S., carpenter, and farmer 16
Sucher, Geo., farmer 78
Sutliff, James H., mechanic
Swedley, Salmon, farmer 7 1/2
Swift, Miss Nancy G., farmer 3
Swift, Seth M., shoemaker, and farmer 10
Teetor, John Z. (Huron) 43, and leases 28
Teller, Richard, carriage maker, and farmer 3
Vanauken, Abram, farmer 20
Van Etton, John, farmer 23
Wager, George (Rose) cooper and farmer 15
Wager, Jacob (Rose) shingle maker and farmer 25
Walker, Solomon, carpenter and farmer 70
Walling, Andrew (with Catharine) farmer 68
Walling, Catharine (with Andrew) farmer 68
Weed, Byron G. (Huron) farmer 4 1/2
Weeks, John (Huron) leases 50
Weeks, Michael (Huron) farmer 120
Weet, Captain Thos., farmer 41
Welch, John, farmer 7
Welch, Wm. W., shoemaker
Whiting, Wm. G., farmer 50
Wingit, Aaron (Huron) farmer 72
Wisner, Thos. B. (Huron) farmer 2
York, Benj. S. (Huron) farmer 125
York, Geo. P. (Huron) justice of peace
York, John (Huron) farmer 111
York, John Jr. (Huron) farmer 80
York, Mrs. Martha (Huron) farmer 74
York, Mrs. Sarah D. (Huron) farmer 55
York, Warren (Huron) farmer 25
Young, Wm. estate (Huron) farmer 27
Zollar, Robert, wagon maker
A small post village in the south-western part of the town. Daily mail by stage from Lyons.
Allen, Albert, farmer, leases of Willard Gallerd 107
Allen, Sidney, farmer 190
Barclay, Henry, farmer 100
Barnhart, Geo. Jr., farmer 52
Baxter, John, farmer 22
Beam, Wm., farmer 40
Bents, Henry (Arcadia) farmer 33
Bly, Henry, cooper and farmer 70
Bogeart, Anthony, farmer 50
Bogert, John, farmer 40
Boughton, Enos, farmer 50
Brantlin, John (Arcadia) farmer 100
Bruno, Michael, farmer, leases 200, assessed 138
Buckler, John, farmer 54
Burkley, Frederick, farmer 48
Carpenter, Robert, farmer 50
Collins, Wm. D., farmer 50
Conine, Leonard P., farmer 149
Crosby, Obediah (Arcadia) farmer 100
Culver, Cullen S. (Arcadia) farmer 42
Culver, Wm. R. (Arcadia) farmer 85
Cunningham, Wm., cooper
Curtiss, Hiram, carpenter
Dackers, Wm., farmer 10
Dakers, Daniel, farmer 75
Deming, Mrs. Phoebe (Arcadia) farmer 89
Denison, Daniel A. (Snyder & Denison)
Denison, Hiram T. (with Wm. H.) farmer 100
Denison, Wm. H. (with Hiram T.) farmer 100
Dingman, James, farmer, leases 50
Dingman, Radalphus, farmer 173
Dodd, Alonzo, farmer 75
Filkins, Edwin B., farmer 163
Filkins, Wm. J., farmer 234
Forster, Amos, cooper
Forster, Thos. E., cooper, constable and farmer 5
French, Andrew, farmer 15
Goodell, Sheldon, farmer 125
Granger, Enoch, farmer 70
Granger, Morgan S., farmer 100
Granger, Norman, farmer 117
Green, Addison (B. B. Green & Co.) farmer 18
Green, Benj. B. (B. B. Green & Co.) farmer 49
Green, B. B. & Co. (Benjamin B. and Addison Green) stave and heading factory
Green, Samuel B., commissioner of highways
Greene, Joseph, farmer 134
Greene, Samuel B., farmer 81
Greenhalt, Christopher, cooper
Griffin, James, farmer 8
Hanlink, Josiah, farmer 92
Hart, Henry, farmer 50
Hill, Gilbert V. A., farmer 120
Hill, Noadiah M., farmer 150
Himes, Chas. Jr., cooper and farmer 62
Himes, Jacob, cooper and farmer 50
Holland, Levi S., farmer 60
Hoot, Frederick, farmer 79
Hopp, John, carriage maker and blacksmith
Hopp, Philip, inspector of elections, farmer 75
Horn, Conrod, lime burner and farmer 90
Howard, Justin, farmer 50
Howie, John, farmer 46
Hunt, Joseph, farmer 100
Hutchison, George, farmer 50
Irish, Edward K., lime burner and farmer 150
Jennings, George, cooper
Johnson, Peter, farmer 12
Kable, Jacob, farmer 36
Kesler, Frederick (Arcadia) farmer 17
King, Elisha, heirs of, farmer 55
Kingsley, Alvin, postmaster and justice of peace
Knapp, James R., farmer 113
Laubenheimer, Louis, general merchant
Lay, Mrs. Lucy, farmer 49
McAlpine, Wm., farmer 140
Odell, Jesse, farmer 17
Olmsted, Edwin (Arcadia) farmer
Palmer, Geo., teamster and farmer 14
Pierce, Thomas (Arcadia) farmer
Pinchen, E. B., farmer 70
Plasse, Francis, farmer 50
Poucher, John, farmer 120
Pultz, Edwin, farmer 102
Pulver, Alfred, general merchant
Pulver, David, farmer 62
Pulver, Henry, farmer 65
Pulver, John C., farmer 22
Pulver, Peter J. (Marion) cooper and farmer 21
Rasch, Frank (Arcadia) farmer 50
Rhoades, John N., cooper and farmer 50
Robinson, Samuel, farmer 85
Rush, Dixon, local preacher and farmer 57
Sammars, Edward, farmer 100
Sanford, Geo. W. (Arcadia) farmer 57
Shear, Harvey, farmer 175
Sheep, John, farmer 17
Slater, Nathaniel B., farmer 30
Smith, Evander M., farmer 100
Smith, Jacob, farmer 22
Smith, Levi D., farmer 75
Snyder, Albert J. (Snyder & Denison)
Snyder, Chas. B., farmer 25
Snyder & Denison (Albert J. Snyder and Daniel A. Denison) saw mill
Snyder, Eli, farmer 60
Snyder, Geo., farmer 52
Snyder, Geo. W., farmer 55
Snyder, Jacob M., farmer 125
Snyder, John, egg dealer
Snyder, Peter Jr., farmer 65
Sours, John, farmer 300
Sours, Martin, farmer 225
Spears, Wm., farmer 100
Stevens, Wm. H., mason and farmer 150
Stever, Jeremiah, farmer 73
Stone, Isaac S., farmer 52
Stratton, Geo. W., farmer 50
Tinkelpaugh, Wm. H., inspector of elections
Tripp, Ephraim B., cooper and farmer 30
Tripp, Ephraim R., cooper and farmer 30
Vandeplashey, Francis, farmer 70
Van Inwagen, Tunis, farmer 50
Van Marter, James G. (Arcadia) farmer, leases 89
Van Slyck, Isaac, farmer 71
Van Slyck, James, farmer 55
Verdine, John, farmer 17
Verhow, Abraham, farmer 80
Wallace, James, farmer 60
Wallace, Samuel, carpenter
Wanner, Mrs. Magdalene (Arcadia) farmer 50
Waters, George (with William) farmer 265
Waters, Henry, farmer 125
Waters, Wm. (with George) farmer 265
Weaver, Daniel L., farmer 100
Weaver, Wm., farmer 150
Wells, Collins, shoemaker and farmer 14
Whaling, Henry, farmer 50
White, Frederick, farmer 53
Wilcox, Rev. A. G., Presbyterian
SODUS (Village):
A post village on the Ridge road, north of the center of the town - contains about 700 inhabitants; is the seat of the Sodus Academy, a flourishing institution of learning. ILt has no water-power, and contains little in the line of manufactories, but it is noted for its mercantile interests; few villages of its size anywhere, enjoying such a wide spread patronage. Daily mail by stages from Lyons and Newark.
Agan, Elias R., farmer 100
Allen, Chas. C., farmer 149
Allen, Chas. J., provision dealer and grocer
Almy, Perry, photograph artist
Armes, Chas. A., farmer 125
Arms, Morris, farmer 63
Arnold, George, farmer 75
Austin, Melbern, meat market
Baker, Rev. A. S., Methodist Episcopal
Baker, Geo. W., farmer 57
Baker, Wm. H., cooper and farmer 17
Balch, Holland, carpenter
Baldwin, Paul D., farmer 6
Baldwin, Mrs. Prudence, farmer 10
Baldwin, William H., farmer 2
Barker, Wm., farmer 48
Barradaile, Charles R., live stock broker
Barradaile, Richard S., farmer 109
Baxter, Rev. Geo., local M. E. clergyman
Baxter, Thomas, farmer 42
Beam, Abram, farmer 30
Bean, Robert, farmer 47
Belden, R. Bigelow, produce broker
Belden, Riley, farmer 28
Belden, Samuel P., produce broker and farmer 32
Bell, James K., farmer 50
Bell, John W., farmer 200
Birdsall, Joseph, blacksmith
Blanchard, Elijah, lake captain
Blass, Mrs. Elizabeth, tailoress
Boss, Isaac, farmer 48
Box, George, farmer 50
Boyd, John A., farmer 130
Boyd, Reuben T., farmer 115
Bradshaw, Hiram H., farmer 175
Brasser, Jacob, farmer 36
Brayton, Balston B., farmer, leases 75
Brayton, David, farmer 75
Brewer, Mary Ann, farmer 104
Bucklar, Adrian, farmer 42
Butts, Porter P., farmer 78
Carpenter, Chas., farmer 50
Carpenter, Orville, farmer 105
Case, Gamaliel, town assessor, farmer 86
Case, James, farmer 22
Cheatham, John, farmer 100
Clark, David, book binder
Clark, Eli, farmer 100
Clark, Lewis H., teacher and farmer, leases 100
Clicqueannoi, Marenus, farmer 12
Clicquennoi, Isaac, farmer 50
Clicquennoi, John, farmer, leases 160
Coats, John, (Caots & Johnson)
Coats & Johnson, (John Coats and Orsemus Johnson) iron founders, and agricultural implements manuf.
Coleman, Lines, farmer 120
Coleman, Lyman L., farmer 60
Content, John, farmer 25
COOKS, SYLVESTER A., feed mill, planing mill, and sash, blind and door manuf.
Coy, Mrs. Mercy G., milliner
Cramke, John, tailor
Curtis, Elisha, principal Sodus Academy
Danford, Edward W., farmer 100
Danford, Orin, farmer 117
Danford, Samuel, farmer 100
Daniels, Hosea, farmer 30
Davison, Isaac, farmer 56
De Brine, James, stage proprietor Sodus and Newark daily line, and farmer 19
DEGON, WILLIAM L., carpenter
Deright, Monus, farmer 98
De Volder, Frank, farmer, leases 175
De Volder, John, farmer 29
Dingman, Ebenezer P., (Arcadia,) farmer 25
DRAKE, JOHN C., carpenter
Edwards, James, farmer 50
Edwards, Theodore, overseer of poor, blacksmith, and farmer 30
Ellsworth, John W., live stock dealer
Ellsworth, Levi, farmer 150
Featherly, Wm. H., basket maker
Felker, Edward, farmer, leases 200
Fellers, Robert, farmer 65
Felshaw, Perrigo A., farmer 50
Field, Charles, cooper, and farmer 15
Field, Ward, sailor, and farmer 20
Filkins, Wm. J., town assessor
Fisher, James, house and sign painter
Foland, Augustus J., farmer 65
Foor, John, farmer 114
Foor, John, Jr., farmer 37
Fox, Geo. H., farmer 15
Fox, Henry, farmer 4 1/2
France, Thomas, carpenter, and leases 20.
Freedy, Goerge, stone mason and constable
French, Edward C., (Franch & Mills)
French & Mills, (Edward C. French and Chas. Mills) carriage maker
Fulton, Andrew, farmer 19
Fulton, Robert, carpenter and farmer 6
Gardner, Mrs. Isabella, farmer 106
Garrison, Martin, farmer 24
Gaylord, Charles, livery
Gaylord, Chas. D., (Hulett & Gaylord)
GAYLORD & LANDON, (Willis T. Gaylord, and Edward H. Landon) general merchants
GAYLORD, LEVI M., physician and farmer 11
Gaylord, Willis T., (Gaylord & Landon,) farmer 127
Gibbs, Abram, carpenter
Gibson, George, farmer 27
Goodsel, Shelden, overseer of the poor and farmer 96
Goodsell, John B., farmer 25
Gordon, Robert, farmer 77
Granger, Francis H., farmer 103
GREEN, EDWIN A., (Green & Winchester) hardware, exchange broker, ins. agent, postmaster and farmer 120
GREEN, JESSE H., farmer 126
Green, Mrs. Sarepta, farmer 40
GREEN & WINCHESTER, (Edwin A. Green and Alonzo M. Winchester) general merchants
Gurnee, Gerrit, farmer 130
Gurnee, Stephen, farmer 68
Hall, John, farmer 62
Hanby, Chas., farmer 145
HARBERTSON, JOHN, farmer 148
HARPER, THOS., boots and shoes
Harron, Emerson, farmer 42
HARVEY, CLEMENT S., farmer 50
Harvey, Geo. H., farmer 10
Hawarth, Wm., farmer 30
Haywood, Josiah, farmer 34
Hewlet, Wm., farmer 15
HEWSON, WILLIAM, farmer 80
Hitchcock, E. Kingsley, farmer 25
Holenbeck, Chas., farmer 50
Hopkins, Benj. A., feed mill, propeller captain and farmer 11
HOPKINS, HENRY C., millwright
Hopkins, Sarah, farmer 90
Hopkins, Townley, carpenter and mason
Hopkins, Wm. H., carpenter and mason
Horner, Wm., cooper
Howcraft, Robert, farmer 50
HULETT & GAYLORD, (Silas P. Hulett and Chas. D. Gaylord) hardware
Hulett, Silas P., (Hulett & Gaylord) farmer 100
Ireland, Rev. James, Presbyterian
Johnson, Appalos, farmer 30
Johnson, Bartle, farmer 12
Johnson, Orsemus, (Coats & Johnson)
Johnson, Riner, farmer 20
KELLEY, EDWARD W., groceries
Kelley, Jerome, farmer 24
Kelley, John G., farmer 83
Kelley, Lewis, farmer 65
Kelly, Chester, farmer 76
Kelly, Forester, farmer 25
Kelly, Geo., farmer 85
Kelly, John, farmer 47
Kelsey, John, fish dealer
Kennedy, Wm. A., watchmaker and jeweler
Kilmer, Thos., blacksmith
King, Alanson W., carpenter and farmer 10
Knapp, Harriet, farmer 30
Knight, David, painter
Krum, Martin H., farmer 50
Landon, Edward H. (Gaylord & Landon)
Landon, Miles L., farmer 160
Lawley, John, farmer 14
Leadley, David, farmer 56
Leadley, Jonathan, shoemaker
Leadley, Joseph, farmer 80
*LEE, D. WM. S., dentist
Lefurgey, Dennis, farmer 415
Leighton, Jonathan, ready made clothing
Lent, Chas. D., farmer 50
Lewis, Mrs. C. C., milliner
Lewis, Chas. C., shoemaker
Lund, Robert, furniture dealer
Lund, Thos., farmer 80
Mack, Harry, harness maker, clothing and billiard saloon
Mallery, Harvy N., (Mallery & Snyder)
Maller & Snyder, (Harvy N. Mallery and Christopher Snyder) carriage makers and blacksmiths
Mason, Carlton H., auctioneer and farmer 48
Mason, Marenus, farmer 20
MASON, WM. H., farmer 57
McAlpine, Henry, farmer 7.
McCarthy, John, heirs of, farmer 100
McCarty, Mrs. Levi, farmer 50
McCarty, O. Perry, farmer 50
McIntyre, Mrs. Ann, milliner
McIntyre, Martha, milliner
McKinney, Johnson T., butcher
Messenger, Edward, saw mill and farmer 80
Meyers, Gustavus, (P.O. address Oswego) physician and farmer 44
Middleton, George, commissioner of highways and farmer 75
Miller, Jonas, tailor
Miller, Peter, farmer 28
Mills, Charles, (French & Mills)
Milner, Richard W., painter and farmer 20
Moody, Charles P., farmer 57
MOSES, HIRAM R., physician
Moses, Mrs. Hiram R., dress maker
Mullie, Peter, farmer 27
Munson, Abner, farmer 70
Munson, Glover S., farmer 78
Myers, Samuel, farmer 86
Newell, Philander, miller and farmer 90
Nichols, Mary Mrs., farmer 130
NORRIS, RUFUS F., cattle broker and farmer 250
Norris, Samuel H., farmer 100
Northern, Emanuel, farmer 25
Nye, Lewis, farmer 43
O'Brian, Michael, flax dresser
O'Bryan, Matilda, farmer 59
Oman, Edward, (with James,) farmer 164
Oman, James, (with Edward,) farmer 164
Onderdonk, Abram, farmer 200
Orton, Daniel H., mason
Overslaw, John, farmer 59
Paddock, John A., farmer 160
Parsons, Orrin, farmer, 166
*PIFER, ADAM, harness maker and town clerk
Pitcher, James, farmer 84
Plassy, Abraham, farmer 25
Podger, Joseph, farmer 14
Pollock, Alfred, farmer 51
Potwine, Chas., farmer 49
Potwine, Thos. H., farmer 250
Poucher, David, live stock broker and farmer 80
Pratt, Albert, farmer 16
PRESTON, GEORGE, merchant miller
Preston, John, grist mill and farmer 60
Proseus, Elias, farmer 77 1/2
Proseus, Henry, farmer 2 1/2
Proseus, John R., farmer 80
Pulman, Elon, farmer 29
Pullman, Solomon N., farmer 50
Pulman, Willard, farmer 50
Pulver, Anson R., farmer 50
PULVER, CHARLES A., (C. A. & J. H. Pulver)
Pulver, Daniel D., farmer 128
Pulver, C. A. & J. H., (Charles A. & Justus H.) coopers and proprietors of heading and stave mill
Pulver, F. Jerome, farmer 36
Pulver, Harry, (with Wm.) farmer 130
PULVER, Homer, farmer 94 1/2
Pulver, John, farmer 165
Pulver, Justus H., (C. A. & J. H. Pulver)
Pulver, Mrs. Lucinda, farmer 140
Pulver, Wm., (with Harry) farmer 130
Pulver, Wm. L., farmer 90
Redman, Abram, farmer 77
Redman, Isaac, farmer 60
Reed, Francis, Farmer 71
Reed, Pardon, farmer 20
Rice, Austin, mason and farmer 16
Rice, Josiah, farmer 175
Rice, Lyman A., mason and farmer 15
Richardson, Austin M., farmer 26
Richardson, Austin M., farmer 98
Robins, William E., farmer 12
Robinson, George, commissioner of highways and farmer 95
Robinson, Samuel, farmer 75
Robinson, Thos., farmer 130
Robinson, Wm., farmer 71
ROGERS, E. & CO., (Erastus, Wm. G. and Edward P.) general merchants, wool and produce dealers
Rogers, Erastus, (E. Rogers & Co.) farmer 50
Rose, Charles, farmer 6
Rose, Lyman E., farmer 40
Sargeant, Harwood, farmer 45
Seely, Thos., F., farmer 60 and works 220
Selby, Geo., (Williamson) farmer 121
Sentell, Edward H., mechanic
Sentell, Edward W., saw mill and farmer 210
Sergant, Wm., saw mill and farmer 300
Sergent, Geo., farmer 70
Sergent, Hawley & Charles, farmers 60
Sergent, James, farmer 65
Sergent, John H., sailor
Seymour, Orson, farmer 40
Seymour, Uriah, carpenter and farmer 19
Seymour, Wm. H., farmer 22
Shaver, Wm., farmer 25
SHAW, JOHN, (Arcadia) farmer 45
Shirts, John, farmer 75
Shirts, Joseph, mason and farmer 37
Simmons, Jacob, carpenter and farmer 50
Smith, Adrian, farmer 70
Smith, John, farmer 78
Smith, Orril, farmer 155
Smith, Ward, farmer 12
Snyder, Christopher, (Mallery & Snyder)
Snyder, Nelson, inspector of elections and farmer 50
Snyder, Samuel, farmer 30
*SODUS ACADEMY, Elisha Curtis, prin.; Miss Georgiana Chipman, preceptress; Miss Emma Seymour, assistant ; Walter Tripp, prof. of book-keeping and penmanship; Miss Emma Borradail, teacher of music
Sprang, Charles R., farmer 24 and leases 200
Starr, Thomas, farmer 33
Stebbins, James, farmer 45
Stockond, Peter, farmer 50
Storms, Thos., farmer 5
Strong, Nathan R., carpenter
STUVER, JAMES W., carriage maker and blacksmith
Swales, Elizabeth, farmer 174
SWALES, GEO., farmer 485
*TEALL, CANFIELD C., lawyer and justice of the peace.
Teller, Robert, farmer 63
Tetor, Ephraim, (with Walter) farmer 98 1/2
Tetor, Norman, farmer, leases 104
Tetor, Robert, farmer, leases 155
Tetor, Walter, (with Ephraim) farmer 98 1/2
Tillotson, Geo. W., (Woodworth & Tillotson) farmer 10
Tillotson, Mrs. Geo. W., dressmaker
Tindall, Alonzo, farmer 50
Tinkelpaugh, Egbert, farmer 90
Tinkelpaugh, Geo. L., insurance agent and farmer 90
Tinklepaugh, Eli, produce dealer
Tinkelpaugh, John, farmer 90
Tinkelpaugh, Chas., farmer, leases 125
Toor, John, Jr., farmer 34 and leases 75
Toor, John, Sr., farmer 115
Toor, Richard, carpenter and farmer, leases 35
Troop, Henry, farmer 50
Tummands, Chas., farmer 30
Tunley, Joseph, farmer 130
Turner, Benj., farmer 170
Turner, Samuel, grocery
Twadell, Truman, frmer 100
Vosburg, Peter, farmer 130
Vosburgh, Lawrence, farmer 2
Wackman, James, farmer 11
Ward, Henry, farmer 140
Ward, Wm. H., Jr., farmer 72
Ward, Wm. H., Sr., farmer 170
Ware, Joseph, farmer 7 1/2
*WEAVER, ANDREW S., (with Catharine) agent for Dodge's Mowers and Reapers, and farmer 150
Weaver, Catharine, (with Andrew S.) farmer 150
Weaver, George W., farmer 119
Weaver, Harvey C., saw mill
Weaver, Stephen G., teamster and farmer 14
Webster, John, shoemaker and farmer 26
Weeks, Chas. C., farmer 50
Welburn, James, blacksmith and farmer 27
Wheeler, Mrs. Charity, farmer 1
Whitbeck, Andrus, A., farmer 225
Whitbeck, Cornelius A., farmer 56
WHITNEY, LORENZO, proprietor Sodus Hotel
Whitny, Wm. G., farmer 50
Wilks, Joseph, farmer 104
WILLIAMS, ALEX. B., general merchant
Williams, Andrew C., farmer 96
Williams, Chas., constable
Williams, Charles R., clerk and farmer 50
Williams, Edward W., farmer 240
Wilson, Andrew J., (with George) farmer 127
Wilson, George, (with Andrew J.) farmer 127
Wilson, Hugh, farmer 10
Winchester, Alonzo M., (Green & Winchester) notary public
Wood, Geo., farmer 64 1/2
Wood, Rebecha, farmer 75
Wood, Mrs. Richard, farmer 75
Woodworth & Tillotson, (Wm. M. Woodworth, M. D., and Geo. W. Tillotson) druggists
Woodworth, Wm. M. (Woodworth & Tillotson) allop. physician
Wride, Robert, farmer 56
Wrightson, John, farmer 70
WYLIE, JOHN H., cabinet maker and undertaker
Yale, Asahel, retired physician
Yeoman, George, farmer 73
Youngs, Joseph C., teamster
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