1867 - 1868

Surnames A - L

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties in the late 1860s. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there.

How to use the Wayne County Directory: Persons in the Wayne County Directory generally were listed under the post office where they received their mail. These directory listings were first organized by township. Within the townships the compilers made further list divisions - the official post offices located within the township. The compilers of this directory were not always consistent, from township to township, in whether a place in parentheses was the official residence or post office where mail was received.

We hope you spot your ancestor in the directory listings but... we have no further information on individuals or families listed. The societies in our research resources section will give you further assistance.

From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Wayne County, N.Y. 1867
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1867

The Post Office addresses of the residents of the town of Galen are as follows: Clyde, Marengo and Lock Berlin, in the town; and Lyons and Tyre (Seneca Co.) in adjoining towns.

A post village of near 3,000 inhabitants. On the canal and station on the New York Central, direct road. Is the seat of quite extensive mercantile, mechanical and commercial interests - contains three banks and a printing office. Daily mail east and west by railroad, and north by stage to Rose, Wolcott and Red Creek; Tri-weekly to Huron, and to Geneva via Marengo.

Ackerman, D. S. (Williams &Co.)
Adams, Peter, carpenter
Adams, Wm. H. (estate), farmer 315
Allen, Peter B., carriage maker
Angell, Ethan, farmer 94
Angell, James, farmer 112 1/2
Anderson, Henry H., farmer 52
Anderson, John B., telegraph operator, Western Union line
Anderson, Peter (Savannah), commissioner of highways and farmer 130
Armitage, Benj., butcher
Armitage, James, town clerk
Armitage, James M. (P.O. Address Tyre, Seneca Co.), farmer 150
Armitage, Joseph (P.O. Address Tyre, Seneca Co.), farmer 90
Arzbenger, Thos., boots and shoes
Atkins, James C., groceries and variety store
Aurand, Chas. (Aurand & Kenyon)
Aurand, Geo., carpenter
Aurand, Miss Hannah, dress maker
Aurand & Kenyon (Chas. Aurand and H.P. Kenyon), livery and exchange stables
Aurand, Wm., farmer 200
Babcock, Job, farmer 47
Backman, Abram, farmer 71
Backman, Henry, farmer 36 1/2
Baird, Geo. A., farmer 27, and leases from Catharine M. Baird 80
Baker, Geo. O. (Vandenberg & Baker), insurance agent, assistant assessor internal revenue and director Clyde Paper Co.
Barker, Chas., farmer 127 and leases from Nelson Mathews 340
Barnes, Benj., farmer 61
Barnes, Charles, farmer 1 1/2
Barnes, Elijah, farmer 56
Barnes, Horace, farmer 100
Barnes, Mrs. Martha A., farmer 100
Barnes, Roger, farmer 59
Barrick, George, farmer 83 1/2
Barrick, John, farmer 33
Barrows, A., carpenter
Barrows, Miss Estele, music teacher
Barton, Archibald, farmer, leases from Joseph C. Watson, 130
Becker, John M., farmer, leases 83 1/2
Bedell, Levante, watch repairer
Bender, Warren, hop grower and farmer 53
Bennett, Stephen V. R., farmer, leases 163
Benning, Philip, farmer 110
Benning, Henry, farmer 80
Bettles, Thomas, gardener 2
Betts, Rial (Savannah), shoemaker and farmer 4 1/2
Bircher, John, farmer 1
Bircher, Rudolph, cooper and farmer 1
Birdsell, Isaac, carman
Bivins, Gardner (Savannah), farmer, leases 50
Bivins, Leander A., book agent
Blakeman, Demas, farmer 289
Blakeman, Geo. S., farmer 175
Blasdell, Medad (Savannah), farmer 7, and leases 20
Bliss, Calvin H., farmer 200
Boland, Albert J., prop. stage route between Clyde, Rose, Wolcott and Red Creek; leaves daily at 3 p.m.
Bolter, Chas., farmer 55
Bowen, Mariett Miss, music teacher
Bowen, Seth, farmer 85
Bowles, Wm., gate tender on Clyde and Rose Valley plank road
Bowman, Edwin (with James B.), farmer 55
Bowman, James B. (with Edwin), farmer 55
Bownel, Wm., farmer 128
Bramer, John, farmer, leases 93
Bremer, Frederick, farmer 76
Brewer, Bradford, farmer 25
Brewster, Samuel S. (Savannah), tailor
Briggs & Palmer (S. H. Briggs and L.H. Palmer), bankers
Briggs, S. H. (Briggs & Palmer), proprietor Harmony Hall
Brockmire, Henry, grocery
Brooks, Benj., farmer 159
Brown, Carlos, farmer leases 48
Brown, Charles, farmer
Brown, Cleander, farmer 150
Brown, Edmund, farmer, leases 160
Brown, Silas, farmer 200
Bruen, Elezar R., farmer leases 2
Buchanen, Rebecca, farmer 1 1/2
Burdick, Benj. O. (Mack & Co.)
Burnet, Wm. H., farmer 200
Burnham, D.O.O.A., conductor
Burt, Ira, farmer 53
Burt, Wm., farmer 35
Burton, H., farmer 75
Burton, O.A. (Meadville) (Mead & Burton)
Cain, Elizabeth Mrs. (Savannah)(Mrs. Cain & Son)
Cain, Mrs. & Son (Elizabeth and Theodore)(Savannah), farmers 104
Cain, Theodore (Savannah) (Mrs. Cain & Son)
Candler, George (Wood, Candler & Co.)
Carter, Archibald (Savannah), farmer 12 and leases 14
Cary, Artimus, farmer, leases 3/4
Case, Alfred (Hale & Case)
Casey, Martin, provision dealer
Cassidy, James, machinist and farmer 29
Cavanaugh, Thos., groceries
Caywood, Chas., farmer 75
Chamberlain, Chas., laborer
Chapman, Wm. H., farmer, leases 25
Chase, Hawley, portrait artist
Chase, Orrin, farmer 73
Child, G. C., homeop. physician
Child, Sylvester J., jewelry, watches, picture frames, books, stationery, &c.
Christman, J., eclectic physician
Church, James C., farmer 51
Cickmun, Ambrose, laborer
Clapp, Wm. W., mason
Clark, Benj. F. (S. S. Morley & Co.)
Clark, Levi T., farmer 25
Clark, Lysander, farmer, leases 74
Clark, Spencer, farmer 75
Clark, Wm., blacksmith
Clark, Wm. (Savannah), farmer 56
Cline, Mary A. Miss (Misses Ross & Cline)
Clum, Valentine, laborer
Clum, Wm., P., laborer
Clyde Paper Manufacturing Company, Aaron Griswold, president and treasurer; Seth Smith, secretary; manufacturers of straw printing paper
Clyde Times (weekly newspaper) Jas. M. Scarritt, editor and proprietor
Cockshaw, John, painter
Cole, Henry, mason and farmer 10
Cole, Henry, brick-maker
Cole, Isaac, brick-maker
Cole, Isaac, mason
Cole, Peter T., billiard rooms
Collins, Ann Mrs., farmer 50
Collins, Joseph, farmer leases 50
Colvin, Darwin, allop. physician and president 1st National Paper Co.
Colvin, N.P., allop. physician
Compson, Edward S., farmer 75
Cone, Hiram, farmer 1
Conlin, Joseph (Savannah), blacksmith
Conners, John, laborer
Conner, Patrick, farmer 3
Conroe, Jacob (Conroe & Scott)
Conroe & Scott (Jacob Conroe and Freeman Scott), blacksmiths and carriage makers
Conrow, Sophia, farmer 6
Cook, Mary Mrs. (Savannah), farmer 50
Cook, Moses (Savannah), farmer leases 50
Cook, O.F., farmer 70
Cookingham, Peter, farmer 50
Cooper, Ash, fish and oysters
Cooper, Barringer, confectionery
Cooper, Miss Phoebe A., saloon
Cowles, Geo. W., county judge, surrogate and lawyer
Crane, John L. (Lawton & Crane)
Crawford, Joseph, farmer 487
Culver, Chas. H. Sr., boiler maker, blacksmith and farmer 50
Curtis, Albert F., stoves and tinware
Dagle, Charles, well-digger
Darman, Alex C. (Savannah), boatman and farmer leases 100
Davis, Alonzo, boatman and constable
Davis, Ira (Savannah), saw mill and farmer 150
Davis, John (Savannah), farmer 98
Davis, John S., farmer leases 120
Davis, Silas P. (Savannah), farmer leases 70
Day, Maria, farmer 1
Dayton, Hosea B., agent American Express
Dean, John, farmer 1
Delany, Amos N. (G. & A. Delany)
Delany, G. & A., (Geo. G. and Amos N.), groceries
Delany, Geo. G. (G. & A. Delany)
Delsey, David, carraige maker
Denison, Andrew J., dealer in music, sewing machines, wall paper, confectionery &c., book-binder
Denison, P. G. & Co. (Porter G. Denison and Thos. Smith), general merchants
Denison, Porter G. (P. G. Denison & Co.)
Dennington, Moody, groceries and veterinary surgeon
Derby, Alonzo H., journeyman cigar maker
Desmond, Mrs. Catherine, farmer 70
Desmond, Francis P., farmer leases 100
Devereaux, Albert F., 4 acres of grapes, manufacturer of pure wines and brandies, dealer in vines, and farmer 108
De Zeng, J. Clark, news dealer and insurance agent
De Zeng, Phillip M., farmer 195
Dickson, Geo., farmer 195
Dinsmoor, John, farmer leases 100
Dinsmoor, Mrs. Mary, farmer 2
Dismond, Timothy, farmer leases 120
Doty, Cornelius W., carpenter
Doyle, Michiel, stone-cutter and farmer 1
Dreyer, Louis, saloon
Drown, John A., "agent"
Dunn, John, farmer 39
Durgey, George, carpenter
Durkee, George, carpenter
Dutton, Wm. C., farmer 75
Edson, Hubert S., telegraph operator N.Y.C.R.R.
Edwards, Wilson, lock tender
Ekert A. (Ekert & Kraus)
Ekert & Kraus (A. Ekert and E. Kraus), boots & shoes
Elliott, Chas. E., malster
Exner & Son (Savannah)(James and Lewis), farmers 76
Ferguson, Abram, farmer leases 50
Ferguson, David Sr., farmer 170
Ferguson, David Jr. (son of David Sr.)
Ferris, D. Osconnell (Savannah), farmer leases 132
Ferris, Joseph (Savannah), farmer 132
Ferris, Washington (Savannah), farmer 60
Field, Ambrose S., furniture dealer, wood turner and undertaker
Field, Byron, farmer 53
First National Bank of Clyde, C. Miller, Prest., Wm. H. Miller, Cash.
First National Paper Manufacturing Co., Darwin Colvin Prest., F. C. Reed Sec., Wm. Miller Treas., manufacturers of manilla wrapping papers
Fisher, A. & Son (Adam and Michael), boots and shoes
Fits, Patrick, Rev. Jno. P., Catholic priest
Foist, Geo. P., farmer 160
Foist, Mary Mrs., farmer 163
Foley, Wm., farmer 18
Ford, J. Mrs., dress maker
Freeland, Chas. D, farmer 60
Freer (estate), farmer 150
Fuller, A. (estate), farmer 71
Fuller, Delos, farmer, leases 71
Furlong, Perrry B., farmer 75
Gage, John A., saloon
Galeger Mrs., music teacher
Garlic, David E., blacksmith and carriage maker
Garlic, Wm., blacksmith
Garlick, David, constable
Garlick, Eli, farmer, leases from Mrs. Sally Garlick, 100
Garrison, George, patent broker
Gay, Jed, farmer 25
Gay Reuben (Savannah), farmer 12 1/2
Gay, Wm. (Savannah), farmer 65
Gillett, Wm., farmer 95
Gillispie, Patrick W., farmer 48
Glover, Conklin, farmer 114
Glover, Mercy Mrs., farmer 45
Gorden, John, farmer 140
Gordon, Peter, farmer 155
Graham, Abner, live stock dealer
Graham, Albert G., farmer 100
Graham, Alex., farmer 250
Graham, Alexander, farmer 230
Graham, Joseph, grocer and saloon keeper
Green, J. & Co. (Jeremiah Green and Silas S. Peirson, of Newark), druggists, fancy goods and crockery dealers
Green, Jeremiah (J. Green & Co.)
Gregory, Aaron, mason
Grenell, Abel, farmer 145
Grenell, Herman, farmer 133 3/4
Grenell, Israel, farmer 108 and leases 145
Grenell, Owen, farmer leases 163
Grimsha, John, carpenter
Grimsha, John T., carpenter and farmer 8
Grimsha, Philip, editor of Local Preachers', Exhorters', Leaders' and Laymen's Advocate, and farmer 200
Grinell, Henry, carpenter
Griswold, Aaron, president of village, and president and treasurer of Clyde Paper Co.
Groeskopp, Henry, farmer 108
Gunio, Daniel, laborer
Hadden Bros. (Savannah) (Younglove and James M.), farmers, leases 130
Hadden, James M. (Savannah)(Hadden Bros.)
Hadden, John S. (Savannah) farmer 130
Hadden, Younglove (Savannah)(Hadden Bros.)
Hadley, Wm., butcher
Haight, Louisa Miss, tailoress
Haight, Sophia Mrs., farmer 1
Hakes, Giles R., farmer 5
Hale & Case (Elias Hale and Alfred Case), general merchants
Hale, Elias (Hale & Case)
Hall, Andrew W. (Savannah), carriage maker and farmer 7
Hamilton, Chas., general merchant
Hammond, Wm., gas and steam fitter
Hancock, Geo., farmer 1
Hand, Levi, box maker
Harper, Alex. H., farmer 200
Harper, Almon, farmer 136
Harrington, Ellen Mrs., farmer 5 3/4
Hasleback, Simon, mason
Haugh, David S., carpenter
Haugh, George, farmer, leases 1
Hansler, Henry, farmer, leases 75
Hawk's estate, heirs of, farmers 100
Haxton, A. K., director Clyde Paper Co.
Heit, George, farme 135
Heit, Henry, farmer 65
Heit, Jacob, farmer 160
Helmer, Rhoda Mrs., farmer 2
Henderson, Julius (Mack & Co.)
Henderson, Wm. (Mack & Co.)
Hendrick, Abram, farmer 20
Hendrick, Allie Miss, music teacher
Hendrick, A. T., allop. physician
Hendrick, Julia Miss, music teacher
Hendrick, Lewis, farmer 100
Hoffman, E. B., carpenter
Holbrook, Hollis N. (Savannah), mason and farmer 12
Holcomb, Silas, farmer 15
Holland, Patrick, farmer 4 1/2
Holmes, Ezra (Howes & Holmes)
Hood, Arthur D., groceries
Hookway, Wm., carriage maker
Hopkins, Alfred, farmer 150
Hopkins, Augustus (son of Alfred)
Hopkins, John W., farmer 30
Hopkins, Orrison, farmer 75
Horton, John B., 50
Horton, Michael, farmer 80
Horton, Wm. O. (Savannah), shoemaker
Hovey, Elmer C., prop. Clyde Hotel
Hovey, Nthan, coal and wood dealer
Howard, C. P., blacksmith
Howard, James L., engineer
Howard, Thos. (Savannah), blacksmith
Howe, Alfred C. (A. C. Howe & Son), sewing machine dealer
Howe, A. C. & Son (Alfred C. and Robert A.), merchant tailors
Howe, Robert A. (A. C. Howe & Son)
Howes & Holms (Orrin Howes and Ezra Holmes), prop. Franklin House and billiard rooms
Howes, Orrin (Howes & Holmes)
Hoyt, Geo. H. Mrs., sewing machine dealer
Hubbard, Jerome (Savannah), farmer 102
Hulbert, Ansel, farmer 100
Humphrey, A. D. (F. Humphrey & Son)
Humphrey, Elmer, butcher
Humphrey, F. & Son (F. and A. D.), iron founders, machinists and agricultural implements manuf.
Hunt, Wm. S., farmer 350
Hurd, Joseph, farmer, leases 25
Hurd, Reuben, farmer, leases 6
Husic, Chas., barber and leader string band
Hutching, Andrew, cooper and farmer 10
Hutchins, Alfred, cooper
Ives, Wm. C., ready made clothing, jewelry, watches, picture frames, &c.
Jones, Hiram P., justice of the peace
Kane, John, laborer
Kellogg, E. B., farmer 80
Kellogg, Lewis B., farmer 146
Kelsey, David, carriage maker
Kelsey, Samuel, farmer 272
Kelsey, Samuel, farmer 275
Kennedy, James, journeyman cigar maker
Kenyon, H. P. (Aurand & Kenyon)
Ketcham, H. O., farmer 150
Ketchum, Alvah, farmer 96
Ketchum, Geo. E., distillery
Ketchum, Joel P., farmer
Ketchum, Leander S., farmer 260
King, Electa B. Miss, telegraph operator N. Y. C. R. R.
Kingsley, Wells, dyer
Kirby, James, farmer 2
Knapp, Eli, farmer 155 1/2
Knapp, Eli, farmer 160
Knapp, Ichabod, farmer 52
Knapp, Sylvester, farmer 89 1/4
Kraus, E. (Ekart & Kraus)
Lake, Allen, farmer, leases 106
Lake, Henry, carpenter
Lamb, Chancy B. (P.O. Address, Tyre, Seneca Co.), farmer 50
Lamb, Edwin, farmer, leases 30
Lamb, Wm. E. (P.O. Address, Tyre, Seneca Co.), farmer 40
Langdon, John W., farmer 58 3/4
Lauder, Francis C., butcher
Lawton, Chas. D. (Lawton & Crane), claim agent
Lawton & Crane (Chas. D. Lawton and John L. Crane), lawyers
Lee, Chas., laborer
Lee, John, blacksmith
Leek, C. W., teller First National Bank of Clyde
Leek, Jarvis, auctioneer
Leek, J. Maddison, carpenter
Leek, J. S., farmer 110
Lestre, Julius, farmer, leases 50
Link, Wm. F. (Savannah), farmer, leases 10
Livermore, J. W., wagon maker
Livingston, Dr. Geo. P., dentist
Lock, Samuel, painter
Lux, Bernhart, saloon
Lux, Caroline Miss, manufacturer of hoop skirts
Lux, Ernest, cooper and ice dealer

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