Part 1
The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties in the late 1860s. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there.
How to use the Wayne County Directory: Persons in the Wayne County Directory generally were listed under the post office where they received their mail. These directory listings were first organized by township. Within the townships the compilers made further list divisions - the official post offices located within the township. The compilers of this directory were not always consistent, from township to township, in whether a place in parentheses was the official residence or post office where mail was received.
We hope you spot your ancestor in the directory listings but... we have no further information on individuals or families listed. The societies in our research resources section will give you further assistance.
From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Wayne County, N.Y. 1867
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1867
Post Office address of residents of town of Arcadia, are as follows: Arcadia, Newark and Fairville, in the town; and Lyons, Joy and East Palmyra, in adjoining towns.
A post-office in the old village of Arcadia, now the eastern portion of the incorporated village of Newark. Daily Mail.
Aldrich, Aaron (Aldrich & Co.)
Aldrich & Co. (Aaron Aldrich, James Ridley and Andrew O. Lamoreaux) elevator, malsters and produce dealers
Ansley, Mrs. C. .L. (P.O. address Geneva, Ontario Co. N. Y.) farmer 75
Baker, Edward W. (Henry T. Baker & Bro.)
Baker, Henry T. (Henry T. Baker & Bro.)
Baker, Henry T. & Bro. (Henry T. & Edward W.) carriage makers and blacksmiths
Beckwith, John W., harness and trunks
Bender, Michael, farmer leases 108
Benton, Lewis J., farmer 135
Bloom, Conrad, mason
Brisee, John, farmer 6 1/4
Brissee, Henry, farmer 3
Bronck, Casper, carpenter
Bronck, Casper P., carpenter
Buell, Eli Jr., farmer 53
Burgess, James, farmer 87
Burleigh, Geo F., farmer 64
Burleigh, Wm. H., farmer
Burley, Abner, farmer 102
Burley, Chester J., farmer 50 and leases 97
Burley, Nelson, farmer 53 3/4
Burroughs, James H., farmer 40
Burroughs, Silas, farmer 21 and leases 104
Celnen, Thos., farmer 12
Chadwick, Chas C. Jr., farmer 50
Chadwick, Chas. C., Sen. farmer 50
Chadwick, Ezra L., farmer 110
Clauss, Geo. H., farmer 48
Clauss, Geo. (Geo. Cook & Bros.)
Cook, Geo. & Bros. (George, James and Nathaniel) groceries, crockery and boots and shoes
Cook, James (Geo. Cook & Bros.)
Cook, Nathaniel (Geo. Cook & Bros.)
Cronise, Henry (Cronise & Kemper) Supervisor
Cronise & Kemper (Henry Cronise & Daniel Kemper) general merchants
Daniels, Geo., farmer 100
Daniels, Mrs. Laura, farmer 53
Daniels, Nicholas, blacksmith and farmer leases 55
Daniels, Wm., prop. Arcadia Hotel and farmer 50
Darling, Wm. H., boots and shoes
Demming, Henry C. (with James West) farmer leases 70
Devinny, Richard A., farmer 52
Dillenbeck, Addison, general merchant, millinery and dress-making
Dillenbeck, Arie M. (J. & A. M. Dillenbeck)
Dillenbeck, J. & A. M. (John & Arie M.) middle lock grocery
Dillenbeck, John ( J. & A. M. Dillenbeck) post-master
Ellenwood, Ensign W., farmer 55
Ellsworth, Wm., farmer 4 1/3
Gage, Godfrey, mason
Gee, Josephus (M. G. Lamoreaux & Co.)
Genthner, Godfrey, mason
Genthner, Lewis, mason
Griswold, Albert, farmer 4
Hardnail, Fred'k, farmer leases 55
Hartnahuel, John, farmer 17
Hazen, Wm. P., farmer 47
Heath, Geo. A. & Co. (Geo. A. & John E.) furniture dealers and undertakers
Heath, John E. (Geo. A. Heath & Co.)
Hedden, John L., insurance agent and justice of peace
Hernon, Patrick, blacksmith and farmer 4
Hill, Anthony, carpenter
Hill, Geo., carpenter
Hinckley, Ezekiel, livery and constable
Horton, Chas. C., carpenter
Horton, Theodore F., druggist
Kelly, Chas. H., allop. physician
Kelly, Ebenezer H., farmer 55
Kelly, Ebenezer R., farmer 80
Kemper, Daniel (Cronise & Kemper)
Lake, Geo., farmer 18
Lamoreaux, Andrew O. (Aldrich & Co.) farmer 159 1/4
Lamoreaux, M. B. & Co. (M. G. Lamoreaux & Josephus Gee) lumber dealers and planing mill
Lape, John, carpenter
Lape, Mary Ann, farmer 10
Lord, Joseph W., farmer 22
Lusk, Chilon B., meat market
McLaughlin, Owen, farmer 67
McMullen, Reuben, farmer 80
Meriam, Daniel, farmer 33
Nichol, James, farmer 59
Ogden, Le Grand, coal dealer
Olmsted, John H., farmer 101
Ostrander, Melvin, farmer 84
Parkhurst, Wm. R., mason
Parks, Austin A., farmer 65
Pollock, James, farmer 111 1/3
Price & Co. (Geo. H. & Henry C. Price) Arcadia brick mills
Price, Geo. H. (Price & Co.)
Price, Henry C., (Price & Co.)
Price, Roderick, brick yard and farmer 175
Probasco, George, carpenter
Reed, Lucy, farmer 10
Richards, Warren, farmer 65
Ridley, James (Aldrich & Co.)
Ridley, James T., farmer 26
Ridley, W. M., farmer 162
Roberts, Benjamin, farmer 42
Robinson, Robert, farmer 85
Rogers, Wm. II, farmer 9 and leases 10
Rose, Laurin L., auctioneer and farmer 108
Rowland, Jerusha J., farmer 81
Rush, Geo., farmer leases 30
Rush, Gilbert, farmer 7
Rush, Ward, farmer 6
Shaw, Platt K., farmer 130
Shoeman, Chas., mason
Slaight, Geo., farmer 127
Snider, Mrs. John O., dress maker
Snider, John O., tinsmith
Spoor, James B., carpenter
Spoor, Wm. T., carpenter
Stewart, M. A.,farmer 56
Stickney, John, farmer 47
Sweet, Stephen, farmer 3
Taylor, A. J., carpenter and farmer 3 1/2
Tiffany, Chas. B., farmer 109 1/2
Tyron, Geo. S., boots and shoes
Turner, Rev. Wm., Dutch Reformed clergyman
Vanauken, Ezra, farmer 56
Vanauken, Martin C., farmer 77
Van Dusen, Henry, farmer 12
Van Dusen, Peter, farmer 130
Van Dusen, Thomas, farmer 75
Van Gorder, Elias, farmer 13
Van Gorden, Wm., farmer 60
Van Slyck, Peter I., farmer 90
Van Valkenburgh, Andrew, watchman N. Y. C. R. R. and farmer 16
Warner, John S., grocery, upper lock
Weaver, Harry, farmer 62
West, James (with Henry C. Demming) farmer leases 70
Westfall, Alfred, farmer leases 77
Wheeler, Benjamin, tannery
Whitbeck, Leonard L., blacksmith and farmer 25
Wiggins, Jacob, agent for Roderick Price's brick yard
Youngs, Luman S., farmer 62
A post village, about five miles north of Newark. Daily Mail
Arhart, Geo., peppermint still, cider mill and farmer 210
Austin, Ebenezer, farmer 80
Austin, Isaac J., farmer leases 56
Austin, Mrs. Sarah, farmer 70
Bashyer, Christian, farmer 50
Beam, John (Beam & Lounsbery.)
Beam & Lounsbery (John Beam, Levi A. Lounsbery) general merchants
Beckwith, John A., harness maker
Bley, Michael, farmer 20
Bockoven, John, farmer 49
Boshyer, Christian, farmer 50
Brantling, John, farmer 190
Brimer, Joseph, farmer 60
Burnett, Mrs. Catherine, farmer 15
Burnett, Daniel, farmer leases 64
Burnett, James, tanner
Burnett, Wm., farmer 64
Butts, Isaac, farmer 75
Cline, Claudius D., farmer 103
Clum, Edward, farmer leases 50
Comstock, James M., farmer 70
Crandall, Lyman A., allo. physician, and farmer 25
Cronk, Lewis W., farmer 60
Cull, Charles, farmer 109
Deagal, Jacob, blacksmith
Devall, Martin, farmer leases 65
Dorsey, Mrs. Mary, farmer 11
Dubois, Mrs. Elizabeth, farmer 144
Duesenbery, Mrs. Cynthia, farmer 20
Everhart, Henry L., farmer 88
Fisher, Frederick, farmer 53
Fisher, Geo. W., farmer leases 80
Flick, Peter, carriage maker and blacksmith
Fredenburgh, Benjamin F., farmer 75
Fritts, Peter, farmer 15
Fritz, Charles, steam saw mill and farmer 3
Gridley, Enoch A., general merchant
Har, Jacob, boots and shoes
Herman, Rev. Charles, M. E. clergyman
Herman, John J., farmer 50
Himes, Charles, farmer 18
Hoeltzel, Frederick, farmer 170
Hollenbeck, Wm., farmer 66
Hollenbeck, Silas V., farmer 9
Jayne, Mrs. Caroline, farmer 65
Kaiser, John, farmer 80
Kries, Michael, farmer leases 100
Leidengen, Valentine, carriage maker
Lounsbery, Levi A., (Beam & Lounsbery)
Lox, John G., farmer 76
Magee, Daniel, farmer 6
Marble, James, farmer 50
Martin, John H., farmer 50
McIntire, W., hotel proprietor
Miller, Samuel B., farmer 123
Mott, Andrew J., constable and farmer 17
Nichols, John, farmer 79
Payne, Nathaniel, farmer 50
Plass, Conrad, farmer 42
Pollock, Mrs. Esther, farmer 67
Pollock, Lorenzo D., farmer leases 67
Raclow, Michael, farmer 32
Rankert, Jacob, farmer 165
Rider, Henry, farmer 165
Robinson, Caleb R., farmer 30
Robinson, Geo. E., justice of peace
Robison, Aaron V., farmer 50
Robison, John D., farmer 98
Sager, Wm., farmer leases 84
Sayles, Charles J., farmer 124
Schauub, Michael, farmer 80
Scheer, Jacob, saw mill and farmer 96
Schuuab, Phillip, farmer 166
Schuler, Geo., farmer 202
Schuuab, Geo., farmer 179
See, John, farmer 78
See, Marvin, farmer 72
See, Simon, farmer 50
Sharts, Ira J., farmer 45
Shufelt, John H., farmer 6
Skuse, Elisha, farmer 51
Snyder, Jacob, farmer 100
Soverhill, Marvin A., farmer 55
Stacy, Peter, farmer 9
Stever, Philip H., carpenter and farmer 47
St. John, Mrs. Abby, farmer 50
St. John, Elon, saw mill and farmer 155
Stout, John, farmer 68
Studer, Henry , Jr., farmer 25 and leases 103
Studer, Henry, Sr., (estate) farmer 200
Teal, Laurin E., farmer 12
Thorn, John, farmer 50
Thorn, Underhill, farmer 50
Vail, Henry, farmer 50
Vanderbilt, Isaac F., farmer 75
Van Duser, Robert, farmer
Van Hoesen, Geo. M., farmer 88
Van Inwagen, Cornelius, proprietor Fairville Hotel
Van Inwagen, Levi, boots and shoes and postmaster
Van Marter, Clark, farmer 5
Van Ostrand, Jeremiah, farmer 50
Weimer, Michael, farmer leases 97
Weston, Mrs. Volney G., farmer 40
Whitbeck, Mrs. Camelia, farmer 30
Whitbeck, John H., farmer, 45 and leases 30
Whitbeck, Norman, journeyman blacksmith
Witt, Frederick, farmer 83 1/2
Wright, Geo., farmer 50 and leases 64
Wright, Jefferson, farmer 61
Yager, Valentine, farmer 52
A post village on the Erie Canal, and a station on the N.Y.C.R.R. Daily mail.
Ackerson, Paul A., farmer 60
Adams, Robert, farmer 93
Aldrich, Hiram, farmer 25 1/2
Allen, George, carriage trimmer
Allerton, Mead, gardener and farmer 1 1/4
Allerton, Orville H., general merchant
Arbuckle, Joseph N., agent Merchant's Union Express and farmer 4 acres of vinyard
Armstrong, Mrs. Alvin, boarding house
Austin, Gideon G., farmer 94
Austin, La Fayette, farmer 10
Austin, Wm. J., farmer 19 1/2
Ayers, Jonathan, grist mill
Babbit, Rev. P. Teller, Epis. Clergyman
Bagley, Jackson, carriage maker
Bailey, Benjamin, farmer 100 and leases 81
Baldwin, Albert H. (Baldwin & Boice)
Bladwin & Boice (Albert H. Baldwin and Abram Boice) meat market
Barney, Wm. T. (Reed & Barney)
Bartle, Andrew C., planing mill, lumber dealer and sash, door and blind manufacturer
Bartle, James P., leader brass band
Bartle, Mrs. Louisa B. farmer 40
Bartle, Warren S., new and second hand machinery
Bartle, Mrs. W. S., music teacher
Bastin, Valentine, prop. German Saloon
Beach, Mrs. Diana, farmer 18
Beader, Wm., farmer 63
Bender, John, farmer 2 1/2 and leases 37
Bennett, James, groceries and liquors
Bennett, Gideon L. (Bennett & Parker) justice of peace
Bennett & Parker, (Gideon L. Bennett and Edwin D. Parker) insurance agents
Benton, John W., farmer 50
Blackmar, Edwin, dry goods
Blakely, James G., tinsmith
Boice, Abram (Baldwin & Boice)
Booth, Edwin, constable
Botcher, Carrol Sr., farmer 70
Bridger, James, groceries and liquors and farmer 200
Briggs, James E. (Williams & Briggs) notary public, insurance and claim agent
Briggs, John, farmer 100
Brinkerhoff, Saley, farmer 30
Bristol, D. C., druggist
Brown, F. M. (M. S. & Son)
Brown, M. S. & Son (M. S. and F. M.) hardware dealers
Brownall, Willis, farmer 25 and leases 100
Brush, Mills P., farmer 36
Bryant, James Y., farmer 100
Bryant, Lewis J., farmer leases 100
Bryant, Stephen O., farmer 53
Buck, Rev. D. D., M. E. Clergyman
Budd, Elijah, farmer 111
Burghdurf, Rev. J. C., Christian clergyman
Burnham, Edwin K., lawyer and justice of peace
Burt, Howard, farmer leases 116
Butler, Wm. M., telegraph operator and baggage master, N. Y. C.
Cady, Albert, farmer 106
Carey, Jesse B., mason
Carey, John N., mason
Cary, John N., farmer 87
Clark, Alvin D., farmer 75 1/2
Clark, Wm., farmer 10
Colter, Henry farmer leases 72
Conine, Wm. H., farmer 82
Coons, Alexander, farmer 71 1/4
Corwin, Isaac H., farmer 97
Coventry, John, allopathic physician
Cozzens, Wm., farmer 5 1/2
Craig, H. B., peppermint grower
Craig, Uriah, farmer 56
Crandel, Thomas, peppermint grower and farmer 33 3/4
Cressy, A. F., gloves and mittens
Cronise & Co. (John S. Cronise, J. A. Miller and J. F. Herman) hardware
Cronise, John S. (Cronise & Co.) Secretary of Board Newark Union Free School and Academy
Cronise, Samuel, farmer 54
Cronise, Simon, farmer 50
Culver, Chauncy, farmer 100
Culver, Norman, farmer 34
Curtis, Chas (Palmyra) farmer 130
Curtis, Elhanan A., foreman Wayne Co. Preserving Establishment
Curtis, Ezekiah, farmer 30
Daggett, John, manufacturer woolen machinery
Darling, Harrison, carpenter, sash, door and blind manufacturer
Davis, Mason, boots and shoes
Dawley & Frear (Philander Dawley and Chas. H. Frear) groceries and news room
Dawley, Philander (Dawley & Frear)
De Pew, Rev. John, Christian clergyman and farmer 31
Dowd, Judson H., photograph artist
Drake, John, carpenter and house mover
Drake, Ransom S., carriage painter
Drake, Wesley S., house and sign painter and grainer
Eames, Spencer S., farmer 30
Ebersole, Daniel, farmer 2
Edgett, Ezra A., prop'r Wayne Co. Preserving Establishment and farmer 65
Edwards, Lora, farmer 115
Eickhoff, Fred, farmer 33
Ellenwood, E. Chester, insurance agent
Ellis, Mrs. R., boarding house
Endres, Leonard, prop. German Hotel
Evans, Calvin, boots and shoes
Everts, Maria, farmer 4 1/2
Failing, Geo. R., farmer 50
Failing, Josiah, farmer 31
Feller, Lewis W. (Palmyra) farmer 205
Filkins, Hiram, peppermint still and farmer 125
Finding, Joseph L., carpenter
Finley, Luther, prop. omnibus line
Fisher, Albert & Co. (Albert and Charles Fisher) farmer leases 75
Fisher, Chas. (Albert Fisher & Co.)
Fisk, Edward, farmer 64
Fisk, William, farmer 100
Fleming, Wm., farmer 70
Ford, James D., auctioneer and prop. Washington Hall
Ford, Mrs. James W., music teacher
Foster, Bailey D., farmer 182
Fox, David S., farmer 130
Frary, Robt., farmer 55
Frear, Chas. H. (Dawley & Frear)
Frear, Wm., carpenter
Frey, Adam, farmer 125
Fuller, John L. (Marion) farmer 45
Galusha, Abram F. farmer 90
Gardenier, Zina B., prop. Newark Hotel and billiard rooms
Gardener, Hanson, farmer 50
Gardner, Hanson A., farmer 50
Garlock, Cyrus, manuf. of butter firkins
Garlock, Geo. (Palmyra) farmer 75
Garlock, Peter, farmer 60
Gaslin, Geo. B., marble works
Gates, Mrs. R. S., laundress
Gates, R. S., carman
Gerdess, John, farmer leases 50
Gifford, James W. (with John P.) farmer 80
Gifford, John P. (with James W.) farmer 80
Granger, James G., cabinet maker, undertaker and farmer 8
Grant, E. T., cashier 1st National Bank of Newark
Greenwood, Ira (Tracy & Greenwood)
Greenwood, Ira 2nd, farmer 100
Greenwood, M. I. & Co., groceries
Griffin, James, farmer 50
Grinnyel, Geo., farmer 1 1/4
Griswold, Albert, farmer 4
Groat, Wm. S., blacksmith and farmer 6
Guye, Thomas, farmer 41
Haensel, Chas., tailor
Hankenson, James W., clothing, notary public and farmer 4
Harris, Oscar W., boots and shoes
Hays, Alex., railroad agent (N. Y. C.) and Am. Express agent
Hazen, Adolphus E., freight clerk, (N. Y. C.)
Hegeman, Rem. J., farmer 77
Herman, J. F. (Cronise & Co.)
Herman, John G. Jr., farmer 46 1/2
Herman, John G. Sr., farmer 66
Hill, Charles B., farmer 100
Hill, Wm., farmer 4
Hoag, Samuel W., farmer 60
Holcombe, Mrs. E. Justin, preceptress Newark Union Free School and Academy
Holmes, Wm. H, farmer 57
Howell, Elias P., farmer 90
Howland, Geo., farmer 83
Humeston, Ira, farmer 72
Hummel, John, blacksmith
Husted, Sackett L., farmer 100
Hutchings, Uriah, farmer 50
Hyde, Artemus W., farmer 275
Hyde, Eliezer M., farmer 75
Hyman, John, farmer 41
Continue on to Newark Part 2, Surnames J - Z
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