Found Family FotosWayne County, NYThis page is for posting photos of Wayne County residents or photos taken at Wayne County studios that *you'd like to reunite or share with a descendant or will be donating to a historical society*. If you have a Wayne County photo you'd like to post on this page, let us know and tell us what you have and we can discuss file format. Please do not send pictures or other types of files without notice, as I delete all email that I'm not expecting that contain attachments. LITTLE GALEN GIRLS? This ca. mid-1890s albumen print photo was a recent antique show find. Taken by Shirler, Clyde, N.Y., showing 11 girls ranging from about 10 to 14
years old. I've converted it to grayscale so that the details show. On the back they're identified as: DO YOU KNOW THIS COUPLE? Presenting two carte de visites sent in by Dean Johnson, both photographs taken at Ravell's photography studio in Lyons. The man is Mr. Van Auken, no first name, and his wife Julia. Julia's hair style and dress are typical of the mid to later 1860s, but may be more recent. " The old photo album I got this out of said her name was Julia Ann Burgess. I hope that is her name, as I am a descendant of her sister. One thing I do know - this man and woman are a married couple." If you can identify this couple, Mr. Van Auken's first name, or have information to share, please contact Dean directly. A LITTLE PALMYRA GIRL This exquisite child is i.d.'d on the back as Mable Agnes Goldsmith, Palmyra. No photographer's name given. Found in Ontario County in a junk box, no other associated photographs, in the summer of 2002. If she's related to you, please contact the site coordinators and tell us about her. This photo has been donated to the Office of the County Historian. CAHOON CHILDREN I found this photograph in August 2002 somewhere in upstate NY. I don't remember where as I must have
gone to 50 antiques shops! On the back it says: This photograph is fading and much lighter than the scan. The original photo will be available for viewing at the Office of the County Historian, to whom I'll be donating it. Created: 9/27/02 Updated: 10/13/17 Digital Images Copyright © 2003 - 2011 M. Magill/ Dean Johnson Wayne County NYGenWeb All Rights Reserved. |