1905 Census Index
Town of Arcadia Custodial Asylum
(may include staff)

The index to what was called the "Town of Arcadia Custodial Asylum" was prepared by co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry. This institution still exists today in Newark, NY, has been one of the largest employers in the county and region, and for a long time was better known as the Newark State School. The official name has probably changed and we would appreciate the correct current name to post here. Throughout it's long history individuals from all over the state were sent here; so persons for whom we only have the surnames listing below came from all over. This is only an index and the original 1905 State Census listings showing full name and other census particulars can be viewed at the Office of the County Historian in Lyons, NY.

The history of institutionalization has changed dramatically over the past century. At the time this census was taken the most likely reasons for a person's being sent here were what were called at that time "insanity, lunacy, idiocy, being crippled", what we now label as severe physical and cognitive disabilities, as well as being considered unmanageable, wayward or eccentric by one's family or physician, and so on. Allyn and I drove through the Newark grounds on my visit last summer and observed an architectural legacy reflecting medical and philosophical changes in attitudes towards, and caretaking of, patients up until the present - massive abandoned "Addams Family" or armory-like stone buildings with bars on the windows, beautiful brick Edwardian-age group homes now boarded up, and contemporary one- or multiple-storied buildings typical of modern hospitals. For many years the population at Newark was quite large, but is now a fraction of what it was as a result of deinstitutionalization at this and similar facilities in the state in the past few decades.

We don't know about nor can we answer questions about the survival of early records, or feasibility of viewing any possibly existing old patient records from Newark. But researchers should be advised that in New York State medical records in most cases are **highly confidential**, even older ones if surviving, and difficult to gain access to without medical justification to aid the living on a need-to-know basis. Access to another person's medical records often requires a court order. In light of medical records access restrictions, there is no reason for us to conclude that our curiosity about particular ancestral relatives is a good enough reason. And so we cannot make referrals or suggestions if you do recognize anyone after viewing the original census. We're placing this index on the site because of Newark's historical importance to the local economy and and state-wide medical community, as well as to help you locate missing relatives from the immediate area and the rest of the state. If you find your relative on the original census you may draw your own conclusions.

Abbey 7
Abercrombie 11
Acker 10
Allen 1, 2, 3, 9
Anderson 2, 12
Alralovitz 11
Atwood 12
Austin 5
Chaffee 7
Babcock 7
Bach 3
Baker 7
Ball 5
Barbour 10
Barkholdt 1
Barnhart 11
Barrus 1
Bartholomey 12
Baumann 5
Bear 10
Beebe 3
Bellinger 7
Bennett 3
Biggera 2
Bindl 9
Bishop 6, 9
Blanchard 7
Blanket 7
Blass 7
Blitz 10
Bloomer 12
Blum 9
Boardway 6
Bogart 10
Bowers 10
Boyd 3
Bradley 4
Brady 11
Bray 5
Brickner 9
Briggs 11
Brill 10
Brisette 7
Bronson 7
Brooks 3
Brougham 5
Brown 3, 5, 7, 9, 12(3)
Brundage 12
Brush 1
Bundy 6
Burbridge 6
Burke 6
Burleson 7
Burns 2, 10B
Bush 5
Button 3
Cady 6
Caester 5
Campbell 2
Carey 2
Carr 12
Casey 4
Cassidy 9
Casteline 4
Chamberlain 10
Chase 4
Christie 6
Church 6, 7
Clark 2, 4, 7, 10
Clewley 7
Cole 13
Coleman 10
Combs 3
Conklin/Conkling 1, 7
Conley 10
Conner 2
Conroy 2
Cook 4
Cooney 9
Cornell 1
Cornwell 12
Cosselmon 1
Cotton 7
Countryman 5
Covert 1
Cramer 3
Crowley 6
Cullen 1
Culver 10
Cunnigan 3
Daley 10
Dalton 13
Danforth 6
Davey 12
Davis 1(2), 7
Dayn 3
Deepius 10
Deisler 5
Deitzer 2
Delaney 12
Devoe 3
Dillon 9
Divine 11
Dole 10
Donovan 10
Doty 12
Dove 13
Downey 10
Druschel 10
Ducharne 12
Dugan 1
Earle/Earl 5, 7
Earley 6
Eberly 7
Edwards 12
Ehlers 9
Eldrege 9
Elenger 10
Elliott 7
Ellis 11
Elvin 1
Engels 1
Ensley 6
Everitt 6
Hellsinger 4
Farley 4
Fenner 9
Ferry 13
Fiddler 5
Fish 11
Fisher 5, 6, 12
Flood 4
Foley 3
Fowler 11
Freeman 5
Friedland 13
Fulton 5
Gage 4
Gardner 9
Garno 5
Genung 6
Geority 3
Gibbons 6
Gifford 2
Gilmore 7
Glasier 9
Glosque 2
Goggin 7
Goldbert/Goldenberg 12, 13
Goodell 2
Goodfellow 2
Goodhue 3
Gould 13
Green 3, 9, 11
Gurgzen 13
Gurzynska 10
Jewel 6
Haak 10
Hadlock 12
Hale 7
Hall 5(2), 6
Hamilton 5
Hammer 13
Hammersley 7
Hanna 12
Hannegan/Hanagan 3, 11
Hano 1
Harrigan 1
Harrington 2, 10
Harris 11(2)
Hart 10
Hartman 6
Hatch 7, 9
Hathaway 7
Hatter 9
Havert 1
Hayes 3, 9
Heda 6
Heindel 6
Helmer 1
Hendrickson 2
Henries 3
Herbert 9
Herrick 11
Hess 11
Hexel 11
Hickey 6
Hill 5
Hitchcock 5
Hoban 9
Hobkirk 3
Hoffstetter 9
Holmes 7
Hood 7
Hopeck 13
Horton 2
Houghtaling/Hoftalling 2
Howard 6, 11
Huff 11
Hull 4
Humphrey 5
Hyer 4
Ingalsbee 2
Ingram 12
Irwin 2
Jackson 11
Jager 11
Jennick 1
Jerrick 2
Johnson 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Keller 7
Keller 7
Kelley/Kelly 2, 4, 13
Kellogg 12
Ketterer 6
King 7, 13
Klingensmith 2
Knapp 3
Krewley 6
Lally 1(2)
Lape 1
Laughton 9
Lawrence 5
Laymon 6
Lee 3
Leneare 9
Lent 11
Leonard 5, 9, 10, 11
Lewis 7(2)
Lillienstern 6
Little 6
Loderman 13
Long 13
Loomis 4
Lorenzo 3
Lott 5
Lowell 12
Lux 6
Lynch 1

Mack 9
Macklin 11
Mahoney 4
Maney 2
Mangan 11
Mann 5
Marsh 3
Martin 6
Mathers 4
Matties 3
Matts 5
Maxwell 11, 12
McAfee 12
McCarthy 1
McCoy 6
McCraig 12
McCullough 4
McDonald 2
McDonnell 2
McGary 12
McGoldrick 5
McGuire 4, 9, 12
McLean 13
McMahon 3
McMullen 6
McNair 2, 10
Mecca 9
Meehan 6
Miller 4(2), 11(2), 12
Minchler 6
Minwell 12
Mitchell 11
Mitten 10
Montreale 9
Mooney 1
Moore 3(2), 4, 11
Morgan 2
Morningstar 4
Morris 3
Morse 3
Morsheimer 11
Moulter 5
Muller 9
Mulligan 10
Murnaghan 10
Murphy 4(2)
Murray 9
Nagle 4
Nathan 9
Natsch 9
Neisch 12
Nevils 10
Newlove 11
Nichols 12
Noel 2
Norton 1, 12
Oatman 12, 13
Oaxler 7
Obici 7
O'Brien 6, 10, 13
Odell 4
O'Keefe 9
O'Mara 4
O'Neil 1, 2
Ormsbee 2
Orr 7
Osborn 12
Ostrander 10
Osyer 12
O'Toole 5
Oulahan 1(2)
Outhout 3
Ovitt 12
Paget 2
Parker 4
Parks 3,12
Parmeter 2
Parmley 7
Parslow 6
Parslow 6
Passarelli 10
Payne 11
Peck 2
Perdelwitz 13
Perrigo 9
Perry 6
Pfaefflin 4
Pfender 13
Phillips 1, 4, 5
Picket 5
Pierce 3
Pilcher 1(2) v Pitt 3
Place 2
Pool 7
Pope 7(2)
Post 3
Power/Powers 1, 9
Prew 13
Price 7
Proseus 1
Prosser 7
Purple 12
Quereau 1
Quick 11
Quillia 11
Soltare 11
Rainsley 1
Rauls 13
Ray 11
Reed 12
Retsinger 5
Reule 1
Reynolds 1, 7
Rhode 10
Rickard 10
Rider 5
Ringler 7
Ritter 9
Roach 4
Robbins 11
Roberts 6
Robertson 4, 11
Rogers 12
Ronan 7
Roth 13
Rourke 10
Rutter 4
Stroyer 7
Sachs 9
Sage 5
Sagendorph 10
Sanford 13
Saunders 7
Schaefer 5
Schifinger 12
Schillinger 9
Schmouck 6
Schrelder 10
Schroeder 3
Schuyler 5
Scott 6
Seeley 3
Severino 4
Shanks 4
Shannahan 4
Sharp 4
Shaver 3, 4
Shea 3
Sherwood 5
Shufelt 9
Shuler 2
Shultz 2
Sickler 4
Siebert 11
Siegrist 5
Silliman 1
Slarks 4
Smallidge 2
Smith 2(3), 3, 4, 5, 9(2), 11
Snyder 2, 5, 9
Solomon 5
Soule 6
Southard 9
Spahill 7
Sparks 5
Spratt 2
Sprotte 10
Stacy 10
Stahl 9
Staley 5
St. Clair 4
Steiglar 11
Stein 6
Steinberg 3
Stevens 10
Stickler 5
Stickt 12
Stinmyre 4
Stocking 6
Stockner 4
Storms 9
Stratton 1
Stuck 2
Stuntz 12
Sullivan 6
Swan 2
Sweetman 10
Tassery 5
Taylor 11
Terry 10
Thomas 5
Thompson 4
Thorne/Thorn 3, 13
Tooker 3
Topham 4
Townsend 13
Trim 3
Tucker 1, 2
Tunney 6
Utter 3
VanAllen 11
Wagner 4
Wahl 4
Walker 7
Walling 12
Walsh 9
Walters 2
Ward 3, 11
Warden 2
Warnecke 2
Warren 12
Warwick 9
Watson 12
Weber 10, 12
Weisser 5
Wells 3
Wesley 5
Weymer 7
White 11, 12
Wilcox 5
Wiles 11
Williams 1, 10
Wilmott 9
Wilson 2
Winn 9
Winspear 1(2)
Wood 10, 13
Worth 3
Wright 3, 9, 13(2)
Yaw 4
Yonker 6
Young 5, 6
Yust 11

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Created: 6/16/99
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Office of the County Historan
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Allyn Hess Perry/ M. Magill/ Margaret Sherman Lutzvick
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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