Zurich Cemetery

Town of Arcadia

Wayne County, NY

Zurich Cemetery

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

Located in the north-east corner of town of Arcadia, on Zurich Road, county road #237 between the Bramer & DeNeef Roads, on the north side.

2005 Driving Directions - Arcadia Zurich Norris Rd. North. Take first Right past Wunder Rd. Follow through first intersection, Bramer and Lembke Roads. The Cemetery is about 1/10 mile past the intersection on the Left hand side.

THORNTON Elisha May 13, 1854, 74y [see note at end of listing]
THORNTON Lydia, wife of Charles June 27, 1845, 28y [see note at end of listing]
THORNTON Thankful, wife of Sidney June 17, 1848, 27y 22d
THORNTON Ellen, dau of S. & T. July 11, 1847, 7m 14d
YORK Samuel D. Dec. 2, 1851, 26y 11m 22d
YORK Mary J. wife of Samuel, July 11, 1845, 20y 9m 3d [see note at end of listing]
JEWELL Hattie E. dau of E.W. & Mary, Aug. 19, 1863, 5m 1d
BULLARD Susan wife of Ira Apr. 12,1863, 29y 6m 27d
BULLARD Rosie May dau of I. & S.E. May 3, 1863, 10m 17d
HUGHSON Oscar S. 1853-1929
HUGHSON Mary E. wife 1861-1943
HUGHSON William H. 1824-1913
HUGHSON Mary E. wife 1829-1906
HUGHSON Mary wife of Eliakim Sep. 24, 1842, 80y 7m 21d
MALLERY Samuel J. son J. & M.M. Jun. 22, 1845, 52y
SHEPHERD Electa wife of Ira, Jun. 4, 1842, 23y 1m 2d
LAMPHEAR Sally consort of Abel P. Sep. 5, 1826, 56y 6m 2d
DELLING Manoah Jul. 30, 1851, 70y
HORTON Joseph J. May 24, 1866, 75y 2m
HORTON Nancy wife of Joseph Mar. 19, 1853, 63y
HORTON Mary wife of John J. Jun. 25, 1854, 87y
PRATT Emma Ann dau of J.L. & C. Sep. 7, 1848, 1y 11m 26d
WEVER Nelson son of A. & R. Sep. 28, 1849, 1y 9m 12d
WEVER George son of A. & R. Sep. 23, 1849, 7y 8m 26d
WEVER Eliza dau of A. & R. Sep. 17, 1849, 11y 11m 5d
WEVER Ammon son of A. & R. Sep. 17, 1849, 2y 6m 10d
WEVER Augusta dau of A. & R. Apr. 11, 1849, 10 d
WEVER Charity Ann dau of L. Y H. Sep. 12, 1849, 3y 4m 26d
SHERMAN Justin 1833-1903
SHERMAN Marietta wife of J. 1831-1879
SHERMAN Eben 1863-1876
LEIGHTON Benjamin Sep. 26, 1844, 67y
LEIGHTON Sarah wife of B. May 27, 1871, 74y 1m 27d
LEIGHTON Benjamin Jr. Jan. 4, 1882, 75y 8m 24d
LEIGHTON Fanny wife of Benjamin Jr. Mar.1, 1845, 28y 9m 10d
LEIGHTON Sophronia wife of Benjamin Jr. Jul 26, 1891, 83y 7m 3d
LEIGHTON Andrew J. May 5, 1864, 22y Co. D, 111th N.Y.S. Vol. Killed Battle of the Wilderness, Va.
WEBER Michael Jun. 4, 1839 - Mar. 22, 1855
DENNIS Samuel Dec. 11, 1855, 79y 1m 25d
DENNIS Sarah WATSON wife of Samuel Oct. 16, 1850, 71y
DENNIS Benjamin J. May 23, 1848, 42y 2m 23d
DENNIS Zillah Jane ROBY wife of Benjamin Feb. 8, 1841, 23y 11m 28d
DENNIS Lovisa E. dau of Benj. S. & Polly M. Nov. 2, 1832, 6m 19d
WATSON Caroline F. wife of Lewis Jul. 27, 1872, 61y 2m 16d
SEBRING Chloe B. wife of Ira Apr. 12, 1871, 24y 10m 19d
LEIGHTON Chloe B. wife of Benjamin J. Jr. Jan. 2, 1846, 28y 11m 13d
LEIGHTON Fannie J. dau of B. & S.W. Sep. 14, 1863, 14y 11m 20d
RHODES Leland B. Feb. 6, 1896 - Jan. 29, 1950, Pvt. 147 Inf. 37 Div. WWI
DENNIS Rhoda wife of Moses May 25, 1841, 57y 2m 21d
ARNOLD Edward C. 1869-1942
ARNOLD Laura S. wife of Edward C. 1869-1929
ARNOLD Mary S. wife of Edward C. 1870-1908
SEBRING Ira Nov. 8, 1901, 60y, Co D. 111 Regt. N.Y.V.
SEBRING Ida A. wife of Ira 1852-1940
SEBRING Ruth E. dau of Ira & Ida 1884-1936
CARRIER Edward W. son of Samuel S. & Caroline E. May 10, 1841, 10y 23d
ELWYN Gale Jul. 15, 1853 - Jun. 22, 1907
WILSON Mary L. wife of John H. 1878-1906
EYER Frederick 1847-1912
EYER Frances E. wife 1857-1945
YUNG Freddie Jun. 20, 1874-Mar. 17, 1882

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith"

OSWALDT Cathberine dau of J. & B. Jun. 1, 1841-May 21, 1857
SCHADING Frederick 1840-1922
SCHADING Dorothea wife 1846-1891
KULL Charles F. 1862-1936
KULL Charlotte 1877-1936
WILSON John T. 1820-1891, Co. F. 98th Inf.
WILSON Susan wife 1820-1905
BENEDICT Elisha Apr. 26, 1886, 46y 29d Cpl. Co K 148 Reg 111 Vol.
VANVALKENBURG Edward 1865-1923 VANVALKENBURG Flora wife 1871-1950
YOUNG Frederick 1824-1888
YOUNG Christina wife 1831-1915
MARTIN Martin 1847-1928
MARTIN Louisa wife 1851-1898
GRALL Henry 1818-1898
GRALL Catherine wife 1824-1892
HATFIELD Robert 1825-1904, Civil War
HATFIELD Emily wife 1828-1884
RICHARDS Seymour D. 1868-1943
RICHARDS Rose L. 1872-1948
RICHARDS Elias Mar. 2, 1874, 68y 11m 18d
RICHARDS Matilda P. wife Dec. 26, 1887, 78y 2m 1d
RICHARDS Melancton W. 1837-1913
RICHARDS Martha J. wife 1838-1908
RICHARDS Elias son of M.W. & M.J. Dec. 6, 1860, 4y
RICHARDS Leonard O. son of M.W. & M.J. 1863, 4y
RICHARDS Mary E. dau of M.W. & M.J. 1870, 11y
DENNIS Robert D. 1814-1889
DENNIS Elizabeth wife 1820-1900
DENNIS Spencer son of R.D. & E. 1842-1894
DENNIS Roy D. son of R.D. & E. 1855-1856
DENNIS Sprague A. son of R.D. & E. 1857-1862
DENNIS Frank Elmer son of J. & C. 1862, 5m
WHITBECK Ella dau of J. U& L. 1871-1871
DEVALL Spencer H. 1863-1915
DEVALL Carrie E. DENNIS wife 1862-1948
DENNIS Joseph D. Mar. 17, 1878, 79y 11d
DENNIS Love C. wife May 3, 1873, 74y 23d
DENNIS William son of Joseph D. & Love Jun. 19, 1841(?), 1y 8m 1d
DEVALL Claude 1896-1915
YOUNGS Nancy J. WATSON wife of Charles Mar. 16, 1861, 28y 6m 3d
ROBY Elizabeth wife of Samuel Feb. 14, 1850, 74y

"Behold and see as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me."

STELL Martin Nov. 11, 1888, 62y 6m 15d

"A precious one from us is gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled."

STELL Magdalena wife Nov. 11, 1871. 33y

"O may I thus in patience wait
Until I near that pearly gate
Where my enraptured soul shall see
That she is waiting there for me."

STELL Margaret BALTZEL wife of Martin May 3, 1908, 65y 7m 7d

"Faithful to her trust even unto death"

STELL George M. Jan. 7, 1872, 84y

"Why should our tears in sorrow flow
When God recalleth his own
And bids them leave a world of woe
For an immortal crown."

STELL Dorothea wife of George Apr. 15, 1881, 81y

"She followed virtue as her truest guide
She lived a Christian and as a Christian died."

STELL Dorothea E. dau of M. & Magdalena Apr. 26, 1877, 10y
STELL Eva M. 1881-1936 (sister of Mrs. John MacNamara)
CLAUS Dora A. dau of M. & M.A. 1860, 6m
CLAUS Mary L. dau of M. & M.A. 1859, 5m
BLOWERS Addie J. dau of J.K. & C. 1866, 5m
CARLL Ann wife of Enoch Oct. 2, 1852, 35y 6m 21d
CARLL Enoch Jan. 8, 1852, 81y 14d
CARLL Susan wife of Enoch Jan. 18, 1829, 54y
CARLL Cloy wife of Zeghariah Sep. 29, 1847, 37y
CARLL Silence wife of Zeghariah Jan. 21, 1862, 38y
CARLL Clarence J. son of E. & P.M. Nov. 2, 1861, 4y
CARLL Mary G. dau of Samuel & Jane Sep. 27, 1863, 2y 2m 19d
"Our little dear's no longer here"
CARLL Raymond A. son of A.D. & I.M. May 30, 1899-Jul. 23, 1900
CARLL Benjamin Mar. 29, 1859, 89y 9m 29d
CARLL Molly wife Aug. 31, 1853, 82y
CARLL A.D. 1849-1924
CARLL Hannah J. wife of A.D. 1851-1890
CARLL Ida M. wife of A.D. 1861-1900
WELCH Jahile Mar. 8, 1840, 40y (first person buried here)
WELCH Nancy wife Feb. 2, 1888, 82y
Field stone beside it, child of J. & N.
WELCH Francis J. 1865-19
WELCH Annie E. wife 1869-1922
WELCH Horace 1835-1915
WELCH Sarah H. wife 1843-1911
WELCH Henry J. 1866-1876
SHEPHERD Electa dau of Ira & Nancy Mar. 13, 1847, 1y
VANHOUTEN Eliza wife of Sears May 31, 1878, 38y 8m 11d
HENKEL Frederick 1836-1892
HENKEL Maria wife 1836-1893
HENKEL Henry 1872-1943
WATSON Dora Belle dau of S.D. & T.A. 1873, 1m
MCNAMARA Thomas J. 1867-1930
MCNAMARA Margaret M. STELL wife 1871-1950
GREENWALD Clara dau of Caleb & Rosa 1903-1903
STELL William M. 1864-1905
STELL Mary M. wife 1868-1933
ROLAND Spencer J. 1890-1943
ROLAND Armeda S. wife 1894-19
BARCLAY Frederick 1836-1910
BRAMER Ernest C. 1846-1925
DEPEW Ira 1842-1921 Co. H 22 N.Y.C.
WELCH Obadiah J. 1838-1913 Orderly Sgt. Co F 98 N.Y.
WELCH Adelia wife 1838-1919
SEBRING Philip 1809-1866
SEBRING Lydia wife 1817-1883
SEBRING Susan Ann 1846-1859
SEBRING Alfred b. Sep. 27, 1839 d. Salisbury Prison 1862
BARRICK Harriet Jun. 12, 1855
BARRICK Anna dau of Salmon & Margaret May 5, 1854, 16y 6m 18d
GILLETT James Jan. 21, 1849, 55y 9m
GILLETT Ann wife Jul. 31, 1847, 52y 9m
GILLETT Martha Dec. 31, 1854, 20y
RUSH Martha Ann dau of Reuben D. & Jane Jan. 8, 1859, 4y 4m 6d

"Her little hands are folded
So gently on her breast
Her little heart has ceased to beat
And she is now at rest."

STONE William Feb. 18, 1876, 71y 2m 16d
BORST Mary Jane wife of Hilliard Aug. 25, 1872, 24y 9m 15d

"Friend nor physician could not save
Her mortal body from the grave
Nor can the grave contain her here
When Christ shall call her to appear."

BOYST Matie E. dau of Mary J. & Hilliard May 14, 1875, 5y 2m 10d
(on lot with Mary & Hilliard Borst)

DENNIS Moses Jul. 30, 1871, 53y 3d
BAKER Amasa May 24, 1853, 76y 2m 9d
BACH William F. Jan. 25, 1901, 75y 2m 17d
BACH Anna M. wife Apr. 30, 1881, 58y 11m 22d
BACH William F. son Nov. 22, 1863, 13y 2m 2d
BACH Sophia C. Feb. 16, 1877, 24y 9m 16d
BACH John B. Apr. 25, 1877, 20y
BACH George W. Nov. 23, 1881, 27y 9m
KIER H.W. 1876-1904
KIER Amelia M. GARLIC wife 1863-1927
RICHARDS James H. 1818-1893
RICHARDS Elizabeth 1825-1903
RICHARDS Archie H. 1863-1938
KIER Lewis 1846-1926
KIER Dehlia wife 1846-1914
STELL Jennie S. 1875-19
SMITH Howard Aug. 25, 1797-Sep. 29, 1871
SMITH Elenna wife Jan. 29, 1788-Aug. 13, 1867
YOUNG Frederick Young 1824-1888 (duplicate)
YOUNG Christina his wife 1831-1915

NOTE: the above transcription was provided by the Office of the County Historian. Similar to other transcriptions they generously provided to us, it was taken many years ago, with many cemeteries read years before the site coordinators or current historians were born. The readers passed away long ago and many of the cemeteries they read haven't been walked in a half century or more. Detailed corrections and additional information are important and most welcome, and are placed at the end of the listings. If you have additional information such as Kim has provided to us below, please contact the site co-ordinators, whose email addresses are on the main page of the site.

UPDATE August 5, 2003

I'm descended from/related to the Thorntons and Yorks memorialized at the Zurich Cemetery and have spent several hours studying their gravestones. I'd like to make the following corrections to the transcriptions:

Your transcription has:
THORNTON Elisha May 13, 1854, 74y
The gravestone has another line and actually reads:
Elisha Thornton Died May 13, 1854 Aged 74 years 10 mos. & 28 ds.

Your transcription has:
YORK Mary J. wife of Samuel, July 11, 1845, 20y 9m 3d
I have the following:
Mary J. Wife of Samuel York Died July 14, 1845 Aged 20 years 3 ms & 8 ds Of course I think I'm right, but I haven't gone back and restudied the inscription given your transcription. I don't live near Wayne County, but try to get there every few years to do research.

Your transcription has:
THORNTON Lydia, wife of Charles June 27, 1845, 28y
The gravestone actually says:
Lydia Wife of Chas. Thornton Died June 27, 1845 In her 28 yr.
Of course, "in her 28th year" means she was actually aged 27.

Thanks for your attention.

Best wishes,

Kimball G. 'Kim' Everingham

Volunteer Typist : Co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry of Lyons, NY

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Created: 6/18/1999
Updated: 11/18/05, 8/5/03
Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Office of the County Historian
Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Allyn Hess Perry/ M. Magill/ Marge Sherman Lutzvick / Kimball G. 'Kim' Everingham
Photo Copyright © 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Wayne County NYGenWeb
A County Site of the USGenWeb Project
All Rights Reserved.