Vanmarter Cemetery
Town of Lyons
Wayne County, NY

Photograph Contributed by and © 2006 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Vanmarter Cemetery is located on Rt. 14, 3 miles North of Lyons, east side of the road, just
past the intersection of Rt. 14 & Klipple Rd. This list was donated by the Wayne County
Historian's Office; no reader's name on the pages. Also, no Vanmarters on the list, so it was
probably named after a property owner. The list was updated in 1961 with extra notes and burials.
Unfortunately, we have no further information on this cemetery or the individuals buried therein.
January 5, 1999 update on Yorks and Dennis's following full listing.
2005 Driving Directions - Rte. 14N out of Lyons, after Harris Road on the left. The Cemetery is on the right
side of Road on a hill.
Beginning at North East entrance:
SISCO, Joseph, May 3,1843, 65y 10d
SISCO, Margaret, dau. S. & M., 2y 9m
BROWN, Ephraim, Mar. 29,1851, 75y
BROWN, Hannah, wife Apr. 27,1877, 89y 2d
"Gone but not forgotten"
BROWN, Seba, Dec. 21,1851, 46y 5m
SHAW, Daniel, Feb. 20,1843, 37y
SHAW, Albert, son D. & P., Feb. 18, 1857, 15y 10d
HORTON, Phebe, wife of John I., Mar. 28,1854, 43y 2m 20d
BARTON, Dorothy, dau. Daniel & Sarah, Jan. 5,1851, 30y 2m
"Sister thou hast gone and left us and they loss we deeply feel, But tis God that hath bereft us, He will all our sorrows heal."
BARTON, Esther, dau. Daniel & Sarah, May 7,1849, 25y
BARTON, John, son D. & S., Oct.11, 1845, 13y
BARTON, Mary, dau. D. & S., Oct.12, 1843, 21d
BARTON, Abram, son D. & S., Dec.13, 1840, ?y 3m 23d
SILVERS, William B., son J. & A., Sep. 25, 1848, 20y 8d
"And thou art gone, they short life is fled, and numbered with the early dead.
Like a flower blooming fresh and fair
Sailing the great waters and taking the summer air
And thou art gone thy body sleeps,
In the new made grave while affection weeps."
BARTON, William B., son John & Abigail, Sep. 16, 1851, 1y 7m
BARTON, Daniel, Feb. 4,1881, 80y 6m 9d
BARTON, Sarah, Jan. 23, 1883, 82y 1m 6d
RICE, Charles, Sep. 10,1850, 63y, War of 1812
RICE, Elsey, wife Jul. 28,1831, 37y 4m 27d
SEBRING, George, Dec. 9, 1885, 63y 6m, Co F, N.Y.S. Vol., Civil War
SEBRING, Jacob, Aug. 12, 1864, 81y 10m 11d
SEBRING, Mary, wife of J., Dec.6,1852, 63y 6m 5d
SEBRING, Sidney, son J. & M., Feb.18,1833, 6y 1d
YORK, Robert, Apr.7,1817, 64y 10m 9d, commissioned under 1st Lt.
John Hancock, 4th Reg. Cumberland Co. Div., July 1,1781, Mass. militia, served until end of war, lived 1776 in Grey Twp., near Portland, Maine, helped organize Grey, Maine in 1778, from Adj. Gen. Boston, Mass., Revolution
YORK, John M., son Thomas & Sally, Apr. 11,1842, 2y 11m
YORK, Eliza, dau. Jul. 21,1851, 14y 1m 7d
YORK, Jane, dau. Aug. 1,1870, 46y 10m 7d
YORK, Mary, consort of Robert, Jul. 16,1816, 62y 10m 8d
VINCENT, Hannah, wife of Ezra, Dec. 20,1815, 29y
VINCENT, Lydia, dau. Ezra & Hannah, Mar. 15,1816, 1y 11m
VINCENT, Gardner, son Ezra & Hannah, Dec. 13,1816, 2y 6m
DENNIS, Mary, dau. Joseph & Love, Sep. 13, 1824, 1y 22d
HOLDRIDGE, Deborah, wife of Christopher, May 11,1838, 58y
"Husband and children, dry up your tears, I must be here till Christ appears."
McDOWELL, Thomas, Dec. 29,1856, 77y
McDOWELL, Margaret, wife Jan. 10, 1834, 51y
"Farewell to all pleasures below,
Which nature and sense do afford;
There honors I did freely forego
They're nothing compared to my Lord."
SHAW, Alice A., dau. Joseph & B. M., Nov. 6, 1860, 8y 7m 15d
SHAW, Elias M., son Joseph & B. M., Mar. 2, 1858, 7m 25d
SHAW, Charles M., son Joseph & B. M., Apr. 17,1850, 8m 10d
SHAW, Mtilda, dau. Joseph & B. M., Jul. 24, 1840, 1y 7m 10d
MERRY, In memory of Cyrene, dau. Leonard & Dorothy, Nov. 25,1825
SMITH, Gabriel, Mar. 17, 1838, 78y
SMITH, Martha, consort, May 8, 1827, 59y 6m 18d
YORK, Thomas, Jan. 21,1840, 46y
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
HOYT, Aurilla, dau. Samuel & Abigail, Nov. 4, 1842, 19y 8m 3d
"Altho her body lays low
Her soul doth rest with the Lord"
ELY, Sally, wife of Richard, Jun. 16,1835, 59y
LEMMON, Amy, wife of Elijah, Oct. 7,1835, 31y 6m 27d
LEMMON, George, son, Feb. 3, 1839, 8y 9m
"Friend nor physician could not save,
His mortal body from the grave;
Nor the grave confine him here
When Christ shall call him to appear."
LEMMON, Sarah, dau., Oct. 15, 1849, 3y 1m 7d
WALLING, Cameron, son D. C. & A. E., Aug. 11, 18_7, 2y 13d
WALLING, Richard, son D. C. & A. E., Mar. 4, 1844, 7y
MERRY, Dorothy, wife of Leonard, Apr. 1,1848, 54y
Large fallen stone, illegible, probably Merry
CARLL, Cyrene M., dau. B. & M., Jan.11, 1834 - Jan. 25,1834
"Like a flower that bloometh....."
JEWELL, Frank, son B. & E. J., 1839
PUNDERSON, William, Feb. 27, 1853, 23y
HUDSON, Sarah E., dau. H. & A., Sep. 27, 1863, 2y 17d
YORK, Sarah, wife of Thomas, Aug. 23,1870
YORK, Edith D., consort of Thomas, Aug. 16,1822, 21y 6m 18d
MERRY, Joseph B., son Leonard & Dorothy, Jan. 11,1836, 4y 11m 16d
MERRY David, son Leonard & Dorothy, Aug. 27,1836, 1y 11m 18d
PETTIS, Matthew, Apr. 1830, 61y
DENNIS, Benjamin, son Joseph & Love, Feb. 1889(?), 8m
SILVERS, William B., Sep.16, 1851, _y 7m
(This is not the William B. Silvers listed earlier. There are two stones bearing the same name and
they are located the distance of at least two cemetery lots apart. The date on earlier one is correct, 1848.)

Photograph Contributed by and © 2006 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Update from Frank G. Dennis
Date: Fri 01 Jan 1999
I checked the list of names in this cemetery. Here are a few details on the Yorks/Dennises buried there. A person with "all the dope" on the Yorks is Jeanette York Merrilees, 160 McKnight Dr., Laguna Beach, CA 92651-1359, should you want more detail.
York, John N., son of Thomas and Sally 1839-1842
York, Eliza, dau. ditto 1837-1851
York, Jane, ditto 1823-1870
Dennis, Mary b. 2 Aug. 1823, d. 13 Sep 1824. Dau. of Joseph and Love (Carll) Dennis, who are both buried in Zurich Cemetery, Town of Arcadia.
York, Thomas, b. 15 Jan 1794, d. 21 Jan 1840. m (1) Edith Dennis and (2) her sister Sarah, both of whom are buried in this cemetery.
York, Sarah (=Sally) b. 26 Aug. 1807, d. 23 Aug. 1870. Maiden name Dennis.
York, Edith D., b. 28 Mar 1801, d. 16 Aug. 1822. Maiden name Dennis.
Dennis, Benjamin, son Joseph and Love (Carll) Dennis [and brother of Mary
-- see above], b. 1831, d. 1832 (not 1889)
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Created: 7/20/98
Last Revision: 12/6/06
© 1998 - 2006 Office of the County Historian, Wayne County NY
Photos Copyright © 2006 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Prepared by Allyn Hess Perry, Co-coordinator, Wayne County NYGenWeb
Information on York's and Dennis's Copyright © 1999 - 2006 Frank G. Dennis
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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