Sodus Village Old Cemetery
Town of Sodus
Wayne County, NY
Located on Mill Street in the village of Sodus. (This list taken from tombstone inscriptions in 1945 and Clark records on file at the museum taken in 1880-1881.)
Freeman, Dec. 1, 1847, 68y, 1812 Inf. flag
John, Oct. 20, 1842, 64y, 1812 Inf. flag
Timothy, Jan. 10, 1856, 76y, 1812 Inf. flag
Mary, his wife, March 3, 1840, 65y 5m 22d
Jehial, Sept. 21, 1839, 13y 11m 28d (Clark record says 43y)
Stephen, Sept. 21, 1831, 28y 6m 7d
"Then Saviour, then my soul receive
Transported from this vale to live."
Spencer L., Oct. 29, 1835, 1y 11m 6d
Israel, Oct. 21, 18328, 42y 6m 6d
Joseph, June 12, 1835, 81y
Mehetable, wife, Dec. 15, 1823, 66y
Mehetable, wife of Phineas, May 9, 1817, 30y (Clark says 39y)
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, Yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours And their works do follow them."
Infant of Phineas & Mehetable (no dates)
Moses, Sept. 10, 1859, 68y, 1812 Inf. flag
Elizabeth R., wife of William, Aug. 26, 1837, 27y 6m 17d
Andries, June 21, 1843, 14y
Andries, Oct. 3, 1816, 65y 3m 27d (Clark records says 1846)
Maria, wife, Dec. 8, 1861, 76y 3m (Clark record says 1864)
"She's left her earthly friends and home
To join the hosts of Heaven.
She wings her way but not alone
To realms where peace is given."
Ira R., March 9, 1842, 55y 1m
Edwin A., Aug. 16, 1821, 12y 2m 2d (Clark says 1824, 2y 2m 2d)
(son of Byram & Elizabeth Green)
"So fades the lovely blooming flower
Frail smiling solace of an hour.
So soon our transient comforts fly
For Edwin only bloomed to die."
Lemuel, Nov. 2, 1824 (Clark records says 59 years) Rev.?
"Heaven called, he cheerfully obeyed
Resigned his fleeting breath
Nor longer asked his Savious's aid
To stay the hand of death.
In peace his soul resigned its load
Forsook this cumbrous clay
And flew exulting to its God
To everlasting day."
Wealthy A., wife of F. L., Dec. 14, 1853, 28y
"He weakened my strength in the way he shortened my days. Like as a father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them that fear him."
John, Apr. 9, 1845, 62y 5m 17d
Huldah, wife, Nov. 25, 1849, 47y 24d
"Death will dissolve the tenderest ties
That mortals form below
Our parents dear are called to die
And we are left to mourn"
John, Mar. 15, 1823, 33y
Myron, son, Sept. 19, 1840, 4y 6m 6d
John S., son, Oct. 5, 1849, 4y 3d
William E., son, Nov. 22, 1849, 8y 6m
Delia, wife of John, March 15, 1825, 33y
"She lived as in her maker's eye
At every step prepared to die.
She died as one exchanging breath
For immortality in death."
Peter, son John & Esther, March 7, 1849, 1y 8m
William L., Jan. 22, 1854, 68y
"Let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it."
Clarissa, wife, Jan. 2, 1815, 55y (Clark record says 1845)
"Go home dear friends and cease from sorrow,
I must lie here till Christ appears.
Prepare for death while time you have
There is no repentance in the grave."
John, Feb. 28, 1844, 54y 9m 24d
"Friends and physicians could not save
This mortal body from the grave.
Nor can they confine it here
When Christ doth call it to appear."
M(N?)orris T., M. D., June 15, 1825, 54y 11m (Clark says 31y 11m)
"Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
Daniel, March 17, 1860, 73y
Harriet, dau. of Daniel & Katharine, Feb. 2, 1815, 16y
"Why did her sun go down so soon
Why was her glass so quickly run
Laid under this cold sod.
We scarcely live until we die
And rise above the opening sky
To triumph with our God.
God hath decreed we all must die
Our precious moments swiftly fly
In time prepare for eternity."
William, apr. 27, 1816, 66y
Louis, son Capt. Enoch & Theodosia, May 10, 1829, 29y
Peter W., Dec. 28, 1840, 67y
Lydia, Aug. 20, 1815, 48y (Clark record says 1845)
Mary, widow of Thomas, Aug. 21, 1833, 63y
"She lived and said her God was love
Sleep aged parent in they silent tomb.
Till the last trump shall bid thee rise and come
To meet thy kindred in the realms of bliss
And join a ransomed world to sing redeeming grace."
Rosina Finett, dau. Wm. & Diana, July 24, 1835, 19y
"God is my strong salvation
Let us all with exultation
Triumph in redeeming love"
Dr. S., Apr. 5, 1865, 67y 1m
Hannah, wife, b. Addison, VT, Feb. 26, 1798-May 21, 1854
Daniel, Jan. 5, 1843, 57y
"To sleep in death is sweet indeed
From every sin and sorrow freed.
When the last trumpet shakes the skies
I from the dust anew shall rise."
Margaret, wife of John, March 9, 1839, 63y
"Look and see as you pass by
As you are now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me."
Joseph, Apr. 14, 1822, 39y
David, Nov. 1837, 61y, 1812 Inf. flag
Cordelia K., wife of Henry S., May 5, 1850, 29y 9m 23d
Stephen, March 22, 1850, 54y 9m 8d
Mehitable, wife of Stephen, Oct. 2, 1836, 39y "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."
Sarah Ann Maria, dau. of Stephen & Mehitable, Feb. 20, 1833, 5m
"Sleep on sweet babe and take your rest
To call you home God thought it best.
When the archangels trump shall sound
And soul and body joined.
Thousands will wish their lives had been as short as thine."
James H., son J. & E., Sept. 20, 1842, 16y
William, Jan. 17, 1782-Aug. 22, 1843
Nathan, May 5, 1870, 59y 1 d (Clark record says 1820)
Holly, Oct. 23, 1848, 86y
"Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept."
Dorcas, wife of Holly, March 8, 1849, 81y "There is no night there"
Holly, Jr., Sept. 20, 1818, 25y
"Beatus et sanctus est ille qui habet partem in prima resurrectione. Illum secunda mors nullan potentiam habet."
Alfred J., March 10, 1827, 54y (Clark says 34y)
"Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene
Resumes them to prepare us for the next."
Sarah J., Sept. 17, 1847, 25y 3m 8d
Craig, Oct. 18, 1832, 57y, War of 1812 Inf. flag
Lucy, wife of Samuel C., Feb. 22, 1831, 43y 10m 21d
"Death has forever closed her eyes
And borne her spirit far away.
No more to awake no more to arise
Til the last tribunal day."
Evander, Dec. 29, 1830, 81y
Elizabeth, wife of Evander, Sept. 21, 1838, 84y
Sanuel L., July 20, 1849, 67y
Frances, wife of Samuel L., Aug. 20, 1839, 47y 5m
Edward W., son of S. & C., Feb. 18, 1846, 7m 3d
Julia E., dau. Samuel L. & Frances, Sept 4, 1823, 4y 6m
"Thus lovely child has been thy fate
To meet an early grave.
A parents fond and anxious care
Could not their offspring save."
Maria, wife of Enoch, Apr. 9, 1842, 38y (Clark says 1847)
"Yet shrined with many a sweet sad thought
That loved ones memory linger still.
For O she left a void that naught
But mournful thoughts could fill."
John, Apr. 3, 1828, 28y 2m 6d
"Esteemed admired and lost in manhoods prime
But who can question God's appointed time."
Dorothea, July 21, 1842, 54y 6m 26d
Lettis, wife of Benjamin, 1849, 81y
Edwin, son, 1828, 4m
Catharine, wife of Andrew, Aug. 11, 1830, 59y
Harmon B., son Pierson & Maria, Mar. 13, 1844, 7m 1d
William, son Wm. & Sarah, July 19, 1835, 20y 16d
John Osker, son Wm. & Saran, (dates buried)
William, Oct. 10, 1854, 78y, War of 1812 Inf. flag
Electa, wife of Charles A., Aug. 18, 1857, 22y 7m 25d
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
Harmon, son David & Juliana, Feb. 23, 1853, 19y
Helen, wife of Peter M., Dec. 25, 1847, 63y 8m 18d
Clarissa, consort of William, Dec. 14, 1826, 25y 2m 8d
Joseph P., son of William & Clarissa, Aug. 29, 1827, 10m
Clarinda, wife of R.S., May 10, 1814 - Dec. 20, 1847
"And may each sympathizing friend
Unto the solemn voice attend
Which faintly echoes from the sod
Thus, prepare to meet thy God."
Charles S., son of R.S. & Eliza, July 6, 1856, 1y 5m 21d
Harriet E., Jan. 14, 1844, 5y 6m 2d
"Ah could not the relentless
Hand of death be from thee
Staid and why shouldn't
Thou in bloom of youth
Within the tomb be laid."
William A., son Alexander & Annis, Apr. 11, 1848, 1y 10m 20d
Becca, wife of Paul, June 15, 1840, 68y 8m 8d
Catherine, wife of Levi & dau. of Benjamin & Lettis OSBORN, July 17, 1840, 25y 4m 13d
"Here lays the mother and her infant by her side to wait the judgement day."
Stephen R., son Abram S. & Eliza Ann, Sept. 19, 1838, 1y 8m 19d (Clark record says Sept. 12)
Stephen, March 7, 1849, 76y 6m
Maria, wife of Stephen & dau. of Abram & Esther ONDERDONK, Oct. 15, 1773 - Jan. 19, 1836, 62y 3m 4d
Abram, Aug. 16, 1838, 32y 9m 24d
Volney, son David & Sally, Apr. 28, 1832 (Clark record says April 28, 1842, 11y 9m 11d)
Benjamin, July 15, 1841, 56y
Martha, wife, Aug. 29, 1838, 49y 12d
Catharine, adopted dau. J.A. & H., Oct. 8, 1847, 16y
Eliza, wife of Thomas, Jan. 19, 1847, 32y
John, May 16, 1831, 95y
"My course is run my work is done
And here intom'ed I lie.
Then let each friend the voice attend
And so prepare to die."
Ann S., Sept. 30, 1840, 31y 10m 21d "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
Thomas Esq. of Sodus, May 7, 1834, 31y
Nathaniel, March 31, 1851, 87y, 10m 14d
Mahetable, wife, March 28, 1845, 80y 11m 8d
Theodore I., Dec. 11, 1846, 64y 11m "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
Philip, Apr. 18, 1845, 84y
"Farewell my earthly friends below
Although so kind and dear to me.
My Jesus calls and I must go
Prepare dear friends to follow me."
Maria, wife of Philip, Apr. 28, 1838, 73y 6m (Clark says 75)
"My flesh shall slumber in the ground
Til the last trumpets joyful sound.
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise
And in my Savious image rise."
(The following are taken completely from Clark records.)
Jane, wife of Samuel, Dec. 12, 1850, 36y 7m 5d
Melvin, son Samuel & Jane, Dec. 18, 1846, 3y 9m 4d
"Dearest Melvin thou has left us
Here our loss we deeply feel
But tis God that has bereft us
He can all our sorrows steal."
Spencer L., son Foster R. & Mary Ann, Oct. 29, 1838, 1y 11m 6d
Henry H., son Israel & Sarah, Dec. 2, 1838, 1y 11m
Huldah, dau. Wm & Elizabeth, July 3, 1823, 2y 9m 20d
Charles M., son Wm. S. & Elizabeth B., Mar. 12, 1842, 6y 6m 11d
Harriet Adaline, dau. of Robert & Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1829, 15y 3m 4d
"And when on earth I close my eyes
To sleep in death's embrace
Let me to Heaven and glory rise
To enjoy Thy smiling face."
in memory of Dr. William Lummis who departed this life April 16, 1833, aged 58 years, Dr. L. was born at Woodbury, N.J., April 15, 1775 and moved to Sodus May 1804. He was one of the pioneer border settlers. His enterprising, vigorous and active mind aided essentially in the improvement of this country and commanded for him universal respect and esteem.
In memory of Sarah A. Lummis who died the 26th Feb. 1818 in the 3rd year of her age.
In memory of John M. Lummis who died the 13th March 1818 in the 6th year of his age.
Catherine Ann SMITH, wife of Francis D., May 30, 1831, 27y 1m 15d
"Fold her, O Father in thine arms
And let her henceforth be
A messenger of love between
Our human hearts and Thee."
This monument is consecrated to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of Charles who suddenly expired on the 26 of July, 1827, in the 27 year of her age.
"O what is life? A passing dream
A dream that soon is o'er
We glide along its rapid stream
And soon are seen no more.
Why should the kindred heart repine
Why drops the eye the glistening tear
Soon you who read this humble line
Must share her fate who slumbers here."
HIGGINS, Charity EDDY, wife of Lemuel, died Jan. 19, 1846
"She lived a life of piety and virtue and calmly resigned her spirit to him who gave it at the mature age of 83 years."
Charles W., died Sept. 3, 1848, aged 25y 10m 7d
"Friends and Physicians could not save
This mortal body from the grave.
Nor can the grave confine it here
When Christ in judgment shall appear."
Frances H., dau. John & Esther, Sept. 5, 1847, 2y 8m
Benjamin, Jan. 15, 1812, 64y
Peter, son of Philip and Mary Ann, July 5, 1842, 1y 2m
Nancy, dau. P. & P., July 30, 1844, 16y
In memory of an infant son of John & Chloe HOLCOMB who died April 1, 1816, 11 days.
Hannah, wife of Peter W., Dec. 28, 1849, 67y
"Be the living God our friend
And our bliss shall never end."
Diantha, wife of Samuel H., Dec. 28, 1845, 21y 4m 20d
"Thus fades our sweetest comforts here
Our dearest friends soon disappear
When the loud call from God is given
They sleep in death to wake in heaven."
Deacon John NORRIS, Jan. 30, 1846, 90y 11m 26d, a soldier of the Revolution
"Farewell my dear brethren, my Lord bids me come
Farewell my dear children I am now going home
Bright angels are whispering so sweet in my ear
Away to thy Saviour thy spirit we'll bear.
In memory of Samuel Mathias, son of the Rev. William and Tamson STONE who died at Junius, Oct. 1, 1818 aged 25y.
"He builds too low who builds below the stars"
Erected by his brother Wm. L. STONE of New York
Sacred to the memory of Ebenezer G. STONE, son of William and Tamson STONE, Nov. 19, 1802 - Dec. 11, 1828, 26y
"His days were few and full of trouble"
"Death, king of terrors, terrorless thou art to him over whom religion casts her shield."
Erected by his brother William L. Stone of New York.
In memory of William, son of Kitchel & Susan BELL who was killed instantly by the fall of a log from a pile, July 20, 1822, 3y 3m 21d
Martha Amelia, dau. Kiechell & Susan, July 22, 1828, 3y 6m
Justus, Nov. 8, 1842, 32y 6m 18d
"Weep not my friends
My friends weep not for me.
All is well, all is well."
In memory of Harriet, dau. of Theodorus & Anna, July 24, 1824 aged 2 years 9 months 17 days
In memory of Harry B., son of Samuel & Isabel INSLEY, who died Aug. 13, 1814, aged 13 months 18 days.
In memory of Isabel, consort of Samuel INSLEY who died May 18, 1824, in the 25th year of her age.
Volunteer Typist: Dorathy Hardie
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