Small Cemeteries
Town of Sodus
Wayne County, NY
Wickham Family Burial Plot
Sodus Point, Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY

Photograph Contributed by and © 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Wickham Family Burial Plot, Sodus Point, town of Sodus, recorded April 1952. Located on Wickham Blvd.,
south side of street, quite overgrown and several graves sunken.
2005 Driving Directions - Rte. 14 into Sodus Point. First Left heading North toward the lake. At the T in the road (no road name sign) turn Right.
As you go down hill, on the Right is a house. The Cemetery is to the Left of the house.
Samuel Christian, son Wm. & Catherine, Oct. 10, 1813, 3y
Catherine, wife of Wm., April 30, 1777-Jan. 30, 1868
William, July 7, 1778-May 23, 1875, Capt. U. S. Navy Prior 1812
Thomas, Aug. 28, 1808-Nov. 3, 1882
Frances S., wife of Thos., Apr. 12, 1809-Apr. 17, 1884
F. C., July 27, 1843-Jan. 25, 1918, Civil War
Harriet B., wife of F. C., June 30, 1858-Feb. 6, 1895
William C., 1837-1878, Civil War
Schuyler H. 1875-1887
Sarah L. 1847-1930
Thomas A., Dec. 13, 1880-July 15, 1915
W. W. 1877-1921
J. C., Co D, 160 N.Y. Vol., Dec. 16, 1904, 65y
Elizabeth, wife of J. C., March 28, 1846-March 2, 1896

Photograph Contributed by and © 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Sauer-Russel (Sawyer) Cemetery
Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY
This has been variously called Sauer-Russel & Sawyer Cemetery. Was on Russell farm in southwest part of
Sodus township near corner of Maple Ridge and Snyder Roads. At one time there were many more stones but they have
disappeared. Recorded 1952.
Charlotte A., dau. Daniel & Mary, Sept 10, 1848, 11y 5m 12d
Christina M., wife of Henry, May 6, 1851, 69y
Amy, wife of W. H., July 24, 1842, 28y 10m 24d, erected by her mother
Theodore, son of John & Fanny, d. Nov. 5, 1843, 6m 21d
One stone with top gone "in the 21st year of her age"
Following from records of Lewis H. Clark, added July 1952
Charlotte A., dau. Daniel & Mary, Sept. 10, 1848, 1y 5m 12d
"She sleeps in Jesus and is blest, how sweet her slumbers are"
Christina M., wife of Henry, May 6, 1851, 69y
Amy, wife of W. H., d. July 24, 1842, 23y 10m 24d erected by her mother
Theodore, son John & Fanny, Nov. 5, 1843, 6m 21d
In memory of Mary, dau. Ira & Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1826, in the 21st year of her age
Martha, dau. Peter J. & Polly, July 13, 1848, 7y 8m 21d
------, dau. Peter J. & Polly, July --, 1848, 18y 9m 27d
Jane, dau. Peter J. & Polly, July 5, 1848, 13y 11m 21d
Swales Family Cemetery
Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY

Photograph Contributed by and © 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Located about three miles west of Sodus Point on Lake Road.
2005 Driving Directions - Maple Ave North out of Sodus. Right onto Lake road heading East.
Cemetery is on the immediate Left in the woods, just off from the highway.
William, Sept. 26, 1776-Jan. 28, 1855, native of Yorkshire, Eng
Jane Ann, dau. J. & M., Jan. 2, 1845, 2y
William, son J. & M., Oct. 29, 1847, 13d
Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, July 30, 1859, 18y 8m
Moses, March 15, 1871, 33y 15th N. Y. Engrs.
From Clark records:
William, B. Sept. 26, 1776, was a native of Hutten, Cranswick, Yorkshire, England, d. Jan. 28, 1855, 78y 4m 22d
"This I got by my hand labor
To lie here it was my favor."
Jane Ann, dau. J. & M., Jan. 2, 1845, 2y
William, son J. & M., Oct. 29, 1847, 13d
John, Nov. 25, 1857, 42y 7m 9d
? William, wife of Thomas, July 31, 1859, 18y 8m
"Come stricken weeper
Come to the bed
Gaze on the sleeper
Our idol is dead.
Smooth out the ringlets
Close the blue eye
No wonder such beauty
Was claimed in the sky."
LeFurgey Burial Ground
Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY
William, died Jan. 30, 1852, 54y 8m 18d
"We loved him on earth
May we meet him in Heaven."
"Friends and physicians could not save
This body from the grave
Death cannot confine it here
When Christ my Saviour doth appear."
Mary, wife of William, Sept. 1, 1859, 57y 2 m 7d
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. She suffered much while here on earth, but now
rejoices in a Heaven born birth."
Nancy, dau. of J. & N., Dec. 28, 1845, 6y 7m 1d
Many years ago there was a family burial plot on the Dennis LeFurgey farm on road which is now #108.
Early maps show its location but all trace of it has been gone for many years. In July 1952 some old
cemetery records taken by Lewis H. Clark circa 1882 came into the possession of the County Historian.
Two sheets were found with the heading "LeFurgey Yard" but the notations had been crossed off.
Upon contacting a lady who had lived most of her life in that neighborhood, we found that two of the
names were those of her grandfather and grandmother. She remembered that when she was a small child her
father had these remains taken to the Sodus Rural Cemetery in the village and interred there and new
headstones placed. This probably accounts for Mr. Clark having crossed off the names on his list.
The lady is Miss Ida Wilson of Sodus. She does not know anything about the third name and is sure
there were more burials there at one time. As there are LeFurgey burials in the Rural Cemetery they
were undoubtedly moved too. The above names are as they originally appeared in the LeFurgey plot.
From a later record received from Mr. Lawrence Clark the following notation
appeared on the front sheet: "LeFurgey private burial plot - this was a neatly walled enclosure on the
old farm of Dennis LeFurgey. The remains of members of the LeFurgey family have been removed to the Rural
Cemetery. The above inscriptions are still found upon stones in the private ground. Written in 1882."
Johnson Burial Ground
Sodus Point, Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY
Handwritten note at top of page: (Re: Whitbeck)
Located about two miles south of Sodus Village, on route 88, back of school house on hill, north end of Arthur Whitebeck farm. Taken March 30, 1952. There are remains of 15 or 20 stones most of them illegible and crumbling.
only word legible on a broken stone which was apparently rather large
William, son G. & S. Granger
In July 1952, Lawrence Clark, East Rochester, N. Y., grandson of Lewis H. Clark gave cemetery records taken by his grandfather many years ago. Lewis H. died in 1902. The following is from that record:
Elder Wm. E., March 13, 1851, 66y 10m 9d
Edgar, son of Marcus & Jane, Aug. 22, 1837, 11m
"Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for
of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
In memory of Louise, consort of Obadiah, who died April 23, 1834, 75y 4m 14d
"She opened her mouth, judged righteously and pled the cause of the poor and needy. Go thou and do likewise."
"Life's busy scenes with me are o'er,
No change will e'er avail me more
But reader, pause, prepare to be
A lodger in this place like me."
In memory of Mark Johnson who died June 3, 1833, 52y 2m 14d.
He was for several years a zealous and success preacher in the M. E. church.
"I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me
though he were dead yet shall he live. John 11:25"
In memory of Cathrin Granger, consort of Gaius Granger, who departed this life April the 17, 1825, aged 25y 4m 7d
"My flesh shall slumber in the ground,
Till the last trumpets joyful sound,
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise
And in my Saviour's image rise."
William, son of G. & S., March 10, 1836, 5m
"Beloved in life, lamented in death"
Lucina J., wife of Stephen, June 6, 1842, 27y 9m
"Beloved in life lamented in death
Early, not sudden, was Lucina's fate,
Soon, not surprising, Death his call paid.
She sat as sets the morning star which goes
Not down behind the darkned west, nor hides
Obscured among the tempest of the sky,
But melts away into the light of Heaven."
Phineas, May 13, 1841, 73y
Prudence, May 16, 1826, 84y
James, Sept. 24, 1836, 64y
Eunice wife Elisha, died ---
Kitchen Burial Ground
Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY

Photograph Contributed by and © 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Located on Glover Road, just off North Geneva Road near railroad.
Clark says: "The Kitchen private family burial place. This is situated on the old farm of Matthew Kitchen,
north of Wallington and near the track of the Ontario and Southern Railroad. It is a handsome lot, slightly
elevated, of sandy soil, dry and well adapted for its purpose. Like many other similar places it needs
cleaning up. The myrtle and the rose bushes planted years ago by loving hands have long since wandered
at their own sweet will over all the lot. All or nearly all graves seem to be marked with stones well
preserved and standing erect."
2005 Driving Directions - Location was pointed out to me by a village employee of Sodus Point.
North Geneva Rd. North over Rt 104. Right onto Glover Rd., and just over old tracks on the left. The Cemetery is about 300
feet back from the road. Completely overgrown and not visible from the road.
Juliana, wife of Thomas, dau. Martin and Dorothea GARRISON, Jan. 19, 1846, 29y 10m 27d
(Clark says Julia Ann)
"Remember me as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you will be
Prepare for death and follow me."
George, Jan. 28/29? (the date has been typed over, hard to decipher), 1830, 55y
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
Mary, wife, March 7, 1863, 79y
"I've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when I first began."
Chas. H., son G. & M., Jan. 31, 1864, 15y 2m 25d
"Dearest son and brother thou hast left us
Here thy loss we deeply feel
But it's God who hast bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal."
Matthew, June 3, 1867, 87y 10m 1d
"Gone but not forgotten"
Sarah, wife, Apr. 29, 1832, 53y
"Rest. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. May they rest from their labors and their
work do follow them."
Sarah, wife, Nov. 1, 1855, 77y
"Quartered here by death
I still remain
But when the trumpet sounds
I'll rise and march again."
Dorothy, dau. D. & C., June 13, 1872, 31y 5m 22d
"A memory of a mother
That lies beneath the sod
We place a pure white marble
An emblem of her love.
But children when you visit
Oh harken to her word
Oh then prepare to follow her
And meet her with her God."
Sarah Ann, wife of William, Sept. 25, 1857, 19y 6m 2d
"She has gone from among us and lonely and sad
Is the home of her parents, her presence made glad
Her pains are now over, she is at rest
Her body in the tomb, here spirit with the blest."
Volunteer Typist - Dorathy Hardie, Contributing Editor, Wayne County NYGenWeb
Lake Shore Cemetery
Sodus Point, Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY
This page was copied by Mrs. W. F. Garlock, Port Gibson, N. Y., Col. Wm. Prescott Chapter, D.A.R., Newark,
N. Y., 1935.
2005 Location Update - This Cemetery is no longer visible. According to the Fireman who lives across from the
Cemetery... "there used to be a cemetery there and a baseball field. All washed in the ocean. They placed huge boulders
there to stop the rest of the road from falling in."
Colbrath, John, native of Berwickshire, Scotland, March 8, 1813
Farr, Major, War of 1812 Infantry ( no other record on stone)
Farr, Mrs. Elizabeth, consort of Bennett Farr, July 29, 1805
May, Nehemiah, June 3, 1857, 68y, War of 1812
May, Willard, son of N. & M., May 17, 1858, 1y 2m
Merrill, Harriet, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary, Aug. 21, 1815, 6y
Merrill, Lucinda, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary, Sept. 16, 1815
At one time there were many more graves in the cemetery but due to the action of the water, (it was on a
bluff overlooking Lake Ontario), every year one or two graves were washed away. In 19-- the town of Sodus
removed the remaining 7 to Sodus Rural Cemetery where they were interred with the original headstones
(except Major Farr, for whom a new one was placed). They are in one row inbedded in concrete and a
monument was erected back of them with the following inscription:
In memory of the early settlers
who lived in and near Sodus Point,
Their foresight and courage has ever
been an inspiration to all who followed.
This footnote added September 17, 1951.
See next pages for additional records of this cemetery found in Lewis H. Clark's cemetery inscriptions,
July 1952.
Sodus Point Cemetery
Sodus Point, Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY
A notation in the record, "eight straggling locusts, 2 old apple trees". Taken from records of Lewis H.
Clark given by Lawrence H. Clark in 1952. Date of record circa 1882.
May, Nehemiah, June 3, 1857, 68y
May, Willard, son N. & M., May 17, 1858, 1y 2m
Merrill, Harriet, dau. Nathaniel & Mary, Aug. 21, 1815, 6y
Merrill, Lucinda, dau. Nathaniel & Mary, Sept. 16, 1815
Barbarin, Henrietta A.C., wife Wm. N., Dec. 8, 1845, 33y
In memory of Henry Hobart, Sept. 22, 1834-Sept. 22, 1847
In memory of Peregrine Fitzhugh, a soldier of the Revolution who served his country first as Lieutenant then as Captain in the 3rd Regiment of Dragoons in the Virginia Continental line and for the last two years of the war was aide to General Washington. He was born in Calvert County, Maryland and died in Sodus, Oct. 23, 1810.
Fitzhugh, Elizabeth C., wife of Peregrine, June 4, 1854, 89y
Fitzhugh, Henrietta Maria, dau. Peregrine & Elizabeth, born in Washington County, Maryland and died in Sodus, March 15, 1821, 29y
Sacred to the memory of Bennet Samuel Fitzhugh, Oct. 22, 1829 - Aug. 14,1847
"I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. St. John 11:25"
In memory of A. P. Fitzhugh, July 20, 1828- Oct. 23, 1828
"He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom. Isa. 40:11"
Here rest the remains of E. C. Fitzhugh, Apr. 11, 1821- Dec. 16, 1823
"Of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14"
In memory of John Colbrath, a native of Berwickshire, Scotland who departed this life on the 8 day of March,
1813 age 36y
Garlock, Melvin, son of J. & M., March 8, 1859, 4y 3m 15d
"The gentle Savior calls
Our children to his breast
He folds them in his gracious arms
Himself declares them blest."
Hill, Mary E., dau. John & Jerusha, July 7, 1846, 6y 26d
(same epitaph as above)
Doviel, Henry, May 9, 1863, 56y 3m
Doviel, Frances M., dau. Henry & Lucy, March 4, 1859, 7y
"Gentle Jesus meek and mild
Look upon a little child
And suffer me to come to Thee."
Doviel, John, son Henry & Lucy, Dec. 22, 1849, 1y 8m
Doviel, Francis, son Henry & Lucy, July 15, 1849, 1y 7m
Sacred to the memory of Louisa W., wife of Eliada Pettit, who in the glorious hope of a better, departed
this life Oct. 6, 1846 in her 36th year.
"My greatest earthly hopes are crossed,
By Heaven's supreme decree,
To bow in meekness to the loss
Is all that's left to me.
She was mine, but she's gone
By a mandate I could not resist
A loss which I must, yet I dare not deplore
I'll bow to the "hest" and in sorrow exist
E'n the beauties of Sodus charm not as of yore."
Sacred to the memory of Samuel Christian, son of Wm. & Catherine, who departed this life 10 Oct., 1813, aged 3y 9m
Edwards, Frisbie Alexander, son Wm & Maria, Nov. 29, 1843, 4y 11m
Edwards, Fitzhugh C., son Wm & M., Dec. 31, 1844, 14y
In memory of Elizabeth Crowley Chew, relict of the late Samuel L. Chew, born in Frederick County, Maryland and died in Sodus, April 19, 1807, 78y
In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, consort of Mr. Bennett Farr, who died July 22, 1805, in the 32 year of her life.
"No more shall we thy loved face review
Adieu forever of friend, adieu."
From records found later by Mr. Lawrence Clark and taken by his grandfather Lewis H. Clark in 1882:
"In the old burial place at the Point two colored people were buried. Abram Williams and "Uncle Prince Tutson".
The latter came in with the Dorseys of Lyons."
These listings were donated by the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County, NY.
Volunteer Typist - Town of Galen Page Coordinator, Patti Norton
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Created: 2/4/98
Updated: 3/6/99; 11/1/05
Copyright © 1998- 2011 Office of the County Historian
Copyright © 1998 - 2011 Dorathy Hardie/ Patti Norton/ M. Magill
Photos Copyright © 202005 - 2011 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Wayne County NYGenWeb
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