Small Cemeteries of Rose & Galen

Wayne County, NY

This group of three cemeteries in the Town of Rose and one cemetery in Galen was graciously prepared and donated to us by Frank Dennis of East Lansing, MI. They are presented as they appear in A.S. Roe's "Rose Neighborhood Sketches" (1893).

B = Briggs; C=Collins, E=Ellinwood, L= Lovejoy


Briggs Cemetery

Town of Galen

Wayne County, NY

It appears that this early cemetery was inactive by the time of publication of "Rose Family Sketches" in 1893. According to Frank G. Dennis, "the Briggs cemetery was abandoned and later "renovated" the tombstones remaining were arranged without regard to their original positions." Briggs cemetery is located (approx.) at the NE corner of the Town of Galen on Daboll/Galen Rd., north of the intersection with Clyde-Hunts Corners Rd.

B Betts, Deborah1840
B Betts, Matilda 1851
B Briggs, Samuel1831
B Briggs, Sarah1883
B Carkner, Jacob1871
B Finch, Louisa J.1855
B Fletcher, Dalinda C.1832
B Fletcher, Rachel Caroline1826
B McGraw, Elijah 1851
B McGraw, Franklin1847
B McGraw, Jeremiah1847
B Milias, George H.1857
B Milias, Laura1844
B Pierceall, Mary1851
B Rice, Bahama1847
B Scott, Charles E.1847-1848
B Scott, Ebenezer1851
B Slater, Benjamin1853
B Slater, Elizabeth1852
B Thompson, Edward J.1822-1851
B Tucker, Ellen1844
B Tucker, William H.1850
B Tucker, William W.1841
B Willard, Alfred1853

Collins Cemetery

Town of Rose

Wayne County, NY

This cemetery has had few if any burials since the time of publication of "Rose Family Sketches" in 1893. Collins cemetery is located near the Butler Town line, on the east side of Galen Rd. about 1/2 mi. south of Armstrong Rd.

C Burgess, Alzina1852
C Burgess, Phoebe1864
C Bush, Horatio1866
C Center, Nathaniel1845
C Chatterson, Mary 1846
C Cole, Minerva 1844
C Collins, Harriett1874
C Collins, Thaddeus1865
C Curtis, Isaac 1845
C Deady, John H.1848
C Deady, John Q.1856
C Deady, Thomas 1847
C Esmond, Jane1838
C Finch, Della G.1865 - 1867
C Finch, Elvina M.1871 - 1871
C Finch, Eunice1864
C Finch, Jeremiah S.1859
C Finch, John1874
C Finch, Mary E.1859
C Hazard, L. Jenette1843
C Holcomb, Frelove R. 1875
C Holcomb, Silas 1878
C Holcomb, Willard S.1853
C Hubbard, Almira (Kellogg)1828 - 1856
C Irish, Chester S.1839 - 1873
C Johnson, Margaret D. (Holcomb)1827 - 1889
C Jones, Frances H.1854 - 1864
C Jones, Harriet 1792 - 1832
C Jones, John E. 1812 - 1877
C Jones, Peter F. 1806 - 1857
C Kellogg, Benjamin 1779 - 1829
C Kellogg, Betsey 1807 -1886
C Kellogg, Charles B. 1813 - 1854
C Kellogg, Elmer Lavern 1860 - 1887
C Kellogg, John 1802 - 1876
C Kellogg, Lewis B. 1835 - 1875
C Kellogg, Mary 1838 - 1843
C Kellogg, Pamelia 1779 - 1862
C Kellogg, Paulina 1835 - 1851
C Lamoreaux, Elizabeth 1761 - 1845
C Lamoreaux, John 1785 - 1860
C Lamoreaux, Martha 1788 - 1865
C Lamoreaux, Peter 1761 - 1850
C Lamoreaux, Susan 1823 - 1854
C Livermore, Eunice W. 1796 - 1870
C Loveless, Mary L.1850
C Marsh, Amos1866
C Marsh, Lucinda1874
C Marsh, Polly1873
C McKoon, Jairus B.1823 - 1885
C McKoon, Lucy1854
C McKoon, Martin W.1855
C McKoon, William1870
C Osgood, Artemus1887
COsgood, Eudora M.1870
C Osgood, Harriet1870
C Overton, Catharine (Roe)1814 - 1891
C Overton, E. Everett 1852 - 1875
C Overton, Harriet S. 1850 - 1868
C Overton, Sheldon R. 1800 - 1887
C Peck, Franklin P. 1853
C Peck, Horace B. 1850
C Peck, Willard 1855
C Reynolds, Jerusha 1846
C Roe, Austin 1864
C Roe, Sarah 1863
C Sampson, Gamaliel 1870
C Saxton, Martin 1891
C Saxton, Rebecca A. 1877
C Seelye, Almanda 1883
C Seelye, Delos 1870
C Seelye, Elizabeth 1833
C Seelye, Ensign 1818
C Seelye, George 1806 - 1885
C Seelye, Heman Ensign 1829 - 1829
C Seelye, Hermon G. 1853 - 1853
C Seelye, Joseph 1854
C Seelye, Polly Catharine 1807 - 1829
C Seelye, Sarah L. 1842 - 1842
C Sheffield, James 1859
C Sheffield, James W. 1821 - 1882
C Sheffield, Kennie 1887
C Sheffield, Lucy D. 1861 - 1866
C Sheffield, Lucy M. 1871
C Sheffield, Melissa A. 1826 - 1889
C Sheffield, N. Kendrick 1823 - 1892
C Shepard, Aaron 1840
C Shepard, Polly 1858
C Smith, Adaliza 1824 - 1832
C Smith, Ananaias 1793 - 1872
C Smith, Chauncey 1785 - 1853
C Smith, Desire 1770 - 1850
C Smith, Frank M. 1851 - 1854
C Smith, Infant daughter 1855 - 1855
C Smith, Matilda 1830 - 1832
C Smith, Priscilla 1791 - 1877
C Soper, Charles E. 1854
C Springer, James P. 1828
C Stewart, Ann Eliza 1842
C Stewart, Aurelia G. 1863
C Stewart, James 1862
C Stewart, Lawton J. 1861
C Stewart, Lillian E. 1869 -1879
C Stewart, Sally 1809 - 1849
C Stone, Hiram W. 1867
C Thompson, Abigail 1851
C Thompson, Samuel 1852
C Tice, Elmira 1876
C Tipple, Jacob 1853
C Tipple, Margaret 1787 -1888
C Town, Asa 1848
C Town, Eugene 1841 - 1881
C Town, Lewis S. 1853
C Town, Lucy A. 1832
C Town, Mary E. 1802 - 1882
C Town, Silas 1873
C Town, William W. 1833
C Van Antwerp, Daniel 1844
C Van Antwerp, Isaac 1843
C Van Buren, Charles 1834 - 1834
C Vanderoef, John W. 1861
C Veley, Lovina 1801 - 1877
C Wade, Dudley 1806 - 1876
CWade, Eunice
C Wade, Frank D. 1855 - 1875
CWade, John
CWade, Mary E. 1842
C Wilson, Damaris 1848
C Wilson, Fortescue 1864
C Wilson, Jonathan 1830
C Wilson, Walter D. 1860
C Wright, Daniel 1854
CWright, Jacob W. 1863
C Wright, Mary H. 1872
C Wykoff, O. L. 1866

Ellinwood Cemetery

Town of Rose

Wayne County, NY

This cemetery also has had few if any burials since "Rose Family Sketches" was published in 1893. Ellinwood Cemetery may be the cemetery on the south side of Wolcott Rd. at the intersection with Rolfe Rd., NE of Rose Valley.

E Blackman, E. Wallace 1862
E Blackslee, David L. 1854
E Brainard, Louise 1878
EBrainard, Seth H. 1842
ECampbell, Eleanor 1814 - 1889
E Campbell, James 1814 - 1869
E Decker, Charles E. 1847
E Decker, Lucy Lemira 1852
E Ellinwood, Alice Irene 1847
E Ellinwood, Amy 1856
E Ellinwood, Catharine R. 1822 - 1888
EEllinwood, Chester 1877
E Ellinwood, Ensign W. 1818 - 1889
E Ellinwood, Irene P. 1870 - 1884
E Ellinwood, Jane 1881
E Ellinwood, Jennie 1861
E Ellinwood, Jonathan 1842
E Ellinwood, Lucius 1884
E Ellinwood, Lucy 1838
E Ellinwood, Lucy Ann 1847
E Ellinwood, Mahala 1864
E Ellinwood, Mary 1849
E Ellinwood, Mary Melissa 1846
E Ellinwood, Naomi 1840
E Ellinwood, Sarah M. 1845
E Ellinwood, Sophronia 1866
E Ellinwood, Valorous 1853
E Ellinwood, William S. 1847
E Ellinwood, William 1844
E Fuller, Mary 1829
E Fullmer, Mary 1841
E Gillett, Charles 1867
E Lee, Betsey 1786 - 1873
E Lee, Lyman 1785 - 1873
E Lee, Mary 1761 - 1855
E Lee, Serotia 1809 - 1846
E Sherman, William 1862
E Town, J. Milton 1882
E Turner, Ella L. 1848 - 1873
E Turner, Philip 1870

Lovejoy Cemetery

Town of Rose

Wayne County, NY

Lovejoy Cemetery is still active, and located east of N. Rose on the south side of Salter Rd. about 1/4 mi. east of Lasher Rd.

L Aldrich, Willie 1865
L Blaine, Abiah 1847
L Brockway, Prudence 1846
L Brunney, James 1865
L Buhler, Gustave 1870
LBurgess, Chloe 1799
L Carrier, Amaziah T. 1872
L Carrier, Mary 1859
L Chaddock, Alonzo 1822
L Chaddock, Amanda (Mason) 1859
L Chaddock, Dorothea 1876
LChaddock, Knowlton W. 1866
L Chaddock, Wesley 1861
L Chaddock, William 1854
L Chaddock, Winfield 1873
L Drury, Holloway 1879
L Gillett, John 1866
L Gillett, Lucy (Mason) 1880
L Gillett, Marquis N. 1847 - 1876
L Henderson, Deborah 1876
L Henderson, Gideon 1869
L Hurter, Sophia 1856 - 1863
L Lake, Ira 1797 1864
L Lake, Wellington 1836 - 1864
L Lovejoy, Anna 1860
L Lovejoy, Anna 1873
L Lovejoy, Catharine 1833
L Lovejoy, Daniel 1861
L Lovejoy, Dwight B. 1853
L Lovejoy, Egbert 1849
L Lovejoy, Esther 1858
L Lovejoy, Herman 1831
L Lovejoy, James 1870
L Lovejoy, Marion 1833
L Lovejoy, Parmer 1830
L Lovejoy, Selecta 1831
L Lovejoy, Silas 1877
L Lovejoy, Sophia 1867
L Lovejoy, Sophia 1878
L Lovejoy, William 1830
L Lovejoy, William 1865
L Lovejoy, William B. 1853
L Mason, H.D. 1805 - 1889
L Miner, Ami 1839
L Miner, Martin 1841
L Munsell, Dorman 1852
L Munsell, Jerusha 1881
L Nichols, Anna 1884
L Potter, Clarence L. 1869
L Potter, Lillie A. 1865
L Seelye, Benjamin Capt 1854
L Seelye, Eunice 1863
L Seward, William 1862
L Seward ?, Elbert E. (M.D.) 1870
L Smith, Ann 1863
L Smith, Elizabeth 1882
L Smith, George D.
L Smith, Robert G. 1860 - 1863
L Smith, Thomas 1879
L Stone, Elvira (Lovejoy) 1870
L Toles, Ebenezer 1883
LToles, Ezra 1842 - 1888
L Toles, Hannah 1879
L Tougat, Mary 1865
LRoberts, Alice M. 1851 - 1889
L Roberts, Caroline 1852
L Roberts, Emmet A.
L Roberts, John 1855

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Created: 11/11/98
Updated: 10/30/05
List Copyright © 1998 - 2011 Frank Dennis
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