Palmyra Cemetery, Part 1

Vienna Street, Palmyra NY

Wayne County, NY

Palmyra Village Cemetery

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

2005 Driving Directions - From Palmyra Rte. 31. Throop St South to end in road. Make immediate Left and Cemetery Entrance is on the Right hand side of the road. Go into Cemetery and office is located at the far Left.

Because this is a major Wayne County cemetery it is, of course, quite large. In order to get all of the information on the internet, the list had to be broken into ten separate pages. Each page is listed on the cemetery index page, and one continues from the other.

The following was printed in the Palmyra Democrat, Wednesday, April 10, 1889. We have no way of determining if the following list was made by referring to such a record as described, or if their records still exist:


For a number of years the Trustees of the Village have felt the necessity and propriety of having an orderly and systematic record of the burials in the Village cemetery. The number of unmarked graves was so large that as the years passed away their occupants must necessarily be forgotten, and numberless graves become unknown. The Trustees have also fully realized that when the present sexton, Mr. Wheeler, should be called away, that no one could ever make a complete record of the burials to date. For that reason, during the past year the Trustees have procured the burials to be compiled, and a record made of them, and also arranged a system whereby hereafter every burial would be recorded as soon as made. In this record is set the name of each person, age, date of death, and a number of the lot the burial is upon. At the time the record was finished there had been 3,036 interments in the Cemetery. With but few exceptions, the necessary information was obtained, and a full record made.

The record complete costs one hundred and sixty-five dollars, but as with it the Village is enabled for the first time to know at a glance, who is buried in every grave, your Trustees consider the money well spent.

Acker - Byers

Acker, Samuel - March 29, 1860 58y

Adams, Francis G. - 1901-1937

Adams, George A. - Jan. 21, 1816-Oct. 1, 1899

Adams, Cynthia P. - wife, July 18, 1882 63y 8m 12d

Adams, Edwin A. - 1856-1923

Adams, (no name) - dau. of Calvin & Cynthia, (no dates)

Adams, Harriet MD - March 27, 1886 57y

Adams, Lillian Abel - 1852-1926

Adams, Mary - wife of Wm., Apr. 24, 1867 67y 7d

Adams, Samuel - 1816-1863, Co B, 33 Vol. Inf.

Adams, Lucinda - wife, 1819-1910

Adams, Alice - dau., Aug. 21, 1848 6m 2d

Adams, Wm. H. - son, July 16, 1870 29y 1m 12d

Addicott, George H. - 1850-1916

Addicott, Fannie - wife, 1861-1934

Addicott, Henry - June 18, 1898 87y

Addicott, Charity - wife, Apr. 22, 1881 51y

Addicott, Mary - wife, May 15, 1848 40y

Addicott, Mary A. - dau., Aug. 26, 1844 5y 2m 25d

Addicott, Martha - dau., June 16, 1840 4y 2m 16d

Addicott, Wm. H. - son, Aug. 2, 1842 2m 10d

Addicott, Jane E. - dau., July 27, 1847 1m 21d

Adsitt, Clara A. - 1876-1908

Alderman, Edward - 1857-1934

Alderman, Lelia E. - 1857-1932

Alderman, Nelson G. - 1891-1927

Alderman, George F. - 1848-1928

Alderman, Geraldine - dau. of F., Oct. 8, 1909

Alderman, Pauline - dau. of F., Oct. 11, 1909 10m (twins)

Alderman, Gertrude - dau. of G., Feb. 5, 1878 2y 7m

Alderman, Sarah Ann - 1850-1911

Alderman, Minnie M. - 1900-1935

Aldrich, Addie May - Jan. 30, 1875 8y 2m 15d

Aldrich, David S. - Sept. 18, 1882 69y

Aldrich, Catherine T. - wife, Jan. 17, 1886 63y

Aldrich, Olive - (no dates)

Aldrich, Susan - Sept. 1870

Aldrich, Mary A. - July 18, 1896 51y

Aldrich, David S. - son, March 26, 1896 51y

Aldrich, Ella M. Durfee - (no dates)

Aldrich, Charles - (no dates)

Aldrich, Minnie Thayer - (no dates)

Aldrich, Herbert Thayer - son of Chas. & Minnie T., Jan. 18, 1884 9y

Aldrich, Lillian Foster - (no dates)

Aldrich, Pliny Sexton - (no dates)

Aldrich, Catherine Sexton - (no dates)

Allen, Fred R. - 1871-????

Allen, Cora M. - wife, 1875-????

Allen, Elmer O. - son of O.L. & L.M., Apr. 9, 1883-Aug. 24, 1883

Allen, Oscar L. - 1843-1906, Co I, 146 Regt. N.Y.S. Vol.

Allen, Amanda F. - wife, 1849-19??

Allen, Lucinda M. - wife, May 4, 1890 45y

Allen, Harry R. - 1901-1924

Allen, Joseph Sr. - 1790-1870

Allen, Dorcas - wife, 1793-1885

Allen, Joseph - 1820-1902

Allen, Julia A. - wife, 1824-1896

Allen, Jane Hunt - wife, 1847-1916

Allen, Frances E. - 1845-1849

Allen, Julia J. - 1851-1853

Allen, Anna C. - 1855-1900

Allen, James H. - 1858-1910

Allis, Emma - dau. of John (no dates)

Amidon, John R. - Oct. 17, 1909 72y

Amidon, Mary A. Tiffany - wife, Mar. 22, 1909 69y

Amidon, Salem R. - Nov. 23, 1912 52y

Anderson, Dorothy Beckwith - wife of Wells, June 15, 1792-June 20, 1883

Anderson, Wells - Jan. 23, 1788-Oct. 23, 1874

Anderson, Geo. W. - March 16, 1812-March 15, 1855

Anderson, Robert Henry - Feb. 22, 1827-Jan. 26, 1898

Andolin, James H. - 1867-19??

Andolin, Lucy Davies - wife, 1869-19??

Anscomb, Mary - mother of Susan Possee 82y

Anthony, Leo - son of Leo and Nella, 1916

Antisdale, Otis - 1816-1878

Antisdale, Ann C. - 1823-1864

Antisdale, Maria - 1824-1883

Antisdale, Frank J. - 1851-1908

Antisdale, Perez - Sept. 20, 1854 63y

Antisdale, Polly - wife, Jan. 1, 1884 85y

Antisdale, Marlin P. - son, Jan. 13, 1852 14y

Archer, John - July 11, 1876 84y 3m 4d

Archer, Achsah - wife, Apr. 24, 1869 79y

Armington, Emily Holmes - 1815-1862

Armstrong, Ann - May 11, 1870 40y

Arnold, Stuart L. - son of W.J. & E.S., Oct. 7, 1894 2y 3m 27d

Arnold, William J. - 1866-1936

Arnold, Emma S. - wife, 1865-1924

Arnold, Gerald W. - son, 1898-1918

Arnold, Mae Guilford - 1868-1935

Ashley, Julia A. - wife of Stephen, Dec. 14, 1825-May 3, 1890

Ashley, Sarah E. - dau., Apr. 8, 1870 12y 18d

Atwater, Herman L. - son of Arnold & Sally, June 16, 1841 27y

Augsburg, Alexander - Jan. 24, 1824-Aug. 3, 1891

Augsburg, Laura K. - wife, Aug. 2, 1829-July 2, 1900

Austin, Bertha L. - 1869-1921

Averill, Ralph E. - 1862-1922

Averill, Edwin S. - 1832-1910

Averill, Mary C. - wife, 1838-1912

Avery, Caleb - Oct. 9, 1799-Dec. 20, 1888

Avery, Abigail - wife, Oct. 26, 1799-March 10, 1881

Avery, Myron H. - 1833-1924

Avery, Libbie - wife, Mar. 30, 1880 47y

Avery, Dr. Frank C. - Feb 5, 1879 50y 11m 14d

Avery, Lucena D. - wife, Apr. 9, 1853 23y 6m 27d

Avery, Lucy - wife, June 29, 1911 80y

Avery, George - 1854-1911

Avery, Eva A. Lucas - wife, 1854-1919

Avery, Iagharia - 1821-1912

Avery, Maria - wife, 1821-1903

Avery, Eva E. - dau., (no dates)

Avery, William H. - 1860-19??

Avery, Aclista B. - 1862-1918

Avery, Burton H. - 1882-1921

Backus, Flora L. - 1856-1926

Backus, Numan - 1816-1899

Backus, Hannah Spear - wife, 1816-1899

Backus, Rufus - Apr. 11, 1864, a native of Granville, Washington Co.

Backus, Betsy - wife, March 26, 1881 91y

Backus, Rufus N. - 1856-19??

Backus, Alice R. - wife, 1857-1907

Backus, Numon G. - son, 1883-1914

Bailey, Gloriana S. - wife of A.W., Sept. 19, 1853 29y

Baker, Hannah M. - 1854-1920

Baker, Clarice - 1885-1887

Baker, Hattie M. - Dec. 28, 1851-Feb. 1, 1833

Banks, Ann M. - 1829-1909

Bareham, Robert H. - 1865-1935

Bareham, Harriet C. - wife, 1866-1936

Bareham, William H. - Feb. 5, 1859 3y 29d

Barnes, Elias - Sept. 21, 1826-Apr. 14, 1907

Barnes, Lydia E. - wife, Jan. 10, 1819-Jan. 26, 1892

Barnhart, Charles C. - 1859-????

Barnhart, Carrie E. - wife, 1859-1914

Barnhart, George A. - 1857-1909

Barnhart, Harry Almon - eldest son, Jan. 16, 1890 6y 9m 20d

Barnhart, C. Claude - 2nd son, Feb. 3, 1898 12y 24d

Barnhart, Isaac Jr. - March 22, 1815-May 21, 1899

Barnhart, Thankful Freeman - wife, Feb. 13, 1818-Aug. 18, 1843

Barnhart, Delcena - 1842-43

Barnhart, Myron - July 18, 1840-June 18, 1881

Barnhart, Benjamin F. - Aug. 10, 1844-Mar. 25, 1876

Barr, Peter - 1829-1906

Barr, Kate Stingel - wife, 1840-1927

Barrett, Roy - 1858-1924

Barrett, Lena Fisher - wife, 1869-1907

Barrett, Infant son - Feb. 2, 1902

Barron, Clark C. - 1847-1918

Barron, Jennie H. - wife, 1847-1911

Barron, Martha E. - dau., 1887-1891

Barron, Jennie B. - dau., 1884-1924

Barron, George - Mar. 30, 1862 41y

Barron, Lillian - dau. 2y 1d

Barron, Sarah - wife, Apr. 1, 1897 74y 11m

Barron, Julia P. - 1862-19??

Bastedo, Lydia A. - 1837-1915

Bates, Mina P. - Sept 26, 1869-June 15, 1899

Bavis, Fredk. W. - 1875-1936

Bavis, Madeline - dau., 1900-1917

Beach, Florence E. - 1900-1935

Beach, William A. - 1851-1924

Beach, Gertrude Wombaugh - wife, 1853-1895

Beach, Joseph - 1823-1881

Beach, Harriet A. - wife, 1828-1906

Beadle, Adella Philip - 1851-1909

Beadle, Morris D. - 1818-1895

Beadle, Betsy Dorance - wife, 1818-1902

Beal, Frank E. Jr. - 1820-1937

Beal, Harriet Curtis - wife of Caleb, Dec. 31, 1901 65y

Beal, Grace - dau., Feb. 8, 1900 23y

Beal, Bradley - Dec. 19, 1899

Beals, Fordyce K. - July 4, 1839 or 1939

Beals, Mary Ann Rainier - wife, Aug. 27, 1843-Apr. 11, 1899

Bean, Phyllis - 1903-1926

Beatty, George R. - 1858-1928

Beatty, Wm. G. - son, 1899-1902

Beatty, Martha Gordon - wife, 1863-1939

Beatty, Laura Walter - wife of George Reuben, 1903-1938

Beck, James H. - Sept. 16, 1859-Feb. 22, 1895

Beck, Kate S. - wife, Aug. 15, 1889-Dec. 31, 1918

Beck, Eleanor Converse - Jan. 10, 1887 - June 6, 1906

Becker, Agnes T. - 1877-1907

Beckwith, George - b. E. Haddam Nov. 1789, d. Palmyra Dec. 20, 1867 78y

Beckwith, Ruth Matson Clark - wife, Feb. 2, 1793-Jan. 30, 1881

Beckwith, (no name) - son, Aug. 2, 1821

Beckwith, (no name) - son, Aug. 19, 1832

Bedett, Marinus - 1858-1938

Bedett, Caroline - wife, 1864-1934

Bedett, Roger A. - 1928-1928

Benedict, J.S. - 1835-1925, Co C, 148 Reg. N.Y. Inf.

Benedict, Catherine Lewis - wife, 1838-1895

Beneway, Jane - May 26, 1861

Benham, Emma Lotz - 1857-1924

Bennett, Fannie Sanders - 1890-1930

Berney, Ruth Carroll - 1894-1935

Besley, John M. MD - Aug. 15, 1842-Oct. 17, 1890

Besley, James A. - Sept. 29, 1844-Dec. 1864

Besley, Augustus A. - Sept. 26, 1840-Feb. 1, 1841

Besley, Nathaniel A. - Sept. 18, 1849-Oct. 18, 1849

Besley, Isaac - March 2, 1807-Aug. 1, 1897

Besley, Hilinda - wife, Apr. 14, 1813-Sept. 1, 1900

Besser, Laura Ann - dau. Wm. & Bridget, Aug. 12, 1856 7y 7m 7d

Besser, John T. - son, 1831-1868

Besser, Hattie P. - wife, 1830-1905

Bew, Frederick - 1850-1917

Billings, Allyn R. - 1846-1884

Billings, Alma - wife, 1849-1931

Billings, Susabelle - dau., 1883-1903

Billings, Frank A. - son, 1873-1912

Billings, Benjamin - 1853-1937

Billings, Carrie S. Sawyer - wife, 1858-1928

Billings, Benjamin Sr. - Sept. 23, 1753-Jan. 13, 1838

Billings, Wealthy Allyn - wife, Nov. 9, 1768-Feb. 6, 1866

Billings, William - Aug. 18, 1806-Oct. 22, 1888

Billings, Benjamin Jr. - Jan. 29, 1810-July 24, 1889

Billings, Mary S. - wife, June 21, 1809-Nov. 21, 1844

Billings, Susan - wife, Jan. 26, 1821-Sept. 29, 1904

Billings, Emma H. - dau., May 20, 1849-May 11, 1929

Billings, Frances M. - June 6, 1832-Sept. 11, 1834

Billings, Luther F. - son, Feb. 2, 1855-Jan. 3, 1876

Billings, Frank G. - May 1, 1858-Sept. 3, 1879

Billings, Howard C. - 1882-1936

Billings, George S. - Nov. 5, 1854-Jan. 26, 1913

Billings, Anna M. - wife, March 25, 1859-Sept. 24, 1924

Billings, Marie - 1889-1900

Birch, Lillian E. Shilling - wife of David D., Nov. 9, 1876-Mar. 21, 1907

Birdsall, Thomas J. (T.) - Oct. 1, 1879 66y

Birdsall, Mary Ann - wife, June 11, 1863 53y

Birdsall, Maryeliza - dau., Aug. 1, 1817 1y 7m

Birdsall, Thomas H. - 1865-19??

Birdsall, Nellie H. - wife, 1876-19??

Bishop, James - 1840-1865

Bishop, Harriet L. - wife, 1845-1878

Bishop, Nathaniel - Apr. 9, 1814-July 27, 1882

Bishop, Emeline Crawford - wife, May 19, 1818-Jan. 6, 1898

Bishop, Asher W. - son, June 15, 1838-Feb. 2, 1865, in Salisbury Prison, 148 Regt, Co K

Bishop, Amanda - May 20, 1805-Oct. 3, 1892

Blanchard, Harriet J. - dau. of B. & E. Lodge - 1851-1898

Blankenberg, Jennie - 1866-1935

Bloomer, Mahala Kane - 1810-1878

Bly, Wesley - 1837-1919

Bly, Minerva L. - wife, 1838-1914

Bly, Clark W. - 1864-19??

Bockoven, George H. - 1872-19??

Bockoven, Gertrude E. - wife, 1867-19??

Boeheim, Philip - 1856-1930

Boeheim, Louise Radder - wife, 1857-1930

Boeheim, Gracie - dau., Aug. 8, 1881 2m

Boeheim, Burton P. - 1862-1906

Boget, Benjermanklin - 1832-1902, 250 Col. Troops (Benjamin Franklin)

Boget, Mary Cooley - wife, 1835-1894

Boles, Charles E. - 1868-19??

Boles, Elizabeth - wife, 1871-1939

Bolway, Joseph - Jan. 19, 1889 71y

Bond, Raymond - 1888-1918

Bond, Julia I. East - wife, 1893-1918

Bonta, Simon - Oct. 8, 1839-Jan. 14, 1915

Bonta, Sarah - wife, Sept. 22, 1837-Jan. 29, 1912

Bonta, John - Oct. 26, 1888 22y 8m

Bonte, Simon - 1870-1937

Bonte, Etta Corson - wife, 1872-1926

Bortle, Jeremiah I. - March 16, 1849 24y 3m 10d

Bortle, Clarence - son of J.I. & Fanny, Feb. 24, 1849 4m 21d

Bourne, James - 1845-1930

Bourne, Jennie - 1854-1933

Bowen, Harriet E. - dau. of John H. & C.S., Mar. 12, 1849 5y 2m

Bowen, Henry - son of R.H. & H.M., Aug. 26, 1849 1y 5m 11d

Bowerman, Sister Mary - 1858-1924

Bowerman, Charles J. - 1852-1935

Bowler, Harry Fitch - 1855-1917

Bowler, J. Imogene - 1853-1913

Bowman, Chas. Butterfield - Oct. 24, 1838-Jan. 24, 1898

Bowman, Lucy Lakey - wife, Oct. 5, 1840-June 26, 1929

Bowman, Wm. Harrington - (no dates)

Bowman, Louise Perry - Dec. 12, 1860-July 21, 1939

Bradley, Charlotte D. - Jan. 14, 1863 23y

Bradley, Clarissa Curtis - 1842-1920

Braham, Silner Elias - 1855-1935

Braham, Alta D. Beach - wife, 1857-1926

Braham, Joseph Delos - 1824-1905

Braham, Mary J. - wife, 1827-1887

Braham, Carrie - dau., 1854-1854

Breese, Anthony - Jan. 12, 1864 67y

Breese, Aurelia S. - wife, March 9, 1862 55y

Breese, Otis D. - Oct. 26, 1868 42y

Breese, Mary Orissa - dau. O. & Mary, Sept. 12, 1858 7m 2d

Breese, Cynthia - wife of J.D., Oct. 9, 1861 30y 7m 8d

Breese, Henry - 1856-1904

Bremus, John F. - 1866-1939

Briggs, Alvah - 1816-1860

Briggs, Ischa Leonard - wife, 1821-1852

Briggs, Geo. - son of I. Briggs, 1875-1900

Briggs, Frank H. - 1849-????

Briggs, Adella - wife, 1849-????

Briggs, Elias D.G. - Oct. 10, 1907 90y

Briggs, Robert L. - (no dates)

Briggs, Frances Rapalje - (no dates)

Briggs, John D. MD - Aug. 23, 1902 56y

Briggs, Mary S. - Dec. 15, 1910 50y

Briggs, William E. - (no dates)

Briggs, Martha R. Rushmore - Jan. 18, 1897 74y

Briggs, Harriet O. - 1851-1935

Briggs, Geo. L. - son, 1884-19??

Briggs, Nellie J. - dau. 1878-19??

Briggs, Orie Belle - 1877-19??

Briggs, Lynn E. - 1885-19??

Briggs, Peter - 1838-1911

Briggs, Johanna - wife, 1840-1908

Brigham, C.C. - 1844-1832

Brigham, C.H. - 1843-1903

Brigham, Clara - 1878-1887

Brokaw, Clarence D. - husband of Gladys Hennessy, 1894-1922

Bromfield, Andrew D. - Feb. 4, 1872 85y

Bromfield, Mary - wife, May 20, 1835

Bromfield, A.D. - small stone, no dates

Bronson, Isaac Grant - 1820-1928

Bronson, Carrie - dau., 1855-1928

Bronson, Helen M. Brown - wife, 1838-1907

Brooks, Florence A. Parliaman - dau. of Charlotte, 1927

Brotherton, Nancy J. - 1836-1918

Brown, Alma - dau. of Jesse & Helen E., (no dates)

Brown, Helen - dau. of Jesse & Helen E., (no dates)

Brown, Edwin D. - 1858-19??

Brown, Alida L. - wife, 1863-1929

Brown, George - b. Burrillville, Providence County, Rhode Island, 1786-June 30, 1847 at Palmyra

Brown, Capt. Geo. - Co E, 111 Reg., Co A, 194 Reg. N.Y. Vol., May 14, 1894 74y

Brown, Sophia C. - wife, Jan. 8, 1886 63y

Brown, Edna May - dau. of G.& S., Jan. 28, 1884 8y 2m 17d

Brown, Geo. - son of G.& S., June 17, 1819 2y

Brown, Grandolph - 1850-1922

Brown, Harriet E. - (no dates)

Brown, Harriet - wife of Thomas, May 24, 1852 34y

Brown, J. - small stone, no dates

Brown, Jane - Aug. 13, 1850 37y

Brown, Janette Reynolds - wife of Robert C., 1900-1934

Brown, Martha L. - 1829-1904

Brown, Joseph M. - 1824-1906

Brown, Milton A. - Aug. 9, 1858 21y 1m 16d

Brown, Alpha - son of M. & Milla, Sept. 11, 1858 3y 5m 26d

Brown, Sarah E. Lang - 1849-1924

Brown, William E. - 1841-1919

Brown, Mary Ann - wife, 1850-1926

Brownell, Charles A. - 1884-19??

Brownell, Edna M. - wife, 1888-1937

Bruen, William C. - 1887-1937

Brumfield, James I. - b. Feb. 3, 1781 in Dutchess County, d. March 13, 1871 in Palmyra

Brumfield, Sarah - wife, March 28, 1850 68y 3m

Bryant, Rhoda - wife of David, March 5, 1852 73y 1m 20d

Buckley, Lucas G. - 1809-1876

Buckley, Hannah G. - wife, 1812-1847

Buckley, Julia A. - wife, 1816-1857

Buckley, Almera - 1812-1879

Buckley, Geo. - son, 1852-1932

Bullis, Charles H. - 1785-Oct. 17, 1866

Bullis, Ellen Rogers - wife, 1792-March 26, 1879

Bullis, Olive Voldridge - wife of Abram, 1827-1914, buried Macedon

Bullis, Hiram - 1793-Apr. 28, 1876

Bullis, Emma R. - 1823-Jan. 2, 1905

Bullis, Abram R. MD - 1815-Nov. 10, 1866

Bullis, Lydia P. - wife, 1820-June 5, 1862

Bulmer, John - 1819-1910

Bulmer, Elvira - wife, 1829-1911

Bump, William H. - 1830-1909

Bump, Sarah E. Cornwell - wife, 1831-1917

Burch, Julia E. - dau. of W.E. & M.A., June 12, 1891-Feb. 9, 1898

Burgess, Frances - 1844-1920

Burke, Imogene Shaw - Oct. 1853-May 1936

Burley, James D. - 1857-1913

Burley, Hattie B. - wife, 1859-1939

Burmeister, John - Aug. 17, 1887 83y

Burmeister, Sophia - wife, Sept. 10, 1877 62y 2m 16d

Burns, Franklin G. - 1849-1911

Burns, Ida E. Ketchum - wife, 1857-1920

Burrell, A.P. - 1844-1902, Co G, 3 N.Y. Cav.

Bussey, Thomas J. - 1833-1917

Bussey, Anna E. - wife, 1837-1860

Bussey, Esther P. - wife, 1838-1917

Butler, Frank A. - 1851-1892

Butler, Addison C. - Mar. 29, 1883 61y

Butler, Julia A. - wife of Addison, (no dates)

Butler, Willie A. Dewitt - son of A.C. & J.A., Sept. 17, 1861

Butler, Freddie G.E.D. - son of A.C. & J.A., Jan. 27, 1864

Butterfield, Martin - 1790-1866

Butterfield, Nancy R. - wife, May 1810-1898

Butterfield, Louis - son, 1837-1838

Butterfield, Sarah May - 1846-1912

Butterfield, Mary Dean - wife of Martin Sr., 1768-1857

Button, Bertha E. - 1900-1903

Button, Baby - 1897

Button, Baby - 1890

Byers, (no name) - 1852-1898

This list was donated by the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County, NY.

Volunteer typist: Nancy Brown of Walworth, NY

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Created: 1/9/1999
Updated: 4/24/11
Copyright 1999 - 2011 Nancy Brown / Allyn Hess Perry / Margaret Sherman Lutzvick / M. Magill
Photo Copyright © 2005 - 2011 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Wayne County NYGenWeb
A County Site of the USGenWeb Project
All Rights Reserved.