Bill Dean's Reading

The reading below was taken by Bill Dean, who was former historian of the Town of Galen, sometime in the 1980s. Mr. Dean's files were saved for posterity and converted from an old computer program by a team of dedicated Wayne County residents and historians. Our deepest appreciation goes to Frank Dennis, our Town of Rose editor, for making these records available for the first time. Frank would like to thank the following people who were instrumental in preserving these records for present and future historians and family researchers:

"No. 1 by far is Bill Dean, deceased, former historian for Town of Galen, who collected all the information and put it on the computer. Mrs. Dean, who gave the records and the computer to the Galen-Savannah Library; Bill Garafano, who was able to access the files and copy them so that I and others could work on them; Sue Ayers and Lori DiSanto, librarians at G-S Library, who showed me how to use the files, and Chris Edmonds, president of the Rose Historical Society, who converted the files to MS Xcel and sent them to me."

Surname Given Name Nee Parents *
C Born Married Died RNS
Aldrich Amos Sally 1793 0 1875 Yes
Aldrich Clarissa Amos* 1831 0 1833 Yes
Aldrich Harriet Amos* 1819 0 1850 Yes
Aldrich Infant Amos* 1835 0 1835 Yes
Aldrich John W Amos* 1833 0 1833 Yes
Aldrich Orin Amos* 1822 0 1849 Yes
Aldrich Sally Luce Amos 1795 0 1859 Yes
Babcock Stephen 1789 0 1837 Yes
Bigelow Lydia Unknown Samuel 1782 0 1843 Yes
Bishop Antha Joel* 1849 0 1849 Yes
Bishop Emma Joel* 1847 0 1848 Yes
Bishop Eron D Joel* 1834 0 1854 Yes
Boyce Dudley W Julia Ann 1821 0 1871 Yes
Boyce Dudley W Julia Ann 1821 0 1871 Yes
Boyce Julia Ann Drown Dudley W. 1822 0 1880
Boyce Julia Ann Drown Dudley W. 1822 0 1880
Brown Asa 1796 0 1851 Yes
Chaddock Mercy E. William* 1844 0 1849 Yes
Feeck Mary A 1846 0 1847 Yes
Flint Elizur Deacon Roxy 1793 0 1884 Yes
Flint Pomeroy Roxy 1790 0 1819 Yes
Flint Roxy Howard Elizur 1795 0 1865 Yes
Flint Roxy Howard Pomeroy 1795 0 1865 Yes
Flint Roxy M Elizur* 1827 0 1828 Yes
Gillett Asahel 1754 0 1826 Yes
Graham Roxana Demure Henry 1800 1823 1841
Graham Unk Female Henry* 1841 0 1841 Yes
Hickok Caroline Moses* 1805 0 1819 Yes
Hickok Joseph Munson Moses* 1802 0 1822 Yes
Hickok Moses Zervia 1770 0 1826 Yes
Hickok Zervia Felton Moses 1780 0 1819 Yes
Lamb Catherine E 1849 0 1849 Yes
Lamb Isaac Sally 1776 0 1862 Yes
Lamb Sally Stanley Isaac 1776 0 1846 Yes
Parker Emily M 1848 0 1849
Preston Caroline Sardis* 1844 0 1845 Yes
Preston Joseph W Sardis* 1846 0 1847 Yes
Preston Nabby Unknown Sardis 1780 0 1843 Yes
Richmond Lydia Hand C. 1846 0 1847 Yes
Seelye Nettie 1859 0 1860
Skut Ellen A Conrad C.* 1856 0 1859 Yes
Skut James Jonathan* 1834 0 1835 Yes
Soucie Carl H 1929 0 1995 Yes
Toles Lucy Unknown Ebenezer 1773 0 1858 Yes
Toles Polly Williams Ebenezer 1802 0 1838 Yes
Way Betsey Ann Lyman Harley 1807 0 1871 Yes
As yet, we're not sure what the heading "RNS" means. "C" means circa.

Prepared by Frank Dennis and Martha Perry Magill

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Created: 10/23/99
Updated: 6/15/05
Copyright © Bill Dean
Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Frank Dennis/ M. Magill/ Allyn Hess Perry
Wayne County NYGenWeb
All Rights Reserved.