Newark Main Street Cemetery

Part 8, Salesbury - Synesail

Town of Arcadia

Wayne County, NY

As with some of the other cemeteries some notes are included here and are [ ] bracketed showing that they are not part of the original cemetery list received. All spellings and dates are as on original typed lists at the County Historian's Office. If you seek further information about persons on this list, please contact the Office of the Wayne County Historian.

We welcome receiving listings of persons whose stones were missed at the time of the original reading.

Salesbury, Helem M. wife of above June 21, 1817-June 17, 1848.
Salemon, Constance 1839-1925 wife Stanley
Salvador, S. Callett Jan. 23, 1926..
Sanderson, Francis 1833-1915
Sanderson, Sarah husb. Francis 1837-1890,
Sanford, James R. 1886-1928
Sanford, James Sr. 1854-1934.
Sanford, Leah R. wife 1859-1938.
Sanford, Harold G. 1887-1931 son James S. Sr. and Leah
Sanford, Joseph H. July 6, 1852 aged ?
Sanford, Doreas wife Feb. 17, 1871 75 yrs. 15 da.
Sanford, Smith W. 1834-1918.
Sanford, Mary E. 1835-1920.
Sanford, Georgie M. & George R. 1871-1872 Twins.
Sanford, Helen L. Aug. 6, 1847 10-3-8 dau. James & Chloe.
Sanford, Chloe Smith Dec. 16, 1808-Sept. 29, 1873.
Sanford, James R. husb. Sept. 4, 1860- 58-9-13
Sanford, B. Luther 36 yrs. 12 da. Oct. 30, 1864.
Sanford, Delia dau. L. & L. 2 mo. May 21, 1857
Sanford, Lucy little dau. L. & L.
Sanford, Jagger O. Lucy husb. Luther Sanford Apr. 7,1831-Feb.9,1912
Sanford, E. Julia dau. C. & H. husb. N.M.S. Apr. 2, 1907
Santangelo, Concetta M. 1878-1938.
Santelle, Antonia 1863-1910.
Santelle, Marietta Reba wife Romenco Aug. 2, 1891-July 3, 1911.
Santelli, George M. 1919-1920.
Sauers, Henry M. 1843-1917.
Sauers, Mary A. 1850-1929.
Scarmouthsos, Manuel 1913-1918
Schaap, Mattie N. 1876-1918 wife William
Schane, John husb. Marcia 1833-1910.
Schane, Marcia wife John 1821-1914.
Scheel, Sophia 1848-19--
Scheel, Mary 1877-1894
Schiltz, Francise Jan. 27, 1916-Sept. 11, 1916.
Schleght, E. Mary husb. Chris 1863-1931
Schmidt, Jacobi husb. Godfrey 1864-1892.
Schinsing, Louise Mary husb. John.
Schinsing, Wm. M. son J. & L.M. 1891-1915.
Schinsing, Charles J. Br. 309 Inf. 78 Div. June 28, 1939 N.Y.
Schinsing, Martin 1820-1905
Schinsing, Anna husb. Martin 1827-1901
Schoenthaler, Henry P. son P. & C. 1891-1896.
Schoenthaler, N. Carline 1860-1936
Schoenthaler, Phillip wife Carline N. Kall 1858-1926.
Schultz, Henry A. Co. G. 9th N.Y. Art. Sept. 15, 1815-Aug. 28, 1895.
Schuman, Dorthy Apr. 29, 1901-Sept. 13, 1901 dau. W.F. & M.E.
Schwab, George 1851-1929
Schwab, Mary husb. George 1855-1913
Schwab, E. Mary 1878-1878
Schwab, Edward 1876-1910
Schwartz, Franklin 1834-1918.
Schwartz, Dorothea E. K. 1838-1909 wife.
Schwartz, Charles J. husb. Louise 1858-1938.
Schwartz, Louise 1862-19--
Schwartz, Fred W. 1880-1924.
Schwartz, Adelia 1875-1931 wife Wm. J.
Scott, Wm. Mar. 12, 1822-July 28, 1872
Scott, N. Charles 1860-1930
Scott, Mary husb. William oct. 22, 1827-Aug. 15, 1877
Scott, E. George 1863-1908
Scribner, Alfred b. Ballston Mar. 18, 1840 40 yrs.
Scutell, Thissie 1899-1918.
See, Katherine husb. Revilo 1843-1825?
See, Revilo wife Katherine 1844-1920.
See, Mary Aug. 18, 1862-Mar. 19, 1932.
See, Frank A. Aug. 23, 1853-Jan. 4, 1927.
See, Pulver husb. Franklin Dec. 11, 1851-Aug. 11, 1897.
See, Elizabeth wife Jerome 1841-1928.
See, Jerome husb. Elizabeth 1833-1901
See, John 83 yrs. Apr. 22, 1883
See, Eva wife John 72 yrs. Mar. 2, 1878
See, F. Levi son J. & E. 31-3-9 Sept. 9, 1867
See, F. Emily wife Myron 22 yrs. 9da. Nov. 14, 1865
Serons, Leopold 1833-1915.
Serons, Sophia wife 1837-1915.
Severson, Beulap 1912-1913.
Severson, Bertha M. 1903-1908.
Severson, Edward 1882-1905.
Severson, Eva. S. 1846-1915.
Severson, John 1838-1887.
Severson, Marjorie 1901-1903
Shaver, Henry W. Sept. 9, 1865 80yrs.
Shaver, Mary Jane Sept. 8, 1838 1-5-5 dau. John & Mary.
Shaver, Mary A. Parks Nov. 3, 1840 dau. H. & C. Parks wife John V.
Shaver, James Edgar Aug. 3, 1856 2 yrs. 28 da son Martin L. & Castar.
Shawman, Rachel 87 yrs. Jan. 16, 1852.
Shedgewick, Norah H. wife Matthew Shedgewick 1900-1925 Whitwell maiden name.
Sheffield, John S. 1840-1918.
Sheffield, Keziah A. 1850-1904.
Sheffield, Lucy no dates
Sheffield, Julia no dates.
Sheldon, Jonathan June 11, 1859 70-6-14.
Sheldon, Mary wife Jan. 24, 1863 56-7-8
Sheldon, Mary E. Dora Feb. 28, 1859 3-2-10 dau. George E & Alidus
Sherman, Addie B. 1843-1912.
Sherman, Marshall A. 1830-1878.
Sherman, Sarah J. 1834-1918.
Sherman, William S. 1864-1919.
Sherman, Levi Feb. 19, 1819-Dec. 20, 1887.
Sherman, Angeline Akin wife Apr. 16, 1816-Sept. 2, 1895.
Sherman, Benjamin S. 1849-1931.
Sherman, Jane Eliz. Jan 28, 1828 11 yrs. dau. Jacob & Jane.
Sherman, Francis son Jan. 28, 1831 2 yrs.
Sherman, Wilson H. 1845-1931.
Sherman, Amy May 20, 1792-Feb. 15, 1832. [wife of Alexander; dau of Gideon Cornell Sherman]
Sherman, Alexander husb. May 28, 1790-Aug. 1, 1823. [son of Humphrey Sherman & Mary Durfee]
Sherman, Ira D. [Doty] son Sept. 29, 1813-Apr. 2, 1835. [ son of A & A]
Sherman, Erastus son July 15, 1817-Sept. 6, 1838. [son of A & A]
Sherman, Abigail [Abbequille] dau. May 15, 1819-Aug. 11, 1834. [dau A & A]
Sherman, Myron son June 2, 1823-Sept. 3, 1823. [ son of A & A]
Sherman, Charlie W. 1853-1881.
Sherman, Wilson O. 1821-1870. [son A & A]
Sherman, Lydia A. 1825-1908.
Sherman, Frank A. 1875-19--
Sherman, Jennie C. 1873-1928.
Sherman, Gladys Corwin June 22, 1901-Nov. 6, 1901.
Sherwood, Norman H. Oct. 7, 1833 2 yr. 4 mo.
Sherwood, Percy Mary husb. Lionel 1872-Newark
Sherwood, Jennie dau. L. & M. June 9,1920
Sherwood, P. Ida dau. L. & M. Feb. 27, 1932
Sherwood, Lionel 1899 Newark
Sherwood, Patrenee dau. Lionel & Mary Aug. 27, 1933
Sherwood, Libbits 1850-1928
Sherwood, J. Lida Libbits Sherwood 1861-1933
Shipps, Almon wife Olive H. Niles Apr. 7, 1812-Mar. 12, 1894.
Shipps, Olive H. husb. Almon July 22, 1822-Mar. 19, 1876
Sholes, Fifield husb. Delia M. 44 yrs. Corp. Co. K III Regt. N.Y. Vol. Feb. 10, 1891.
Sholes, Delia M. wife Fifield Dec. 28, 1848-Mar. 21, 1923
Shorman, Celana Isaac Shorman 22-6-21 Jan. 7, 1852
Shorman, Ella dau. I. & S. 1 mo. Sept. 19, 1871
Shorman, Ann Rachael dau. W. & G. 9-11-17 July 21, 1840
Shorman, William 88 yrs. Nov. 21, 1871
Shorman, Gertrude wife Wm. 71-3-20 Feb. 22, 1867.
Shumway, Melissa LaPoint Oct. 28, 1813-Nov. 22, 1881 wife Alexander.
Shumway, Almond 1841-1909 wife Elmina Kirby.
Shumway, Mary Evens 1787-Oct. 23, 1861 wife Isaac.
Shumway, Isaac husb. Jan. 22, 1864 78 yrs.
Shumway, Elmina 1847-1928 wife Almond, Kirby maiden name.
Shumway, Philo G. Nov. 19, 1877 62-7-1
Shumway, Gertrude wife Oct. 25, 1906 88 yrs.
Sickels, Pergis June 17, 1843 27-1-14 wife Daniel
Sickels, Sarah I. dau. Sept. 15, 1840 1 yr. 6 mo.
Sickels, Pergis dau. Sept. 7, 1843 5 mo. 7 da.
Sickels, Annie 1864-1917.
Siegrist, Chas. W. 1850-1898.
Siegrist, Mary A. wife 1851-1926.
Siegrist, Arthur Leonard 1883-1885.
Siegrist, Willie Alois 1879-1885.
Siegrist, Franke May D. 1875.
Siegrist, Dr. Chas J. 1817-1878.
Siegrist, Anna Maria 1827-1893 wife.
Siegrist, Dr. Alois husb. 1823-1896
Siegrist, N. Charles 1850-1898
Simpson, Elizabeth E. July 20, 1875 39 yrs. wife Joel E.
Sinclair, Virginia age 65 yrs. Sept. 29, 1897.
Sisson, Earnest 1904-1907.
Sisson, Margaret wife John age 49 yrs. Dec. 4, 1864.
Sleight, George A. 1894-1938
Smallidg, Lyman John 1887-1887
Smallidg, A. Mary 1854-1910
Smallidg, David wife Mary A. 1835-1910
Smallidg, V. Armond 1898-1912.
Smith, Mildred R. 1891-1927.
Smith, Lewis ( Rev.) July 20, 1820-Aug. 24, 1864.
Smith, Mary E. wife Nov. 6, 1873 49 yrs.
Smith, Arthur E. 1879-1920 son Albert & Alice A.
Smith, Elva F. 1882-19-- wife
Smith, Albert T. 1844-1924.
Smith, Alice A. 1849-1924 wife.
Smith, Samartha A. Oct. 1, 1840-July 23, 1861 wife Henry.
Smith, Henry 1810--Dec. 5, 1846.
Smith, Eva F. 1882-19--
Smith, Arthur husb. 1879-1920 son Albert & Alice A.
Smith, Albert 1844-1909.
Smith, Alice wife 1849-1924.
Smith, Alonzo J. Jan. 30, 1846 5 yrs. 5 mo. son James E. & Edortha
Smith, James P. 1815-1888.
Smith, Edith wife 1816-1896.
Smith, David F. Oct. 1, 1856-Sept. 21, 1857 son Stephen & Maria. A.
Smith, Sanford J. Sept. 25, 1843-Apr. 17, 1850 son Stephen & Maria A.
Smith, Frank F. June 21, 1854-May 3, 1855 son Stephen & Maria A.
Smith, Stephen Aug. 11, 1817-Sept. 30, 1897
Smith, Maria wife Aug. 13, 1817-Nov. 3, 1902.
Smith, John J. Mar. 31, 1795-July 28, 1872.
Smith, Samuel D. Apr. 27, 1840-July 23, 1902.
Smith, William H. May 25, 1878 61 yrs.
Smith, Polly K. wife Apr. 6, 1878 57 yrs.
Smith, Minnie mother Polly K. age 1 mo. 1 da. Oct. 17, 1862
Smith, Frances M. Apr. 26, 1888 37 yrs.
Smith, Geo. W. Co. F. 2nd. Mounted Rifles N.Y. S. Vol. Age 55 June 4, 1900.
Smith, Abrand Dec. 19, 1846-
Smith, Harriet Wilson Jan. 14, 1859-Mar. 15, 1939.
Smith, Catherine 1830-1904.
Smith, Jacob husb. Sarah 1860-1925.
Smith, Sarah wife Jacob 1870-19--
Smith, Edwin wife Nellie 1847-1883.
Smith, Nellie wife Edwin 1848-1910
Smith, Leslie E. May 25, 1887-Feb. 12, 1897.
Smith, William R. Sept. 9, 1878-Feb. 15, 1898
Smith, Emogene Fisk husb Daniel P. Sept 26. 1848-July 4, 1891.
Smith, Mary Schutt 2 nd wife Daniel P. Aug. 29, 1856-June 22, 1913
Smith, Deborah Vary wife Daniel 77 yrs. Mar. 3, 1887.
Smith, Daniel P. husb. Emogene Fisk Nov. 23, 1842-Oct. 1, 1928.
Smith, Daniel husb. Deborah Vary 72 yrs. Apr. 7, 1874.
Smith, Edna F. wife William F. 1877-19--
Smith, William E. wife Edna F. 1872-1935.
Smith, M. Amanda Smith 63 yrs. May 22, 1880-Newark
Smith, H. Feligia 29 yrs. Jan. 9, 1865
Smith, Elizabeth 88 yrs. Aug. 30, 1858
Smith, Chas. O. Oct. 18, 1848-Nov. 5, 1920.
Snitzel, John H. 1844-1888
Snitzel, Josephine wife 1844-1935.
Snitzel, Carrie B. 1869-1916.
Snyder, Hannah H. Mar. 4, 1817-Mar. 4, 1847 infant son also.
Snyder, Lewis P. husb. Jan. 19, 1810-Oct. 3, 1879.
Snyder, Eliz. 2nd wife Oct. 15, 1820-Nov. 9, 1865.
Snyder, Philip Sept. 27, 1810 8 mo. 23 da. son L.P. & H.M.
Snyder, Cornelia E. July 7, 1819 6-6-7 dau. L.P. & H.M.
Snyder, Emelia June 20, 1819 7-6-16 dau. L.P. & H.M.
Snyder, Ambrose S. Dec. 18, 1846-Jan. 29, 1865 in Rebel Military Prison at Salisbury, N.C.
Soliman, Louise 1890-1929.
Soper, Chas. A. 1883-1932.
Soule, L.A. son Rev. Bowland & Philena 24 yrs. 10 mo. 17 da. Feb. 2, 1857
Soule, Anna Nov. 3, 1838-Feb. 22, 1832 dau. B. & H.D. Soule
Soule, Hannah Aug. 23, 1815-June 19, 1903 wife Benjamin J.
Soverhill, Anna E. d. Jan. 11, 1909 no age
Soverhill, Andrew d. Dec. 27, 1923 no age.
Soverhill, Chas O. Oct. 18, 1848-Nov. 5, 1920.
Soverhill, Eliz. A. 1815-1910 wife of Joel C.
Soverhill, Joel C. 1808-1895.
Soverhill, James H. 1835-1917
Soverhill, Katherine wife 1841-1924.
Soverhill, Lucinda J. wife Robert M. 1864-1922.
Soverhill, Charles Co. 17th Reg. N.Y. Vol. age 53 yrs. Apr. 20, 1893.
Soverhill, Robert M. husb. Lucinda J. 1865-1907.
Soverhill, Allen Marvin July 23, 1822-Oct. 18, 1910
Soverhill, M. Mary husb. Marvin 38 yrs. Aug. 19, 1864
Soverhill, M. Gardner Jan. 20, 1847-Oct. 26, 1925
Soverhill, Josephine first wife G.M. July 18, 1846-Mar. 4, 1916
Soverhill, P. Mary second wife G.M. Aug. 16, 1826-Sept. 4, 1907
Soverhill, Getrude third wife G.M. July 20,1848-May 4, 1928
Soverhill, H. Elizabeth 1852-1862
Soverhill, Ruth husb. Hugh 1824-1893.
Soverhill, P. Ella 1868-1869
Soverhill, Hugh 1819-1885
Soverhill, Samuel 1797-1871
Soverhill, Maria wife Feb. 25, 1870 77 yrs.
Soverhill, Florence no dates.
Soverhill, Justus D. 1805-1888 3 wives/
Soverhill, Mary 1909-1936
Soverhill, Abigail A. 1813-1854
Soverhill, Sarah 1818-1872
Soverhill, John G. 1813-1885
Soverhill, Delia A. wife 1818-1882
Soverhill, Cornelius P. 1843-1928.
Soverhill, Mary B. wife 1851-1921
Soverhill, Ada J. Elms dau. C.P. & M.B. 1878-1912
Spahr, John Marten husb. Clara S. 1833-1919
Spahr, Clara S. wife John Marten 1838-1927.
Sparkes, Murits 1804-1891 Newark
Speed, David husb. Sarah Sept. 26, 1801-Derbyshire Eng. Nov. 8, 1864
Speed, Sarah Apr. 1, 1798 - Willshire, Eng. June 6, 1880.
Spencer, Arthur J. 1883-1930.
Spencer, Rev. Armon Sept. 11,1818-June 1, 1892.
Spencer, Lydia Patrigde wife Feb. 23, 1820-June 22, 1900.
Spencer, Orville A 10 da. 1905
Squire, Sarah B. husb. James 1829-1908
Squire, James B. wife Sarah B. 1827-1900
Squire, Jermett sister 1850-1920
Squire, Clarence brother 1864-1922.
Stafford, Thomas Mar. 1, 1781-Oct. 7, 1871.
Stafford, Elsie wife Mar. 6, 1821- 38 yrs.
Stafford, Marcy no dates
Stafford, Mary Feb. 18, 1815-Nov. 26, 1868.
Stafford, Charles H. Mar. 7, 1808-May 8, 1890.
Stafford, Susannah June 1, 1892- 73 yrs. 11 mo.
Stamose, George R. 1893-1923.
Stansell, George 1857-1912
Stansell, Alice Shumway wife 1852-1912.
Stansell, Franke M. son no date (d. Jan 1891 Newark C.G.-V4-P.353)
Stansell, Electa Nov. 27, 1863 62 yrs.
Stansell, George Husb. Feb. 13, 1800-Feb. 10, 1883.
Stansell, Nicholas Dec. 19, 1819 65 yrs.
Stansell, Wesley Nov. 23, 1861 24 yrs. 4 mo.
Stansell, Caroline Aug. 9, 1854 18 yrs. dau. George & Electa.
Stansill, Charles R. Aug. 30, 1847 26 yrs.
Starkes, Clark A. 1861-1937.
Starkes, Catherine A. 1881-19--.
Steel, Mary 62 yrs. Dec. 31, 1893
Steele, Ruth 12 yrs. May 17, 1877
Steele, Emily 6 yrs. May 18, 1877
Steffins, E. Hannah dau. S. Baldwin husb. Erastus 32yrs. Jan.10,1856
Stell, Father 1850-1905 (Phillip)
Stell, Mother 1856-1926 (Caroline Elizabeth Giesy wife of Philip)
Stell, Edith 1886-1912.
Stella, Toney 1871-1925.
Stephenson, Mary husb. James V.A. 1847-1921
Stephenson, John (wife Helen Vanalen ) 71 yrs. Buinton Yorkshire Eng. Sept. 15, 1852.(owned farm in Ont. Co. bordering Wayne Co.)
Stephenson, Helen Vanalen husb. John b. Kinderhook, Columbia Co, N.Y. 81 yrs. May 30, 1863.
Stevens, Frank M. Jan. 5, 1853-May 11, 1903.
Stevens, Thoddis June 14, 1880 2 yrs. son F.M. & S.M.
Stevens, John J. Apr. 17, 1825-Nov. 14, 1863.
Stevenson, Arvilla Sept. 20, 1854 3-3-20 dau. Henry & Amy.
Stevenson, Geo. Henry Oct. 1, 1842-Mar. 25, 1899 son William & Amy.
Stever, Matilda Soverhill husb. Monraville 1855-1931.
Stever, Monraville wife Matilda Soverhill 1855-1905.
Stever, Pollock Sarah husb. Philip H. 1826-1914.
Stever, Phillip H. wife Pollock Sarah 1822-1899.
Stewart, George W. May 6, 1864 73-1-8
Stewart, Epha wife June 5, 1857 56-1-12
Stewart, George W. son of R. & C. Oct. 30, 1853-June 27, 1876.
Stewart, Roderick husb. Catherine Feb. 25, 1828-Nov. 2, 1883.
Stewart, Catherine wife Roderick age 73 yrs. Mar. 24, 1908.
Stilson, Edwin Nov. 29, 1880 83 yrs.
Stilson, Huldah wife May 23, 1878 80 yrs.
Stilson, Eliza 48 yr. d. Mar. 22, 1876.
Stobe, Nellie J. 1866-1937 wife Charles H.
Stokkerman, Corniel 1885-1905.
Stone, Bockvilla Palmyra, N.Y.
Stone, Harrison son R. & S.B. age 11 mo. 21 da. Sept. 19, 1811.
Stone, Henry H. son R. & S. B. 1 yr. 3 mo. 3 da. Aug. 20, 1816,
Stone, Mary born in Mass.
Stone, Edward 17 yrs. Sept. 5, 1880.
Stone, James V.A. wife Mary age 62 yrs. Jan. 25, 1890.
Stone, Father 77 yrs. Feb. 26, 1883.
Stone, Harriet S. 23 yr. Mar. 21, 1858.
Storms, Lydia G. Aug. 10, 1885 85 yrs. mother of James G. Blakely
Stratten, George W. 1832-1914
Stratten, Cynthia A. wife 1839-1930.
Stratton, Mary F. Nov. 27, 1873- 46 yrs. 8-18 wife George W.
Stratton, Hallock D. son Feb. 23, 1863 6-8-9
Stratton, Earnest L. son June 7, 1866 1 yr.
Stratton, N. George wife Cynthia A. 1833-1914
Stratton, A. Cynthia 1839-1930.
Stuart, John Electus 1843-1922.
Stuart, Sarah Elizabeth Reed wife 1850-1925.
Stuart, Annie Reed dau. 1875-1923.
Stuart, Charles Wm. Sept. 21, 1837-Sept. 16, 1923.
Stuart, Caroline Emmons wife Sept. 29, 1846-Apr. 5, 1903.
Stuart, Virginia Oct. 5, 1843-Mar. 26, 1917.
Stuart, Henry Obed Mar. 18, 1828-Nov. 25, 1894.
Stuart, Silas Boardman Jan. 8, 1840-Jan. 8, 1840-Mar. 7, 1912.
Stuart, Sarah Reed Jan. 29, 1875-Feb. 27, 1909.
Stuart, Wm. H. Oct. 19, 1844 34-9-12
Sturges, Marietta husb. Wm. H. 1831-1859.
Sturges, Frankie son Wm. & Marietta wife Permelia 1858-1860
Sturges, Wm. H. wife Marietta 1828-1896.
Sturges, Sarah E. dau. Wm. & Alma 1837-1904.
Sturges, Sarah dau. Wm. & Alma 1832-1835.
Sturges, Alma husb. William 1808-1874.
Sturges, Wm. wife Alma 1808-1874.
Sunderville, Jacob 1860-1923.
Sunderville, Joseph 1858-1911.
Sunderville, Fannie Blankenburg wife 1858-1936.
Sutherland, Laura Atwater wife Lemuel Nov.30. 1881
Sutherland, Lemuel husb. Laura Atwater Oct. 15, 1875.
Sutton, Blanche wife Frank 1874-1935.
Sweeney, Patrick wife Mary 1876-1921.
Sweeney, Mary husb. Patrick 1864-1938.
Sweeney, John wife Catherine 1836-1899.
Sweeney, Catherine husb. John 1818-1889..
Swift, Eliza. dau. Edwin & Huldah Stilson wife of O.F.S. Feb. 22, 1876 19 yrs.
Swyn, John 1842-1912.
Synder, E. Margaret dau. M. & M. 10 mo. Sept. 22, 1861
Synder, E. Charles son M. & M. 4 mo. 17 da. Sept. 2, 1861
Synesail, Willis P. 1927-1929

Volunteer Typists: Pat Goodnough of Webster, NY and Nancy Taillie of Everett, WA

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Created: 1/10/99
Updated: 11/18/05
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Office of the County Historian
Prepared by Pat Goodnough and Nancy Taillie
Copyright © Margaret Sherman Lutzvick
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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