Marion Cemetery

Marion, NY

Surnames P - R

Palmer - see Hauver, Ruth Ann, wife of John Palmer. [Also see Hauver note at end of list]

Parker-see Baker, Emily

Parker-see Fisk, S. Clista

Parks, Benjamin F, 1809-1863

Parks, Catherine, wife, Feb. 25,1884, 69 yr.

Parks, Henry G, July 29, 1845-June 16, 1868

Parsons, Elihu, Feb. 15, 1874, 58-9-3

Parsons, Sally Ann, wife, 1816-1862

Patchett, Edward, 1855-1926

Patchett, Mary Elizabeth, wf, 1856-1925

[On typed list, entry follows DuRei, Albert I. and Rose Patchett DuRei.]

Paten-see Dunham, Hannah

Pease-see Wallace, Margaret

Peer, Presson, [Preston] 1825-1911

Peer, Lydia Allen, wife, 1816-1905

Peer, David, 1802-1854

Peer, Lorinda Pratt, wife, 1807-1843

Peer, Mary E, 1826-1826

Peer-see Skellenger, Diantha

Peer, Chas. A, 1863-1910

Peer, Ruth M, 1900, 31 yr.

Peer, Mary H VanOstrand, wife, 1873- ____

Pel, Wm. A, Dec. 3,1937, 49-8-10

Pelton-see Archer, Minerva

Pembroke, Burt, 1850-1926

Pembroke, Mary, wife, 1850-____

Pembroke, John, 1884-____

Pembroke, Marie M, wife, 1884-1937

Pembroke, Jacob, 1838-1887

Pembroke, Rachel, wife, 1841-1912

Pepper, Milo L, (lot 3, row 3), 1824 - 1857

Pepper, Mary Jane, dau. M & M, 1854

Pepper, Lafayette I, son, 1850-1890

[Followed by Hill, George. Same lot number]

Perry-see Danforth, Rosannah

Perrez, Julia Corlett, wife of Milton, 1897 - 1934

Peters, Charles, 1860 - 1923

Peters, Emily J., wife, 1863 - 1923

Peters, Josiah G., (lot 6, row 5), 1811 - 1906

Peters, Mary T. Harris, wife, 1829 - 1905

Petty, Isaac, son J. & N.E., 1915 - 1921

Petty, Nettie, daughter, 1917 - 1918

Petty, Wm., 1881-1936

Petty, Cynthia, wife, 1879-____[Date was filled in on stone: 1973]

Petty, Hilda Cornelia, Sep. 24, 1937,10-8-6

Petty, Wesley J, Dec. 3, 1937,18-3-27

Petty, Emerson J, 1917-1927

Petty, Abram, 1847-1916

Petty, Sarah, wife, 1867-1913

Phelps, Ezra T, 1799-1893

Phelps, Minerva Boyce, wife, 1814-1898

Phelps, Ezra, Oct. 8,1758-July 28,1844

Phelps, Phebe Bishop, wife, March 14, 1768-Sept. 30, 1838

[Next entry was Boyce, Peter]

Phelps-see Winslow, Clara

The following six Philip Family stones are new listings, not on the original list. Click on each to see headstone photos.

Philip, David Clayton

Philip, George Almaron

Philip, Millie Irene

Philip, Roba Eliza Randolph

Philip, William

Philip, Sarah

Philip, M Jennie Burr, (lot 106), wife of Thaddeus,1847-1868[See Burr, Benjamin. same lot number]

Phillips, Wright R, 1871-1928

Phillips, Alvin W, son W R & Addie F, 1895-1895

Phillips, C. Arthur, son, Pvt. 79 Co, 6 reg. VSM, 1895-1916, killed Battle Soissons, France

Pierce-see Rice, Ann

Pierce, Thomas, Jan. 2,1882,60 yr

Pierce, Jane, wife, May 3,1887,62 yr

Pierce, Frances, 1864,10 yr

Pierce, Frank T, 1858-1931

Pierce, Armeda, 1866-1925

Pierce-see West, Relief

Pierce - see Thorn, Dora

Pierce, John P [or B? or R?], 1848-1914

Pierce, Emily J. Witherden, wife, 1854-____

[This entry followed Thorn, Underhill with wife Dora Pierce. Entry following this one was Herman, Floyd and wife Clara Pierce]

Pierce-see Herman, Clara

Pierson-see Curtis, Grace

Pixley, Sally, (lot 74), wife of Francis, Mar. 2,1867, 78 yr

Plyter, Ernest W, 1911-1937

Plyter, Isaac L, 1860-1935

Plyter, Susie S, wife, 1863-1929

Plyter-see Collier, Matilda

Pond, Hubbard, (lot 187), Aug. 26,1856, 25-8-4

Pond, Wm., Nov. 2,1857, 28-8-26

Pond, Judson N, March 10, 1864, 68-5-16

Pond, Ruth [Cogswell], wife, Feb. 24,1872, 67-9-10 [dau of Wllm B & Anna Sherman Cogswell]

P[?]ons, Jacob, 1852-1923

Pooley-see Hicks, Maria

Pooley, Margaret Caldwell, Nov. 5, 1795-Sep. 25, 1837 [See Caldwell note at end of list]

Pooley, Edward, born England, 1784-Feb. 21,1833

Pooley, Margerett, wife, Sept. 25,1837, 41-10-21

Pooley, Maria, wife, Aug. 25, 1824, 37 yr

Pooley, Margaret, dau, 1829,18 mo

Pooley, M. Ofena, 1854,4 yr

Pope, Elias,1851-1908

Pope, Harriet F[E?] Curtis, wf,1857-1939

Pope, Edwin, 1809-1877

Pope, Mary Congdon, wife, 1826-1868

Porray, Gordon E, son Howard & Mabel F [E?],1927-1927

Porray, Mabel F[E?],1935

Potter, Harrison W,1836-1903

Potter, Mary J. Baker,1833-1913

[On same plot as Baker, Jacob and wife]

Potter, Dea. Wm., April 1, 1865, 72-2-2

Potter, Anna, wife, Dec. 2, 1878, 83-4-21

Potter, Emory, May 16,1879, 76-7-2

Potter, Maria Wilson, wife, 1820 - 190[off page edge. On stone: Dec. 10, 1820 - Jan. 20,1905. Also see Young, Ralph and Sanford, Theron]

Potter, Lydia Hall, wife, June 6,1844, 30-8-23

Potter, Chas. C, 1842-1919, Co D, 160 Reg. NY Vol.

Potter, Frances A. Way, wife, Nov. 22,1868, 26 yr

Potter, Mary E. Durfee, wife, 1840-1919

[Family followed by Snyder, J. Irving and wife Frances Potter]

Potter, Philip, (lot 69), April 9,1855, 90-3-10 [See Potter note at end of list]

Potter, Anna, wife, Feb. 21, 1857, 90-10-5

Potter, Thomas, May 23, 1799 - April 8, 1873

Potter, Rowena, wife, Sept. 18, 1801 - Nov. 5, 1878

Potter, Wm. H., (lot 72), [Oct. 28] 1813 - [Sep. 10] 1895

Potter, Nancy A. Case, [June 15] 1813 - [Dec. 2] 1884

Potter, Emery J., 1846, 1 yr.

Potter, Ellen A., [Sept. 22] 1863, 11 yr.

Potter, Aldin, (lot 73), 1819 - 1889 [Williams, Mary. Same lot number]

Potter, Lydia Ann, wife, 1823 - 1904

Potter, Harmon, 1822 - 1891

Potter, Sophia, wife, 1824 - 1891

Potter, Ellera, 1787 - 1862

Potter, Catherine, wife, 1793 - 1873

Potter, Infant son, 1829, (no age)

Potter - see Baker, Lucy

Powell, Jesse, March 12, 1884, 80 yr.

Powell, Eliz., wife, May 8, 1894, 87 yr.

Pratt, James, 1825 - 1897

Pratt, Sarah J. McMurray, wf, 1838 - 1915

Pratt, Wm. H., 1853 - 1916

Pratt, Mary G., wife, 1864 - 1927

[Entry following was McMurray, Jane.]

Pratt, Amos, (lot 200), July 28, 1870, 80 yr.

Pratt, Serenna, wife, Jan. 4, 1863, 63 yr.

Pratt, Sidney A., (lot 95), March 31, 1867, 58-3-7

Pratt, Esther, [Allen] wife, Aug. 31, 1860, 49-7-26

[See also Skinner, Byron and Allen, Abram. Same lot number.]

Pratt, Chas. S., 1852 - 1917

Pratt, Mary E., wife, 1855 - 1913

Pratt, Jesse E., 1887 - 1906

Pratt - see Williams, Frances and Peer, Lorinda

Pratt - see Vanderveer, Annette

Pratt, Henry A., 1827 - 1899

Pratt, Ann Eliza, 1817 - 1915

Pratt, Chas. L, son Henry A & Ann E,died brain fever, Jan. 27,1872,14 yr

Prentiss, Rachel, mother of S[amuel] H & J[oseph] Caldwell, [Apr. 17]1748 - [Dec. 24]1827 [See Caldwell note at end of list.]

Prescott, Abigail, wife of Capt. Zacheus, Feb. 23, 1844, 69-1-23

Proseus - see Snyder, Priscilla

Pulver, Henry J [I?], March 20, 1854, 51-2[3?]-2

Pulver, Elizabeth, wife, June 15, 1878, 76 yr.

Pulver, Norman, 1823-1905 [This Pulver family was listed after the Amos Turner family on typed list]

Pulver, Augusta Turner, wife, 1838 - 1925

Pulver, Etta A, daughter, 1879, 17 yr.

Pulver, Infant sons, died May 4, 1872

Pulver, Harriet T., wife Norman, May 5, 1857, 27 yr.

Pulver, Henry M., 1851, 7 mo.

Pulver, Carlton D., 1856, 2 yr. (children of N. & H.)

Pulver, David C, 1835-1908

Pulver, Delia Streeter, wife, 1835-1910

Pulver, Henry, son, 1875-1876

Pulver-see Kane, Minnie

Putnam, Stephen, Jan. 1, 1836, 47 yr

Putnam, Dorcas, wife, Feb. 21, 1834, 42-7-18

Putnam-see Rogers, Lydia

Quaars, Isaac, 1864-____

Quaars, Catharine, wife, 1871-1934

Quigley, James B, 1935-1936

Radder, Chas. F, 1856-1890

Radder, Sarah M,1855-1880

Radder, Alice M,1858-1860

Radder, Willice E,1860-1862

Rainier, Thomas, (lot 174), Nov. 22, 1858, 63-10-15

Rainier, Polly L., wife, Dec. 16, 1825, 32-10-9

Rainier, Deborah, wife, Aug. 11, 1832, 32-9-12

Rainier, Harriet M. Smith, wife and former wife of Burton Harris, August 12, 1895, 90-11 mo.

Ramage, Johana Dedie, 1898 - 1929

Randle, James, (lot 101), Jan. 31, 1882, 59 yr

Randle, Ellen, wife, Sep. 30, 1895, 73 yr

Randolph-see Knapp, Salina

Ranier, Wm. F, (lot 174), [Feb. 7] 1836-[Mar. 25]1915

Ranier, Anna E. Reynolds, wife, [Mar. 7]1837-[Sept. 30]1891

Ranier, Julia A. Hicks, wife, Jan. 14, 1888, 55y 6d

Ratliff, J. (no dates)

Ray, Abby, (lot 59), wife of Wm. F., Dec. 29, 1867, 42-9-20 [See Briggs, Caleb. Same lot number.]

Raymer, Edward, 1814-1887

Raymer, Jane, wife, 1819-1907

Raynor-see Trumbull, Laura

Redfield, Julia A, wife of George of Michigan, Aug. 29, 1848, 44 yr. [See Cooper, Sarah and Rogers, John. Same lot]

Reed-see Rutherford

Reeves-see Sweezey, Fanny

Reeves, Howell, (lot 134), 1797-1865[See Allen, Vira. Same lot number]

Reeves, Phebe J., wife, 1803-1876

Reeves, Joseph C., son, 8 NY Cav., 1840-1894

Reeves, Hila, daughter, 1827-1855

Reeves, David, son, 1829-1865

Reeves, Albert, 1869-1941

Reeves, Stephen, Co B, 9 NY Heavy Art.,1825-1910

Reeves, Dolly A, wife, 1834-1911

Ressue, Isaac, 1891-1918

Ressue, Jessie Etta nee Tilburg, 11 Feb 1894 - 1 Oct 1971, wife of Unknown Ressue. [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Reynolds-see Ranier, Anna E.

Reynolds, Harold R. born: Jan. 11, 1896 - died: Dec. 18, 1986

Reynolds, Mildred S. born: March 23, 1897 - died Oct. 10, 1985

Rhoades-see Robinson, Sarah former wife of Mathias Rhoades

Rice, George W, 1802-1894

Rice, Sally, wife, 1804-1852

Rice, Rachel, wife,1810-1893

Rice, Franklin B, son G& S, 1827-1830

Rice, Veniah,1837-1921

Rice, Martha Hebard, wife, 1840-1929

Rice, Clara, daughter,1862

Rice, Lyman, (lot 65), July 30, 1860,49 yr

Rice, Mary Ann, wife, 1820-1904

Rice, Wellington Davis, son, 1843-1844

Rice, Lucy, daughter, May 12, 1855, 14 yr

Rice, William, June 26, 1865, 76 yr

Rice, Anna Frost, wife, 1843

[Followed by entry for Davis, Wellington D. lot 64]

Rice, Wm., 1764-1835

Rice, Roxana Smith, wife, 1764-1839

Rice, Calvin Fonrose, son of Lyman and Mary Ann, 1839-1913

Rice, Ann Pierce, wife, 1844-1905

Rice, Ralph Waldo, son, 1887-1917

Rice, Hixie May Akin, wife, 1888-____

Rice, Richard Akin, son, 1912-____

Erected by May Rice Jenkins and her nephew Richard Akin Rice in 1924

Rice-see Sanford, Arvilla

Rich, Joseph Caldwell, 1854-1906

Rich, Norma Knapp, 1862-____

Rich, Frank J, 1860-1927

Rich, Martha Hammond, wife, 1864-1936

Rich, John S, 1826-1918

Rich, Amanda M. Caldwell, wife, [June 16]1830-[Feb. 17]1880 [Entry follows Caldwell, Joseph and family. Also on same stone. Added after transcriptions were taken:

Rich, Charles M., 1858 - 1947

Rich, Blanche W., 1860 - 19__]

Rich, Marvin, son of Peter Rich, 1793-1879

Rich, Julia, wife, 1792-1856

Rich, Elizabeth, wife, 1873, 65 yr

Rich, Hiram, son of Marvin, 1821-1843

Rich, Wm., 1828-1850

Rich, Chas.,1828-1850

Richards, Daniel M.D., 1835-1913

Richards, Mariah H, wife, 1833-1904

Richards, Arthur, son, 1871-1872[Followed by entry for Joyce, including Anna L. Richards.]

Rissew, Mary, (lot 179), daughter of Isaac & Sophia, 1879, 1 yr [See also Bruischaart, Philip. Same lot number]

Robie, Frank, 1855-____

Robie, Allie E, Stevens, wife, 1859-1886

Robie, Howard C, 1884-1887[Family followed by Stevens, Hiram and family.]

Robinson, Sarah, wife Caleb and former wife of Mathias Rhoades, May 1, 1864, 85 yr.

Robinson, Chas. E., 1861 - 1934

Robinson, Ida M., wife, 1869 -1931

Robinson, David Charles, 1951 - 1952

Rocheville, Millicent, 1895 - 1928

Rogers, Wm. (lot 115), 1818 - 1871

Rogers, Lucinda E., wife, 1825 - 1885

Rogers, Sarah A., daughter, 1864, 14 yr.

Rogers, Richard, (lot 112), April 3, 1892, 80 yr.

Rogers, Sarah, wife of John, May 28, 1858, 74-1-7

Rogers, James, 1805 - 1860

Rogers, Mary A., 1805 - 1881[Next entry, Wilcox, Caroline Rogers.]

Rogers, John, (lot 104), Oct. 11,1864, 77 yr [See Cooper, Sarah and Redfield, Julia. Same lot number]

Rogers, Mary, Wife, July 24, 1873, 86 yr.

Rogers, Mason L., [Nov. 17] 1825 - [Mar. 2] 1885

Rogers, Lydia Putnam, wife, [Jan14] 1826 - [June 24]1916

Rogers, John H, 1858 - 1924

Rogers, Jane S, 1859 - 1912

Rose, Wm., (lot 176), March 19, 1874, 66 yr

Rose, Mary S, wf, Feb. 4, 1874, 56 yr

Rose, John, March 26, 1918, 84 yr

Rose, W H, Jan. 14, 1883, 31 yr

Rose, Robert, Apr. 5,1869, 29 yr

Rosecrans, Jacob

Rosecrans, Jane, wife

Rosecrans, Penelpie, Cornelia & Jane (no dates)

Rounsivell, Eliza Jane, dau. of W. & M. Hathaway, Apr. 25, 1851, 23 yr. [Followed entry for Hathaway, Wm. and Mary]

Rowell, Gerald, 1939

Rowley - see Curtis, Maria [Also see note at Fairbanks at end of list.]

Rowley, Martha,1832-1903

Rowley, Wm., June 5,1875, 79-3-19, Civil War

Rowley-see Jaggers, Enice

Rumsey-see Geer, Electa

Rumsey, Olive, 1813 - 1885

Rundall, Nathan, 1835 - 1903

Rundall, Mary A., 1842 - 1898

Rundall, John, 1878 - 1884

Ruple, Edward H, Ohio Wayon 166 Inf. 42, Dis. June 26, 1939

Russell, Lt. Whitney D, (lot 148), 1835-1907, Co. 198 Reg. NYS Vol.

Russell, L.M. Harkness, wife, 1842-1912

Russell, Maj. Avra P, son D W & M T, 2nd Kansas Cav., died battle Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec 7,1862, 29 yr

Russell, Daniel W, Aug. 13,1866, 67-9-12

Russell, Mary T, wife, Sept. 28,1873, 73-8-16

Russell, Asa W, 1879-1933

Russell, May J., wife, 1881- ____

Russell, Virginia O, son [?] of P H & L H, 1933-1934

Russell, Everard K, 1871 - 1899

Russell, Henry, 1841 - 1919

Russell, Helen S, 1844 - 1918

Russell, Jacob, 1846 - 1909

Russell, Catherine, wife, 1839 - 1909

Russell, Daniel K, Sept. 26, 1863, 26-8-21

Russell, Catherine L, wife, & daughter of C & D VanOstrand, Nov. 13, 1870, 29-6-15

Russell, Daniel, Nov. 12, 1849, 82 yr

Russell, Lucy, wife, Dec. 9, 1814, 40 yr

Russell, Giles, son, 1824, 1 yr

Russell, Mary S., dau., 1821, 2 mo

Russell, Amelia, adopted daughter, May 30, 1865, 12-5-6

Russell, Nathaniel, July 3, 1871, 67-4-24

Russell, Rachel W, wife, Oct. 1, 1865, 62-2-22

Russell, Wm., son, 1834-1872

Russell, J R, Nov. 28,1858, 56-3-9

Russell, Prudence, wife, Jan. 9,1851, 51-6-23

Russell, Charlotte, dau, 1842, 13 mo

Russell, Lucy A., dau, 1846, 9 mo

Russell - see Congdon, Maria, widow of G.B. Russell [Same lot number: ]

Russell, Giles B, (lot 135), 1825-1855 [See Congdon, John and Clark, Albert]

Russell, Frank, son Giles & Maria A, 1852-1853

Russell, Emily Wright, (lot 57), 1835-1918

Russell, Chas. M, son Allen & Emily, (no date)

[Next entry was Wright, E R and Russell, Asa. Same lot number]

Russell, Asa W., Sep. 18, 1860, 29-9 days

Russell, Simeon, 1871-____

Russell, Kathleen, dau S & Lena A, 1878-____

Russell, Jacob, 1870-____

Russell, Sue, wife, 1865-____

Russell, Darius F, 1839-1906 [Entry followed Luke, Rev. Ulis and wife Clara Tuttle.]

Russell, Dora V. Tuttle (no dates)

Russell, Bertrand, son, 1896 - 1897

Russell, Rachel F, 1891 - 1921

Russell-see Frowley, Ethel

Rutherford-see Niderer, McOmber and Lobar. [See Rutherford note at end of list]

Rutherford, D A, [Mar. 24]1853-[May 16]1934 [Back of stone says Delia]

Rutherford, William, May 3, 1783-July 11, 1863 [William through Sarah Reed are on same stone]

Rutherford, Mary Howell, wife William, July 19,1774-July 19,1836

Rutherford, Mary, dau, [Aug. 8] 1816-[Jan. 5] 1887

Rutherford, Adam H, [Nov. 18] 1818-[Aug. 11] 1886

Rutherford, Sarah Reed, wife, [Jan. 8] 1819-[Sept. 13] 1893

Ryan-see Frine, Mae

Ryan-see Frine, Addie

Ryckman, Jennie Trumbull, 1860-____

Ryckman, Belle L, dau,1870-1939

Volunteer typist: Jennifer Cranch of Fairport, NY

5/20/07 - The 6 Philip listings were contributed by Scott R. Davis. Click on them to see headstone photographs.

7/25/06 - Jessie Etta Tilburg Ressue's listing was graciously contributed by Larry Coomber. If you'd like to share info with him, check the Coomber listings in this cemetery for his contact info.

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Created: 12/5/98
Updated: 10/3/00; 10/4/2005; 7/25/06; 5/20/07
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