Marion Cemetery
Marion, NY
Surnames G - K
Galloway-see Bristol, Janett, dau of James & Emma Galloway
Galloway-see Holling, Mary
Galloway,(lot 93), Elder Samuel, July 16, 1821, 37 yr
[Entry under this was Cole, Mary wife of Archibald Cole and mother of Samuel and James Galloway,Dec 5,1843,81 yr]
Galloway, James, Jan 1, 1824, 41 yr
Galloway, Emilia, wife, January 2, 1847, 62 yr
Galloway, Sarah,May 3,1831,25 yr
Galloway, Rev. Edgar M,Sep 12,1803-Mar 18,1878
Galloway, Catherine W Stolp wife, and former wife of David Crane,Jan 21,1814-May 20, 1889
Galloway, Deborah, wife of Elder M and daughter of R B & S A Sutton, 1810-1852
Galloway-see Caldwell, Rachel
Ganze,(lot 137), Henry H, Civil War [See Fish, John. Same lot number]
Ganze, Clara, wife (no dates on either)
Ganze, Albert, son, 1870, 2 yr
Ganze, Thomas S, 1873, 9 mo
Garlock,(lot 107), Arthur M, 1857-1889
Garlock, Carrie L, wife, 1862-1883
Garlock, Emery L, 1860-1881
Garlock, Abram, 1831-1884
Garlock, Hester A, wife, 1834-1919
Garlock, Solomon, 1806-1878
Garlock, Catherine, 1825-1850
Garlock, Nelson J, 1840-1849
Garlock, Nathan, 1848-1850
Garlock, Jacob, 1815-1877
Garlock, Maria, 1816-1896
Garlock, Ezra J, 1853-1921
Garlock, Newton, 1844-1928
Garlock, Eliz. J Crane, 1846-1872
Garlock, Jane B, 1869-1914
Garlock, Mary E, 1854-1899
Garlock, Alfred A, 1867-1901
Garlock, Nellie E, wife, 1863-1941
Garlock-see Wright, Winifred
Geer, Chas, 1842-1904
Geer, Electa Rumsey, wife, 1846-1924
Geer, Lottie E, dau, 1872-1873
Geer, Fred C, 1875-1938
Geer, Anna E, wife, 1876-1934
Geer, Chas, Co B, 33 Reg, 1842-1904
Geer, Electa A, wife, 1845-1924
Geer, George, 1808-1886
Geer, Matilda, wife, 1815-1875
Geer, Frank, 1856-1881
Geer, George Jr, 1845-1914
Geer, Anna wife of John, May 28, 1870, 25-10-26
Geer, Thomas, 1840-1910
Geer, Mary, wife, 1842-1918
German, Jacob, 1880-____
German, Katherine E, wife, 1882-____
[This family was listed between Abraham DuRei and Albert DuRei families]
Gibbons, Minnie,Jan 2,1877,11 yr 3 m
Gibbons, James R, Sep 16,1882,50 yr
Gilbert, Vincent S, 1867-1898
Gilbert, Anna J Burcroff, wife, 1864-1935
Gilbert, Horace, 1848-____
Gilbert, Mary E Snyder, wife, 1846-1900
Gilfoil, John J, 1852-1918
Gilfoil, Emily J, 1849-1938
Gilfoil, C[G?] Howard, 1886-1906
Gillette, Henry I, 1832-1902
Gillette, Melissa E, wife, 1837-1913
Gillette, Henry, 1793-1871
Gillette, George H, 1867-1937
[Followed by entries for Durfee, Frank with wife Hattie Gillette and Davis, Oliver with wife Anna Gilliette]
Gilman-see Fisher, Susan
Goldsmith, Thomas A, 1855-1915
Goldsmith, Florence E, wife, 1868-____
Goosen, John P, 1845-1915
Goosen, Lavina, wife, 1850-1915
Goosen, Farnum, son I & A, 1903-1941
[Also found on stone:
Goosen, Isaac, father, 1877-1956
Goosen, Armeda, mother, 1883-1975
Goosen, Hilda, daughter, 1910-1916]
Goosen, James Sr, 1814-1896
Goosen, Sarah, wife, 1817-1900
Goosen, Sara P, daughter, 1851-1887
Goosen, Peter, 1840-1887
Goosen, Mary, wife, 1843-1922
Goosen, Mary, dau, 1883-1884
Goosen, Annie S, 1868-1884
Goosen, John J, 1877-1898
Goosen, James, 1865-1943
Goossen, Peter, 1853-1934
Goossen, Elizabeth, 1854-1936
Goossen, Children of Peter & Elizabeth (no dates)
Goring, Amos, July 18, 1879, 43 yr
Goring, Ann, wife, Nov 6, 1904, 74 yr
5/27/05 Goossen family contributed by Ruth A. Racki:
Grandparents on mother's side:
Isaac Goossen - Born 1876, Died 1937
Jennie S Goossen - Born 1880, Died 1957
Buried with Bruinix Family.
Goundy, Anna Maria, wife of Dorus, June 3,1878
Graham-see Grimes, Mary
Granger-see Vosburgh, Adaline, daughter of Rhesa Granger
Granger-see Smith, E M
Grant, John Chas, 1931-1935
Green, Philo D, [Apr 29]1815-[June 6]1877 [This family is on one side of Ornon Archer monument]
Green, Elizabeth A Archer, wife [May 10]1817-[June 11]1904
Green, Clayton, son,[Apr 12]1848,3 yr[& 8 mo]
Green, Willie,[Apr 6]1851,6 mo[21 d]
Green, Eli and Margaret (GAR monument erected by Love F Seymour in memory of her grandparents Eli & Margaret.) [This is a tall statue dedicated to those who served. Soldier statue on top]
[Later on transcription list and in a separate part of the cemetery is this large monument:]
Green, Eli, (lot 103) Oct 9, 1892, 94-6 mo
Green, Margaret, wife, Nov 6, 1866,67 yr
Green, Helen D, daughter [May 18] 1848, 16 yr[16-2]
[Also in this family listing and on same stone:]
Brown, Olive H [Green] wife of A K Brown,June 21,1881,54 yr
[See Seymour, Love and wife Catharin Green. Same lot number and on same monument]
Green, Joseph (no dates)
Green, Ellen Smith, wife, 1852-1894
Greening, Sarah J, 1855-1918
Greening, James, May 19, 1843, 85-6-7
Griffin, James H, 1824-1905
Griffin, Mary, wife, 1831-1890
Grimes, Myron H, [Mar 15]1822-[Feb 24]1890
Grimes, Mary M Graham, wife,[July 13]1826-[July 5]1894
Grimes, Della [Dec 28]1849-[May 20]1857
Grimes, Belle, Jan 5]1852-[Feb 9]1871
Grimes, Viola [Oct 13]1859-[Aug 13]1872
Gundy, Wm, (lot 165)1858-1914
Gundy, Flossie, Apr 24,1901[See Everett, Daniel. Same lot number]
Gurney, Emerett J, wife of JW, Nov 29, 1888, 48-6 mo
Gurney, Corel D, 1883,15 yr 9 mo
Hackman, Peter, 1859-1935
Hackman, Elizabeth, wife, 1858-1913
Haight, Mary L Austin, wife of Isaac S,[May 20]1842-[Nov 27]1898[This name was on one side of the Austin monument. See Nathan L Austin]
Hale-see Knapp, Anna
Hall-see Skinner listing with Mary J Hall
Hall, John W, 1858-1937
Hall, Lydia A, 1862-1934
Hamilton-see Durfee, Mirna
Hamlink, John J, 1873-____
Hamlink, Edith M, wife, 1887-1923
Hammond, Rev. Almond G, 1830-1890
Hammond, Angie Cassada, wife, 1837-1885
Hammond, Robert A, 1869-____
[Followed by entry for Rich, Frank and wife Martha Hammond]
Hall-see Potter, Lydia
Hampe, Augusta, wife of Chas, Aug 18, 1859, 52-3-8
Handy-see Tripp, Bethiah
Hanks, Waterman, Jan 6, 1789-Jan 20,1858
Hanks, Mary I G, wife, 1806-185-
Harbertson,(lot 102), Phineas,1853-____ [see Truax, Burrous and Burch, Frank. Same lot number]
Harbertson, Ella Truax, wife, 1854-1919
Harden, Hiram, 1802-1873
Harden, Lucinda, wife, 1802-1871
Harden, Ida May, daughter, 1855-1869
Harden, Joseph, 1815-1892
Harden, Eliza J Harris, wife, 1836-1900 [Followed by Cole, Myron and wife Jessie Harden]
Hardt, Edward B [Mar 21] 1870-[Apr 26] 1898
Hardt, Mary J Dekkers, wife [Sept 21]1869-[Mar 26]1940
[Hardts were on back of Dekkers stone. Also added to stone was Johnson, Jacob]
Harker, Frederick C, 1865-1938
Harker, Emma E Gibbs, wife, 1864-____
Harker-see Orbaker, Jennie
Harkness-see Russell, L M
Harkness, Wm, (lot 8)1818-1902[See Adams and Kohler. Same lot number]
Harkness, Wealthy, wife, 1819-1902
Harkness, Mary L, daughter, 1844-1860
Harkness, John, 1786-1852
Harkness, Betsey, wife, 1799-1872
Harkness, Francis C, 1850-1879
Harkness, Ellen L, 1853-1935
Harkness, Infant, 1876,12 days
Harkness, Roswell B, 1816-1888
Harkness, Olive A, wife, 1820-1897
Harkness, Pharoelius,son, (age gone)
Harkness, Ellen J, dau, 1852,3 yr
Harris-see Mitchell, Sarah
Harris-see Sanford, Lepha
Harris-see Peters, Mary T
Harris-see Harden, Eliza
Harris-see Rainier, Harriet, former wife of Burton Harris
Harvey-see Eliza Harvey on Wm Austin plot/listing.
Hastings-see Smith, Mary
Hathaway, Washington, (lot 136) Co D, 160 Inf, 1838-1917
Hathaway, Melissa Satina, wife, 1840-1912
Hathaway, W D,child (no dates)
Hathaway, W, May 16, 1851, 71 yr
Hathaway, Mary, wife, Oct 18,1865,70 yr
[Followed by entry for: Rounsivell, Eliza Jane, dau of W & M Hathaway]
Hathaway, Isaac R, Co D, 160 NY Vol, April 3, 1840-1875
Hauver - see Burgess, Ruth
[See Hauver note at end of list]
Hauver, A F [Oct 20]1837-[June 1]1915
Hauver, Catherine, wife, [Mar 17]1837-[Aug. 12]1904
Hauver, Jessie Bell [Mar 21]1876, infant
[Same entry:]
Palmer, Ruth Ann, wife of John Palmer, July 29, 1854, 29-6-15
also headstones Mother, Father, Catherine, Freeman
Hawley, Edward,1828-1902
Hawley, Ann J, 1838-1927
Hawley, Sgt Chas, Co D, 160 Reg NY Vol, killed at Pleasant Hill, La, April 9,1864, 30-5 mo
Hawver, Abram, July 10, 1887, 69-9 mo [See Hauver note at end of list]
Hawver, Elizabeth, wife, Aug 14, 1885, 85-10-15
Hawver, George L, May 17, 1864-April 20,1912
Hawver, Ida U Wissick, wife, 1861-1913
Hayes, Ruben N, 1894-1923
Haynes,(lot 67), Anson S,[Feb 8]1835-[Nov 5]1858 [See also Angell, Almira Hicks. Same lot number. Both are on same stone as Hicks family]
Hebard-see Rice, Martha
Hebard-see Skinner, Salina
Hegerman,(lot 185), George,May 30,1854,58-2-5
Hendricks, Bessie,1887-1935
Hepman, Cora F[or E],1906-1919
Herman, Nevada June, Feb 23, 1939,23-8-3
Herman, Floyd A,1889-____
Herman, Clara H[or W?] Pierce, wife,1892-____
[Followed entries for Thorn, Underhill with wife Dora Pierce and Pierce, John]
Herman, Mary,1863-1934
Hermanet, Jacob,Pvt. Md. Co, 308 Inf,1891-1918
Heslor, Marion M, Feb 22, 1888, 45-7-10
Heslor, Abbie E Tripp, wife, Aug 12, 1920, 79-3-10
Hickey, Louisa Ann, wife James S, Dec 17, 1833, 21 yr
Hickmott,(lot 86), Eliz., wife of Daniel, May 26, 1854, 18-8 mo[See Dunster, Jeremiah and Clark, Isaac. Same lot number]
Hicks-see Durfee, Sarah J
Hicks-see Ranier, Julia A
Hicks, Orrin, (lot 68) 1814-1894
Hicks, Maria Pooley, wife, 1819-1849
Hicks, Mary A Adams, wife, 1825-1899
Hicks, Sgt. Judson A, Mar 22,1836-[Enlisted into U.S. Service] July 1862, [CO A, 111th Inf.] Honor to the grave [stone reads brave], killed at Gettysburg while carrying our national colors [July 2, 1863], lies in Gettysburg
Hicks, Gardner, Aug 5, 1786-Oct 12,1864
Hicks, Sarah, Sep 4, 1792-Oct 22,1857
Hicks, Rebecca P, second wife, 1797-1872
Hicks, Lucy E [May 15]1822-[June 27]1842
Hicks, Marta [stone reads Maria P] [Oct 30] 1825-[May 4]1849
Hicks, Lyman W [April 14]1819-[May 5]1849
[Next entry was: Angell, Almira Hicks, and Haynes, Anson. Both lot 67. On same monument]
Hill, Oliver, 1836-1912
Hill, Justis, Apr 2, 1862, 63-6 m
Hill, Mariah, wife, Sept 16, 1889, 83-7 mo
Hill, Lorenzo D, June 23, 1880, 54-6-10
Hill, Ernest, 18 mo
Hill, George B, (lot 3, row 3) 1826-1862
Hill, Martha A Class, wife, 1826-1902
Hill, Georgianna, 1862-1917
Hill, Levi, 1801-1894
Hill, Aurelia, 1808-1898
Hill, Merritt A, Dec 6, 1862, 17-7-17
Hill, Chas L, July 2, 1864, 16-11-22
Hill, Parley, (lot 126) Mar 9, 1887, 57 yr
Hill, Mary Ann, wf, Dec 31, 1878, 48 yr
Hill, Daphne A, wife, 1838-1918
Hill, Lucy M, dau, 1864, 6 yr
Hill, Frank B, son, 1864, 9 yr
Hill, Marley J, 1864, 3 yr children of Parley & Ann
Hill, Infant 1867
Hilliard, Martin, 1856-1922
Hilliard, Isabelle, wife, 1857-1938
Hilliard, Fred, 1878-1909
Hilliard, Frank P, 1877-1934
Hinds, Ann, (lot 7) wife of Henry, Nov 4, 1868, 87 yr [Same lot as Schuyler, John and wife Malintha Hines and Scutt, Caleb and House, Dr. S G]
Hines-see Schuyler, Malintha
Hockenberger, Florence J, 1905-1935
Hodges, Laura V, 1913-1933
Hodges, Mildred, 1878-1925
Hodges, Henry S, 1855-1922
Hoffman, Ballus J, 1858-1922
Hoffman, Anna, wife, 1855-1922
Hoffmaster, Irvin R, 1894-1928
Holcomb, Miles L, 1829-1908
Holcomb, Sophia R, wife, Feb 21, 1879, 45-9 mo
Holcomb, George E, son, Feb 14, 1862, 1 yr
Holcomb, Miles, September 12, 1796-Feb 9,1888
Holcomb, Julia, wife, 1800-1839
Holling, Wm J, 1837-1878
Holling, Wm L. lot 94) July17, 1838, 31 yr
Holling, Mary Galloway, wife and late wife John Schoonmaker [see], Dec 3,1879,70 yr
Holling, Edwin, July 4,1859
Holling Elen, Mar 31,1834 Children
[Followed by entry for Galloway, Elder Samuel]
[See also Schoonmaker, John and Bristol, Janette. Same lot number 94]
Hope, Thomas, (lot 157) Feb 26, 1891, 74 yr
Hope, Phebe, wife, Feb 9, 1872, 53-9-8
Hope, Margaret, wife, Jan 7, 1899, 64 yr
Hopkins, Wm Burr, 1869-1935
Hopkins, Fanny S, wife, 1868-____
Horn, Edward B Horn, 1855-1933
Horn, Frances A, 1868-____, dau W W Burbank
[Followed Atwood, Jessie K entry]
Horton-see Durfee, Sarah P
Hosbach, C Adam, 1866-1937
Hosbach, Mary R, wife, 1869-1937
Hosmer, Daniel, Jan 21, 1841, 32 yr
Hosmer, Edmond, Aug 11,1836,52 yr
Hosmer, Eliza, widow of Edmond, then of Daniel Short, Jan 14,1863,74 yr
House , Dr. S G, (lot 7, Row 4) Oct 1,1874,50 yr
House, Judy, daughter Dr. & Elizabeth, 1863, 7 yr
Howell-see Rutherford, Mary
Howell, James, (lot 4) April 20, 1849, 40-5-23
Howell, Amanda L, wife, Feb 15, 1914, 98-10-25[See also Schaper, Davenport, Negus. Same lot number, and followed by Howell, Louise, lot 5]
Howell, Louise (lot 5) daughter of James and Amanda,Nov 1,1906,65y29d
Howell, Zephaniah,Aug 7, 1841, 64 yr
Howell, Mary, wife, Mar. 19, 1846, 65 yr
Howell, John N, 1824, 1 yr
Howell, Melvina A, Nov 19, 1827, 24 yr
Howell, Theodocia E, May 29, 1854, 36 yr Children of Z & M
Howell, Zephaniah Jr, 1818-1878
Howell, Anna A, wife, 1818-1875
Howell, Mary M, daughter of Z & A, 1850-1897
Howell, Oscar, 1806-1851
Howell, Laura Simmons, wife, 1810-1897
Howell, Wm F, son,1841-1861
Howell, Sarah M, daughter, 1836-1917
Howell, Margaret, 1836-1920
Howell, Alfred, Pvt 1 Vet Cav, 1834-1914
Howell, Martha J, 1824-1910
Howell, H Larrie, son, 1855-1855
Howell-see Adams, Caroline
Howell-see Caldwell, Mary
Howell,(lot 84), Delbert F, 1893-1912 [See Dumelt, Elijah.Same lot number]
Howell, Ella M, 1864-1921
Howell, Amanda Negus, (lot 3, row 4) 1825-1860(first, wife of Isaac Negus)[See Negus, Wm. and family, same lot number]
Howell, Hiram, 1814-1904
Howell, Alma, wife, 1819-1907
Howell, Vernon, son, 1847-1897
Howell, Hattie E, Oct 19, 1944, 88-20 days
Howell, Joshua, 1784-1867
Howell, Mary, wife, 1785-1872
Howell, Amanda, daughter, 1833-1867
Howell, Elizabeth M, daughter, 1827-1854
[Howell, Gideon b 1834 d bef 1883]
[Howell, Elvira Sherman b 1833 d 1883]
[Both Gideon and Elvira Sherman Howell are buried in lot #295 with her parents Harvey and Lucinda Sherman]
Hubright, Peter, 1877-1945
Hudson, Maria, 1828-1900
Huggins, Zadock, Jun 12, 1811, 63-6 yr
Huggins, Thankful, wife, Feb 5, 1842,92 yr
Huggins, Orville, son, August 30, 1816,1-10-5
Huggins, Zadok, May 18, 1851, 69 yr
Huggins, Anna, wife, Jul 12, 1875 [in her] 84 [th] y
Huggins, Chas C, Aug 8, 1875, 51 yr
Huggins, Lavenia T, Wife, March 25, 1888,57-4 mo [Stone says Lavenda T, March 29]
Huggins-see Cogswell, Ophelia
Huggins-see Eddy, Millicent
Hunt, Daniel B, (lot 155) 1828-19__
Hunt, Laurenda, 1831-1917
Hunt, Clara, 1853-1941
Hunt, Jennie E, dau D& L, 1864, 7 yr
Huntley, Alson H, Jan 8, 1820, 79-7-_
Huntley, Mattie, wife, Dec 18, 1878, 25-4 mo
Huntley, Mary A, wife of Alson H and daughter of Chas and Caroline Boynton, 1861-1944
Huntley, Alson F [E?],1874-1938
Hutchins, John,April 3,1888,73-4 mo
Hutchins, Margaret Skellinger, June 25, 1882, 63-8-16
[Followed by entry for Crane, Mary L Hutchins]
Hutchinson, Mrs. Susannah, July 9, 1862, 64 yr
Hutchinson, John, (lot 170) Apr 5, 1857, 43-3 m [See Twadell, Dan'l. Same lot number]
Hutchinson, Marilla, wife of Geo J, 1849-1932
Hutchinson, Anson J, son, 1878-____
Hutchinson, George J, Co G, 148 NY Inf, 1837-1909
Ikewood, Isaac, 1859-1940
Ikewood, Cynthia, wife, 1862-1940
Inglis, James H, 1856-1927
Inglis, Ella Knapp, wife, 1865-1934, DAR marker
[See note on Knapp]
Irons-see Stewart, Maria
Iselstine-see Smith, entry for Elizabeth Iselstine
Jaggers, Chas C, 1835-1920
Jaggers, Eunice Rowley, wife, 1840-1912
[Followed by the Curtis family, including Curtis, Lucy Rowley]
Ja[or e]gger, Claude N.,1857-____
Ja[or e]gger, Alvinette Andrew, wife,1865-____
Ja[or e]gger, Alvin A, son, 1891-1916
Jeffery, Caryll C,June 17-June 22, 1919, dau Fred and Cora
Jeffery, Isaac, 1844-1914
Jeffery, Jane, wife, 1848-1933
Jeffery, Mary, 1871-1927
Jeffery, W, 1851-1897
Jeffery, Anna, wife, Oct 2, 1875, 23 yr
Jeffery, Clara, daughter, Dec 12, 1875, 4 mo
Jeffery, Ella May, 1884-1939
Jeffery, Lena, 1887-____
Jeffery, Margaret, 1889-1925
Jeffery, Ellen W, 1859-1931
Jeffery, Thomas, 1855-19__
Jeffery, Emma J Corlett, wife, 1859-1939
Jenkins-see Burrud, Louie
Jenkins, Fannie,May 9,1881,9 yr
Jenkins-see monument erected by May Rice Jenkins at entry for Rice, Wm and Roxana and family
Johnson, Abram, 1871-1933
Johnson, Minnie, wife, 1871-____
Johnson, Lovina, (lot 177) May 29,1877,76 yr [See also Wage, Henry. Same lot number]
Johnson, John, 1873-____ [Date filled in on stone: 1953]
Johnson, Lena J, wife, 1876-____ [Date filled in:1953]
Johnson, Gail Marcia, 1938-1938
Johnson, Michael, 1852-1924
Johnson, Magdalena, wife, 1852-1921
Johnson, Isaac, 1914-1917
Johnson, Peter, 1907-1925
Johnson-see Collier, Mary
Johnson, Abram D, 1862-1926
Johnson, Frankie E [or F], wife, 1861-1908
Johnson, Peter I, 1857-1936
Johnson, Magdalena E[or F], wife,1867-____
Johnson, John, 1830-1917
Johnson, Johanna, wife, 1832-1924
Johnson, Isaac, son, 1861-1912
Johnson, Susanna P, 1864-____
Johnson, Cynthia, daughter of J & J, 1869-1876
[Johnson, Jacob,1872-1913 was added to Dekkers/Hardt stone.]
Jones-see Schoonerman, Mary
Jores, John, 1866-1905
Jores, Mary, 1870-1897
Jores-see Clark, Addie
Jores-see Bushart, Jennie
Jores, John,1834-1906
Jores, Jane S Cuvelier, wife, 1830 or 1836-1899
[Followed by entry for Fields, John and wife Lina Jores]
Joyce, Anna Lillian, 1898-1911
Joyce, Anna L. Richards PhD, wife of W H, 1868-1898[Follows entry for Richards, Daniel and family]
June-see Herman, Nevada
Kane, John, 1852-1934
Kane, Minnie Pulver, wife, 1862-1902
Kane-see Baker, Kittie
Keeler-see Deuel, Nancy
Kenyon, Friend, (lot 161) June 9,1799-Mar 27,1883[See Tirrell, Richmond. Same lot number]
Kenyon, Nancy, Jan 24, 1805-May 21, 1883
Kenyon, Corp. Geo, Co A, 111 Reg. NYV, 1839-1864, battle before Petersburg, Civil War
Kenyon,(lot 69), Ella L, dau Erastus & Maria,1865,4 yr [See Potter note at end of list]
Kenyon, Kate V, dau (dates gone)
Kenyon, Elmer E, son (dates gone)
King, Mark J, 1860-1944
King, Janette S, wife, 1877-1944
Kingsley-see Young, Achsah
[Name on base of stone of following family reads Kingsnorth.]
Kingsworth, James (lot 167) [Sept 4]1775-[Feb 4]1856
Kingsworth, Ann, wife [Aug 6]1775-[June 12]1850
Kingsworth, Edward [Jan 28] 1808-[Jan 5]1875
Kingsworth, James [June 29] 1806-[Mar 21]1889 [See Avery, Henry and wife. Same lot number. Found they are on same stone]
Klaeysen, James, 1919-1939
Knapp-see Farnsworth, Martha
Knapp, Henry, Mar 14, 1893, 68-4-14
Knapp, Anna E _Hall_, wife, Oct 17, 1862, 33-8-9
Knapp, Ann Elizabeth, daughter, Oct 14, 1860, 3-1-8
Knapp, Henry, Feb 1, 1842, 54-10 mo
Knapp, Elizabeth, wife, June 15, 1849, 60-2-9
Knapp, Theron, Feb 18, 1835 - July 12, 1890
Knapp, Salina _Randolph_, wife, Nov 2, 1836 - Dec 17, 1915
Knapp, Lorenzo, Mar 28,1877,66 yr
Knapp, Cynthia Burr, wife, Nov 13, 1901, 85 yr
Knapp, Laura A, Aug 23, 1859, 21 yr
Knapp, Isaac B, Mar 17, 1866, 21 yr
Knapp, Harrison H, 1840-1914
Knapp, Lavenia, wife, 1850-1937
Knapp, Clifford S, 1890-19__
Knapp-see Rich, Norma
Knapp, Jennie Clark,1850-1924[Entry followed Clark, John B. and family]
Knapp-see VanHee, Francena
Knapp, Chas H, 1837-1923[See note on Knapp]
Knapp, Minnie S, wife, 1847-1930
Knapp, Frank, 1888-1888
Knapp, Caleb, 1804-1854
Knapp, Susan, wife, 1865-1893[Stone says 1805 - 1893]
Knapp-see Mason, Phebe
Knapp-see Tuttle, Mary [Tuttles followed by : ]
Knapp, Miles, 1824-1905
Knapp, Emily, 1827-1899
Knapp, (lot 154), Oren, 1822-1908
Knapp, Cynthia, wife, 1830-1921
Knapp, Martha, 1856-1867
Kohler, (lot 8), Bertha M. Adams, wife of Dr. M H,1882-1909[See also Adams and Harkness. Same lot number]
Kolff, Chas. Henry, 1856-1907
Kozlowsky, Ignatz, June 14, 1936, 28 yr
Volunteer typist: Jennifer Cranch of Fairport, NY
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Created: 12/5/98
Updated: 5/27/2005; 10/4/2005; 5/6/07
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