Marion Cemetery

Marion, NY

Surnames C

Caldwell, Joseph, Aug 31,1875,76-11-7

Caldwell, Sarah, wife, March 14,1868,69 yr

Caldwell, SH, Sep 30, 1824, 55 yr 8 mo

Caldwell, Nancy, wife, Dec 27,1834,63 yr

Caldwell, Samuel S, 1834-1884 [Followed by Rich, John and wife Amanda Caldwell entry. Actually on same stone. Added to this stone after transcriptions were Rich, Charles M and Blanche W]

Caldwell, Joseph, President University of North Carolina, April 21, 1773-January 27,1835 [See Caldwell note at end of list]

Caldwell, Betsey Moore, Jan 4,1797-April 15,1830

Caldwell, Mary Howell, 1804-1841

Caldwell, Rachel Galloway, 1798-1828

Caldwell, Ann E Norris, 1808-1844

Caldwell, Elizabeth A, dau Joseph & Sarah,1834-1834[See Caldwell note]

Caldwell, John L, 1809 [See Caldwell note at end of list]

Caldwell, Mary, b. May 4,1802

Caldwell, Amanda, [Feb 12] 1812-[Feb 4]1830 children of Samuel & Nancy C

Calward, Jacob, 1840-1885[This family's entry followed Collward, Isaac]

Calward, Johanna, 1849-1938

Calward, Edna, 1877-1890

Calward, Magdalena, 1873-1892

Calward, Peter, 1820-1875

Calward, Mary, 1821-1874

Calward, John, 1862-1881

Calward, Mamie, 1872-1875

Calward, Sate, 1879-1901

Cambier, John J, 1838-1893

Cambier, Minnie, wife, 1837-1905

Cambier, Chas A, son J & C, 1898-1926

Campbell. Sylvester (lot 184) 1840-1920 [See Simmons, John, same lot number]

Campbell, Jennie E Snyder, wife, 1836-1914

Campbell, Minnie E, daughter, 1869-1944

Carrigan, Eunice, wife of James Apr 29,1881,72 yr

Carson, George E, 1868-1941

Case-see Potter, Nancy

Cassada-see Hammond, Angie

Cattieu, Cornelius, 1862-1936

Cattieu, Mattie, wife, 1865-1923

Center, Sheldon W, (lot 52) 1845-1930 [Same lot number as Butler, Henry]

Center, Agnes J Butler, wife, 1840-1931

Chapin, John, July 17,1843, 64 yr

Chase-see Stevens, Martha

Chase, Eva May, grand-daughter J W & L A,1883, 14 yr

Chittenden, W[or H?]illis J,1870-____

Chittenden, Mina May, 1866-1935

Clark, John F, 1852-1935

Clark, Elizabeth A, wf, 1854-1939

Clark, John B, (lot 198) 1826-1894

Clark, Alice E, dau, 1825-1863[Stephen and Ella Sanford-same lot number.]

Clark, Louisa A, wife, Dec 4, 1867, 32-3-17

[Next entry on typed list was Knapp, Jennie Clark]

Clark, Edgar B, 1848-1927

Clark, Margaret Smith, wife, 1849-1897

Clark, Jeremiah, March 24, 1796-Jan 28,1864 [son of Thomas Clark]

Clark, Betsey, wife, Nov 17, 1792-July 19,1873

[Clark, Thomas M. son of Jerimiah, and Mary, Thomas' wife]

Clark, Ira, March 1,1893, 80 yr

Clark, Nancy, wife, Oct 29,1856, 41 y

Clark, Jerusha, wife, March 30, 1875, 43 yr

Clark, Mary Eliza, dau I & N, 1848, 11 yr

Clark, Wm. H, 1851-1931

Clark, Addie Jores, wife, 1863-1940

Clark, Albert A, (lot 135), 1852-1910 [See Congdon, John and Russell, Giles. Same lot number]

Clark, Ida D Congdon, wife, 1855-1897

Clark, Guy E, son, 1886-1921

Clark, Willis, (lot 127), 1815-1897

Clark, Mary A, wife, 1817-1844

Clark, Cynthia, wife, 1819-1905

Clark, Geo W, son, 1865-1889

Clark, Benjamin, 1787-1841

Clark, Matilda, wife, 1788-1873

Clark, Harry J, son, 1821-1906

Clark, Susan A, 1830-1889

Clark, Julia A, 1814-1832

Clark, Wm. L, 1818-1819

Clark, Isaac A, (lot 86) [Mar 27] 1816-[Dec 13] 1899 [See Hickmott, Eliz. and Dunster, Jeremiah. Same lot number

Clark, Sarah Durfee, wife, [Aug 5] 1827-[Oct 11] 1905

Clark, Gena (no dates)

Clark, Levi, (lot 5, row 4), Nov 1805-Feb 1899 [See Simmons note at end of list]

Clark, Luretta M, wife, Aug 28, 1866,54-9-8

Cleason, Daniel, 1834-1910

Cleason, Mary, wife, 1833-1896

Cliffe, Frederick W, 1866-1939

Clum, Adam A, (lot 76) Oct 29,1878,69-9-27[See Vandusen, Lucy. Same lot number]

Clum, Hannah, wife, Mah [?] 1,1886,73 yr

Clum-see Lovejoy, Amanda

Coffey-see Curtis, Mary

Coggswell, Gertrude, 1826-1905

Coggswell, Ella May, 1884-1912

Cogsdill, Samuel (lot 158) [Son of Wllm. and Anna Sherman Cogswell] March 6, 1872, 63-6-10

Cogsdill, Harriet J, dau (dates gone)

Cogsdill, Angelina, [Sherman, dau of Gideon and Thankful Springer Sherman] wife, [of Samuel] Sept 11,1863, 57-4-23

[Followed by entry for Cogswell, Mary and Sherman, Mary. Same lot number]

Cogswell-see Eggleston, Eliza J

Cogswell, Giles, Mar 26, 1871, 84-4-26

Cogswell, Permillia, wife, Sept 18, 1864, 64-6-29

Cogswell, Carrie M, daughter, Apr 14, 1861, 22 yr

Cogswell, Marietta, 1823-1914

Cogswell, Abram (lot 150) 1801-1892

Cogswell, Joanna, wife, 1804-1895

Cogswell, Barney, son, 1865,36 yr

Cogswell, Hiram (lot 164) May 2, 1893, 63-1-4

Cogswell, Maria Lake, wife, Apr 19, 1909,78-7-5

Cogswell, Elisha, Dec 15, 1856, 55-10-15

Cogswell, Margaret, wife, Dec 16, 1870, 66-9-20

Cogswell, Wm B. (lot 123) [Son of Naomi] July 17, 1868, 99-4-20

Cogswell, Anna, [Sherman, dau of Humphrey and Mary Durfee Sherman] wife,Aug 28,1840,55 yr

Cogswell, Marian, wife, March 20,1876,89-4-16

Cogswell, Gideon, son W & A, 1826,7 yr

Cogswell, Wm, 1816-1887

Cogswell, Eliza, wife, 1809-1875

Cogswell, Morris J, son, 1847-1867

Cogswell, Thomas J, son, 1859-1874

Cogswell, Nelson, son, 1846,9 mo

Cogswell, Infant, 1844, 6 mo

Cogswell, Chas M, 1857-1921

Cogswell, Amanda, wife, 1838-1920

Cogswell, Heomy, [Naomi] wife of Elisha, Feb. 2, 1827, 92 yr

[See also Adams, Anna. Same lot number]

Cogswell, HS (lot 62) 1817-1900

Cogswell, Ruth, wife, 1821-1891

Cogswell, Ophelia Huggins, wife of Hiram C, 1847-1933

Cogswell, Agatha E, 1842-1847

Cogswell, Elistine, 1854-1863 children of H S and Ruth

Cogswell, J S, 1797-1885

Cogswell, Sarah E, wife, 1798-1845

Cogswell, Mary A. (lot 158) [May 19] 1886-____ [See Cogsdill, Samuel and Sherman, Mary. Same lot number. Dau. of Samuel Cogswell and Angelina Sherman. On same stone as Mary Sherman]

Cole-see Mary Cole listed with Galloway, Elder Samuel

Cole-see Lusk, Sylvester and Harriet E Lusk Cole

Cole, Orrin, 1863-1921

Cole, Fanny C, 1860-1923

Cole, Myron M, 1869-1936

Cole, Jessie T Harden, wife, 1870-____

Cole, Doris, 1906-1934

Coleman-see Fisher, Estella

Collier, Elsie O, 1892-1899

Collier, Oscar, 1895-1935

Collier, Josie, 1871-1931

Collier, Peter,1869-____

Collier, Garrette F, 1898-1935

Collier, Cornelius, 1870-1938

Collier, Mary Johnson, wife, 1873-1922

Collier, Clarence J, 1895-1933

Collier, Sophia, 1865-1937

Collier, Gladys M, wife, 1896-1933

Collier, Abram, 1855-1923

Collier, Matilda Plyter, wife, 1852-____

Collward, Isaac, 1848-1899

Collward, Charlotte A, wife, 1850-1891

[Entry following was for Calward, Jacob]

Colvin, Wm J, 1869-1894

Colyn-see Tack, Johanna

Cone-see Williams, Eliza

Congdon-see Pope, Mary

Congdon-see Archer, Abigail

Congdon-see Waldo, Abigail

Congdon, Thomas (lot 146) Aug 9, 1874, 81-7-27

Congdon, Achsah Dean, wife, Mar. 8, 1810-Oct 29,1884

Congdon, Cynthia, wife, Jan 11, 1841, 47-6-5

Congdon, Two infants, Feb 19, 1818, 1 day

Congdon, Philo, son T & C, July 10, 1833, 10 m

Congdon, Eliza E, April 3, 1843, 25-9-5

Congdon, Delia, wife of Lyman,May 22,1852,22 yr 11 mo

Congdon, John E (lot 135) June 2, 1821-July 21,1895[See Clark, Albert with wife Ida Congdon, and Russell, Giles B. Same lot number]

Congdon, Emeline, wife, 1825-1864

Congdon, Maria A, wife & widow of G B Russell,1824-1906

Congdon, Cynthia A, dau J & E, 1852-1872

Contant, Jacob J, 1864-1936

Contant, Wilhelmina, wife, 1867-1932

Cook, Louis F, 1885-1918

Cook, Abraham, 1811-1884

Cook, Josina, wife, 1817-1891

Cook, Abram, son, 1854-1886

[With this listing was Anna Cook Bush, daughter. See Bush]

Cook, Abram L, 1874-1942

Cook, Martha B, wife, 1879-____

Cook, Jacob L, 1851-1933

Cook, Mary M, wife, 1844-1940

Cook, Sanford E, 1889-____

Cook, Bertha J Bushart, wife, 1893-1913

Cook, Mildred L Allen, wife, 1895-____

Cook, Myrna J, infant, 1913-1914

Cook, Jacob D, 1878-1938

Cook, Bertha M, 1883-____

Cook-see Smith, Sarah

Cook, Frank F, 1863-1935

Cook, Alice A, 1866-1938

Cook, Fred, 1883-1934

Cook, Mae E Alles, 1890-____

Cook, Cornelius, 1859-1930

Cook, Mary E, 1863-1930

Cook, Chas H, 1882-1923

Cook, Anna, 1858-____

Cook, William, 1883-1919

Cook, Elizabeth, wife, 1887-____

Cook, Samuel L, 1856-____

Cook, Jennie E Bushart, wife, 1860-____

Cook, Mabel E, 1893

NOTE: Refer to bottom of this page for more COOK information.

Cooper, Sarah W (lot 104) 1820-1893 [See Redfield, Julia and Rogers, John. Same lot number]

Copping, Cary W, Co E, 11 NYS Cav, Feb 15, 1876, 28 yr[Stone says Feb 11]

Corlett, Thomas W, 1855-1934

Corlett, Mary Wallace, wife, 1856-1918

Corlett, Thomas, 1830-1916

Corlett, Ann C, wife, 1833-1905

Corlett, Wm M, 1839-1897

Corlett, Frances, wife, 1843-1925

Corlett, Wm,June 1878,66 yr

Corlett, Margaret, wf, Mar. 5, 1885, 57 yr

Corlett-see Jeffery, Emma

Corlett, William, 1872-____[Followed entry for Farnsworth, Samuel A,1836-1913]

Corlett, Cynthia Farnsworth, wife, 1873-1926

Corlett, Clifford, son, 1894-1913

Coomber, Frederick Augustus, 27 Aug 1863 - 1 Oct 1864, son of George James and Mary Ann Coomber [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Coomber, George James, 14 Jul 1832 - 14 Dec 1914 [New listing! Great-grandfather of contributor. See note at bottom of page.]

Coomber, George William, 25 Feb 1872 - 19 Apr 1887, son of George James and Mary Ann Coomber [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Coomber, James George, 26 Sep 1865 - 9 Jun 1955, son of George James and Mary Ann Coomber [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Coomber, Mary Ann, nee Goodwin, 2 Apr 1839 - 14 Feb 1923, wife of George James Coomber [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Cornelius, John, 1876-____

Cornelius, Mary, wife, 1879-____

Cornelius, Christina, daughter, 1899-1909

Cornelius, Bessie, 1913-1913

Corteville, Peter (lot 159) 1839-1933

Corteville, Jane M, wife, 1843 -1913

Corteville, Peter Jr, and Jane, twins, 1885-1885

Corteville, Henry, son, 1880-1900

Cory, Lewis, 1845-1906

Cory, Mary C, wife, 1851-1924

Cory, Stanley (no dates)

Cory, Chas, 1845-1918

Cory, Mary Ann, wife, 1841-1927

Cory, Preston P, 1829-1884

Cory, Electa A, wife, 1831-1888

Cousen, Michael, 1843-1900

Cousen, Elizabeth, wife, 1834-1927

Cousen, Daniel, 1875-1942

Cousen, Fanny, 1867-1906

Cousen, Catherine Mother, 1876-1940[Immediately followed by: ]

Lester baby Gregory, 1937

Coveney, Elizabeth, 1876-1944

Coveny, Edward, 1844-1910[This Coveny family was listed between Frank Bavis and John Bavis]

Coveny, Frances, wife, 1845-1894

Coveny, Alfred E, son, 1869-1891

Coveny, Chas, son, 1889-1895

Cowley, Peter, 1841-1917

Cowley, Mary Cook, wife, 1846-1924

Cox-see Sanford, Alphreda

Cramer, Isaac, 1845-1935

Cramer, Sarah, 1849-1920

Cramer, John, 1846-1910

Cramer, Mary, wife, 1844-1914

Cramer, Jacob, son, 1869-1915

Cramer, Isaac, 1880-1912

Crane-see Dean, Hannah

Crane-see Galloway, Catherine W Stolp

Crane, Arthur H (lot 68) 1880-1904

Crane, D Henry, 1849-1919

Crane, Maria H, 1849-1923[See also Hicks, Orrin, same lot number]

Crane, Wm A, 1850-1926

Crane, Lydia E, wife, 1862-1931

Crane, Zebina Jr, 1818-1906

Crane, Hannah P, wife, 1825-1870

Crane, Mariana, wife, 1823-1905

Crane, Dewitt, 1844-1904

Crane, Catherine VanValkenburg, wf, 1847-1941

Crane, Elizabeth E, wife, Oct. 29, 1878, 29 yr

Crane, Clorinda S, wife, Feb. 27, 1846-1879

Crane, Mary L Hutchins, wife of D. H. Feb. 7, 1872, 22-5-17

[Followed by entry for Sweezey, Geo and wife Laura Crane]

Crane, Jacob S, 1837-1908

Crane, Maria Louisa, wife, 1840-1865

Crane, Jacob G, 1795-1870

Crane, Anna, wife, 1808-1902

Crane, Lillie, 1870-1919

Crane, Beulah A Dunham, wife of Henry C, 1877-1921

Crocker, Andrew J, 1839-1926

Crocker, Emily Atwood, wife, 1841-1933 [Followed by Atwood, Seth L]

Croucher, Donald Earl, 30 Oct 1923 - Mar 1984 [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Croucher, Thelma Esther nee Smith, 28 Oct 1918 - 15 May 1988, wife of Donald Croucher [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Croucher, Olin J, 1911-1912

Croucher, Wm, 1830-1905

Croucher, Clara W, wife, 1827-1916

Croucher, Isaac, June 19, 1881,79-6-6

Croucher, Mildred, wife, Jan 15, 1878, 72 yr

Croucher, Thomas, Sep. 22, 1858, 25-11-6

Croucher, Frederick, 1847-1898

Croucher, Elizabeth Fullmer, wife, 1850-1934

Croucher, Robert, 19 Feb 1832 - 23 Apr 1893 [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Croucher, Elizabeth Abigail nee Austin, 2 May 1851 - 18 Mar 1946, wife of Robert Croucher [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

Croucher, Harriet Armina nee Coomber, 29 Jan 1875 - 5 Aug 1946, wife of Albert Croucher, dau of George James and Mary Ann Coomber [New listing! See note at bottom of page.]

[Follows entry for Fullmer, Samuel]

Crougher, Elias Durfee, 1863-1928

Culp, Israel J, Nov 6,1938,68-11-21

Culver, Zephanith F, born Southampton, L.I., Feb. 21, 1783-June 25,1865

Culver, Rhoda Sherman, wife, born Cambridge, N.Y., July 16, 1786-October 20,1876

Culver, David B,September 26,1866,45-2-10

Cunningham, Paul M, 1854-1924

Cunningham, Catherine, wife, 1851-1906

Cunningham, Frances, daughter, Oct. 13, 1886, 11-11-8

Cunningham, A William, 1867-1869

Cunningham, Jacob, Co I, 17 NY Vol, 1845-1875

Cunningham, Isabel Jacques, 1871-1875

Curtis-see Pope, Harriet

Curtis, Scott B, 1873-1941

Curtis, Nellie S, 1876-____

Curtis, James,March 12,1800-1872 [1872 - written in, not typed]

Curtis, Maria Rowley, wife, 1797-1886

Curtis, James S, 1828-1902

Curtis, Brainerd T, 1834-1917

Curtis, Harriet H, wife Brainerd, 1839-1904

Curtis, Alice M, 1871-1936

[See note on Fairbanks at end of list]

Curtis, Warren H, 1867-1934

Curtis, Luella Sweezy, wife, 1867-____

Curtis, Inf daughter of C Roy & Vera, 1920-1920

Curtis, Chas H, 1818-1899

Curtis, Lucy Rowley, wife, 1834-1917

Curtis, Grace Pierson, wife of C Roy, 1879-1911

Curtis, Daniel, March 17, 1904, 95-4-16

Curtis, Harriet D, Aug 20, 1877,64-3-4

Curtis, Seth, May 31, 1861, 82-6-7

Curtis, Mary Ann, wife, Oct. 9, 1834, 54-8-15

Curtis, Dr. A D, Oct. 19, 1845, 41-2-19

Curtis, Daniel F (M.D.), 1852-1931

Curtis, Mary Coffey, wife, 1868-1926

Curtis, Chas, July 24,1929,90 yr

Curtis, Mary A, wife, Jan 25, 1893, 51-9-23

Cuvelier, Pearl D, 1900-1921

Cuvelier-see Jores, Jane

[See note at end of list]

Please bear in mind that many of the lists at the county historian's office are of readings made many years ago, in some instances before any of us working on the site were born. We are not responsible for the fact that re-readings weren't done at later dates or that stones were missed, and look forward to being notified of additions and corrections.

7/25/06 - The new Coomber and Croucher familiy listings were graciously contributed by Larry Coomber. If you'd like to share info with him about these families, please email him directly. Check page bottoms of other files of this cemetery reading to see more of Larry's contributions.

Information posted on Wayne County, NY Obits by Ken Cook:

Lot 562 large tombstone inscribed COOK. There are 12 gravesites.
Three grave markers Anna COOK ARTLIP b 1/28/88 d 3/24/67
Florence COOK HOCKENBERGER b 12/20/05 d 1932 and Mildred ARTLIP or COOK not data.

There are 9 unmarked graves.
Frederick COOK b 5/20/54 d 4/16/33
Elnora AUSTIN COOK b. 7/27/66 d 8/31/33
William COOK b.10/30/86 d 1889
Lulu COOK WOOD b 12/7/90 d 7/13/23
Gilbert COOK b 3/27/01 d 9/01
Grace COOK b. 7/21/02 d 9/02
There may be 3 vacant sites.

Volunteer typist: Jennifer Cranch of Fairport, NY

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Created: 12/5/98
Updated: 7/25/06
Copyright © 1998 - 2011 Wayne County Office of the County Historian / Allyn Perry / M. Magill / Margaret Sherman Lutzvick.
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