Goldsmith Family PlotTown of PalmyraWayne County, NYLocated on the original Paul Goldsmith farm on the Palmyra-Marion Road. This plot
never had any gravestones. It is on a small hill just east of the highway next to the north
line of the property. Iron posts mark the boundaries of the plot. Goldsmith Paul, May 30,1850, 80y 2005 Driving Directions - in 2005 Daryl VerStreate, while making his pictorial survey of Wayne County cemeteries, was unable to locate this cemetery. This list was donated by the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County, NY. Volunteer typist: Allyn Hess Perry Back to Wayne County NY Cemeteries Page Created: sometime in 1998 Updated: 12/17/05 Copyright 1998 - 2011 Allyn Hess Perry / Margaret Sherman Lutzvick Wayne County NYGenWeb A County Site of the USGenWeb Project All Rights Reserved. |