Cole Burying Ground

Town of Palmyra, on the Old Daggett Farm

Wayne County, NY

Cole Burying Ground

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

Farm owned by Gleason in 1940. North of Palmyra village, on road north of David Jeffery Corner, about two miles, Palmyra, Wayne County.

2005 Driving Directions - Maple Avenue North to Jeffrey Rd. Make Right turn. Left onto Parker Rd. Cemetery about 1/10 mile from Leroy Rd.

Hicks  Lucy, wife of Durfee, Dec. 24, 1812, 59y
Hicks  Durfee, father of Gardner, Feb. 12, 1844, 86y 11m
Cole  In memory of Deborah, [dau of David Sherman] wife of Marcus D., Nov. 17, 1831, 35y 3m 9d [See husband Marcus buried in East Palmyra Cemetery. msl]
Cole  In memory of Celestia, dau. of Benjamin, Aug. 11, 1826, 19y 1m 18d
Cole  In memory of Amy, July 13, 1824, 58y 8m 2d
Cole  In memory of Benjamin, FEb. 9, 1813, 53y 3m 21d
Cole  Benjamin Jr., Nov. 17, 1844, 53y 11m 19d, Ps. 22:27
Cole  In memory of John Cole, Dec. 8, 1808, 24y 3m 10
Cole  Small sandstone marked L.C. J.C.
Durfee  In memory of Charlotte, Dec. 3, 1832, 27y 5m

August 1952 [   ] visited this site and Mr. Hervey Thompson present owner said that gravel was taken from this spot and graves were destroyed. He had one stone at his house with the following inscription:

Greenwood Paul, Nov. 17, 1841, 74y 1m 14d

This list was donated by the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County, NY.

Volunteer typist: Allyn Hess Perry of Lyons, NY

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Created: sometime in 1998
Updated: 12/17/05
Copyright 1998 - 2011 Allyn Hess Perry / Margaret Sherman Lutzvick
Photo Copyright © 2011 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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