Source: "Newark, New York and Vicinity Directory 1931-32." Newark, N.Y.: The Newark
Union-Gazette. 1931.
Town of Arcadia
The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Clifton Springs R.F.D.:
Williams, F.L. | DeWitt, Myron | Polakiewicz, M. |
Breemer, Frank | DeSchepper, Joe | Swartelee, John |
Boonman, Adrian | Hall, Ralph | Squier, Ray |
Clement, Myron | Hoven, Achiel | VandeVoorde, Peter |
Coulter, Louis | Lannon, Wm. Sr. | Waekins, James |
Gurnee, Enp. | Morse, J.E. | White, Thomas |
Dickens, James | McCabe, George | Wilson, Clay |
Town of Arcadia
The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Sodus R.F.D.:
Bramer, C.F. | Hughson, Oscar | Kull, Charles |
Doreen, Daniel | Grant, W.O. | Hoot, Charles |
Escherman, M.E. | Jacobs, Jesse J. | Mitchell, E.C. Mrs. |
| Vollerston, George |
Town of Arcadia
The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Marion R.F.D.:
Bridgeman, Dan | Farnsworth, Lyman | Naeye, Wm. |
Collier, J.H. | Farnsworth, Sanford | Ressue, John |
Collier, Wm. | Faro, Ellis | Rogers, Agnes |
Cowels, Stand. | Filibut, John | Shippers, Isaac J. |
Coppens, Theo. | Frommer, H.F. | Steurrys, Peter |
Curtis, Mrs. Bertha | Goossens, Edmund | VanDeBlaare, Frank |
DeBlaare, Frank | Hermenet, Michael | Vanderbrook, Peter |
Decker, Abram | Hendricks, Peter | VandeWalle, August |
Decker, Jacob | Lanse, Peter | VanGee, Adrian |
Decker, Orrie | Lanse, John | Van Hall, Jacob D. |
Farnsworth, Mrs. Elida | Michaelson, Isaac | VanSchaffel, John |
| Wilck, George |
Town of Arcadia
The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Lyons R.F.D.:
Albright, George | Contant, Edward | Heidenrich, Mrs. Fred'k |
Austin, Holly | Duvell, Mrs. Carrie | Heidenrich, Charles |
Austin, Chas. A. | Dangler, Albert | Heidenrich, Albert |
Bastian, Edward B. | Feiock, Mrs. Albert | Heald, Mrs. Grace |
Brandt, William | Glerum, Marvin J. | Jordan, Esbon D. |
Breveet, Isaac | Glerum, Leonard | Lemke, Richard |
Craver, James | Glerum, Marine B. | Miller, Carl |
Cole, Leonard | Henkle, Mrs. George | McNamara, Thomas |
Clauss, Louis | Henkle, Albert | Malcheff, William |
Clauss, Bros. | Heidenrich, Frank | Mierke, Edward |
| Heidenrich, Irving | Miller, Lawrence |
Miller, Wallace | Richards, Archie | Trautman, Charles |
Parkman, Fred | Stevens, Charles H. | Verbridge, Peter |
Quagliato, Russio | Schuldt, Fred H. | VanHanahan, John |
Ramph, Dewey | Schmuck, Arthur | Vohs, Mrs. Kate |
Robinson, John D. | Shufelt, Harvey | VanWickle, George |
Raes, Charles | Sebring, Mrs. Ida | Wunder, Henry |
Robison, Lyman | Scheer, George | Welch, F.J. |
| Shuler, Oscar | Warner, Wm. |
Town of Manchester
The following live in town of Manchester, adjacent to Arcadia, and get their mail by Clifton Springs R.F.D.:
Abenshene, Chas. | Dymond, H.B. | McCabe, George |
Abenshene, S.H. | Elkie, Paul | Northrop, Jamie |
Acker, Peter | Finewood, Paul | Potter Howard |
Atwood, James | Finewood, Fred | Plateau, John |
Allen, Frank | Finewood, Phil | Polakiewicz, Michael |
Beck, John | Fox, Claud M. | Peck, Charles |
Bird, G.R. | Floodman, Fred | Powell, W.B. |
Bishop, Joel | Garnsey, Ray | Robbins, Wm. |
Boonman, Adrian | Grimsley, Harry | Rolland, Thomas |
Bornheimer, A.L. | Graybill, Jake | Reed, A.J. |
Boyce, Leonard | Gifford, Chas. | Renner, H.C. |
Brown, Harmon | Gurnee, Eph. | Rector, Floyd |
Breemer, Frank | Hammerlink, August | Robyn, Martin |
Briggs, Wm. I. | Hamerlink, John | Shekell, Eugene |
Burger, Harvey W. | Haynes, Roscoe | Schroo, August |
Canne, Chas. | Hall, Ralph E. | Sherman, Charles J. |
Charmichael, Dan | Hallett, George | Swartley, John |
Cooley, Hattie | Hoeven, Achiel | Smith, L.L. |
Crowley, Geo. | Howell, Jesse | See, C.W. |
Crawford, Wm. | Jackson, Samuel | Squier, Ray |
Craver, W.D. | Lannon, Pardy | Vanderlyke, John |
Clement, Myron | Lannon, Henry E. | VanDeusen, C.J. |
Coulter, Lewis N. | Lannon, Wm. Sr. | VanDevoorde, Peter |
Dymond, Homer | Landuyt, Henry | VanParys, Jacob |
DeBarr, Bert | Lehr, Fred | VerSluys, Joseph |
Donk, Leonard | Lockwood, Jos. | Wilson, Sherman |
Dickens, James | Mollenkoph, David | Williams, Frank L. |
DeWitt, M.L. | Montford, John | Watkins, James |
DeWeaver, Constant | Matrelles, John | Wilson, George |
DePlanter, Ed. | Morse, John E. | Wilson, H. Clay |
Driscoll, Wm. F. | Mulendyke, Herbert | White, Thomas |
DeSchepper, Joseph | Macumber, Ray | Weinman, Philip |
DeBout, Frank | McMullen, D.P. | Warner, Henry |
Davidson, W.W. |
| Yates, Chas. |
Port Gibson
The following live in or near Port Gibson and receive their mail from that post office:
Anslinger, Fred | Crawford, James | Hafes, Wm. |
Allen, Chas. | Curtis, Almon | Heald, Corrie |
Bird, Otis | DeCann, Arthur | Irwin, James |
Burcroft, Stanley | Edgett, James | King, Mildred |
Briggs, W.I. | Fisher, William | Kelley, Mrs. Emma |
Bedette, Henry | Fisk, O.H. | Landon, Martin |
Craver, Fred | Forderkonz, Lawrence | LeFevre, Mrs. Minnie |
Crowley, Daniel | Farnsworth, Rev. L.W. | LeRoy, Rodney |
Campbell, V.E. | Garlock, W.F. | Lyon, Kenneth |
Cohen, Philip | Goldsmith, Kate | Lyon, Wm. |
Cleason, Edward | Goellner, John |
McCabe, George | Rotnour, W.F. | Stacy, E.M. |
Martin, Dr. J.F. | Russell, Dennis | Stacy, Mrs. S.T. |
Markendorf, G.L. | Schutt, W.J. | Stahl, George |
Norton, Guy | Schwartz, H.W. | Strong, Charles |
O'Beirne, James | Shelters, Preston | Throop, E.H. |
O'Meal, Abram | Severson, John | VanHorn, Elmer |
O'Brien, M. | Siler, Charles | VanMale, Mrs. Susan |
Parker, Mrs. E.J. | Snyder, Wm. E. | Walters, Frank |
Rolland, Miss J. | Swartz, D.E. | Wilson, Claude |
Roeland, J. | Squier, Lloyd | Wilcox, Byron |
Town of Phelps
The following live north of the outlet in the town of Phelps, and get their mail by Phelps R.F.D.:
Bengston, C.A. | Burnette, L.H. | Salisbury, George |
Boos, Joe | Canne, C. | Salisbury, J.L. |
Burnett, C.W. | Cornelius, A. | Scherbyn, E. |
Burnett, F.H. | Mott, George | Sharkey, E. |
Cornelius, J. | Ottley, G.L. | Scherbyn, A. |
Cuddeback, F. | Neider, Frank | Sinack, Paul |
DeBoofer, E. | Overslaught, F. | Smith, Ira |
DeRuyter, A. | Overslaught, Edward | Sullivan, M. |
Farnsworth, George | Phillips, Charles | VanCamp, Chas. |
Frank, Charles | Polee, John | Vanderhoff, F.C. |
Frank, E. | Pollott, P. | Veeder, W. |
Fridley, Seymour | Ridley, Irving | Westfall, S.V. |
Goodman, Ray | Rockefeller, N. | Worden, Bert |
Lake, Grant | Rockefeller, A. |
East Palmyra
The following is a directory of the Village of East Palmyra:
Austin, W.H. | Marshall, Mrs. H. | Ververs, Henry |
Beal & Young | DeVries, Charles | Pyatt, Mrs. B.H. |
Beal, Catherine | Fisher, Jacob W. | Robinson, A.B. |
Beal, Mary E. | Fisher, Wm. | Ryckbost, Bert |
Koert Rev. J. | Hyman, Emerson | Sweetman, Mrs. T. |
Bult, Lucas | Leenwen, Mrs. D. | Tripp, Carrie |
Browning, Robert | Leenwen, Nicholas | Vandermillen, K. |
Clark, Mrs. Elthea | Merrick, Sarah | Wage, Mrs. Anna |
Cronise, Mrs. W.H. | O'Meal, Jacob | Zeigler, Henry |
Decker, Jacob | O'Meal, Joseph | Zeigler, John |
Delahaye, C. | Clark, Morris | Bebb, A.E. |
Brown, Clarence | DeGellke, A. | Young, Kingsley |
Boeye, A. | O'Meal J.J. | O'Meal, Albert |
Scutt, John C. | Warner, Metta M. | Gamble, Theron |
All spellings exactly as in original directory.
The site coordinators have no information about individuals or families listed. We thank you in
advance for directing ALL questions to the Office of the County Historian.
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Created: 2/25/04
Copyright © 1931 The Newark Union-Gazette
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Thank you to Neal Smith for making this directory available!
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