Source: "Newark, New York and Vicinity Directory 1931-32." Newark, N.Y.: The Newark Union-Gazette. 1931.

Town of Arcadia

The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Clifton Springs R.F.D.:

Williams, F.L.DeWitt, MyronPolakiewicz, M.
Breemer, FrankDeSchepper, JoeSwartelee, John
Boonman, AdrianHall, RalphSquier, Ray
Clement, MyronHoven, AchielVandeVoorde, Peter
Coulter, LouisLannon, Wm. Sr.Waekins, James
Gurnee, Enp.Morse, J.E.White, Thomas
Dickens, JamesMcCabe, GeorgeWilson, Clay

Town of Arcadia

The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Sodus R.F.D.:

Bramer, C.F.Hughson, OscarKull, Charles
Doreen, DanielGrant, W.O.Hoot, Charles
Escherman, M.E.Jacobs, Jesse J.Mitchell, E.C. Mrs.

Vollerston, George

Town of Arcadia

The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Marion R.F.D.:

Bridgeman, DanFarnsworth, LymanNaeye, Wm.
Collier, J.H.Farnsworth, SanfordRessue, John
Collier, Wm.Faro, EllisRogers, Agnes
Cowels, Stand.Filibut, JohnShippers, Isaac J.
Coppens, Theo.Frommer, H.F.Steurrys, Peter
Curtis, Mrs. BerthaGoossens, Edmund VanDeBlaare, Frank
DeBlaare, FrankHermenet, MichaelVanderbrook, Peter
Decker, AbramHendricks, PeterVandeWalle, August
Decker, JacobLanse, Peter VanGee, Adrian
Decker, OrrieLanse, JohnVan Hall, Jacob D.
Farnsworth, Mrs. ElidaMichaelson, IsaacVanSchaffel, John

Wilck, George

Town of Arcadia

The following live in the town of Arcadia and get their mail by Lyons R.F.D.:

Albright, GeorgeContant, EdwardHeidenrich, Mrs. Fred'k
Austin, HollyDuvell, Mrs. CarrieHeidenrich, Charles
Austin, Chas. A.Dangler, AlbertHeidenrich, Albert
Bastian, Edward B.Feiock, Mrs. AlbertHeald, Mrs. Grace
Brandt, WilliamGlerum, Marvin J.Jordan, Esbon D.
Breveet, IsaacGlerum, LeonardLemke, Richard
Craver, JamesGlerum, Marine B.Miller, Carl
Cole, LeonardHenkle, Mrs. GeorgeMcNamara, Thomas
Clauss, LouisHenkle, AlbertMalcheff, William
Clauss, Bros.Heidenrich, FrankMierke, Edward

Heidenrich, IrvingMiller, Lawrence

Miller, WallaceRichards, Archie Trautman, Charles
Parkman, FredStevens, Charles H.Verbridge, Peter
Quagliato, RussioSchuldt, Fred H.VanHanahan, John
Ramph, DeweySchmuck, ArthurVohs, Mrs. Kate
Robinson, John D.Shufelt, HarveyVanWickle, George
Raes, CharlesSebring, Mrs. IdaWunder, Henry
Robison, LymanScheer, GeorgeWelch, F.J.

Shuler, OscarWarner, Wm.

Town of Manchester

The following live in town of Manchester, adjacent to Arcadia, and get their mail by Clifton Springs R.F.D.:

Abenshene, Chas. Dymond, H.B. McCabe, George
Abenshene, S.H. Elkie, Paul Northrop, Jamie
Acker, Peter Finewood, Paul Potter Howard
Atwood, James Finewood, Fred Plateau, John
Allen, Frank Finewood, Phil Polakiewicz, Michael
Beck, John Fox, Claud M. Peck, Charles
Bird, G.R. Floodman, Fred Powell, W.B.
Bishop, Joel Garnsey, Ray Robbins, Wm.
Boonman, Adrian Grimsley, Harry Rolland, Thomas
Bornheimer, A.L. Graybill, Jake Reed, A.J.
Boyce, Leonard Gifford, Chas. Renner, H.C.
Brown, Harmon Gurnee, Eph. Rector, Floyd
Breemer, Frank Hammerlink, August Robyn, Martin
Briggs, Wm. I. Hamerlink, John Shekell, Eugene
Burger, Harvey W. Haynes, Roscoe Schroo, August
Canne, Chas. Hall, Ralph E. Sherman, Charles J.
Charmichael, Dan Hallett, George Swartley, John
Cooley, Hattie Hoeven, Achiel Smith, L.L.
Crowley, Geo. Howell, Jesse See, C.W.
Crawford, Wm. Jackson, Samuel Squier, Ray
Craver, W.D. Lannon, Pardy Vanderlyke, John
Clement, Myron Lannon, Henry E. VanDeusen, C.J.
Coulter, Lewis N. Lannon, Wm. Sr. VanDevoorde, Peter
Dymond, Homer Landuyt, Henry VanParys, Jacob
DeBarr, Bert Lehr, Fred VerSluys, Joseph
Donk, Leonard Lockwood, Jos. Wilson, Sherman
Dickens, James Mollenkoph, David Williams, Frank L.
DeWitt, M.L. Montford, John Watkins, James
DeWeaver, Constant Matrelles, John Wilson, George
DePlanter, Ed. Morse, John E. Wilson, H. Clay
Driscoll, Wm. F. Mulendyke, Herbert White, Thomas
DeSchepper, Joseph Macumber, RayWeinman, Philip
DeBout, Frank McMullen, D.P. Warner, Henry
Davidson, W.W.
Yates, Chas.

Port Gibson

The following live in or near Port Gibson and receive their mail from that post office:

Anslinger, Fred Crawford, James Hafes, Wm.
Allen, Chas. Curtis, Almon Heald, Corrie
Bird, Otis DeCann, Arthur Irwin, James
Burcroft, Stanley Edgett, James King, Mildred
Briggs, W.I. Fisher, William Kelley, Mrs. Emma
Bedette, Henry Fisk, O.H. Landon, Martin
Craver, Fred Forderkonz, Lawrence LeFevre, Mrs. Minnie
Crowley, Daniel Farnsworth, Rev. L.W.LeRoy, Rodney
Campbell, V.E. Garlock, W.F. Lyon, Kenneth
Cohen, Philip Goldsmith, Kate Lyon, Wm.
Cleason, Edward Goellner, John

McCabe, George Rotnour, W.F. Stacy, E.M.
Martin, Dr. J.F. Russell, Dennis Stacy, Mrs. S.T.
Markendorf, G.L. Schutt, W.J. Stahl, George
Norton, Guy Schwartz, H.W. Strong, Charles
O'Beirne, James Shelters, Preston Throop, E.H.
O'Meal, Abram Severson, John VanHorn, Elmer
O'Brien, M. Siler, Charles VanMale, Mrs. Susan
Parker, Mrs. E.J. Snyder, Wm. E. Walters, Frank
Rolland, Miss J.Swartz, D.E. Wilson, Claude
Roeland, J. Squier, Lloyd Wilcox, Byron

Town of Phelps

The following live north of the outlet in the town of Phelps, and get their mail by Phelps R.F.D.:

Bengston, C.A. Burnette, L.H. Salisbury, George
Boos, Joe Canne, C. Salisbury, J.L.
Burnett, C.W. Cornelius, A. Scherbyn, E.
Burnett, F.H. Mott, George Sharkey, E.
Cornelius, J. Ottley, G.L. Scherbyn, A.
Cuddeback, F. Neider, Frank Sinack, Paul
DeBoofer, E. Overslaught, F. Smith, Ira
DeRuyter, A. Overslaught, Edward Sullivan, M.
Farnsworth, George Phillips, Charles VanCamp, Chas.
Frank, Charles Polee, John Vanderhoff, F.C.
Frank, E. Pollott, P. Veeder, W.
Fridley, SeymourRidley, Irving Westfall, S.V.
Goodman, Ray Rockefeller, N. Worden, Bert
Lake, Grant Rockefeller, A.

East Palmyra

The following is a directory of the Village of East Palmyra:

Austin, W.H. Marshall, Mrs. H. Ververs, Henry
Beal & Young DeVries, Charles Pyatt, Mrs. B.H.
Beal, Catherine Fisher, Jacob W. Robinson, A.B.
Beal, Mary E. Fisher, Wm. Ryckbost, Bert
Koert Rev. J. Hyman, Emerson Sweetman, Mrs. T.
Bult, Lucas Leenwen, Mrs. D. Tripp, Carrie
Browning, Robert Leenwen, Nicholas Vandermillen, K.
Clark, Mrs. Elthea Merrick, Sarah Wage, Mrs. Anna
Cronise, Mrs. W.H. O'Meal, Jacob Zeigler, Henry
Decker, Jacob O'Meal, Joseph Zeigler, John
Delahaye, C. Clark, Morris Bebb, A.E.
Brown, Clarence DeGellke, A. Young, Kingsley
Boeye, A. O'Meal J.J. O'Meal, Albert
Scutt, John C. Warner, Metta M. Gamble, Theron

All spellings exactly as in original directory. The site coordinators have no information about individuals or families listed. We thank you in advance for directing ALL questions to the Office of the County Historian.

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Created: 2/25/04
Copyright © 1931 The Newark Union-Gazette
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Thank you to Neal Smith for making this directory available!
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