Wolcott, N.Y.
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1930
M. W. Charles H. Johnson
Grand Master

Wolcott Lodge, No. 560, F. and A. M., was chartered, June 19, 1865, as Red Creek Lodge, with the
same number, and located in that village. It prospered until 1874, when a general fire wrought havoc
in Red Creek, the lodge room being destroyed with all of the paraphernalia, books, papers and even the
charter of the lodge, and without insurance. This so crippled the lodge that, though another charter was
granted, June 5, 1874, the organization dwindled for a number of years.
In 1880 a special dispensation, running from year to year, authorized its transfer to Wolcott, till, June 7,
1894, its name was officially changed to Wolcott Lodge.
On Feb. 10, 1884, the lodge was again burned out, with the old Empire Block, losing everything, but fortunately
with insurance. The papers destroyed included a charter granted in 1816 by M. W. DeWitt Clinton, Grand Master,
for the formation of a Masonic Lodge in Wolcott. This predecessor of the present Wolcott Lodge was a thriving
organization for eleven years, till it was forced to disband in 1827 during the Anti-Masonic excitement; but
the charter had been religiously preserved by a faithful few.
After the fire, the lodge located in the quarters it is just leaving in the Roe & Moore building, where it
remained for 46 years, finally outgrowing its lodge rooms when it attained a membership of 275.
After the fire of June 2, which destroyed the DeZutter building, the Bush-Robertson Co. and Wolcott Lodge made
arrangements to build whereby we were to own the entire second floor for a new Temple.
The necessary financial arrangements were carried out, and work was commenced in August. On Sept. 5, M. W. S. N.
Sawyer conducted the laying of the cornerstone.
Every committee has sacrificed time and effort to carry on the work and make our new Temple a possibility. We all are
proud of their accomplishments, and they have the hearty thanks of the brethren.
Harmony has always been the predominating factor in Wolcott Lodge. Brothers W. W. Lytle, John D. Otis, C. F. VanValkenburg,
Edwin J. Cornwell and Merritt H. Fenn have seen the lodge grow, prosper and serve this community for many years. May this
new Temple give the brethren of Wolcott Lodge an inspiration to go forward and dedicate their lives to the fulfillment of
the upright teachings of Freemasonry.
* Samuel B. Crosier - 1865
* James H. Cooper - 1866
* Isaac Mosher 1867-8-9-70-1-2-7
* Ferdinand M. Pasco - 1873-4-5
* David C. Becker - 1876-9-80-2-3-4-5-6
George M. Coplin - 1878
William W. Lytle - 1881
* Charles Cromwell - 1887
* J. Byron Smith - 1888-9-90-91
* George G. Salsbury - 1892-3
* Jefferson W. Hoag - 1894-5
* J. Alden Hale - 1896
* Fred A. Prevost - 1897-8
John D. Otis - 1899
George W. Roe - 1900-1
* Raymond H. Kelly - 1902-3
Arthur M. Jurden 1904-5
* John A. Murphey - 1906-7
Harry W. Day - 1908-9
* Lloyd C. Jones - 1910
Raymond B. Gurley - 1911-12
Benjamin T. Moore - 1913-14
Christopher C. Baker - 1915-16
Floyd L. Palmer - 1919-20
Charles E. Fowler - 1921-22
Floyd C. Conklin- 1923
James P. Thompson- 1924
Ernest Williams - 1925
Albert J. Ackerman - 1926
George C. Stevens - 1927
C. Roy LeFevre - 1928
Glen W. Verspirll - 1929
* Deceased.

Left to right, upper row - Charles P. O'Brien, J.M.C.; Albert J. Ackerman, Trustee; William W. Lytle,
Trustee; Robert E. Stanley, Marshal; William C. Cunningham, Trustee; Leon U. Bidwell, Pianist; Clark W.
Simonds, S.M.C.; lower row - Harry K. Graves, Treasurer; Guy Washington, J.D.; Irving Granger, S.W.; Demont F.
Oyer, Master; Horace M. Fowler, S.D.; Edward J. Streeter, Secretary. Absentees - Ernest Williams, J.W.;
H. Gary Demmon, Chaplain.
Close-up View of Officers, Left Side
Close-up View of Officers, Right Side
James P. Thompson
Elmer E. Buckminster
Floyd C. Conklin
H. C. Mosher
Harry K. Graves
Caleb C. Scutt
Lewis Marks
Ernest L. Brinkerhoff
Lewis M. Mead
Lester B. Dobbin
Ernest Williams
Asahel J. Foster
Ernest Williams
Roe L. Hendrick
Floyd C. Conklin
D. F. Oyer
Lisle A. Wiley
B. T. Moore
Victor D. Reeves
W. J. Olmsted
E. Milton Buckminster
Kenneth A. Chaplin
C. Henry Graves
B. T. Moore
Clayton W. Griswold
Lisle A. Wiley
E. Milton Buckminster
W. J. Olmsted
Raymond Reed
W. C. Cunnningham
Ernest F. Nohle
J. Fowler Johnson
Floyd C. Conklin
Ralph C. Paddock
Victor D. Reeves
Kenneth A. Chaplin
George C. Stevens
Robert L. Bradbury
Mrs. Grant Douglass
F. C. Conklin
Irving Granger
Horace Fowler
C. P. O'Brien
Dr. D. F. Oyer
C. R. LeFevre
** Click on names to see photos. **
Grand Lodge Officers Participating
M.W. Charles H. Johnson - Grand Master
R.W. Elmer J. Cunningham - D.D. Grand Master
R.W. J. Francis Lines - as Senior Grand Warden
R.S. Lewis F. Allen - as Junior Grand Warden
R.W. Llewellyn C. Sherman - as Grand Treasurer
R.W. Alfred C. Hopkins - as Grand Secretary
R.W. Edw. L. VanDerlinde - as Senior Grand Deacon
R.W. Frank D. Burgess - as Junior Grand Deacon
R.W. Charles E. Vanneman - Grand Marshal
R.W. Jerome Kates - Grand Chaplain
R.W. G.S. Tinklepaugh - Chief Commissioner of Appeals
R.W. Wm. Frederick Strang - Commissioner of Appeals
R.W. Floyd C. Conklin }
R.W. George C. Catchpole } as Grand Stewards
R.W. Thad C. Logan }
W. Frederick H. Renner - Grand Pursuivant
Proclamation.....Grand Marshall
Entrance of Grand Lodge
Musical Selection.....Quartette
Salutatory and Presentation.....Worshipful Master
Response.....Grand Master
Announcement.....Junior Grand Warden
Consecration Prayer.....Grand Chaplain
The Lord's Prayer (Chant).....Quartette
Unveiling of Symbolic Lodge.....Grand Marshall
Scripture.....Grand Chaplain
Scattering the Corn.....Grand Master
Music: Air, "Hebron".....Quartette
Declaration.....Senior Grand Warden
Scripture.....Grand Chaplain
Sprinkling the Wine.....Grand Master
Music: Air, "Hebron".....Quartette
Declaration.....Deputy Grand Master
Scripture.....Grand Chaplain
Pouring the Oil.....Grand Master
Music: Air, "Hebron".....Quartette
Invocation.....Grand Chaplain
Remarks.....M. W. Samuel Nelson Sawyer
Address.....The M. W. Grand Master
Musical Selection.....Quartette
Proclamation.....Grand Marshall
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Created: 3/31/05
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