Info kindly provided by the Wayne County Office of the County Historian and digitally formatted by co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry.
Miscellaneous Statistics:
Miscellaneous Statistics:
First Election District, Wolcott, June 1, 1875
A.P. COLVIN, Enumerator
First M.E. Church: Methodist Episcopal; value of church & lot 25,000; value of other real estate 1500; seats 800; 500 usual number in attendance; number of communicants 200; salary of clergy, 1000.
Methodist: Methodist denomination; value of church & lot 3500; seats 400; 100 usual number in attendance; number of communicants 60; salary of clergy 600.
Presbyterian: Presbyterian denomination; value of church & lot 8000; value of other real estate 5000; seats 600; 400 usual number in attendance; number of communicants 175; salary of clergy 900.
Methodist: Methodist denomination; value of church & lot 5000; seats 500; 300 usual number in attendance; number of communicants 150; salary of clergy 600.
Baptist: Baptist denomination; value of church & lot 3000; seats 500
Newspapers and Other Periodicals: Wolcott Standard, 960 circulation; Lake Shore News, 300 circulation
Hotels, inns and taverns - 4; Retail stores and groceries - 16
Remarks on the harvest of 1874: Crops of 1874 were as a general thing about an even average with former years.
Domestic animals in cities and villages, number of domestic animals kept by those who occupy no farming lands; 92 horses and 47 cows
Wages: Men working at common hand labor in building, etc. $1.75 per day; Farm hands hired by the season or year, $19.50 a month; Farm hands hired in haying and harvest $2.00 by the day; Women hired for common household work $1.75 by the week; Carpenters and Joiners $3.00 by the day; Masons, stone and bricklayers, $3.00 by the day; Moulders $10.00 per week; Blacksmiths $2.00 by the day; Painters and Glaziers $2.50 by the day; Printers $9.00 by the week; Dressmakers by the day 75 cents, by the week $4.00
General Remarks: A rail road runing through this place has caused the population of village to increase about 250 to 300 and is still increasing with good prospects. We have a little village laying about 5 miles north known as North Wolcott, has 1 store and 1 church, about 100 inhabitants. This village of Wolcott lays partly in the town of Butler, has about 875 in Wolcott corperation.
Second Election District, Wolcott, June 1, 1875
William O. WOOD, Enumerator
M.E. Church of Red Creek: Episcopal Methodist denomination; value of church & lot 14,000; value of other real estate 13,000; 100 usual number in attendance; number of communicants 40; salary of clergy 700.
First Presbyterian Church of Red Creek: Presbyterian denomination; value of church & lot 3500; value of other real estate 1500; seats 250; 100 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 60; salary of clergy 500.
First Baptist Church of Red Creek: Baptist denomination; value of church & lot 1600; value of other real estate 1050; seats 250; 100 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 60; salary of clergy 500.
Free Baptist Church of Red Creek: Free Will Baptist denomination; value of church & lot 800; seats 150
Inns, hotels and taverns - 1; retail stores and groceries - 7
Wages: Men working at common hand labor in building etc. $1.00 per day, $7.00 per week, $20.00 per month; Farm hands hired by the season or year $2.00 per day; Farm hands hired in haying and harvest $1.50 per day; $26.00 per month; Women hired for common household work $2.50 by the day; Carpenters and Joiners $2.00 by the day, $32.00 by the month; Mason, stone and bricklayers $2.50 by the day; Shoemakers (journeymen) $26.00; Machinists $3.00 by the day; Blacksmiths $1.25 by the day, $7.50 by the week, $30.00 by the month; Painters & Glaziers $2.00 by the day; Dressmakers $3.50 by the week; Sewing and other woman's hand labor 75 cents a day
First Election District: Town of Wolcott: during year ending June 1, 1875
A.P. COLVIN, Enumerator
Eron LOVEJOY, 19, single and Clkairee CREQUE, 18, single
Nov. 25 in Wolcott by a P clergyman
E.F. MORRIS, 18, single and Bessie GRANDY, 21, single
Aug. 2 in Rose by a J.P.
Jerome MARBLE, 24, single and Lovina PHILLIPS, 23, single
Dec. 31 in Wolcott by a P clergyman
Horace GROAT, 20, single aand Josaphine LOVELESS, 26, single
Dec. 24 in Rose by a B clergyman
Anson DRURY, 76, widowed and Mariah BAKER, 68, widow
Mar. 5 in Wolcott by a M.E. clergyman
Wm. H. BARNETT, 26, single and Josapene ROSENBURG, 20, single
Dec. 23 in Wolcott by a M.E. clergyman
W.A. THORNE, 21, single and E.A. CHAMPLAIN, 20, single
Sept. 23 in Sodus by a M.E. clergyman
L.A. THORNE, 21, single and C.E. WHITBECK, 20, single
Sept. 23 in Sodus by a M.E. clergyman
John P. ARNETT, 62, widowed and Sarah M. DeWITT, 44, widow
April 23 in Wolcott by an Advent clergyman
Everett SLATT, 22, single and Lillian JEPSON, 17, single
Sept. 8 in Clyde by a P.E. clergyman
E.D. DEMPSEY, 23, single and Mary MEAD, 17, single
Sept. 15 in Wolcott by an M.E. clergyman
Second Election District: Town of Wolcott: during year ending June 1, 1875
Wm. O. WOOD, Enumerator
F.B. PHILLIPS, single and Clarre HYDE, single
Sept. 2 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
Sylvester B. FOSTER, single and Emma R. WASHBURN, single
Sept. 10 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
Luke M. LAMB, single and Elana E. CLIFTON, single
Oct. 5 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
Edward REYNOLDS, single and Jennie BESEMER, single
Oct. 18 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
Jefferson JONES, single and Nettie DODGE, single
Dec. 31 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
P.W. HOLDRIDGE, single and Emma LAWRENCE, single
Feb. 13 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
Richard S. STEVENSON, widowed and Josephene E. BROOKS, single
Mar. 31 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Meth. Ep. clergyman
Ives HOUGH, 21, single and Abigail GATES, 19, single
Mar. 3 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Pres. clergyman
Gilbert PARSONS, 24, widowed and Amelia PARKS, 15, single
Apr. 25 in Red Creek, N.Y. by a Pres. clergyman
George JACKWAY, 35, single and Maggie KENNEDY, 27, single
April 28 in Red Crfeek, N.Y. by a Pres. clergyman
Rogers CHENEY, 25, single and Sarah GILCHEY, 17, single
May 15 in Wolcott, N.Y. by a Free Bap. clergyman
Preston BENNETT, 22, single and Eliza J. ROBERTS, 21, single
Mar. 10 in Wolct., N.Y. by a Free Bap. clergyman
Frank KEESLER, 22, single and Jennett WOOD, 28, single
April 7 in Wolcott, N.Y. by a J.P.
Daniel ROBERTSON, 27, single and Frances A. YOUNGLOVE, 22, single
Jan. 21 in Wolcott, N.Y. by a Free Bap. clergyman
George W. STANCEL, 36, widowed and Lucinda M. BALL, 36, widow
Jan. 24 in Wolcott, N.Y. by a Free Bap. clergyman
George FAVER, 19, single and Mary F. RIDER, 15, single
Mar. 25 in Wolcott, N.Y. by a Free Bap. clergyman
First Election District: Town of Wolcott: during year ending June 1, 1875
A.P. COLVIN, Enumerator
Pheba MARBLE, 81, female, widow, Nov. 24, b. N.Y., pluralacis
John A. SHARP, 64, male, married, April 1, b. N.Y., farmer, inflamatory rheumatism
Jane A. SIMPSON, 60, female, single, June 8, b. N.Y., consumption
John BLANCHARD, 78, male, married, May 22, b. N.Y., farmer, cancer operated upon on face
Emma HOLLIER, 23, female, married, March 10, b. N.Y., feaver
Eugene VANDERBELT, 38, male, married, May 25, b. N.Y., farmer, congestion
Hattie FIELDS, 1y 10m, female, Sept. 26, b. N.Y., hooping cough
Eda MINER, 5, female, Feb. 22, b. N.Y., spinal epademic
Frederick FOOT, 2, male, Feb. 18, b. N.Y., spinal epademic
Lela J. WALKER, 22, female, married, Jan. 4, b. N.Y., child birth
S.V. ROBERTS, 22, female, married, June 21, b. N.Y., child birth
Rena BREWSTER, 1m, female, Aug. 2, b. N.Y., sumer complaint
Frederick WINCHELL, 9m, male, Aug. 21, b. N.Y., sumer complaint
Second Election District: Town of Wolcott: during year ending June 1, 1875
Wm. O. WOOD, EnumeratorSarah G. PLUMB, 29, female, married, Feb. 27, b. Steuben Co., wife, chloreforme
Andrew M. PASCO, 10, male, Jan. 6, b. Red Creek, rheumatic meningitis
Amos SNYDER, 76, male, widowed, May 20, b. Owasco, N.Y., farmer, pleurisy
Polly SNYDER, 78, female, married, Dec. 21, b. Owasco, N.Y., congestion of lungs
Peter SNYDER, 80, male, married, Feb. 10, b. Owasco, N.Y., farmer, secnhus of stomach
Infant daughter of William BATES, 1d, Nov. 12, b. Wolcott, NY
Thomas J. MITCHELL, 63, male, widowed, Aug. 22, b. Onondaga Co., farmer, paralisis of brain
George H. NEAL, 10m, male, May 15, b. Wayne Co., fever and dropsey
Maria YOUNGLOVE, 82, female, widow, May 15, b. N.J., paralisis
William PHILIPS, 47, male, married, March 13, b. N.J., farmer, inflamation of lungs
Eliz. A. MIXER, 64, female, married, May 3, b. Conn., consumption
Lorentine BRACE, 46, female, married, July 16, b. Oswego, consumption
Olin McARTHUR, 31, male, married, April 2, b. Wayne Co., farmer, Bright's disease of kidneys
Mary ELMENDORF, 67, female, widow, Feb. 20, b. Ulster Co., rheumatic consumtion
These records were taken as part of the NY State 1875 state census and cover the calendar year from June 2, 1874 to
June 1, 1875. Otherwise there are no such government records for the other 1870s years ex. for the US 1880 Mortality Schedule.
Not all records have survived for all towns and counties in New York State. To find out what has survived,
please check with the historical society of the county you're interested in, visit the New York State Historical
Society in Cooperstown, NY, or inquire of your nearest Family History Center about microfilm loan.
***For all inquiries about persons mentioned or availability of other and similar records, do not email the site
coordinators (as we have no further info). We refer you in advance to the Office of the County Historian.
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