LAKE SHORE NEWSFormerly Published in Wolcott, N.Y.Part 3The following was transcribed from four separate issues of the Lake Shore News, a now-defunct newspaper published in Wolcott, N.Y. that covered local news about eastern Wayne county. All first and surname spellings are as in the original. Only a few of the names were bolded, due to the tediousness and time involved. To search for a surname of interest, use the "Find" function of your browser. Articles of general interest were also abstracted, including the unsung story of one woman's efforts to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday. Lake Shore News, Thursday, November 28, 1963. Published in Wolcott, N.Y.
Clipping from 1896 Reveals...
Editor, Lake Shore News: Wayne County Has a It Flies in South Butler Seen by a Farmer, a Mechanic Wolcott, N.Y., Nov. 17 - The villages of South Butler, Butler Center and Slyburg, all in Wayne County, are greatly excited over an apparition which has apeared in that section recently, and for which there appears to be no possible hypothesis except a spiritual one. The visitor is nothing less than an angel, or at least, it bears every appearance of one and is seen in broad daylight in the clear sky. Its first appearance was on Nov. 2 about 3 p.m., when it was seen by at least a score of people within a radius of five miles of Butler Centre. R. D. Mack, a farmer living near Slyburg; M. B. Newton, a mechanic whose home is in Savannah, N.Y.; A. W. Miller, farmer, and D. F. Everhart, school teacher, both of Butler Centre have seen the apparition. Mr. Everhart says: "I was returning from Wolcott at 3 o'clock on Nov. 2, when I noticed an object floating in the air about 100 yards away and nearly over my head. Its appearance was a person about 30 years of age, clad in a white robe with arms bare. On its shoulder were a pair of long white wings, which were nearly motionless. At first the features were clearly visible but as the object floated higher they gradually become indistinct. The day was clear, not a cloud in sight. It appeared for about 20 minutes. To be convinced that I was awake and not dreaming, I even pinched myself. I said nothing about it for several days, fearing ridicule, till I heard others speaking of similar occurrences." The story told by others named are the same in all essential details and it has created great wonder and some alarm throughout that section.
If you doubt the authenticity of this, (and I wouldn't blame you if you did), I will be glad to show the original to
you. It is very old; other clippings in the book are dated 1896 so you would have to obtain your information from
the very oldest residents or perhaps their children. DEATHS BURTON P. FOWLER A man who was born at South Butler and who was listed in "Who's Who in America," was buried last Thursday in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira. Burton Philander Fowler, 76, prominent educator, had died in Philadelphia. Mr. Fowler and his family spent their summers near Sodus Bay at Charles Point during the 1930s and 40s, and are well-known in the area. His son-in-law, Prof. W. David Curtiss of the College of Law at Cornell University, is a native of Sodus. Educated at Syracuse and Columbia universities, Mr. Fowler was a high school principal in various cities in New York, Massachusetts and Ohio. He later served as headmaster at Tower Hill School at Wilmington, Del. and at the Germantown Friend School in Philadelphia. After retiring in 1954, he became a consultant for the foundation. He also served on the Columbia Board, was chairman of the Board of Trustees of Sarah Lawrence College, and was treasurer of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schols. Surviving besides his widow, Mertie Dense Fowler, and his daughter, Mrs. Curtiss, are two brothers, Clarence of South Butler and George of Syracuse. BERTON RICE Berton Rice, 57, of Kenmore, former resident of Wolcott, died Monday, Nov. 25, 1963, in Buffalo General Hospital, where he had been taken one week ago. He was chief dispatcher for the Niagara-Mohawk Power Co., Kenmore. A son of Hubert and Lulu Snyder Rice, he is survived by his wife, Anna Armstrong Rice, a sister of Mrs. G. Benton Burden of Wolcott. Mr. Rice was former chairman of the Niagara Frontier Chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, a member of the Forman Club, a member of Ontario Shore Lodge No. 495 at Wolcott, an elder and member of the Kenmore Presbyterian Church. There will be a service at 3 p.m., Wednesday, at the Bury Funeral Home, 37 Delaware Ave. Kenmore. Friends may call at the Robertson Funeral Home at Wolcott where a service will be held at 2 p.m., Friday, with burial in Butler-Savannah Cemetery at South Butler. The Rev. Russell B. Henry and the Rev. H. Wesley Bacon will officiate. Overdue Homage Since Thanksgiving Day this year will mark the 100th year that it has been observed as a national holiday it is fitting that special homage should be paid to the woman whose relentless crusade established it as an official and uniform day of celebration. For 17 years, Sarah Hale, editor of "Godey's Lady's Book," campaigned to unify the states in common observance of a day of thanks. Despite national contempt in the 19th century for feminine meddling in public affairs, not once did the tiny, but fiery and courageous woman abandon her crusade. From 1846 to 1863 she pleaded with three presidents (Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan) and wrote countless editorials in her magazine, fighting for her cause. By 1849 several states were celebrating Thanksgiving separately; no two states observed the holiday the same day. Three years later, in 1852, Mrs. Hale had succeeded in having 29 states join in observing Thanksgiving on the last Thursday in November as a unified day of thanks. In 1863 her appeal to a great American crowned her crusade in victory. Through a proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln, the last Thursday in November was established as day of national thanksgiving. Ministers at Local Churches
Huron Presbyterian - Rev. Roy Massecar
Family Marks George A. Colvin, veteran retired farmer at West Butler, was pleasantly surprised last Friday evening on the occasion of his 90th birthday, when all of his children gathered to honor him at the Colvin homestead farm. His children, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Colvin, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Colvin, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Colvin, all of Wolcott; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loveless of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Colvin of Auburn joined with host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Colvin for a delightful evening. Mr. Colvin's only living sister, Mrs. Elliott Green, and Mr. Green were also present; as were grandson Donald G. Colvin and his daughter, Elise; granddaughter Connie Colvin and guest Kenneth Lasher. A diversified farmer of many years, Mr. Colvin gave summer employment to many area teenage boys over the years. Their love and respect for him seemed to carry into manhood, as several call on him from time to time to hash over the good old days. Many of these "boys" came to visit with George at this time, which he greatly appreciated. LAKE SHORE NEWS ANNALS Five Years Ago - 1958 Mr. and Mrs. Clair Younglove of North Wolcott will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns of North Rose will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, Dec. 7. 10 Years Ago - 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alteri have moved into their new ranch-style house on Butler Street Extension. Several local homes have been purchased by new owners. They include: Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Mason, who purchased the Fowler home on Wright St.; Mr. and Mrs. George Chatfield, who have bought the Pierson home on Auburn St.; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mull, who acquired Belle Christian's residence on Lake Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. John Bush, new owners of the VanAllstyne property on West Main St. The Butler Center Methodist Church, oldest sanctuary for worship in Wayne County, will be the scene of a big 140th birthday reunion this Sunday, Nov. 9. The Village of Wolcott has purchased a new police car with parking meter receipts. It is the first automobile ever owned by the village. 15 Years Ago - 1948 Clarence Armstrong and Donald VanLiere announce that the firm of Engleson & Van Liere, Inc., has acquired the Wolcott franchise for Flamex metered bottled gas. A crowd estimated between 900 and 1,000 attended the "Family party" given by the A.G. Hutchinson Co., Friday, at its Wolcott plant. 20 Years Ago - 1943 The Olney & Carpenter Co. has contracted to pack 15 million small packages of Nestle's Ever-Ready Sweet Milk Chocolate for the Peter Cailler Kohler Swiss Chocolate Co., Fulton. 25 Years Ago - 1938 Wolcott is going to have a bowling alley. Yesterday, John H. Whitmore of Rochester concluded negotiations with Willis Christian for the purchase of the old hitching barn site, facing Northup Park, and within 8 or 9 weeks expects to complete erection of a hollow tile building 110 feet by 42 feet, and about 12 feet in height, inside measure. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Janeway moved into their new home, the Harder place on Draper St., last week. They had been living in the J. Fowler Johnson house on Lake Ave. 35 Years Ago - 1928 Isaac Kotvis of Rice's Mill butchered a hog last week that dressed 500 pounds. W. M. Crane of Marcellus is the new man preparing to open a pool and quick lunch room where the American Restaurant was formerly located in Wolcott. Harold Lander sang two solos at the Sophomore Class assembly last Friday. Those who took part in a play were Florence Edmunds, Dale Foster, Maurice Mason, Clarence Richards, Vernon Martin and Morrison Wilmoth. 65 Years Ago - 1898 One day last week, George Hoffman of East Port Bay St. had a hard and long battle with a 32-pound hedgehog, an animal so rarely met with in this section that few of our readers have probably ever seen one. Hedgehogs are sometimes called porcupines. 75 Years Ago - 1888 N.W. Merrill, the capable and efficient Deputy Postmaster of the Wolcott Office, retired from his post Saturday night. Mr. Phillips' son takes his place. 85 Years Ago - 1878 Lecture by Miss Susan B. Anthony of Rochester, under auspices of Wolcott Reform Club, will be held Saturday evening, Dec. 21, at Viele & Graves Hall. Don't forget the date. Annual sale of pews of the Presbyterian Church will take place next Tuesday evening, Dec. 3. We understand the ladies will furnish a table well-laden with refreshments on the porch of the church for this occasion. [Several social notices stood out from the pages because they mentioned specific individuals of interest to two researchers who have shared their family info on this site. Thanking you for your past contributions, we hope your family research will benefit from these notices.] From page 6:
South Butler Bernard Candee, Patron of the South Butler Juvenile Grange, announces that there was a meeting of the Juvenile Grange on Monday, Nov. 25, a 4 p.m. for the purpose of electing officers. A dedication service was held last Sunday at the Church of Christ during the worship hour. A list of items to be dedicated was read by Charles Kline, chairman of the property committee. George Gordon chairman of the board, accepted them in behalf of the church. Besides improvements to the church building and grounds, a new communion service was dedicated in memory of Walter Candee and Miss Grace L. Weeks and new tables were dedicated in memory of Leslie J. Candee, Vernon E. Bowler and F.H. Read, a former minister from 1903-1913. Mrs. D.V. Crane had the misfortune to fall and break the bone in her upper right arm last Tuesday. She was in Lyons Community Hospital from Tuesday night until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barron, Mrs. L.J. Candee and Bernard Candee accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon to the AAA banquet Thursday evening at the American Legion Hall in Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kline spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Candee in Rochester and attended the Ice Capades, Saturday afternoon. Lake Shore News, Thursday, November 7, 1963. Published in Wolcott, N.Y.
Funeral Rites Held Mrs. Ina C. Green, 95, lifelong resident of Dutch street, Town of Huron, died Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1963, on arrival at Wolcott Hospital, following a lengthy illness. For many years, she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Deda Wilkinson, town clerk of Huron, at RD2 Wolcott. A daughter of the late Melvin and Frances Watson Streeter, Mrs. Green was born March 2, 1868, on the farm at the north end of Dutch street, the former L. A. Wright place. The house in which she grew up was burned many years ago. Coming from a long-lived family, Mrs. Green's mother, Frances Streeter, lived to be 94; while her grandmother, Mary Watson, died at the age of 92. Married to Franklin B. Green in 1888, the bride and her husband moved to the Green homestead farm which had been in the family for many years. They lived there together until March 17, 1937, when Frank died, at which time she moved across the road to live with her daughter and only child, Mrs. Wilkinson. Meanwhile, the old Green farm was sold about ten years ago to Fred Crane. As a child, Mrs. Geen attended the Dutch Street districts school near her home. She was an active member of the Huron Methodist Church until it burned, and then joined the Wolcott Methodist Church. She was a 50-year "Golden Sheaf" member of Huron Grange. Active and alert in her 90s, she easily was able to thread needles, sew, read, write and work crossword puzzles without the aid of eyeglasses. However, her health began to fail about a year ago. Surviving besides her daughter are two nieces, Mrs. Edna Wells of Wolcott and Mrs. Ross Caster of Red Creek; a nephew, William Roscoe of Rochester. A service was held at 2 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Robertson Funeral Home with burial in Huron Evergreen Cemetery, the Rev. Roy Massecar and the Rev. H. Wesley Bacon officiating.
"Sesqui" Stirs Members of the Huron Presbyterian Church wish to thank all area residents for making their 150th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 27, such a heart-warming and exciting day. With near capacity attendance from morning until night, the sessions featured ministers who had preached at Huron in the past. During the afternoon, many fond memories were recalled by the pastors and members of the church. The Church History Committee collected and published many interesting articles on the sesquicentennial. One of the highlights was a vocal quartet composed of the Rev. Lloyd Burns, Rev. Robert France, Rev. Richard Wentz and Rev. Roy Massecar. Members are now planning for their 200th anniversary in 2013. [Note: if anyone knows if these historical articles were indeed printed, and if so, if we could access and have permission to post any of them on this site, please contact the site coordinators (email addresses on front page).] Ministers at Local Churches (same as for Nov. 23, 1963, plus news of the following churches)
North Rose Methodist - Rev. Leonard Hackney ALFRED G. HORN Alfred G. Horn, 80, of Martville, one of the last surviving area veterans of the Spanish-American War, died Monday noon, Nov. 4, 1963, at the Cherry Hill Nursing Home at Lyons, following a long illness. A son of the late Alfred E. and Martha Wilson Horn, he was born at Martville. As a result of his service in the Spanish-American War, Mr. Horn was one of a handful of members left in the Major Louis B. Lauton Camp No. 39, U.S.W.V., at Auburn. His wife, Anna, died in 1955. [Note: long list of survivors in Red Creek, Wolcott, Martville, Oswego County, and elsewhere. Refer to p. 4 of the November 7, 1963 issue, available on microfilm.] A service will be held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) at the Becker Funeral Home with burial in Martville Cemetery, military honors at graveside. The Rev. H. Wesley Bacon, pastor of the Wolcott Methodist Church, will officiate. LAKE SHORE NEWS ANNALS [Note: in this installment, most of the news over the years had to do with national, state and county election results, so was not transcribed.] 85 Years Ago - 1878 James Green of North Huron has six spring pigs, all six months old, with an average weight of 300 pounds. Who can beat that? "Jud" Cleveland of Butler has taken the advice of the great journalist, Greeley, and gone west. He takes possession of a 100-acre farm he purchased near Kendall, Mich. Lake Shore News, Thursday, December 12, 1968. Published in Wolcott, N.Y. LAKE SHORE NEWS ANNALS 5 years ago - 1963 Claude C. Collier, 57, widely-known civic and business leader at North Rose, died Sunday evening, Dec. 8, at Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, where he had been a patient for one week. Effective at the start of the 1964 canning season, the Olney & Carpenter food processing plant here will begin production of canned boiled onions. Two other well-known products are O&C canned French fried onions and O&C potato sticks. The announcement also disclosed that preparation of frozen foods will be discontinued at the plant here, and that the O&C plant at Eden will be closed at the end of the packing season next spring. More than 60 persons attended the farewell reception for Floyd Briggs, bus driver with 32 years of service, who has retired from his position at Leavenworth Central School. 10 Years Ago - 1958 Another early-winter snowstorm belted the Wolcott area during the night Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Because of blizzard-like conditions and hazardous driving, Wolcott and Red Creek schools were closed. Area residents, however, were thankful to escape the severe storm that has besieged Oswego since Saturday. About 5 feet of snow has falled on that city, located only 28 miles east of Wolcott. In places, the drifts are 20 feet deep. 15 Years Ago - 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Teunis S. Fowler of Lummisville Rd., Huron, will observe their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, Dec. 13. Basketball fortunes at Leavenworth Central dipped for an all-time low here Tuesday when Coach Kirdendall's team absorbed a 52-point shellacking from Clyde. The visitors rolled up a 42-9 advantage at the half, and their regulars rested on the bench throughout the second half. 20 Years Ago - 1948 An early morning blaze, fanned by high winds, completely destroyed the Loon Point Hotel at Port Bay, with an estimated loss of more than $25,000, Monday. The building was owned by Valere Minet. Third-Grade Honor Roll at Leavenworth Central School includes Jean Blauvelt, Germaine Colvin, George Graves, Barbara Griswold, Mary Lou Hanneman, Rozanne Hubbard, Linda Noble, Judi VanLiere, Shirley Wolf, Shirley Penner, James Snyder, Susie Wolf, Norma Woods, Frank Simpson. 25 Years Ago - 1943 With 200 pupils absent, really a third of the total enrollment, Leavenworth Central School has been closed due to the influenza epidemic. Also reported closed are schools at Sodus, Lyons, Williamson and Savannah. Miss Mildred Harper of South Butler has taken a part-time position at the Lake Shore News. 30 Years Ago - 1938 Squad members of Coach Terry's LCS basketball team are Mike Alteri, Johnny Budinock, Charger Keel, "Mort" Painter, Don Dunton, Limpy Blake, Rough-house Woods, "Ladykiller" Swartout, Slim Eberwein, Bill Blaisdell, Allan Hollands, Stan Leaird, Bush Washburn, Lacey Ward and Harold Vincent. 40 Years Ago - 1928 George Hanneman is an unlucky young man. At a recent basketball game in the Baptist annex, some unknown miscreant stole his new sheepskin overcoat. When someone decides to steal something, he always picks on George. Overtime game at Newark-Wolcott High wins out over Newark, 26 to 22, last Friday. 70 Years Ago - 1898 Mrs. A.B. Thacker was elected master of Wolcott Grange at the last meeting. 80 Years Ago - 1888 Lyons has had 26 cases of typhoid fever this fall. Of this number, 8 proved fatal. Lyons has 17 lawyers, Palmyra 11, Clyde 8, Wolcott 8, Newark 6, Sodus 3, Red Creek 3, South Butler 2, Marion 1, and Walworth 1 - and there is not one of these towns that has not more than it needs. 90 Years Ago - 1878 Annual election by Keesler Post G.A.R.: E.W. Newberry, commander; A.H. Fitch, senior vice commander; C.B. Moore, junior vice commander; H.L. Munn, quartermaster; A.P. Crafts, surgeon; Rev. H.F. Snow, chaplain, J.G. Cook, officer of the day; Albert Wamsley, officer of the guard; W.A. Coventry, G.D. Green and D.H. Mann, trustees. Page 7
NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN Officers for the recently merged Butler Center and South Butler Methodist Churches into the Butler United Methodist Church are: The Administrative Board chairman, Samuel Sorensen; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Charles Blaisdell; Pastor Rev. Charles L. Banks, Rev. Harold W. Scott, Rev. Jay A. Wilcox; Lay Leader, Kenneth Hill; Assistant Lay Leader, Lorence Blaisdell; Alternate Lay Member, Leon Bennett; Chairman of the Trustees, Milton Van Duyne; Chairman of Finance Committee, Leon Bennett; Chairman of Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, Lorence Blaisdell; Secretary of Committee on Nominations and Personnel, Mrs. George Colvin; Church Treasurer, Mrs. Samuel Sorensen; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Leon Bennett; Council of Ministries Chairman, Mrs. Kenneth Reed; Work Area Chairmen - Ecumenical Affairs, Samuel Sorensen; Education, Mrs. O.C. Ferris; Evangelism, Leon Bennett; Missions, Mrs. Anton Heindl; Stewardship, Leon Bennett; Worship, Mrs. George Colvin; Coordinators, Mrs. Chalres Blaisdell, Miss Betsy Austin; W.S.C.S. President Mrs. Charles Blaisdell; Members at Large - Youth, Leah Reed, Betsy Austin; Young Adult, Mrs. Charles Blaisdell, Mark Gillette; Homer Acker, Mrs. Milton VanDuyne, Mrs. Raymond Crane, Mrs. Henry Everhart, Mrs. Clayton Marsden, Arthur Garrad, Herman Shippers, Mrs. Herman Shippers, K. Wallace Owen, Kenneth Reed, Judson VanDeusen, George Colvin. Committees: Nominations and Personal, chairman, the pastor; secretary, Mrs. George Colvin; terms expire 1969, Homer Acker, Mrs. Richard Wiggins; 1970 Mrs. Leon Bennett, Mrs. George Colvin; 1971 Lorence Blaisdell, Kenneth Hill. Finance, Samuel Sorensen, Mrs. Kenneth Reed, Kenneth Hill, Mrs. Leon Bennett, Mrs. Samuel Sorensen, Mrs. George Colvin, Richard Wiggins. Parsonage: Mrs. Cecil Stafford, Mrs. Helen Ferris, Mrs. Kenneth Hill, Georgia Dratt. Memorials, Mrs. K. Wallace Owen, Mrs. Duane Crofoot, Mrs. Kenneth Reed. Wayuga Fellowship Representatives, Kenneth Reed, Leon Bennett, Betsy Austin. Music, Chairman, Mrs. Douglas Youngman; Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Richard Wiggins, Mrs. Kenneth Reed, Mrs. Duane Crofoot, Mrs. K. Wallace Owen. Council on Ministries: chairman, Mrs. Kenneth Reed; the pastors; Samuel Sorensen, Kenneth Hill, Mrs. Charles Blaisdell; Coordinators, Mrs. Blaisdell, Miss Betsy Austin, Mrs. O.C. Ferris, Leon Bennett, Mrs. Anton Heindl, Mrs. George Colvin and Leah Reed. Lake Shore News, Thursday, October 22, 1970. Published in Wolcott, N.Y.
Couple Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dobbin of North Rose will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 25 when they will be entertained by their children and families at Connelly's Cove. The couple was married on Oct. 23, 1920 by the Rev. Ivan J. Howland of South Butler in the church parsonage. For many years they were engaged in dairy farming. They have lived in the Wolcott area during their entire married life except for two years spent in Sodus. They have two children, Walter of Wolcott and Albert of Sodus. They were employed at the Wolcott Evaporating Company until it closed last year. Mr. Dobbin is 81, Mrs. Dobbin 80. Butler Center Mr. and Mrs. Porter Crane visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pierson at North Rose Friday night. NEWS ANNALS [Note: news more recent than 1945 was not transcribed.] 25 Years Ago - 1945 Servicemen from the Wolcott area who have been discharged from the armed forces include Pvt. Horace Demmon, S1/c Fred Hubbard, SoM3/c Harold Brewster, Sgt. Carl Katz, Pfc. Donald Croucher, Sgt. Ernest Kelley, Jr., Cpl. Walter Mack. 35 Years Ago - 1935 Andrew Wadsworth has one of the finest new barns erected in the Wolcott section in a long time. Built to replace the one destroyed by fire, it has every modern improvement, including 5 stories at one end, all glassed in as a sort of Ritz-Carlton for feathered guests. The local firemen wil christen this fine new barn with a dance next Thursday evening, music by the Melody Boys of Auburn. Sidney Smith, the famous cartoonist who created "The Gumps" was killed in an automobile accident Sunday morning near Chicago. He was well-known in this area, having lived in Clyde and Canandaigua. 50 Years Ago - 1920 Excepts from this week's "Budget of News About Rice's Mill, Tersely and Truly Told" -- Eliott Green has a new silo. Bert Stanley is planning to install a furnace in his house. Classified Ad -- For Sale: The Northrup & Johnson Block, north side of Main St., Wolcott. Will sell whole block or in three parcels, the Fred Bevier double store, the C. E. Hale single store, and the post office. Inquire of C. E. Johnson, Wolcott, N.Y. 70 Years Ago - 1900 W. W. Paddock has agreed to donate a two-acre tract of land fronting on the RW&O Railroad tracks for the new Wolcott Canning Factory. Stock in the $8,000 corporation is being sold quickly here at $100 a share. Young women at Savannah High School have organized a basketball club with the following officers: Nina DeVoe, president; Florence Smith, vice president; Inez A. Bentley, secretary; Nina B. Frost, treasurer. The club, which begins operations with $11 in the treasury, is sporting navy blue and crimson as its colors. 90 Years Ago - 1880 During the County Fair at Lyons, there was a live alligator on exhibition. The reptile escaped from the tent nearly a month ago, and has just been recaptured. The whole town turned out to assist in the pursuit. The four-foot animal impudently snapped off the rope with which they tried to lasso him, and one chap had his coat-tails cut clean off by the alligator's teeth. The Presbytery of Lyons met Tuesday afternoon at Clyde, when Matthew Gaffney of Sodus presented himself for examination. This proved satisfactory to the Presbytery, and in the future Gaffney has a legal right to preach the Gospel. WOLCOTT- Mrs. Helen Wells Paltz, 71, formerly of Wolcott, died Friday, Oct. 16, 1970 at her home in Canandaigua where she had lived since last June. A daughter of Edward and Nellie Bovee Wells, she was born at Wolcott. Her husband, Harry M. Paltz, died suddenly in 1937 while hunting in the Adirondack Mountains. About 10 years ago she operated a tea room on Main Street, Wolcott, continuing in this business for several years. In 1957 she took over the management of the cafeteria at Leavenworth Central School, Wolcott, and held this position for several years. She moved to Rochester in 1963, and from there to Canandaigua. [Note: next paragraph lists surviving daughter, 2 grandchildren, one sister, and two brothers. Refer to original paper, p.5.] A service was held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Robertson Funeral Home, the Rev. Richard Haynes of the Wolcott Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial is in Morningside Cemetery, Syracuse. Ministers at Local Churches
Wolcott Jehovah's Witnesses - Gerald J. Reilly
Wolcott Grange #348 The Wolcott Grange #348 will meet on Saturday, October 24, at 7 p.m. with a picnic supper. Officers will be installed by Deputy State Master Roy Heit and his staff. Those to be installed are: Master, Charles Manley; Overseer, Larry Perry; Lecturer, Alice Shear; Steward, Mary Cole; Assistant Steward, William Shear; Chaplain, Beatrice VanNorstrand; Treasurer, Bertha Doty; Secretary, Dorothy Palmateer; Gate Keeper, Irene Perry; Ceres, Margaret Buckle; Pomona, Marjory Manley; Flora, Marjorie Shear; Lady Assistant Steward, Bessie Simpson; Pianist, Emily Hayes; Flag Bearer, Montene Huntington; Trustee (three years), Bernard Candee; hold overs Thaddeus Shear and Russell Fowler. North Rose Highlights include: Funeral services for Marvin W. Winchell of 161 Stutson Street, Rochester were held Wednesday, October 21 at the Farnsworth Chapel with Leonard P. Hackney of the North Rose Methodist Church officiating. Burial was in the Rose Cemetery. Marvin died at his home in Rochester Sunday morning following a long illness. [Note: this brief obituary names surviving wife, one son, one daughter, one grandson, two sisters and unnamed cousins, aunts and uncles. Refer to original paper, p.6.]
Noble Grand On Monday evening, October 19, Miss Mabel Smith was installed as Noble Grand of Clyde Rebekah Lodge No. 478 by Wayne Rebekah District Deputy President Julia Mason and her staff of Past Noble Grands of Eudora Rebekah Lodge of Williamson. Installed with Miss Smith were Vice-Grand, Dorothy Wiswell; Recording Secretary, Vesta Caywood; Financial Secretary, Florence Swanson; Treasurer, Alice De Lesio; Warden, Leona Bailey; Conductor, Mildred Weatherlow; Right Supporter of the Noble Grand, Alice Brockmyre; Left Supporter of the Noble Grand, Dortha Jenkins; Chaplain, Winifred Meade; Right Supporter of the Vice Grand, May Smith; Left Supporter of the Vice Grand, Stella Fisher; Inside Guardian, Susan Anstee; Outside Guardian, Mildred Burch; Musician, Rena Rice; Color Bearer, Geraldine Meade; Right Altar Supporter, Phyllis Davis; Left Altar Supporter, Carole Bailey; Acting Past Noble Grand, Doris Swanson; Banner Bearers, Helen Heit, Marion Parkman, Mildred Carr, and Wilma Meade. The new Noble Grand appointed the following committees: Finance Committee, Alice Brockmyre, Stella Fisher, and Winifred Meade; Visiting Committee, Dorothy Wiswell, Winifred Meade, Helen Heit, Doris Swanson, and Mildred Weatherlow; Publicity, Alice DeLesio. Lodge trustees are Winifred Meade, Mildred Weatherlow and Doris Swanson. Refreshments were served by a committee headed by Helen Heit. The site coordinators have no information about individuals or events listed, nor further access to these issues of the paper. We thank you in advance for directing ALL questions to the Office of the County Historian, or finding the issues on microfilm. Back to Town of Wolcott Section Created: 8/26/04 Copyright © 2004 M. Magill Wayne County NYGenWeb A County Site of the USGenWeb Project All Rights Reserved. |