December 6, 1923

Part 1

Formerly Published in Wolcott, N.Y.

Transcribed and Contributed by Diana Niedermeier

The following was transcribed from the Lake Shore News, a now-defunct newspaper published in Wolcott, N.Y. that covered local news about eastern Wayne county. All first and surname spellings are as in the original. Many thanks to Diana Niedermeier for contributing her latest newspaper transcription!

Lake Shore News, December 6, 1923. Published in Wolcott, N.Y.


Bort & Gaylord, after drying 100 tons of apples have shut down, and will market the remainder or their holdings green. Greeley Bort says this has been the worst season for apple dealers in a good many years.

He sold the fruit from the farm for $5,000; bought greenings and sold them quickly at a profit of $2,000, and stands to make around $4,000 on the evaporated stock. This total of $11,000 will be nearly or quite wiped out by losses on green fruit still held. If the firm succeeds in breaking even both he and Mr. Gaylord will be well satisfied. Dealers everywhere, he says are losing heavily, and every day the outlook seems darker.

Greeley feels that the trouble is largely due to truckmen, who buy up drops that properly should go into drying stock or cider and flood the retail market. As a result there is no sale for good barreled fruit.

He says that, on the Pacific coast, where the farmers are organized, these seconds and thirds are kept off the market and nothing but choice stock sold. As a result, their good fruit is disposed of at a profit. Here there is no adequate organization, the good fruit goes begging, and in the end both farmers and dealers have to submit to a net loss, while at the same time eastern fruit is given a black eye as poor stuff.

Consumers, he declares, stop buying apples, declaring they are worthless when bought, or else turn exclusively to western fruit, believing it to be the only good fruit obtainable. He feels that the present short-sighted policy of western New York fruit growers is almost wholly responsible for this.


The barns on the George Caster farm in East Port Bay street, just beyond the village limits, were destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning. Mr. Caster was feeding the stock, when he stepped into a hole in the flooring and fell, smashing his lantern. Fire started instantly.

He ran to the house and called his son, Gillette, and they got out the animals and some other articles. The Chemicals responded to a telephone alarm, getting there about 7 o'clock. They tried to save a stack and a small adjacent out-building, but the fire had too much headway.

The wind fortunately was in the north so the house on the east side of the road was out of the path of the flames and was saved. The barns were old, but they were filled with hay and Mr. Caster had made many improvements since he bought the place, so the net loss is quite heavy. He carried some insurance with the Grange.


Apparently the great 10 1/2-mile walking contest on Thanksgiving day, in which Earle Spurr, of Wolcott, contested, was not an unqualified success. The following special dispatch from New York tells why:

Walkers from east and west, from Canada and from foreign lands walked in the thirteenth annual handicap walk of the Walker's Club of American, Thanksgiving day, but nobody knows who walked away with the prize.

"Young Charley Eschenback, of the Pastime A.C., was first to the finish at Surf avenue, Coney Island. Then came G. Bristow, sporting the silks of the Canadian Young Men's Christion(sic) Association. Willie Plant, who is to walkers what Dempsey is to the prize ring, was forth, having started from scratch. Plant administered a sound defeat to Granville, the Canadian walker who finished thirteenth.

The officials had checked off the first 27 arrivals, the spectators were drifting away and it seemed to be all over when the first of the judges who had been stationed along the course arrived breathlessly.

"Disqualify Eschenbach," he instructed officials; "unfair walking". An outcry of protest arose. Another judge arrived.

"Disqualify the entire Canadian team." was his injunction. More outcry.

The walking contest became a talking contest. Everyone talked at once. Several other contestants crossed the finish line, but could find no one to pay any attention to them and check them off.

Soon the officials became angry with the judges and everybody went home. The club officials hope to announce the winner at some date in the not too distant future.

On the second day the officials and judges met and awarded the race to Eschenbach, the foul claimed being disallowed. Plant was the fast-time man, his elapsed time of 1 hour, 22 minutes and 14 second being a record. Eschenbach's time was 1:27:44.

Earle Spurr, of Wolcott, came in 27th from scratch, and was fourth in elapsed time, 1:36:32. The slow man's time was 2:26, with a start of 30 minutes handicap.

Earle made the mistake in getting too fast a record earlier, and was further hindered by having his shoes re-heeled and set lower. In going against another scratch man Like Plant, he is in excessively fast company, but he finished the strongest of any of the walkers.

Earle is thinking of joining the Rochester A.C., which desires a walker on its list. He returned to Wolcott, Sunday night.


The kiln building of the evaporator belonging to Waldorf & Mathews, of this village, located at Moravia, was destroyed by fire on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 24. The village firemen saved the storehouse.

The plant was not in operation this fall, Waldorf & Mathews being busy with the Fruit Products vinegar factory here. A number of drunken men are reported to have made the vacant plant a sort of rendezvous lately, and it is suspected they may have accidentally caused the fire.

An insurance of $2,500 was carried, but the building was filled with machinery, and there is a considerable net loss.


Sometime Monday night there was an explosion of gas in one of the furnaces in the lower part of the Methodist Episcopal church. The pipe was blown all over the room, which was filled with gas, but fortunately no fire was thrown out.

When the situation was discovered the next morning, hurried repairs were made by W.H. Paddock & Son's force.


The automobile damage action brought by Edwin Wheeler against Richard C. Baker, a Rochester attorney, and which was on the supreme court calendar at Lyons this term, had been settled for $2,500 by the insurance company that carried insurance on Attorney Baker's automobile. The plaintiff was run down on the start road near Alton on May 7 by an automobile driven by the defendant. A supreme court action was brought through Attorney Edson W. Hamn, of Lyons, with Webster, Meade & Strauss of Rochester, defending.

TUESDAY EVENING CLASS On account of the school entertainment next Tuesday evening, the Tuesday Evening class will meet instead on Monday evening, Dec. 10, at the home of Mrs. H.W. Day. The leader will be Mrs. E.H. Kellogg. A full attendance of members is solicited as it is desired to make arrangements for the Christmas social.


The local telephone force deny vigorously that they do not know where to press the button to sound the siren in case of fire. They say they called up Superintendent Christian at the time of the Gatchell fire merely to give him a warning, that he might if necessary, attend to the water supply; and from similar motives sent another call to Village President Johnson; but that if Mr. Christian assumed they did not know where, when and how to press the button, he was mistaken.


Alexander John McGillvra, a retired merchant of this village, known to everyone in this section, passed away at 11 p. m., Tuesday, at his home in Lake avenue. He had been in failing health from heart disease for a long time.

Mr. McGillvra was in the wagon and harness business here for upwards of 30 years, handling other lines incidentally. The firm was first McGillvra & Lockwood then McGillvra & VanPatten, and finally he conducted the business alone till failing health compelled him to retire.

He was a native of Sterling, where he was born about 63 years ago. Besides his widow, formerly Miss Hattie Olmstead, he is survived by one son by his first wife, Robert, now in business at Crockett's. He was an uncle of W.M. VanPatten, of this village, his former partner, and leaves three sisters, the Misses Alice and Rebecca McGillvra, and Mrs. Eliza VanPatten, of Sterling.

All who knew him say this of the deceased: "He was a square man." He was also singularly even tempered and kindly. He was a member of the Sterling Valley Presbyterian church.

The funeral will be held from the house at 2 p.m., Friday, the Rev. Duncan Salmond officiating. Interment will probably be made in Glenside cemetery, though most of his relatives are buried in Sterling.


James W. Phillips died at 10 a.m., Tuesday, of a fractured skull, sustained in falling from the steps of the First National bank in this village last Saturday forenoon. Mr. Phillips had for years been subject to attacks of epilepsy, and was crippled besides from injuries sustained in previous falls. It is presumed that an epileptic attack led to the fatal injury.

He was picked up and taken to the home of his nephew George Phillips, over Sabin's garage, with Dr. J.N. Robertson in attendance. A depressed and softened spot in his skull, back of one ear, showed where he had struck the cement walk with great violince(sic). He lingered for three days without regaining consciousness.

James Phillips had spent practically his entire life in this section. He was born Dec. 1, 1850, a son of the late Horace and Sarah VanValkenburg Phillips. He never married, and worked on farms most of his life, accumulation a comfortable sum of money, enough to maintain him in his old age. At one time he was understood to have had in excess of $10,000. It is believed that his estate will net at least $6,000.

He is survived by two brothers, Adelbert Phillips, of Wolcott and Alfred Phillips, of Victory and a sister, Mrs. Jerome Marble, of this village.

The funeral will be held from the M.E. Church at 1 o'clock this afternoon, with the Rev. S.G. Houghton officiating. Interment will be made in Glenside cemetery.


Wolcott high school opened its basketball season last Friday night with a clean-cut victory over the strong Marion high team. It was the first game of the season for Wolcott, and Coach Stevens sent into the game his entire squad. The local boys played vigorously and it was not until the last two minutes of the game that the fast passing Marion boys got free for a field goal.

Lisle Wiley refereed the game in a manner that met with high approval. He kept the game fast and clean throughout. The box score follows:

WOLCOTT                      Goals        Fouls      Points
Miner, R.F................     2             2           6
Colvin, L.F...............     2                         4
Stanley, L.F..............     2                         4
Miles L.F.
Henry, C. ................                   1           1
Town, C. .................     1                         2
Lasher R.G.
Granger, R.G..............                   1           1
Taylor, L.G.
Olmsted, L.G.                                1           1
                               ---           ---        ---
                                7             5          19

MARION                       Goals           Fouls      Points                    
Sweezey, R.F.............      1              2           4
H. Lookup, L.F.
White, C. ...............                     2           2
Cambier, R.F.                                 1           1
G. Lookup, L.F...........                     1           1
Hoff, L.F................      1                          2
                              ---            ---         ---
                               2              6          10

Fouls called on Wolcott, 13; on Marion 8.

Referee Wiley; scorer, V. Fowler; timer, L. Knapp.

The preliminary to the league basketball game, played between the Wolcott and Marion second teams, was a fast affair. The visitors got the jump on the Wolcott boys and were leading at the end of the first half, 5 to 3. The Wolcott boys held Marion scoreless for the second period and finished the game 10 to 5.

Reed came through with two field goals while Merrill and DeForest Fowler caged one each. Fowler and Merrell each shot a foul. Melina and Sigsbee did all the scoring for the visitors.

The game was so fast that it ran away with the Marion referee once or twice. Good natured "razzing" from the side lines was confusing to both players and referee--principally the referee.

The game was very clean in spite of the speed and flashes of real basketball were frequent. The line-up follows:

  WOLCOTT RESERVES                                  MARION RESERVES
  R.F.--Reed                                         Mellima
  L.F.--Miller Merrill                               Sigsbee
  C.--K. Fowler                                      Russell
  R.G.--Johnson, Tague                               Cambier
  L.G.--Peterson, D. Fowler                          Dean

The Wolcott team is scheduled to play Marion again at Marion, tomorrow evening. A hard struggle is certain, as the Marion boys are thirsting for revenge, and are a fast bunch. Indeed, their speed is their most salient feature; but on their home court they will no doubt shoot baskets with much greater accuracy than they did here.


Buckminster & Christian have dissolved partnership. Elmer E. Buckminster retires, but will handle all accounts of the former firm.

E.G. Christian will continue the business as manager of the Wolcott Auto Exchange and Garage, handling both Durant and Reo cars and products, and doing a general garage business.


Both sides profess satisfaction with the outcome of the Tickler-Allen law suit, so this would seem to be one of those unusual cases which please all concerned.

Mrs. Jennie Trickler, of this village, through her attorney, F.H. Everhart, sued C.J. Allen of Rose, executor of the late Charles H. Allen, of Wolcott, for $4,740.93, for labor and services in caring, first for both Mr. and Mrs. Allen and then for Mr. Allen alone, during a period of something like three years, up to their respective deaths.

Mrs. Trickler alleged that the understanding was that she was to receive Mr. Allen's entire estate, valued at approximately $6,000 at the time, for caring for the old couple, but under his will she was given only $1,000, so she sued for more adequate compensation. There can be no question that her task was not an easy one.

The will, drawn in 1919, stated that Mrs. Trickler was left $1,000 "for services to date". James P. Thompson, attorney for the estate, argued that no man could know when he was going to die and that the "to date" meant when the will went into effect after Mr. Allen's death in 1922.

The prosecution contended that the "to date" meant just what it said, 1919. and that Mrs. Trickler was entitled to extra compensation between 1919 and 1922.

The jury apparently split the difference, awarding her $2,900 in lieu of the $1,000 mentioned in the will.

The award was made last Wednesday afternoon, just before the Thanksgiving recess. It is understood that neither side will appeal.


Nineteen Wolcott Rebekahs drove to Williamson, Monday evening, to meet the assembly president, Mrs. Parker, and some other state officers. Refreshments were served, and all present had an enjoyable time.


Mrs. N.W. Burnett's paragraph in regard to an old gun in her possession has aroused the interest of others. Horace Grant, until her learns to the contrary, believes that he owns the oldest serviceable gun in this section -- one seldom used now, but perfectly capable of use.

It came to him from his uncle the late Morgan Henderson, and bears this inscription: "Iordan-1759." The maker's name is believed to have been Jordan, it being the habit in those days to make the capital "J" exactly like a capital "I" in inscriptions. The gun is thought to have been brought here from Connecticut by Wooster Henderson in 1806, but its exact history is unknown.

Its barrel is 58 1/2 inches in length and it was formerly a flint-lock, but was changed to a nipple gun before it came into Mr. Grant's possession. He, however, still has the old flint and pan.

He says, when last used, the gun still shot hard and accurately.


A dairy demonstration meeting will be held at the farm of William Eygnor, Wednesday, Dec. 12. All members of the league are urged to be present, and all producers of milk are invited. Matters of importance to all milk producers will be talked over at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Olmstead visited at the home of their daughter in Syracuse over Thanksgiving.

William Heck has newly roofed a part of his farm buildings.


"So that's the jail, is it?" said the visitor in Lyons.

"No," snorted the Deputy Sheriff Collins, "since they've begun selling hooch all over the county, we've had to turn it into a hospital!"


Mrs. Charles Hendrick and niece, Mabel, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Barr, in Geneva, for several days.

Mrs. J. Donald DeWitt, of Wolcott, is teaching our school this week.

Llewellyn Taylor has hired Fred Hyde to take care of his farm and stock until after Christmas, he having a position as clerk in the Wolcott postoffice during the holidays.

Charles Hendrick has a new Federal radio outfit, with which he is guaranteed to reach all broadcasting stations in the United States.


The death of Fred Drakeford occurred last Saturday afternoon at his home in this village, aged 75 years. Besides his widow, he leaves two sisters, Mrs. William Feeck and Miss Jane Drakeford, both of Huron. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church, Tuesday. Interment was made in the Huron cemetery.

Miss Mildred Blauvelt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Finley Blauvelt, of Wolcott, and Leonard Clingerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clingerman, of North Rose, were united in marriage, Sunday, at Syracuse.

Next Sunday morning a dedicatory service for the new pipe organ will be held in the M.E. church. Rev. J.J. Edwards, of Rochester, a former pastor here, will deliver the sermon, and also occupy the pulpit on Sunday evening. On Monday evening there will be an organ recital.

Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Favreau and family spent Thanksgiving in Schenectady.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray spent Wednesday in Rochester.

Miss Eleinor Gray, of Penfield, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray.

Earl Barnes has closed his evaporator.

Miss Pauline Porter has returned to the Buffalo Normal school and Miss Mildred Porter to Elmira college.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Collier of Rochester, had a daughter, Phoebe Jane, born to them, Tuesday, Nov. 27. Mrs. Collier was formerly Miss Ethel Morey, of North Rose.

Mrs. Sarah Briggs is ill.

A.G. Graham, of Rochester, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, N.R. Graham.

Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Cole entertained the Tague family, Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Skutt spent Thanksgiving in Rochester.

Reginald Catchpole has returned from a long business trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Welch and family of Geneva, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Olive Welch.

Mrs. Russell Welch has returned from a visit to Alden Lair. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Lillian Cronin, her sister, Miss Theo Cronin and Jerry McPhillips.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and daughter, Mrs. Laura DeKing and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McOmber and sons, Donald and Paul, and Hiram McOmber spent Thanksgiving in Fruitland.

Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dagel and daughter spent Thanksgiving in Sodus.

Donald Welch and Miss Bisher, of Rochester, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Olive Welch.

Mrs. Lunette VanSicklen and grandson, Laurence VanSicklen, spent Thanksgiving in Sodus.

Mrs. Lida Fisher has returned from a visit with her sister in Marion.

Mrs. G.H. Satterlee, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Lundergon and Mrs. Harry Proseus, has returned to her home in Big Indian.

Mrs. Irene Stebbins is visiting in Earlville.

Mr. and Mrs. Sears Brush and Mrs. Caroline Rounds visited in Fulton, Sunday.

Mrs. Seth Oaks and daughter Marilla, have returned from the General hospital in Rochester.

John Bly has returned from the Geneva City hospital

Miss Kate Welch, of Clyde, visited Miss Anna Welch, Sunday.

Mrs. Roy Davenport has entered the Homeopathic hospital in Rochester.

Miss Bessie McOmber of Fruitland, was a week-end guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris.

Miss Virginia Quereau, of Aurora, was a week-end guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quereau.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Gray and sons, Mrs. D.P. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Marshall and son, Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris, Mrs. Gilbert Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wells Dodds, Miss Susan Graham, Miss Mildred Winchell and Mr. Martha Peck and son, Vivian, spent the Saturday in Rochester.

Miss Anna Warner spent Thanksgiving with Miss Virginia Quereau at Aurora.

Mrs. Ray Harris has returned from a visit in Rochester.


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett, of Wolcott, Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, of South Butler and Mrs. and Mrs. Burdette Cline were callers at Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Cline's Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunziger and Mr. and Mrs. David Douglass, of Syracuse, ate their Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lamb, of Lummisville.

Stephen Cahoon has finished work for William Lamb.

Mrs. Laurence Correll, who has been quite sick, is gaining very slowly, being still confined to her bed.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kline and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stoddard, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Douglass gave a Thanksgiving dance to their many relatives and friends last Thursday night, about 80 being present.

Ralph, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kline, has been confined to the house for about three weeks, suffering from rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thomas, of Wolcott, were callers in town Monday night.

Miss Carrie VanderWege's Sunday school class gave a supper in Grange hall, Monday night.


Rush Perkins is suffering from an abscess on his face.

Bruce Loveless, of Sodus, called on his sister, Mrs. Edgar Ward, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.B, Moore and Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Hall, of Rochester, spent Sunday with Mrs. C.V. Calkins.

Mrs. Clarence Ruhm is ill.

Edgar Ward has finished threshing grain and has begun on beans, several acres of which were grown in this locality this year.

Lester Calkins is working with Jacob VanHoute at Wolcott.

Mrs. Allen Pitts called at Burdette Colvin's Sunday evening while her husband called on Frank Calkins.

Frank Holfoltar recently caught a fine mink and sold the pelt for seven dollars.

Louis Loveless, wife and children and Mrs. E.A. Calkins called on their brother, Clayton Loveless and family of Lyons, Sunday.

The Prachel farm has been sold to a colored family from Rochester. They moved their household goods there last week.

Joseph Neal recently added three good cows to his herd.


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennett, of Auburn, attended church in Fair Haven last Sunday and spent the remainder of the day with his brother, Hulbert Bennett.

Mrs. Charles Carey spent from Wednesday till Sunday of last week at the home of Voltaire Joiner.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Chase spent Thanksgiving in Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrus Munger entertained Mrs. Frances Robertson, W.R. Younglove and William Washburn on Thanksgiving day.

Walter Wolven and family spent Sunday at the home of Charles Wolven.

Rev. R.S, Brown, of Red Creek, gave an interesting talk last Friday evening at the church, his topic being "Friendship".

Rev. and Mrs. S.S. Lucey were entertained at the home of Clair Younglove on Thanksgiving day.

Miss Kit Bellinger, of Fair Haven has been spending a few days at Mrs. Oscar Howland's.

W.R. Younglove was given a birthday dinner last Monday by his children, it being his seventy-sixth birthday.

Eber Wells, of Wolcott, spent Thanksgiving with his aunt, Mrs. Ray Delling.

Eugene Ford is able to sit in a chair for a short time each day, after his recent illness of bronchial pneumonia.

The ladies of the M.P. church will hold their fair this week Saturday. Lunch will be served at noon and a New England supper at 5:30. They are to have a fine display of aprons and fancy work of all descriptions, a booth of potted plants and one of flour, jello, forkola jell, candy and so on. The girls of the Helpers' class have a booth of their own. Mrs. Charles Weaver is chairman, with Mrs. Clair Younglove, Mrs. Nelson Vought and Mrs. William Brundidge as assistants.

The Waldron family reunion was held Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Younglove, 27 being present. After dinner the president, Miss Laura Waldron and the secretary, Mrs. Earl Terbush, were elected, then followed an hour of recitations, jokes and fun. They will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Dana P. Waldron, in Huron next Thanksgiving day.


Miss Vida Reynolds, of Syracuse, spent thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. A.T. Reynolds.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis entertained, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Callaray and daughter, Betty, of Auburn.

Guests at Ira T. Soule's, Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. George Flack, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Soule and children, of Palmyra; Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Soule and sons and Roe Soule, of Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Soule, of Rose.

The Wood & Weeks, the Frank McRorie and the William H. March evaporators closed Monday.

The fourth and last entertainment of the Chautauqua course, the Fern L. Craford concert company will be given Friday night in the Town hall.

George Bradshaw, of Huntington, VA. visited his father, Dr. J.E. Bradshaw, over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Converse, of Clyde, were guests, Thanksgiving day of Miss Alice M. Hartt.

Rev. Frank Morey, of Fayette, visited at Mrs. Myrtle Morey's the latter part of last week.

Ernest Scott and family of Wolcott, were guests at Jerome Scott's Sunday.

Miss Lucy Pelton, of New York, visited Miss Marion Winchell over the Thanksgiving vacation.

Kenneth Stopfel, of Newark and Frank Stopfel visited at John Stopfel's last week.

E.R. Hay and family spent the Thanksgiving vacation at Elmira.

Bertha Fitzpatrick, of Clyde, was a week-end guest of Miss Lula Reynolds.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osgood and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Ellinwood and daughters, Mrs. Edson Ellinwood and Miss Anna Ellinwood attended a family gathering at Edward Luffman's in Galen, Thanksgiving day.

The Misses Gladys and Helen Bain were home for the week-end from Syracuse.

Wesley Terbush and daughter, Iva, were over-Sunday guests of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Knapp, in Buffalo.

Roe T. Soule, of Rochester, was home for Thanksgiving.

Miss Anna Blake, of Rochester, was a guest at Frank Blake's, Thursday.

F.H. Closs, Jr. and family spent Thanksgiving in Canandaigua.

Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Bradshaw spent Thanksgiving at K.H. Andrus's, in Huron.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loveless, of Wolcott, visited at Irving Legg's, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Kellogg, of Clyde, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. W.H. Valentine.

Mrs. Charles Cole and son, and Mrs. Brown, of Galen spent Thanksgiving day with their mother, Mrs. D.J. Fowler.

Mrs. Giles Schofield, of Rochester, visited her brother, C.J. Rolfe, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colburn and son, Allyn, visited at Douglass Colburn's last week.

Miss Leonie Knapp and George Mertz visited her aunt in Rochester Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Purdy and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis DuBois and daughters, spent Thanksgiving at George Abbott's.

Thanksgiving company at Claude Seager's were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blanchard of Binghamton; Mr. and Mrs. LeVerne Leader and Reuben Leader, of Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. LeVern Terbush, of North Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Armstrong and daughter, of East Rose.

A son, Robert Vandermuelen Wells, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells, Nov. 25 at the Barber Hospital in Lyons.


Oliver Palen has a very sore hand.

Laura Waldron spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents.

Miss Gladys LeFevre was the guest of her sister, Helen, at Nelson Bush's a couple of days last week.

The annual Waldron family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Younglove, near North Wolcott on Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garton and Douglas ate their Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Platzchart, in East Williamson.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Palen and daughter, Mabel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Palen, last Thursday.

Guy Demmon and family entertained last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr and daughter, of Geneva, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendrick, of West Port Bay street.

Mr. and Mrs. Harlow LeRoy had their children home with them for Thanksgiving.

Adelaide Rowlinson, of Oswego, visited at the Sheldon home a part of last week.


The Wayne County Hunters' and Trappers' club will hold its first annual meeting, Dec. 8, at the home of Frank Wood. A lecture by Daniel Boone will be heard over the radio.

A Home Bureau meeting was held at A.W. Lovejoy's, Tuesday night. The following officers were chosen: President, Mrs. Luna Seager; vice president, Mrs. A.W. Lovejoy; secretary, Mrs. Marion Gibbs. Miss Virginia C. White, of Sodus, conducted the meeting.

The W.C.T.U. will hold a rummage sale at the home of Percy Rogers in the near future.

The Chemicals were called out, Monday night. The fire proved to be Mr. Ludwig lighting his pipe in the wind.

Gray squirrels harvested Ed. Bush's corn on shares. Ed. says he hasn't settled with them yet, but he is sure they got their half.

Frank Nichols and family have moved to Wolcott.

Julian Rogers and Eddie Seager got a nine-point deer that weighed over 200 pounds on their recent hunting trip.

Miss Gertrude Bush was home from the Newark State school over the week-end.


Mrs. Frances Morehouse has been spending the past week in Spring Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Wideman and two daughters, of Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Dune Crofoot and daughter, of South Butler, and Mr. and Mrs. William Cool and daughter were all guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cool, Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. William spent Sunday with the latter's parents in Huron.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yates ate their Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pitts.

Mrs. Farrand Powell has been spending the week in Waterloo.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Frye and children spent Sunday with his parents in Victory.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pitts spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yates.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Manning entertained company, Thanksgiving day.


George Hoffman is seriously ill.

Miss Helen Sharpe spent Thanksgiving at her home, returning on Monday to Geneseo.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wadsworth, of North Rose, were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Carrie Knapp and family.

Mrs. Arthur Vernoy does not improve as her friends wish that she might.

Marion Cleveland was in Lyons on business, Monday.

Sam Myers, of Rochester, spent a couple of days of last week with Carl Knapp.

Carl Knapp is bound to "catch" something. He had his trap-net hanging up to dry, after taking it in from the bay at the close of the season's fishing, and upon going out to tighten it the other day, found a fine black skunk sleeping calmly in the loosened section, but securely trapped.

John Spitznagel is moving to Oak's corners this week.

Continue to Part 2

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Created: 10/15/05
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