Vital Records from the 1875 State CensusTown of WilliamsonWayne County, NYInfo kindly provided by the Wayne County Office of the County Historian and digitally formatted by co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry. Miscellaneous Statistics: First Election District, Williamson, for the year ending June 1, 1875 Reform Church: Denomination Ref. Ch. (U.S.); value of church & lot 5000; seats 350; 350 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 218; salary of clergy 800. Presbyterian Church: Denomination Presbyterian; value of church & lot 5500; seats 250; 150 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 65; salary of clergy 600. First Baptist Church of Williamson: Denomination Baptist; value of church & lot 4500; seats 350; 60 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 65; salary of clergy 400. First M.E. Church of Williamson: Denomination M.E. Ch.; value of church & lot 5000; value of other real estate 1800; seats 275; 275 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 115; salary of clergy 600. Inns, hotels and taverns - 1; retail stores and groceries - 5 Remarks on the harvest of 1874: Hay crop was above other crops a full average. Domestic animals in cities and villages (number of domestic animals kept by those who occupy no farming lands): 43 horses; 92 cows Wages: Men working at common hand labor in building, etc. $1.60 by the day; farm hands hired by the season or year $1.00 by the day, $15.00 by the month; farm hands hired in haying and harvest $1.50 by the day, $30.00 by the month; women hired for common household work $2.00 by the week; carpenters & joiners $1.50 by the day; masons, stone and bricklayers $2.00 by the day; blacksmiths $1.75 by the day; dressmakers $1.00 by the day; women for hoeing mint 50 cents per day; women for hoeing corn 50 cents by the day; women common school teaching $7.00 by the week, $28.00 by the month in the village; $5.00 by the week, $20.00 by the month in the country. Second Election District: Williamson for the year ending June 1, 1875 Methodist Episcopal, Pultneyville: Denomination M.E.; value of church & lot 8000; value of other real estate 950; seats 300; 150 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 32; salary of clergy 400. Dutch Reform Church: Denomnination Reformed Church in Am.; value of church & lot 4000; seats 300; 250 usual number in attendance; number of communicants or regular members 143; salary of clergy besides use of real estate 550. Inns, hotels and taverns - 1; retail stores & groceries - 1 Remarks on the harvest of 1874: Corn crop of 1874 only about one half on act. of dry wether. Domestic animals in cities & villages (number of domestic animals kept by those who occupy no farming lands) 12 horses; 15 cows. Remarks on the mortality of the year ending June 1, 1875: not any in this district. Wages: Men working at common hand labor in building, etc. $2.00 by the day; farm hands hired by the season or year $18.00 by the month; women hired for common household work $2.50 by the week; carpenters and joiners $2.50 by the day; masons, stone and bricklayers $2.50 by the day; shoemakers (journeymen) $30.00 by the month. General Remarks: I have labored under one serious difficulty the most of our people being Hollanders it has been hard work to ennumerate this district and get it accurate but I have done the best I could the Village of Pultneyville lies within this district the population being about two hundred and seventy five. MARRIAGES: First Election District: Town of Williamson: during year ending June 1, 1875 Hiram VAUGHN, 67, widowed and Emma VAUGHN, 28, widow Orin ATWATER, 26, single and Annett LEROY, 21, single Abram PETTY, 23, single and Jennett DECAN, 23, single Isaac ELVE, 22, single and Jennett JOHNSON, 21, single Warner BENNETT, 21, single and Arelia BROWN, 24, single Abram PLITER, age 21, single and Mary DERIDER, 22, single William TOWN, 26, single and Hariet HARDCASTLE, 28, single Cyrus GAGE, 20, single and Hattie BRITTON, 19, single Alanzo CRANE, 22, single and Lucy NILES, 28, single Second Election District: Town of Williamson: during year ending June 1, 1875 John PETTY, 51, widow, and Cathrine LAMBRIGHT, 50, widow John PLASSEY, 21, single and Mariah PETTY, 19, single James BRUZANY, 24, single and Jenny CUNNINGHAM, 21, single Lewis MAGEE, 23, single and Maryh ORABAKER, 19, single John YEOMANS, 33, widowed and Emma WIRES, 31, single DEATHS: First Election District: town of Williamson: during year ending June 1, 1875 Anthony MICKLESON, 7m, male, Sept. 21, b. Wayne Co., diareah Ira M. CADY, 54, male, married, June 12, b. Wayne Co., farmer, by a fall and a cold Elisabeth BRUNO, 76, female, married, June 13, b. Holland, old age James AUSTIN, 37, male, single, May 12, b. Wayne Co., dentist, liver cumption Abner SEELEY, 36, male, single, March 18m b, Wayne Co., real estate broker, suicide by shooting with pistol Philip H. ROBISON, 33, male, married, March 29, b. Dutches Co., dry goods merchant, chronic inflamation of the blood Guy ROBISON, 1y 10m, male, Feb. 18, b. Wayne Co., scarlett fever Paul B. MACY, 82, male, single, Dec. 23, b. Columbia Co., salor, Bright's disease Anna MURSAN, 6, female, Aug. 11, b. Wayne Co., typhoid fever Mary LENHOUSE, 10 days, female, Aug. 5, b. Wayne Co., by a cold rattels Simeon CARL, 3, male, Dec. 3, b. Wayne Co., diareah Sarah CARL, 6m, female, March 12, b. Wayne Co., conjestion of the lungs Abram ALLARD, 55, male, married, April 23, b. Holland, farmer, consumption of the lungs Jane VIRBRIGE, 40, female, married, Jan. 30, b. Holland, housekeeper, injured by lightning Abram DEEDE, 56, male, married, July 27, b. Holland, day laborer, killed by a falling burst of erth Martha SWIFT, 57, female, married, Sept. 3, b. England, liver consumption Lucy WHITE, 1m, female, April 25, b. Wayne Co., cause of death unknown Charles WHITE, 3m, male, June 13, b. Wayne Co., fitz Thomas J. PEER, 74, male, married, Jan. 20, b. N.J., farmer, kidney and spinal desease cause by a fall Rodney CLARK, 81, male, married, Nov. 4, b. Conn., farmer, heart disease Second Election District: town of Williamson: during year ending June 1, 1875 Cathrine VERBRIDGE, 54, female, married, Sept. 17, b. Holland, housekeeper, cancer on limb Jacob PATTIST, 32, male, single, April 11, b. Holland, boarder, cancer in stomach Evelyn FRIES, 3, female, single, Oct. 17, b. Wayne Co., diptheria Cathrine FRIES, 69, widow, Oct. 5, b. Columbia Co., dropsy of the heart Josiah VANHOOF, 1, male, single, April 12, b. Wayne Co., inflamation on lungs Nelly COON, 7, female, sisngle, June 10, b. Wayne Co., dropsy Nathaniel LOCKWOOD, 15, male, married, FEb. 22, b. Dutchess Co., farmer, information bowells Mary COPPYON, 88, female, widow, Jan. 21, b. Holland, infirmities of age Haddie J. ROYS, 6m, male, single, Oct. 17, b. Wayne Co., colery infantum Phillip COTTRELL, 10m, male, single, Aug. 6, b. Wayne Co., congestion of lungs Sarah A. CORNWALL, 26, female, single, Aug. 15, b. N.Y., spinal fever Hiram CREIGHTON, 3m, male, single, July 9, b. N.Y., information on bowells Harry R. PALLISTER, 4, male, single, Jan. 15, b. N.Y., scarlet fever Serah M. CADY, 22, female, single, April 23, b. N.Y., consumption Charles COTRELL, 8m, male, single, March 24, b. N.Y., congestion of the lungs Mary L. STODARD, 1, female, single, Sept. 14, b. N.Y., colera infantum Mariah SCOTT, 82, female, widow, Dec. 13, b. England, congestion of the lungs John D. FLYER, 53, male, single, July 16, b. Holland, paralysis Cornelius LEROY, 5m, male, single, Sept. 15, b. N.Y., colera infantum John HOLLAND, 73, male, married, July 18, b. N.Y., cancer Hendrick COOPER, 68, male, married, March 2, b. N.J., carpenter, inflamation of liver Thomas FISH, 79, male, married, August, b. Mass., carpenter, paralysis These records were taken as part of the NY State 1875 state census and cover the calendar year from June 2, 1874 to
June 1, 1875. Otherwise there are no such government records for the other 1870s years ex. for the US 1880 Mortality Schedule.
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